Wolfgang Paul

Pearl-necklace structures of molecular brushes with rigid backbone under poor solvent conditions: A simulation study

Bottle-brush polymers, where flexible side chains containing N=20 to 50 effective monomers are grafted to a rigid backbone, are studied by molecular dynamics simulations, varying the grafting density σ and the solvent quality. Whereas for poor solvents and large enough σ the molecular brush is a cylindrical object, homogeneous in axial direction, for intermediate values of σ an axially inhomogeneous structure of "pearl-necklace" type is formed. The "pearls," however, have a strongly nonspherical ellipsoidal shape, due to the fact that several side chains cluster together in one pearl, qualitatively consistent with predictions of Sheiko et al. [Eur. Phys. J. E 13, 125 (2004)] We analyze the …

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We present results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the kinetics of ordering in the two-dimensional nearest-neighbor Ising model in anL xM geometry with two free boundaries of length M≫L. This model can be viewed as representing an adsorbant on a stepped surface with mean terrace widthL. We follow the ordering kinetics after quenches to temperatures 0.25 ⩽ T/Tc ⩽ 1 starting from a random initial configuration at a coverage ofΘ=0.5 in the corresponding lattice gas picture. The systems evolve in time according to a Glauber kinetics with nonconserved order parameter. The equilibrium structure is given by a one-dimensional sequence of ordered domains. The ordering process evolves from a short ini…

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Orientational ordering transitions of semiflexible polymers in thin films: A Monte Carlo simulation

Athermal solutions (from dilute to concentrated) of semiflexible macromolecules confined in a film of thickness D between two hard walls are studied by means of grand-canonical lattice Monte Carlo simulation using the bond fluctuation model. This system exhibits two phase transitions as a function of the thickness of the film and polymer volume fraction. One of them is the bulk isotropic-nematic first-order transition, which ends in a critical point on decreasing the film thickness. The chemical potential at this transition decreases with decreasing film thickness ("capillary nematization"). The other transition is a continuous (or very weakly first-order) transition in the layers adjacent …

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Critical wetting in the square Ising model with a boundary field

The Ising square lattice with nearest-neighbor exchangeJ>0 and a free surface at which a boundary magnetic fieldH1 acts has a second-order wetting transition. We study the surface excess magnetization and the susceptibility ofL×M lattices by Monte Carlo simulation and probe the critical behavior of this wetting transition, applying finite-size scaling methods. For the cases studied, the results are not consistent with the presumably exactly known values of the critical exponents, because the asymptotic critical region has not yet been reached. Implication of our results for critical wetting in three dimensions and for the application of the present model to adsorbed wetting layers at surfac…

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New Results on the Collapse Transition(s) of Flexible Homopolymers

We analyze the collapse transition of flexible homopolymer chains in the bond-fluctuation model employing the Wang-Landau Monte Carlo algorithm. The coil-globule transition is followed by a first order transition into a solid state occurring in the collapsed globule. In the thermodynamic limit (chain length to infinity) the topology of the phase diagram depends on the range of the attractive interaction between the monomers. For sufficiently large interaction range a normal behaviour of a continuous coil-globule transition at the Θ-temperature followed by a crystallization transition at lower temperature is observed. For short interaction range the first-order transition asymptotically can …

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Some Things We Can Learn from Chemically Realistic Polymer Melt Simulations

We present in this contribution results from Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of a chemically realistic model of 1,4-polybutadiene (PB). The work we will discuss exemplifies the physical questions one can address with these types of simulations. We will specifically compare the results of the computer simulations with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, neutron scattering experiments and dielectric data. These comparisons will show how important it is to understand the torsional dynamics of polymers in the melt to be able to explain the experimental findings. We will then introduce a freely rotating chain (FRC) model where all torsion potentials have been switched off and show …

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Towards the Quantitative Prediction of the Phase Behavior of Polymer Solutions by Computer Simulation

The phase diagram of polymer solutions (cf. e.g. alkanes dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide) is complicated, since there are four control parameters (temperature, pressure, monomer volume fraction, chain length of the polymer) and due to the interplay of liquid-vapor transitions and fluid-fluid unmixing. As a result I very intricate phase diagram topologies can result. An attempt to develop coarse-1 grained models that can deal with this task will be described. As usual, the polymers I will be modelled as off-lattice bead-spring chains, where several chemical monomers I are integrated into one effective bond, torsional degrees of freedom being dis-I regarded. But also a coarse-graine…

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Monte Carlo simulations of the polymer glass transition: From the test of theories to material modeling

We present results on the glass transition in polymer melts using Monte Carlo simulations of the bond fluctuation lattice model. There are two questions we address in this work. What is the temperature dependence of the entropy density in such a model polymer melt and how well is it described by theories like the Gibbs-DiMarzio theory of the glass transition? And to what degree is one able to map the Hamiltonian of such an abstract lattice model onto a specific polymer material and use it to model the large scale and long time properties of a realistic polymer melt?

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Monte Carlo simulation of a lyotropic first-order isotropic-nematic phase transition in a lattice polymer model

We present a Monte Carlo simulation of the bond-fluctuation lattice model, using a Hamiltonian which introduces a change in the conformational statistics of the polymer chains from Gaussian behavior at high temperatures to rigid rod behavior at low temperatures. We do not introduce any attractive interaction between the chains. Upon cooling, the aspect ratio of the chains increases above the critical value for the density employed in the simulation, and we observe an entropically driven phase transition into a nematic phase. We examine this transition quantitatively by a careful finite size scaling study using an optimized cumulant intersection method, and show that the transition is of fir…

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13C NMR Spin−Lattice Relaxation and Conformational Dynamics in a 1,4-Polybutadiene Melt

We have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a melt of 1,4-polybutadiene (PBD, 1622 Da) over the temperature range 400-273 K. 13 C NMR spin-lattice relaxation times (T 1 ) and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) values have been measured from 357 to 272 K for 12 different resonances. The T 1 and NOE values obtained from simulation C-H vector P 2 (t) orientational autocorrelation functions were in good agreement with experiment over the entire temperature range. Analysis of conformational dynamics from MD simulations revealed that T 1 depends much less strongly on the local chain microstructure than does the mean conformational transition time. Spin-lattice relaxation for a give…

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Anomalous pressure dependence of the structure factor in 1,4-polybutadiene melts: A molecular dynamics simulation study

Neutron scattering has shown the first diffraction peak in the structure factor of a 1,4-polybutadiene melt under compression to move to larger q values as expected but to decrease significantly in intensity. Simulations reveal that this behavior does not result from loss of structure in the polymer melt upon compression but rather from the generic effects of differences in the pressure dependence of the intermolecular and intramolecular contributions to the melt structure factor and differences in the pressure dependence of the partial structure factors for carbon-carbon and carbon-deuterium intermolecular correlations. This anomalous pressure dependence is not seen for protonated melts.

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Statistical analysis of financial returns for a multiagent order book model of asset trading

We recently introduced a realistic order book model [T. Preis, Europhys. Lett. 75, 510 (2006)] which is able to generate the stylized facts of financial markets. We analyze this model in detail, explain the consequences of the use of different groups of traders, and focus on the foundation of a nontrivial Hurst exponent based on the introduction of a market trend. Our order book model supports the theoretical argument that a nontrivial Hurst exponent implies not necessarily long-term correlations. A coupling of the order placement depth to the market trend can produce fat tails, which can be described by a truncated Lévy distribution.

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On the polymer physics origins of protein folding thermodynamics

A remarkable feature of the spontaneous folding of many small proteins is the striking similarity in the thermodynamics of the folding process. This process is characterized by simple two-state thermodynamics with large and compensating changes in entropy and enthalpy and a funnel-like free energy landscape with a free-energy barrier that varies linearly with temperature. One might attribute the commonality of this two-state folding behavior to features particular to these proteins (e.g., chain length, hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance, attributes of the native state) or one might suspect that this similarity in behavior has a more general polymer-physics origin. Here we show that this behavi…

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Multiple time step integrators and momentum conservation

Abstract By use of the standard Liouville operator formalism, we derive a new symplectic multiple time step integrator for Hamiltonian systems with disparate masses, which, in contrast to previous algorithms, conserves the total momentum exactly, and is only moderately slower. The new scheme is tested numerically by application to Molecular Dynamics simulations of a polymer melt whose monomers have different masses, and compared to earlier algorithms.

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What can be learned from the rotational motion of single molecules in a polymer melt near the glass transition?

We develop a framework for the interpretation of single-molecule (SM) spectroscopy experiments of probe dynamics in a complex glass-forming system. Specifically, from molecular dynamics simulations of a single probe molecule in a coarse-grained model of a polymer melt, we show the emergence of sudden large angular reorientations (SLARs) of the SM as the mode coupling critical temperature is closely approached. The large angular jumps are intimately related to meta-basin transitions in the potential energy landscape of the investigated system and cause the appearance of stretched exponential relaxations of various rotational observables, reported in the SM literature as dynamic heterogeneity…

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Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation of the glass transition of polymers

Two coarse-grained models for polymer chains in dense glass-forming polymer melts are studied by computer simulation: the bond-fluctuation model on a simple cubic lattice, where a bond-length potential favors long bonds, is treated by dynamic Monte Carlo methods, and a bead-spring model in the continuum with a Lennard-Jones potential between the beads is treated by Molecular Dynamics. While the dynamics of both models differ for short length scales and associated time scales, on mesoscopic spatial and temporal scales both models behave similarly. In particular, the mode coupling theory of the glass transition can be used to interpret the slowing down of the undercooled polymer melt. For the…

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Anomalous diffusion in polymer melts

Abstract We present a study of the anomalous diffusion regimes in polymer melt dynamics performing a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of the bond-fluctuation lattice model. Special emphasis is laid on the crossover from a Rouse-like motion to the behavior predicted by reptation theory. For the longest chains of N=400 the high statistical accuracy of the data allows for clear identification of the subdiffusive regimes in the center of mass motion and the monomer displacement. They are well compatible with those predicted by reptation theory. Furthermore a detailed analysis of the different short time anomalous diffusion regimes in the melt dynamics of polymer chains is presented and it is shown t…

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Crossover scaling in semidilute polymer solutions: a Monte Carlo test

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Dynamics of a supercooled polymer melt above the mode-coupling critical temperature: cage versus polymer-specific effects

This paper reports results of molecular dynamics simulations for a glassy polymer melt consisting of short, non-entangled chains. The temperature region studied covers the supercooled state of the melt above the mode-coupling critical temperature. The analysis focuses on the interplay of simple-liquid and polymer-specific effects. One can clearly distinguish two regimes: a regime of small and one of large monomer displacements. The first regime corresponds to motion of a monomer in its local environment. It is dominated by the cage effect and well described by the idealized mode-coupling theory. The second regime is governed by the late-β/early-α process. In this regime the connectivity of …

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Structure of bottle-brush polymers in solution: A Monte Carlo test of models for the scattering function

Extensive Monte Carlo results are presented for a lattice model of a bottle-brush polymer under good solvent or Theta solvent conditions. Varying the side chain length, backbone length, and the grafting density for a rigid straight backbone, both radial density profiles of monomers and side chain ends are obtained, as well as structure factors describing the scattering from a single side chain and from the total bottle-brush polymer. To describe the structure in the interior of a very long bottle-brush, a periodic boundary condition in the direction along the backbone is used, and to describe effects due to the finiteness of the backbone length, a second set of simulations with free ends of…

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Conformational studies of bottle-brush polymers absorbed on a flat solid surface.

The adsorption of a bottle-brush polymer end-grafted with one chain end of its backbone to a flat substrate surface is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model, that previously has been characterized in the bulk, assuming a dilute solution under good solvent conditions. Applying the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice, we vary the backbone chain length $N_b$ from $N_b=67$ to $N_b = 259$ effective monomeric units, the side chain length $N$ from N=6 to N=48, and the grafting density $\sigma=1$, i.e., parameters that correspond well to the experimentally accessible range. When the adsorption energy strength $\epsilon$ is varied, we find that the adsorption tra…

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Understanding the Multiple Length Scales Describing the Structure of Bottle-brush Polymers by Monte Carlo Simulation Methods

Bottle-brush polymers contain a long flexible macromolecule as a backbone to which flexible side chains are grafted. Through the choice of the grafting density and the length of the side chains the local stiffness of this cylindrical molecular brush can be controlled, but a quantitative understanding of these phenomena is lacking. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented and discussed which address this issue, extractingmesoscopic length scales (such as the cross-sectional radius, persistence length, and contour length of these objects). Large-scale simulations of the bond fluctuation model are combined with simulations of the simple selfavoiding walk (SAW) model with flexibility contro…

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Characteristic Length Scales and Radial Monomer Density Profiles of Molecular Bottle-Brushes: Simulation and Experiment

Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are presented for bottle-brush polymers under good solvent conditions, using the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice. Varying the backbone length (from Nb = 67 to Nb = 259 effective monomers) as well as the side chain length (from N = 6 to N = 48), for a physically reasonable grafting density of one chain per backbone monomer, we find that the structure factor describing the total scattering from the bottle-brush provides an almost perfect match for some combinations of (Nb, N) to experimental data of Rathgeber et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 124904], when we adjust the length scale of the simulation to reproduce the experimental gyration r…

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Phase transitions of single polymer chains and of polymer solutions: insights from Monte Carlo simulations

The statistical mechanics of flexible and semiflexible macromolecules is distinct from that of small molecule systems, since the thermodynamic limit can also be approached when the number of (effective) monomers of a single chain (realizable by a polymer solution in the dilute limit) is approaching infinity. One can introduce effective attractive interactions into a simulation model for a single chain such that a swollen coil contracts when the temperature is reduced, until excluded volume interactions are effectively canceled by attractive forces, and the chain conformation becomes almost Gaussian at the theta point. This state corresponds to a tricritical point, as the renormalization gro…

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Pulling Single Adsorbed Bottle-Brush Polymers off a Flat Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation

Force versus extension behavior of flexible chains and semiflexible bottle-brush polymers adsorbed from a good solvent on a planar substrate is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of the bond fluctua...

research product

Scattering function of semiflexible polymer chains under good solvent conditions

Using the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth Monte Carlo algorithm, the scattering functions of semiflexible macromolecules in dilute solution under good solvent conditions are estimated both in $d=2$ and $d=3$ dimensions, considering also the effect of stretching forces. Using self-avoiding walks of up to $N = 25600$ steps on the square and simple cubic lattices, variable chain stiffness is modeled by introducing an energy penalty $\epsilon_b$ for chain bending; varying $q_b=\exp (- \epsilon_b/k_BT)$ from $q_b=1$ (completely flexible chains) to $q_b = 0.005$, the persistence length can be varied over two orders of magnitude. For unstretched semiflexible chains we test the applicability of the Krat…

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Molecular Dynamics Simulations

A tutorial introduction to the technique of Molecular Dynamics (MD) is given, and some characteristic examples of applications are described. The purpose and scope of these simulations and the relation to other simulation methods is discussed, and the basic MD algorithms are described. The sampling of intensive variables (temperature T, pressure p) in runs carried out in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble (N= particle number, V = volume, E = energy) is discussed, as well as the realization of other ensembles (e.g. the NVT ensemble). For a typical application example, molten SiO2, the estimation of various transport coefficients (self-diffusion constants, viscosity, thermal conductivity) is d…

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A soft-quadrumer model for diblock copolymers

We present a new soft-particle type model for diblock copolymers and compare its phase diagram to experimental data as well as to results of other models. To determine the phase diagram we suggest studying geometrical characteristics of the mesophases. Diblock copolymer mesophases differ by the number and geometrical form of clusters of the two components formed in the mesophase. The form of these clusters can be characterized by values of the principle components of their gyration tensor and shape invariants determined from them. Alternatively, it has been suggested to use Minkowski functionals to characterize the global morphology of the different mesophases. We will also discuss the prac…

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Monte Carlo simulation of crystalline polyethylene

Abstract We consider here the problem of constructing an efficient algorithm for a classical Monte Carlo simulation of crystalline polyethylene with unconstrained bond lengths and angles. This macromolecular crystal presents a particular example of a system with many different energy scales, ranging from soft ones represented by nonbonded van der Waals interactions, to stiff ones, represented in particular by bond stretching. A proper sampling of all the energy scales poses a problem and it is shown that a standard Metropolis algorithm employing just local moves is not very efficient at low temperatures. As a solution it is proposed to employ also global moves consisting of displacements of…

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Small-Angle Excess Scattering: Glassy Freezing or Local Orientational Ordering?

We present Monte Carlo simulations of a dense polymer melt which shows glass-transition-like slowing-down upon cooling, as well as a build up of nematic order. At small wave vectors q this model system shows excess scattering similar to that recently reported for light-scattering experiments on some polymeric and molecular glass-forming liquids. For our model system we can provide clear evidence that this excess scattering is due to the onset of short-range nematic order and not directly related to the glass transition.

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Two-state protein-like folding of a homopolymer chain

Many small proteins fold via a first-order "all-or-none" transition directly from an expanded coil to a compact native state. Here we study an analogous direct freezing transition from an expanded coil to a compact crystallite for a simple flexible homopolymer. Wang-Landau sampling is used to construct the 1D density of states for square-well chains of length 128. Analysis within both the micro-canonical and canonical ensembles shows that, for a chain with sufficiently short-range interactions, the usual polymer collapse transition is preempted by a direct freezing or "folding" transition. A 2D free-energy landscape, built via subsequent multi-canonical sampling, reveals a dominant folding …

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Statics and Dynamics of Bidisperse Polymer Melts:  A Monte Carlo Study of the Bond-Fluctuation Model

As a first step toward the computer simulation of polydisperse polymeric melts, a lattice model containing two types of chains with lengths N1 = 20 − x and N2 = 20 + 4x (0 ≤ x ≤ 10 ) is studied. This variation of x, together with the fixed composition of 80% of short and 20% of long chains, leads to a polydispersity of 1 ≤ Nw/Nn ≤ 2 (Nw, Nn:  weight-, number-average chain lengths). To represent dense melts, the bond-fluctuation model at a volume fraction, φ = 1/2, of occupied lattice sites is used. The simulation treats both the athermal case (chain connectivity and excluded volume interaction only) and a thermal case, where additionally a choice for the bond length and bond angle potential…

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Three-step decay of time correlations at polymer-solid interfaces

Two-step decay of relaxation functions, i.e., time scale separation between microscopic dynamics and structural relaxation, is the defining signature of the structural glass transition. We show that for glass-forming polymer melts at an attractive surface slow desorption kinetics introduces an additional time scale separation among the relaxational degrees of freedom leading to a three-step decay. The inherent length scale of this process is the radius of gyration in contrast to the segmental scale governing the glass transition. We show how the three-step decay can be observed in incoherent scattering experiments and discuss its relevance for the glass transition of confined polymers by an…

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Phase transitions in a single polymer chain: A micro-canonical analysis of Wang–Landau simulations

Abstract We present simulation results for the phase behavior of a single chain for a flexible lattice polymer model using the Wang–Landau sampling idea. Using the micro-canonical density of states obtained with this method we will discuss the ability of an analysis in the micro-canonical ensemble to locate the coil-globule (continuous) and liquid–solid (first-order) transitions found for this problem using a canonical analysis.

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Accelerated fluctuation analysis by graphic cards and complex pattern formation in financial markets

The compute unified device architecture is an almost conventional programming approach for managing computations on a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a data-parallel computing device. With a maximum number of 240 cores in combination with a high memory bandwidth, a recent GPU offers resources for computational physics. We apply this technology to methods of fluctuation analysis, which includes determination of the scaling behavior of a stochastic process and the equilibrium autocorrelation function. Additionally, the recently introduced pattern formation conformity (Preis T et al 2008 Europhys. Lett. 82 68005), which quantifies pattern-based complex short-time correlations of a time serie…

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Gas transport through polymer membranes and free volume percolation

We consider the influence of structural and dynamical properties of a polymer membrane on the gas transport through this matrix. The diffusant and the polymer only interact through repulsive interactions. In the case of a glassy polymer, when one can consider the matrix as frozen, the gas particle diffusion is determined by the free volume structure of the system. We show how the percolation properties of the free volume show up in a subdiffusive behavior of the diffusant. When one takes matrix mobility into account the ideal percolation transition vanishes but its trace can still be found in a subdiffusive regime in the gas particle mean square displacement. In the statically non-percolati…

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Enhanced sampling in simulations of dense systems

In the simulations of a variety of systems we encounter the problem of large relaxation times due to the dense packing of the systems constituents. We propose an algorithm to overcome this slowing down by temporarily allowing the constituents of a 3d systems to escape into a 4th space coordinate. The idea will be exemplified for the problem of a homopolymer collapse.

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Kramers potential study of the Rouse-like dynamics of short alkane chains.

In this work we present a Kramers potential study of the orientational dynamics and shear viscosity of short chain alkanes. In this approach the determination of the orientational relaxation time is reduced to the calculation of static moments of single chain conformations. We study a chemically realistic alkane model that asymptotically produces Gaussian chain conformations by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. Our results are applicable to single chain descriptions of polymer melt dynamics and to the intrinsic viscosity of molecules in a Theta solvent. When we map the unknown time unit of our relaxation time result for one particular chain length and temperature to the value obtained for …

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Structure and dynamics of amorphous polymers: computer simulations compared to experiment and theory

This contribution considers recent developments in the computer modelling of amorphous polymeric materials. Progress in our capabilities to build models for the computer simulation of polymers from the detailed atomistic scale up to coarse-grained mesoscopic models, together with the ever-improving performance of computers, have led to important insights from computer simulations into the structural and dynamic properties of amorphous polymers. Structurally, chain connectivity introduces a range of length scales from that of the chemical bond to the radius of gyration of the polymer chain covering 2–4 orders of magnitude. Dynamically, this range of length scales translates into an even larg…

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The phase diagram of a single polymer chain: New insights from a new simulation method

We present simulation results for the phase behavior of a single chain for a flexible lattice polymer model using the Wang-Landau sampling idea. Applying this new algorithm to the problem of the homopolymer collapse allows us to investigate not only the high temperature coil–globule transition but also an ensuing crystallization at lower temperature. Performing a finite size scaling analysis on the two transitions, we show that they coincide for our model in the thermodynamic limit corresponding to a direct collapse of the random coil into the crystal without intermediate coil–globule transition. As a consequence, also the many chain phase diagram of this model can be predicted to consist o…

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Monte Carlo Simulations of Semi-Flexible Polymers

We present Monte Carlo simulations on the phase behavior of semiflexible macromolecules. For a single chain this question is of biophysical interest given the fact that long and stiff DNA chains are typically folded up into very tight compartments. So one can ask the question how the state diagram of a semiflexible chain differs from the coilglobule behavior of a flexible macromolecule. Another effect connected with rigidity of the chains is their tendency to aggregate and form nematically ordered structures. As a consequence one has two competing phase transitions: a gas-liquid and an isotropic-nematic transition potentially giving rise to a complicated phase diagram.

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Glass physics: still not transparent

Glass is a commonplace word. One immediately thinks of windows or bottles and of properties like brittleness or transparency. However, for a glass blower another feature is more important: glass does not melt abruptly, as a crystal does, but gradually over a range of temperatures. This means that he or she can alter the temperature at which glass solidifies or becomes a liquid by changing the rate at which it is cooled or heated. This is in stark contrast to the behaviour observed when the crystalline form of a material is heated: it will always melt at the same temperature.

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The dielectric α -relaxation in polymer films: A comparison between experiments and atomistic simulations

The question of whether the glass transition temperature in thin polymer films depends on the film thickness or not has given rise to heated debate for almost two decades now. One of the most puzzling findings is the seemingly universal thickness independence of the dielectric α-relaxation observed for supported films. It is puzzling not only in view of the fact that other techniques or other geometries sometimes showed a significant shift of as a function of film thickness, but more so, because computer simulations for all types of polymer film models revealed changes in the structure and dynamics close to a hard surface or a free surface. Our results suggest to explain this apparent contr…

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Unexpectedly normal phase behavior of single homopolymer chains

Employing Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the topology of the phase diagram of a single flexible homopolymer chain changes in dependence on the range of an attractive square well interaction between the monomers. For a range of attraction larger than a critical value, the equilibrium phase diagram of the single polymer chain and the corresponding polymer solution phase diagram exhibit vapor (swollen coil, dilute solution), liquid (collapsed globule, dense solution), and solid phases. Otherwise, the liquid-vapor transition vanishes from the equilibrium phase diagram for both the single chain and the polymer solution. This change in topology of the phase diagram resembles the behavior k…

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United Atom Force Field for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of 1,4-Polybutadiene Based on Quantum Chemistry Calculations on Model Molecules

We present a united atom force field for simulations of 1,4-polybutadiene based on ab initio quantum chemistry calculations on model molecules. The geometries and energies of conformers and rotational energy barriers in model alkenes and dienes have been determined from high-level quantum chemistry calculations. A rotational isomeric state (RIS) model for 1,4-polybutadiene based on the conformer geometries and energies of the model molecules has been derived. The characteristic ratio and its temperature dependence for cis-1,4-polybutadiene and trans-1,4-polybutadiene, and the characteristic ratio of a random copolymer of cis and trans units, as predicted by the RIS model, are in good agreem…

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Monte Carlo studies ofd= 2 Ising strips with long-range boundary fields

A two-dimensional Ising model with nearest-neighbour ferromagnetic exchange confined in a strip of width L between two parallel boundaries is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. `Free' boundaries are considered with unchanged exchange interactions at the boundary but long-range boundary fields of the form H (n ) = ? h [n -3 - (L - n + 1) -3 ], where n = 1, 2, ... ,L labels the rows across the strip. In the case of competing fields and L , the system exhibits a critical wetting transition of a similar type as in the well studied case of short-range boundary fields. At finite L , this wetting transition is replaced by a (rounded) interface localization-delocalization transition at Tc (h , L )…

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Conformational Changes of a Single Semiflexible Macromolecule Near an Adsorbing Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation

The properties of a single semiflexible chain tethered to a planar surface with a long-ranged attractive potential are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We employ the bond fluctuation lattice model and the Wang-Landau sampling technique. We present the diagram of states for semiflexible chains consisting of N = 64 and 128 monomer units as a function of temperature T and strength of the adsorption potential, epsilon(w), and also compare this with the diagram of states for flexible chains of these two lengths. The diagram of states consists of the regions of a coil, liquid globule, solid isotropic globule, adsorbed coil, and quasi-two-dimensional solid globule with nematic bond ord…

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Competition between liquid-crystalline ordering and glassy freezing in melts of semiflexible polymers: A monte carlo simulation

We present results of a Monte Carlo simulation of dense melts of semiflexible polymers using the bond-fluctuation model. The chosen Hamiltonian increases the chain stiffness upon cooling which in turn leads to glass-transition like freezing of the polymer mobility. Employing an efficient simulation algorithm, which is able to equilibrate the simulated systems to lower temperature than the Rouse-type algorithm showing the glassy freezing, we are able to observe an isotropic-nematic phase transition. This transition lies above the glass transition temperature one would extrapolate from the observed freezing behavior.

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Kinetics of domain growth in finite Ising strips

Abstract Monte Carlo simulations are presented for the kinetics of ordering of the two-dimensional nearest-neighbor Ising models in an L x M geometry with two free boundaries of length M ⪢ L . This geometry models a “terrace” of width L on regularly stepped surfaces, adatoms adsorbed on neighboring terraces being assumed to be noninteracting. Starting out with an initially random configuration of the atoms in the lattice gas at coverage θ = 1 2 in the square lattice, quenching experiments to temperatures in the range 0.85⩽ T / T c ⩽1 are considered, assuming a dynamics of the Glauber model type (no conservation laws being operative). At T c the ordering behavior can be described in terms of…

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Chain Motion in an Unentangled Polyethylene Melt: A Critical Test of the Rouse Model by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Neutron Spin Echo Spectroscopy

We have investigated the dynamic structure factor for single-chain relaxation in a polyethylene melt by means of molecular dynamics simulations and neutron spin echo spectroscopy. After accounting for a 20% difference in the chain self-diffusion coefficient between simulation and experiment we find a perfect quantitative agreement of the intermediate dynamic structure factor over the whole range of momentum transfer studied. Based on this quantitative agreement one can test the experimental results for deviations from standard Rouse behavior reported so far for only computer simulations of polymer melt dynamics.

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On the first-order collapse transition of a three-dimensional, flexible homopolymer chain model

We present simulation results for the phase behavior of flexible lattice polymer chains using the Wang-Landau sampling idea. These chains display a two-stage collapse through a coil-globule transition followed by a crystallization at lower temperatures. Performing a finite-size scaling analysis on the two transitions, we show that they coincide in the thermodynamic limit corresponding to a direct collapse of the random coil into the crystal without intermediate coil-globule transition.

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Recent Developments in Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Models for Polymer Systems

A brief review is given of methodological advances made during the past decade with the Monte Carlo sampling of equilibrium properties of simple lattice models of polymer systems, and representative applications of these new algorithms are summarized. These algorithms include Wang−Landau (WL) sampling, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), and topology violating dynamic Monte Carlo algorithms such as combinations of local moves, slithering snake moves, and “double bridging” moves for the bond fluctuation model. The applications mentioned concern phase-transition-like phenomena of single chains (collapse and crystallization in bad solvents; interplay of collapse and adsorption; escap…

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Breakdown of the Kratky-Porod Wormlike Chain Model for Semiflexible Polymers in Two Dimensions

By large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of semiflexible polymers in $d=2$ dimensions the applicability of the Kratky-Porod model is tested. This model is widely used as "standard model" for describing conformations and force versus extension curves of stiff polymers. It is shown that semiflexible polymers in $d=2$ show a crossover from hard rods to self-avoiding walks, the intermediate Gaussian regime (implied by the Kratky-Porod model) is completely absent. Hence the latter can also describe force versus extension curves only if the contour length is only a few times larger than the persistence length. Consequences for experiments on biopolymers at interfaces are briefly discussed.

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Phase Transitions and Relaxation Processes in Macromolecular Systems: The Case of Bottle-brush Polymers

As an example for the interplay of structure, dynamics, and phase behavior of macromolecular systems, this article focuses on the problem of bottle-brush polymers with either rigid or flexible backbones. On a polymer with chain length $N_b$, side-chains with chain length $N$ are endgrafted with grafting density $\sigma$. Due to the multitude of characteristic length scales and the size of these polymers (typically these cylindrical macromolecules contain of the order of 10000 effective monomeric units) understanding of the structure is a challenge for experiment. But due to excessively large relaxation times (particularly under poor solvent conditions) such macromolecules also are a challen…

research product

Simulation of Phase Transitions of Single Polymer Chains: Recent Advances

The behaviour of a flexible polymer chain in solvents of variable quality in dilute solution is discussed both in the bulk and in the presence of an adsorbing wall. Monte Carlo simulations of coarse-grained bead-spring models and of the bond fluctuation model are presented and interpreted in terms of phenomenological theories and scaling concepts. Particular attention is paid to the behaviour of the polymer chain when the temperature of the polymer solution gets lower than the Theta temperature. It is argued that the adsorption transition line at the Theta temperature splits into lines of wetting and drying transitions of polymer globules attached to the wall. In addition, it is shown that …

research product

Molecular-dynamics simulation of a glassy polymer melt: Incoherent scattering function

We report results of molecular-dynamics simulations for a glassy polymer melt consisting of short, linear bead-spring chains. It was shown in previous work that this onset of the glassy slowing down is compatible with the predictions of the mode coupling theory. The physical process of `caging' of a monomer by its spatial neighbors leads to a distinct two step behavior in the particle mean square displacements. In this work we analyze the effects of this caging process on the Rouse description of the melt's dynamics. We show that the Rouse theory is applicable for length and time scales above the typical scales for the caging process. Futhermore, the monomer displacement is compared with si…

research product

Structure of bottle brush polymers on surfaces: weak versus strong adsorption.

Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations are presented for a coarse-grained model of cylindrical molecular brushes adsorbed on a flat structureless substrate, varying both the chain length N of the side chains and the backbone chain length N(b). For the case of good solvent conditions, both the cases of weak adsorption (only 10 to 15% of the monomers being bound to the surface) and strong adsorption (~40% of the monomers being bound to the surface, forcing the bottle brush into an almost 2D conformation) are studied. We focus on the scaling of the total linear dimensions of the cylindrical brush with both chain lengths N and N(b), demonstrating a crossover from rod-like behavior (for not very la…

research product

Anomalous diffusion of polymers in supercooled melts near the glass transition

Two coarse-grained models for polymer chains in dense melts near the glass transition are investigated: the bond fluctuation lattice model, where long bonds are energetically favored, is studied by dynamic Monte Carlo simulation, and an off-lattice bead-spring model with Lennard-Jones forces between the beads is treated by Molecular Dynamics. We compare the time-dependence of the mean square displacements of both models, and show that they become very similar on mesoscopic scales (i.e., displacements larger than a bond length). The slowing down of motions near the glass transition is discussed in terms of the mode coupling theory and other concepts.

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Macromol. Theory Simul. 7/2007

research product

How Well Can Coarse-Grained Models of Real Polymers Describe Their Structure? The Case of Polybutadiene

Coarse-graining of chemical structure of macromolecules in the melt is investigated using extensive molecular dynamics simulation data which are based on a united atom force-field model of polybutadiene. Systematically increasing the number, n, of the united atoms approximated by an effective coarse-grained monomer, we study the influence of degree of coarse-graining on the structure functions such as the segment-segment intermolecular and intramolecular correlation functions. These results are compared to Monte Carlo simulations of the corresponding coarse-grained bead-spring model and Chen-Kreglewski potential for chain molecules. In contrast to the atomistic chemically realistic model of…

research product

Equation of State for Macromolecules of Variable Flexibility in Good Solvents: A Comparison of Techniques for Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Models

The osmotic equation of state for the athermal bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice is obtained from extensive Monte Carlo simulations. For short macromolecules (chain length N=20) we study the influence of various choices for the chain stiffness on the equation of state. Three techniques are applied and compared in order to critically assess their efficiency and accuracy: the repulsive wall method, the thermodynamic integration method (which rests on the feasibility of simulations in the grand canonical ensemble), and the recently advocated sedimentation equilibrium method, which records the density profile in an external (e.g. gravitation-like) field and infers, via a local …

research product

How to define variation of physical properties normal to an undulating one-dimensional object.

One-dimensional flexible objects are abundant in physics, from polymers to vortex lines to defect lines and many more. These objects structure their environment and it is natural to assume that the influence these objects exert on their environment depends on the distance from the line-object. But how should this be defined? We argue here that there is an intrinsic length scale along the undulating line that is a measure of its "stiffness" (i.e., orientational persistence), which yields a natural way of defining the variation of physical properties normal to the undulating line. We exemplify how this normal variation can be determined from a computer simulation for the case of a so-called b…

research product

A coarse-graining procedure for polymer melts applied to 1,4-polybutadiene

We present a coarse-graining procedure for homopolymer melts mapping intra- as well as inter-molecular interactions from a chemically realistic united atom description to a bead-spring type molecular model. On the coarse-grained level the repeat units interact through bond-length and bond angle potentials and a non-bonded Lennard-Jones type interaction. The latter one is of the 7,4 form and softer than the typically employed 12,6 interactions. The coarse-graining of the intramolecular interactions follows well developed procedures, however, we point out in which way the non-bonded intramolecular interactions in the chemically realistic model should be treated. The parameters of the non-bond…

research product

Orthorhombic Phase of Crystalline Polyethylene: A Constant Pressure Path Integral Monte Carlo Study

In this paper we present a Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulation of the orthorhombic phase of crystalline polyethylene, using an explicit atom force field with unconstrained bond lengths and angles. This work represents a quantum extension of our recent classical simulation (J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8918 (1997)). It is aimed both at exploring the applicability of the PIMC method on such polymer crystal systems, as well as on a detailed assessment of the importance of quantum effects on different quantities. We used the $NpT$ ensemble and simulated the system at zero pressure in the temperature range 25 - 300 K, using Trotter numbers between 12 and 144. In order to investigate finite-size e…

research product

Calculation of local pressure tensors in systems with many-body interactions

Local pressures are important in the calculation of interface tensions and in analyzing micromechanical behavior. The calculation of local pressures in computer simulations has been limited to systems with pairwise interactions between the particles, which is not sufficient for chemically detailed systems with many-body potentials such as angles and torsions. We introduce a method to calculate local pressures in systems with n-body interactions (n=2,3,4,) based on a micromechanical definition of the pressure tensor. The local pressure consists of a kinetic contribution from the linear momentum of the particles and an internal contribution from dissected many-body interactions by infinitesim…

research product

Computer simulation of bottle-brush polymers with flexible backbone: good solvent versus theta solvent conditions.

By Molecular Dynamics simulation of a coarse-grained bead-spring type model for a cylindrical molecular brush with a backbone chain of $N_b$ effective monomers to which with grafting density $\sigma$ side chains with $N$ effective monomers are tethered, several characteristic length scales are studied for variable solvent quality. Side chain lengths are in the range $5 \le N \le 40$, backbone chain lengths are in the range $50 \le N_b \le 200$, and we perform a comparison to results for the bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice (for which much longer chains are accessible, $N_b \le 1027$, and which corresponds to an athermal, very good, solvent). We obtain linear dimensions of …

research product

A comparison of neutron scattering studies and computer simulations of polymer melts

Abstract Neutron scattering and computer simulations are powerful tools for studying structural and dynamical properties of condensed matter systems in general and of polymer melts in particular. When neutron scattering studies and quantitative atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of the same material are combined, synergy between the methods can result in exciting new insights into polymer melts not obtainable from either method separately. We present here an overview of our recent efforts to combine neutron scattering and atomistic simulations in the study of melt dynamics of polyethylene and polybutadiene. Looking at polymer segmental motion on a picosecond time scale, we show how at…

research product

Calculation of local pressure tensors in systems with many-body interactions

Local pressures are important in the calculation of interface tensions and in analyzing micromechanical behavior. The calculation of local pressures in computer simulations has been limited to systems with pairwise interactions between the particles, which is not sufficient for chemically detailed systems with many-body potentials such as angles and torsions. We introduce a method to calculate local pressures in systems with n-body interactions (n=2,3,4, . . .) based on a micromechanical definition of the pressure tensor. The local pressure consists of a kinetic contribution from the linear momentum of the particles and an internal contribution from dissected many-body interactions by infin…

research product

One- and two-component bottle-brush polymers: simulations compared to theoretical predictions

Scaling predictions and results from self-consistent field calculations for bottle-brush polymers with a rigid backbone and flexible side chains under good solvent conditions are summarized and their validity and applicability is assessed by a comparison with Monte Carlo simulations of a simple lattice model. It is shown that under typical conditions, as they are also present in experiments, only a rather weak stretching of the side chains is realized, and then the scaling predictions based on the extension of the Daoud-Cotton blob picture are not applicable. Also two-component bottle brush polymers are considered, where two types (A,B) of side chains are grafted, assuming that monomers of …

research product

Intramolecular phase separation of copolymer "bottle brushes": No sharp phase transition but a tunable length scale

A lattice model for a symmetrical copolymer "bottle brush" molecule, where two types (A,B) of flexible side chains are grafted with one chain end to a rigid backbone, is studied by a variant of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), allowing for simultaneous growth of all side chains in the Monte Carlo sampling. Choosing repulsive binary interactions between unlike monomers and varying the solvent quality, it is found that phase separation into an $A$-rich part of the cylindrical molecule and a $B$-rich part can occur only locally. Long range order (in the direction of the backbone) does not occur, and hence the transition from the randomly mixed state of the bottle brush to the phas…

research product

A molecular dynamics simulation study of the alpha-relaxation in a 1,4-polybutadiene melt as probed by the coherent dynamic structure factor.

The dynamic coherent structure factor Scoh(q,t) for a 1,4-polybutadiene (PBD) melt has been investigated using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The relaxation of Scoh(q,t) at q = 1.44 angstroms(-1) and q = 2.72 angstroms(-1), corresponding to the first and second peaks in the static structure factor for PBD, was studied in detail over a wide range of temperature. It was found that time-temperature superposition holds for the alpha-relaxation for both q values over a wide temperature range and that the alpha-relaxation can be well described by a stretched (Kohlrauch-William-Watts) exponential with temperature independent but q dependent amplitude and stretching exponent. The alpha-r…

research product

The Ising square lattice in aL�M geometry: A model for the effect of surface steps on phase transitions in adsorbed monolayers

Critical phenomena in adsorbed monolayers on surfaces are influenced by limited substrate homogeneity, such as surface steps. We consider the resulting finite-size and boundary effects in the framework of a lattice gas system with nearest neighbor attraction in aL×M geometry, with two free boundaries of lengthM≫L, and periodic boundary conditions in the other direction (along the direction of the steps). This geometry thus models a “terrace” of the stepped surface, and adatoms adsorbed on neighboring terraces are assumed to be non-interacting. Also the effect of boundary “fields” is considered (describing the effects of missing neighbors and changed binding energy to the substrate near the …

research product

Interplay between Chain Collapse and Microphase Separation in Bottle-Brush Polymers with Two Types of Side Chains

Conformations of a bottle-brush polymer with two types (A,B) of grafted side chains are studied by molecular dynamics simulations, using a coarse-grained bead−spring model with side chains of up to...

research product

Polymer chains confined into tubes with attractive walls: A Monte Carlo simulation

A bead-spring off-lattice model of a polymer chain with repulsive interactions among repeating units confined into straight tubes of various cross sections, DT2, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. We are also varying the chain length from N = 16 to 128 and the strength of a short-range attractive interaction between the repeating units and the walls of the tube. Longitudinal and perpendicular static linear dimensions of the chains are analyzed, as well as the density profile of repeating units across the tube. These data are interpreted in terms of scaling concepts describing the crossover between three-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional chain conformations and the adsorption transiti…

research product

All-or-none proteinlike folding transition of a flexible homopolymer chain.

Here we report a first-order all-or-none transition from an expanded coil to a compact crystallite for a flexible polymer chain. Wang-Landau sampling is used to construct the complete density of states for square-well chains up to length 256. Analysis within both the microcanonical and canonical ensembles shows a direct freezing transition for finite length chains with sufficiently short-range interactions. This type of transition is a distinctive feature of "one-step" protein folding and our findings demonstrate that a simple homopolymer model can exhibit protein-folding thermodynamics.

research product

Orthorhombic Phase of Crystalline Polyethylene: A Monte Carlo Study

In this paper we present a classical Monte Carlo simulation of the orthorhombic phase of crystalline polyethylene, using an explicit atom force field with unconstrained bond lengths and angles and periodic boundary conditions. We used a recently developed algorithm which apart from standard Metropolis local moves employs also global moves consisting of displacements of the center of mass of the whole chains in all three spatial directions as well as rotations of the chains around an axis parallel to the crystallographic c-direction. Our simulations are performed in the NpT ensemble, at zero pressure, and extend over the whole range of temperatures in which the orthorhombic phase is experime…

research product

Monte Carlo simulations of a trader-based market model

Abstract We present a detailed analysis of the stationary state and the parameter sensitivity of a trader-based market model suggested in Bak et al. (Physica A 246 (1997) 430). The model in question takes only so-called noise-traders into account and its properties are determined by mutual imitation of the traders and volatility feedback. We show that the stationary state of the model can be characterized by a log-normal distribution of the bid and ask prices relative to the current market price. In the stationary state the model is able to reproduce the so-called stylized facts of real markets. This property is stable under variation of the essential parameters of the model, number of trad…

research product

Single Molecules Probing the Freezing of Polymer Melts: A Molecular Dynamics Study for Various Molecule-Chain Linkages

8 pages; International audience; We present molecular dynamics simulations of coarse-grained model systems of a glassforming polymer matrix containing fluorescent probe molecules. These probe molecules are either dispersed in the matrix or covalently attached to the center or the end of a dilute fraction of the polymer chains. We show that in all cases the translational and rotational relaxation of the probe molecules is a faithful sensor for the glass transition of the matrix as determined from a mode-coupling analysis or Vogel-Fulcher analysis of their R-relaxation behavior. Matrix and dumbbell related relaxation processes show a clear violation of the Stokes-Einstein-Debye laws. In accor…

research product

Structures of stiff macromolecules of finite chain length near the coil-globule transition: A Monte Carlo simulation

Using a coarse-grained model of a semiflexible macromolecule, the equilibrium shapes of the chain have been studied varying both the temperature and the chain stiffness. We have applied Monte Carlo techniques using the bond fluctuation model for a chain length of N = 80 effective monomers, and two different types of interactions: a potential depending on the angle between successive bonds along the chain to control the chain stiffness, and an attractive interaction between non-bonded effective monomers to model variable solvent quality. In a diagram of states where chain stiffness and inverse temperature and used as variables, we find regions where the chain exists as coil, as spherical glo…

research product

Chain length dependence of the state diagram of a single stiff-chain macromolecule: Theory and Monte Carlo simulation

We present a Monte Carlo computer simulation and theoretical results for the dependence of the state diagram of a single semiflexible chain on the chain length. The calculated transition lines between different structures in the state diagrams for both studied chain lengths N=40 and N=80 can be described by theoretical predictions which include chain length dependence explicitly. The stability criteria of different structures are discussed. The theoretically predicted exponent in the dependence of the toroid size on the chain length is compatible with computer simulation results.

research product

Dielectric Relaxation of a Polybutadiene Melt at a Crystalline Graphite Surface: Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Dielectric experiments are an indispensable tool to further our understanding of the relaxation behavior of polymers, not only in bulk samples but also in confined situations. A chemically realistic Molecular Dynamics simulation, in which all information about molecular motions is available, can shed light onto the questions of heterogeneity and anisotropy of the underlying molecular relaxation processes which lead to the ensemble averaged experimental dielectric signal. In this contribution, we present a careful analysis of the dielectric response of a weakly polar and confined polymer, 1,4-polybutadiene between graphite walls. The relaxation of the segmental dipole moments was obtained in…

research product

Simulation of Copolymer Bottle-Brushes

The structure of bottle-brush polymers with a rigid backbone and flexible side chains is studied in three dimensions, varying the grafting density, the side chain length, and the solvent quality. Some preliminary results of theoretical scaling considerations for one-component bottle-brush polymers in a good solvent are compared with Monte Carlo simulations of a simple lattice model. For the simulations a variant of the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) allowing for simultaneous growth of all side chains in the Monte Carlo sampling is employed. For a symmetrical binary (A,B) bottle-brush polymer, where two types (A,B) of flexible side chains are grafted with one chain end to the backb…

research product

Monte Carlo modelling of the polymer glass transition

We are proposing a lattice model with chemical input for the computer modelling of the polymer glass transition. The chemical input information is obtained by a coarse graining procedure applied to a microscopic model with full chemical detail. We use this information on Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonate to predict it's Vogel-Fulcher temperature out of a dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation. The microscopic structure of the lattice model is that of a genuine amorphous material, and the structural relaxation obeys the time temperature superposition.

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Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates

This chapter deals with the mechanical properties of single polymer chains, aggregates, and supramolecular complexes. The topics discussed cover a broad range from fundamental statistical mechanics of the equilibrium elastic properties of single polymer chains to details of the behavior of binding pockets in biomolecular assemblies as observed by force spectroscopy. The first section treats the equilibrium mechanical properties of single polymer chains in various environments, investigated via extensive simulations employing coarse-grained models that have proven extremely successful in many branches of polymer physics, namely the bond-fluctuation model and the self-avoiding walk model. Apa…

research product

Self-diffusion in polymer solutions using the bond-fluctuation MC-algorithm

Abstract A lattice Monte Carlo study of the self-diffusion of polymer chains in an athermal solution of equal chains is presented. The examined chain lengths, N (= 20–200), and volume fractions, φ (= 0.025-0.5), cover the range from dilute solution to concentrated solution, respectively. The dynamics show a gradual crossover from Rouse to reptation-like behaviour. Analysing the data according to a scaling theory and taking into account the density dependence of the microscopic length and time-scales, an almost perfect scaling of the self-diffusion coefficient is achieved. The high statistical accuracy of the data (103–104 chains per parameter combination) was obtainable by using a transpute…

research product

Bridging the Gap Between Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Models of Polymers: Status and Perspectives

Recent developments that increase the time and distance scales accessible in the simulations of specific polymers are reviewed. Several different techniques are similar in that they replace a model expressed in fully atomistic detail with a coarse-grained model of the same polymer, atomistic → coarse-grained (and beyond!), thereby increasing the time and distance scales accessible within the expenditure of reasonable computational resources. The bridge represented by the right-pointing arrow can be constructed via different procedures, which are reviewed here. The review also considers the status of methods which reverse this arrow, atomistic ← coarse-grained. This “reverse-mapping” recover…

research product

Trading leads to scale-free self-organization

Financial markets display scale-free behavior in many different aspects. The power-law behavior of part of the distribution of individual wealth has been recognized by Pareto as early as the nineteenth century. Heavy-tailed and scale-free behavior of the distribution of returns of different financial assets have been confirmed in a series of works. The existence of a Pareto-like distribution of the wealth of market participants has been connected with the scale-free distribution of trading volumes and price-returns. The origin of the Pareto-like wealth distribution, however, remained obscure. Here we show that it is the process of trading itself that under two mild assumptions spontaneously…

research product

Spinodal decomposition of polymer solutions: A parallelized molecular dynamics simulation

In simulations of phase separation kinetics, large length and time scales are involved due to the mesoscopic size of the polymer coils, and the structure formation on still larger scales of length and time. We apply a coarse-grained model of hexadecane dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide, for which in previous work the equilibrium phase behavior has been established by Monte Carlo methods. Using parallelized simulations on a multiprocessor supercomputer, large scale molecular dynamics simulations of phase separation following pressure jumps are presented for systems containing $N=435\phantom{\rule{0.2em}{0ex}}136$ coarse-grained particles, which correspond to several millions of atoms…

research product

Conformational Properties of Semiflexible Chains at Nematic Ordering Transitions in Thin Films: A Monte Carlo Simulation

Athermal solutions of semiflexible macromolecules with excluded volume interactions and with varying concentration (dilute, semidilute, and concentrated solutions) in a film of thickness D between ...

research product

The intermediate coherent scattering function of entangled polymer melts: a Monte Carlo test of des Cloizeaux' theory

Using the bond fluctuation model for flexible polymer chains in a dense melt the intermediate coherent scattering function for chains containing N=200 monomers is calculated and interpreted in terms of a recent theory of des Cloizeaux. The theory yields an explicit description for the crossover from the Rouse model to the regime where reptation prevails, for the limit N→∞. While the Monte Carlo data are qualitatively compatible with this description, an accurate estimation of the tube diameter is prevented due to the onset of a diffusive decay of the scattering function, not included in the theory. For a full quantitative analysis of the Monte Carlo data (as well as of experiments on chains…

research product

Molecular dynamics simulations of the glass transition in polymer melts

Computer simulations of polymer models have contributed strongly to our understanding of the glass transition in polymer melts. The ability of the simulation to provide information on experimentally not directly accessible quantities like the detailed spatial arrangement of the particles allows for stringent tests of theoretical concepts about the glass transition and provides additional insight for the interpretation of experimental data. Comparing coarse-grained simulations of a bead-spring model and chemically realistic simulations of 1,4-polybutadiene the importance of dihedral barriers for the glass transition phenomenon can be elucidated.

research product

The Role of Internal Rotational Barriers in Polymer Melt Chain Dynamics

We present molecular dynamics simulations on 1,4-polybutadiene comparing the dynamics of melt chains between chemically realistic models and a freely rotating chain version of one of the models. These models exhibit the same liquid structure, as measured by the structure factor, and meso- to large-scale chain structure, as measured by the Rouse-mode amplitudes. We show that in this case the Rouse-like chain dynamics as observable in the momentum transfer range of neutron spin-echo experiments is the same for the chains with and without torsion barriers. Our results bear on a recent comparative neutron spin-echo study of the chain dynamics of two polymers with similar chain structure which r…

research product

Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks: Complex Polymer Architectures

This chapter describes macromolecules with a complex structure, their defined aggregation in solution, their adsorption to surfaces, and their possible aggregation on surfaces. The term “complex structure” implies that the macromolecules show different, distinct structural elements or building blocks on a supra-atomic length scale. Key to understanding the complex structure of macromolecules, their aggregation, and adsorption to surfaces are intra- and intermolecular interactions such as van der Waals, electrostatic, π–π interactions, and hydrogen bonds.

research product

Molecular-dynamics simulation of a glassy polymer melt: Rouse model and cage effect

We report results of molecular-dynamics simulations for a glassy polymer melt consisting of short, linear bead-spring chains. It was shown in previous work that this onset of the glassy slowing down is compatible with the predictions of the mode coupling theory. The physical process of `caging' of a monomer by its spatial neighbors leads to a distinct two step behavior in the particle mean square displacements. In this work we analyze the effects of this caging process on the Rouse description of the melt's dynamics. We show that the Rouse theory is applicable for length and time scales above the typical scales for the caging process. Futhermore, the monomer displacement is compared with si…

research product

Glass transition of polymer melts: Test of theoretical concepts by computer simulation.

Abstract Polymers are good glass formers and allow for the study of melts near the glass transition in (meta-)stable equilibrium. Theories of the glass transition imply such an equilibrium and can, hence, be tested by the study of polymer melts. After a brief summary of the basic experimental facts about the glass transition in polymers, the main theoretical concepts are reviewed: mode coupling theory (MCT), entropy theory, free-volume theory, the idea of a growing length describing the size of cooperative regions, etc. Then, two basic coarse-grained models of polymers are described, which have been developed aiming at a test of these concepts. The first model is the bond-fluctuation model …

research product

Computer Simulations and Coarse-Grained Molecular Models Predicting the Equation of State of Polymer Solutions

Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations are, in principle, powerful tools for carrying out the basic task of statistical thermodynamics, namely the prediction of macroscopic properties of matter from suitable models of effective interactions between atoms and molecules. The state of the art of this approach is reviewed, with an emphasis on solutions of rather short polymer chains (such as alkanes) in various solvents. Several methods of constructing coarse-grained models of the simple bead–spring type will be mentioned, using input either from atomistic models (considering polybutadiene as an example) or from experiment. Also, the need to have corresponding coarse-grained models of t…

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Entropy of glassy polymer melts: Comparison between Gibbs-DiMarzio theory and simulation.

We calculate the free energy of a model for a polymer melt in a computer simulation of the bond-fluctuation model and determine the entropy of the melt over a wide range of temperatures, including the region close to the glass transition. The results are compared with the Gibbs-DiMarzio theory, a theory by Flory for semiflexible polymers, and a modification of their theories due to Milchev. We can describe the data within the framework of the Flory theory with Milchev's correction and discuss the consequences for the understanding of the glass transition. \textcopyright{} 1996 The American Physical Society.

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Intramolecular caging in polybutadiene due to rotational barriers

We present molecular dynamics simulations of a chemically realistic model of 1,4-polybutadiene and a freely rotating chain model derived from the first model by neglecting all dihedral potentials. We show that the presence of energy barriers hindering dihedral rotation leads to an intermediate plateau regime in the tagged particle mean-squared displacement reminiscent of the cage effect underlying the mode-coupling description of the liquid-glass transition. This intramolecular caging, however, occurs already at temperatures well above the glass transition regime. Because of its different physical origin, it also does not comply with the theoretical predictions of the mode-coupling theory. …

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Static and Dynamic Properties of a n-C100H202 Melt from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

We present in this work results from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of a n-C100H202 melt. This work represents a first effort to simulate a fully equilibrated ensemble of chains of suffic...

research product

Artificial multiple criticality and phase equilibria: an investigation of the PC-SAFT approach

The perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT) is studied for a wide range of temperature, T, pressure, p, and (effective) chain length, m, to establish the generic phase diagram of polymers according to this theory. In addition to the expected gas-liquid coexistence, two additional phase separations are found, termed "gas-gas" equilibrium (at very low densities) and "liquid-liquid" equilibrium (at densities where the system is expected to be solid already). These phase separations imply that in one-component polymer systems three critical points occur, as well as equilibria of three fluid phases at triple points. However, Monte Carlo simulations of the corresponding sys…

research product

Glass transition in 1,4-polybutadiene: Mode-coupling theory analysis of molecular dynamics simulations using a chemically realistic model.

We present molecular dynamics simulations of the glass transition in a chemically realistic model of 1,4-polybutadiene (PBD). Around 40 K above the calorimetric glass transition of this polymer the simulations reveal a well-developed two-stage relaxation of all correlation functions. We have analyzed the time-scale separation between vibrational degrees of freedom (subpicosecond dynamics) and the alpha relaxation behavior (nanosecond to microsecond dynamics) using the predictions of mode-coupling theory (MCT). Our value for the mode-coupling critical temperature Tc agrees perfectly with prior experimental estimates for PBD. The predictions of MCT for the scaling behavior of the so-called be…

research product

Modeling polyethylene with the bond fluctuation model

This work presents an application of recently developed ideas about how to map real polymer systems onto abstract models. In our case the abstract model is the bond fluctuation model with a Monte Carlo dynamics. We study the temperature dependence of chain dimensions and of the self-diffusion behavior in the melt from high temperatures down to 200 K. The chain conformations are equilibrated over the whole temperature range, which is possible for the abstract type of model we use. The size of the chains as measured by the characteristic ratio is within 25% of experimental data. The simulated values of the chain self-diffusion coefficient have to be matched to experimental information at one …

research product


We point out that in a Brownian dynamics simulation it is justified to use arbitrary distribution functions of random numbers if the moments exhibit the correct limiting behavior prescribed by the Fokker-Planck equation. Our argument is supported by a simple analytical consideration and some numerical examples: We simulate the Wiener process, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the diffusion in a Φ4 potential, using both Gaussian and uniform random numbers. In these examples, the rate of convergence of the mean first exit time is found to be nearly identical for both types of random numbers.

research product

Monte Carlo simulations of polymer dynamics: Recent advances

A brief review is given of applications of Monte Carlo simulations to study the dynamical properties of coarse-grained models of polymer melts, emphasizing the crossover from the Rouse model toward reptation, and the glass transition. The extent to which Monte Carlo algorithms can mimic the actual chain dynamics is critically examined, and the need for the use of coarse-grained rather than fully atomistic models for such simulations is explained. It is shown that various lattice and continuum models yield qualitatively similar results, and the behavior agrees with the findings of corresponding molecular dynamics simulations and experiments, where available. It is argued that these simulatio…

research product

Polymer Dynamics in a Polymer-Solid Interphase: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of 1,4-Polybutadiene At a Graphite Surface

A chemically realistic model of 1,4-polybutadiene confined by graphite walls in a thin film geometry was studied by molecular dynamics simulations. The chemically realistic approach allows for a quantitative determination of a variety of experimentally accessible relaxation functions (e.g., dielectric, NMR, or neutron scattering responses). The simulations yield these experimental observables. Additionally, the simulations can be resolved as a function of distance to the solid interface on a much finer scale than experimentally possible, providing a detailed mechanistic picture of the segmental and large scale motions of polymers in the interfacial region between bulk polymer melts and soli…

research product

Fluorescence Lifetime of a Single Molecule as an Observable of Meta-Basin Dynamics in Fluids Near the Glass Transition

Using single molecule spectroscopy, we show that the fluorescence lifetime trajectories of single probe molecules embedded in a glass-forming polymer melt exhibit strong fluctuations of a hopping character. Using molecular dynamics simulations targeted to explain these experimental observations, we show that the lifetime fluctuations correlate strongly with the average square displacement function of the matrix particles. The latter observable is a direct probe of the meta-basin transitions in the potential energy landscape of glass-forming liquids. We thus show here that single molecule experiments can provide detailed microscopic information on system properties that hitherto have been ac…

research product

Capillary condensation in the two-dimensional lattice gas: A Monte Carlo test of fluctuation corrections to the Kelvin equation

A two-dimensional lattice gas model with nearest-neighbour attractive interaction confined in a strip of width L between two parallel boundaries at which an attractive short-range force acts is studied by Monte Carlo simulations, for cases where the system is in the wet phase near the critical wetting transition line for . We study the shift of the chemical potential of the transition in the strip as a function of L by thermodynamic integration methods, , and also obtain the thickness of the wetting film at the chemical potential at which capillary condensation occurs. In the range the data are consistent with a variation according to the Kelvin equation, , as well as with a shifted Kelvin …

research product

Multi-agent-based Order Book Model of financial markets

We introduce a simple model for simulating financial markets, based on an order book, in which several agents trade one asset at a virtual exchange continuously. For a stationary market the structure of the model, the order flow rates of the different kinds of order types and the used price time priority matching algorithm produce only a diffusive price behavior. We show that a market trend, i.e. an asymmetric order flow of any type, leads to a non-trivial Hurst exponent for the price development, but not to "fat-tailed" return distributions. When one additionally couples the order entry depth to the prevailing trend, also the stylized empirical fact of "fat tails" can be reproduced by our …

research product

Computer simulation of models for the structural glass transition

In order to test theoretical concepts on the glass transition, we investigate several models of glassy materials by means of Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations. It is shown that also simplified models exhibit a glass transition which is in qualitative agreement with experiment and that thus such models are useful to study this phenomenon. However, the glass transition temperture as well as the structural properties of the frozen-in glassy phase depend strongly on the cooling history, and the extrapolation to the limit of infinitely slow cooling velocity is nontrivial, which makes the identification of the (possible) underlying equilibrium transition very diffi…

research product

Computer simulation of the glass transition of polymer melts

Bond fluctuation models on square and simple cubic lattices at melt densities are simulated, using potentials depending on the length of the (effective) bond (and also on the bond angle, in d=3 dimensions). Various relaxation functions have the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW) form; the associated relaxation time diverges as exp (const/T 2) in d=2 and as exp [const/T−T 0)] in d=3. For d=3 the self-diffusion constant also follows the Vogel-Fulcher law, with T 0=250 K for chain lengths N=20 and potentials adapted to bisphenol-A-polycarbonate [BPA-PC].

research product

Relaxation processes and glass transition of confined polymer melts: A molecular dynamics simulation of 1,4-polybutadiene between graphite walls.

Molecular dynamics simulations of a chemically realistic model for 1,4-polybutadiene in a thin film geometry confined by two graphite walls are presented. Previous work on melts in the bulk has shown that the model faithfully reproduces static and dynamic properties of the real material over a wide temperature range. The present work studies how these properties change due to nano-confinement. The focus is on orientational correlations observable in nuclear magnetic resonance experiments and on the local intermediate incoherent neutron scattering function, Fs(qz, z, t), for distances z from the graphite walls in the range of a few nanometers. Temperatures from about 2Tg down to about 1.15Tg…

research product

A slow process in confined polymer melts: layer exchange dynamics at a polymer solid interface

Employing Molecular Dynamics simulations of a chemically realistic model of 1,4-polybutadiene between graphite walls we show that the mass exchange between layers close to the walls is a slow process already in the melt state. For the glass transition of confined polymers this process competes with the slowing down due to packing effects and intramolecular rotation barriers.

research product

Molecular Dynamics of a 1,4-Polybutadiene Melt. Comparison of Experiment and Simulation

We have made detailed comparison of the local and chain dynamics of a melt of 1,4-polybutadiene (PBD) as determined from experiment and molecular dynamics simulation at 353 K. The PBD was found to have a random microstructure consisting of 40% cis, 50% trans, and 10% 1,2-vinyl units with a number-average degree of polymerization 〈Xn〉 = 25.4. Local (conformational) dynamics were studied via measurements of the 13C NMR spin−lattice relaxation time T1 and the nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) at a proton resonance of 300 MHz for 12 distinguishable nuclei. Chain dynamics were studied on time scales up to 22 ns via neutron spin−echo (NSE) spectroscopy with momentum transfers ranging from q = …

research product

A fast Monte Carlo algorithm for studying bottle-brush polymers

Obtaining reliable estimates of the statistical properties of complex macromolecules by computer simulation is a task that requires high computational effort as well as the development of highly efficient simulation algorithms. We present here an algorithm combining local moves, the pivot algorithm, and an adjustable simulation lattice box for simulating dilute systems of bottle-brush polymers with a flexible backbone and flexible side chains under good solvent conditions. Applying this algorithm to the bond fluctuation model, very precise estimates of the mean square end-to-end distances and gyration radii of the backbone and side chains are obtained, and the conformational properties of s…

research product

Simulation of Models for the Glass Transition: Is There Progress?

The glass transition of supercooled fluids is a particular challenge for computer simulation, because the (longest) relaxation times increase by about 15 decades upon approaching the transition temperature T g. Brute-force molecular dynamics simulations, as presented here for molten SiO2 and coarse-grained bead-spring models of polymer chains, can yield very useful insight about the first few decades of this slowing down. Hence this allows to access the temperature range around T c of the so-called mode coupling theory, whereas the dynamics around the experimental glass transition is completely out of reach. While methods such as “parallel tempering” improve the situation somewhat, a method…

research product

Fluctuation patterns in high-frequency financial asset returns

We introduce a new method for quantifying pattern-based complex short-time correlations of a time series. Our correlation measure is 1 for a perfectly correlated and 0 for a random walk time series. When we apply this method to high-frequency time series data of the German DAX future, we find clear correlations on short time scales. In order to subtract trivial autocorrelation parts from the pattern conformity, we introduce a simple model for reproducing the antipersistent regime and use alternatively level 1 quotes. When we remove the pattern conformity of this stochastic process from the original data, remaining pattern-based correlations can be observed.

research product

GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D and 3D Ising model

The compute unified device architecture (CUDA) is a programming approach for performing scientific calculations on a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a data-parallel computing device. The programming interface allows to implement algorithms using extensions to standard C language. With continuously increased number of cores in combination with a high memory bandwidth, a recent GPU offers incredible resources for general purpose computing. First, we apply this new technology to Monte Carlo simulations of the two dimensional ferromagnetic square lattice Ising model. By implementing a variant of the checkerboard algorithm, results are obtained up to 60 times faster on the GPU than on a curren…

research product

Microphase separation in bottlebrush polymers under poor-solvent conditions

Molecular-dynamics simulations are used to study the structure of bottlebrush polymers with rigid backbones, for various grafting densities, side chain lengths, and varying solvent quality. While we confirm different states of the bottlebrush proposed by Sheiko et al. (Eur. Phys. J. E, 13 (2004) 125) we find that the transition between stretched and collapsed brushes occurs in a rather gradual manner. The pearl-necklace structure occurring at intermediate grafting densities and rather low temperatures has a pronounced medium-range order along the backbone.

research product

Penetrant diffusion in frozen polymer matrices: A finite-size scaling study of free volume percolation

The diffusion of penetrant particles in frozen polymer matrices is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations of the bond fluctuation model. By applying finite-size scaling to data obtained from very large systems it is demonstrated that the diffusion process takes place on a percolating free volume cluster describable by a correlated site percolation model which falls into the same universality class as random percolation. The diverging correlation length entails a pronounced dependence of the diffusion constant on the size of the simulated system. It is shown that this dependence is appreciable for a wide range of parameters around the transition. \textcopyright{} 1996 The American …

research product

Standard Definitions of Persistence Length Do Not Describe the Local “Intrinsic” Stiffness of Real Polymer Chains

On the basis of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models for linear chains under good and Θ solvents conditions, and for bottle-brush polymers under good solvent conditions, different me...

research product

Computer Simulation of Polymers: Physics and Methods from Specific to Universal

We will discuss in this contribution several aspects of the physics of polymers on different length and time scales and the simulation methods suited for their study. A Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of a chemically realistic model is needed to get quantitative insight into local relaxation processes. This study will also reveal the importance of four-particle correlations in polymer dynamics resulting from the presence of dihedral potentials along the chain. Universal largescale chain relaxation can be studied by realistic models as well, but in far better statistical accuracy by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of a coarse-grained lattice model. Finally we will present considerations for …

research product

Simulation of the glass transition in polymeric systems: Evidence for an underlying phase transition?

Abstract The bond fluctuation model of polymer chains on sc lattices with an energy that favours long bonds can describe the slowing down of supercooled melts that approach the glass transition in qualitative similarity with various experiments. In this paper we focus on the question of whether there exists a correlation length that increases to large values when the temperature is lowered towards the glass transition. Two types of analysis are presented: firstly density oscillations near hard walls become long range, and the resulting correlation length becomes larger than the gyration radius, secondly oscillations in the pair correlation function in real space also become long range, and …

research product

Entropy theory and glass transition: A test by Monte Carlo simulation

This article reviews the results of a test of the Gibbs-DiMarzio theory by Monte Carlo Simulation. The simulation employed the bond-fluctuation model on a simple cubic lattice. This model incorporates two kinds of interactions: the excluded volume interaction among all monomers of the melt and an internal energy of the chains, which favors large bonds and makes the chains stiffen with decreasing temperature. The stiffening of the chains leads to an increase of their volume requirements, which competes with the packing constraints at low temperatures. This competition strongly slows down the structural relaxation of the melt and induces the glassy behavior. The model therefore takes into acc…

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