Patrick Mielle
Vous mangez trop salé !
Revue non indexée dans JCR.; La consommation de sel est excessive dans les pays industrialisés. Les autorités sanitaires recommandent donc une réduction drastique de la quantité de sel incorporée dans les aliments manufacturés. Afin de conserver une perception du produit à teneur réduite en sel identique à celle du produit original, le rendement d’extraction du sel par la salive doit donc être amélioré, par exemple en modifiant la texture de l’aliment. Le sel se libère graduellement des aliments solides pendant les processus résultant de la mastication et de la salivation et entraînant la déstructuration de l’aliment. Deux sondes ont été développées pour la mesure de la température et de la…
Salt release monitoring with specific sensors in "in vitro" oral and digestive environments from soft cheeses
International audience; The objective of the present work is to demonstrate the interest and the feasibility of the measurement of NaCl concentrations in soft cheeses and in particular an in vitro digestion process by the use of chemical sensors. The analyzed matrices were the commercial Italian mozzarella cheeses and domestic cheese base models. The classification of mozzarellas was performed according to their salinity, while the breakdown of cheese base models has been followed both at initial steps of digestion in artificial mouth dispositive mimicking the oral sphere and in a gut-imitating digester (TIM-1). During the breakdown of soft cheese in the digester, the estimated values for N…
In vivo measurement of tongue-palate pressure during semi-solid foods consumption
Mechanisms of oral processing depend on food properties. The mechanisms have been well described in the case of solid food products. However, those involved in the oral processing of soft foods have been less investigated so far. Soft foods are mainly subjected to compression and shearing movements between the tongue and the palate. The objective of this work was to measure tongue-palate pressure developed during the consumption of different commercial products varying in texture.
Representativeness of Extracts of Offset Paper Packaging and Analysis of the Main Odor-Active Compounds
Packagings often carry odors due to the support and printing inks. The aim of the investigation was to define a representative solvent-free extract of paper-based packaging materials printed by the offset process, for the identification of the odor-causing volatile compounds. Static headspace and solid-phase microextraction were the two applied extraction methods. Representativeness tests showed that the odor of the PDMS fiber extract gave satisfying odor similarities with the original packaging. The sample incubation was performed at 40 degrees C for 30 min, whereas the extraction time was 3 min at 40 degrees C. Extracts of both the nonprinted and printed papers of different batches were a…
Chewing simulation as a tool for understanding food oral processing
International audience
Bé. A., la bouche artificielle
National audience; Nous avons réalisé une bouche artificielle mimant au plus près la mastication humaine en donnant la possibilité d’étudier l’évolution de la texture de l’aliment et de suivre des paramètres chimiques en continu. Des modèles de bouches artificielles existent mais elles ne possèdent qu’une partie des fonctionnalités qui nous intéresse. Nous décrivons ici ce prototype de bouche artificielle sous ses aspects mécaniques, électroniques et informatiques, conçu en collaboration avec la Plateform 3D2 du Creusot. Mots clés
Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors
Food saltiness optimization using in-mouth sensors. International symposium olfaction & electronic noses (ISOEN 2011)
Bilan et perspectives des deux écoles techniques sur l'analyse des gaz
Résumé. L'analyse des gaz est utilisée notamment pour des recherches concernant l'atmosphère, le sol, les plantes, les animaux, l'humain et les composés volatils dans les aliments. L'analyse des gaz présente une pluralité de domaines d'application, d'espèces gazeuses à analyser, de gammes de concentrations ainsi que de techniques de mesure. C'est à l'occasion des Journées de la Mesure et de la Métrologie de 2006 que le besoin d'une école thématique portant sur la mesure et la métrologie appliquées à l'analyse des gaz a été exprimé. Deux écoles ont été organisées pour répondre aux besoins, la deuxième (2011) ayant bénéficié des enseignements tirés de la première (2009) suite à l'évaluation a…
Développement, optimisation et utilisation d'un simulateur de mastication "bouche artificielle"
National audience
From human to artificial mouth, from basics to results
Papier publié également dans : Proceedings en ligne de American Institute of Physics http://proceedings.aip.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=APCPCS&Volume=1137&Issue=1 (RN 2508; Sensory perception of the flavor release during the eating of a food piece is highly dependent upon mouth parameters. Major limitations have been reported during in vivo flavor release studies, such as marked intra- and inter-individual variability. To overcome these limitations, a chewing simulator has been developed to mimic the human mastication of food samples. The device faithfully reproduces most of the functions of the human mouth. The active cell comprises several mobile parts that can accurately reproduce shear and comp…
Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants
International audience; Development of methods to study food oral processing in infants. 3. international conference on Food oral processing: physics, physiology and psychology of eating
« Nez et langues électroniques » : bilan et perspectives pour les huiles alimentaires
Le « Nez electronique », et plus recemment la « Langue electronique » ont ete fort mediatises durant la derniere decennie. Aussi est-il necessaire, avec le recul, de faire le point sur les benefices que ces technologies peuvent apporter dans le domaine des produits alimentaires, et en particulier pour huiles vegetales. On trouve une litterature relativement abondante dans ce domaine, mais les applications qui ont reussi a franchir le cap de l’utilisation industrielle sont extremement restreintes. S’agit-il d’une frilosite des industriels pour des investissements de controle-qualite ou d’un manque de fiabilite des resultats de laboratoire ? Pourtant, la demande en outils rapides de controle-…
Effect of Oral Physiology Parameters on In-Mouth Aroma Compound Release Using Lipoprotein Matrices: An In Vitro Approach
Temporal aroma compound release during eating is a function of the physicochemical properties of the food matrix, aroma compounds, and oral physiology of individuals. However, the influence of each parameter on the release of each aroma component should be clarified. Two flavored lipoprotein matrices varying in composition were chewed in a chewing simulator that reproduced most of the physiological functions of the mouth. Aroma compound releases (butanoic acid, 2-heptanone, ethyl butyrate, 3-octanone, and 2-nonanone) were followed in real time by direct connection of the device to APCI-MS (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry). Each oral parameter was controlled and de…
Development of a thermodesorption sensor system for the detection of residual solvents in packaging materials
Application specific sensor systems (formerly electronic noses) use static headspace for the volatile generation from condensed phase samples. This extraction method is very simple to implement, but suffers many drawbacks, i.e. in terms of efficiency or sensitivity to partitioning and is very time-consuming. To circumvent these problems, we developed a new method using dynamic extraction of volatiles (stripping). Although this method is known for GC (gas chromatography), the utilization of direct thermal desorption (DTD) in conjunction with gas sensors is quite novel. The unhandy cold trapping step can be avoided by a software integration of the instantaneous volatile concentration over the…
La "bouche artificielle"
National audience
A novel prototype to closely mimic mastication for in vitro dynamic measurements of flavour release
International audience; Flavour release during eating of a food depends upon many parameters that can hardly be managed. In-vivo measurements by the APCI MS-nose method allowed temporal sensory evaluation and flavour release data to be directly correlated, but several limitations have frequently been reported. These were: high inter-individual variability, low repeatability of measurements, and weak experiment throughput due to panellists' exhaustion. To overcome most of these limitations, the use of an artificial mouth for online mesurement of flavour release is recommended. However, the systems used in previous reports were limited in terms of reproducing in-vivo oral functions and parame…
Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development
key-note talk at final Habeat symposiumkey-note talk at final Habeat symposium; Studying food oral processing in young infants: methods development. Final Habeat symposium: Improving infant and child eating habits, encouraging fruit and vegetable intake
Gas sensors arrays (electronic noses) : a study about the speed/accuracy ratio
Abstract New Fingerprint Mass Spectra (FMS) systems claim for a higher precision, a reduced analysis time, and a lower drift, compared with Gas Sensors Arrays ‘Electronic Noses’. We demonstrated in this study that metal oxide gas sensors may have highly improved performances for both accuracy and run time, when used in optimum conditions. The different noise components were quantified referring to popular words (equivalent of ethanol concentration) using the transfer function of the sensor. It was pointed out that sample surrounding greatly affects the noise level, and that the signal-to-noise ratio may be dramatically increased, reducing the distortion generally assessed between sensor and…
WS2 (P53): Development of Glutamate-EnFET-based enzymatic microsensors for food analysis
International audience; Glutamic acid and especially its associated glutamate ion are additives widely used as food 147lavor. enhancers as well as main markers of the Japanese taste umami. As a result, monosodium glutam (MSG). is widely used as an additive by the food industry. However, excess consumption may be responsible for. brain disorders causing sweats, headaches, losses of balance, faints and pains, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s. and Parkinson’s disease[1] . Thus, it became important to develop methods in order to analyze glutamate. ions in liquid phase and to integrate them in order to realize glutamate-sensitive microsensors. This paper presents the development of ElecFET (Electroche…
Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products
Combining in vitro and in vivo approaches to model in-mouth flavour release and perception of dairy products. 28. EFFOST conference. Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health
Development of a chewing simulator for food breakdown and the analysis of in vitro flavor compound release in a mouth environment
International audience; Flavor release during eating is highly dependent upon mouth parameters. Major limitations have been reported during in vivo flavor release studies, such as marked intra- and inter-individual variability. To overcome these limitations, a chewing simulator has been developed to mimic the human mastication of food samples. Several devices had already been developed for diverse applications, but they only reproduced certain oral functions and were therefore not characteristic of the natural mouth environment. The newly developed device faithfully reproduces most of the functions of the human mouth. The active part of the system is a special cell, precisely tooled using a…