Giovanni Iapichino

Effects of transplant temporary flotation exposure and different planting dates on strawberry fruit production

research product

Grafting affects yield and phenolic profile of Solanum melongena L. landraces

Abstract The influence of grafting on agronomical and qualitative characteristics of four Sicilian eggplant landraces was investigated. Grafted and ungrafted plants were compared in the open field in the northern coast of Sicily. Solanum torvum seedlings were used as rootstock. Regardless of genotypes tested, grafting significantly increased total fruit production, marketable production, and number of marketable fruits, but did not affect weight of marketable fruits and waste production. Landrace 2 (Sciacca), with black epidermal tissue and pyriform fruit shape, when grafted onto S. torvum not only gave a higher yield performance than ungrafted plants, but also showed a higher phenolic anti…

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Effects of transparent polyethylene mulching and different planting densities on tomato grown for processing

Tomato cultivation is steadily increasing in the Sicilian countryside where careful management of clay soils alows successful yields. The crop is estabished in the first week of May an rainfall is adeguate to obtain a sufficient production without irrigation. In these areas a recent development in tomato production for processing is the use of transparent polyethylen mulching. The aim of this study was to verify the effects of transparent PE mulching vs. bare soil and of three different plant densities (0.74, 1.1 or 2.2 plants/m2) on a tomato crop in the Sicilian countryside. Applying PE mulch and planting at a density of 2.2 plants/m2 resulted in the highest yield (58.6 t/ha). The lowest p…

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Reperimento e valutazione di popolazioni di carciofo in Sicilia

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Morphological and agronomical characterisation of Sicilian bottle gourd Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standley

Local plant populations represent a valuable source of genetic variability. Lagenaria siceraria [Mol.] Standl. is a monoecious species of Cucurbitaceae grown in India and parts of the Mediterranean for its immature fruit and young leaves used as vegetables. The species is a high-value crop in Sicily where several landraces are grown in open field and in plastic greenhouse. The aim of this study was to characterise five Sicilian L. siceraria landraces (G1-G5), from a morphological and agronomical point of view. Genetic resource characterisation was carried out as a foundation for future conservation and breeding works. Fourteen qualitative and quantitative characters were assessed by using t…

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Micropropagation of Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus).

The globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus) is a perennial plant cultivated in the Mediterranean region and the Americas for its edible young flower heads. Although vegetative propagation by offshoots or by “ovoli” (underground dormant axillary buds) has been the primary method of propagation, the potential for the diffusion of diseases and the phenotypic variability can be very high. The propagation of this species by axillary shoot proliferation from in vitro cultured meristems produces systemic pathogen free plants and a higher multiplication rate as compared to that obtained by conventional agamic multiplication. Axillary shoot proliferation can be induced from excised sho…

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Valutazione di ecotipi di melone d'inverno reperiti nella Sicilia centro-occidentale condotti in regime "seccagno"

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Impact of Ecklonia maxima Seaweed Extract and Mo Foliar Treatments on Biofortification, Spinach Yield, Quality and NUE

Seaweed extract (SE) application is a contemporary and sustainable agricultural practice used to improve yield and quality of vegetable crops. Plant biofortification with trace element is recognized as a major tool to prevent mineral malnourishment in humans. Mo deficiency causes numerous dysfunctions, mostly connected to central nervous system and esophageal cancer. The current research was accomplished to appraise the combined effect of Ecklonia maxima brown seaweed extract (SE) and Mo dose (0, 0.5, 2, 4 or 8 µmol L−1) on yield, biometric traits, minerals, nutritional and functional parameters, as well as nitrogen indices of spinach plants grown in a protected environment (tunnel). Head f…

research product

Use of organic fertilizers for lettuce plug plant production

Vegetable crop production in conventional intensive agricultural systems commonly implies high fertilization rates. Recent data show that the worldwide demand for organically grown products is expanding rapidly. Increasing interest in organic vegetable production has lead to a need to produce seedlings organically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of organic fertilizers applied to lettuce seedlings on plant growth and yield. Romaine lettuce seeds of cultivar Gretta R were sown on March 2007 in polystyrene plug trays in a unheated greenhouse in the Northern coast of Sicily. At the second leaf stage, seedlings were saturated with solutions containing vario…

research product

Soil Solarization and Calcium Cyanamide Affect Plant Vigor, Yield, Nutritional Traits, and Nutraceutical Compounds of Strawberry Grown in a Protected Cultivation System

Soil solarization is a hydrothermal procedure of disinfesting soil of soilborne diseases and pests. Solarization can be combined with many other chemical or non-chemical alternatives to afford integrated pest and diseases management or improve plant yield. Calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) is a fertilizer used in agriculture sector and is also effective in suppressing soilborne pathogens. The present study assessed the influences of different pre-plant CaCN2 dosages on strawberry grown on solarized or non-solarized soil. Soil solarization and 500 kg ha&minus

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Micropropagazione di Convolvulus sabatius Viv.

Il genere Convolvulus, appartenente alla famiglia delle Convolvulaceae, comprende circa 250 specie annuali e perenni, molte delle quali sono considerate infestanti. Tuttavia, alcune specie come C. tricolor, C. cneorum e C. sabatius vengono inserite nel settore delle piante ornamentali (Bird, 2004). Specie erbacea perenne, originaria del bacino del mediterraneo, C. sabatius è rinvenibile nella nostra penisola allo stato spontaneo in Liguria, Puglia e Sicilia (Pignatti, 2003). La specie, per il valore estetico dei numerosi fiori azzurro-violetti, il lungo periodo di fioritura (aprile-giugno) e la capacità di adattamento sia ad alte che a basse temperature (la pianta tollera temperature fino a…

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Risposta bioproduttiva di ecotipi diversi di lagenaria (Lagenaria siceraria Mol. Stand.) in Sicilia

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Cutting Type and IBA Treatment Duration Affect <i>Teucrium fruticans</i> Adventitious Root Quality

Root development of stem cuttings of Silver Germander (Teucrium fruticans) was investigated in relation to cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment. Terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to three types: terminal cuttings with apex (TWA), terminal cuttings without apex (TWOA) or sub-terminal cuttings (ST). To verify the cutting response to exogenous auxin, cuttings were dipped to a 2.0 cm depth in a 0.5% indole-3-butyric acid solution for 0, 5 or 7 minutes. Overall percent survival was 97 to 98%. Rooting percent, root number and root length were affected by cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid treatment. In general, TWA cuttings demonstrated a higher capac…

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Plug plant fertilization and planting density affect onion productivity in sicily

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different planting density and different levels of plug plant fertilization on onion production in Sicily. Onion landrace ‘Bisacquino’ was sown in the first week of January 2006 in a unheated greenhouse in polystyrene plug trays. Seedlings were fertigated with the following three different solutions containing (in mg l-1) 800 N - 400 P - 400 K, 1200 N - 600 P - 600 K or 1600 N- 800 P - 800 K. Trays were subirrigated with the nutrient solution both at one leaf stage and 10 days prior transplanting. Plug plants were field transplanted in the Sicilian hilly countryside. The plugs consisting of one, two, or three onion plants were set 20 cm a…

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Effetti della fumigazione e della solarizzazione del suolo sulla fragola in sicilia

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Genetic variation and evolutionary analysis ofPepino mosaic virusin Sicily: insights into the dispersion and epidemiology

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a highly infectious potexvirus that causes a severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops worldwide. In Sicily, the first outbreak was detected in a single greenhouse in 2005 and it was promptly eradicated. However, in 2008, a large number of greenhouses were simultaneously affected, and it was impossible to eradicate or control the virus. This study addressed the dispersion and the genetic diversity of PepMV isolates obtained from the outbreak in Sicily, in comparison with worldwide PepMV isolates, to gain insight into the factors determining the evolution and epidemiology of the virus. A total of 1800 samples from plants with and without symptoms we…

research product

Un-rooted grafted cuttings for eggplant plug-transplant production and shipping: simulated transportation and healing requirements

Vegetable grafting is one of the most effective eco-friendly techniques to overcome pests and soilborne diseases in modern cropping systems of fruiting vegetables. Due to the increased farmers’ preference for grafted seedlings of high quality and better performance, the use of vegetable grafted plants is rapidly spreading and expanding over the world and intensive researches on new commercial production systems are under way. However, in many areas of the world, due to the high cost of skilled manpower, the use of grafted plug plants is still limited causing a relatively slow development of the grafting nursery industry. The aim of this work was to evaluate a possible use of un-rooted graft…

research product

Selenium biofortification and grafting modulate plant performance and functional features of cherry tomato grown in a soilless system

Abstract Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for humans due to its importance in a number of enzymes. Vegetable grafting is a valuable tool to overcome biotic and/or abiotic issues and to increase vigour, yield traits and fruit quality. The present work aimed at testing both different Se concentrations (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 μmol Se L−1) supplied via fertigation and grafting on cherry tomato in soilless culture. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved total fruit yield by 60.0 % and 31.4 % in ungrafted and grafted plants, respectively as compared to the control. Marketable yield was positively affected by Se-biofortification and grafting. Se at 2.0 μmol L−1 improved N use efficiency by 60.3 % a…

research product

Application of PGPB Combined with Variable N Doses Affects Growth, Yield-Related Traits, N-Fertilizer Efficiency and Nutritional Status of Lettuce Grown under Controlled Condition

Nitrogen (N) fertilization is a crucial agricultural practice for boosting production traits in vegetables. However, N synthetic fertilizers—commonly adopted by farmers—have several counterproductive effects on the environment and on humans. The research was performed to assess the combined influence of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) (Azospirillum brasilense DSM 1690, A. brasilense DSM 2298 and Pseudomonas sp. DSM 25356) and various N fertilization doses (0, 30, 60 or 120 kg ha−1) on growth, yield, quality and nitrogen indices of lettuce in protected cultivation. Plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves and fresh weight were enhanced by A. brasilense DS…

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Cauliflower hybrids for spring production in southern mediterranean area

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Primi risultati sul comportamento in Sicilia di 7 essenze autoctone da utilizzare per la costituzione di siepi.

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Epoche d'impianto e sistemi di allevamento del Fagiolo "a Badda"

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Solanum aethiopicum gr. gilo and Its Interspecific Hybrid with S. melongena as Alternative Rootstocks for Eggplant: Effects on Vigor, Yield, and Fruit Physicochemical Properties of Cultivar 'Scarlatti'

Grafting is generally considered effective in ameliorating vegetable crop tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The use of interspecific hybrid as rootstock for eggplant may represent a valid alternative approach to enhance eggplant performance. However, studies on the effects of different rootstocks on eggplant plant vigor, yield, and fruit quality traits often show conflicting results. Thus, an experiment was performed in two spring&ndash

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Effetti degli investimenti unitari sulla produzione di "Cipollotti" da seme

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Biodiversità del melone d'inverno (Cucumis melo Var. Inodorus Naud.) in Sicilia

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Original vegetation recovery of two degraded areas in the Mediterranean island of Marettimo.

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Studi su ecotipi diversi di Lagenaria (Lagenaria siceraria Mol. Standl.) coltivati in Sicilia.

research product

Effect of Cutting Size and Basal Heat on Rooting of Micromeria fruticulosa Stem Cuttings

Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande is a small pulviniform shrub, belonging to the Labiates, and characterized by twisted stems and pink-purple flowers. Endemic to Campania and Sicily (Italy), M. fruticulosa grows from sea level to 600 m altitude. This specie might be considered an excellent native plant for landscape purposes in Mediterranean areas because of its long flowering period, extending from November to June, and its tolerance to heat and drought. The exploitation of wild plants for ornamental purposes implies knowledge on the factors influencing the propagation methods. Root development of stem cuttings of M. fruticulosa was investigated in relation to basal heat and cutting …

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Effetti delle eopche d'impianto sulla produttività del melone invernale "Ecotipo Purceddu"

research product


Mycorrhizal fungi are gaining interest in the floriculture sector due to the beneficial effects on a crop performance and ornamental quality. The aim of the current study was to assess the effect of inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Rhizophagus irregularis on ornamental quality of Begonia × semperflorens-cultorum grown in two different protected cultivation systems: a shadehouse or glasshouse. The inoculated plants incurred a significant increase of plant height by 34.6%, lateral shoot length by 27.9%, number of lateral shoots by 41.2%, number of flowers per plant by 102.9%, flower diameter by 27.5%, and stems dry weight by 263.6%. High temperatures in the glasshouse ne…

research product

Cryopreservation of Limonium serotinum apical meristems from in vitro plantlets using droplet-vitrification

Abstract In this study in vitro shoot tips of a Sicilian genotype of Limonium serotinum were successfully cryopreserved using the droplet-vitrification technique. Growth recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips was possible only when samples were pretreated for 16 h in liquid medium with 0.3 M sucrose, then for 5 h in liquid medium with 0.7 M sucrose before performing the cryopreservation protocol. Optimal conditions included treatment for 20 min in a loading solution containing 1.9 M glycerol + 0.5 M sucrose, treatment with vitrification solution B5 (glycerol 40.0%, sucrose 40.0%, w/v) for 60 and 90 min or vitrification solution A9 (glycerol 30.0%, dimethylsulfoxide 20.0%, ethylene glycol 20.0…

research product

Improved Propagation and Growing Techniques for Oleander Nursery Production

In the first trial, we examined rooting of stem cuttings in relation to number of nodes and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment in several Nerium oleander clones grown in Sicily. In a second trial, we tested the effect of different forcing dates and shading on oleander plants for gardens and natural landscapes. Three- and four-node cuttings, ranging in length from 10 to 14 cm, were significantly superior to two-node cuttings (8&ndash

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Improved micropropagation in Polygala myrtifolia

Stem segments from apical shoot tips of Polygala myrtifolia were used as primary explants to establish in vitro cultures. Axillary shoots produced on noncontaminated explants were excised and recultured in the same medium to increase the stock of shoot cultures. Equal molar concentrations of five cytokinins 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP), kinetin, zeatin, N6-benzyladenine (BA) and adenine were tested for ability to induce axillary shoot development from double node stem segments. The highest rate of axillary shoot proliferation was induced on Murashige and Skoog agar medium supplemented with 1.8 M BA. Seven indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations (2.8, 5.7, 8.6, 11.4, 14.3, 17.1 M) were t…

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Micropropagazione di Platycodon grandiflorus

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Agronomic response of winter melon (Cucumis Melo Inodorus Naud) to biodegradable and polyethylene film mulches, and different planting densities

The winter melon is widely grown in the open field in Sicily on about 6000 hectares. Plants are grown in the coutryside without irrigation as the annual rain precipitation provides sufficient water for the crop. In the last decades the use of plastic mulches are necessity of removal and dispostal after usage. The objective of this research was to evaluate effects of polyethylene and biodegradable films (transparent or black) in combination with two planting densities, 2667 plants/ha-1 (1plant/hill) or 5334 plants/ha -1 (2 plants/hill) on yield, fruit size, quality and earliness of winter melon. All mulches markedly increased early and total yields in comparison to unmulched plots. The best …

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Tecniche agronomiche, aspetti varietali e caratterizzazione del melone d'inverno.

tecniche agronomiche

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Conservazione dei frutti di melone d'inverno. meridionale.

research product


The use of floating cover directly applied on top of the crop is rapidly increasing on leafy vegetables like lettuce as a simple, inexpensive and effective technique to induce earliness. Two lettuce types, ‘Iceberg’ and ‘Romaine’, under two different crop management systems (black plastic mulch and black plastic mulch combined with floating cover) were tested in Sicily in 2007. Plug type transplants were planted at the end of January on double rows. The nonwoven floating cover was applied after transplanting. Maximum and minimum air temperatures below the floating cover during the growing period were in the average 5 and 1.5°C higher than those without cover. Lettuces mulched and protected …

research product

Basal heat improves adventitious root quality in Plumeria (Plumeria rubra L.) stem cuttings of different sizes

Root development of hardwood cuttings of Plumeria rubra was investigated in relation to basal heat and the size of cuttings. Terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to various lengths, ranging from 10 to 26 cm. To verify the cutting rooting response to basal heat, half of the cuttings were placed on a basal heated bench (28 ± 3°C, constant temperature) while the remaining were placed on an unheated bench (16-18°C during the night and 20-22°C during the day). Percent rooting and cutting survival were not affected by basal heat and cutting length. However, basal heat positively affected number of roots, length of longest root and bud growth. Increases in the length of the cu…

research product

Micropropagation of Metrosideros excelsa

Multiple shoots were induced on stem segments of a 8-year-old plant of Metrosideros excelsa Sol ex Gaertn. ‘Parnel’. Axillary shoots produced on uncontaminated explants were excised, segmented and recultured in the same medium to increase the stock of shoot cultures. The Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, augmented with different concentrations of 2- isopenthenyladenine (2iP) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), either singly or in combinations, as potential medium for shoot multiplication by nodal segments was tested. In the following experiment equal molar concentrations of four cytokinins [2iP, kinetin, zeatin and N6-benzyladenine (BA)] in combination with equal molar concentrations of three au…

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Ricerche sulla produzione di vasi fioriti di Micromeria fruticulosa in Sicilia

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Effects of solarization and biofumigation on tomato greenhouse production in the southern coast of Sicily

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Interactive Effects of Genotype and Molybdenum Supply on Yield and Overall Fruit Quality of Tomato

Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential trace element for plant growth, development, and production. However, there is little known about the function and effects of molybdenum in tomato plants. The present study assessed the influences of different Mo concentrations on four tomato F1 hybrids (“Bybal” F1, “Tyty” F1, “Paride” F1, and “Ornela” F1) grown using a soilless system with different Mo levels [0.0, 0.5 (standard NS), 2.0, and 4.0 μmol L−1, respectively]. The crop yield, plant vigor, fruit skin color, TA, fruit water content as well as the accumulation of SSC, and some antioxidant compounds such as lycopene, polyphenols and ascorbic acid were evaluated. The minerals concentration, including n…

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Effects of Soil Solarization With Different Plastic Films and Fumigation With Combination of 1,3-Dichloropropene and Chloropicrin on Strawberry Protected Plantations in Sicily

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Effetti delle epoche d'impianto sulla produttività del melone invernale ecotipo "Purceddu"

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Valutazione agronomica di popolazioni di 'Cavolfiore Verde di Palermo' sottoposte ad epoche d'impianto diversificate

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Micropropagation ofAgeratum houstonianumby nodal segments

Ageratum houstonianum is a bedding and flowering potted plant originated from Central America which is generally propagate by seed. In this report a preliminary in vitro technique for propagation of A. houstonianum was investigated. In vitro germinated seeds were used to establish aseptic shoot cultures of several clones. Seedling stem segments bearing 3-4 nodes were placed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium plus 20 g L-1 sucrose, 8.0 g L-1 Agar to induce axillary shoot development. Axillary shoots were subcultured into the same medium and nodal segments were sectioned and subcultured to increase the stock of shoot cultures. Shoot cultures of the selected clone AG14 were used to accom…

research product

Agronomic performance and fruit quality in greenhouse grown eggplant are interactively modulated by iodine dosage and grafting

Iodine (I) is considered an indispensable trace element for humans due to its capacity to promise a normal functions of thyroid hormones, preventing cretinism, goiter, reproductive failure, and diverse types of brain injury. Vegetable grafting is a technique for securing yield constancy and/or improving fruit quality. The study evaluated the combined effect of I-dosages and grafting onto Solanum torvum rootstock on 'Birgah' eggplant. Iodine at 100 or 300 mg L-1 enhanced marketable yield by 28.8% and 8.5%, respectively, compared with the control. Plants grafted onto S. torvum and self-grafted plants increased marketable yield by 53.0% and 45.8%, respectively compared with the ungrafted plant…

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Influence of different pollinators on Winter melon grown under polyethyle tunnels

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Effects of polyethylene and biodegradable starch-based mulching films on eggplant production in a Mediterranean area

Traditional plastic films are used for eggplant cultivation in open field in Mediterranean environments. However, disposal and/or recycle of mulches contaminated with soil and/or vegetation represent an environmental concern. We compared two traditional plastic mulches (transparent and black polyethylene films) with five black biodegradable mulching films (Mater-Bi T12A, Mater-Bi T12B, Mater-Bi T15A, Mater-Bi T15B and Mater-Bi T15C) having different thickness and synthetic composition. 'Birgah' eggplant F1 hybrid plug-plants were transplanted on 2nd May, 2016 in the north-western coast of Sicily. Air temperature in the soil-mulch film gap in the plots with transparent PE was higher than in …

research product

Soil Solarization as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Annual Strawberry Production in a Mediterranean Area

This study compares the effects of soil solarization and methyl bromide fumigation on the growth and yield of strawberry plants (Fragaria xananassa Duch.) cultivated under plastic tunnel conditions. The study was conducted in a Mediterranean coastal area, in four consecutive annual production cycles in a field with no history of methyl bromide fumigation and 2-year history of strawberry production. In all 4 years, solarization was conducted for 7- to 9-week intervals from late June to early September. Cultivar Tudla frigo-plants were planted through mulch in the first week of September of each year. Average daily soil temperatures in solarized plots measured at 15 cm depth were 6.0, 8.1, 7.…

research product

Effects of different training system on yield and fruit quality of six cherry tomato cultivars

Tomatoes are intensively grown under protected cultivatrion in the Mediterranean island of sicily. Approximately 3000 hectares of cherry tomatoes are concentred in the provinces of Ragusa, Siracusa, and Trapani. Soilless culture is an innovative method of cultivation which reduces de use of energy, water, labor and pesticides. The incoming phase out of methyl bromide in 2005 and the progressive soil and water salinisation has increaswed the interest of the sicilian growers in this type of cultivation. The aim of this research was top study the effects of different training systems on cherry tomatoes cultivars grown in soilless culture.

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The effect of nickel on seed germination and plant sprouting in the case of some Alyssum species

The aim of the researches was to establish the upper limit of nickel concentration in soils that the Alyssum maritimum and Alyssum murale species could tolerate without significantly affecting the germination and the plant sprouting process. The experiment was conducted in 4 variants of 3 repetitions, each repetition including 50 seeds. The watering process of the substrate was performed using distilled water for the control variant (M) and NiSO4 solutions that represented the intervention threshold (V1 – 150 mg/kg) and doses that exceeded the intervention threshold (V2 – 350 mg/kg; V3 – 550 mg/kg and V4 – 750 mg/kg). The Ni influence on seed germination was assessed based on sprouting perc…

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Propagazione in vitro e produzione di semi sintetici di Metrosoderos excelsa

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Polyethylene and Biodegradable Starch-Based Mulching Films Affect Winter Melon Production in a Mediterranean Area

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Hybrids and allied species as potential rootstocks for eggplant: Effect of grafting on vigour, yield and overall fruit quality traits

Abstract Grafting of fruiting vegetables is an effective technique to overcome pests and diseases in modern cropping systems and it is often used to improve yield and fruit quality. Eggplant is an important vegetable crop that benefits significantly from grafting. In this regards, the exploitation, valorization and breeding of new rootstock genotypes as possible substitute to those commonly used (Solanum torvum and tomato hybrids) would permit an intensive eggplant crop system in those situations where a rootstock rotation is required. In the present article, we study the effects of several potential rootstocks including both wild/allied species of eggplant [S. torvum (STO), S. macrocarpon …

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Protein hydrolysates and mo-biofortification interactively modulate plant performance and quality of ‘canasta’ lettuce grown in a protected environment

Since the use of protein hydrolysates (PHs) enhances overall plant performance and quality of vegetables, they might be considered as a toll to face a number of concerns essentially associated to the growing request of premium quality foodstuff realized in agreement with eco-friendly agriculture practices. Molybdenum (Mo) is considered a fundamental trace element for human body. Thus, its shortage determines several disorders mainly related to neurological lesion and esophageal cancer. Biofortification of fruiting and leafy vegetables is a promising tool to prevent Mo deficiency in the human diet. The current study was carried out to assess the interactive effect of plant-derived PHs and Mo…

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Rootstock and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Combinatorial Effects on Eggplant Crop Performance and Fruit Quality under Greenhouse Conditions

The herbaceous grafting of fruiting vegetables is considered a toolbox for safeguarding yield stability under various distresses and for improving fruit quality. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi seems also to be an efficient tool for increasing the assimilation, uptake and translocation of macroelements and microelements, for modulating plant secondary metabolism and for overcoming several forms of plant distress. The present work evaluated the combined effect of grafting the &ldquo

research product

Epoche d'impianto e sistemi di allevamento per il fagiolo "Badda"

The bean landrace"Badda" has been cultivated since long ago in the Madonie mountains in the northern side of Sicily.It is characterized by a bush indeterminate habit and comprises two ecoty termed 'Badda bianca ' and 'Badda nera' according to the seed colour. This paper describes the results of a study on the effects of four sowing dates (June 15 and 30, July 15 and 30) and two vertical training sustems 8a frame of Arundo donax dry canes or a trellis consisting of several strands of wire) on productivity of the phaseolus landrace 'Badda bianca'. Marketable yields obtained from 15 june sowing were significantly higher than those from June 30 and July 15 sowing dates which in turn were signif…

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In vitro propagation of Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) Johnst., a rare endemic Sicilian shrub with potential as ornamental plant.

Lithodora rosmarinifolia is a rare shrub endemic to the Mediterranean island of Sicily and its minor islands. Propagation of Lithodora rosmarinifolia by standard methods is difficult due to erratic seed production and low percentage of rooted cuttings. As the plant is suited for domestication, the possibility of establishing an efficient in vitro technique for propagation and conservation of this threatened species was investigated. Nodal segments from shoot tips were used as primary explants to establish in vitro culture. A 2 X 5 factorial experiment with five concentrations (0 to 17.74 mM) of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and two concentrations (0 and 2.46 mM) of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was u…

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Multiple shoots were induced on nodal segments of a mature plant of Erica multiflora L. Axillary shoots produced on uncontaminated explants were excised, segmented, and recultured on the same medium. The effect of Anderson medium, augmented with different concentrations of 2iP either singly or in combination with NAA, as potential medium for shoot multiplication by nodal segments was investigated. In the following experiment equal molar concentrations of four cytokinins (2iP, kinetin, zeatin, and BA) were studied for ability to induce axillary shoot development from single node stem segments. The highest rate of axillary shoot proliferation was induced on Anderson medium supplemented with 1…

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Celery (Apium graveolens L.) performances as subjected to different sources of protein hydrolysates

The vegetable production sector is currently fronting several issues mainly connected to the increasing demand of high quality food produced in accordance with sustainable horticultural technologies. The application of biostimulants, particularly protein hydrolysates (PHs), might be favorable to optimize water and mineral uptake and plant utilization and to increase both production performance and quality feature of vegetable crops. The present study was carried out on celery plants grown in a tunnel to appraise the influence of two PHs, a plant-derived PH (P-PH), obtained from soy extract and an animal PH (A-PH), derived from hydrolyzed animal epithelium (waste from bovine tanneries) on yi…

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The genus Iberis (family Brassicaceae) includes 30 species of annual and perennial herbs and subshrubs that grow in a wide area from western and central Europe to the Mediterranean Basin. IberissemperflorensL. is a perennial evergreen subshrub (30-60 cm high) endemic to southern Italy and Sicily. Due to its abundance of white flowers and extensive flowering period occurring during the winter months, the species has good potential for pot cultivation and outdoor ornamental use in Mediterranean-type climates. Reliable and efficient propagation methods for I. semperflorens nursery production have been determined. However, there are limited information on cultural techniques of this winter flow…

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Valutazione bioagronomica di ecotipi di carciofo afferenti al ‘Violetto Spinoso di Sicilia’

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Investigating the cryopreservation of nodal explants of Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) Johnst., a rare, endemic Mediterranean species

In this study, we investigated the possibility of using the droplet-vitrification technique for cryopreserving nodal segments of in vitro plantlets of the endangered plant species Lithodora rosmarinifolia. Among the three vitrification solutions tested, only solutions B1, containing (w/v) 50 % glycerol and 50 % sucrose, and B3, containing 40 % glycerol and 40 % sucrose, were able to induce cryotolerance in nodal explants, resulting in intermediate survival and recovery after cryopreservation. A three-step vitrification protocol, including an additional dehydration treatment with half-strength vitrification solution for 30 min before the treatment with full-strength vitrification solution, d…

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Espressioni della biodiversità del melone d'inverno (Cucumis melo var. inodorus Naud.) coltivato in Sicilia.


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Polyethylene and Biodegradable Starch-Based Mulching Films Positively Affect Winter Melon Production in Sicily

Plastic mulching is widely used in many regions of the world for growing melons. The winter melon is largely grown in the hilly countryside of the Mediterranean island of Sicily (Italy) where mulching plastic films enhance early and total yields. However, removing and disposal of polyethylene plastic mulches after use represent a major disadvantage and an environmental concern. The objective of this trial was to compare the effects of polyethylene (PE) (transparent and black) and biodegradable (black) mulching films on yield, fruit size and quality of melon grown in the open field. The trial was conducted in the north-western coast of Sicily in the province of Trapani, 250-m elevation. Melo…

research product

Micropropagation of globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) from underground dormant buds (“ovoli”)

Side shoots excised from underground dormant buds ofCynara scolymus L. were used as primary explants to establishin vitro cultures. A 3×3 factorial experiment with all possible combinations of three concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/liter or 2.22, 4.44, 8.88 μM) ofN 6-benzyladenine (BA) and three concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.2 mg/liter or 0, 0.54, 1.07 μM) of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was used to determine the optimum growth regulator combination for shoot multiplication. The highest rate of axillary shoots was induced on Murashige and Skoog agar medium supplemented with 0 mg NAA/liter and 1.0 mg BA/liter (4.44 μM). Other cytokinins tested (kinetin, zeatin, and 2-isopentenyl-adenine were l…

research product


Plastic mulching is currently used in many areas of the world for growing warm-season crops such as tomatoes, peppers, melons and water melons. The winter melon is widely grown in Sicily on about 6000 hectares. Plants are grown in the open field during the spring-summer months. In the last decades, mulching plastic films have enhanced winter melon early and total yields in Sicily. However, the disadvantage of polyethylene plastic mulches is that they have to be removed and disposed of after use. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of polyethylene (PE) and biodegradable mulching films on yield, fruit size and quality of several winter melon genotypes. Sicilian landraces (‘Cartuc…

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research product

Esperienze sulla propagazione in vitro di un ecotipo siciliano di Thymus capitatus

research product

Poplar Biochar as an Alternative Substrate for Curly Endive Cultivated in a Soilless System

Imminent necessity for eco-friendly and low-cost substitutes to peat is a defiance in the soilless plant cultivation systems. Wood biochar could entirely or partly substitute peat as a plant growing constituent to produce vegetables. Nevertheless, knowledge concerning potential plant performance of leafy green vegetables grown on wood biochar is restricted. The present study assessed the main physicochemical traits of various growing media constituted by decreasing the content of peat and by increasing the percentages of poplar wood biochar. Yield, nutritional and functional properties of curly endive plants cultivated in a protected environment were also tested. Biochar was pyrolyzed from …

research product

Effect of Selenium Enrichment and Type of Application on Yield, Functional Quality and Mineral Composition of Curly Endive Grown in a Hydroponic System

Selenium (Se) is an essential element for humans&rsquo

research product


The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of two planting densities (1.6 plants-m-2 or 2.5 plants-m-2) and two pruning methods (two or four stemmed plants) on eggplant cultivars Black Bell and Longo in soilless culture. The research was carried out in 2003-2004 in the Northern coast Sicily. Eggplant plug plants were transplanted in a heated glasshouse in polystyrene containers (80 cm in length, 25 cm in width, 20 cm in height) filled with coconut coir dust. The experimental design was a split-split plot. Fruit production from January to April increased significantly as planting density increased. Irrespectively of the cultivars, four stemmed plants gave higher yields than two ste…

research product

Micropropagation of Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC]

Genista aetnensis [(Raf. ex Biv.)DC] is a large deciduous shrub or small tree native to the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Being winter hardy and characterized by high plasticity in altitude and ecology, the species is grown in gardens and landscaping, both for flower and for its attractive shape. Genista species are generally propagate by seed or semi hardwood cuttings. In this report an efficient in vitro technique for propagation of G. aetnensis was investigated. Multiple shoots were induced on nodal segments of a mature plant of Genista aetnensis . The Murashige and Skoog medium, augmented with different concentrations of benzyladenine either singly or in combination with indol…

research product

Multiplication of Crataegus monogyna by in vitro culture of nodal segments

research product

Effects of Plastic mulch and floating cover on lettuce production in Sicily

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Propagation techniques for Iberis semperflorens L.

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Effect of Molybdenum Rate on Yield and Quality of Lettuce, Escarole, and Curly Endive Grown in a Floating System

Molybdenum (Mo) is required in enzymes involved in a number of different metabolic processes, and is crucial for the survival of plants and animals. The influence of nutrient solutions containing four levels of molybdenum (0, 0.5, 1.5, and 3.0 &micro

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Synthetic seed production of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (L.)

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Effetti della tipologia di pianta sugli esiti produttivi e qualitativi della fragolicoltura siciliana

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Propagation techniques for three Mediterranean native shrubs with potentential as ornamental outdoor plants

Grande are three Mediterranean shrubs with interesting ornamental features. The exploitation of wild plants for ornamental purposes implies knowledge on the factors influencing the propagation methods. To study the influence of temperature on germination, seeds of Teucrium flavum, Prasium majus and Micromeria fruticulosa were germinated in incubators at constant temperatures of 14, 20, 24 and 28°C. Highest germination, 45 % and 86%, occurred at 20°C in Teucrium flavum and Prasium majus, respectively. Micromeria fruticulosa seeds subjected at 24 or 28°C had a germination percentage significantly higher than at 20 or 14°C. To study the influence of auxin treatments on vegetative propagation, …

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Micropropagazione di Metrosideros excelsa

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Properties of New Strawberry Lines Compared with Well-Known Cultivars in Winter Planting System Conditions

In Southern Italy and Sicily, strawberry cultivation is dominated by international cultivars such as ‘Candonga Sabrosa’, ‘Florida Fortuna’, ‘Sabrina’ and ‘Sant Andreas’. The primary objective of our study was to compare the field performance of two experimental lines and four established cultivars in a Sicilian representative strawberry production area. The second objective was to compare the fruits physic-chemical nutraceutical characteristics of these genotypes in response to different postharvest fruit storage temperatures. A supporting genetic analysis, via SSR markers, was also performed in order to establish genotype correlations. Our study confirmed the high result of ‘Florida Fortun…

research product

Iodine Biofortification Counters Micronutrient Deficiency and Improve Functional Quality of Open Field Grown Curly Endive

Human iodine (I) shortage disorders are documented as an imperative world-wide health issue for a great number of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends I consumption through ingestion of seafood and biofortified food such as vegetables. The current work was carried out to appraise the effects of different I concentrations (0, 50, 250, and 500 mg L−1), supplied via foliar spray on curly endive grown in the fall or spring–summer season. Head fresh weight, stem diameter, head height, and soluble solid content (SSC) were negatively correlated to I dosage. The highest head dry matter content was recorded in plants supplied with 250 mg I L−1, both in the fall and spring–summer se…

research product

Agronomic Evaluation and Chemical Characterization of Sicilian Salvia sclarea L. Accessions

Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.), known for its aromatic and medicinal properties, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Although the species grows wild throughout Sicily, knowledge of its production and qualitative properties is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic behavior of the species over two years of testing and to characterize the chemical properties of its wild counterparts in order to identify the most promising accessions for cropping or for use in breeding programs. Tests were carried out during 2008, 2009, and 2010. During the first year, the plot was established. Subsequently, the main parameters for bio-agronomic evaluation were taken in 2009 and 2010. Regard…

research product

Suitability of a native South African shrub as pot plant

Leonotis leonurus (L.) Br. Pubesc., also known as “lion’s ear” is a perennial shrub belonging to the Labiatae family and native to South Africa. The name of the genus derives from the Greek words leon (lion) and otòs (ear). The esthetic ornamental value of its bright orange inflorescence and its adaptation to a wide range of conditions have led a research to evaluate the suitability of L. leonurus as pot plant. Pot plants from one year rooted cuttings were grown in the Northern coast of Sicily; at the end of December, plants were pruned to 30 cm length and then moved to an unheated plastic greenhouse. Flowering started in April under protected cultivation and continued throughout the summer…

research product

Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Gazania rigens pot plant cultivation in a Mediterranean environment

Herbaceous plants used in island beds and borders need to be rapid growing, high performing and maintaining good visual quality during the growing season. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi application is acquiring interest for its beneficial effects on ornamental bedding plants. Gazania rigens is a herbaceous ornamental plant grown for its large daisy-like flowers. The species thrives in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean region, particularly in the mild climate of southern Italy and Sicily, where performs well in summer bedding schemes in sea side gardens even in dry and windy conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation with Rhizophagus irregularis on se…

research product

Propagation of three thymus species by stem cuttings

Many herbs native to the Mediterranean region are grown for ornamental purposes and represent an important segment of the bedding plant industry. Although the majority of Thymus species are used as officinal plants, some of them are also used as ornamental bedding plants to provide aesthetic enhancement of public and private garden beds, porches, patios, balconies. The aim of this research was to study the vegetative propagation of T. capitatus, T. serpyllum and T. vulgaris. To verify the rooting response to exogenous application of auxin, softwood cuttings were either treated with a 500 ppm 1H-indol-3-butyric acid (IBA) solution, or not treated (control). Propagation was performed in an un…

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Iberis semperflorens L. an attractive Italian endemic shrub with high potential as flowering potted plant

research product

Influenza di campi magnetici a bassa frequenza (ELF-MFS) sull'accrescimento in vitro di callo di Salvia officinalis "Maxima"

La presente ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di valutare la risposta di una coltura cellulare di Salvia officinalis sottoposta ad un flusso magnetico della densità di 50 milliTesla per la durata di 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, o 5 minuti. Il callo è stato allevato su substrato agarizzato di Murashige e Skoog addizionato con 0,5 mg L-1 2,4-D e 0,5 mg L-1 chinetina. Dopo il trattamento le colture sono state poste in camera di crescita ad una temperatura di 24˚C ed in presenza di 16 ore di luce. Il tasso di crescita relativo, parametro indicativo del ritmo di accrescimento della coltura di cellule indifferenziate, è risultato crescente all’aumentare del periodo di esposizione al campo magnetico, raggiungendo dopo …

research product

Micropropagazione di Thymus capitatus

Thymus capitatus is a compact woody shrub, endemic to the Mediterranean region, with attractive pink flowers. Although conventional vegetative propagation of T. capitatus is currently used, micropropagation could be effective for rapid mass propagation of selected clones and would preserve wild plants. Shoot tips of T. capitatus cultured on a gelled MS medium, supplemented with 0.4 mg l-1 2-iP, were used as primary explants to establish in vitro culture. Axillary shoots produced on uncontaminated explants were excised and subcultured to increase the stock of shoot cultures. To determine the optimal medium for shoot multiplication, increasing concentrations (0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 e 3.2 mg l-1) of…

research product

Effect of Agronomic Practices on Yield and Quality of Borage at Harvest and During Storage as Minimally-Processed Produce

Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a hairy pubescent herb known throughout the world for its folk medicinal uses, as well as for many culinary uses. There is still little information on the cultivation needs of this species, especially for its use as vegetable crop and as fresh-cut produce. Hence, the aim of the research was to study the effects of agronomic practices on yield and quality of borage and on the storability as minimally-processed product. Two experiments were carried out in two consecutive years in order to evaluate the effect of plant density and plastic mulching on yield and quality of two borage accessions at harvest and during storage as minimally-processed produce for 14 d…

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An Appraisal of Calcium Cyanamide as Alternative N Source for Spring-Summer and Fall Season Curly Endive Crops: Effects on Crop Performance, NUE and Functional Quality Components

A two-year study was conducted in both spring-summer and fall seasons to evaluate calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) as an alternative nitrogen (N) source for curly endive (Cichorium endivia L. var. crispum) grown in a Mediterranean environment. Four types of N applications were administered: (i) pre-transplanting base application of 100 kg N ha&minus

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Studi sulla propagazione in vitro e sulla risposta alla coltivazine di Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) Johnst., una rara specie endemica della flora rupestre siciliana con potenzialità ornamentali

research product

Seaweed Extract Improves Lagenaria siceraria Young Shoot Production, Mineral Profile and Functional Quality

Vegetable landraces represent the main source of biodiversity in Sicily. Lagenaria siceraria is appreciated by Southern Mediterranean consumers for its immature fruits and young shoots. Plant-based biostimulants supply, such as seaweed extract (SwE), is a contemporary and green agricultural practice applied to ameliorate the yield and quality of vegetables. However, there are no studies concerning the effects of SwE on L. siceraria. The current study evaluated the effects of SwE foliar application (0 or 3 mL L−1) on five L. siceraria landraces (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) grown in greenhouses. Growth traits, first female flower emission, fruit yield, young shoot yield, fruit firmness, young shoo…

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Effetto dell’ombreggiamento e dell’epoca di impianto nella coltivazione della cicoria spontanea in Sicilia.

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Effetto della fumigazione chimica e della solarizzazione sulla coltivazione della fragola

research product

Cutting type and IBA treatment duration affect Teucrium fruticans adventitious root quality

Root development of stem cuttings of Silver Germander (Teucrium fruticans) was investigated in relation to cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment. Terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to three types: terminal cuttings with apex (TWA), terminal cuttings without apex (TWOA) or sub-terminal cuttings (ST). To verify the cutting response to exogenous auxin, cuttings were dipped to a 2.0 cm depth in a 0.5% indole-3-butyric acid solution for 0, 5 or 7 minutes. Overall percent survival was 97 to 98%. Rooting percent, root number and root length were affected by cutting type and indole-3-butyric acid treatment. In general, TWA cuttings demonstrated a higher capac…

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