Lykourgos Bougas
Photoluminescence at the ground-state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: A comprehensive study
Physical review / B 103(3), 035307 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.035307
Quantitative measurements of non-covalent interactions with diamond based magnetic imaging
We present a technique employing dielectrophoretic (DEP) manipulation of surface immobilized complexes integrated with a magnetic imaging platform based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond for the quantitative measurements of non-covalent interactions. The interdigitated microelectrodes closely spaced to the functionalized surface of the diamond plate provide a wide range of applied DEP forces for noninvasive manipulation of various molecular interactions, while the NV layer under the surface reports the unbinding dynamics. Given that biological samples do not present significant magnetic background and do not screen magnetic fields, our approach has many advantages over the fluores…
Absolute optical chiral analysis using cavity-enhanced polarimetry
Chiral analysis is central for scientific advancement in the fields of chemistry, biology, and medicine. It is also indispensable in the development and quality control of chiral compounds in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Current methods for chiral analysis, namely optical polarimetry, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, are either insensitive, have low time resolution, or require preparation steps, and so are unsuited for monitoring chiral dynamics within complex environments: the current need of both research and industry. Here we present the concept of absolute optical chiral analysis, as enabled by cavity-enhanced polarimetry, which allows for accurate unambi…
Infrared laser threshold magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon
International audience; We propose a hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be less than 1 pT/ √ Hz. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external f…
Surface Plasmons for Chiral Sensing
Chiral sensitive techniques have been used to probe the fundamental symmetries of the universe, study biomolecular structures, and even develop safe drugs. The traditional method for the measurement of chirality is through optical activity, however, chiroptical signals are inherently weak and often suppressed by large backgrounds. Different techniques have been proposed to overcome the limitations of traditionally used optical polarimetry, such as cavity- and/or nanophotonic-based schemes. In this chapter we demonstrate how surface plasmon resonance can be employed as a new research tool for chiral sensing, which we term here as CHIral Surface Plasmon Resonance (CHISPR). We present how surf…
Absolute Chiral Sensing in Dielectric Metasurfaces Using Signal Reversals.
Sensing molecular chirality at the nanoscale has been a long-standing challenge due to the inherently weak nature of chiroptical signals, and nanophotonic approaches have proven fruitful in accessing these signals. However, in most cases, absolute chiral sensing of the total chiral refractive index has not been possible, while the strong inherent signals from the nanostructures themselves obscure the weak chiroptical signals. Here, we propose a dielectric metamaterial system that overcomes these limitations and allows for absolute measurements of the total chirality, and the possibility for a crucial signal reversal that enables chirality measurements without the need for sample removal. As…
Action potentials induce biomagnetic fields in Venus flytrap plants
Upon stimulation, plants elicit electrical signals that can travel within a cellular network analogous to the animal nervous system. It is well-known that in the human brain, voltage changes in certain regions result from concerted electrical activity which, in the form of action potentials (APs), travels within nerve-cell arrays. Electrophysiological techniques like electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, and magnetic resonance imaging are used to record this activity and to diagnose disorders. In the plant kingdom, two types of electrical signals are observed: all-or-nothing APs of similar amplitudes to those seen in humans and animals, and slow-wave potentials of smaller amplitud…
Surface Plasmon Platform for Angle-Resolved Chiral Sensing
Chiral sensitive techniques have been used to probe the fundamental symmetries of the universe, study biomolecular structures, and even develop safe drugs. As chiral signals are inherently weak and...
Diamond Magnetic Microscopy of Malarial Hemozoin Nanocrystals.
Magnetic microscopy of malarial hemozoin nanocrystals was performed using optically detected magnetic resonance imaging of near-surface diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers. Hemozoin crystals were extracted from $Plasmodium$-$falciparum$-infected human blood cells and studied alongside synthetic hemozoin crystals. The stray magnetic fields produced by individual crystals were imaged at room temperature as a function of applied field up to 350 mT. More than 100 nanocrystals were analyzed, revealing the distribution of their magnetic properties. Most crystals ($96\%$) exhibit a linear dependence of stray field magnitude on applied field, confirming hemozoin's paramagnetic nature. A volume magneti…
Variable single-axis magnetic-field generator using permanent magnets
We present a design for producing precisely adjustable and alternating single-axis magnetic fields based on nested Halbach dipole pairs consisting of permanent magnets only. Our design allows for three dimensional optical and mechanical access to a region with strong adjustable dipolar fields, is compatible with systems operating under vacuum, and does not effectively dissipate heat under normal operational conditions. We present a theoretical analysis of the properties and capabilities of our design and construct a proof-of-concept prototype. Using our prototype, we demonstrate fields of up to several kilogauss with field homogeneities of better than 5%, which are harmonically modulated at…
Search for Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter with Atomic Spectroscopy
We report new limits on ultralight scalar dark matter (DM) with dilaton-like couplings to photons that can induce oscillations in the fine-structure constant alpha. Atomic dysprosium exhibits an electronic structure with two nearly degenerate levels whose energy splitting is sensitive to changes in alpha. Spectroscopy data for two isotopes of dysprosium over a two-year span is analyzed for coherent oscillations with angular frequencies below 1 rad/s. No signal consistent with a DM coupling is identified, leading to new constraints on dilaton-like photon couplings over a wide mass range. Under the assumption that the scalar field comprises all of the DM, our limits on the coupling exceed tho…
Measuring molecular parity nonconservation using nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy
The weak interaction does not conserve parity and therefore induces energy shifts in chiral enantiomers that should in principle be detectable in molecular spectra. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the expected shifts are small and in spectra of a mixture of enantiomers, the energy shifts are not resolvable. We propose a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment in which we titrate the chirality (enantiomeric excess) of a solvent and measure the diasteriomeric splitting in the spectra of a chiral solute in order to search for an anomalous offset due to parity nonconservation (PNC). We present a proof-of-principle experiment in which we search for PNC in the \textsuperscript{13}C resonances…
Eddy-Current Imaging with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
We demonstrate microwave-free eddy-current imaging using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. By detecting the eddy-current induced magnetic field of conductive samples, we can distinguish between different materials and shapes and identify structural defects. Our technique allows for the discrimination of different materials according to their conductivity. The sensitivity of the measurements is calculated as 8$\times 10 ^{5}$\,S/m\,$\sqrt[]{\textrm{Hz}}$ at 3.5\,MHz, for a cylindrical sample with radius $r_0$\,=\,1\,mm and height $h$\,=\,0.1\,mm (volume $\sim$\,0.3\,mm$^3$), at a distance of 0.5\,mm. In comparison with existing technologies, the diamond-based device exhibits a superior ba…
Microwave-free magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
We use magnetic-field-dependent features in the photoluminescence of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers to measure magnetic fields without the use of microwaves. In particular, we present a magnetometer based on the level anti-crossing in the triplet ground state at 102.4 mT with a demonstrated noise floor of 6 nT/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$, limited by the intensity noise of the laser and the performance of the background-field power supply. The technique presented here can be useful in applications where the sensor is placed closed to conductive materials, e.g. magnetic induction tomography or magnetic field mapping, and in remote-sensing applications since principally no electrical acces…
Solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a nanostructured diamond chip
We demonstrate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of picoliter-volume solutions with a nanostructured diamond chip. Using optical interferometric lithography, diamond surfaces were nanostructured with dense, high-aspect-ratio nanogratings, enhancing the surface area by more than a factor of 15 over mm^2 regions of the chip. The nanograting sidewalls were doped with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers so that more than 10 million NV centers in a (25 micrometer)^2 laser spot are located close enough to the diamond surface (5 nm) to detect the NMR spectrum of 1 pL of fluid lying within adjacent nanograting grooves. The platform was used to perform 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy at room tempe…
Miniature Cavity-Enhanced Diamond Magnetometer
We present a highly sensitive miniaturized cavity-enhanced room-temperature magnetic-field sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. The magnetic resonance signal is detected by probing absorption on the 1042\,nm spin-singlet transition. To improve the absorptive signal the diamond is placed in an optical resonator. The device has a magnetic-field sensitivity of 28 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$, a projected photon shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 22 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ and an estimated quantum projection-noise-limited sensitivity of 0.43 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ with the sensing volume of $\sim$ 390 $\mu$m $\times$ 4500 $\mu$m$^{2}$. The presented miniaturized device is the basis for an e…
Continuous-wave cavity ring-down polarimetry
We present a new cavity-based polarimetric scheme for highly sensitive and time-resolved measurements of birefringence and dichroism, linear and circular, that employs rapidly pulsed single-frequency continuous wave (CW) laser sources and extends current cavity-based spectropolarimetric techniques. We demonstrate how the use of a CW laser source allows for gains in spectral resolution, signal intensity, and data acquisition rate compared to traditional pulsed-based cavity ring-down polarimetry (CRDP). We discuss a particular CW-CRDP modality that is different from intensity-based cavity-enhanced polarimetric schemes as it relies on the determination of the polarization rotation frequency du…
Level anti-crossing magnetometry with color centers in diamond
Recent developments in magnetic field sensing with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV) in diamond employ magnetic-field (MF) dependent features in the photoluminescence (PL) and eliminate the need for microwaves (MW). Here, we study two approaches towards improving the magnetometric sensitivity using the ground-state level anti-crossing (GSLAC) feature of the NV center at a background MF of 102.4\,mT. Following the first approach, we investigate the feature parameters for precise alignment in a dilute diamond sample; the second approach extends the sensing protocol into absorption via detection of the GSLAC in the diamond transmission of a 1042\,nm laser beam. This leads to an …
Nondestructive in-line sub-picomolar detection of magnetic nanoparticles in flowing complex fluids
AbstractOver the last decades, the use of magnetic nanoparticles in research and commercial applications has increased dramatically. However, direct detection of trace quantities remains a challenge in terms of equipment cost, operating conditions and data acquisition times, especially in flowing conditions within complex media. Here we present the in-line, non-destructive detection of magnetic nanoparticles using high performance atomic magnetometers at ambient conditions in flowing media. We achieve sub-picomolar sensitivities measuring ~30 nm ferromagnetic iron and cobalt nanoparticles that are suitable for biomedical and industrial applications, under flowing conditions in water and who…
Rapid online solid-state battery diagnostics with optically pumped magnetometers
Applied Sciences 10(21), 7864 (2020). doi:10.3390/app10217864
Noncovalent force spectroscopy using wide-field optical and diamond-based magnetic imaging
A realization of the force-induced remnant magnetization spectroscopy (FIRMS) technique of specific biomolecular binding is presented where detection is accomplished with wide-field optical and diamond-based magnetometry using an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers. The technique may be adapted for massively parallel screening of arrays of nanoscale samples.
Rapid parameter estimation of discrete decaying signals using autoencoder networks
Machine learning: science and technology 2(4), 045024 (2021). doi:10.1088/2632-2153/ac1eea
Rapid parameter determination of discrete damped sinusoidal oscillations
We present different computational approaches for the rapid extraction of the signal parameters of discretely sampled damped sinusoidal signals. We compare time- and frequency-domain-based computational approaches in terms of their accuracy and precision and computational time required in estimating the frequencies of such signals, and observe a general trade-off between precision and speed. Our motivation is precise and rapid analysis of damped sinusoidal signals as these become relevant in view of the recent experimental developments in cavity-enhanced polarimetry and ellipsometry, where the relevant time scales and frequencies are typically within the ∼1 − 10 µs and ∼1 − 100 MHz ranges, …
Sawtooth-wave adiabatic-passage slowing of dysprosium
We report on sawtooth wave adiabatic passage (SWAP) slowing of bosonic and fermionic dysprosium isotopes by using a 136 kHz wide transition at 626 nm. A beam of precooled atoms is further decelerated in one dimension by the SWAP force and the amount of atoms at near zero velocity is measured. We demonstrate that the SWAP slowing can be twice as fast as in a conventional optical molasses operated on the same transition. In addition, we investigate the parameter range for which the SWAP force is efficiently usable in our set-up, and relate the results to the adiabaticity condition. Furthermore, we add losses to the hyperfine ground-state population of fermionic dysprosium during deceleration …
On the Possibility of Miniature Diamond-Based Magnetometers Using Waveguide Geometries
Micromachines 9(6), 276 (2018). doi:10.3390/mi9060276
Infrared laser magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon
We propose an hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be around $250~\mathrm{fT/\sqrt{Hz}}$. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external frequency …
Wide-Field Imaging of Superconductor Vortices with Electron Spins in Diamond
Understanding the mechanisms behind high-$T_{c}$ Type-II superconductors (SC) is still an open task in condensed matter physics. One way to gain further insight into the microscopic mechanisms leading to superconductivity is to study the magnetic properties of the SC in detail, for example by studying the properties of vortices and their dynamics. In this work we describe a new method of wide-field imaging magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond to image vortices in an yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin film. We demonstrate quantitative determination of the magnetic field strength of the vortex stray field, the observation of vortex patterns for different cooling fi…
Ultra-sensitive chiral sensing and analysis from the nanoscale to the earth’s atmosphere
Chirality plays an essential role in life and, therefore, in modem science. I’ll present novel technologies for ultra-sensitive, absolute, chiral sensing and analysis, in all phases, from the nanoscale to the earth’s atmosphere.
Imaging Topological Spin Structures Using Light-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy
We present an imaging modality that enables detection of magnetic moments and their resulting stray magnetic fields. We use wide-field magnetic imaging that employs a diamond-based magnetometer and has combined magneto-optic detection (e.g. magneto-optic Kerr effect) capabilities. We employ such an instrument to image magnetic (stripe) domains in multilayered ferromagnetic structures.
Photoluminescence at the ground state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond
The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) in diamond at magnetic fields corresponding to the ground state level anticrossing (GSLAC) region gives rise to rich photoluminescence (PL) signals due to the vanishing energy gap between the electron spin states, which enables to have an effect on the NV center's luminescence for a broad variety of environmental couplings. In this article we report on the GSLAC photoluminescence signature of NV ensembles in different spin environments at various external fields. We investigate the effects of transverse electric and magnetic fields, P1 centers, NV centers, and the $^{13}$C nuclear spins, each of which gives rise to a unique PL signature at the GSLAC. …