The n_TOF facility: Neutron beams for challenging future measurements at CERN
A. KalamaraJ. MarganiecJ. MarganiecL. CosentinoJ. Lerendegui-marcoEmilio Andrea MaugeriM. KokkorisF. BečvářN. PatronisT. J. WrightA. K. SaxenaD. Cano-ottArnaud FerrariAlberto MengoniA. KimuraJ. BillowesI. F. GonçalvesE. ChiaveriE. ChiaveriE. ChiaveriA. CasanovasM. BacakM. BacakP. F. MastinuPeter SchillebeeckxG. VanniniG. VanniniPedro G. FerreiraIgnacio PorrasSimone GilardoniT. GlodariuMario BarbagalloA. MusumarraA. PavlikP. KavriginRalf NolteHideo HaradaKathrin GöbelA. S. BrownD. MacinaCarlos GuerreroM. Sabaté-gilarteM. Sabaté-gilarteC. Domingo-pardoM. A. Cortés-giraldoAlexandru NegretB. Fernández-domínguezF. KäppelerR. CardellaE. GriesmayerG. TaglienteJan HeyseM. CaamañoM. DiakakiE. MendozaL. A. DamoneL. A. DamoneF. CalviñoH. LeebY. H. ChenR. VlastouD. RadeckRugard DresslerAriel Tarifeño-saldiviaS. J. LonsdaleO. AberleP. M. MilazzoJ. PerkowskiF. CeruttiE. BerthoumieuxA. TsinganisM. MastromarcoL. AudouinF. GunsingNicola ColonnaG. CortesI. DuranDeniz KurtulgilVasilis VlachoudisAnton WallnerS. HeinitzCristian MassimiCristian MassimiE. JerichaJ. BalibreaP. VazPaolo FinocchiaroM. KrtičkaA. OpreaJavier PraenaS. Lo MeoS. Lo MeoDorothea SchumannA. StamatopoulosT. MartinezN. V. SosninRene ReifarthAlberto VenturaE. DupontJ. A. RyanE. Leal-cidonchaAnnamaria MazzonePetar ŽUgecPetar ŽUgecA. GawlikThomas RauscherThomas RauscherA. MasiD. G. JenkinsJ. M. QuesadaL. Tassan-gotE. GonzálezS. WarrenV. VarialeA. R. GarcíaF. MingroneC. LedererJ. AndrzejewskiDamir BosnarY. KadiJ. L. TainS. ValentaMarco CalvianiNiko KivelA. G. SmithPhilip WoodsC. Rubbiasubject
AstrofísicanTOF[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-ACC-PH]Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Accelerator Physics [physics.acc-ph]QC1-999Nuclear TheoryNeutronAstrophysics01 natural sciences7. Clean energylaw.inventionNuclear physicsPhysics and Astronomy (all)Neutron fluxlaw0103 physical sciencesCERNNuclear astrophysicsNeutronSpallation010306 general physicsNuclear ExperimentPhysics:Energies::Energia nuclear [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC]NeutronsLarge Hadron Collider:Física [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC]010308 nuclear & particles physicsPhysicsNuclear dataNuclear reactorNeutron radiationAccelerators and Storage Rings3. Good health13. Climate actiondescription
The CERN n TOF neutron beam facility is characterized by a very high instantaneous neutron flux, excellent TOF resolution at the 185 m long flight path (EAR-1), low intrinsic background and coverage of a wide range of neutron energies, from thermal to a few GeV. These characteristics provide a unique possibility to perform high-accuracy measurements of neutron-induced reaction cross-sections and angular distributions of interest for fundamental and applied Nuclear Physics. Since 2001, the n TOF Collaboration has collected a wealth of high quality nuclear data relevant for nuclear astrophysics, nuclear reactor technology, nuclear medicine, etc. The overall efficiency of the experimental program and the range of possible measurements has been expanded with the construction of a second experimental area (EAR-2), located 20 m on the vertical of the n TOF spallation target. This upgrade, which benefits from a neutron flux 30 times higher than in EAR- 1, provides a substantial extension in measurement capabilities, opening the possibility to collect data on neutron cross-section of isotopes with short half-lives or available in very small amounts. This contribution will outline the main characteristics of the n TOF facility, with special emphasis on the new experimental area. In particular, we will discuss the innovative features of the EAR-2 neutron beam that make possible to perform very challenging measurements on short-lived radioisotopes or sub-mg samples, out of reach up to now at other neutron facilities around the world. Finally, the future perspectives of the facility will be presented.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2016-09-11 |