Francesco Cipollone

Ambulatory monitoring of systolic hypertension in the elderly: Eprosartan/hydrochlorothiazide compared with losartan/hydrochlorothiazide (INSIST trial).

Introduction: Systolic hypertension is very common in the elderly and is strongly associated with the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. The control of systolic hypertension is difficult and most patients require combination antihypertensive therapy. Few data are available regarding the efficacy of angiotensin II receptor antagonists on systolic hypertension of the elderly. The aim of this double-blind, double-dummy, randomized, parallel-group, multicenter study was to assess the efficacy of eprosartan 600 mg in combination with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)12.5 mg in comparison with losartan 50 mg in combination with HCTZ 12.5 mg, in reducing blood pressure in elderly patients…

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What changed in the Italian internal medicine and geriatric wards during the lockdown

A total of 48 internal medicine or geriatric wards among the 93 adhering to the register REPOSI answered an online questionnaire aimed to investigate the characteristics and activities of converted and non-converted wards in the crucial period of the first wave of the epidemic, 22 February-4 May 2020

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Effect of aspirin on renal disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes: A multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. The renaL disEase progression by aspirin in diabetic pAtients (LEDA) trial. Rationale and study design

Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most common causes of chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. It has been estimated that the annual decline of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) among patients with T2DM is approximately 2.0-2.5 mL min−1 y−1. Cyclooxygenase-dependent eicosanoids, such as 11-dehydro-thromboxane (Tx)B2, are increased in T2DM patients and are potentially involved in the regulation of renal blood flow. Animal models showed that cyclooxygenase inhibitors, such as aspirin, are associated with improvements in renal plasma flow and eGFR values. Hypothesis The primary end point of the LEDA trial is to evaluate the 1-year decline of eGFR in T2DM pa…

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Heparin in COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced in-hospital mortality: the multicentre Italian CORIST Study

Abstract Introduction A hypercoagulable condition was described in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and proposed as a possible pathogenic mechanism contributing to disease progression and lethality. Aim We evaluated if in-hospital administration of heparin improved survival in a large cohort of Italian COVID-19 patients. Methods In a retrospective observational study, 2,574 unselected patients hospitalized in 30 clinical centers in Italy from February 19, 2020 to June 5, 2020 with laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection were analyzed. The primary endpoint in a time-to event analysis was in-hospital death, comparing patients who receive…

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Lipoprotein(a) Genotype Influences the Clinical Diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia

: Background Evidence suggests that LPA risk genotypes are a possible contributor to the clinical diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). This study aimed at determining the prevalence of LPA risk variants in adult individuals with FH enrolled in the Italian LIPIGEN (Lipid Transport Disorders Italian Genetic Network) study, with (FH/M+) or without (FH/M-) a causative genetic variant. Methods and Results An lp(a) [lipoprotein(a)] genetic score was calculated by summing the number risk-increasing alleles inherited at rs3798220 and rs10455872 variants. Overall, in the 4.6% of 1695 patients with clinically diagnosed FH, the phenotype was not explained by a monogenic or polygenic cause …

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Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC)

Background The European Atherosclerosis Society Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) global registry provides a platform for the global surveillance of familial hypercholesterolaemia through harmonisation and pooling of multinational data. In this study, we aimed to characterise the adult population with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and described how it is detected and managed globally. Methods Using FHSC global registry data, we did a cross-sectional assessment of adults (aged 18 years or older) with a clinical or genetic diagnosis of probable or definite heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia at the time they were entered into the registries. Dat…

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Hospital Care of Older Patients With COPD: Adherence to International Guidelines for Use of Inhaled Bronchodilators and Corticosteroids

Abstract Objectives We aimed to analyze the prevalence and impact of COPD in older patients hospitalized in internal medicine or geriatric wards, and to investigate adherence to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines, associated clinical factors, and outcomes. Design Data were obtained from REgistro POliterapie SIMI (REPOSI), a prospective multicenter observational registry that enrolls inpatients aged ≥65 years. Setting and Participants Older hospitalized patients enrolled from 2008 to 2016 with a diagnosis of COPD. Measures We evaluated adherence to the 2018 GOLD guidelines at admission and discharge, by examining the prescription of inhaled bronchodi…

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to Sleep Disorders, High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Diseases. A Consensus Document by the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA)

Hypertension is a major contributor to fatal/nonfatal cardiovascular diseases, and timely identification and appropriate management of factors affecting hypertension and its control are mandatory public health issues. By inducing neurohormonal alterations and metabolic impairment, sleep disorders have an impact on a variety of cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension, and ultimately increase the risk of cardiovascular events. There is evidence that qualitative and quantitative sleep disorders are associated with resistant hypertension and with impaired circadian blood pressure variations. However, sleep disturbances are often unrecognized, or heterogeneity exists in their managem…

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Use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised COVID-19 patients is associated with reduced mortality: Findings from the observational multicentre Italian CORIST study.

Abstract Background Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was proposed as potential treatment for COVID-19. Objective We set-up a multicenter Italian collaboration to investigate the relationship between HCQ therapy and COVID-19 in-hospital mortality. Methods In a retrospective observational study, 3,451 unselected patients hospitalized in 33 clinical centers in Italy, from February 19, 2020 to May 23, 2020, with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, were analyzed. The primary end-point in a time-to event analysis was in-hospital death, comparing patients who received HCQ with patients who did not. We used multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression models with inverse probability for treatme…

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Spectrum of mutations in Italian patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: New results from the LIPIGEN study

Abstract Background Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by elevated plasma levels of LDL-cholesterol that confers an increased risk of premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Early identification and treatment of FH patients can improve prognosis and reduce the burden of cardiovascular mortality. Aim of this study was to perform the mutational analysis of FH patients identified through a collaboration of 20 Lipid Clinics in Italy (LIPIGEN Study). Methods We recruited 1592 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of definite or probable FH according to the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria. We performed a parallel sequencing of the major…

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RAAS inhibitors are not associated with mortality in COVID-19 patients: Findings from an observational multicenter study in Italy and a meta-analysis of 19 studies

Abstract Objective The hypothesis that been set forward that use of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) inhibitors is associated with COVID−19 severity. We set-up a multicenter Italian collaboration (CORIST Project, ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT04318418 ) to retrospectively investigate the relationship between RAAS inhibitors and COVID−19 in-hospital mortality. We also carried out an updated meta-analysis on the relevant studies. Methods We analyzed 4069 unselected patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalized in 34 clinical centers in Italy from February 19, 2020 to May 23, 2020. The primary end-point in a time-to event analysis was in-hospital death, compar…

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Sex-Differences in the Pattern of Comorbidities, Functional Independence, and Mortality in Elderly Inpatients: Evidence from the RePoSI Register

Background: The RePoSi study has provided data on comorbidities, polypharmacy, and sex dimorphism in hospitalised elderly patients. Methods: We retrospectively analysed data collected from the 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 data sets of the RePoSi register. The aim of this study was to explore the sex-differences and to validate the multivariate model in the entire dataset with an expanded follow-up at 1 year. Results: Among 4714 patients, 51% were women and 49% were men. The disease distribution showed that diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, and malignancy were more frequent in men but that hypertension, anaemia, osteoarthritis, de…

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Common cardiovascular risk factors and in-hospital mortality in 3,894 patients with COVID-19: survival analysis and machine learning-based findings from the multicentre Italian CORIST Study.

Background and aims There is poor knowledge on characteristics, comorbidities and laboratory measures associated with risk for adverse outcomes and in-hospital mortality in European Countries. We aimed at identifying baseline characteristics predisposing COVID-19 patients to in-hospital death. Methods and results Retrospective observational study on 3894 patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection hospitalized from February 19th to May 23rd, 2020 and recruited in 30 clinical centres distributed throughout Italy. Machine learning (random forest)-based and Cox survival analysis. 61.7% of participants were men (median age 67 years), followed up for a median of 13 days. In-hospital mortality exhibited a…

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Lopinavir/ritonavir and darunavir/cobicistat in hospitalized covid-19 patients: Findings from the multicenter italian corist study

Background: Protease inhibitors have been considered as possible therapeutic agents for COVID-19 patients.Objectives: To describe the association between lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) or darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) use and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients.Study Design: Multicenter observational study of COVID-19 patients admitted in 33 Italian hospitals. Medications, preexisting conditions, clinical measures, and outcomes were extracted from medical records. Patients were retrospectively divided in three groups, according to use of LPV/r, DRV/c or none of them. Primary outcome in a time-to event analysis was death. We used Cox proportional-hazards models with inverse probability of…

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Pattern of comorbidities and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with COPD hospitalized in internal medicine wards: data from the RePoSI Registry

Currently, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) represents the fourth cause of death worldwide with significant economic burden. Comorbidities increase in number and severity with age and are identified as important determinants that influence the prognosis. In this observational study, we retrospectively analyzed data collected from the RePoSI register. We aimed to investigate comorbidities and outcomes in a cohort of hospitalized elderly patients with the clinical diagnosis of COPD. Socio-demographic, clinical characteristics and laboratory findings were considered. The association between variables and in-hospital, 3-month and 1-year follow-up were analyzed. Among 4696 in-patient…

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Prospective appraisal of the prevalence of primary aldosteronism in hypertensive patients presenting with atrial flutter or fibrillation (PAPPHY Study): rationale and study design

Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common endocrine form of hypertension and may carry an increased risk of atrial flutter or fibrillation (AFF). The primary goal of this multicentre cohort study is thus to prospectively establish the prevalence of PA in consecutive hypertensive patients referred for lone (non-valvular), paroxysmal or permanent AFF. Secondary objectives are to determine: (1) the predictors of AFF in patients with PA; (2) the rate of AFF recurrence at follow-up after specific treatment in the patients with PA; (3) the effect of AFF that can increase atrial natriuretic peptide via the atrial stretch and thereby blunt aldosterone secretion, on the aldosterone-to-renin rati…

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A subgroup analysis of the ODYSSEY APPRISE study: Safety and efficacy of alirocumab in the Italian cohort.

ODYSSEY APPRISE trial evaluated efficacy and safety of alirocumab in 994 patients with hypercholesterolemia and high CV risk in a real-life setting. The aim of the present report is to detail on the Italian cohort enrolled and treated in the trial.The methodology of the of the multinational, single-arm, Phase 3b open-label ODYSSEY APPRISE (Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT02476006) has been previously reported. 255 Italian patients were enrolled and treated according to the trial protocol. Overall mean exposure to alirocumab was 83.3 ± 27.7 weeks. At week 12, LDL-C decreased by 51.3 ± 23.1% and this reduction was overall maintained for the duration of the study. A similar reduction was observed in pa…

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Polypharmacy in older people: lessons from 10 years of experience with the REPOSI register

As a consequence of population aging, we have witnessed in internal medicine hospital wards a progressive shift from a population of in-patients relatively young and mainly affected by a single ailment to one of ever older and more and more complex patients with multiple chronic diseases, followed as out-patients by many different specialists with poor integration and inevitably treated with multiple medications. Polypharmacy (defined as the chronic intake of five or more drugs) is associated with increased risks of drug-drug interactions and related adverse effects, prescription and intake errors, poor compliance, re-hospitalization and mortality. With this background, the Italian Society …

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Disentangling the Association of Hydroxychloroquine Treatment with Mortality in Covid-19 Hospitalized Patients through Hierarchical Clustering

The efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in treating SARS-CoV-2 infection is harshly debated, with observational and experimental studies reporting contrasting results. To clarify the role of HCQ in Covid-19 patients, we carried out a retrospective observational study of 4,396 unselected patients hospitalized for Covid-19 in Italy (February–May 2020). Patients’ characteristics were collected at entry, including age, sex, obesity, smoking status, blood parameters, history of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and chronic pulmonary diseases, and medications in use. These were used to identify subtypes of patients with similar characteristics through hierarchical clustering based on Gower distan…

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Prevalence of use and appropriateness of antidepressants prescription in acutely hospitalized elderly patients.

Depression is often under-recognized in older patients, even if antidepressants (AD) are commonly prescribed, with a prevalence of use that increase with ageing [ 1 ]. Nevertheless, even if a diagnosis of depression is established, inappropriate treatment can occur [ 2 ]. Beers criteria are the most widely screening tools used to detect inappropriate prescription of drugs in people aged 65 years or more [ 3 ]. Since 2010, attempts to adapt the Beers' criteria have been made in Europe [ 4 , 5 ]. Tricyclic drugs are the ADs to be always avoided in the elderly, owing to their anticholinergic side effects, such as cognitive impairment, delirium, urinary retention and falls [ 3 ]. Selective sero…

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Familial hypercholesterolemia: The Italian Atherosclerosis Society Network (LIPIGEN)

Background and aims: Primary dyslipidemias are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal levels of circulating lipoproteins. Among them, familial hypercholesterolemia is the most common lipid disorder that predisposes for premature cardiovascular disease. We set up an Italian nationwide network aimed at facilitating the clinical and genetic diagnosis of genetic dyslipidemias named LIPIGEN (LIpid TransPort Disorders Italian GEnetic Network). Methods: Observational, multicenter, retrospective and prospective study involving about 40 Italian clinical centers. Genetic testing of the appropriate candidate genes at one of six molecular diagnostic laboratories serving as nationw…

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