Franco Palla

The Application of the Essential Oils of Thymus vulgaris L. and Crithmum maritimum L. as Biocidal on Two Tholu Bommalu Indian Leather Puppets

The chemical profile of the Thymus vulgaris (Lamiaceae) essential oil (EO) was investigated in order to evaluate its biological properties against microorganisms affecting two Tholu Bommalu, typical Indian leather puppets stored at the International Puppets Museum “Antonio Pasqualino” of Palermo, Italy. A GC–MS analysis, using both polar and apolar columns, was used to determine the chemical composition of the essential oil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of the Thymus vulgaris and Crithmum maritimum essential oils in vapor phase to disinfect heritage leather puppets. Pieces of leather artifacts that were affected by different bacterial colonies were e…

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Fungi and Bacteria in Indoor Cultural Heritage Environments: Microbial-related Risks for Artworks and Human Health

Cultural heritage constitutive materials can provide excellent substrates for microbial colonization, highly influenced by thermo-hygrometric parameters. In cultural heritage-related environments, a detrimental microbial load may be present both on manufacts surface and in the aerosol. In this study, bacterial and fungal colonisation has been investigated in three Sicilian confined environments (archive, cave and hypogea), each with peculiar structures and different thermo-hygrometric parameters. Particular attention has been paid to microorganisms able to induce artifacts biodeterioration and to release biological particles in the aerosol (spores, cellular debrides, toxins and allergens) p…

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Biological and microclimatic monitoring for conservation of cultural heritage: a case study at the De Rossi room of the Palatina library in Parma

Biological particles in heritage-related indoor environments (museums, libraries, archives) represent a hazard to artifacts (biodeteriogenic action), operators and visitors’ health. The aim of the study was to evaluate environmental biological contamination and microclimate conditions in different periods of the year in De Rossi room of the historical Palatina Library in Parma. Microclimatic measurements were recorded continuously for a period ranging from 11 to 17 days in: January–February, May and September 2017. Monitoring of bacterial and fungal contamination was performed for air by active and passive sampling and by nitrocellulose membranes on shelves and manuscripts. Microorganisms w…

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What does happen when an insect pest follows its host plant and viceversa?

Invasive species are usually well known but only make up a small percentage of the European’s alien plants and insects. The ways these exotic species interact with our natural and cultural heritage are very complex and even some species considered invasive had and could have positive aspects on some European landscape and culture. A close look at the complicated relationship between non-native and native plants and insects in the Mediterranean areas reveals some unexpected twists in the story. Here are some cases of when aliens can threaten our cultural heritage or being part of it

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The aim of the present research is to investigate the constitutive materials and the execution techniques of San Vito wooden pulpit from Museo Diocesano of Palermo (Italy) and to provide helpful information to dating it in addition to technical, historical and artistic evaluations. The pulpit, attributed to unknown artist, belongs to the decorative arts and the most relevant feature is its double dating, in addition to the singular painting technique: it has a linear structure typical of XIXth century and three polychrome and gilded panels probably dated to the end of XVIIth century. This paper describes the application of analytical techniques (imaging diagnostics techniques, Scanning Elec…

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Prime indicazioni sulle biocenosi associate alle mummie delle Catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo

La fama del convento, costruito dai Cappuccini di Palermo nel 1533, è dovuta in gran parte alle famose "Catacombe". L’origine delle catacombe si fa risalire al 1599 circa, quando i frati, sfruttando una preesistente cavità naturale al di sotto dell’altare maggiore della chiesa, trasferirono le salme di 40 frati precedentemente sepolti presso il lato meridionale della chiesa stessa. I frati iniziarono ad ampliare le catacombe, scavando nel sottosuolo, in relazione al crescente numero di nuove salme che nel tempo si conservavano. Allo stato attuale le catacombe sono una sorta di cimitero sotterraneo, in uso nel XVII secolo, costituito da lunghe gallerie scavate nel tufo per un’estensione di c…

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The biodeterioration of organic and inorganic materials, as well as polymers, is a complex of alteration processes induced by the growing and metabolic activ- ity of organisms. It can be recognized on monuments, wall paintings, stone, wood, paper, vegetal/animal fibers, and parchment artworks. As defined by Hueck (1968), biodeterioration is “any undesirable change in the properties of a material caused by the vital activities of organisms”; this definition is accepted as the meaning of the phenomenon. Both macroorganisms (such as animals, plants and mosses) and microorganisms (such as autotrophic or het- erotrophic bacteria, microfungi, cyanobacteria, algae and lichens) represent the trigge…

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Bacteria, fungi and arthropod pests collected on modern human mummies

A survey of opportunistic biocenosis (macro and micro organisms) associated with a rest of human mummy samples was carried out to characterise the biocenosis and to detect the potential of biodeteriogens. The rests of the human modern mummies come from a hypogeic site. Since mummies are relevant from a historic-artistic-scientific point of view, an aspect of this study was the identification and characterization of the biological systems related with biodeterioration of organic matter. In a first step, different sampling methods, according to the taxa, were applied. Technological procedures were combined in order to have an interdisciplinary approach to the conservation actions for testing …

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The biodeterioration of organic and inorganic materials, as well as polymers, is a complex of alteration processes induced by the growing and metabolic activity of organisms. It can be recognized on monuments, wall paintings, stone, wood, paper, vegetal/animal fibers, and parchment artworks. As defined by Hueck, 1968, biodeterioration is “any undesirable change in the properties of a material caused by the vital activities of organisms”; this definition is accepted as the meaning of the phenomenon. Both macroorganisms (such as animals, plants, and mosses) and microorganisms (such as autotrophic or heterotrophic bacteria, microfungi, cyanobacteria, algae, and lichens) represent the triggers …

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DNA analysis as tool for identification of bacteria in archaeological watellogged wood

S32. Wooden artifacts: from wood identification to dating and conservation/restoration strategies DNA analysis as tool for identification of bacteria in archaeological waterlogged wood Palla, Franco; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy Barresi, Giovanna; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy Di Carlo, Enza; University of Palermo; Palermo; Italy In this work molecular techniques were applied in order to integrate the results obtained by Optical (OM) and Scanning Electron (SEM) Microscopy, to understanding and assessing the changes in the anatomical structure of archaeological waterlogged wood (Pinus sp.) induced by bacteria colonization. Observation of wooden thin sections by OM showed the…

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Identificazione e caratterizzazione di consorzi microbici causa di deterioramento per i beni culturali e potenziali patogeni per l'uomo.

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In this paper we present a multidisciplinary project for the study of the present conditions, history, bioanthropological features and conservation status of a large collection of modern human mummies, kept in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo (Sicily, Italy). Due to the large amount of spontaneously and anthropogenically mummified human bodies, and to an abundant presence of associated artefacts, this collection provides a unique opportunity to carry out a large multidisciplinary survey useful for a thorough biocultural understanding of these remains, a conservation plan, and testing of new restoration protocols.

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Solunto archaeological park in Sicily: life under mosaic tesserae

Biodeterioration is a complex process induced by the growing and metabolic activity of a wide range of macro and microorganisms, becoming a revelling problem also for the mosaic tesserae of “Casa di Leda” in the Greco - Roman site of Solunto in Sicily. In this case-study, a thick biofilm inducing a deep alteration of mortar and consequently the mosaic tesserae detachment has been highlighted during the restoration plan. The biofilm microbial consortium has been investigated by an integrate approach based on Microscopy analysis (O.M., C.L.S.M.), in vitro culture (Nutrien and Saboraud media) and molecular biology investigation (DNA target sequence amplification, sequencing, sequence analysis)…

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Multiple approaches to identify bacteria into archaeological waterlogged wood

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Biotechnologies for characterization of bioaerosol in indoor environments for Cultural Heritage

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Titolo: Novel proteases from marine organisms with potential interest in restoration procedure

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Biodeterioration represents a revealing problem for the conservation of cultural heritage. It can be identified as a complex interaction within the ecosystem of a microbial community and its substrate and involves physical and chemical alterations resulting from biological and metabolic activity. Designing a diagnostic approach for evaluating the extent of the damage, identifying the biological community, and opting for an efficient methodology aimed at eliminating deteriogens is equally complicated. The correct approach would require understanding the nature of the biodeterioration and implementing methodologies respectful of human health which, however, avoid the indiscriminate killing of…

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Polychrome wood sculpture depicting The Madonna del Soccorso or della Mazza from the Archdiocese of Palermo: an integrated analytical approach for the restoration

In this study the Madonna del Soccorsoo della Mazza wooden sculpture has been analysed by an interdisciplinary and integrated approach. The polychrome sculpture, dating back to the 18thcentury, comes from the church of the Madonna del Soccorso or della Mazza (1604) situated in Via Maqueda, in Palermo and it was placed on the main recess of the altar. All steps of the conservation project, from the preliminary study to the choice of materials and the restoration procedures have been accompanied and supported by diagnostic and scientific analysis. In order to evaluate the state of conservation of the sculpture and the technique employed to construct the support, computer tomography study was …

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Anthropomorphic wooden reliquaries an integrated approach to restoration

Two wood anthropomorphic reliquaries, belonging to Lipsanoteca of Epiphany Church, Trapani (Italy), were restored following procedures based on an interdisciplinary approach. The historic-artistic contextualization, constitutive materials and executive techniques were defined. Degradation events were correlated to physical-chemical factors, with particular attention to biodeteriogens. Insect infestation was revealed, by optical (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of rosume and insect body remains, Anobium punctatum was identified. Microbial colonization was revealed and characterized by an integrated approach based on OM (Lugol’s staining), in vitro culture and molecular investigati…

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The research and experimentation activity has been carried on in the frame of the Master for Expert on Nanotechnology for Cultural Heritage, held at the University of Palermo, year 2020-2021. The project aims to verify the performance over time and the bio-receptivity of the antibacterial treatments developed by the company SenseFulDesign srl, a Sicilian start-up, which produces tactile maps and reproductions of monuments with antibacterial properties, in order to promote the social inclusion of the blind. This experimentation involved the multi-parametric evaluation of two different antibacterial nanocoating, which were applied on three different types of substrates used for the realizatio…

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Indagini Biomolecolari per la identificazione di specie batteriche deteriogene sui dipinti

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Investigation of biocenosis in a archaeological rock-cut settlements with relevant historic-artistic evidences. A case study in South-east of Sicily.

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Anemocoria di Caralluma europaea nella Riserva Naturale "Isola di Lampedusa": modello di dispersione (4 pagine http://www.esriitalia.it/conferenza2007cd/content/poster2.htm.)

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Fungi and bacteria are known as major biodeteriogens of cultural heritage, able to colonize, altering anddegrading a wide range of materials, such as metals, paints, paper, paperboard, rocks, photos, textiles, leather, plastics, etc. (1, 2). The use of traditional chemical biocides, to control microbial growth on cultural assets, has become a serious threat to public health and environment. The aim of this study has been to develop biocompatible antimicrobial compounds testing on specific taxa, that were isolated from biodeteriorated artifacts (books, papers, stones, woods, canvases) or environmental aerosols (museums, archives, libraries) and characterized by microscopy, in vitro culture a…

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Arti decorative tra scienza e restauro


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Preliminary studies on red palm weevil as potential risk for palm trees in mediterranean basin

The impacts of insect invasive species on human health and on agricutlture have attracted worldwide attention. However, researchers and policymakers rarely directly address the connection between invasive species and loss in natual and cultural heritages. Various attempts have been made to address the plants that are affected by invasive species but the links between these and loss in naturla biodiversity and heritage in botanical and historical gardens are largely lacking in the literature. We report a study on the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Oliv.) (Fig. 1) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) which is the most important pest of the palm date trees in many countries. RPW is …

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An integrated approach was applied for the characterization of the biological airborne particulate in four Sicilian sites with peculiar structure, thermo-hygrometric and lighting parameters. We focalized the attention on: ,) Crypt in the Cathedral Treasury Museum (Palermo), an underground environment (lithic and stone artifact), daily visited by tourist and characterized by a reduced indoor-outdoor exchange; it) the Saints Cave in Licodia Eubea (Catania), a semi-confined environment (fresco), strongly influenced by the surrounding countryside and by a continuous airflow; iit) the Diocesan Historic Archive in Palermo, (documentary funds, IX-XXsec.), characterized by low air change rate and r…

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Caratterizzaione di consorzi microbici causa di deterioramento dei beni culturali e potenziali patogeni per l'uomo mediante analisi della molecola del DNA genomico

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Multiple approaches to identify bacteria in archaeological waterlogged wood

This study was carried out in collaboration with Soprintendenza del Mare (SM) that started, since 2004, to plan and realize underwater archaeological parks, such as in the Sicilian islands of Pantelleria (Gadir), Levanzo (Cala Minnola), Ustica (Falconiera), Panarea (Basiluzzo) and Filicudi (Capo Graziano). In situ conservation, as well as virtual exhibitions of the same topics, can contribute to ensure the protection and best fruition of underwater cultural heritage. The focus of this study was the identification of bacterial colonies in waterlogged wood samples from the rostrum of a excellent workmanship, that is very likely one of the wrecks attributed to Sextus Pompey fleet (36 BC) and d…

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DNA analysis as tool for identification of bacteria in archaeological waterlogged wood

Abstract In this work molecular techniques were applied in order to integrete the results obtained by Optical (OM) and Scanning Electron (SEM) Microscopy, to understanding and assessing the changes in the anatomical structure of archaeological waterlogged wood (Pinus sp.) induced by bacteria colonization. Observation of wooden thin sections revealed by OM showed the presence of black and dark -brown areas (must probably due to sulphur compounds) and mineral concretions. The SEM micrographs revealed a specific cell wall alteration attributable to bacterial activity and abundant pyrite framboids (as single structure or clustered). The presence of sulfur compounds in archaeological waterlogged…

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Recupero, conservazione e analisi genetica della collezion di agrumi dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo

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Il Tabulario della Cattedrale. Studio Conoscitivo e Restauro di Documenti in Carta e Pergamena

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Cellulose pulp, mainly utilized as a support for cleaning stone material, in this study, is proposed as a filler for wooden supports. In the last 10 years, pulp has been used in many restoration works carried out in the laboratory of the Diocesan Museum (MDP) in Palermo, including both wooden sculptures and panel paintings. These artworks, exhibited in the MDP, are constantly monitored in order to evaluate the effectiveness of cellulose pulp as a filler, assessing its durability and bio-receptivity. In particular, structural characteristics, drying time, shrinkage, loss in weight, affinity to the pigments, etc., were simultaneously evaluated. Tests were also carried out on artificially aged…

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Down-regulation of early sea urchin histone H2A gene relies on cis regulative sequences located in the 5' and 3' regions and including the enhancer blocker sns.

The tandem repeated sea urchin alpha-histone genes are developmentally regulated by gene-specific promoter elements. Coordinate transcription of the five genes begins after meiotic maturation of the oocyte, continues through cleavage, and reaches its maximum at morula stage, after which these genes are shut off and maintained in a silenced state for the life cycle of the animal. Although cis regulative sequences affecting the timing and the level of expression of these genes have been characterized, much less is known about the mechanism of their repression. Here we report the results of a functional analysis that allowed the identification of the sequence elements needed for the silencing …

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Enhancer blocking activity located near the 3′ end of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene

The sea urchin early histone repeating unit contains one copy of each of the five histone genes whose coordinate expression during development is regulated by gene-specific elements. To learn how within the histone repeating unit a gene-specific activator can be prevented to communicate with the heterologous promoters, we searched for domain boundaries by using the enhancer blocking assay. We focused on the region near the 3′ end of the H2A gene where stage-specific nuclease cleavage sites appear upon silencing of the early histone genes. We demonstrated that a DNA fragment of 265 bp in length, defined as sns (for silencing nucleoprotein structure), blocked the enhancer activity of the H2A…

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Microscopy and Molecular biology techniques for the study biocenosis diversity in semi-confined environments

This study is part of a wider conservation project of artistic and anthropological finds located in the Grotto of the Saints (Licodia Eubea, Alia, Sicily), and represents an opportunity for investigating the micro-and macro biological systems colonizing this particular environment. It is well-known that the bio-receptivity of surfaces is strongly related to its constituent materials and environmental parameters, whose effects promote the establishment of specific biotic communities. This is particularly true for caves, hypogea and semi-confined environments and, in particular for the Grotto of the Saints, where besides the presence of different nutrient sources, there are also high humidity…

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Constitutive hsp70 is essential to mitosis during early cleavage of Paracentrotus lividus embryos: The blockage of constitutive hsp70 impairs mitosis

Localization of constitutive hsp70 in eggs and early embryos of sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is shown by means of in situ immunostaining. An accumulation of this protein is shown in the mitotic structures (asters, spindles and centrosomes). Microinjection of anti-hsp70 antibodies into eggs causes impairment of formation of mitotic structures and of cell division. This impairment goes from a complete mitotic block, to irregular mitotic apparatus formation with irregular cleavage, depending upon the antibody concentration. The localization of hsp70 after antibody microinjection is also described. Blockage of mitotic apparatus formation by nocodazole also blocks the concentration of hsp70 …

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Analisi per l'identificazione di microrganismi deteriogeni sulle superfici marmoree delle statue di Fontana Pretoria in Palermo.

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Identification of microbial taxa involved in cultural heritage deterioration and able to produce health hazardous substances by molecular techniques.

Fungi and bacterial, wide-spread in biosphere environments, are the main microorganisms related to the deterioration of cultural assets but, moreover, complex microbial communities may emit mixed aerosol into indoor air. In this study the microbial colonization is investigated from to point of view, conservation of cultural heritage and related potential illness to visitors or professionals. The sampling was performed by non-destructive procedures on works of art surfaces, and by the gelatin membrane filter method (Sartorius) for aerosol. The identification of microbial taxa was performed by molecular analyses based on PCR, sequencing, sequence comparison techniques and, particularly for fu…

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From Cnidarian immunobiology to cultural heritage applications

The study of cnidarians immunity, as model systems of metazoans, lead additional informations on the first steps of the immunity evolution. The functions of the genes and cellular pathways in higher vertebrates are conserved during the evolution of metazoans, as shown by the discovery of homologues in cnidarians. These basal metazoans in fact, are far from "simples" in the range of methods at their disposal to deal with potential prey but also invading microbes and pathogens. They can give informations about the invertebrates innate immune repertoire. We investigated the immunobiology starting from the inflammatory response in Anemonia sulcata (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) following injection of sub…

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Applicazione di Tecnologie innovative per il recupero e la conservazione di materiali archivistici e librari

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The VHPS technology can be considered as a safer and more environmentally friendly method for decontamination of works of art, and environments, colonized by microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). The application of this technology allowed that: • the procedure has to be performed on site; • the procedure has to be repeated in several runs; • the procedure has to perform microbial biocide and sporocide; • the human toxicity has to be controllable (safe working environment); • the gaseous mixture has to avoid creating a cumulative chemical toxic burden; • the validation and reproducibility of the decontamination process. In the present work we put together the information coming from the applicat…

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Definizione di un protocollo per la caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare del genere Daldinia Ces. & De Not. (Ascomycota) in Sicilia

La possibilità di chiarire la tassonomia di alcuni complessi di specie come nel caso di Daldinia Ces. De Not. (1) per mezzo di indagini sia morfologiche che molecolari, permette un’esatta definizione dei taxa sulla base delle loro caratteristiche biologiche ed ecologiche. In un precedente studio (2) , effettuato sulla base dei caratteri teleomorfici ed anamorfici, sono stati descritti due taxa nuovi per la Scienza provenienti dal territorio siciliano: Daldinia martinii M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber e D. raimundi M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber. In questo contributo le stesse entità ed altri campioni di Daldinia di provenienza siciliana sono state analizzate con tecnologie differenti…

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Tabulario della Cattedrale. Studio conoscitivo e Restauro di documenti in carta e pergamena.

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Characterization of microbial communities in pest colonized books by molecular biology tools

This work presents the identification of bacteria and fungi colonies in insect infesting books, by cultural-independent methodologies based on molecular biology techniques. Microbial genomic DNA extraction,<em> in vitro</em> amplification of specific target sequences by polymerase chain reactions (PCR), sequencing and sequence analysis were performed. These procedures minimized the samples amount, optimized the diagnostic studies on bacteria and fungi colonization and allowed the identification of many species also in complex microbial consortia. The molecular techniques for sure accomplish and integrate the microbiological standard methods (<em>in vitro</em>&nbs…

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Genetic analysis of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) cultivars by ISSR molecular markers

Eight cultivars of Citrus aurantium L., showing peculiar morphological traits of the fruits and leaves, were analyzed genetically. Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was chosen as molecular markers because they represent a highly efficient system for investigating variability at intraspecific level. The particular morphological traits were discussed, the genetic identity and distance matrix based on Nei index was calculated, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram was generated. A total of 53 clearly distinguished DNA bands were considered for the ISSR analysis of which 24 were polymorphic. A basic C. aurantium fingerprinting pattern was obtained. The I…

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Cleaning is one of the first and most important steps in conservative restora- tion intervention, as it removes the unwanted layers of dirt and deposit from the surface of an artefact. It must be done selectively, however, by adapting the cleaning operation to the different zones and removing successive layers of deposit without acting directly on the original materials of the surface. Generally, cleaning protocols are based on chemical or physical procedures with potential negative effects for restorers’ health and/or for the materials constituting the artworks. As an alternative, solvent gels, rigid gels and resin soaps can be used for selective cleaning. In recent decades, biological cle…

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Molecular approach for the characterization of ancient /degraded Cyperus sp.specimens

The aim of this work has been to apply and improve the efficiency of molecular tools for the identification of Cyperus sp. from difTerent sources. Total DNA was extracted from fresh, degraded and ancient specimens. DNA molecules were the template for in vitro amplification of specific target regions referred to rcbL plastid gene (ribulose-l,5 -biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit). Dedicated DNA extraction and amplification protocols have been applied specifically for fresh/degraded and ancient samples. Particularly, specific set of primer, annealing temperatures and reaction mixtures have been performed. The PCR products, single DNA fragments, were resolved on agarose gel electr…

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Cultural heritage constitutive materials can provide excellent substrates for microbial colonisation, highly influenced by thermo-hygrometric parameters. In cultural heritage-related environments, a detrimental microbial load may be present both on manufact surface and in the aerosol. Confined environments (museums, archives, deposits, caves, hypogea) have peculiar structures and dif- ferent thermo-hygrometric parameters, influencing the development of a wide range of microbial species, able to induce artefact biodeterioration and to release biological particles in the aerosol (spores, cellular debrides, toxins, allergens) potentially dangerous for the human health (visitors/users). In orde…

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Caratterizzazione della biodiversità della grotta dei santi a Licodia Eubea (Catania, Sicilia)

Il complesso rupestre, di cui fa parte la Grotta dei Santi, si sviluppa su due terrazzamenti nel territorio di Licodia Eubea, in Contrada Alia. Le testimonianze archeologiche e documentarie lasciano ipotizzare che il sito abbia subito, a partire dalla tarda antichità, varie frequentazioni. Rivestì un’importante ruolo sociale e religioso, fino almeno al XV secolo, quando fu completamente abbandonato, per essere riscoperto solo durante il secolo scorso. La denominazione della Grotta, è riconducibile alla presenza di tracce di pannelli raffiguranti una teoria di Santi, la quale doveva ornare le pareti dell’antro rivolto a nord-est, destinato in epoca paleocristiana alla sepoltura di importanti…

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Biotechnology: Innovative Contributions to the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

As exhaustively showed during the conference "Molecular Biology and Cultural Heritage", held in Seville in 2003, molecular biology represents an important source of insight for the development of innovative protocols for the detection and characterization of microbial consortia colonizing historic-artistic manufacts. In particular, fungi and bacteria (frequently associated with green algae, cyanobacteria, lichens, etc), wide-spread in biosphere environments, are the main biological systems related to deterioration of cultural asset. Moreover in the aerosol of indoor environments, whre the manufacts are exposed or stored, complex microbiai communities may release some molecules with human (v…

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Essential Oils as Natural Biocides in Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Essential oils (EOs) have been known for a long time, and they are used in several fields such as medicine and aromatherapy, as well as in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In the last decade, EOs have also been applied to contrast the biodeterioration of cultural heritage, representing a powerful resource in green conservation strategies. In this study, an integrated approach based on microscopic observation, in vitro culture, and molecular investigation was preliminarily employed to identify biological systems colonizing wooden artworks. In order to contrast the biodeterioration processes induced by fungal colonization (Aspergillus flavus) or insect infestation (Anobium punctatum), …

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Fingerprinting con marcatori molecolari ISSR in cultivar del genere Citrus L.

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DNA sequence and pattern of expression of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) alpha-tubulin genes.

To study the molecular aspects of the regulation of transcription of a multigene family, we have isolated and sequenced cDNA and genomic clones coding for the alpha-tubulin of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Two cDNA clones, P alpha 10 and P alpha 4, contain respectively the coding information for 391 C-terminal and for 338 N-terminal amino acids of the 452 residues that constitute the complete protein. They show silent nucleotide substitutions only, suggesting that P alpha 10 and P alpha 4 represent the cloned copies of two allelic gene transcripts, which encode for two alpha-tubulin isoforms with identical amino acid sequence in the region of the overlap. The comparison of the predi…

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The scientific investigations preliminary to the restoration of two golden wooden reliquaries, from Palermo's Cathedral, are reported in this work.

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A specific operative protocol set up during the restoration of San Michele Arcangelo’s marble statue

Questo lavoro descrive le diverse fasi dell’intervento di conservazione di una statua di marmo del XVI secolo, raffigurante San Michele Arcangelo, custodita presso la Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Abatellis di Palermo. Inizialmente è stata effettuata un’indagine di archivio per inquadrare l’opera dal punto di vista storico artistico ed iconografico. Quindi sono stati effettuati: un rilievo grafico e digitale 3D, una mappatura di tutte le forme di degrado rilevate e dei segni di interventi precedenti, le analisi dei materiali costitutivi e dello stato di conservazione, mediante tecniche non distruttive o microdistruttive. Infine è stato progettato ed eseguito l’intervento di conservazione, a…

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Thymus vulgaris Essential Oil and Hydro-Alcoholic Solutions to Counteract Wooden Artwork Microbial Colonization

Aromatic plants represent a source of natural products with medicinal properties, and are also utilized in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Recently, the need for eco-compatible and non-toxic products, safe for both the environment and human health, have been proposed for the sustainable conservation of historic–artistic artifacts. In this study, in order to counteract microbial colonization (Aspergillus sp., Streptomyces sp., Micrococcus sp.) on wooden artwork surfaces, Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae) essential oil (EO) and hydro-alcoholic (HA) solutions were applied in a polyphasic approach. The antimicrobial activities of EO and HA solutions were preliminarily assessed by agar disc…

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Recupero, conservazione ed analisi della collezione di agrumi dell’Orto Botanico di Palermo

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L’approccio molecolare per la caratterizzazione di comunità microbiche in manufatti artistici

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Cold-active molecules for a sustainable preservation and restoration of historic-artistic manufacts

In the last decades biotechnology research provides sustainable alternatives to traditional procedures for preventive preservation of cultural assets. Recently, bioactive molecules (BMs) isolated from marine invertebrate organisms have been isolated and tested for bioremoval of protein layers (BMP) or to controlling microbial colonization (BMA), acting at temperature lower than 30°C. The Protease or Antimicrobial activity was tested on ad hoc assembled specimens and on different historic-artistic manufacts. In bio-removing protocol BMP molecules were applied as gelled solutions, in order to guarantees a selective action, respectful of constitutive materials and manufact integrity. Peculiari…

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Microbiological and molecular investigations to determine the state of conservation of mobile paintings

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Spatially restricted expression of PlOtp, a Paracentrotus lividus Orthopedia-related homeobox gene, is correlated with oral ectodermal patterning and skeletal morphogenesis in late-cleavage sea urchin embryos

ABSTRACT Several homeobox genes are expressed in the sea urchin embryo but their roles in development have yet to be elucidated. Of particular interest are homologues of homeobox genes that in mouse and Drosophila are involved in patterning the developing central nervous system (CNS). Here, we report the cloning of an orthopedia (Otp)-related gene from Paracentrotus lividus, PlOtp. Otp is a single copy zygotic gene that presents a unique and highly restricted expression pattern. Transcripts were first detected at the mid-gastrula stage in two pairs of oral ectoderm cells located in a ventrolateral position, overlying primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) clusters. Increases in both transcript abund…

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Tracce di cultura devozionale spagnola nella Palermo del '600: Studio e Restauro

Oggetto di studio e restauro è una scultura lignea interamente dorata e dipinta, con funzione processionale, che raffigura la Madonna di Monserrato, il cui culto è collegato al noto Santuario annesso al Monastero dei Benedettini di Montserrat, vicino Barcellona. Di particolare interesse si è rivelato lo studio della tecnica esecutiva di quest’opera, anche perché la scultura lignea siciliana, in particolare quella eseguita dal Rinascimento al Barocco, è a tutt’oggi poco studiata, o comunque affrontata in maniera dispersiva e non sistematica . La Madonna, frontale e assisa, ostende il Bambino Gesù adagiato tra le ginocchia e perfettamente contenuto entro la sua sagoma, riprendendo una specifi…

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Changes in the morphology of sea urchin embryos exposed during specific stages of development to 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields

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Biotechnologies for identification of microorganisrns colonizing aerosol and surfaces of works of art in indoor environrnents

Biological deterioration of organic and inorganic objects is a compIex process involving a relevant number of microbi al species. Particularly. fungi é1nd bacteria, wide spread in biosphere environments, are the main microorganisms related to the biodeterioration o[ cultural property. Moreover, complex microbial communities can relcase, in indoor environments, metabolic products or other airborne particles that may be detrimenral for human health, In order lo identify the components of microbial populations colonizing surfaces of works o[ art and/ or dispersed in thc aerosol of confìned/semi-confined environments, a molecular approach was laken. Samples were collected by non-destructive tec…

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Underestimated impact of Red Palm Weevil introduction on iandscape biodiversity: the help of the molecular tools

Alien species have been introduced both accidentally and intentionally. The last are and have been motivated by economic, environmental and social considerations (NOBANIS, 2010), as in the case of many palm species (Phoenix canariensis, P. dactylifera, Washingtonia filifera, W. robusta) in Sicily. These Arecaceae are important in the urban areas and they contribute to the typical Sicilian Panorama. On the other hand the accidental introduction of invasive alien species can be one a cause of the loss of native biodiversity, especially severe on islands and other isolated ecosystems. Phytophagous insects can cause biodiversity losses and may also have a strong impact on the economy of the isl…

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Scientific studies for the restauration of two wooden arm reliquaries from the Cathedral of Palermo

Dedicated to Saint Generosi and Saint Rosana, the reliquary arms, recalling the shape of a body part, are today located in the Relics Chapel in Palermo Cathedral. They are probably dated to the second half of the 18th century and are attributed to an unknown artist. The aims of this study were to investigate the decorative techniques, verify the state of conservation of the constitutive materials, measure the microclimate condition in the Relics Chapel, in order to set up a correct preventive conservation strategy. In this regard, an integrated scientific investigation was performed focusing on environmental monitoring (thermo-hygrometric parameters) by HOBO system, characterization of mate…

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Conservazione di legature erratiche dell'archivio storico diocesano di Palermo: monitoraggio ambientale e microbico

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Anemocory dispersal model of Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. in the Island of Lampedusa

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Diagnostic analyses of the wooden statue of Madonna Monserrato

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contenuti del volume “La gestione del rischio nel settore dei beni culturali: musei, biblioteche, archivi”, secondo della Collana “La Formazione e la Ricerca nel settore dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali”, sono riconducibili preliminarmente ad un excursus storico sulla situazione normativa in materia di sicurezza dei beni culturali in Italia e a livello internazionale con la conseguente trattazione di procedure di valutazione e prevenzione, linee guida e sistemi di sicurezza, in particolare, negli ambienti confinati. Si rivolge, quindi, l’attenzione alle varie tipologie di rischio e alle corrispondenti metodologie scientifiche in un confronto di percorsi metodologici e monitoraggi stabiliti a…

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Erratum to “Exotic insect pests: The impact of the Red Palm Weevil on natural and cultural heritage in Palermo (Italy)” [J. Cult. Herit. 14 (3S) (2013) e172–e182]

The correct caption for Figure 4 is: Palm groves with Phoenix canariensis palm trees: (a) Cittadella Universitaria (photo already published n S. Colazza, G. Filardo, A. Motisi, G. Barbera 2009. Il campo sperimentale del “giardinetto delle palme” dell’Ateneo palermitano di viale elle Scienze. In La ricerca scientifica sul punteruolo rosso e gli altri fitofagi delle palme in sicilia. (pp. 21–24). Marsala TP: Regione Siciliana ssessorato Agricoltura e Foreste and (b) Palm promenade in Foro Italico; only one palm is present.

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Le mummie delle catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo

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Essential Oils Extracted from Different Species of the Lamiaceae Plant Family as Prospective Bioagents against Several Detrimental Pests

On the basis of the side effects of detrimental synthetic chemicals, introducing healthy, available, and effective bioagents for pest management is critical. Due to this circumstance, several studies have been conducted that evaluate the pesticidal potency of plant-derived essential oils. This review presents the pesticidal efficiency of essential oils isolated from different genera of the Lamiaceae family including Agastache Gronovius, Hyptis Jacquin, Lavandula L., Lepechinia Willdenow, Mentha L., Melissa L., Ocimum L., Origanum L., Perilla L., Perovskia Kar., Phlomis L., Rosmarinus L., Salvia L., Satureja L., Teucrium L., Thymus L., Zataria Boissier, and Zhumeria Rech. Along with acute to…

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Biodeterioramento dei beni culturali: caratterizzazione di comunità microbiche mediante tecniche fisiche e molecolari

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Novel protese from marine organisms with potential interest in restoration procedures

In the last decades molecular biology allowed the development of innovative protocols in the field of conservation/restoration of cultural assets. In this work we presents novel hydrolyses isolated from marine invertebrate organisms, whose protease activity was previously tested in laboratory by zymography on polyacrilamide gel (in presence of 0.1 of gelatin) Very interesting these enzymes are activated/work in a range of temperatures between 4 ° C and 37 ° C. In this study two sets of proteases were applied, to bio-clean works of art surfaces, at the environments temperature (19° to 25.5° C). Before remove, the water-soluble components of the layers have been analyzed by high-pressure size…

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Blue Biotechnology and Cultural Heritage: case studies

In order to promote innovative methodologies for conservation and restoration of historic-artistic manufacts, the efforts are focalized on the development of “sustainable” applications as alternatives to traditional restoration procedures, which can sometimes be detrimental for the artworks, humans and environment [1]. The role of Biotechnology in this field showed very useful applications for diagnosis of bio-deterioration of cultural assets, by an integrated methodology based on molecular and microbiological skills, and in bio-cleaning / bio-removing of organic/inorganic layers from artwork surfaces by enzymes or viable bacteria cells [2, 3]. In this work, bioactive molecules isolated fro…

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Biotechnology for microbial monitoring of indoor cultural heritage environments

An integrated approach for the characterization of bioaerosol was employed in different sites (that include hypogeal and semi-confined areas), characterized by great cultural/artistic interest besides peculiar architectural structures, thermo- hygrometric and lighting parameters. These typologies of indoor environments preserve several artworks like mural paintings, stone-works, paper or parchments that are susceptible of microbial colonization. The presence of fungal spores and low air change can induce both potentially effects to human health (users/operators) or biodegradation of historical-artistic manufacts. We perform bioaerosol sampling by a portable sampler (Sartorius MD8), equipped…

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Applicazioni biomolecolari per la caratterizzazione di comunità batteriche deteriogene in opere d’arte di natura organica e inorganica

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Stone works of art located outdoors are exposed to natural deterioration, due to several physical, chemical and biological factors. Biological macro- and micro-systems (e.g. weeds, insects, algae, mosses, fungi and bacteria) may induce the biodeterioration of stone materials. In February 2014, the state of conservation of the Fountain of the two Dragons in Palermo was examined, during which time biological colonization in some areas of the fountain and statues, was also detected. The monument represents an excellent substrate for the development and growth of microrganisms and organisms that need a continuous supply of water. Direct solar irradiance promotes the development of photoautotrop…

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Legature erratiche dell'Archivio Storico Diocesano di Palermo, monitoraggio ambientale e microbico

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Two wood anthropomorphic reliquaries, belonging to the Lipsanoteca of Epiphany Church in Trapani (Italy) were restored following the consevative restoration procedures based on an interdisciplinary approach. The hystoric-artistic contextualization, the constitutive materials and executive techniques were defined and physical-chemical-biological factors involved in degradation events were evaluated. The Saints relic (human bone or teeth), present in each reliquary were analysed through visual investigation. After restoration, the manufacts showed their peculiarities and their extraordinary cultural value.

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Rivelazione e Caratterizzazione di Consorzi Microbici in Reperti Lignei Sommersi

In questa lavoro sono state affrontate le problematiche relative alla valutazione dello stato di conservazione del legno archeologico sommerso (waterlogged wood) in relazione ai fattori che ne inducono il degrado. L’attenzione è stata rivolta ai processi di biodeterioramento, indotti dall’attività di alcuni microrganismi che utilizzano le componenti principali del legno, la cui identificazione è stata eseguita ricorrendo a tecniche sia colturali sia molecolari. In particolare, le tecniche molecolari che si sono rivelate di immediata applicazione per lo studio e la caratterizzazione dei microrganismi che colonizzano i beni di interesse storico artistico e i manufatti d’interesse archeologico…

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Fungi related to larvae of red palm weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

As a first step to developing effective biocontrol strategies, we analyzed the pathogens and mainly the entomopathogenic fungal species, present into dead larvae of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus; a quarantine pest recently introduced and acclimated in Sicily (Italy). From 2008 to 2010, we estimated the natural larval mortality (> second instar) of R. ferrugineus collected from infested palm Phoenix canariensis; that was variable from 10 to 35%, according to the different seasons Among the different pathogens recorded the fungi seems have an important role, than in order to distinguish saprophytic or opportunistic species from potential pathogens (including the non cultivable ones) we applied d…

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Approccio multidisciplinare al resturo della statua di San Nicola di Mira: un caso studio

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Characterization of microbial biofilm into mosaic tesserae by physical and molecular biology techniques

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Gene expression during early embryogenesis of sea urchin: The histone and homeobox genes

Transcriptional regulators are thought to play a key role in cell fate determination and territorial specification in sea urchin. Our goals are to clone transcription factors for studying embryonic development. One approach has been to use promoter binding and gene transfer technology to investigate the mechanisms of transcriptional activation and repression of the early H2A histone gene. By this analysis we identified a transcriptional activator, the MBF-1, that binds to the modulator element of the H2A gene and enhances the activity of the H2A promoter. However, the enhancer activity of the modulator and its interaction with MBF-1 also occurs at the gastrula stage when the early histone g…

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The Gaia-ESO survey: Discovery of a spatially extended low-mass population in the Vela OB2 association

The nearby (distance~350-400 pc), rich Vela OB2 association, includes $\gamma^2$ Velorum, one of the most massive binaries in the solar neighbourhood and an excellent laboratory for investigating the formation and early evolution of young clusters. Recent Gaia-ESO survey observations have led to the discovery of two kinematically distinct populations in the young (10-15 Myr) cluster immediately surrounding $\gamma^2$ Velorum. Here we analyse the results of Gaia-ESO survey observations of NGC 2547, a 35 Myr cluster located two degrees south of $\gamma^2$ Velorum. The radial velocity distribution of lithium-rich pre-main sequence stars shows a secondary population that is kinematically distin…

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Introduction: Originally from tropical Asia, the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)) is the most dangerous and deadly pest of date, coconut, oil, sago and other palms. It has spread to Africa and Europe, reaching the Mediterranean in the 1980s, and was first recorded in Sicily (Italy) in 2005. Due to its recent introduction and the difficulty of its control, to known the natural pathogens of RPW in the introduced areas is very important. Methods: Pupae from infested palms Phoenix canariensis Hort. were collected. The entomopathogenic fungi were isolated and growth. Because of it is possible to growth only the 1% of the known fungi, the identification of entomopathogens is …

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Biotecnology and Cultural Heritage: bioactive molecules applied in restoration projects

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Biotechnology a Source of Knowledge in Agreement with Green Strategies for the Conservation of Cultural Assets

In this study, conservative strategies are applied in order to limit any irreversible damage and to characterize and quantify microbial colonization that may induce the deterioration of constitutive heritage materials; subsequently, suitable antimicrobial interventions are performed based on the use of biotechnology. This paper presents a summary of the basic and applied biotechnology research developed in the Laboratory of Biology and Biotechnology for Cultural Heritage (LaBBCH, University of Palermo, Italy). It shows that biotechnology has an evidently important role in the preservation and restoration of cultural assets, also taking into consideration that “Prevention is better than cure…

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Diagnostic analyses of the wooden statue of Madonna di Monserrato

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Risultati preliminari dell'indagine genetica intraspecifica di Caralluma europea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) nel sito di Lampedusa

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Analysis of microbial colonization

CONTENT OF THE BOOK The book takes into consideration archaeological artefacts made out of the most common materials, like stones (both natural and artificial), mosaics, ceramics, glass, metals, wood and textiles. But all these important materials are accompanied by less diffuse artefacts and materials, like clay tablets, goldsmith artefacts, icons, leather and skin objects, bones and ivory, coral and mother of pearl. Each type of artefact and/or material is treated from at least four different points of view: - Composition and processing technology - Alteration and degradation causes and mechanisms - Procedures for conservative intervention - Case study and/or examples of conservative inte…

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Le Biotecnologie Molecolari per la conservazione e la valutazione del ruolo dei microrganismi nei processi di degrado di manufatti di interesse storico artistico

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Analisi molecolare per lo studio della variabilità genetica nel Punteruolo rosso

Al fine di caratterizzare e confrontare le popolazioni di Rhynchophorus ferrugineus presenti in Sicilia, con quelle presenti negli areali autoctoni e di recente introduzione, sono stati messi a punto dei protocolli per l’analisi di specifiche sequenze del DNA genomico di questo fitofago. Sono stati disegnati i primer da utilizzare per l’amplificazione della regione ITS del punteruolo rosso. In particolare, per l’amplificazione della porzione ITS1 un primer forward è posizionato nella porzione terminale del gene 18S (P1) e l’altro nella porzione iniziale del gene 5,8S (P2), con opposta direzione di sintesi.Per l’amplificazione dell’ITS2, invece, i primer forward e reverse sono posizionati, r…

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Innovative and Integrated Strategies: Case Studies

In this chapter, case studies related to biodeterioration, bioaerosol, biocide and biocleaning are reported. The aim is highlighting the role of biology and biotechnology tools for the preventive conservation of organic and inorganic artifacts, understanding how traditional as well as innovative methods can help the conservationists to develop integrated strategies considering works of art/environment/ humans as a dynamic system. Particularly, based on the experience acquired during the researches of Laboratory of Biology and Biotechnology for Cultural Heritage (LaBBCH), the authors suggest several approaches to reveal and identify biological systems able to induce biodeterioration of cultu…

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A multidisciplinary approach to the study of cultural heritage environments: Experience at the Palatina Library in Parma

The aim of this paper is to describe a multidisciplinary approach including biological and particle monitoring, and microclimate analysis associated with the application of the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). This approach was applied at the Palatina historical library in Parma. Monitoring was performed both in July and in December, in the absence of visitors and operators. Air microbial monitoring was performed with active and passive methods. Airborne particles with a diameter of ≥0.3, ≥0.5, ≥1 and ≥5 μm/m3, were counted by a laser particle counter. The surface contamination of shelves and manuscripts was assessed with nitrocellulose membranes. A spore trap sampler was used to identify…

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Recupero, conservazione ed analisi genetica della collezione di agrumi dell’Orto Botanico di Palermo

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Intraspecific genetic analysis in Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) from Lampedusa island (Italy) by ISSR molecular markers.

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Applicazione di tecnologie innovative per il recupero e la conservazione preventiva dei materiali archivistici librari.

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Metodologie Integrate per l'indagine aerobilogica in ambienti confinati e semiconfinati di interesse culturale

INTRODUZIONE – Il presente studio è rivolto alla caratterizzazione del bioaerosol in ambienti confinati/semi-confinati che, oltre a fare parte essi stessi del patrimonio culturale, sono spesso preposti alla salvaguardia di manufatti d’interesse storico-artistico, come musei, archivi, biblioteche. Casi particolari sono rappresentati da ipogei e insediamenti rupestri caratterizzati da specifici parametri ambientali (UR, temperatura, illuminamento) che permettono l’istaurarsi e la proliferazione di complesse biocenosi. Infine, essendo gli ambienti utilizzati e fruiti da operatori culturali e visitatori, è necessario valutare il potenziale rischio sanitario connesso con la presenza di particell…

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Reazione infiammatoria ed isolamento di un peptide antimicrobico da Anemonia sulcata (Cnidaria)

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Caratterizzazione molecolare di specie fungine associate al Punteruolo rosso

Nella primavera 2008 nella città di Palermo, pupe, larve e di Punteruolo rosso sono stati prelevati da palme infestate ed e’ stato avviato lo studio della naturale incidenza di patogeni del punteruolo rosso. Specie fungine sono state isolate principalmente dalle pupe, infatti circa il 30% di queste erano colonizzate da funghi. I sintomi dell’infezione includevano rapida atrofia dei tessuti pupali, mancata fuoriuscita dell’adulto e morte. La dissezione delle pupe infette ha rivelato la crescita di un denso micelio, suggerendo la penetrazione delle ife e la patogenicita’. I putativi patogeni sono stati isolati su piastra e la loro identificazione e’ stata condotta mediante amplificazione e se…

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Summary The microscopic and molecular techniques described in this study are aimed at understanding the degradation processes of the anatomical structure of submerged archaeological wood, correlating it to the degradation induced by bacteria. The SEM micrographs showed alterations of the wooden structure due to bacterial colonization, as well as the presence of pyrite framboids. The difficulty of extracting bacterial DNA from wooden fragments belonging to submerged finds is well-known, due to the presence of many inhibitors; this study describes some extraction and in vitro amplification protocols for wooden submerged finds. The results of the molecular investigations, based on the analysis…

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Impoverishment of Sicilian (Italy) historical and cultural assets by an alien insect species:the case study of the Real Palm Weevil

Microorganisms and insects have a disastrous impact on the biodiversity, cultural heritage and economy of a geographic area. However, in recent decades, the negative effects of invasive alien species (IAS), including both animal and plant or microorganisms occurring outside their natural distribution range, are generally not well known. Invasive alien species are most often found in or near urban areas, as well as throughout the settled landscape. According to the World Conservation Union, IUCN 2012, IAS represent the second most significant threat to biodiversity after resource depletion of habitats, becoming predators, competitors, parasites, hybridizers and diseases for native plants and…

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Marine organisms as source of bioactive molecules applied in restoration projects

Abstract In recent decades research in the conservation and restoration field has provided sustainable alternatives to traditional procedures for cleaning or controlling the microbial colonization of works of art. In the present study, for the first time novel bioactive molecules extracted from marine invertebrate organisms (Anthozoa) were tested instead of chemical compounds for removing protein layers or as a biocide for controlling fungal or bacterial colonization. In particular, Bioactive Molecules with Protease activity (BMP), acting in a temperature range of 4- 30°C, were tested for the hydrolysis of protein layers on laboratory specimens. The cleaning protocol provides a selective pr…

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The Gaia-ESO survey: Metallicity of the chamaeleon i star-forming region

Context. Recent metallicity determinations in young open clusters and star-forming regions suggest that the latter may be characterized by a slightly lower metallicity than the Sun and older clusters in the solar vicinity. However, these results are based on small statistics and inhomogeneous analyses. The Gaia-ESO Survey is observing and homogeneously analyzing large samples of stars in several young clusters and star-forming regions, hence allowing us to further investigate this issue. Aims. We present a new metallicity determination of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region, based on the products distributed in the first internal release of the Gaia-ESO Survey. Methods. 48 candidate member…

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Regulation of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene expression depends on the modulator element and on sequences located near the 3' end

Abstract Transcription of the sea urchin early histone genes occurs transiently during early cleavage, reaching the maximum at the morula stage and declining to an undetectable level at the gastrula stage. To identify the regulatory elements responsible for the timing and the levels of transcription of the H2A gene, we used promoter binding studies in nuclear extracts and microinjection of a CAT transgene driven by the early H2A promoter. We found that morula and gastrula nuclear proteins produced indistinguishable DNase I footprint patterns on the H2A promoter. Two sites of interactions, centred on the modulator/enhancer and on the CCAAT box respectively, were detected. Deletion of the mod…

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La tecnologia del DNA-microarray per l'identificazione di specie microbiche su superfici e nell'aerosol di ambienti confinati

La tecnologia del DNA microarray è utilizzata nei nostri laboratori per lo sviluppo di piattaforme multi-diagnostiche finalizzate alla identificazione di microrganismi. Il sistema è applicabile a campioni biologici prelevati in ambienti confinati, dove funghi e batteri rappresentano una delle componenti principali. Questi microrganismi, sono in grado di svilupparsi, in stretta relazione con determinati parametri come: i valori di temperatura e umidità relativa, le caratteristiche chimico fisiche dei materiali, e delle superfici, la tipologia di aerosol di questi ambienti. L’instaurarsi di consorzi microbici complessi e stabili oltre ad accelerare il degrado superficiale dei materiali, può c…

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The focus of this study was the identification of bacterial colonies in waterlogged wood fragments from the rostrum of a excellent workmanship, that is very likely one of the wrecks attributed to Sextus Pompey fleet (36 BC) and discovered in Acqualadroni, Messina, Sicily, Italy (2008). The wood samples were analyzed by light and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), in vitro culture and molecular technique (DNA base techniques). The results, focused on bacterial consortia, allowed us to reveal the presence of Pseudomonas sp., Sphingomonas sp., Xanthomonas sp. besides Marinobacter sp. and Desulforudis audaxviator. A prompt and accurate characterization of bacterial colonization represents one …

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Biotechnology and Cultural Heritage Conservation

The deterioration of cultural asset is induced by biological, chemical, and physical factors, influenced by anthropogenic activity and environmental conditions. In this study, the contribution of biotechnology is emphasized to define the conservation strategy, for a marble Fountain (Two Dragons, XV century) located in Palermo city center, based on an integrated approach and eco-friendly procedures. Biotechnological protocols are preliminarily applied as an integrated approach, based on microscopy observation, in vitro culture and genomic DNA analysis to recognize and characterize microbial communities. Several biological systems have been identified: green algae (Chlorella) and cyanobacteri…

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Two wood anthropomorphic reliquaries, belonging to the Lipsanoteca of Epiphany Church in Trapani (Ita1y) were restored following the consewative restoration procedures based on an interdisciplinary approach. The hystoric-artistic contextualization, the constitutive rnaterials and executive techniques were defined and physical-chemical-biological factors involved in degradation events were evaluated. The Saints relic (human bone or teeth), present in each reliquary were analysed through visual investigation. After restoration, the manufacts showed their peculiarities and their extraordinary cultural value.

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Caratterizzazione dei consorzi batterici mediante tecniche di microbiologia molecolare

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The grave slab of the so-called "Young Knight" by Francesco Laurana: knowledge and restoration

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Alien invasive species (IAS) have a disastrous impact on the biodiversity, cultural heritage and economy of a geographic area. The case of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), an IAS that attacks the non-native palm species Phoenix canariensis, but also native species Chaemerops humilis, especially in urban and peri-urban areas, is reported. These palm trees have played an important role in Sicilian history and cultural heritage since the period of the Arab invasion. The accidental introduction of the RPW has remarkably changed the Sicilian panorama. In this study the chronology and the severity of the effects of RPW on palms so far detected, is reported. In only 7 years the RPW has drastically chang…

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Bacteria consortia and deterioration of archaeological waterlogged wood: identification by molecular and microscopy techniques

In this study molecular tools are applied to reveal and identify bacterial colonization in waterlogged wood to assessing the changes induced in anatomical structure, previously observed by Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy (1). The results obtained by observation of wooden thin sections (OM), shown the presence of black and dark-brown areas and mineral concretions. The SEM analysis revealed a specific cell walls alteration, attributable to bacterial activity, other than abundant pyrite framboids (FeS2). The presence of sulfur compounds in archaeological waterlogged wood can indicate both long-term burial in anoxic environment and colonization by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Molecular m…

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Un soffitto ligneo intagliato miniato del XV secolo in Sicilia. Studio e Indagini Diagnostiche

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TAC applicata allo studio di rocce sedimentarie utilizzate nei Beni Culturali

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Different micrococcal nuclease cleavage patterns characterize transcriptionally active and inactive sea-urchin histone genes.

Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) and DNaseI have made a great contribution to our present understanding of the structural organization of the eucaryotic genome [l - 31. The enhanced sensitivity of active portions of the genome to DNaseI gave, in fact, the first indication of differences in the nucleoproteic arrangement of the transcribed as compared to the silent DNA regions [4]. The use of MNase, as a probe of the chromatin organization of specific genes in the active and inactive state, provided additional evidence for this and further showed that the packing of several coding segments of DNA in a regular array of nucleosomal particles is severely but reversibly affected by the transcriptiona…

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Analisi del DNA genomico della collezione di agrumi dell'Orto botanico di Palermo

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Caratterizzazione di Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) mediante l’analisi del DNA genomico

Originario dell’Asia tropicale, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), Coleoptera, Curculionidae, introdotto accidentalmente nel bacino del Mediterraneo nei primi anni ’90 (Salama et al, 2004), e segnalato in Sicilia nel 2005 (A.A.V.V. , 2009) è il fitofago chiave causa della moria di numerose palme. Infesta diversi generi di palme, sia giovani che adulti, quali Phoenix canariensis, P. dactylifera, Coccus nucifera, Washingtonia sp. A dispetto della pericolosità di questa specie che recentemente è stata proposta quale specie da quarantena (EPPO, 2008) non sono ancora disponibili informazioni inerenti la caratterizzazione molecolare di R. ferrugineus, utili per: i) identificazione specifica del…

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The X-ray activity-rotation relation of T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga

The Taurus-Auriga star-forming complex hosts the only population of T Tauri stars in which an anticorrelation of X-ray activity and rotation period has been observed. We have used XMM-Newton's European Photon Imaging Cameras to perform the most sensitive survey to date of X-ray emission (0.3-10 keV) from young stars in Taurus-Auriga and investigate the dependences of X-ray activity measures -- X-ray luminosity, Lx, its ratio with the stellar luminosity, Lx/Lstar, and the surface-averaged X-ray flux, Fxs -- on rotation period. We tested for differences in the distributions of Lx/Lstar of fast and slow rotators, accretors and non-accretors, and compared the dependence of Lx/Lstar on the ratio…

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Indagini diagnostiche e restauro della statua lignea di SAN NICOLA DI MIRA

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Chromatic alteration on marable surfaces analysed by molecular biology tools

The surfaces of works of art exposed to specific environment with which they interact, are subject to a high number of exchanges and reactions leading to the creation of the “natural patina”, through the surface alteration. This definition already explains its genesis and stands as the consequence of a natural phenomenon of surface alteration of the matter. Cesare Brandi defined patina as “that particular characterization of the surface of a historical, cultural, artistic work deriving exclusively from the natural and usual stabilization and modification process that the materials of the surface undergo because of the interaction with outdoor agents characterizing the surrounding environmen…

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Analisi del genoma di popolazioni di Centaurea gruppo cineraria della Sicilia occidentale

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mtDNA diversity in rabbit population from Sicily (Italy)

The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (O.c) lives all over the world and it represents an important resource for many predators. It has been classified as a Near-Threatened species in the Red List of Vertebrates of Italy. It is present in mediterranean basin as two known subspecies: O.c. cuniculus and O.c. algirus. The mediterranean geographic distribution of the two subspecies is still not well known. In particular, in Sicily, lacking of deep studies, is based on the body size and morphological characteristics; there wasn’t a complete description of the actual existing subspecies and previous studies only reported the morphological characteristics of the sicilian rabbit population. In …

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Biodeterioration represents a revealing problem for the conservation of cultural heritage. It can be identified as a complex interaction within the ecosystem of a microbial community and its substrate and involves physical and chemical alterations resulting from biological and metabolic activity. Designing a diagnostic approach for evaluating the extent of the damage, identifying the biological community, and opting for an efficient methodology aimed at eliminating deteriogens is equally complicated. The correct approach would require understanding the nature of the biodeterioration and implementing methodologies respectful of human health which, however, avoid the indiscriminate killing of…

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Functional characterization of the enhancer blocking element of the sea urchin early histone gene cluster reveals insulator properties and three essential cis-acting sequences

Insulator elements can be functionally identified by their ability to shield promoters from regulators in a position-dependent manner or their ability to protect adjacent transgenes from position effects. We have previously reported the identification of a 265 bp sns DNA fragment at the 3' end of the sea urchin H2A early histone gene that blocked expression of a reporter gene in transgenic embryos when placed between the enhancer and the promoter. Here we show that sns interferes with enhancer-promoter interaction in a directional manner. When sns is placed between the H2A modulator and the inducible tet operator, the modulator is barred from interaction with the basal promoter. However, th…

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Specific inflammatory response of Anemonia sulcata (Cnidaria) after bacterial injection causes tissue reaction and enzymatic activity alteration

The evolution of multicellular organisms was marked by adaptations to protect against pathogens. The mechanisms for discriminating the ’’self’’ from ’’non-self” have evolved into a long history of cellular and molecular strategies, from damage repair to the co-evolution of host-pathogen interactions. We investigated the inflammatory response in Anemonia sulcata (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) following injection of substances that varied in type and dimension, and observed clear, strong and specific reactions, especially after injection of Escherichia coli and Vibrio alginolyticus. Moreover, we analyzed enzymatic activity of protease, phosphatase and esterase, showing how the injection of different ba…

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Indagini non Distruttive per una Migliore Conoscenza dei Documenti dell'Archivio Storico Diocesano di Palermo

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Cultural heritage constitutive materials can provide excellent substrates for microbial colonisation, highly influenced by thermo-hygrometric parameters. In cultural heritage-related environments, a detrimental microbial load may be present both on artworks surface and in the aerosol. Confined environments (museums, archives, deposits, caves, hypogea) are characterised by peculiar structures and different thermo-hygrometric conditions, influencing the development of a wide range of microbial species, able to induce artefact biodeterioration and to release biological particles in the aerosol (spores, cellular debrides, toxins, allergens) potentially dangerous for the human health (visitors/u…

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In the last decades molecular biology has provided innovative approaches in order to set up specific protocols for the conservation and restoration of cultural assets. In this study, which falls within the so called field of Blue-biotechnology, new bio-reactive peptides isolated from marine invertebrate organisrns (Cnidaria and Molluscs) were tested aim to bio-cleaning (proteolytic- peptides) the surfaces or to control (antimicrobial-peptides) the colonization of historic-artistic manufacts by fungi or bacteria. Particularly, the proteolytic-peptides showed hydrolytic activity, specific for animal-glue, in a range of temperatures of 4-37°C; than acting without heating the surface, by a cont…

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Plant products as biocides for conservation of cultural asset sustainable for human and environmental health

In the last decades plants products are increasingly used also in defining innovative procedures for sustainable conservation of cultural heritage. Particularly, essential oils or hydro-alcoholic extracts have been fruitful applied to contrast microbial colonization on organic and inorganic artworks or insect infestation (Anobidae) having regard to the repellent action.
 In this paper, extracts from Asteraceae and Lamiaceae plant families are utilized to counteract widespread microbial colonization (bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi) due to their antimicrobial activity. In order to define the adequate concentration correlating it to microbial species detected, the antimicrobial activity o…

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Association of entomopathogenic fungi with exotic red palm weevil in treated and untreated Phoenix canariensis

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is introduced pests of established Phoenix canariensis in Sicily (Italy). A three-year field survey of R. ferrugineus generated data on species of fungal associated with larval, pupae, and adult R. ferrugineus recovered from several cadavers. Moreover specimens were collected from infested Phoenix canariensis in scattered locales in Sicily to determine also infection rates with entomopathogenic fungi over 3 years. Collection was done after overwintering period, during summer and at the beginning of autumn in palm, untreated and treated with chemical pesticides. As can be expected the highest infestation was recorded after overw…

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XX Colloquio AISCOM

In questi ultimi decenni la ricerca scientifica ha fornito numerose innovazioni applicabili nel campo della conservazione e del restauro dei beni culturali e, come presentato nel congresso internazionale Molecular Biology and Cultural Heritage (Seville-2003, ES), le biotecnologie possono fornire numerosi protocolli applicativi. In particolare, le indagini molecolari implementano e completano la rivelazione e identificazione delle specie microbiche presenti sia sulla superficie dei manufatti sia nell’aerosol dogli ambienti in cui sono conservati/esposti. Alcune specie batteriche e fungine, sono in grado di rilasciare sui manufatti e nell’ambiente circostante, i prodotti delle loro attività m…

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Saggi sull’attività antimicrobica di molecole bioattive in interventi di foderatura di dipinti

In questo studio è stato valutato l’utilizzo di molecole antimicrobiche estratte da organismi marini invertebrati (Anthozoa), al fine di limitare o inibire la crescita microbica su materiali impiegati per il restauro di manufatti storico-artistici. I ceppi batterici e fungini utilizzati nei saggi antimicrobici, sono stati isolati da porzioni di tele, stratificate con colla, impiegate nella foderatura di dipinti. Mediante un approccio integrato che comprende tecniche di microscopia e tecniche molecolari, sono state identificate colonie batteriche appartenenti ai generi Enterobacter e Micrococcus e fungine appartenenti ai generi Aspergillus e Penicillium. L’attività antimicrobica delle moleco…

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Removal of old protein layers from surfaces of works of art by new enzymes

The aim of the present project is to set up bio-cleaning protocols in order to easily remove altered protein layers (e.g. animal glues) by enzymatic proteins (proteases). Protein molecules were isolated from marine invertebrate organisms, characterized by size exclusion highpressure liquid chromatography (Waters: SEC-HPLC, BioSuite 250 to 10㎛ SEC 7.5 x 300 mm) and their gelatinase activity analyzed by zymography on polyacrilamide gel. The remarkably proteolytic activity and the reaction temperature range of these enzymes, 4° to 37℃, made it possible to hypothesize their use in bioremediation projects. Tests were performed on protein coating found on some polychrome wooden artifacts exposed …

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Exotic insect pests: The impact of the Red Palm Weevil on natural and cultural heritage in Palermo (Italy)

Abstract The impact of invasive exotic pests is increasingly recognised as a global issue. A global strategy to address the exotic pest problem is beginning to evolve, albeit slowly. The International Plant Protection Convention (FAO) has begun the process of harmonizing standards for pest risk analysis to minimise the spread of exotic pests without adversely impacting global trade. However if the impacts of insect invasive species on human health and on agriculture have attracted worldwide attention, researchers and policymakers address directly the connection between invasive species and damage to natural and cultural heritages. The cost of these losses is generally neglected or underesti…

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Biotecnologie per la caratterizzazione di aerosol biologici nelle biblioteche

Biodeterioration of organic substrates is a process involving several types of micro/organisms and represents a ravelled problem particularly for confined environments (archives, libraries, hypogeal, museum), where microbial growth depends on a combination of factors such as relative humidity, indoor temperature fluctuation, water activity, chemical and physical properties of materials surface (Else et al., 2003; Gallo et al., 1999; Valentin, 2003). Both water condensation phenomena and poor ventilation, that allow micro-climate formation suitable for the development of microorganisms for fungi and bacteria that may release toxins with human health damaging proprieties, that may persist in…

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Novel proteases from marine organisms with potential interest in restoration procedure

In the last decades, molecular biology allowed the development of innovative protocols in the field of conservation/restoration of cultural assets. In this work new hydrolyses, isolated from marine invertebrate organisms, are applied to remove protein layers form works of art surface. Proteolytic zymography assay evidenced that these enzymes are active in a broad temperature range, between 4 degrees and 37 degrees C. The enzymatic cleaning by these proteases, tested on wooden furniture of the second half of the eighteenth century showed positive results, without needing to heat the enzyme solution or the surface on which they were applied. The present report proposes novel proteases more ap…

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High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Use to Control Dried Apricot Pests, Tribolium castaneum and Rhyzopertha dominica, and Assessing the Qualitative Traits of Dried Pieces of Treated Apricot

One of the new ways of warehouse pest control is the carbon dioxide treatment, which had no residues on the target products. In the present research, at first, CO2 gas was applied to control two important pest species infesting dried apricots. Dry apricots infested with adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) or Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) were exposed to CO2 gas pressures correspond to 9.1, 16.7, 23.1, 28.6, and 33.4 mol% for 24 h. The results showed higher mortality rates with increasing the gas pressures in all the experiments. The minimum and maximum losses of the pests were determined at concentrations of 9.1 and 33.4 mol%, respectively. Evaluation of CO2 gas effects on the quality charac…

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Bioaerosol in ambienti adibiti alla esposizione e alla conservazione di manufatti storico-artistici

Integrated methodologies were applied for the characterization of the airborne particulate inside three different sites with peculiar environmental parameters. The Saints Cave in Licodia Eubea (Catania, Sicily), a semi-confined environment, where biological airborne particulate is strongly influenced both by surrounding countryside and by continuous air flow. The Diocesan Historic Archive in Palermo, where important documentary funds (IX-XX sec.) are stored, characterized by an indoor-outdoor exchange related to its use. The Sibilla Antrum (Marsala, Trapani) a hypogeal environment, where airborne particulate can be introduced and moved by visitors or sometimes related to the presence of pes…

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The archaeological excavations in Piazza della Vittoria, in the Roman-Middle Age town of Palermo (Sicily) put in light a sink 3.20 m deep and 1 square m. large, partially filled by thin organic sediments. Grape seeds (grape-stones), fish scales and few vertebrate bones have been found in specific strata sealed under a stratum chronologically attributed to Islamic Middle-Age period (a post-quem limit). The finding of well preserved grape seeds is peculiar and their study opens the opportunity to improve the actual knowledge about evolution, cultivation, use and trade of Vitis L. in the Mediterranean area. This preliminary work focuses on morphologic and morphometric analysis of the ancient g…

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Metodologie Biomolecolari per la Conservazione e il Restauro

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Biotecnologie per i Beni Culturali, Innovazioni scientifiche Bio-clining, Bio-renforcing

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Caratterizzazione dei consorzi batterici mediante tecniche molecolari

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