Mathilde Pulh

L'évaluation de l'expérience de consommation : investigation autour de deux modèles alternatifs. Application dans le domaine culturel

International audience

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La consommation culturelle change, les institutions s'adaptent

A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to various fields of cultural sector (live shows, museums, cultural industries...) in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate each seven consumption orientations. Finally, we make evaluate each tendency by professionals of the cultural field.

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La communication 2.0 : un dialogue sous conditions

National audience; Des techniques de communication alternatives s'appuyant sur des contenus générés pas les utilisateurs se développent de plus en plus. Or la communication 2.0 pourrait ne pas se révéler être cette nouvelle panacée managériale tant espérée. Si ces outils permettent de s'engager dans un dialogue avec le consommateur, ce dialogue va se faire sous certaines conditions dont les entreprises doivent avoir pleinement conscience.

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Mieux comprendre les représentations associées au crowdfunding culturel pour améliorer sa mise en œuvre dans le secteur culturel et patrimonial

National audience

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Quel marketing pour les entreprises culturelles européennes ou comment renouveler l'offre face à une consommation en mouvement ?

A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to various fields of cultural sector (live shows, museums, cultural industries...) in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate each seven consumption orientations. Finally, we make evaluate each tendency by professionals of the cultural field.

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Une vision moins idéalisée de l'expérience client en marketing. Entre création et destruction de valeur

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Quelles stratégies pour les musées sur internet ? Entre " click and mortar " et " mortar and click "

Many companies now use the Internet as part of a click & mortar strategy. This strategy is also used in the museum field, but its consequences have not been evaluated yet. A quantitative study carried out on a sample of 388 visitors, at the Bibracte Museum (France), indicates that the quality of an internet website, as well as the satisfaction and trust experienced by Internet users when browsing, have direct positive influence on word-of mouth and the actual museum visit. It seems therefore appropriate to integrate the internet website to the whole management of cultural and artistic activities, without forgetting to take into account the specificities of this particular field.

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Le Comportement de Fréquentation de l'Evènement Culturel : de l'Expérience Individuelle à la Recherche de Lien Social

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Museoparks and re‐enchantment of the museum visits: an approach centred on visual ethnology

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to identify the structural dimensions of a new museal offer, museoparks, which use edutainment and more generally re‐enchantment strategies.Design/methodology/approachTo bring out the symbolic dimensions specific to these cultural sites, the methodology used is based on the analysis of photographic media.FindingsThe analysis reveals four main symbolic dimensions structuring these hybrid cultural offers: spectacularization, immersive character, ritualized character, and very intense merchandizing of the experience.Research limitations/implicationsThis analysis allows us to update a hybrid, complex and re‐sized form of cultural experience that goes beyond t…

research product

Si j'aurai su, j'aurai pas venu" : éclairage stratégique sur le lancement simultané des deux " Guerre des Boutons "

“If I knew, I will not come”: strategic insight on the simultaneous launch of the two Guerre des BoutonsThe purpose of this paper is to propose an insight on an unusual strategic situation in the movie industry: thesimultaneous launch on screens of two almost identical movies, La Guerre des Boutons. After recalling the stakesattached to the product launch in the film industry, a monograph devoted to this direct confrontation, supplementedby an analysis of the critics of spectators, is proposed. This analysis reveals determinants (the conflictand lack of control in the film industry) and consequences (sub-optimal strategy) of the temporal agglomeration.

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Positioning strategies of cultural institutions : a renewal of the offer in the face of shifting consumer habits

One conclusion is widely shared by the practitioners in the cultural sector: consumer relations with cultural products and services have changed. This paper provides a trend marketing analysis of various areas (theatres and performing arts organizations, museums, cultural events, cultural industries, etc.) so as to better understand this “new” cultural consumer. Seven contemporary trends are examined. Each is defined and then illustrated by innovative offers from cultural organizations. Their appraisal by more than a hundred cultural-sector practitioners in France is presented.

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Opera houses facing the challenge of innovation

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Quels impacts des mutations digitales sur le secteur du spectacle vivant ? État des lieux des recherches scientifiques

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Hyperreal positioning and cross-channel strategy of cultural sites: towards the construction of a metaexperience for the visitor?

International audience; Immersive concepts, games, participation, digitization ... many concepts that cultural institutions adopt to enlarge their audiences. Through these tools, reality, imagination and simulation, are mixing to give rise to a hyperreal offer. With the development of digital and multiple consumption behaviors, the analysis of the coherence between physical and digital channels is now a major challenge for museums. Based on 16 French museums case studies, this research proposes some solutions to the articulation of these channels in order to propose a coherent global experience.

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When the arts inspire businesses: Museums as a heritage redefinition tool of brands

International audience; While the literature has mainly considered brand museums as communication tools or complex retail environments, this article analyses them through a heritage framework and suggests that brands can use heritage technologies of the arts for their own purposes. The case study of the brand museum of the Laughing Cow highlights the heritage technologies the brand uses to endorse two heritage roles: an inter-generational memory role based on the transmission of the brand's history and a community representation role through spaces and objects. As a consequence, this research sheds light on how brands can come to be accepted as heritage objects. By using heritage technologi…

research product

Valeur et expérience muséale : Quand la révolution numérique interroge la création de valeur dans les musées

National audience

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Consumers' brand heritage experience: between acceptance and resistance

International audience; The literature dedicated to heritage experience and brand heritage defends the idea that it is a source of significant value creation for consumers and brands. By contrast, the aim of this article is to propose a more complete view of the consequences of the heritage strategy for brands and consumers by exploring how consumers perceive a brand heritage experience and by identifying potential resistances that may emerge during their visits. In consequence, this research examines the features of a brand heritage experience through extended case studies in two brand museums with narratives of 47 visitors. By unpacking a brand heritage experience, the study highlights it…

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Le marketing culturel

National audience

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 Muséo-parcs et réenchantement de l’expérience muséale : le cas de la Cité des Arts et des Sciences de Valencia

The museum offer undergoes at present profound transformations. Beyond the traditional structures which do not any more hesitate to use innovative museographies and to slide in the sphere of the leisure activities, it seems to develop a new sector, halfway between museums and amusement parks called museopark. The aim of this article is to analyze an example of this hybrid offer, the City of Arts and Science in Valencia (Spain), fitting very well with the edutainment logic and to understand the structuring elements and the borrowings made in of the amusement parks. After the presentation of theoretical foundations underlying the definition of experiential museums, we expose our case study, b…

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Understanding the impact of digital on performing arts: a systematic literature review proposal

Digital technologies have profoundly changed the cultural and creative industries. Due to the intrinsic characteristics of the performing arts sector, this digital transition has had a later impact on it. However, it has accelerated since the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing organizations to digitally transform themselves to keep in touch with their audience(s). Now that this crisis is over, many strategic and operational questions still remain unanswered. This research proposes a systematic literature review in order to establish the state of the art of the research on digitalization of the performing arts sector and to highlight the main research avenues to be explored.

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The brand quest for heritage: heritage-making and social obligation in brand museums

International audience

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WEB 2.0 ET MUSÉES Les nouveaux visages du visiteur

WEB 2.0AND MUSEUMS: THE NEW EACES OF THE VISITOR The increasing integration of techniques from Web 2.0 by the museums illustrates the profound changes that these structures have realized in building their relationship with the audience. The use of these devices, based on a logic of participation, leads to involve the visitor, traditionally rather kept at a distance, on all stages of the implemeritation of the mUseum offered on Internet. Through a careful examinât icin of sites arid features offered by the museal structures, different roles now devolved to the public have been identified. The emergence of these new "faces" of the visitor comes to question, in the longer-term, about the ident…

research product

L'Analyse de l'Expérience de Consommation de Spectacles Vivants : de Nouvelles Perspectives Managériales

research product

L’évolution de la structure de financement des organisations muséales : éclairage sur le rôle des endowment funds

Rompant avec une longue tradition de financement public, certaines grandes institutions muséales européennes voient la part de leur financement privé augmenter considérablement. Cette évolution s’accompagne de la possibilité d’investir cet argent sur les marchés financiers à travers des endowment funds. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer un éclairage sur ce nouveau moyen offert aux musées de gérer leur capital financier. Pour se faire, nous examinerons le système muséal américain où les endowments sont la règle. Cette analyse nous permettra de comprendre ce que recouvre cette notion, d’appréhender ses modalités de mise en oeuvre et de saisir les bénéfices et les risques auxquels les …

research product

"Diagonale des Fous" : stratégie événementielle d'un ultra-trail

Une recherche pédagogique, appliquée au cas du Grand-Raid, qui traite de la stratégie événementielle d'une organisation sportive au travers des jeux d'acteurs, d'une logique touristique et dans un environnement concurrentiel en développement. Le Grand-Raid/Diagonale des fous est un Ultra-trail, organisé par l'association du Grand-Raid, sur l'île de La Réunion. A l'heure où les sports de randonnée, de nature et de découverte se développent, l'étude de la stratégie événementielle d'une telle manifestation prend toute son importance.

research product

Web 2.0: Is the Museum-Visitor Relationship Being Redefined?

International audience; Museums' growing integration of Web 2.0 techniques is indicative of their readiness to redefine their relationship with their audience. While visitors were traditionally kept at arm's length, the use of these techniques now involves them at every stage in implementing the museum offer online. By scrutinizing the Web sites of institutions and the tools they use, the authors are able to highlight the different roles that now fall to the audience in terms of communication, mediation and artistic creation. The authors go on to analyze the ramifications of visitor involvement. While such involvement may well add to audience competencies and make museums more accessible an…

research product

Quand les marques s’invitent au musée

research product

Quand les institutions culturelles s'ouvrent au marketing sensoriel... et s'en défendent : enjeux et paradoxes

Stimulate the audience sensoriality seems to be a new spearhead for a lot of cultural institutions. In this way, it is important to understand how the stimulation of the five senses of the audience could be interesting for managers in the cultural field. We wish, within this article, to improve this analysis. Accordingly, we will try, in a first part, to define this "sensory" trend of consumption and to clarify its stakes in comparison with the work completed in other marketing's fields. In a second part, we will appreciate the consequences of this tendency in terms of managerial practices for the professionals of the cultural sector. In a third and last part, we will present the principal …

research product

Spectacles vivants, logiques de consommation et construction d'expériences : le paradoxe d'une offre à la fois unique et plurielle

Competition speed, operational difficulties, larger targets constraint the living spectacle market to move towards a better understanding of its audience in order to increase the frequentation of the broadcasting places. In this study, we show that the professionals are confronted to a multiplicity of valorisation behaviours and logics of consumption. Consequently, we consider various marketing strategies for the organizers to construct the consumption experiences through single (in terms of event) as well as plural offers (several facets).

research product

Museums, consumers, and on‐site experiences

PurposeOne conclusion is widely shared by professionals in the cultural sector: consumer motivations have changed and in particular their relations with cultural products and services. This paper seeks to analyze different trends applied to museums in order to improve the understanding of this “new” cultural audience.Design/methodology/approachFor this trend marketing analysis, seven consumer orientations have been identified (without claiming they are at all exhaustive) after an extended review over the shape of contemporary consumer habits. Besides, the authors wanted to know the opinion of the cultural managers. Each consumer orientation has been evaluated by taking a sample of French pr…

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