Anna Martorana
Relationship Between Thymidylate Synthase and p53 and Response to FEC Versus Taxane Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Carcinoma
Many drugs can be used for adjuvant therapy of breast cancer, including anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil (5-fU) and, recently, taxanes (TXT) have shown promising results. 5-FU blocks thymidylate synthase (TS) which cross-links p53 mRNA, inhibiting its synthesis. TS overexpression is one of the main mechanisms involved in 5-FU drug resistance. Enough p53 mutations can confer resistance to chemotherapy using anthracyclines and 5-FU, while are associated with improved responses to TXT. The aim of this study was to examine the TS and p53 levels in tumor samples and to compare the efficacy of FEC (5-FU, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide) and TXT chemotherapy in a group of patients wit…
Oxidative stress upregulates eNOS and myeloperoxidase (MPO) immunoexpression in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exposed HUVEC cells.
Fever and dyspnoea in a tracheostomised patient
A 65-year-old man was referred for evaluation of acute onset of fever, productive cough and dyspnoea. He had previously received a diagnosis of laryngeal carcinoma, which had been treated with laryngectomy and bilateral laterocervical lymphadenectomy, followed by chemotherapy. He underwent plastic surgery of the laryngocutaneous fistula, and a positron emission tomography (PET)- computed tomography (CT) examination performed during follow-up showed 18-FDG (2-fluoro-2-deoxyd- glucose) lung uptake in the apical right portion. He had a smoking history and his regular medications included dexamethasone, metoclopramide, omeprazole, furosemide, cholecalciferol and pregabalin. He had a history of …
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by damage of large bowel mucosa and frequent extra-intestinal autoimmune comorbidities. The role played in IBD pathogenesis by molecular chaperones known to interact with components of the immune system involved in inflammation is unclear. We previously demonstrated that mucosal Hsp60 decreases in UC patients treated with conventional therapies (mesalazine, probiotics), suggesting that this chaperonin could be a reliable biomarker useful for monitoring response to treatment, and that it might play a role in pathogenesis. In the present work we investigated three other heat shock protein/molecular chaperones:…
Complement Component 3 expressed by the endometrial ectopic tissue is involved in the endometriotic lesion formation through mast cell activation
AbstractThe pathophysiology of endometriosis (EM) is an excellent example of immune dysfunction, reminiscent of tumor microenvironment as well. Here, we report that an interplay between C3 and mast cells (MCs) is involved in the pathogenesis of ectopic EM. C3 is at the epicenter of the regulatory feed forward loop, amplifying the inflammatory microenvironment, in which the MCs are protagonists. Thus, C3 can be considered a marker of EM and its local synthesis can promote the engraftment of the endometriotic cysts. We generated a murine model of EM via injection of minced uterine tissue from a donor mouse, into the peritoneum of the recipient mice. The wild type mice showed greater amount of…
Associations between Notch-2, Akt-1 and HER2/neu expression in invasive human breast cancer: a tissue microarray immunophenotypic analysis on 98 patients.
<i>Objective:</i> We aimed to investigate the existence of associations between well-established and newly recognized biological and phenotypic features of breast cancer involved in tumor progression and prognosis. <i>Methods:</i> Ninety-eight cases of invasive breast cancer were assessed for the immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors, Ki-67, HER2, Akt-1, and Notch-2, using the tissue microarray technique. Data regarding tumor histotype, histological grade, tumor size and lymph node status were collected for each patient and included in the analysis. <i>Results:</i> Several significant associations between histological and/o…
The Ferroxidase Hephaestin in Lung Cancer: Pathological Significance and Prognostic Value
AbstractIron is a fundamental nutrient utilized by living cells to support several key cellular processes. Despite its paramount role to sustain cell survival, excess of labile iron availability can inflict severe cell damage via reactive oxygen species generation which, in turn, can promote neoplastic transformation. The lung is particularly sensitive to iron-induced oxidative stress, given the high oxygen tensions herein present. Moreover, cigarette smoke as well as air pollution particulate can function as vehicles of iron supply, leading to an iron dysregulation condition shown to be crucial in the pathogenesis of several respiratory diseases including lung cancer. Hephaestin (HEPH) bel…
Relationship between Thymidylate synthase and p53 and response versus taxane adjuvant chemotherapy for breast carcinoma
Many drugs can be used for adjuvant therapy of breast cancer, including anthracyclines, cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil (5-fU) and, recently, taxanes (TXT) have shown promising results. 5-FU blocks thymidylate synthase (TS) which cross-links p53 mRNA, inhibiting its synthesis. TS overexpression is one of the main mechanisms involved in 5-FU drug resistance. Enough p53 mutations can confer resistance to chemotherapy using anthracyclines and 5-FU, while are associated with improved responses to TXT. The aim of this study was to examine the TS and p53 levels in tumor samples and to compare the efficacy of FEC (5-FU, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide) and TXT chemotherapy in a group of patients wit…
The Inflammatory Feed-Forward Loop Triggered by the Complement Component C3 as a Potential Target in Endometriosis
Copyright © 2021 Agostinis, Zorzet, Balduit, Zito, Mangogna, Macor, Romano, Toffoli, Belmonte, Morello, Martorana, Borelli, Ricci, Kishore and Bulla. The complement system is a major component of humoral innate immunity, acting as a first line of defense against microbes via opsonization and lysis of pathogens. However, novel roles of the complement system in inflammatory and immunological processes, including in cancer, are emerging. Endometriosis (EM), a benign disease characterized by ectopic endometrial implants, shows certain unique features of cancer, such as the capacity to invade surrounding tissues, and in severe cases, metastatic properties. A defective immune surveillance against…
Predictive role of histological features and Ki67 pattern on high-risk HPV presence in atypical cervical lesions
The most frequently detected alterations of squamous cervical epithelia consist of metaplastic/reactive conditions and human papillomavirus (HPV)-related dysplastic lesions. These latter are traditionally identified as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN1, 2 or 3) or, in the Bethesda System, as low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), including CIN1, and high-grade SIL, including CIN2 and CIN3. Some HPV-induced lesions, which are not characterized by obvious dysplasia, are often diagnosed as LSIL. In these lesions, which are hereafter referred to as cervical atipical lesions (CAL), histological features of HPV infection (namely, koilocytosis, multinucleation, acanthosis, papil…
Prognostic Implications of the Complement Protein C1q in Gliomas
The contribution of the complement system in the pathophysiology of brain cancers has been recently considered in light of its well-known involvement in carcinogenesis. Complement system represents an important component of the inflammatory response, which acts as a functional bridge between the innate and adaptive immune response. C1q, the first recognition subcomponent of the complement classical pathway, has recently been shown to be involved in a range of pathophysiological functions that are not dependent on complement activation. C1q is expressed in the microenvironment of various types of human tumors, including melanoma, prostate, mesothelioma, and ovarian cancers, where it can exer…
Carcinosarcoma of monoclonal origin arising in a dermoid cyst of ovary: a case report.
Abstract Background Transformation of a cystic benign teratoma of the ovary into a "carcinosarcoma" has very rarely been reported and its histogenetic origin is still debated. Case presentation A case of carcinosarcoma arising from a dermoid cyst is reported. The tumor showed cystic areas delimited by normal squamous epithelium, with transitional areas through dysplastic epithelium to "in situ" and infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The sarcomatous component showed compact tissue composed of round cells concentrically arranged around small vessels, spindle, and pleomorphic cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Positive staining for vimentin, alpha smooth muscle actin and CD1…
Nanostructured Lipid Carriers-Containing Anticancer Compounds: Preparation, Characterization, and Cytotoxicity Studies
This article describes the development of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) as colloidal carriers for two antitumor compounds that possess a remarkable antineoplastic activity. But their limited stability and low solubility in water could give a very low parenteral bioavailability. Results revealed an enhancement of the cytotoxicity effect of drug-loaded NLC on human prostate cancer (PC-3) and human hepatocellular carcinoma (HuH-6, HuH-7) cell lines with respect to that of both free drugs. Results of characterization studies strongly support the potential application of these drugs-loaded NLC as prolonged delivery systems for lipophilic drugs by several administration routes, in particula…
Biological aggressiveness evaluation in prostate carcinomas: immunohistochemical analysis of PCNA and p53 in a series of Gleason 6 (3+3) adenocarcinomas
We selected 63 prostate tumors with Gleason's grade 6 (3+3), commonly showing both tubular and cribrous patterns. We compared in both patterns the expression of two of the most used biologic markers: PCNA and p53, with the aim to verify the validity of the Gleason's grading system to compare the morphologic grade with biologic aggressiveness and prognostic value. We did not find any statistical difference in the protein immunopositivity, indicating that both patterns could have identical biologic behaviour; then we confirmed the validity of Gleason's system for considering both tubular and cribrous patterns as an intermediate grade of tumoral differentiation. Moreover, we found a linear rel…
Solitary Necrotic Nodule of the Liver: Different Pathological Findings Express a Different Histogenesis
Solitary necrotic nodule of the liver is a rare benign lesion the histogenesis of which is still debated. We here report the case of a patient who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstones and who was accidentally found to have a solitary necrotic nodule of 2 cm in the fifth segment of the liver. On the basis of the histological findings, the hypothesis that different pathogenetic mechanisms could be involved in the histogenesis of this lesion is discussed.
Changes in immunohistochemical levels and subcellular localization after therapy and correlation and colocalization with CD68 suggest a pathogenetic role of Hsp60 in ulcerative colitis.
In an earlier work, the role of heat shock protein (Hsp60) in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC) was suggested by its significant increase in the pathological mucosa parallel with an increase in inflammatory cells. More data in this direction are reported in this work. We analyzed by immunohistochemistry biopsies of colon tissue from 2 groups of patients with UC and treated with either 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) alone or in combination with a probiotic. We looked for inflammatory markers and Hsp60. Both the treatments were effective in reducing symptoms but the group treated with both 5-ASA and probiotics showed better clinical results. Amelioration of symptoms was associated wi…
Colonic leiomyoma is a mesenchymal tumor that arises from the muscularis mucosae or muscularis propria and is composed of well-differentiated smooth muscle cells with no atypia. It is often incidentally found since its growth affects the submucosal layer and the lesion is covered with normal epithelium. Endoscopic ultrasonography is recommended to define the grade of infiltration of the tumor and eventually lymph node involvement. Histological examination is critical to establish the nature of the tumor and its behaviour. In the case of a voluminous tumor surgical treatment is needed. we report case of a patient that underwent colonoscopy showing the presence of a neoformation at 70 cm from…
Immunohistochemical and Biomolecular Identification of Orphanin FQ, eNOS, Atrial natriuretic Factor and Oxytocin in Rat Seminal Vesicles
In previous studies performed on rodents, we detected the presence of adreno-cholinergic and peptidergic innervation in seminal vesicles and other organs of the male genital system, such as prostate and ductus deferens, in which we also investigated the expression of NOS and NADPH-diaphorase. During the present project we focused our attention on the expression of some peptides involved in local control of smooth muscle relaxation, contractility, vasodilatation and control of blood flow in rat seminal vesicles. We investigated, through immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR, the presence of four peptides: orphanin, eNOS, ANF and oxytocin. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the presence of the…
PURPOSE to correlate severity of UPJO with immunohistochemical findings and radionuclide renal scan split function (SF), to obtain indications and timing of surgical correction of congenital UPJO. MATERIAL AND METHODS 21 patients, 57-105 days old, were studied. UPJO was assessed by MAG 3 diuretic renography. Patients underwent biopsy at pyeloplasty. Histological and himmunoistochemical analysis for Bcl-KL, Bcl2, AKT-1, BAD, Bax, AIF, FAS FAS-L, H-TERT, Mib-1 and Nocth2 was performed. TUNEL technique was used to detect apoptotic nuclei. Severity of UPJO was assessed intraoperatively and histologically. Renography was repeated one year after surgery. RESULTS All patients showed half-time wash…
Immunohistochemical expression of orphanin FQ, atrial natriuretic peptide and oxytocin in normal human seminal vesicles
TTF-1/p63-Positive Poorly Differentiated NSCLC: A Histogenetic Hypothesis from the Basal Reserve Cell of the Terminal Respiratory Unit
TTF-1 is expressed in the alveolar epithelium and in the basal cells of distal terminal bronchioles. It is considered the most sensitive and specific marker to define the adenocarcinoma arising from the terminal respiratory unit (TRU). TTF-1, CK7, CK5/6, p63 and p40 are useful for typifying the majority of non-small-cell lung cancers, with TTF and CK7 being typically expressed in adenocarcinomas and the latter three being expressed in squamous cell carcinoma. As tumors with coexpression of both TTF-1 and p63 in the same cells are rare, we describe different cases that coexpress them, suggesting a histogenetic hypothesis of their origin. We report 10 cases of poorly differentiated non-small-…
Oxidative stress induces myeloperoxidase expression in endocardial endothelial cells from patients with chronic heart failure.
Increased oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of cardiovascular diseases. Recent findings suggest that myeloperoxidase (MPO) may play a key role in the initiation and maintenance of chronic heart failure (CHF) by contributing to the depletion of the intracellular reservoir of nitric oxide (NO). NO consumption through MPO activity may lead to protein chlorination or nitration, leading to tissue damage. Primary cultures of human endocardial endothelial cells (EEC) obtained at heart transplantation of patients with CHF and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were subjected to oxidative stress by incubation with hydrogen peroxide at non lethal (60 mic…
Hsp60 and Hsp10 increase in colon mucosa of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
The purpose of this work was to determine in colon mucosa of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in relapse: a) the levels of the chaperonins Hsp60 and Hsp10; b) the quantity of inflammatory cells; and c) if the levels of chaperonins parallel those of inflammation cells. Twenty cases of CD and UC and twenty normal controls (NC) were studied using immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Immunohistochemically, Hsp60 and Hsp10 were increased in both inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) compared to NC. These results were confirmed by Western blotting. Hsp60 and Hsp10 occurred in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in CD and UC but not in NC. Hsp60 and Hsp10 co-loc…
Difference in Ki67 and thymidylate synthase expression in primary tumour compared with metastatic nodes in breast cancer patients.
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, so therapeutic predictive biological markers need to be identified. To date an accurate evaluation of predictive markers is mainly done at the primary site; however, the main goal of adjuvant therapy for breast cancer is the control of micrometastases. The aim of this study is to assess as therapeutic and/or prognostic marker, the proliferation status of primary tumors and involved nodes as measured by Ki67 and thymidylate synthase (TS) expression, in 30 breast cancer node positive patients. TS is the main target of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) activity, and its overexpression is one of the mechanisms of 5-FU drug resistance; however, in some studies its a…
Cystic adenomyosis spreading into subserosal-peduncolated myoma: How to explain it?
Abstract Introduction Cystic adenomyosis is a rare variant of adenomyosis characterized by well- circumscribed cavitated endometrial gland and stroma located within the myometrium. The cysts usually measure ≥ 1 cm in diameter, contain a “chocolate-colored” fluid and do not open into the overlaying endometrium. Case presentation We present a case of a peduncolated-subserosal cystic adenomyoma, namely cystic adenomyosis, correlated with pelvic MR imaging, laparoscopic surgery technique and histopathology findings. Conclusions In this case, the peculiar growth pattern of cystic adenomyosis in a myoma represents a singular condition rarely reported in the medical literature. We therefore suppor…
Prognostic Value of Complement Properdin in Cancer
© 2021 Mangogna, Varghese, Agostinis, Alrokayan, Khan, Stover, Belmonte, Martorana, Ricci, Bulla and Kishore. The complement system is readily triggered by the presence of damage-associated molecular patterns on the surface of tumour cells. The complement alternative pathway provides rapid amplification of the molecular stress signal, leading to complement cascade actvation to deal with pathogens or malignant cells. Properdin is the only known positive regulator of the alternative pathway. In addition, properdin promotes the phagocytic uptake of apoptotic T cells by macrophages and dendritic cells without activating the complement system, thus, establishing its ability to recognize “altered…
Relationdhip between the thymidylate synthase, P53 levels and the treatment by CMF drug combination versus taxanes in the locally advanced carcinoma of breast
Possible role of differential metalloproteinase 1 expression in signet ring cell and intestinal colorectal carcinoma histotypes
Background: Pure signet ring cell colorectal carcinoma ( SRCC) is an infrequent and highly malignant histological variant of colorectal cancer (CRC), while it is present as a histological component in colorectal carcinomas more frequently. Materials and Methods: The aim of this was to widen the knowledge of the biological factors involved in the pathogenesis and aggressiveness of SRCC by the identification and evaluation of possible molecular abnormalities. By means of immunohistochemistry the expression of the proteolytic degradation enzyme matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-1, that is a collagenase specifically degrading collagens I, II, III and of the adhesion proteins E-cadherin, B-catenin an…
BRAF(V600E) mutation influences hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression levels in papillary thyroid cancer
Abstract Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha is found frequently overexpressed in solid tumors cells, exerting an important role in angiogenesis, glucose metabolism, cell proliferation, survival and invasion. In thyroid carcinomas, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression was found increased in differentiated, poorly differentiated, medullary and anaplastic variants. Hypoxia represents the principal stimulus responsible for hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha induction. Other nonhypoxic stimuli increase hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha synthesis through the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in a cell-type-specific manner. We have previously s…
Primary epiploic appendagitis in a pediatric patient: prominent role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the diagnosis
A conservative treatment for eosinophilic cystitis
Introduction: Eosinophilic cystitis is a rare condition which causes common symptoms and may mimic other conditions. Eosinophilic cystitis has several causes such as hypereosinophilic syndrome, inflammatory diseases, neoplasia, parasites or fungal infection, IgE-related diseases, Drug Reaction and Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) syndrome, or Churg-Strauss syndrome. Therefore, differential diagnosis is difficult. Case presentation: We report the case of a middle-aged man affected by eosinophilic cystitis with persistent hematuria and other peculiar symptoms that may be brought back to hypereosinophilic crisis. Conclusion: Conservative approach is preferred, avoiding radical cystec…
Relationship between the thymidylate synthase, p53 levels with the treatment by Cyclophosphamide, Metotrexate, 5-Fluorouracil chemotherapy (CMF) versus Docetaxel (TXT) in the locally advanced carcinoma of breast.
Increased expression of transketolase-like-1 in papillary thyroid carcinomas smaller than 1.5 cm in diameter is associated with lymph-node metastases.
BACKGROUND. Patients with small papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) may have a high incidence of regional lymph-node (LN) metastases at presentation, and these are considered to be an independent risk factor for tumor recurrence. A mutated transketolase transcript (TKTL1) has been found up-regulated in different human malignancies, and strong TKTL1 protein expression has been associated with aggressiveness and poor patient survival in several epithelial cancers. METHODS. TKTL1 protein expression was analyzed in 256 consecutive cases of PTCs ≤1.5 cm by immunohistochemistry with a specific anti-TKTL1 antibody. RNA analysis was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in all cases …
Changes in immunohistochemical levels and subcellular localization after therapy and correlation and colocalization with CD68 suggest a pathogenetic role of Hsp60 in ulcerative colitis.
In an earlier work, the role of heat shock protein (Hsp60) in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC) was suggested by its significant increase in the pathological mucosa parallel with an increase in inflammatory cells. More data in this direction are reported in this work. We analyzed by immunohistochemistry biopsies of colon tissue from 2 groups of patients with UC and treated with either 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) alone or in combination with a probiotic. We looked for inflammatory markers and Hsp60. Both the treatments were effective in reducing symptoms but the group treated with both 5-ASA and probiotics showed better clinical results. Amelioration of symptoms was associated wi…
PSA reduction (after antibiotics) permits to avoid or postpone prostate biopsy in selected patients
Microscopic foci of prostatitis may induce prostate-specific antigen (PSA) increase. PSA reduction after antibiotics might identify those patients in whom biopsy can be avoided. Ninety-nine patients received ciprofloxacin for 3 weeks, of whom 59 showed PSA reduction. Histology detected small foci of prostatitis in 65% of cases. Carcinoma was found in 40 and 20.3% of patients with unchanged or decreased PSA, respectively (P=0.03). No cancer was detected if PSA decreased below 4 ng/ml or more than 70%. Biopsy can be postponed, with a low risk of missing a cancer, if PSA decreases more than 70% or below 4 ng/ml.
Differing expression of metalloprotease and of adhesion molecules in signet-ring cell and intestinal colorectal carcinoma.
Abstract. Background: Pure signet-ring cell colorectal carcinoma (SRCC) is an infrequent and highly malignant histological variant of colorectal cancer (CRC), while it is present as a histological component in colorectal carcinomas more frequently. Materials and Methods: The aim of this work was to widen the knowledge of the biological factors involved in the pathogenesis and aggressiveness of SRCC by the identification and evaluation of possible molecular abnormalities. By means of immunohistochemistry the expression of the proteolytic degradation enzyme matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-1, that is a collagenase specifically degrading collagens I, II, III and of the adhesion proteins Ecadherin,…
Myeloid zinc finger 1 regulates thymidylate synthase expression in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer showing the same promoter gene polymorphism
Seeding nerve sutures with minced nerve-graft (MINE-G): a simple method to improve nerve regeneration in rats
Background: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of seeding the distal nerve suture with nerve fragments in rats. Methods: On 20 rats, a 15 mm sciatic nerve defect was reconstructed with a nerve autograft. In the Study Group (10 rats), a minced 1 mm nerve segment was seeded around the nerve suture. In the Control Group (10 rats), a nerve graft alone was used. At 4 and 12 weeks, a walking track analysis with open field test (WTA), hystomorphometry (number of myelinated fibers (n), fiber density (FD) and fiber area (FA) and soleus and gastrocnemius muscle weight ratios (MWR) were evaluated. The Student t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results: At 4 and 12 weeks the Study Gr…
BRAFV600E Mutation and p27kip1 Expression in Papillary Carcinomas of the Thyroid ≤1 cm and Their Paired Lymph Node Metastases
BACKGROUND. BRAFV600E mutation and p27kip1 expression have been introduced as novel indicators that may predict prognosis in different tumors, as well as in papillary thyroid carcinomas. METHODS. Tissue samples from 214 consecutive patients who underwent total or near-total thyroidectomy with histological diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) ≤1 cm were analyzed for BRAFV600E mutation by a real-time, allele-specific amplification and for p27kip1 expression by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS. The BRAFV600E mutation was detected in 88 of the tumors examined, with significant differences between groups with and without lymph node (LN) metastases; the mean age of patients with BRAFV600E …
Although the thyroid is a high vascularised gland, it is not common terget of metastases from extraglandular cancer. We reported a case of a 70 year-old woman who underwnt total thyroidectomy for multinodular goitre. In the patient's clinical hystory a nephrectomy was carried out 2 years before due to unspecified causes. The histopathological examination of the thyiroid showed a pattern compatible with clear cell renal carcinoma metastasis. The patient's relatives revealed, when questioned again, that the nephrectomy was due to the presence of a clear renal cell carcinoma keep concealed to the patients. Thanks to a timely intervention, the mass was removed and a better survival was guarante…
BRAF mutation influences hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression levels in papillary thyroid cancer
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α is found frequently overexpressed in solid tumors cells, exerting an important role in angiogenesis, glucose metabolism, cell proliferation, survival and invasion. In thyroid carcinomas, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α expression was found increased in differentiated, poorly differentiated, medullary and anaplastic variants. Hypoxia represents the principal stimulus responsible for hypoxia-inducible factor-1α induction. Other nonhypoxic stimuli increase hypoxia-inducible factor-1α synthesis through the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in a cell-type-specific manner. We have previously shown the role of BRAFV600…
Intraperitoneal coated polypropylene hernia meshes: the dark side of the moon.
To date, the use of meshes in repairing abdominal wall defects has brought many advantages, especially in terms of recurrence prevention, but it is not exempt from complications, such as chronic pain, entero-cutaneous fistulas and intestinal obstruction. Here we report a case of intestinal obstruction in a patient with a large umbilical hernia treated laparoscopically by means of a composite polypropylene mesh, six year before.A 49-year-old man came to our care with a 3-day history of central and right lower abdominal quadrant pain and a clinical picture of intestinal obstruction. Six years before the patient underwent a laparoscopic intervention to repair his umbilical hernia, with the pos…