Katariina Salmela-aro

Gaming is related to enhanced working memory performance and task-related cortical activity

Gaming experience has been suggested to lead to performance enhancements in a wide variety of working memory tasks. Previous studies have, however, mostly focused on adult expert gamers and have not included measurements of both behavioral performance and brain activity. In the current study, 167 adolescents and young adults (aged 13–24 years) with different amounts of gaming experience performed an n-back working memory task with vowels, with the sensory modality of the vowel stream switching between audition and vision at random intervals. We studied the relationship between self-reported daily gaming activity, working memory (n-back) task performance and related brain activity measured u…

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Co-Development of Educational Aspirations and Academic Burnout from Adolescence to Adulthood in Finland

The study followed 871 participants from age 17 to 25. Resources were related to lower cynical attitude towards studying and feelings of inadequacy, whereas demands were related to all three components of academic burnout. Family resources predicted higher educational aspirations. Co-development between educational aspirations and academic burnout showed that among those on the vocational track, the more exhaustion they felt, the higher their aspirations, which again increased their exhaustion. Among those on the academic track, the less cynicism they felt, the higher their aspirations which again decreased their cynicism. High aspirations positively and cynicism negatively predicted educat…

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Sixth Graders’ Use of Technologies in Learning, Technology Attitudes and School Well-Being

1.IntroductionAlthough the Finnish educational system has gotten plenty of global attention as one of the best in the world (Sahlberg, 2014), it still faces many challenges (EU Parliament, 2015). For instance, the PISA results are diminishing, especially in rural areas and among boys (OECD, 2013). Even worse, Finnish adolescents were ranked very low on their liking for school (OECD, 2013). Consequently, reforms in teacher education and school have been suggested by emphasizing 21st Century skills, student-activating methods, inquiry-, project-, problem- and phenomenon-based learning (EU Parliament, 2015).The new national core curriculum also emphasizes on using digital technologies in schoo…

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Developmental Psychologists’ Perspective on Pathways Through School and Beyond

This chapter applies sequence analysis—a method rarely applied by psychologists—to examine the transitional pathways of young people through the Finnish education system from a developmental psychologists’ perspective. Our aims were threefold: First, to identify typical pathways; second, to investigate whether psychological resources, operationalized as career goal appraisal, predict a certain educational trajectory; and, third, to examine the extent to which career goal appraisal shows differential change among young people on different educational pathways. Data analyses were based on the FinEdu study, in which N = 611 Finnish students were followed from age 16 (end of comprehensive schoo…

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Safety self-efficacy and internal locus of control as mediators of safety motivation – Randomized controlled trial (RCT) study

Abstract Behavioral factors play a fundamental role in preventing occupational injuries and accidents. Previous studies have shown that engagement in safety behavior is influenced by workers’ safety motivation. However, understanding of the cognitive factors that contribute to safety motivation is lacking. In this study, we examine internal safety locus of control and safety self-efficacy as mediators of the effects of a safety intervention on safety motivation. In 2016, 464 students from eight vocational schools participated in a school-based cluster randomized, controlled intervention study conducted in Finland. In the multiple mediation model investigated using structural equation modeli…

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Goal Construction, Reconstruction and Depressive Symptoms in a Life-Span Context: The Transition From School to Work

This study focused on investigating the kinds of personal goals young adults have when they are faced with the transition from school to work; the extent to which they reconstruct these goals as a consequence of their success in dealing with this transition; and how their goals influence their depressive symptoms. In order to investigate these research questions, 250 young adults who were facing a transition from school to work were studied at three points of the transition process: while they were still at school; 8 months after their graduation; and 1.5 years after it. At each measurement point, they were asked to complete the Personal Project Analysis, a revised form of Beck's Depression…

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Career and Romantic Relationship Goals and Concerns During Emerging Adulthood

This study examined emerging adults’ personal goals and concerns in the domains of career (including education, work, and financial issues) and romantic relationship. A particular focus was on goal and concern hierarchies, that is, individuals’ profiles of goals and concerns. A total of 1,052 Finnish emerging adults (63% female) were followed at ages 20 and 23. Latent class analyses yielded goal and concern profiles that were primarily related to career, whereas romantic relationships were less central in individuals’ goal and concern hierarchies. Career and romantic relationship goals and concerns were associated with life status in these domains, especially prioritizing career goals and …

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Subjective financial situation and financial capability of young adults in Finland

A key developmental task in young adulthood is acquiring financial capability (Serido, Shim, & Tang, 2013), meaning competent financial management skills and the responsibilities that these involve. This study extends previous research on the theoretical model of the development of financial capability, including financial confidence (or financial self-efficacy) and financial behavior as factors contributing to subjective and financial well-being. It is part of the Finnish Educational Transitions Studies (FinEdu) longitudinal research project. Participants were 418 young adults aged 24–25 at Time 1 and 26–27 at Time 2. Path and mediation models and Structural Equation Modeling followin…

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The Co-developmental Dynamic of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes : The Role of Achievement Goals

Student‐athletes who strive for success in high‐level sports while pursuing upper secondary education may be prone to sport and school burnout. This study examined the co‐developmental dynamic of sport and school burnout in Finnish adolescent student‐athletes (Ntime 1 = 391; Ntime 2 = 373) across the first year of upper secondary school using cross‐lagged structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, we used sport and school‐related achievement goals as predictors of sport and school burnout, namely sport and school‐related exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy. The results showed that burnout dimensions in a particular domain were substantially stable within the same domain d…

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Trajectories of life satisfaction and the financial situation in the transition to adulthood

The aims of this study were (1) to investigate  young adults’ life satisfaction changes during the transition to adulthood, (2) to identify possible life satisfaction developmental trajectories during the transition, and (3) to examine how individuals’ agency and personal financial situations are related to the identified life satisfaction trajectories in the contexts of life-span and life course theories of development. The present study is part of the longitudinal Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) study, in which a total of 372 (278 female and 94 male) young adults filled in questionnaires at four measurement points, that is, twice before (at 18 and 19 years of age) and twice after…

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Optimistic, Approach‐oriented, and Avoidance Strategies in Social Situations: Three Studies on Loneliness and Peer Relationships

The aim of the three studies was to examine the extent to which the cognitive and behavioural strategies young adults apply in social situations are associated with their subsequent feelings of loneliness, their peer relationships, and social behaviour. In Study 1, 303 young adults first filled in the Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire (SAQ) and, 1 year later, the revised UCLA Loneliness scale. In Study 2, 71 young adults filled in first the SAQ and, 4 months later, the UCLA Loneliness scale and a sociometric questionnaire measuring popularity and unpopularity. In Study 3, 35 young adults who had participated in Study 1 were rated by student tutors according to their social behaviour in…

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Career goal-related social ties during two educational transitions: Antecedents and consequences

Abstract This study examined adolescents’ career goal-related social ties during the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education and during transition from post-compulsory education to working-life or further studies. A total of 687 Finnish adolescents aged 15–16 were surveyed of whom 654 also participated at the second measurement point one year later, and 497 three years later. Differences in career goal-related social ties were found according to gender, GPA, family structure, and SES. Moreover, social ties were associated with educational track after compulsory school above and beyond SES, GPA, and family structure. Adolescents who named a teacher or a romantic partner were …

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Adolescents' future education-related personal goals, concerns, and internal motivation during the “Towards Working Life” group intervention

For adolescents, the transition from comprehensive school to post-comprehensive education is one of the most important in this life phase. Future education-related personal goals, concerns, and related internal motivation are assumed to play key roles in a successful transition. The “Towards Working Life” group method was developed, among other objectives, to enhance internal motivation towards education-related goals, and to increase the number of personal goals and concerns related to future education. A total of 1034 ninth graders from comprehensive school were randomized into 25 intervention groups and control groups. A week-long group intervention, which took place at school, showed th…

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Couples share similar changes in depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction anticipating the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a demanding family life situation. This longitudinal study investigated to what extent spouses' depressive symptoms and marital dissatisfaction associated with pregnancy and childbirth (and their changes over time) were characteristic of the spousal relationship and/or the individual spouses. Pregnant women (N= 320) and their spouses (N = 259) were examined twice before and twice following childbirth. Results indicated that changes in depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction during pregnancy were characteristic of the spousal relationship, whereas changes after birth were characteristic of both the relationship and the individual spouses. Couples with initially …

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Gendered Pathways Toward STEM Careers: The Incremental Roles of Work Value Profiles Above Academic Task Values.

Drawing on Eccles’ expectancy-value model of achievement-related choices, we examined how work values predict individual and gender differences in sciences, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) participations in early adulthood (ages of 25/27, 6 or 8 years after postsecondary school), controlling for subjective task values attached to academic subjects in late adolescence (11th grade, age 18). The study examined 1,259 Finnish participants using a person-oriented approach. Results showed that: (a) we could identify four profile groups based on five core work values (society, family, monetary, career prospects, and working with people); (b) work-value profiles predicted young adults actua…

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Goal conflict and facilitation as predictors of work–family satisfaction and engagement

Abstract In a study of working adults (N = 131; Mean age = 43.52 yrs; 62 males) in Germany and Finland, the mean level of goal facilitation was found to be significantly higher than that of goal interference. Hence, many individuals seem to be rather successful in constructing a personal goal system that is functional in terms of supportive links. As hypothesized, goal conflict and facilitation were associated with work-related outcomes, especially with work satisfaction. The associations with family-related outcomes were less pronounced when the focus was exclusively on either supportive or interfering goal relationships. However, when the intraindividual relation between goal conflict and…

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Pressure to drink but not to smoke: Disentangling selection and socialization in adolescent peer networks and peer groups

Contains fulltext : 90699.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) This paper examined the relative influence of selection and socialization on alcohol and tobacco use in adolescent peer networks and peer groups. The sample included 1419 Finnish secondary education students (690 males and 729 females, mean age 16 years at the outset) from nine schools. Participants identified three school friends and described their alcohol and tobacco use on two occasions one year apart. Actor-based models simultaneously examined changes in peer network ties and changes in individual behaviors for all participants within each school. Multi-level analyses examined changes in individual behaviors for adole…

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The role of work-related personal projects during two burnout interventions: a longitudinal study

Burnout is nowadays a common problem among employees, and a new approach to reduce its extent is needed. This study looked at burnout interventions in terms of personal goals and/or projects. These represent what individuals are striving to achieve, and include work-related goals. Our aim was to examine the extent to which two kinds of burnout intervention, in the form of different types of psychotherapy, influence employees’ personal projects. The two types of therapy were psychoanalytic and experiential, both in the form of group therapy. To determine the extent, 62 employees who had contacted the Helsinki Occupational Health Services suffering from severe burnout participated, in the cou…

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Work values and the transition to work life: A longitudinal study

Abstract Research on career development has shown that work values play a key motivational role in job selection and career development. In the context of the current economic crisis, it is of particular relevance to examine the role of work values for employment in the transition from school to work. This longitudinal study examined the role of intrinsic (perceived importance of having a job that is interesting and matches one's own competences), rewards (having a good salary and high chance for promotion), and security (having a stable job) work values on subsequent employment status and person–job fit (how an individual's job matches one's own characteristics such as education and job pr…

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Goal Importance and Related Achievement Beliefs and Emotions during the Transition from Vocational School to Work: Antecedents and Consequences

Abstract This study investigated the extent to which the appraisal of work-related goals in terms of their importance, level of achievement, and positive emotions would predict young adults' subsequent success in finding a job after graduation from vocational school and the extent to which their success in dealing with this transition would predict how they reappraise their goals later on. Two hundred fifty young adults who were facing a transition from vocational school to work were studied at three points: while they were still at school, 8 months after their graduation, and 1 1 2 years after graduation. They completed the revised Personal Project Analysis inventory, focusing on work-rela…

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Peer group homogeneity in adolescents' school adjustment varies according to peer group type and gender

This study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups are similar in terms of their school adjustment and whether this homogeneity varies according to peer group type and gender. A total of 1262 peer group members who had recently moved to post-comprehensive education filled in questionnaires measuring their academic achievement, satisfaction with their educational track, school engagement, and school burnout. They also gave positive peer nominations on the basis of which 360 peer groups were identified and categorized as cliques, loose groups, and isolate dyads. The results showed that the members of adolescents' peer groups particularly resembled each other in terms of …

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The Co-developmental Dynamic of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes : The Role of Achievement Goals

Student-athletes who strive for success in high-level sports while pursuing upper secondary education may be prone to sport and school burnout. This study examined the co-developmental dynamic of sport and school burnout in Finnish adolescent student-athletes (Ntime 1  = 391; Ntime 2  = 373) across the first year of upper secondary school using cross-lagged structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, we used sport and school-related achievement goals as predictors of sport and school burnout, namely sport and school-related exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy. The results showed that burnout dimensions in a particular domain were substantially stable within the same domain…

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Personal goals and personality traits among young adults: Genetic and environmental effects

To assess genetic and environmental contributions to personal goals, 1279 twins aged 20-26 filled in Personal Project Analysis and NEO-FFI inventories. Personal goals relating to education, the respondent's own family, friends, property, travel and self showed primarily genetic and unique environmental effects, whereas goals related to parents and relatives showed both shared and unique environmental effects. The variation in goals related to health, work, hobbies and life philosophy was attributable to non-shared environmental effects. Openness to experience and personal goals related to family, education and property shared a significant amount of genetic influence. The same was true for …

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Mapping pathways to adulthood among Finnish university students: Sequences, patterns and variations of family- and work-related roles

Abstract The present follow-up study examined the sequences, patterns, and variations in family- and work-related roles during the transition to adulthood among university students. Our aim was to identify typologies of transitional pathways to adulthood across their education, employment, residence, partnership/parenthood histories. The subjects were 182 first-year Finnish university students (mean age = 21) who were followed for 18 years. The Life History Calendar was used to collect data on their education, employment, residence, and partnership/parenthood histories. We also investigated the participants’ background variables (gender, age, parents’ education, school grades) and their lif…

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Finnish Students’ Engagement in Science Lessons

The decreasing number of students who are engaged in science learning has been recognised as a problem. The pre-conditions of engagement and actual engagement were examined using a novel research method to obtain detailed information on Finnish students’ engagement in different situations and to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon. The study’s participants consisted of 68 students (31 girls, 37 boys) from 9th grade and 67 students (46 girls, 21 boys) from 1st grade in upper secondary school. The research aimed to answer the following question: How does Finnish students’ engagement occur in exact and life science lessons? Participants received smartphones equipped with a smartphon…

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Peer group influence and selection in adolescents' school burnout : A longitudinal study

The present study investigated the extent to which peer group similarity in school burnout is due to peer group influence and the extent to which it is due to peer group selection. Moreover, the roles of academic achievement and gender in school burnout were examined. A total of 611 ninth graders were examined at the beginning of the final term of comprehensive school, and 614 were examined at the end of the final term. The results of the Multilevel Latent Growth Modeling showed that peer group influence was responsible for peer group similarity, but no evidence was found for peer group selection. The results showed further that high academic achievement protected group members against an i…

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Self-esteem during university studies predicts career characteristics 10 years later

Abstract To examine how self-esteem measured during university studies would impact on the characteristics of the work career 10 years later, 297 university students completed the Rosenberg’s self-esteem inventory four times while at university and various career-related questionnaires 10 years later. Latent Growth Curve Modeling showed that a high overall level of self-esteem predicted being in permanent employment 10 years later, having a high salary, and reporting a high level of work engagement, and job satisfaction, and a low level of burnout. By contrast, low self-esteem predicted unemployment, feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and reduced accomplishment at work, and low levels of work…

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The Role of Task Values in Adolescents' Educational Tracks: A Person-Oriented Approach

The present study examined what kinds of patterns of task-values adolescents show, and whether these patterns predict their educational and occupational expectations and school track. Six hundred and fourteen adolescents were examined twice before their transition to secondary education and once thereafter. The clustering-by-cases analyses identified 6 groups: (1) those who placed a high value on all school subjects, (2) those who did not value any of the subjects, (3) those who valued Finnish and social sciences, (4) those who valued in particular practical and art subjects, (5) those who valued only practical and art subjects, and (6) those who especially valued mathematics and science. T…

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Personal goals and well-being: How do young people navigate their lives?

This chapter examines development through different life transitions, such as educational transitions and transition to parenthood during adolescence to adulthood in the context of the life-span model of personal goals. According to the life-span model of motivation, four key mechanisms—channeling, choice, co-regulation, and compensation—play a key role in how young people navigate their life. The aim is to describe how the conceptualized key factors are helpful in understanding the changes from adolescence to emerging adulthood and later in the life course and related well-being. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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Academic expectations and well-being from school to work during the economic downturn

Academic well-being and expectations change in educational transitions during economic downturn.

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Personality types during transition to young adulthood: how are they related to life situation and well-being?

Abstract The present longitudinal study examined personality types, their change, and their relations with life outcomes and well-being in a sample of young Finns ( N  = 493) that was followed from age 15 to 23. The Big Five traits were measured at ages 20 and 23, and four personality types – Resilients, Overcontrollers, Anti-Resilients, and “Averages” – emerged at both time points. Those with higher initial well-being were more likely to be later classified as Resilients, whereas those with low and decreasing well-being were more likely to be classified as Anti-Resilients. At age 23, Anti-Resilients were less likely to have reached normative educational goals than others, and more likely t…

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Social strategies during university studies predict early career work burnout and engagement: 18-year longitudinal study

Abstract This longitudinal study spanning 18 years examined the role of social strategies in early career adaptation. The aim was to find out whether individuals' social strategies measured during their university studies had an impact on work burnout and work engagement measured 10–18 years later. A sample of 292 university students completed the SAQ questionnaire three times while at university and the work burnout inventory three times and the work engagement inventory twice during their early career. According to the results, the higher the initial level of social optimism and the more it increased during university studies, and the lower the initial levels of social withdrawal and soci…

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Career goal-related success expectations across two educational transitions: A seven-year longitudinal study

The purpose of this seven-year longitudinal study was to examine the trajectories of adolescents' career goal-related success expectations during two educational transitions. Altogether 850 (48% female, M Age = 16) participants reported their success expectations for their career-related goals, first in the last year of comprehensive school and four times during the following seven years. Overall, the success expectations showed a significant increase. However, there was considerable heterogeneity in the development of these expectations. Growth Mixture Modeling showed that four trajectories fitted the data best: high-increasing (78%), low-increasing (9%), decreasing (6%) and U-shaped (7%).…

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Is Depression Contagious? A Test of Alternative Peer Socialization Mechanisms of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Peer Networks

Item does not contain fulltext Purpose: This study examined the role of two different types of peer socialization (convergence, contagion) in adolescents' depression, adjusting for the effects of peer selection and deselection. Methods: The sample used in this study comprised 949 Finnish adolescents (56% females; mean age: 16 years at the outset) attending classrooms in eight secondary schools. Participants identified three school peers and reported depressive symptoms twice, 1 year apart. Sociometric and behavioral data were analyzed using dynamic social network analysis. Results: Adolescents initiated relationships with peers who reported similar levels of depression before initiation of …

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Media multitasking is associated with distractibility and increased prefrontal activity in adolescents and young adults.

The current generation of young people indulges in more media multitasking behavior (e.g., instant messaging while watching videos) in their everyday lives than older generations. Concerns have been raised about how this might affect their attentional functioning, as previous studies have indicated that extensive mediamultitasking in everyday life may be associated with decreased attentional control. In the current study, 149 adolescents and young adults (aged 13-24 years) performed speech-listening and reading tasks that required maintaining attention in the presence of distractor stimuli in the othermodality or dividing attention between two concurrent tasks. Brain activity during task pe…

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The development of work values during the transition to adulthood: A two-country study

Abstract This study addresses the development of work values—the desired characteristics of one's current or future job—during young adulthood. Using two panel studies from Germany ( N  = 2506) and Finland ( N  = 1326), we investigated (a) mean-level and rank-order change and stability in work values across three biennial waves (age 20/21 to age 25/26); and (b) the influence of stable background characteristics as well as of major transitions in family and work roles on inter-individual differences and intra-individual changes in work values. Latent measurement models with three work value dimensions showed good fit in both countries: extrinsic (importance of job security and material rewar…

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Associations between Adolescents’ Interpersonal Relationships, School Well-being, and Academic Achievement during Educational Transitions

AbstractA youth’s ability to adapt during educational transitions has long-term, positive impacts on their academic achievement and mental health. Although supportive relationships with parents, peers, and teachers are protective factors associated with successful educational transitions, little is known about the reciprocal link between the quality of these interpersonal relationships and school well-being, with even less known about how these two constructs affect academic achievement. This longitudinal study examined how the quality of interpersonal relationships and school well-being worked together to affect academic achievement during the transition from primary school to lower second…

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Confidence in work-related goals and feelings of exhaustion during a therapeutic intervention for burnout: A time-series approach

This study investigated recursive relations between confidence in achieving work-related goals and work exhaustion among employees who participated in an intervention to reduce their burnout. Thirty-six employees of age 33-59 years suffering from severe burnout (28 females and 8 males) filled in burnout and well-being measures before and after a 10-month therapeutic intervention. They also filled in weekly measures of confidence in work-related goals (progress and capability) and work exhaustion throughout the intervention, as well as 4 weeks before and 4 weeks afterwards. Intra-individual variation was modelled using dynamic factor analyses. The results showed that, for most participants, …

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Personal Goals of Older Female Twins

This study examined genetic and environmental influences on older women’s personal goals by using data from the Finnish Twin Study on Aging. The interview for the personal goals was completed by 67 monozygotic (MZ) pairs and 75 dizygotic (DZ) pairs. The tetrachoric correlations for personal goals related to health and functioning, close relationships, and independent living were higher in MZ than DZ twins, indicating possible genetic influence. The pattern of tetrachoric correlations for personal goals related to cultural activities, care of others, and physical exercise indicated environmental influence. For goals concerning health and functioning, independent living, and close relationsh…

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School Engagement and Burnout Among Students: Preparing for Work Life

This chapter conceptualizes the process of school burnout, dropout and school engagement in the context of the school demands-resources model, analogous to the job demands-resources model applied in the work and health research area. Dropout from school could be viewed as one of the consequences of the burnout process. Applying the same conceptual models to both sides of the school-to-work transition brings these two areas of life closer to each other and facilitates research on this major transition. This chapter also reviews the longitudinal research on school engagement, burnout and dropout from educational careers and describes the consequences of different experiences of young people i…

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Changes in emotions and personal goals in primiparous pregnant women during group intervention for fear of childbirth

The changes in emotions, subjective fear of childbirth, and personal goals were examined during a group intervention to treat fear of childbirth (FOC). The objective was to gain a more detailed understanding of the changes occurring during the group intervention of FOC. The changes in emotions, subjective FOC, and personal goals were studied in primiparous pregnant women with severe FOC participating in a group intervention (n = 105). The group intervention contained six sessions during pregnancy and one after childbirth. At every session, the participants filled in a questionnaire regarding their experiences of current positive and negative emotions and the subjective FOC. The participants…

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Employees' motivational orientation and well‐being at work

This study utilises a person‐oriented view to examine what kind of motivational orientations employees have, and how they contribute to their well‐being. Two separate studies were carried out. A total of 286 white‐collar workers employed in a public sector educational institution in a middle‐sized town in Central Finland participated in the first study (116 men and 170 women). All the participants filled in Little's Personal Project Analysis and burnout inventory, a work ability index, Beck's Depression and Diener's Satisfaction with life scales. Analysis of the results found four motivational orientations, work‐, self‐, hobby‐ and health‐orientations among the employees. The work‐orientati…

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Parents' work burnout and adolescents' school burnout: Are they shared?

There is considerable evidence that psychological distress not only has consequences for those who experience it but also can create problems for other members of the distressed person's family. To examine whether parents' work burnout and their children's school burnout are shared in the family, 515 adolescents (median age = 15) completed scales for school burnout and 595 of their parents (342 mothers, 253 fathers) completed scales for work burnout and their economic situation. The intraclass correlations showed that parents' work burnout and adolescents' school burnout was shared in the family. In addition, the better the economic situation the parents' experienced, the lower was the leve…

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Best friends in adolescence show similar educational careers in early adulthood

The present study investigated the role of best friends in educational career development from adolescence to adulthood. Participants' (N = 476) reciprocal best friendships were identified at age 15, while their educational attainment was investigated in early adulthood (age 26), their intelligence (IQ) at age 13, and parental education, educational expectations and academic achievement at age 16. The results revealed that adolescent best friends ended up pursuing similar educational careers in adulthood. Furthermore, three kinds of partner-effects were found when adolescents' prior career behaviors were controlled for: (1) best friends' intelligence predicted adolescents' later academic pe…

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A randomized controlled trial of intervention in fear of childbirth*1

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare intensive and conventional therapy for severe fear of childbirth. METHODS: In Finland, 176 women who had fear of childbirth were randomly assigned at the 26th gestational week to have either intensive therapy (mean 3.8 ± 1.0 sessions with obstetrician and one with midwife) or conventional therapy (mean 2.0 ± 0.6 sessions), with follow-up 3 months postpartum. Pregnancy-related anxiety and concerns, satisfaction with childbirth, and puerperal depression were assessed with specific questionnaires. Power analysis, based on previous studies, showed that 74 women per group were necessary to show a 50% reduction in cesarean rates. RESULTS: Birth-related concerns decr…

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Burnout, work engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees: Profiles, antecedents and outcomes

The present study examined the longitudinal profiles of burnout, engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees. First, the latent profile modeling indicated two latent classes: Engaged and Exhausted-Workaholic. Second, the results revealed that employees with the Engaged profile experienced high levels of energy and dedication, whereas employees with the Exhausted-Workaholic profile experienced exhaustion, cynicism and workaholism. Social pessimism in the transition from high education to work predicted poor subjective well-being at work. Further, workaholism decreased during the career among members of the Exhausted-Workaholic profile suggesting positive direction during caree…

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School Success

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Fear of childbirth according to parity, gestational age, and obstetric history.

Objective  To examine fear of childbirth according to parity, gestational age, and obstetric history. Design  A questionnaire study. Population and setting  1400 unselected pregnant women in outpatient maternity clinics of a university central hospital. Methods  Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) and preferred mode of delivery. Main outcome measures  W-DEQ and VAS scores according to parity, gestational age, obstetric history, and preferred mode of delivery. Results  The W-DEQ and VAS scores were higher in nulliparous (W-DEQ 72.0 ± 20.0 [mean ± SD] and VAS 4.7 [median]) than parous women (65.4 ± 21.9; 3.2, P < 0.001 for both W-DEQ and …

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Personality Trait Changes Among Young Finns: The Role of Life Events and Transitions

Recent research has shown that personality traits continue to develop throughout the life span, but most profound changes are typically found during young adulthood. Increasing evidence suggests that life events play a significant role in many of these changes. The present longitudinal study examined the role of work, education, social, and health-related life events in the development of the Big Five traits among young Finns. Participants were originally recruited in 2004 through elementary schools in a middle-sized Finnish city. Participants' Big Five traits and life events were measured via self-reports at ages 20 and 23 (Ns = 597 and 588, respectively). Entering work life, beginning a r…

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Depressive symptoms and career-related goal appraisals: genetic and environmental correlations and interactions.

Abstract: In order to further understand why depressive symptoms are associated with negative goal appraisals, the present study examined the genetic and environmental correlations and interactions between depressive symptoms and career-related goal appraisals. A total of 1,240 Finnish twins aged 21–26 years completed a questionnaire containing items on the appraisal of their career goals along five dimensions: importance, progress, effort, strain, and self-efficacy. In the same questionnaire, the 10-item General Behavior Inven- tory assessed depressive symptoms. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the genetic and environmental correlations and gene–environment interactions be…

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School burnout and engagement in the context of demands-resources model

Background. A four-wave longitudinal study tested the demands–resources model in the school context. Aim. To examine the applicability of the demands–resources to the school context. Method. Data of 1,709 adolescents were gathered, once during the transition from comprehensive to post-comprehensive education, twice during post-comprehensive education, and once 2 years later. Results. The hypotheses were supported, path analysis showing that study demands were related to school burnout a year later, while study resources were related to schoolwork engagement. Self-efficacy was positively related to engagement and negatively to burnout. School burnout predicted schoolwork engagement negativel…

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Partners of nulliparous women with severe fear of childbirth: A longitudinal study of psychological well-being.

Background Little is known about the psychological status of partners of women with severe fear of childbirth (FOC). In this longitudinal study from Helsinki University Central Hospital, we investigated FOC, depression, and posttraumatic stress in the partners of women with severe FOC, and possible effects of group psychoeducation and mode of birth.Methods: During pregnancy, 250 partners of nulliparous women with severe FOC participated, 93 in the intervention group and 157 in the control group. At 3 months postpartum, 52 partners in the intervention group and 93 in the control group participated. Both the partners and the childbearing women filled in the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experienc…

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Changes in goal-related affects: Decrease burnout during a group psychotherapy intervention.

The study examined the role played by changes in employees' goal-related affects in decreasing burnout during a group intervention. 62 white-collar employees, suffering from severe burnout, were randomized into 10-month group intervention programmes consisting of 16 intensive 1-day sessions every second week. The participants appraised their work and interpersonal goals according to their positive and negative affects weekly for 54 weeks. During the pre- and postintervention and follow-up (6 months later) measurements, the participants filled out a burnout measurement. The results, analysed by multilevel modelling, showed that a decrease in the negative affects and an increase in the positi…

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Depressive symptoms during adolescence: Do learning difficulties matter?

To examine whether learning difficulties play a role in depressive symptoms, 658 Finnish adolescents were asked to complete scales for depression three times during the transition to post-comprehensive education. They also reported on their learning difficulties and feelings of inadequacy as a student. The results showed that learning difficulties prospectively predicted depressive symptoms. Moreover, the impact of learning difficulties was mediated via inadequacy as a student: learning difficulties predicted feelings of inadequacy as a student which, in turn, contributed to greater increases in depressive symptoms. Finally, gender moderated the association between learning difficulties an…

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The role of peer groups in adolescents' educational trajectories

The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups show similar educational trajectories from comprehensive school to either senior secondary or vocational education, and to what extent their educational expectations, academic achievement, family structure, and parents' SES predict these trajectories. Five hundred thirty adolescents filled in a questionnaire focusing on their educational expectations, academic achievement and family background variables before the transition to post-comprehensive education. They were also asked to nominate three peers with whom they most liked to spend their time. After the transition, they reported the school form they were in. …

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Identity profiles and digital engagement among Finnish high school students

Developing a stable personal identity is considered a more precarious task in today’s society than hitherto. Skilful digital engagement may, however, constitute a valuable asset in necessary identity exploration and commitment. Applying a person-oriented approach, we examined for the first time how identity profiles are associated with digital engagement, operationalized as digital competence, gaming seriousness, type of internet activity and excessive ICT use. After controlling for gender, life satisfaction and parental SES, this study of a Finnish high school sample (N = 932) revealed that adolescents with future commitments and some exploration of options (achievement, searching moratori…

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The role of career values for work engagement during the transition to working life

Abstract The present longitudinal study examined the role of career values for work engagement across the transition from university education to working life. Finnish young adults reported on their career values (intrinsic, rewards, and security values) at the age of 23; and the degree of person–organization fit (value congruence, and congruence between one's education and the job), subjective income and economic stress two years later at the age of 25. Work engagement was assessed at both measurement points. Structural equation modeling results showed, first, that intrinsic but not rewards or security career values were related to work engagement. Second, value congruence and having a job…

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From job demands and resources to work engagement, burnout, life satisfaction, depressive symptoms, and occupational health

This study investigated the cross-lagged associations between work engagement and burnout, and life satisfaction and depressive symptoms, their demands (i.e., workload) and resources (i.e., servant leadership, self-efficacy, resilience) and relationships with occupational health outcomes (i.e., recovery, number of mental health diagnoses, workaholism). This study is a part of an ongoing Occupational Health Study in which 1 415 employees (586 men, 829 women) were followed twice during two years 2011–12 through their occupational health services. The participants filled in a questionnaire on their work engagement, burnout symptoms, well-being, personal and work environmental resources and dem…

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Development of sense of coherence during two group interventions

Burnout is a serious occupational hazard. This study investigated the possibility to develop an effective salutogenic group intervention among employees suffering from severe burnout symptoms. Participants consisted of employees aged 31 to 59 years working in different public service occupations, such as police officers, tax officers, (and other public service officers), and assigned to three different groups: analytic (N = 25), psychodramatic (N = 24) and controls (N = 28). The intervention comprised 16 separate days over a nine-month period. Changes in sense of coherence (SOC) were measured four times with the 13-item Orientation to Life Questionnaire during the intervention and at six-mo…

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The role of daily autonomous and controlled educational goals in students’ academic emotion states: An experience sampling method approach

The present study examines antecedents of university students' academic emotions (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002) in the context of self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2000), using realtime assessment and intra-individual analyses. We investigated whether daily autonomous and controlled-motivated educational goals predicted students' academic emotions. University students (N = 55) completed smartphone diaries over 14 consecutive days. The two-week intensive longitudinal data were organized in a hierarchical three-level structure, with situations (Level 1) nested within days (Level 2) nested within students (Level 3). Students' goal motivation was assessed in morning quest…

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Developmental dynamics between young adults’ life satisfaction and engagement with studies and work

The present five-wave longitudinal study investigated the cross-lagged associations between young adults’ life satisfaction and study/work engagement over the transition from post-comprehensive studies to higher education or work during the second and third decades of life. Gender, educational track, academic performance and family socioeconomic status were also examined. The study is part of the longitudinal Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) study, and used data from secondary education onwards, following 821 participants from age 17 to 25. The developmental dynamics showed that, in particular, young adults’ life satisfaction predicted their study/work engagement both during their p…

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Achievement strategies during university studies predict early career burnout and engagement

To examine whether individuals’ achievement strategies measured during university studies would have an impact on work burnout and work engagement measured 10, 14 and 17 years later, 292 university students completed the SAQ strategy questionnaire three times while at university, and the work burnout inventory three times and work engagement inventory twice during their early career. The results showed that optimism increased during university, while task-avoidance did not change. Moreover, high and increasing optimism during university predicted a high level of work engagement and low level of burnout 10, 14 and 17 years later. By contrast, a high level of task-avoidance during university …

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Opposites detract: Middle school peer group antipathies

This study examines variability in patterns of peer group antipathy. Same-grade adolescent peer groups were identified from sociometric nominations of preferred affiliates in a community sample of 600 Finnish ninth-grade middle school students (mean age = 15.0 years). Hierarchical linear modeling determined characteristics of youths in actor groups (nominators) that predicted antipathy for youths in target groups (nominatees) on the basis of target group characteristics. Most antipathies were based on dissimilarity between groups representing the mainstream culture and groups opposed to it. The higher a peer group’s school burnout, the more its members disliked students in peer groups with …

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The role of educational track in adolescents' school burnout: a longitudinal study.

Background Transition from comprehensive school to later educational tracks is challenging for many adolescents. The present three-wave longitudinal study conducted in Finland considers this issue from the perspective of school burnout. Aims The study investigated the extent to which school-related burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy) changes during the transition from comprehensive school to an academic or vocational track. Sample The participants of the present study were 658 ninth graders, who filled in questionnaires twice during their final term of comprehensive school and once after the transition to post-comprehensive schooling. Methods The participants filled i…

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Communicating Personal Goals: Consequences for Person Perception in the Work and Family Domains

Based on a set of three experimental studies (total N = 608), we examined how people appraise another person’s well-being and motivation in the work and family domains on the basis of knowledge of this other person’s goal system. Participants were introduced to the life situation of either a woman or a man belonging to a successful dual-career couple. This target person reported pursuing only work-related personal goals (work priority), only family-related personal goals (family priority) or both work- and family-related goals (balanced goal system). Participants were asked to appraise the target person’s life satisfaction as well as a number of work- and family-related attributes. Overall…

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Immigrant status, gender, and school burnout in Finnish lower secondary school students : A longitudinal study

The aim of this longitudinal study among 9223 students from grade 7 and grade 9 (age 13–14 and 15–16) was to assess whether immigrant status and gender are associated with the level and change (slope) in school burnout among lower secondary school students in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Ninety-seven percent of the variation in school burnout was attributable to individual factors. Both the intercept (2.3, p &lt; 0.001) and slope (0.5, p &lt; 0.001) of school burnout were statistically significant. The slope showed increasing school burnout from grades 7–9. School burnout increased more in girls than in boys. Initially apparent higher school burnout among students who had immigrated to …

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Is Student Motivation Related to Socio-digital Participation? A Person-oriented Approach

5th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology in Kyrenia Cyprus (Oct 22-25, 2014)/ guest editors: Zafer Bekirogullari, Melis Minas. There is a hypothesized gap between the technology-mediated practices of adolescents and school, hindering student motivation and well-being. This study examined how students’ school motivation is associated with ICT-use. Previous research has shown that achievement goal orientations are related to students’ academic and emotional functioning. Simultaneously, adolescents engage in various socio-digital activities on a daily basis. Our aim is to integrate these two approaches to examine whether students with different motivational pr…

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Gendered pathways in school burnout among adolescents

The aim of this study is to examine differences in student burnout by gender, time status with two time points before and after an educational transition, and educational track (academic vs. vocational). The definition of burnout is based on three components: exhaustion due to school demands, a disengaged and cynical attitude toward school, and feelings of inadequacy as a student (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Leskinen, & Nurmi, 2009). A total of 770 Finnish adolescents (M age = 16) were examined at the beginning of their last year in comprehensive school, and three times annually during their secondary education both on academic and vocational tracks. Among boys on the academic track, overall school…

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Associations between identity processes and success in developmental tasks during the transition from emerging to young adulthood

Little is yet known of how personal identity processes of exploration and commitment develop beyond adolescence and how they interact with developmental tasks of young adulthood. Employing the DIDS (The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale; commitment making, identification with commitment, exploration in breadth, exploration in depth and ruminative exploration) in a longitudinal sample of Finnish young adults (measurement at age 24 and 29; N = 854, 63% women), the results of this study suggested 1) that identity commitment and exploration levels, in general, decrease over time, 2) that success in developmental tasks but not sex moderate this development, and 3) that among developmental…

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How Do Young Adults Orchestrate Their Multiple Achievement-Related Goals? Associations of Achievement Goal Orientations With Identity Formation and Goal Appraisals

Young adults strive for multiple achievement goals. Frameworks for achievement goal orientations, personal goals, and identity formation have emphasized the role of goal-specific exploration and commitment in the interpretation of goals. However, researchers have yet to combine these different perspectives in an empirical study. Therefore, to explore the processes involved in the selection of multiple goals, the present study investigated the associations of young adults’ achievement goal orientations (mastery-intrinsic, mastery-extrinsic, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, and work-avoidance orientations) with distinct styles of exploring and committing to goals, by considering d…

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Academic well-being and smoking among 14- to 17-year-old schoolchildren in six European cities

It is well established that poor academic performance is related to smoking, but the association between academic well-being and smoking is less known. We measured academic well-being by school burnout and schoolwork engagement and studied their associations with smoking among 14- to 17-year-old schoolchildren in Belgium, Germany, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Portugal. A classroom survey (2013 SILNE survey, N = 11,015) was conducted using the Short School Burnout Inventory and the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory. Logistic regression, generalized linear mixed models, and ANOVA were used. Low schoolwork engagement and high school burnout increased the odds for daily smoking in all cou…

research product

School burnout, depressive symptoms and engagement : Their combined effect on student achievement

Abstract Prior studies have shown that student burnout becomes more prevalent during adolescence and is associated with both depressive symptoms and school engagement. Little is known about how burnout, engagement, and depressive symptoms jointly affect students’ school achievement in terms of grades and skipping class. The main purpose of the current study was to analyse these variables within a full model in order to examine the direct and indirect effects of burnout, engagement and depression on student achievement, while controlling for gender and age. Participants were 210 Italian high school students aged 14 to 16. Student burnout was found to exert the strongest effect on school achi…

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Process-and context-sensitive research on academic knowledge practices

The Contextual Activity Sampling System (CASS) methodology and CASS-Query tools have been developed for the investigation of learning and working practices. The CASS-methods and tools provide contextualized data that allow the analyzing and modeling of within-person changes across time. This paper describes a pilot study with 3G mobiles used by eight engineering students. Students answered questionnaires concerning their ongoing study projects, academic emotions, and collaboration, with a mobile phone five times a day for a period of two weeks (70 queries per person). Variation in their emotions were examined by time-series analysis. Students were also interviewed before and after the CASS-…

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Study engagement and burnout profiles among Finnish higher education students

A person-oriented approach was applied to identify profiles of study engagement and burnout (i.e., exhaustion, cynicism, inadequacy) in higher education in a large and representative sample of 12,394 higher education students at different phases of their studies in universities and polytechnics in Finland. Four profiles were identified: Engaged (44%), engaged-exhausted (30%) inefficacious (19%) and burned-out (7%). The engaged students had the most positive engagement accompanied with the least burnout symptoms compared to other groups. The engaged-exhausted students experienced emotional exhaustion simultaneously with academic engagement. The inefficacious group had heightened experience o…

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Sport burnout inventory - dual career form for student-athletes : assessing validity and reliability in a finnish sample of adolescent athletes

The pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secondary school. …

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Real-Time Processes of Career Goal Construction : A Study Case Approach with Implications for the Development of Adolescents’ Identity

The study aimed at investigating how different young people going through the post-high school transition set, monitor, pursue, and renegotiate career goals in real-time and in everyday life circumstances. A theoretically driven proposition supported the conceptualization of career goals as complex dynamic systems and guided the examination and description of the moment-to-moment processes shaping the (re)construction of career goals. The study adopted an exploratory research approach and was based on a longitudinal case study design. Diary reports were collected for 39 weeks. Participants were four young people (three females, one male) who at the onset of the study were 18 years of age an…

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Employment trajectories until midlife associate with early social role investments and current work-related well-being

Applying social investment theory (SIT), we examined whether employment trajectories until midlife, with differential investments in education and employment, are associated with social investments during early life and with work-related well-being in midlife, with a special reference to potential differences between self-employment and paid work. In the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n = 6496; 2963 men, 3533 women), life-history calendars from age 16 to 45 were used to determine the respondents’ yearly employment statuses (student, full-time employee, part-time employee, self-employed, unemployed, on parental leave, on sabbatical leave or otherwise not working). Latent class analysis …

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Letting go of your dreams—Adjustment of child-related goal appraisals and depressive symptoms during infertility treatment

Abstract To examine the adjustment of child-related goal appraisals during infertility treatment and whether such adjustment contributes to depressive symptoms 178 (86 men, 92 women; age for women M  = 33.92, SD  = 0.34, for men M  = 35.68, SD  = 0.45) patients at an Infertility Clinic filled in child-related goal appraisal questionnaires six times: (1) before starting the hormone injections, (2) before the oocytes were retrieved, (3) after embryo transfer, (4) the day when the pregnancy test was done, and (5) two and (6) six months after the infertility treatment. At the first and last measurement times they filled in questionnaire on depressive symptoms. Appraisals concerning child-relate…

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Adolescents’ preparedness and motivation across the transition to post-comprehensive education

This longitudinal study aims to test the concept of transition preparedness in the context of educational transitions. The study investigates how adolescents' transition preparedness, conceptualized as their self-efficacy beliefs and their inoculation against setbacks, before an educational transition affect the adolescents' school value and effort related to educational goals after the transition through the effects on achievement goal orientations. Student data from three waves of a longitudinal study are used, first collected in 2004 (before the students' transition from comprehensive school to upper secondary education) and then collected twice after the transition. The students include…

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What drives future business leaders? How work values and gender shape young adults' entrepreneurial and leadership aspirations

Who wants to become a business leader? We investigated whether young adults' work values (i.e., the importance placed on different job characteristics and rewards) predict their entrepreneurial aspirations (i.e., the intention to create a venture) and leadership aspirations (i.e., the intention to become a leader in a business context). Furthermore, we illuminated whether gender differences in work values contribute to the pervasive gender gap in these aspirations. Analyses in a sample of young adults from Finland (N = 1138) revealed that a higher importance placed on extrinsic rewards and a lower importance placed on security at age 21 predicted higher entrepreneurial and leadership aspira…

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Social strategies and loneliness.

Although substantial research has been done on loneliness, in only a few studies has the extent of its association with the cognitive and attributional strategies people apply in social situations been investigated. Two studies were carried out among Finnish students to examine this association. In Study 1, 70 men and 202 women filled in the Cartoon-Attribution-Strategy Test (CAST) and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), then 1 year later, the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. In Study 2, 25 men and 35 women filled in the CAST and the RSE, then 4 months later, the UCLA Loneliness Scale. In both studies, a pessimistic avoidance strategy was associated with subsequent feelings of loneliness, ev…

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Trajectories of depressive symptoms during emerging adulthood: Antecedents and consequences

In order to examine what kinds of trajectories of depressive symptoms young adults show during emerging adulthood, and their antecedents and consequences, 297 university students completed the revised Beck's depression inventory seven times over a 10-year period, and other measures at the beginning and the end of the study. The growth mixture modelling for depressive symptoms ended up in a 3-group solution: 23% of the participants were typified by a low level of symptoms, 61% showed a moderate level, and 16% fell into the third group with high and increasing levels of depressive symptoms during emerging adulthood. Those on the high-depressive trajectory had a poorer quality of relationships…

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The development of work values during the transition to adulthood : A two-country study

This study addresses the development of work values—the desired characteristics of one's current or future job—during young adulthood. Using two panel studies from Germany (N = 2506) and Finland (N = 1326), we investigated (a) mean-level and rank-order change and stability in work values across three biennial waves (age 20/21 to age 25/26); and (b) the influence of stable background characteristics as well as of major transitions in family and work roles on inter-individual differences and intra-individual changes in work values. Latent measurement models with three work value dimensions showed good fit in both countries: extrinsic (importance of job security and material rewards), intrinsi…

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Education-related goal appraisals and self-esteem during the transition to secondary education: A longitudinal study

This study investigated whether adolescents’ appraisals of their education-related goals change during the transition from comprehensive school to postcomprehensive secondary education (academic vs. vocational track) and how such appraisals contribute to their self-esteem. Six hundred and seven 16-year-old adolescents were surveyed three times: (1) at the beginning, (2) at the end of the final spring term of comprehensive school, and (3) one year after the transition to postcomprehensive secondary education. They were asked to appraise their education-related goal in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons for goal striving, goal progress, effort, and stress. The results showed that, when …

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Motivation, Burnout, and Engagement During Critical Transitions from School to Work

Educational transitions and the transition from school to working life present substantial challenges for youth in modern societies. This chapter presents results from two longitudinal studies, the FinEdu study and Helsinki Longitudinal Student Study (HELS), in which young people were followed for several years during critical educational transitions. These longitudinal studies focus on how engagement and burnout change and what role these two factors play during transitions, as well as investigating the effect of motivation and the strategies young people apply during their studies. The FinEdu study presents findings on how young people navigate their educational transitions from comprehen…

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Warm and Supportive Parenting Can Discourage Offspring’s Civic Engagement in the Transition to Adulthood

It is widely believed that warm and supportive parenting fosters all kinds of prosocial behaviors in the offspring, including civic engagement. However, accumulating international evidence suggests that the effects of family support on civic engagement may sometimes be negative. To address this apparent controversy, we identified several scenarios for the negative effects of supportive parenting on youth civic engagement and tested them using four waves of data from the Finnish Educational Transitions Studies. They followed 1549 students (55 % female) from late adolescence into young adulthood, included both maternal (n = 231) and offspring reports of parental support, and assessed civic en…

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What drives future business leaders? How work values and gender shape young adults' entrepreneurial and leadership aspirations

Highlights • Work values strongly predict later entrepreneurial aspirations and leadership aspirations. • The pattern of relationships was similar but not identical for both aspirations. • There is a gender gap in both entrepreneurial aspirations and leadership aspirations. • Gender differences in work values contribute to the gender gap in these aspirations. Abstract Who wants to become a business leader? We investigated whether young adults' work values (i.e., the importance placed on different job characteristics and rewards) predict their entrepreneurial aspirations (i.e., the intention to create a venture) and leadership aspirations (i.e., the intention to become a leader in a business…

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The role of study engagement in university students' daily experiences: A multilevel test of moderation

The present study investigated the dynamic nature of students' daily experiences and general study engagement using intra-individual assessment. More specifically, we examined individual differences in the relationship between university students' task-specific value and situational emotions and, further, whether first-year study engagement would moderate this association during the first two years of studies. Intra-individual state assessments were conducted via mobile phone-based experience sampling method (ESM) during participants' first (N = 72) and second (N = 56) academic years, resulting in 3089 and 2912 fully completed state questionnaires. In both years, students were asked five ti…

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Developmental trajectories of school burnout: Evidence from two longitudinal studies

Abstract To examine school burnout trajectories, in Study 1, 15-year-old adolescents ( N  = 614) completed the School Burnout Inventory twice during their final term of comprehensive school and twice after the transition to upper secondary high school or vocational school. In Study 2, school burnout in 17-year-old adolescents was measured twice annually ( N  = 575) during their upper secondary education. In Study 1, growth mixture modeling for school burnout yielded a four-latent-group solution: 60% of the adolescents showed a low and stable level of school burnout, 29% increasing burnout, 3% strongly increasing burnout and 8% high-decreasing school burnout. In Study 2, we identified two la…

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Optimistic, defensive-pessimistic, impulsive and self-handicapping strategies in university environments

Abstract A person-oriented approach was used to investigate what types of achievement strategy people apply in university environments, and how these are associated with their academic achievement, related satisfaction and personal well-being. Two hundred and fifty-four undergraduates filled in first the Cartoon-Attribution-Strategy Test, the Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale and the revised Beck's Depression Inventory at the beginning of their studies, and one year later an academic satisfaction scale. Two years later, they again filled in the same measures. Their academic achievement was coded yearly from university archives. Four types of achievement s…

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Young managers’ drive to thrive: A personal work goal approach to burnout and work engagement

This study approaches young managers’ occupational well-being through their work-related goal pursuit. The main aim was to identify content categories of personal work goals and investigate their associations with background factors, goal appraisals, burnout, and work engagement. The questionnaire data consisted of 747 young Finnish managers (23–35 years; M = 31 years) who were mostly men (85.5%). Seven work-related content categories were found on the basis of qualitative data analysis: (1) competence goals (30.5%), (2) progression goals (23.7%), (3) well-being goals (15.2%), (4) job change goals (13.7%), (5) job security goals (7.4%), (6) organizational goals (5.6%), and (7) financial goa…

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Social strategies and loneliness: A prospective study

Abstract The aim of this longitudinal study was to examine whether the feeling of loneliness is rather an antecedent or a consequence of the strategies young adults apply in social situations. To investigate this, university students were asked to fill in the Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire at the beginning of their first and third years at university, and the revised UCLA Loneliness scale at the beginning of their second and fourth years. The results showed that the more the young adults reported the use of a pessimistic-avoidance strategy, the less lonely they were later on. In turn, the more lonely the students were, the less they used an approach-oriented strategy later on. Final…

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Selecting and Retaining Friends on the Basis of Cigarette Smoking Similarity

This study examines whether friend selection, deselection, and socialization differ as a function of the level of cigarette smoking in the friendship group. A total of 1419 students (median age = 16) from upper secondary and vocational schools in Finland were included as targets in the peer network. Targets in the peer network were asked to nominate friends and describe their own cigarette smoking at two time points one year apart. Network analyses revealed similarity arising from selection and deselection on the basis of smoking. Selection effects (i.e., selecting new friends based on similarity) were stronger for adolescents in low-smoking groups. Deselection effects (i.e., dropping frien…

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Friends, academic achievement, and school engagement during adolescence : A social network approach to peer influence and selection effects

Abstract Peers become increasingly important socializing agents for academic behaviors and attitudes during adolescence. This study investigated peer influence and selection effects on adolescents' emotional (i.e., flow in schoolwork, school burnout, school value), cognitive (i.e., school effort), and behavioral (i.e., truancy) engagement in school. A social network approach was used to examine students of post-comprehensive education in Finland (N = 1419; mean age = 16). Students were asked to nominate peers to generate peer networks and to describe their own school engagement at two time points (one year apart). Network analyses revealed that the degree to which peer influence and selecti…

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Dark shadows of rumination: Finnish young adults' identity profiles, personal goals and concerns

Young adults actively construct their identity by exploring and committing to opportunities through the setting of personal goals. Typically personal goal contents are related to young adults' developmental tasks but sometimes goals are self-focused. This longitudinal study explored personal goal and concern contents in relation to identity profiles among young Finns (N = 577) followed from age 23 to 25. Applying the Dimensions of Identity Development Scale, identity formation was measured at age 23. Latent Profile Analysis yielded five profiles: moderate achievement, moderate diffusion, achievement, diffused diffusion, and reconsidering achievement. Two “dark side” identity profiles, chara…

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The role of success expectation and task-avoidance in academic performance and satisfaction: Three studies on antecedents, consequences and correlates

Abstract To investigate the prospective relationships between individuals’ success expectation and task-avoidance, and their academic achievement and satisfaction, 231 students were examined yearly throughout their university careers in Study 1. It was found that students’ success expectation predicted academic achievement and satisfaction; which, in turn, increased their subsequent success expectation. Moreover, task-avoidance predicted low academic achievement and dissatisfaction, which again was predictive of subsequent task-avoidance. In Study 2, the task-avoidant behavior, and pre-examination anxiety, of 198 students who had participated in Study 1 were examined, and compared with thei…

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Work and Love During Emerging Adulthood

Emerging adults engage in greater experimentation in the areas of work and love, and the transitions to work and the establishment of firm partnerships are characterized by fluctuations, discontinuities, and reversals. Whereas earlier studies on emerging adults have examined the separate effects of work and relationship, in this special section 5 studies were presented which examined these two transitions simultaneously by using a longitudinal design to account for the reciprocal influences and the long-term effects on health outcomes. In addition, methodological concerns when investigating the reciprocal influences and dependencies between love and work were raised and a cross-cultural pe…

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Personal goal orientations and subjective well-being of adolescents

The present study examines the types of orientation that can be identified according to the personal goals of adolescents, and how these orientations differ in their subjective well-being. In the context of the person-oriented approach, 1144 17-year-olds (565 girls, 579 boys) filled in the revised Little's personal project analysis, school burnout, depression, life satisfaction, and self-esteem inventories. Four goal orientations emerged from this data with cluster analysis: (1) property (40%), (2) vocation (24%), (3) social relationships and future education (23%), and (4) self-focused (13%) orientations. Boys were the majority in the property and the vocation orientations, whereas girls d…

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A new approach for estimating a nonlinear growth component in multilevel modeling

This study presents a new approach to estimation of a nonlinear growth curve component with fixed and random effects in multilevel modeling. This approach can be used to estimate change in longitudinal data, such as day-of-the-week fluctuation. The motivation of the new approach is to avoid spurious estimates in a random coefficient regression model due to the synchronized periodical effect (e.g., day-of-the-week fluctuation) appearing both in independent and dependent variables. First, the new approach is introduced. Second, a Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to examine the functioning of the proposed new approach in the case of small sample sizes. Third, the use of the approac…

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Therapeutic group psychoeducation and relaxation in treating fear of childbirth

The increase in the numbers of women fearing childbirth and requesting cesarean sections call for new forms of antenatal treatment.Finnish nulliparous women experiencing severe fear of childbirth (experimental group, n = 102) attended 5 group sessions with a psychologist, once together with a midwife, during the third trimester. One session was held 3 months after the delivery. Each session consisted of a discussion of fear and feelings towards the impending birth and parenthood in a psychotherapeutic atmosphere and of relaxation exercises focused on an imaginary childbirth. The results were compared with those of 85 women treated for fear of childbirth by 2 appointments with an obstetricia…

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Group psychoeducation with relaxation for severe fear of childbirth improves maternal adjustment and childbirth experience – a randomised controlled trial

Previous studies on the treatment of women with fear of childbirth have focused on the delivery mode. Women with fear of childbirth often suffer from anxiety and/or depression, and treatment therefore also needs to target postnatal psychological well-being and the early mother-infant relationship.Three hundred and seventy-one nulliparous women out of 4575 scored ≥100 in prospective screening (Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire, W-DEQ-A), indicating severe fear of childbirth. These women were randomised to psychoeducative group intervention with relaxation (n = 131; six sessions during pregnancy, one postnatal) or to conventional care (n = 240) by community nurses (referral if necessary…

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Developmental trajectories of emotional disengagement from schoolwork and their longitudinal associations in England

This study identified the varied ways in which emotional disengagement from schoolwork typically developed between 14 and 16 years of age, in the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England. Using growth mixture modelling we found eight main trajectories of (dis)engagement, with four trajectories of either increasing or stable emotional disengagement with schoolwork (41% of the sample). Using propensity score matching to create groups balanced on a wide range of covariates at Wave 1, we compared disengaged students to their engaged counterparts to identify the longitudinal effects of disengagement-trajectory membership on behavioural engagement, psychological wellbeing, substance use, car…

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Unpacking the link between family socioeconomic status and civic engagement during the transition to adulthood: Do work values play a role?

We investigated whether the link between family-of-origin socioeconomic status (SES) and civic engagement in young adulthood is mediated by youth’s work values, i.e., the desired characteristics of their current or future jobs. We used data from a Finnish study: 2004 (age 16–18, NT1 = 1,301); 2011 (age 23–25, N T2 = 1,096); and 2014 (age 25–27, NT3 = 1,138). A lower family SES in 2004 was negatively related to youth’s civic engagement in 2014. Lower family SES predicted the importance that youth attached to extrinsic job rewards (e.g., good pay) in 2011, but not the importance of intrinsic job rewards (e.g., learning opportunities). Extrinsic work values, in turn, predicted lower civic enga…

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The Role of a Supportive Interpersonal Environment and Education-Related Goal Motivation During the Transition Beyond Upper Secondary Education

This longitudinal study investigated the role of parents and peers as well as of education-related goal motivation during educational transitioning in late adolescence. The sample consisted of 1520 upper secondary education students attending either academic or vocational upper secondary school in Finland. They were surveyed three times: (1) in the first year of their upper secondary education, (2) in the second year of their upper secondary education, and (3) two years later. The results show, first, that when students in upper secondary education pursued their educational goals out of autonomous motivation they also invested more effort in their goals, which was reflected in high levels o…

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Does School Matter?

School burnout can be defined as consisting of exhaustion due to school demands, cynical, and detached attitude toward one’s school, and feelings of inadequacy as a student ( Kiuru, Aunola, Nurmi, Leskinen, &amp; Salmela-Aro, 2008 ; Salmela-Aro &amp; Näätänen, 2005 ; Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto, Salanova, &amp; Bakker, 2002 ). The first aim of the present study was to examine the extent to which schools differ in school-related burnout. Moreover, the aim was to examine the extent to which school-related and background factors are associated with school burnout at the school level and at the individual level. The participants were 58,657 students from 431 comprehensive schools and 29,515 stu…

research product

Spousal support for personal goals and relationship satisfaction among women during the transition to parenthood

The aim of this three-wave cross-lagged longitudinal study was to examine the prospective relationships between women’s goal-related spousal support and their relationship satisfaction during the transition to parenthood. Two-hundred and forty-six Finnish women who were either married or cohabited (45% primiparous; 55% multiparous) filled in questionnaires on personal projects (Little, 1983) and related spousal support, relationship satisfaction (Spanier, 1976), and background data three times: in their early pregnancy; one month before childbirth; and three months after childbirth. Among the primiparous women the results showed a cumulative cycle of goal-related spousal support and relati…

research product

The Development of Motivation and Amotivation to Study and Work across Age-Graded Transitions in Adolescence and Young Adulthood

People’s motivation to engage in studying and working is an important precursor of participation and attainment. However, little is known about how motivation and the lack of motivation develops normatively across adolescence and young adulthood. Furthermore, there is no comparison of motivation and amotivation development across sequential age-graded transitions such as the mid-schooling transition in adolescence and the school-to-work transition in young adulthood. The current study explored trajectories of motivation and amotivation development in Finland, using piecewise growth curve modelling to analyze five waves of data (age 15–22 years) from a sample of 878 youth (52% male). Indicat…

research product

Achievement goal orientations and subjective well-being: A person-centred analysis

Abstract This study examined whether students with different achievement goal orientation profiles differ in terms of subjective well-being (i.e., self-esteem, depressive symptoms, school-related burnout, and educational goal appraisals). Six groups of students with unique motivational profiles were identified. Observed differences in subjective well-being indicated that goals related to self-improvement and growth were positively associated with various indices of well-being, whereas avoidance tendencies and concerns with validating or demonstrating one's competence were linked with different types of adjustment problems. Findings demonstrate the importance of including measures of well-be…

research product

School Burnout Inventory (SBI)

This study introduces a measure for school burnout and examines its validity and reliability among students in upper secondary high schools and vocational schools by using confirmatory factor analysis. School-related burnout comprises three dimensions: (a) exhaustion at school, (b) cynicism toward the meaning of school, and (c) sense of inadequacy at school. A total of 1418 (709 girls, 709 boys) adolescents from 13 postcomprehensive schools (6 upper secondary high schools, 7 vocational schools) filled in a questionnaire concerning their school burnout and background variables. The results showed that the three-factor solution, compared to one- or two-factor solutions, fit the data best and…

research product

Sport burnout inventory–Dual career form for student-athletes: Assessing validity and reliability in a Finnish sample of adolescent athletes

Background: The pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods: The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secon…

research product

Personal goal appraisals vary across both individuals and goal contents

Abstract This study examined personal goals as a multilevel construct. After investigating to what extent goal appraisals were characteristics of an individual as compared to the extent to which they vary across different goals, both individual-level and goal-level predictors of goal appraisals were examined. To examine these research questions 477 undergraduates filled in the Personal Project Analysis and Beck’s Depression inventory. Multilevel modeling showed that, although goal appraisals varied between individuals, they differed to greater extent across the different goals a particular person reported. At the individual level, a high amount of depressive symptoms was associated with a l…

research product

Personal Goals During Emerging Adulthood

To examine (a) how young adults' personal goals change as they progress from emerging to young adulthood in their university studies and immediately after and (b) the extent to which such changes are associated with the normative transitions and the life events they experience and their age, 297 university students completed the revised Personal Project Analysis and a life-event questionnaire five times over 10 years. The changes in young adults' personal goals reflected changing developmental tasks, role transitions, and life situations: They disengaged from goals related to education, friends, and traveling and engaged in goals related to work, family, and health. The older the participa…

research product

Integration of personality constructs: The role of traits and motivation in the willingness to exert effort in academic and social life domains

There has been growing interest in recent years in exploring different types of personality constructs and the nature of inter-relationships between personality variables in predicting outcomes in different life domains. The present study explores how personality traits and autonomous goal motivation predict the willingness to invest effort in academic and social life domains. Using a sample of 4133 upper secondary school students in Germany, multilevel regression analyses yielded three main results. First, both personality traits and motivation were substantially related to the willingness to exert effort. Second, the mediation effect compared to the direct effect was relatively small. Thi…

research product

Peer selection and influence : Students’ interest-driven socio-digital participation and friendship networks

Digital technologies have been increasingly embedded in students’ everyday lives. Interest-driven socio-digital participation (ISDP) involves students’ pursuit of interests mediated by computers, social media, the internet, and mobile devices’ integrated systems.ISDPis likely to intertwine closely with young people’s social networks that has been scarcely studied quantitatively. To close this gap, the present paper investigated students’ peer selection and influence effects of the intensity of their ISDP and friendship networks. We collected two-wave data by administering a peer nomination to trace students’ friendship networks with peers and a self-reported questionnaire to examine student…

research product

Cross-lagged associations between study and work engagement dimensions during young adulthood

The present four-wave longitudinal study investigated the cross-lagged associations between three study and work engagement dimensions (e.g. energy, absorption, and dedication) over the transition from post-comprehensive studies to higher education or work. Various antecedents (e.g. gender, GPA) and consequences (e.g. satisfaction in life, education and work, well-being, and educational outcomes) of the three engagement dimensions were also examined. The study is part of the longitudinal Finnish Educational Transitions (FinEdu) study, and followed 851 participants from age 17 to 23. The developmental dynamics showed that, in particular, students’ study- and work-related energy predicted fee…

research product

Students with reading and spelling disabilities: peer groups and educational attainment in secondary education.

The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents’ peer groups are similar in reading and spelling disabilities and whether this similarity contributes to subsequent school achievement and educational attainment. The sample consisted of 375 Finnish adolescents whose reading and spelling disabilities were assessed at age 16 with the Finnish dyslexia screening test. The students also completed a sociometric nomination measure that was used to identify their peer groups. Register information on participants’ school grades also was available, and educational attainment in secondary education was recorded 5 years after completion of the 9 years of basic education. The results re…

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Life satisfaction, general well-being and costs of treatment for severe fear of childbirth in nulliparous women by psychoeducative group or conventional care attendance.

Objective Fear of childbirth is a common reason for seeking cesarean section. It is important to consider outcomes and costs associated with alternative treatment and delivery mode. We compared well-being and costs of group psychoeducation and conventional care for fear of childbirth. Design Randomized controlled trial. Population A total of 371 nulliparous women scoring over the 95th centile in the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire (W-DEQ) during the first trimester. Setting Finland, data from obstetrical patient records and questionnaires. Methods Randomization to group psychoeducation with relaxation (six sessions during pregnancy, one after childbirth, n = 131), or surveillance an…

research product

School burnout and engagement profiles among digital natives in Finland: a person-oriented approach

AbstractApplying a person-oriented approach, this study set out to examine what profiles of school engagement and school burnout (i.e., exhaustion, cynicism, inadequacy) can be identified among elementary school children at age 12, a generation also often referred to as the generation of digital natives. We compared the group memberships in their use of socio-digital technologies and related functioning as we expected to find a gap between some digital natives and current educational practices which do not include socio-digital technology in feelings of cynicism towards school. Latent profile analysis identified five groups: Engaged (50%) students, who formed the majority; Stressed (4%) stu…

research product

Intentional Engagement in the Transition to Adulthood

Abstract. During the transition to adulthood, young people need to choose their career and overall life pathway and cope successfully with the transitions they face. The theories of personal identity development ( Luyckx, Goossens, Soenens, &amp; Beyers, 2006 ; Luyckx et al., 2008 ), career development ( Savickas, 2005 ), and goal developmental regulation ( Nurmi, 2004 ; Salmela-Aro, 2009 ) address the question of how people commit and engage in the changes faced during the transition from adolescence to adulthood, and particularly how they deal with educational and occupational transitions. We reviewed how each of these theories discusses both adaptive and maladaptive processes during the…

research product

Adolescents’ Self-Concordance, School Engagement, and Burnout Predict Their Educational Trajectories 1This paper is part of a series on “Youth Development in Europe: Transitions and Identities” that will appear in the European Psychologist throughout 2008 and 2009. Taken together, the papers aim to make a conceptual contribution to the increasingly important area of youth development, especially within the context of an expanding Europe, by focusing on variations and changes in the transition to adulthood and emerging identities. The series will conclude with a summary by the organizers of the series, Katariina Salmela-Aro (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) and Ingrid Schoon (University of London, UK).

This study investigated whether self-concordance of adolescents’ achievement-related goal predicts their school engagement and lack of burnout during upper secondary school as well as their subsequent educational trajectories. We also examined whether goal effort and progress mediate these associations. The sample consisted of 614 17-year-old upper secondary school students, who were surveyed three times: (1) in the second grade of upper secondary, (2) in the third grade of upper secondary school, and (3) one year later. The results showed that when adolescents pursued their achievement-related goal for internal reasons, they also invested effort in their goal, which was reflected in a hig…

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