Vladimir E. Martínez-bello

Altitude exposure in sports: the Athlete Biological Passport standpoint

The Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is principally founded on monitoring an athlete's biological variables over time, to identify abnormal biases on a longitudinal basis. Several factors are known to influence the results of these markers. However, the manner in which the altitude factor is taken into account still needs to be standardized. Causal relationships between haematological variables should be correctly integrated into ABP software. In particular, modifications of haematological parameters during and after exposure to different altitudes/hypoxic protocols need to be properly included within detection models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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An overview of doping in sports

The history of doping field can be outlined in three major stages: (1) early stage in which drug abuse took place during sports performance and competition and gas chromatography was used for its detection; (2) approximately in the 1970s when androgenic anabolic steroids were introduced; (3) In the recent era when the fields of biochemistry, physiology, toxicology, genomics, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology were integrated and applied routinely. Advanced omics technology and gene doping age may be applied in near future. This review will discuss commonly abused materials, both their adverse and harmful effects, and the alleged benefits in conjunction with the current standards in…

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Juegos de niñas y juegos de niños: Estudio sobre la representación del juego infantil a través del dibujo

Resumen:El objetivo del estudio consistió en describir la forma en que niños y niñas de primer ciclo de educación primaria representan el juego infantil a través del dibujo. La recolección de datos se realizó en dos sesiones separadas por una semana, acompañada de narraciones orales de los participantes para cada dibujo. Una vez transcritas las entrevistas se codificaron las categorías más importantes a saber: Tipo de juego, dominio de actividad física, edad, género, dimensión social y lugar. Los dibujos de niños representan actividades deportivas y competitivas en espacios al aire libre en compañía de niños. Por el contrario, los dibujos de niñas representan actividades sedentarias o de ba…

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La presencia de representaciones visuales de contenido religioso en la escuela pública constitucionalmente laica: un estudio exploratorio en aulas de educación infantil en Colombia

espanolUna de las manifestaciones que genera confusion en el marco de la relacion entre el Estado Laico, el principio de neutralidad y el ejercicio del derecho a la educacion, es la presencia de simbolos religiosos en la escuela publica. El objetivo del estudio es analizar, a traves de un sistema cuantitativo y cualitativo, la representacion de las figuras humanas con contenido religioso en diez aulas de educacion infantil de colegios publicos de una ciudad capital. En la mitad de colegios visitados existe presencia de figuras humanas con contenido religioso. Se observa una transformacion del discurso que sobrepasa la representacion del crucifijo. Los mensajes distorsionan el principio de n…

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Ecological correlates of Spanish preschoolers’ physical activity and sedentary behaviours during structured movement sessions

From an ecological perspective that understands health behaviours to be the result of interactions between personal, psychosocial and environmental factors, different authors have described patterns and correlations between physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviours (SB) in physical education (PE). However, to our knowledge there have been no systematic evaluations of the PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions in preschool children in Spain. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (a) to identify the individual, social and environmental factors that influence PA levels and patterns during structured movement sessions; (b) to assess PA and SB levels during these ses…

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The hybrid algorithm (Hbmr) to fight against blood doping in sports

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University experience of a tutorial action programme during the COVID-19 lockdown in teacher training at a Valencian University (Spain)

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is perceived as the worst modern-times pandemic. This entirely new health situation entailed a new challenge to the education system. To our knowledge, the impact of alternative teaching methods derived from the social distancing imposed by COVID-19 on university student perception in teacher education has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to analyse an educative experience developed in a Faculty of Teaching from March 2020 to July 2020 in order to overcome the challenge imposed by COVID-19. A qualitative approach was used for data collection and analysis using four information sources: (a) The final written documents developed by the worki…

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Analysis of gender, age and disability representation in music education textbooks: A research update

According to International and European Law, teachers are encouraged to analyse, challenge and to help to eliminate sexist stereotypes and distortions in curricular materials. We aimed to characterize and compare the efficacy of implementation of the gender equality-based approach in the Spanish educational system, through a content analysis of the illustrations in music education (ME) textbooks following a coding scheme constructed by the research team according to guidelines from previous studies about the depiction of women and girls in ME textbooks during two periods of Spanish democracy: before (1992–2005); and after (2006–2015). Our major findings were: (a) female characters were und…

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Blood rheology effect of submaximal exercise on young subjects

Nowadays cardiac and metabolic diseases are a matter of concern. Exercise is a valid treatment and method of prevention for not only adults, but also young subjects. Physical activity causes transient blood rheology impairment in adults. However little is known about the effects of exercise on blood flow characteristics in young subjects. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of a light aerobic exercise session on blood rheology in young subjects. Ten young subjects (aged 12-16 years) performed 1 hour of submaximal aerobic exercise (70% HRmax). Blood samples were drawn just before and after exercise. We determined blood and plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, erythrocyte deformability an…

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Current limitations of the Athlete's Biological Passport use in sports.

The Athletes Biological Passport (ABP) has received both criticisms and support during this year. In a recent issue of The Lancet, Michael Wozny considered that the use of the ABP makes it more difficult to take banned substances and that it was successfully used against the Italian elite cyclist Franco Pellizotti. After that, Italy's anti-doping tribunal considered that there was not enough evidence to prove manipulation of his own blood profile in Pellizotti's case. However, the UCI appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) that sanctioned Pellizotti with a suspension of 2 years. Since its implementation, some problems have emerged. From 2010 to date, a large number of reports …

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Desmopresssin and hemodilution: implications in doping.

Blood doping improves physical performance in sport. This is the reason why the antidop- ing authorities subject athletes to blood tests. Plasma volume expanders are prohibited agents used to reduce an artifi cial increase in hemato- logical values using diff erent illegal practices. The aim of our study was to test whether desmo- pressin (DDAVP)-induced hemodilution would alter the concentration of hematological param- eters used to detect blood doping in sports. This was an intra-subject crossover study. Venous blood samples were obtained from eight physi- cally active males on two occasions. On the fi rst o ccasion the subjects ingested 1.5 L of mineral water and 4.3 μ g / kg of DDAVP. O…

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Exercise acts as a drug; the pharmacological benefits of exercise

The beneficial effects of regular exercise for the promotion of health and cure of diseases have been clearly shown. In this review, we would like to postulate the idea that exercise can be considered as a drug. Exercise causes a myriad of beneficial effects for health, including the promotion of health and lifespan, and these are reviewed in the first section of this paper. Then we deal with the dosing of exercise. As with many drugs, dosing is extremely important to get the beneficial effects of exercise. To this end, the organism adapts to exercise. We review the molecular signalling pathways involved in these adaptations because understanding them is of great importance to be able to pr…

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Exercise as a Model to Study Oxidative Stress

Physical exercise generates free radicals. The major source of radicals in exercise appears to be extracellular. Our experiments show that xanthine oxidase is a key player in the generation of superoxide during exercise. Mitochondrial contribution appears to be less important: during high oxygen utilization by mitochondria in state 3, the proportion of oxygen that is converted to superoxide is on an order of magnitude lower than in resting, state 4 conditions. Exercise-induced radicals constitute a double-edged sword: high intensity ­exercise causes the generation of relatively high concentrations of radicals that cause oxidative stress and eventually damage. On the other hand, low intensit…

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The representation of athletes during Paralympic and Olympic Games: a Foucauldian analysis of the construction of difference in newspapers

Our first aim was to evaluate the representation of athletes in the top newspapers in a continental European country during two editions of the Paralympics and Olympics Games (London 2012 and Rio 2...

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Repeated muscle biopsies through a single skin incision do not elicit muscle signaling, but IL-6 mRNA and STAT3 phosphorylation increase in injured muscle

To determine if muscle biopsies can be repeated using a single small (5–6 mm) skin incision without inducing immediate MAPK activation or inflammation in the noninjured areas, the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, p38-MAPK, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNKs), IκBα, IKKα, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) was examined concurrent with IL-6 mRNA in six muscle biopsies obtained from the vastus lateralis of five men. Four biopsies were obtained through the same incision (5–6 mm) from the right leg (taken at 0, 30, 123, and 126 min) and another two each from new incisions performed in the left leg (at 31 and 120 min), while the subjects rested supine. The first three biopsie…

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Mitochondrial biogenesis in exercise and in ageing☆

Mitochondrial biogenesis is critical for the normal function of cells. It is well known that mitochondria are produced and eventually after normal functioning they are degraded. Thus, the actual level of mitochondria in cells is dependent both on the synthesis and the degradation. Ever since the proposal of the mitochondrial theory of ageing by Jaime Miquel in the 70's, it was appreciated that mitochondria, which are both a target and a source of radicals in cells, are most important organelles to understand ageing. Thus, a common feature between cell physiology of ageing and exercise is that in both situations mitochondria are critical for normal cell functioning. Mitochondrial synthesis i…

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Experiência universitária inovadora no ensino das habilidades motoras infantis: das salas de aulas da universidade às salas de aula de educação infantil

Resumen La relación entre universidad y aulas de Educación Infantil parece concentrarse durante el Prácticum, y queda en el olvido una posible interrelación del currículo universitario con la realidad educativa en otras oportunidades de la formación universitaria. El objetivo del estudio fue el análisis de la implementación de una experiencia innovadora en el grado de Maestra o Maestro en Educación Infantil, mediante la participación de docentes de Educación Infantil, estudiantes y profesorado universitario. El estudiantado universitario fue dotado de un corpus teórico relativo a las principales perspectivas curriculares sobre la motricidad infantil, en el marco de la asignatura Didáctica d…

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Different types of storage devices for blood transportation in the anti-doping field

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Neighborhood Built Environment and Socioeconomic Status are Associated with Active Commuting and Sedentary Behavior, but not with Leisure-Time Physical Activity, in University Students

The role of neighborhood characteristics in promoting physical activity and sedentary behaviors (SB) has not been extensively studied in university students. The study purpose was to analyze the associations of neighborhood built environment and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) with active commuting, leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), and SB among university students. This is a cross-sectional study of 308 undergraduate students from two urban universities in Valencia, Spain. Participants&rsquo

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Inhibition of Xanthine Oxidase by Allopurinol Prevents Skeletal Muscle Atrophy: Role of p38 MAPKinase and E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

International audience; Abstract Top Alterations in muscle play an important role in common diseases and conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated during hindlimb unloading due, at least in part, to the activation of xanthine oxidase (XO). The major aim of this study was to determine the mechanism by which XO activation causes unloading-induced muscle atrophy in ratsand its possible prevention by allopurinol, a well-known inhibitor of this enzyme. For this purpose we studied one of the main redox sensitive signalling cascades involved in skeletal muscle atrophy i.e. p38 MAPKinaseand the expression of two well known muscle specific E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in proteolysis, …

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Pharmacological properties of physical exercise in the elderly.

Scientific evidence links physical activity to several benefits. Recently, we proposed the idea that exercise can be regarded as a drug. As with many drugs, dosage is of great importance. However, to issue a public recommendation of physical activity in aging is not an easy task. Exercise in the elderly needs to be carefully tailored and individualized with the specific objectives of the person or group in mind. The beneficial effects of exercise in two of the main age-related diseases, sarcopenia and Alzheimer's Disease, are dealt with at the beginning of this report. Subsequently, dosage of exercise and the molecular signaling pathways involved in its adaptations are discussed. Exercise a…

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“Libros para niñas y libros para niños”: Presencia de estereotipos de género en una colección de libros para dibujar

<p>Los aprendizajes que se producen a partir de las propuestas imaginarias y simbólicas en los materiales didácticos pueden contener elementos sexistas. El objetivo del estudio consiste en determinar, a través de un análisis de contenido, si la colección de libros para dibujar <em>“Doodle para niñas”</em> y <em>“Doodle para niños”</em> representa roles estereotipados de género en sus imágenes y en el texto escrito. Tanto a nivel de representación gráfica como escrita, ambos libros utilizan roles estereotipados sobre todo en detrimento de la mujer. Aunque el sistema educativo español señala hace años un modelo igualitario para eliminar la discriminación, los ava…

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Representation of physical activity domains and sedentary behaviors across categories of gender and disability in children’s TV cartoons

Television (TV) cartoons could reflect and shape social values about children’s health-related behaviors. The main aim of this study is to analyze the portrayal of physical activity (PA) domains in the most popular Spanish children’s television (TV) cartoons. It is performed a content analysis of each scene following a coding scheme. The sample selected included the five most popular children’s TV cartoons for the 2013-2014 period in Spain. Our results show a large gap between the modest representation of different PA domains compared to the overwhelming depiction of sedentary behaviors. We do not find evidence of males and females participating equally in a variety of PA domains, and we fa…

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Health-related messages about physical activity promotion: an analysis of photographs on social networking sites of universities

ABSTRACTThe main aim of this study was to examine how different physical activity domains are represented on the official social media sites of Spanish universities, through a content analysis of the photographs. Our results show that the representation of different physical activity domains is not balanced. While the analysed images do promote a message of gender equality in sedentary and leisure time physical activity behaviour, pictures illustrating active commuting and disabled groups were under-represented. We conclude that Internet-based physical activity promotion in university settings must to be guided by the principles of ‘health-promoting universities’ in the sense of promoting a…

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Active commuting to school among preschool-aged children and its barriers: An exploratory study in collaboration with parents

Abstract Introduction Active commuting to school (ACS) contributes to children's overall physical activity levels, providing multiple health benefits. However, studies analyzing the modes of transport used among children of preschool age (3–5 years), as well as which factors affect ACS, are scant. Methods We performed a mixed-method study, initially taking a qualitative approach in collaboration with parents of preschool-aged children (i.e., focus groups), to identify their usual modes of commuting to school with their offspring. Following this, we asked parents, through a questionnaire, about the modes of transport to school they use with their children, as well as the weekly use-frequency…

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Ecological correlates of Spanish preschoolers’ physical activity during school recess

Early childhood education (ECE) institutions may be one place for young children to obtain a significant proportion of their daily physical activity (PA). Even though young children are generally considered to be very active, and recess time is considered an important environmental factor for promoting PA, evidence suggests that young children spend most recess time participating in sedentary activities. To our knowledge there have been no systematic evaluations of the PA levels and patterns during recess time in Spanish preschool children. Therefore, the aims of this study were threefold: (a) to analyse the PA patterns and sedentary behaviour during recess time in outdoor ECE environments…

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Anemia, heart failure and exercise training

We read with interest the recent article by Wang et al. in which theauthors evaluated in anemic patients with heart failure whether exer-tionalperiodicbreathing influences rheological/hemodynamicfunctions[1]. For this purpose, the authors performed an incremental exercisetestusing a bicycle ergometer. In this regard, it has been generally assumedby some researchers, exercise physiologists and scientists that the incre-ment in blood hemoglobin (Hb) content is among the main hematolog-ical adaptations to endurance exercise training. This misconception isbased in the data published in diffe rent studies carried out severalyearsago [2].Inarecentmanuscript byBakeretal. [3],theauthorsdem-onstrated…

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Alternate methods to prevent protease use as a masking agent in sport.

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Pervivencia de estereotipos de género en las imágenes de los libros de texto de música españoles

Resumen Los libros de texto musicales, en España, han intentado recoger los cambios legislativos promovidos gubernamentalmente, así como las diferencias en el tratamiento del género, mediante la representación de la mujer como instrumentista. El libro de texto de Música se convierte en una herramienta de difusión de estereotipos que pueden haber perdido vigencia en el mundo musical, pero que no terminan de interiorizarse debido al impacto de la imagen estereotipada publicada. Se han analizado 2.414 imágenes de 47 libros de texto de Música de Educación Primaria de distintas editoriales españolas para la Comunidad Valenciana con el objetivo de mostrar la evolución y presencia de la mujer como…

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Importance of music for and in the training of the physiotherapist

espanolResumen Introduccion: son muchos los especialistas de Ciencias de la Salud que han demostrado lo interesante y significativo de utilizar la Musica en sus tratamientos terapeuticos. No obstante, en Espana, solo una universidad publica cuenta con formacion musical para capacitarlos en su utilizacion. Objetivo: esta investigacion intento demostrar la necesidad de formacion musical desde el Grado de Fisioterapia, a traves de propuestas de Movimiento con Musica desde la perspectiva dalcroziana. Materiales y metodos: se realizaron una serie de practicas de concienciacion corporal con Musica, atendiendo al trabajo de distintos elementos musicales y partiendo de las propuestas de Jaques-Dalc…

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Youth perceptions of violence against women through a sexist chant in the football stadium: an exploratory analysis

Gender-based violence and violence against women (VAW) refers to any violation of fundamental rights. However, some forms of VAW are viewed as unproblematic, acceptable and deserved. Taking into account that sexist chants in football stadiums reinforce VAW, the purpose of the study is to determine how a group of adolescents can normalize or challenge an example of sexist chants. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted and the participants were asked to discuss to what extent the actions could be considered as gender-based violence. Most of the youth were highly unconscious of the sexist nature of the video and only a few recognized it as gender-based violence. Such awareness i…

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Free [NADH]/[NAD+] regulates sirtuin expression

Sirtuins are deacetylases involved in metabolic regulation and longevity. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that they are subjected to redox regulation by the [NADH]/[NAD(+)] ratio. We used NIH3T3 fibroblasts in culture, Drosophila fed with or without ethanol and exercising rats. In all three models an increase in [NADH]/[NAD(+)] came up with an increased expression of sirtuin mRNA and protein. PGC-1α (a substrate of sirtuins) protein level was significantly increased in fibroblasts incubated with lactate and pyruvate but this effect was lost in fibroblasts obtained from sirtuin-deficient mice. We conclude that the expression of sirtuins is subject to tight redox regulation by the [NADH]/[…

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Barriers and Facilitators to Toddlers' Physical Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as Perceived by Teachers, Principals and Parents: A Challenge for the Early Childhood Educational Environments.

The aim of our study was to explore the barriers and facilitators that teachers, principals, and parents face when adapting to COVID-19 pandemic scenario in terms of promoting toddlers’ physical activity (PA). Thirty-four (20 teachers and principals, and 14 parents) semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted from October 2020 to March 2021. The socioecological model has enabled the identification of barriers and facilitators, some of which are related to the pandemic and others which are not. The main results suggest that upon reopening the ECEC institutions, regarding environmental barriers, educators mentioned the impact on the use of space, and parents, the modification of dai…

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Rapid hemodilution induced by desmopressin after erythropoietin administration in humans

We have shown that treatment with desmopressin has a very effective hemodilution effect in healthy humans. These results led us to suggest the possible role of desmopressin to mask blood doping in sports. Based on our results, the World Anti-Doping Agency included the desmopressin in the 2011 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. On this occasion, the aim of our study was to test the desmopressin-induced hemodilution after rHuEpo administration in humans. This was an intra-subject, crossover study in which five physically active males acted as their own controls. A basal blood sample was taken on their first visit to the laboratory. The next day, the subjects began the treatment. They …

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Bodies in the early childhood education classroom: a Bourdieusian analysis of curricular materials

To our knowledge, no studies have used Bourdieu's theoretical contributions to frame investigations on how early childhood education (ECE) teaching materials construct body differences in a way that justifies gender inequality. For Bourdieu, the power to classify and grant properties and signs to subjects, does not reside only in the power to impose, but also in the degree to which the vision is anchored within reality. Therefore, the aims of this study is to assess the representation of the body in the curricular materials of ECE classrooms in 10 public centers, by means of quantitative content analysis and to provide, using Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework on the construction of th…

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Erythropoietin and Myocardial Infarction

Erythropoietin (EPO) has the potential to improve ischemic tissue by mobilizing endothelial progenitor cells and enhancing neovascularization. We hypothesized that combining EPO with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) would improve post–myocardial infarction (MI) effects synergistically.

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Representation of bodies with and without disabilities in secondary school physical education textbooks

The main aim of our study was to analyse, through a content analysis of the photographs, how bodies with and without disabilities are represented in secondary Spanish physical education (PE) textbo...

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Physical Activity and Motor Competence in Preschool Children

Longitudinal evidence has demonstrated that engagement in physical activity (PA) and the development of motor competence (MC) have numerous tangible health and developmental benefits [...]

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Vitamin C supplementation does not improve hypoxia-induced erythropoiesis.

Martinez-Bello,Vladimir E., Fabian Sanchis-Gomar, Daniel Martinez-Bello, Gloria Olaso-Gonzalez, Mari Carmen Gomez-Cabrera, and Jose Viña. Vitamin C Supplementation Does Not Improve Hypoxia-Induced Erythropoiesis. High Alt Med Biol 13:269–274, 2012.—Hypoxia induces reactive oxygen species production. Supplements with antioxidant mixtures can compensate for the decline in red cell membrane stability following intermittent hypobaric hypoxia by decreasing protein and lipid oxidation. We aimed to determine whether supplementation with vitamin C is implicated in the regulation of erythropoiesis and in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and also whether antioxidant supplementation prevents…

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The Role of Preschool Hours in Achieving Physical Activity Recommendations for Preschoolers

Research on physical activity (PA) in different educational settings could elucidate which interventions promote a healthy school lifestyle in early childhood education (ECE). The aims of this study were: (a) to analyse the PA levels of preschoolers during school hours, as well as the rate of compliance with specific recommendations on total PA (TPA) and moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA)

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Tutorial Action in Small Groups: An Educational Experience With University Students

Resumen:En el presente estudio se plantean tres objetivos. El primero, describir las principales características de un programa de acción tutorial desarrollado en una asignatura de una facultad de formación de profesorado. El segundo, determinar la valoración del grado de importancia que el estudiantado otorga a un grupo de competencias transversales y el grado de conocimiento sobre aspectos relacionados con la metodología de investigación durante el proceso de acción tutorial. El tercero, discutir el papel que juega la acción tutorial en la formación universitaria dentro del nuevo espacio europeo de educación superior. La experiencia se desarrolló en el curso académico 2014-2015. Participa…

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Enhancing young children's movement experiences through a colouring activity pages: individualised ad hoc colouring materials can make a difference

Young children’s colouring activities are an educational resource, providing an opportunity for children to express their feelings about the people and objects in their lives. To our knowledge, no ...

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PPARgamma agonist pioglitazone does not enhance performance in mice

Peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) delta and adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinases (AMPKs) regulate the metabolic and contractile characteristics of myofibres. PPAR proteins are nuclear receptors that function as transcription factors and regulate the expression of multiple genes. AMPK has been described as a master metabolic regulator which also controls gene expression through the direct phosphorylation of some nuclear proteins. Since it was discovered that both PPARdelta agonists (GW1516) and AMPK activators (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside, known as AICAR) are very effective performance-enhancing substances in sedentary mice, the Worl…

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Bodies displayed on walls: are children’s bodies represented in an inclusive way in the pictures on the walls in their early childhood educational environments?

AbstractThe messages conveyed by visual representations in the early childhood education (ECE) environment are critical to ensuring the success of inclusive practices. Given that anti-bias education permeates and affects everything which takes place in ECE institutions, the challenge for early childhood educators is to think creatively about how classroom walls can be used effectively as part of an educational environment rather than for purely decorative purposes. Our research aimed to examine, through a content analysis of the illustrations, the representation of the body taking into account the different categories as they are portrayed on nine different ECE classroom walls in Spanish pu…

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Effects of acute exercise and xanthine oxidase inhibition on novel cardiovascular biomarkers.

Several sports have been associated with a postexercise increase of cardiac, liver, and skeletal muscle biomarkers of injury. Exhaustive or acute physical exercise causes an increased generation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in cellular injury. Thus, exercise and training may trigger pathophysiological changes in serum concentrations of a variety of biomarkers. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the variation of novel biomarkers of stress and cardiovascular disease such as copeptin, midregional part of proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM), growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, and placental growth factor along with uric acid before …

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