Leo Sabatino
Plant-Based Protein Hydrolysate Improves Salinity Tolerance in Hemp: Agronomical and Physiological Aspects
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a multipurpose plant attracting increasing interest as a source for the production of natural fibers, paper, bio-building material and food. In this research we studied the agronomical performance of Cannabis sativa cv. Eletta Campana irrigated with saline water. Under those conditions, we tested the effect of protein hydrolysate (PH) biostimulant application in overcoming and/or balancing deleterious salinity effects. The results of the diverse treatments were also investigated at the physiological level, focusing on photosynthesis by means of a chlorophyll a fluorescence technique, which give an insight into the plant primary photochemical reactions. Four sali…
Grafting affects yield and phenolic profile of Solanum melongena L. landraces
Abstract The influence of grafting on agronomical and qualitative characteristics of four Sicilian eggplant landraces was investigated. Grafted and ungrafted plants were compared in the open field in the northern coast of Sicily. Solanum torvum seedlings were used as rootstock. Regardless of genotypes tested, grafting significantly increased total fruit production, marketable production, and number of marketable fruits, but did not affect weight of marketable fruits and waste production. Landrace 2 (Sciacca), with black epidermal tissue and pyriform fruit shape, when grafted onto S. torvum not only gave a higher yield performance than ungrafted plants, but also showed a higher phenolic anti…
Ecklonia maxima-derivate seaweed extract supply as mitigation strategy to alleviate drought stress in chicory plants
Extreme climatic conditions have a severe repercussion on agriculture and on food availability. Ecological means to overcome drought are important to improve agroecosystems sustainability and resilience. The use of an Ecklonia maxima-derivate seaweed extract (SwE) as a tool to mitigate drought constrain in chicory plants grown in greenhouse was evaluated. Plants were cultivated in plastic pots filled with peat and subjected to drought stress by retaining moisture range at 90–100% of water holding capacity (WHC) [well-watered (WW)], 60–70% WHC [moderate drought stress (MDS)] or 30–40% WHC [severe drought stress (SDS)]. Drought stress decreased plant growth traits and yield. However, in plant…
Biofortification: Effect of Iodine Fortified Food in the Healthy Population, Double-Arm Nutritional Study
It is estimated that one-third of the world’s population lives in areas where iodine (I) is scarce and its deficiency is responsible for many related disorders, such as goiter, reproductive failure, hearing loss, growth impairment, congenital I deficiency syndrome, and numerous kinds of brain injury. Mineral deficiencies can be overcomeviadietary diversification and mineral supplementation. An alternative or even complementary way is represented by the intake of biofortified foods, which can tackle this lack of micronutrients. In this short-term double-arm nutritional intervention study, a cohort of ten people was supplemented with curly endive leaf biofortified with I and ten people with c…
Stand-Alone or Combinatorial Effects of Grafting and Microbial and Non-Microbial Derived Compounds on Vigour, Yield and Nutritive and Functional Quality of Greenhouse Eggplant.
The current research investigated the effects of endophytic fungi such as Trichoderma atroviride (Ta) or Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract (An) and their combination on growth, yield, nutritive and functional features, and mineral profile of ‘Birgah’ F1 eggplant either ungrafted, self-grafted or grafted onto the Solanum torvum rootstock. Eggplant exposed to An or An+Ta had a significant increase in root collar diameter 50 days after transplanting (RCD50), total yield (TY), marketable yield (MY), ascorbic acid (AA) content, Mg, Cu, and Zn concentration, and a reduction in glycoalkaloids (GLY) compared with the control. Furthermore, grafted plants had a higher TY, MY, number of marketable f…
Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Leaf Lettuce and Rocket Grown in a Floating System
Gibberellins (GAs) are growth hormones strongly involved in a wide variety of physiological activities. Currently, gibberellins are commercially used to enhance phenotypic characteristics, earliness, and productivity of many vegetable and ornamental crops. In this work, the efficacy of supplementation of low levels of gibberellic acid (0, 10&minus
Impact of Ecklonia maxima Seaweed Extract and Mo Foliar Treatments on Biofortification, Spinach Yield, Quality and NUE
Seaweed extract (SE) application is a contemporary and sustainable agricultural practice used to improve yield and quality of vegetable crops. Plant biofortification with trace element is recognized as a major tool to prevent mineral malnourishment in humans. Mo deficiency causes numerous dysfunctions, mostly connected to central nervous system and esophageal cancer. The current research was accomplished to appraise the combined effect of Ecklonia maxima brown seaweed extract (SE) and Mo dose (0, 0.5, 2, 4 or 8 µmol L−1) on yield, biometric traits, minerals, nutritional and functional parameters, as well as nitrogen indices of spinach plants grown in a protected environment (tunnel). Head f…
Exploring the Simultaneous Effect of Total Ion Concentration and K:Ca:Mg Ratio of the Nutrient Solution on the Growth and Nutritional Value of Hydroponically Grown Cichorium spinosum L.
Nutrient-efficient plants and agricultural systems could tackle issues resulting from conventional agriculture. Spiny chicory (Cichorium spinosum L.), a very adaptive, wild edible vegetable, is gaining commercial interest as a functional food. Floating-raft hydroponics is a method commonly used for the commercial cultivation of leafy vegetables due to numerous advantages compared to soil cultivation. In this paper, the simultaneous effects of different potassium, calcium and magnesium ratios and different electrical conductivity (EC) levels on the growth and mineral composition of hydroponically grown C. spinosum were investigated. Four nutrient solutions (NS) were compared, two NS with low…
Soil Solarization and Calcium Cyanamide Affect Plant Vigor, Yield, Nutritional Traits, and Nutraceutical Compounds of Strawberry Grown in a Protected Cultivation System
Soil solarization is a hydrothermal procedure of disinfesting soil of soilborne diseases and pests. Solarization can be combined with many other chemical or non-chemical alternatives to afford integrated pest and diseases management or improve plant yield. Calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) is a fertilizer used in agriculture sector and is also effective in suppressing soilborne pathogens. The present study assessed the influences of different pre-plant CaCN2 dosages on strawberry grown on solarized or non-solarized soil. Soil solarization and 500 kg ha&minus
Micropropagazione di Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Il genere Convolvulus, appartenente alla famiglia delle Convolvulaceae, comprende circa 250 specie annuali e perenni, molte delle quali sono considerate infestanti. Tuttavia, alcune specie come C. tricolor, C. cneorum e C. sabatius vengono inserite nel settore delle piante ornamentali (Bird, 2004). Specie erbacea perenne, originaria del bacino del mediterraneo, C. sabatius è rinvenibile nella nostra penisola allo stato spontaneo in Liguria, Puglia e Sicilia (Pignatti, 2003). La specie, per il valore estetico dei numerosi fiori azzurro-violetti, il lungo periodo di fioritura (aprile-giugno) e la capacità di adattamento sia ad alte che a basse temperature (la pianta tollera temperature fino a…
Cutting Type and IBA Treatment Duration Affect <i>Teucrium fruticans</i> Adventitious Root Quality
Root development of stem cuttings of Silver Germander (Teucrium fruticans) was investigated in relation to cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment. Terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to three types: terminal cuttings with apex (TWA), terminal cuttings without apex (TWOA) or sub-terminal cuttings (ST). To verify the cutting response to exogenous auxin, cuttings were dipped to a 2.0 cm depth in a 0.5% indole-3-butyric acid solution for 0, 5 or 7 minutes. Overall percent survival was 97 to 98%. Rooting percent, root number and root length were affected by cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid treatment. In general, TWA cuttings demonstrated a higher capac…
Nursery and field evaluation of eggplant grafted onto unrooted cuttings of Solanum torvum Sw.
Abstract Solanum torvum is the eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) relative most commonly used for grafting even if the nursery production of eggplants grafted onto this rootstock has some issues related to its long, irregular and erratic germination and slow growth and development of seedlings. Unrooted cuttings harvested from stock plants could be an alternative propagation material to obtain S. torvum rootstocks and might allow to overcome nursery production issues for eggplant. The aim of this work was to evaluate eggplant suitability to be propagated by unrooted grafted cuttings using S. torvum as rootstock and the influence of this propagation technique on plant yield and fruit quality. A …
Genetic variation and evolutionary analysis ofPepino mosaic virusin Sicily: insights into the dispersion and epidemiology
Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a highly infectious potexvirus that causes a severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops worldwide. In Sicily, the first outbreak was detected in a single greenhouse in 2005 and it was promptly eradicated. However, in 2008, a large number of greenhouses were simultaneously affected, and it was impossible to eradicate or control the virus. This study addressed the dispersion and the genetic diversity of PepMV isolates obtained from the outbreak in Sicily, in comparison with worldwide PepMV isolates, to gain insight into the factors determining the evolution and epidemiology of the virus. A total of 1800 samples from plants with and without symptoms we…
Un-rooted grafted cuttings for eggplant plug-transplant production and shipping: simulated transportation and healing requirements
Vegetable grafting is one of the most effective eco-friendly techniques to overcome pests and soilborne diseases in modern cropping systems of fruiting vegetables. Due to the increased farmers’ preference for grafted seedlings of high quality and better performance, the use of vegetable grafted plants is rapidly spreading and expanding over the world and intensive researches on new commercial production systems are under way. However, in many areas of the world, due to the high cost of skilled manpower, the use of grafted plug plants is still limited causing a relatively slow development of the grafting nursery industry. The aim of this work was to evaluate a possible use of un-rooted graft…
Selenium biofortification and grafting modulate plant performance and functional features of cherry tomato grown in a soilless system
Abstract Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for humans due to its importance in a number of enzymes. Vegetable grafting is a valuable tool to overcome biotic and/or abiotic issues and to increase vigour, yield traits and fruit quality. The present work aimed at testing both different Se concentrations (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 μmol Se L−1) supplied via fertigation and grafting on cherry tomato in soilless culture. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved total fruit yield by 60.0 % and 31.4 % in ungrafted and grafted plants, respectively as compared to the control. Marketable yield was positively affected by Se-biofortification and grafting. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved N use efficiency by 60.3 % a…
Application of PGPB Combined with Variable N Doses Affects Growth, Yield-Related Traits, N-Fertilizer Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Lettuce Grown under Controlled Condition
Nitrogen (N) fertilization is a crucial agricultural practice for boosting production traits in vegetables. However, N synthetic fertilizers—commonly adopted by farmers—have several counterproductive effects on the environment and on humans. The research was performed to assess the combined influence of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) (Azospirillum brasilense DSM 1690, A. brasilense DSM 2298 and Pseudomonas sp. DSM 25356) and various N fertilization doses (0, 30, 60 or 120 kg ha−1) on growth, yield, quality and nitrogen indices of lettuce in protected cultivation. Plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves and fresh weight were enhanced by A. brasilense DS…
Solanum aethiopicum gr. gilo and Its Interspecific Hybrid with S. melongena as Alternative Rootstocks for Eggplant: Effects on Vigor, Yield, and Fruit Physicochemical Properties of Cultivar 'Scarlatti'
Grafting is generally considered effective in ameliorating vegetable crop tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The use of interspecific hybrid as rootstock for eggplant may represent a valid alternative approach to enhance eggplant performance. However, studies on the effects of different rootstocks on eggplant plant vigor, yield, and fruit quality traits often show conflicting results. Thus, an experiment was performed in two spring&ndash
Configuration of Strawberry Yield, Nutritional and Functional Traits in Response to LPE Application in a Two-Year Study
Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) is a promising natural lysophospholipid which can be employed as a growth regulator for horticultural purposes. The present research was accomplished to investigate the effects of LPE (0 or 10 ppm) on the yield and quality of “Savana” strawberry plants grown during two consecutive cultivation cycles (I (2020–2021); II (2021–2022)). Plants cultivated in year I and treated with LPE revealed the highest total yield (838.3 g plant−1), marketable yield (735.4 g plant−1) and average marketable fruit weight (39.8 g plant−1). Fruits from year II plants treated with LPE had the highest total phenolics concentration (491.4 m…
Effect of Cutting Size and Basal Heat on Rooting of Micromeria fruticulosa Stem Cuttings
Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande is a small pulviniform shrub, belonging to the Labiates, and characterized by twisted stems and pink-purple flowers. Endemic to Campania and Sicily (Italy), M. fruticulosa grows from sea level to 600 m altitude. This specie might be considered an excellent native plant for landscape purposes in Mediterranean areas because of its long flowering period, extending from November to June, and its tolerance to heat and drought. The exploitation of wild plants for ornamental purposes implies knowledge on the factors influencing the propagation methods. Root development of stem cuttings of M. fruticulosa was investigated in relation to basal heat and cutting …
Effects of Irrigation with Different Sources of Water on Growth, Yield and Essential Oil Compounds in Oregano
Aromatic plants can benefit from the use of treated wastewater to satisfy their water requirements, but the effects on the essential oil yield and quality need an assessment. The aims of this study were to assess the effects of freshwater and treated wastewater obtained from a Sicilian (Italy) pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system on plant growth and yield, essential oil yield and composition of oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart) and soil characteristics. The system had a total surface area of 100 m2 and was planted with giant reed and umbrella sedge. An experimental open field of oregano was set up close to the system. Two years and two diff…
Influence of Harvest Stage and Rootstock Genotype on Compositional and Sensory Profile of the Elongated Tomato cv. “Sir Elyan”
The present experiment addressed the effects of two harvest stages, namely breaker (S1) and turning (S2), on compositional and sensory profile of grafted, greenhouse elongated tomatoes cv. &ldquo
Mycorrhizal fungi are gaining interest in the floriculture sector due to the beneficial effects on a crop performance and ornamental quality. The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Rhizophagus irregularis on ornamental quality of Begonia × semperflorens-cultorum grown in two different protected cultivation systems: a shadehouse or glasshouse. The inoculated plants incurred a significant increase of plant height by 34.6%, lateral shoot length by 27.9%, number of lateral shoots by 41.2%, number of flowers per plant by 102.9%, flower diameter by 27.5%, and stems dry weight by 263.6%. High temperatures in the glasshouse ne…
Improved Propagation and Growing Techniques for Oleander Nursery Production
In the first trial, we examined rooting of stem cuttings in relation to number of nodes and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment in several Nerium oleander clones grown in Sicily. In a second trial, we tested the effect of different forcing dates and shading on oleander plants for gardens and natural landscapes. Three- and four-node cuttings, ranging in length from 10 to 14 cm, were significantly superior to two-node cuttings (8&ndash
Increasing Sustainability of Growing Media Constituents and Stand-Alone Substrates in Soilless Culture Systems
Peat-free growing media constituents and stand-alone substrates are the basis for the economic and ecological efficiency of the soilless culture system. Nevertheless, divergence between the model and practice still exists, coming from large gaps in the knowledge of alternative organic materials and of their effects on crop performance. A more detailed understanding of these topics is necessary to increase the soilless culture management capacity. In this respect, this critical review collects research outcomes concerning the sustainability of soilless culture and growing media constituents and their impact on the environment. In particular, the review covers designated articles stressing th…
Appraisal of Combined Applications of Trichoderma virens and a Biopolymer-Based Biostimulant on Lettuce Agronomical, Physiological, and Qualitative Properties under Variable N Regimes
The current research elucidated the agronomical, physiological, qualitative characteristics and mineral composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia) after treatments with a beneficial fungus Trichoderma virens (TG41) alone or in combination with a vegetal biopolymer-based biostimulant (VBP
Physicochemical characteristics and phenotypic diversity of sicilian winter pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) populations
Six pumpkin genotypes (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6) were evaluated for their morphological, agronomical and physico-chemical properties under ecological conditions of Sicily (Italy). Considering the agronomical, morphological and physicochemical data including fiber, humidity, pH, total acidity, soluble solids, carotenoids, phenolic and ascorbic acid content, it was possible to differentiate among genotypes. The morphological analysis showed that the pumpkin genotypes did not have a homogenous morphology and present a large physico-chemical characteristic variability. Furthermore, high contents of carotenoids and dietary fiber, soluble solids, phenolic and ascorbic acid were observed with the…
Strawberry fields forever: That is, how many grams of plastics are used to grow a strawberry?
Abstract In important areas of the agricultural sector, plastic is one of the most important tools for improving the managerial and economic performance of companies. Horticultural production under protected cultivation, in particular, makes abundant use of plastic polymers—polymers that mostly turn into waste. This study aims to identify similar organisational models among farmers operating in the strawberry production sector in relation to their intention to recycle plastic material and which factors characterize these models (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, and socio-demographic characteristics) and to quantify the plastic used in relation to the different typ…
Interactive Effects of Genotype and Molybdenum Supply on Yield and Overall Fruit Quality of Tomato
Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential trace element for plant growth, development, and production. However, there is little known about the function and effects of molybdenum in tomato plants. The present study assessed the influences of different Mo concentrations on four tomato F1 hybrids (“Bybal” F1, “Tyty” F1, “Paride” F1, and “Ornela” F1) grown using a soilless system with different Mo levels [0.0, 0.5 (standard NS), 2.0, and 4.0 μmol L−1, respectively]. The crop yield, plant vigor, fruit skin color, TA, fruit water content as well as the accumulation of SSC, and some antioxidant compounds such as lycopene, polyphenols and ascorbic acid were evaluated. The minerals concentration, including n…
Chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis and growth of tomato plants as affected by long-term oxygen root zone deprivation and grafting
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of the O2 root zone level and grafting on chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis and growth of cherry tomato grown in a hydroponic system. Two O2 concentrations in the root zone, namely Ox (saturation level) and Ox- (2&ndash
Impact on Glucose Homeostasis: Is Food Biofortified with Molybdenum a Workable Solution? A Two-Arm Study
Diabetes is expected to increase up to 700 million people worldwide with type 2 diabetes being the most frequent. The use of nutritional interventions is one of the most natural approaches for managing the disease. Minerals are of paramount importance in order to preserve and obtain good health and among them molybdenum is an essential component. There are no studies about the consumption of biofortified food with molybdenum on glucose homeostasis but recent studies in humans suggest that molybdenum could exert hypoglycemic effects. The present study aims to assess if consumption of lettuce biofortified with molybdenum influences glucose homeostasis and whether the effects would be due to c…
Micropropagation ofAgeratum houstonianumby nodal segments
Ageratum houstonianum is a bedding and flowering potted plant originated from Central America which is generally propagate by seed. In this report a preliminary in vitro technique for propagation of A. houstonianum was investigated. In vitro germinated seeds were used to establish aseptic shoot cultures of several clones. Seedling stem segments bearing 3-4 nodes were placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium plus 20 g L-1 sucrose, 8.0 g L-1 Agar to induce axillary shoot development. Axillary shoots were subcultured into the same medium and nodal segments were sectioned and subcultured to increase the stock of shoot cultures. Shoot cultures of the selected clone AG14 were used to accom…
Agronomic performance and fruit quality in greenhouse grown eggplant are interactively modulated by iodine dosage and grafting
Iodine (I) is considered an indispensable trace element for humans due to its capacity to promise a normal functions of thyroid hormones, preventing cretinism, goiter, reproductive failure, and diverse types of brain injury. Vegetable grafting is a technique for securing yield constancy and/or improving fruit quality. The study evaluated the combined effect of I-dosages and grafting onto Solanum torvum rootstock on 'Birgah' eggplant. Iodine at 100 or 300 mg L-1 enhanced marketable yield by 28.8% and 8.5%, respectively, compared with the control. Plants grafted onto S. torvum and self-grafted plants increased marketable yield by 53.0% and 45.8%, respectively compared with the ungrafted plant…
Fresh Pod Yield, Physical and Nutritional Quality Attributes of Common Bean as Influenced by Conventional or Organic Farming Practices
The aim of the current study wat to comparatively assess the impact of different nitrogen (N) fertilization schemes on fresh pod yield and yield quality in either organically or conventionally grown common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Prior to common bean crop establishment, the experimental field site was cultivated following either organic (a) or conventional (b) farming practices with a winter non-legume crop (Brassica oleracea var. italica) (BR), or (c) with field bean (Vicia faba sp.) destined to serve as a green manure (GM) crop. At the end of the winter cultivation period the broccoli crop residues (BR) and green manure biomass (GM) were incorporated into the soil and the plots tha…
Effects of polyethylene and biodegradable starch-based mulching films on eggplant production in a Mediterranean area
Traditional plastic films are used for eggplant cultivation in open field in Mediterranean environments. However, disposal and/or recycle of mulches contaminated with soil and/or vegetation represent an environmental concern. We compared two traditional plastic mulches (transparent and black polyethylene films) with five black biodegradable mulching films (Mater-Bi T12A, Mater-Bi T12B, Mater-Bi T15A, Mater-Bi T15B and Mater-Bi T15C) having different thickness and synthetic composition. 'Birgah' eggplant F1 hybrid plug-plants were transplanted on 2nd May, 2016 in the north-western coast of Sicily. Air temperature in the soil-mulch film gap in the plots with transparent PE was higher than in …
Polyethylene and Biodegradable Starch-Based Mulching Films Affect Winter Melon Production in a Mediterranean Area
Hybrids and allied species as potential rootstocks for eggplant: Effect of grafting on vigour, yield and overall fruit quality traits
Abstract Grafting of fruiting vegetables is an effective technique to overcome pests and diseases in modern cropping systems and it is often used to improve yield and fruit quality. Eggplant is an important vegetable crop that benefits significantly from grafting. In this regards, the exploitation, valorization and breeding of new rootstock genotypes as possible substitute to those commonly used (Solanum torvum and tomato hybrids) would permit an intensive eggplant crop system in those situations where a rootstock rotation is required. In the present article, we study the effects of several potential rootstocks including both wild/allied species of eggplant [S. torvum (STO), S. macrocarpon …
Morphological and agronomical characterization of eggplant genetic resources from the Sicily area
The eggplant is a vegetable crop widely grown throughout Sicily both in greenhouse and open field. This study was carried out by the Department of Agri-Environmental Systems at the University of Palermo in the Spring/Summer of 2011 in open fields. The aim of the study was to characterize 6 eggplant ecotypes (G1-G6) and three eggplant varieties (Birgah, Black bell and Viola di Firenze) from a morphological, phenological and production point of view, gathered from Sicily and the smaller islands. The genotypes G1 and G3 were found to be more productive than the varieties used in the test field. Ecotype G1 produced fruits which were dark violet and highly glossy, and produced the lowest percent…
Protein hydrolysates and mo-biofortification interactively modulate plant performance and quality of ‘canasta’ lettuce grown in a protected environment
Since the use of protein hydrolysates (PHs) enhances overall plant performance and quality of vegetables, they might be considered as a toll to face a number of concerns essentially associated to the growing request of premium quality foodstuff realized in agreement with eco-friendly agriculture practices. Molybdenum (Mo) is considered a fundamental trace element for human body. Thus, its shortage determines several disorders mainly related to neurological lesion and esophageal cancer. Biofortification of fruiting and leafy vegetables is a promising tool to prevent Mo deficiency in the human diet. The current study was carried out to assess the interactive effect of plant-derived PHs and Mo…
Grafting Eggplant Onto Underutilized Solanum Species and Biostimulatory Action of Azospirillum brasilense Modulate Growth, Yield, NUE and Nutritional and Functional Traits
The grafting of vegetable crops is considered a valuable mean for ensuring the yield and quality under different cultivation conditions. Simultaneously, there are increasing research efforts in exploiting underutilised plants as potential rootstocks for vegetables to increase the sustainability of horticultural systems. In accordance with the European Green Deal, the application of biostimulants is a fashionable and ecological agronomic practice to enhance the production and quality of vegetables. Thus, the current research appraised the synergistic effect of grafting eggplant onto various allied potential rootstocks (Solanum torvum, S. aethiopicum and S. macrocarpon) and of applying a plan…
Agro-Morphological Characterization of Sicilian Chili Pepper Accessions for Ornamental Purposes
The species belonging to the genus Capsicum have been widely used as decorative vegetables, however only a few genotypes are available for this purpose. The goal of the present work was the agro-morphological characterization of several chili pepper accessions cultivated into different pot sizes (10, 14, 18 or 20 cm diameters). The agro-morphological characterization of 19 accessions was performed following IPGR (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) descriptors: plant height (PH), plant canopy width (PCW), PH/PCW ratio, plant growth habit, plant visual quality, first flower emission, fruiting start, end of harvest, fruit number, fruit length, fruit width, fruit color at mature s…
Rootstock and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Combinatorial Effects on Eggplant Crop Performance and Fruit Quality under Greenhouse Conditions
The herbaceous grafting of fruiting vegetables is considered a toolbox for safeguarding yield stability under various distresses and for improving fruit quality. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi seems also to be an efficient tool for increasing the assimilation, uptake and translocation of macroelements and microelements, for modulating plant secondary metabolism and for overcoming several forms of plant distress. The present work evaluated the combined effect of grafting the &ldquo
Optical characteristics of greenhouse plastic films affect yield and some quality traits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) subjected to different nitrogen doses
Light and nitrogen strongly affect the growth, yield, and quality of food crops, with greater importance in green leafy vegetables for their tendency to accumulate nitrate in leaves. The purpose of this research was to explore the effect of two greenhouse films (Film A and B) on yield, and quality of spinach grown under different nitrogen regimes (not fertilized—N0%
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) performances as subjected to different sources of protein hydrolysates
The vegetable production sector is currently fronting several issues mainly connected to the increasing demand of high quality food produced in accordance with sustainable horticultural technologies. The application of biostimulants, particularly protein hydrolysates (PHs), might be favorable to optimize water and mineral uptake and plant utilization and to increase both production performance and quality feature of vegetable crops. The present study was carried out on celery plants grown in a tunnel to appraise the influence of two PHs, a plant-derived PH (P-PH), obtained from soy extract and an animal PH (A-PH), derived from hydrolyzed animal epithelium (waste from bovine tanneries) on yi…
Influence of Preharvest Gibberellic Acid Treatments on Postharvest Quality of Minimally Processed Leaf Lettuce and Rocket
Plant growth regulators are used in high-value vegetable crops during cultivation and after harvest to increase yield, enhance crop management, and improve or retain the produce quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality characteristics during cold storage of minimally processed leaf lettuce and rocket, obtained from plants grown in a hydroponic floating system with mineral nutrient solutions (MNS) containing different levels of gibberellic acid (GA3). Plants were grown in greenhouse conditions on nutrient solutions containing 0, 10&minus
Polyethylene and Biodegradable Starch-Based Mulching Films Positively Affect Winter Melon Production in Sicily
Plastic mulching is widely used in many regions of the world for growing melons. The winter melon is largely grown in the hilly countryside of the Mediterranean island of Sicily (Italy) where mulching plastic films enhance early and total yields. However, removing and disposal of polyethylene plastic mulches after use represent a major disadvantage and an environmental concern. The objective of this trial was to compare the effects of polyethylene (PE) (transparent and black) and biodegradable (black) mulching films on yield, fruit size and quality of melon grown in the open field. The trial was conducted in the north-western coast of Sicily in the province of Trapani, 250-m elevation. Melo…
Poplar Biochar as an Alternative Substrate for Curly Endive Cultivated in a Soilless System
Imminent necessity for eco-friendly and low-cost substitutes to peat is a defiance in the soilless plant cultivation systems. Wood biochar could entirely or partly substitute peat as a plant growing constituent to produce vegetables. Nevertheless, knowledge concerning potential plant performance of leafy green vegetables grown on wood biochar is restricted. The present study assessed the main physicochemical traits of various growing media constituted by decreasing the content of peat and by increasing the percentages of poplar wood biochar. Yield, nutritional and functional properties of curly endive plants cultivated in a protected environment were also tested. Biochar was pyrolyzed from …
Effect of Selenium Enrichment and Type of Application on Yield, Functional Quality and Mineral Composition of Curly Endive Grown in a Hydroponic System
Selenium (Se) is an essential element for humans&rsquo
Micropropagation of Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC]
Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC] is a large deciduous shrub or small tree native to the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Being winter hardy and characterized by high plasticity in altitude and ecology, the species is grown in gardens and landscaping, both for flower and for its attractive shape. Genista species are generally propagate by seed or semi hardwood cuttings. In this report an efficient in vitro technique for propagation of G. aetnensis was investigated. Multiple shoots were induced on nodal segments of a mature plant of Genista aetnensis . The Murashige and Skoog medium, augmented with different concentrations of benzyladenine either singly or in combination with indol…
Effect of Molybdenum Rate on Yield and Quality of Lettuce, Escarole, and Curly Endive Grown in a Floating System
Molybdenum (Mo) is required in enzymes involved in a number of different metabolic processes, and is crucial for the survival of plants and animals. The influence of nutrient solutions containing four levels of molybdenum (0, 0.5, 1.5, and 3.0 µ
Iodine Biofortification and Seaweed Extract-Based Biostimulant Supply Interactively Drive the Yield, Quality, and Functional Traits in Strawberry Fruits
The horticultural sector is seeking innovative and sustainable agronomic practices which could lead to enhanced yield and product quality. Currently, plant biofortification is recognized as a valuable technique to improve microelement concentrations in plant tissues. Among trace elements, iodine (I) is an essential microelement for human nutrition. Concomitantly, the application of biostimulants may improve overall plant production and quality traits. With the above background in mind, an experiment was designed with the aim of assessing the interactive impact of a seaweed extract-based biostimulant (SwE) (0 mL L−1 (served as control) or 3 mL L−1 (optimal dosage)) and 0, 100, 30…
Properties of New Strawberry Lines Compared with Well-Known Cultivars in Winter Planting System Conditions
In Southern Italy and Sicily, strawberry cultivation is dominated by international cultivars such as ‘Candonga Sabrosa’, ‘Florida Fortuna’, ‘Sabrina’ and ‘Sant Andreas’. The primary objective of our study was to compare the field performance of two experimental lines and four established cultivars in a Sicilian representative strawberry production area. The second objective was to compare the fruits physic-chemical nutraceutical characteristics of these genotypes in response to different postharvest fruit storage temperatures. A supporting genetic analysis, via SSR markers, was also performed in order to establish genotype correlations. Our study confirmed the high result of ‘Florida Fortun…
Effect of Foliar Treatments with Calcium and Nitrogen on Oregano Yield
Oregano, Origanum vulgare L., is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Oregano shows variations in biomass yield and essential oil (EO) content due to the influence of abiotic and biotic factors. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different foliar applications based on calcium (Ca) and nitrogen (N) on morphological and productive parameters in oregano. Tests were carried out in Sicily (Italy) in 2020–2021. In each year, eight foliar applications were applied. Only flowers and leaves were used for the extraction of the EO. For all parameters in the study, except for plant height and inflorescence length, the highest values were found in treated …
Iodine Biofortification Counters Micronutrient Deficiency and Improve Functional Quality of Open Field Grown Curly Endive
Human iodine (I) shortage disorders are documented as an imperative world-wide health issue for a great number of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends I consumption through ingestion of seafood and biofortified food such as vegetables. The current work was carried out to appraise the effects of different I concentrations (0, 50, 250, and 500 mg L−1), supplied via foliar spray on curly endive grown in the fall or spring–summer season. Head fresh weight, stem diameter, head height, and soluble solid content (SSC) were negatively correlated to I dosage. The highest head dry matter content was recorded in plants supplied with 250 mg I L−1, both in the fall and spring–summer se…
A New Potential Dietary Approach to Supply Micronutrients to Physically Active People through Consumption of Biofortified Vegetables
Micronutrients are required in many reactions involved in physical activity and exercise. Most physically active people do not meet the body’s needs in terms of micronutrients through diet. The novelty of the present manuscript is the use of an innovative dietary approach to supply micronutrients to physically active people through biofortified food. Therefore, the key point of this study was to verify whether supplementation with biofortified vegetables—and specifically molybdenum (Mo)-enriched lettuce—in healthy volunteers affects essential regulators of body homeostasis and, specifically, hematological parameters, iron and lipid metabolism, and hepatic function. Twenty-…
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Gazania rigens pot plant cultivation in a Mediterranean environment
Herbaceous plants used in island beds and borders need to be rapid growing, high performing and maintaining good visual quality during the growing season. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi application is acquiring interest for its beneficial effects on ornamental bedding plants. Gazania rigens is a herbaceous ornamental plant grown for its large daisy-like flowers. The species thrives in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean region, particularly in the mild climate of southern Italy and Sicily, where performs well in summer bedding schemes in sea side gardens even in dry and windy conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis on se…
Influenza Della Varietà Sulla Qualità Dei Frutti Di Fragola (Fragaria x ananassa).
Mapping quantitative trait loci affecting biochemical and morphological fruit properties in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Eggplant berries are a source of health-promoting metabolites including antioxidant and nutraceutical compounds, mainly anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid; however, they also contain some anti-nutritional compounds such as steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGA) and saponins, which are responsible for the bitter taste of the flesh and with potential toxic effects on humans. Up to now, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for the metabolic content are far from being characterized in eggplant, thus hampering the application of breeding programs aimed at improving its fruit quality. Here we report on the identification of some QTL for the fruit metabolic content in an F2 intraspecific mapping population of 156…
An Appraisal of Calcium Cyanamide as Alternative N Source for Spring-Summer and Fall Season Curly Endive Crops: Effects on Crop Performance, NUE and Functional Quality Components
A two-year study was conducted in both spring-summer and fall seasons to evaluate calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) as an alternative nitrogen (N) source for curly endive (Cichorium endivia L. var. crispum) grown in a Mediterranean environment. Four types of N applications were administered: (i) pre-transplanting base application of 100 kg N ha&minus
Exogenous Growth Regulators and Water Stress Enhance Long-Term Storage Quality Characteristics of Onion
Exogenous growth regulators (GRs) play a crucial role in alleviating water stress and sustaining crop yields in water-stressed areas. However, their effects on onions post-harvest quality, particularly post-monsoon onion—often preferred for long-term storage—were never studied. Therefore, this led us to investigate the interaction between water stress and GRs on the physiochemical and functional quality attributes of onions during long-term storage (9 months, at 25 ± 1 °C and 65 ± 5% RH). Onion crop was raised under four water stress levels i.e., 1.00–0.85, 0.84–0.70, 0.69–0.40, and 0.39–0.10 IW: CPE, designated as no, low, medium, and s…
Current Acquaintance on Agronomic Biofortification to Modulate the Yield and Functional Value of Vegetable Crops: A Review
Fresh vegetables and fruits have always been the mainstays of good nutrition as providers of fiber, beneficial phytochemicals (such as vitamins and phenolic compounds), and minerals. Today and in the future, biofortification is a promising strategy to increase the concentration of these compounds. Considering the importance of minerals in human health, the enrichment of fresh produce for consumption has been considered through specific agronomic approaches. This review discusses, in detail, the latest findings on vegetable agronomic biofortification, aimed at increasing the concentration of crucial minerals, such as iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), iodine (I), selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo), and silic…
Seaweed Extract Improves Lagenaria siceraria Young Shoot Production, Mineral Profile and Functional Quality
Vegetable landraces represent the main source of biodiversity in Sicily. Lagenaria siceraria is appreciated by Southern Mediterranean consumers for its immature fruits and young shoots. Plant-based biostimulants supply, such as seaweed extract (SwE), is a contemporary and green agricultural practice applied to ameliorate the yield and quality of vegetables. However, there are no studies concerning the effects of SwE on L. siceraria. The current study evaluated the effects of SwE foliar application (0 or 3 mL L−1) on five L. siceraria landraces (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) grown in greenhouses. Growth traits, first female flower emission, fruit yield, young shoot yield, fruit firmness, young shoo…
Cutting type and IBA treatment duration affect Teucrium fruticans adventitious root quality
Root development of stem cuttings of Silver Germander (Teucrium fruticans) was investigated in relation to cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment. Terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to three types: terminal cuttings with apex (TWA), terminal cuttings without apex (TWOA) or sub-terminal cuttings (ST). To verify the cutting response to exogenous auxin, cuttings were dipped to a 2.0 cm depth in a 0.5% indole-3-butyric acid solution for 0, 5 or 7 minutes. Overall percent survival was 97 to 98%. Rooting percent, root number and root length were affected by cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid treatment. In general, TWA cuttings demonstrated a higher capac…
Effects of irrigation, peat-alternative substrate and plant Habitus on the morphological and production characteristics of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes grown in pot
Irrigation and growing substrate are considered as essential cultivation practices in order to obtain good productive and qualitative performance of potted rosemary plants. In pot growing, the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the substrate must be stable over time in order to allow regular plant growth. However, the effects of cultivation techniques on the characteristics of potted rosemary are little known. Peat is traditionally used as the organic growing medium
Use of Unrooted Grafted Vegetable Cuttings: I. Effects of Healing Duration and Transportation Temperature
ogy to overcome soil-borne diseases and pests and to add extra vigor to the plants under various environmental stress conditions. In order to advance the use of grafting in U.S. vegetable production in open fields, key issues to address include 1) increasing the propagation capacity to meet the expected large number of seedlings necessary to supply the demands of typically large farms and 2) reducing production costs. Traditionally, vegetable grafting is a labor-intensive process involving much training and logistics. However, the seasonal nature of nursery operations due to the limitation of transportation of the grafted seedlings is problematic when nurseries are interested in introducing…