showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Probabilistic Selection Approaches in Decomposition-based Evolutionary Algorithms for Offline Data-Driven Multiobjective Optimization


In offline data-driven multiobjective optimization, no new data is available during the optimization process. Approximation models, also known as surrogates, are built using the provided offline data. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm can be utilized to find solutions by using these surrogates. The accuracy of the approximated solutions depends on the surrogates and approximations typically involve uncertainties. In this paper, we propose probabilistic selection approaches that utilize the uncertainty information of the Kriging models (as surrogates) to improve the solution process in offline data-driven multiobjective optimization. These approaches are designed for decomposition-base…

Pareto optimalitypareto-tehokkuusgaussiset prosessitGaussian processesevoluutiolaskentamonitavoiteoptimointiTheoretical Computer ScienceKrigingComputational Theory and Mathematicsmetamodellingsurrogatekernel density estimationkriging-menetelmäSoftware

La Corte definisce un altro tassello per l’effettività del principio delle pari opportunità: la sentenza n. 62 del 2022


In the judgment no. 62 of 2022, the Italian Constitutional Court deals one more time with the principle of equal access in political representation. The decision shows a new approach of the Italian Constitutional Judge in strengthening gender equality, on the basis of Art. 3rd and Art. 51.1st of the Italian Constitution and provides the principle with a new effectiveness.

gender balance equal access in political representationSettore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionale

Partial-order reduction for parity games and parameterised Boolean equation systems


AbstractIn model checking, reduction techniques can be helpful tools to fight the state-space explosion problem. Partial-order reduction (POR) is a well-known example, and many POR variants have been developed over the years. However, none of these can be used in the context of model checking stutter-sensitive temporal properties. We propose POR techniques for parity games, a well-established formalism for solving a variety of decision problems, including model checking. As a result, we obtain the first POR method that is sound for the full modal $$\upmu $$ μ -calculus. We show how our technique can be applied to the fixed point logic called parameterised Boolean equation systems, which pro…

partial-order reductionParity gamesparameterised Boolean equation systemsparity gamesverifiointistubborn setsStubborn setsPartial-order reductionpeliteoriaParameterised Boolean equation systemstietojenkäsittelySoftwareBoolen algebraInformation SystemsInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

Off-Adherence Keeping (OAK) observational study: intentional off-adherence immunomodulatory multiple sclerosis treatment


Aims: To evaluate how improved treatment adherence with a lower-frequency regimen/treatment of intramuscular (IM) IFN beta-1a impacts therapeutic effectiveness in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients switching from a higher-frequency injectable regimen/treatment. Patients & methods: Italian patients with relapsing-remitting MS and prior poor adherence to high-frequency injectable treatments (n = 181) were followed for 24 months after starting IM IFN beta-1a. Results: During the study, 97.4% of patients were treatment adherent; 22.1% of patients reported a relapse. The estimated probability of remaining relapse-free after 2 years was 78%. A high dropout rate (52.5%) led t…

relapsesMultiple Sclerosis Relapsing-RemittingTreatment Outcomequality of lifeRecurrenceHumansSettore MED/26 - NeurologiaInterferon-betaNeurology (clinical)multiple sclerosistreatment adherenceInterferon beta-1aintramuscular interferon beta-1aNeurodegenerative Disease Management

Variability in energy expenditure is much greater in males than females


In mammals, trait variation is often reported to be greater among males than females. However, to date, mainly only morphological traits have been studied. Energy expenditure represents the metabolic costs of multiple physical, physiological, and behavioral traits. Energy expenditure could exhibit particularly high greater male variation through a cumulative effect if those traits mostly exhibit greater male variation, or a lack of greater male variation if many of them do not. Sex differences in energy expenditure variation have been little explored. We analyzed a large database on energy expenditure in adult humans (1494 males and 3108 females) to investigate whether humans have evolved s…

AdultMaleAgingDlwDLWArticleAffordable and Clean EnergyEnergeticsBehavioral and Social ScienceAnimalsHumansObesityEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsAgedMammalsSex CharacteristicsEvolutionary BiologyReproductionVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400Activity3141 Health care scienceArchaeologyAnthropologyBody CompositionFemaleTrait variabilityEnergy MetabolismBiological sex

An Automatic Method for Assessing Spiking of Tibial Tubercles Associated with Knee Osteoarthritis


Efficient and scalable early diagnostic methods for knee osteoarthritis are desired due to the disease’s prevalence. The current automatic methods for detecting osteoarthritis using plain radiographs struggle to identify the subjects with early-stage disease. Tibial spiking has been hypothesized as a feature of early knee osteoarthritis. Previous research has demonstrated an association between knee osteoarthritis and tibial spiking, but the connection to the early-stage disease has not been investigated. We study tibial spiking as a feature of early knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, we develop a deep learning based model for detecting tibial spiking from plain radiographs. We collected an…

tuki- ja liikuntaelinten tauditnivelrikkokoneoppiminenröntgenkuvauspolvetconvolutional neural networkssääriluutibial spikingsyväoppiminenneuroverkotdiagnostiikka3126 Surgery anesthesiology intensive care radiology



In this paper, we analyze consumption patterns of leisure time among young people belonging to the so-called “second generation” of immigrants in Italy. Leisure time consumption describes how young immigrants use cultural products and services. We analyze data collected by the ISTAT through the survey on the “second generations” (2015). A comparison of leisure consumption patterns between second-generation immigrants and their Italian peers does not show significant differences. Rather, differences in consumption styles are associated to gender (male/female), geographic area of residence (North/South), and size of the municipality (large municipality/small municipality) of residence.

Settore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleYoung immigrants Leisure time consumption Social integration Statistically validated networks.

Randazzo nell'opera di Walter Leopold


In 2021 a group of researchers and students on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean toasted ten years of The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database project ( This collection of historical images of medieval monuments in Southern Italy was launched in 2011. Its purpose was to document the complex history of this highly diverse patrimony with visual documents that testify to the cultural richness of the Italian South. Online since October 2016, the project was fostered by Caroline Bruzelius at Duke University (NC). It has now become an invaluable research and study tool thanks to her charisma and her indefatigable enthusiasm in the face of ever-new intellectual cha…

Database Drawing Sicily Medieval

Gli spazi del benessere come nuove forme dell’eterotopia


Il contributo in volume analizza il tema del benessere oggi, il quale ha definito le condizioni per lo sviluppo di un mercato, e suo relativo indotto economico, per mezzo della costruzione di nuove architetture dedicate alla cura del proprio corpo: terme, S.P.A., beauty farm, palestre. Spesso molte altre strutture di tipo ricettivo, ad esempio: hotel, alberghi, residenze turistico alberghiere, residenze d’epoca, si sono trasformate in delle vere e proprie macchine architettoniche, con un alto grado di complessità funzionale, per accogliere spazi con differenti programmi funzionali dedicati alla salute dei propri clienti. Architetture dai contorni esotici che rimandano spesso a culture appar…

Eterotopie Progetto ArchitetturaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Sounding the Middle Ages : A Cinematic Chronotope


Abstract This article explores the strategies used in movies to recreate the sound of the Middle Ages. The musical elements that our culture chooses for identifying the past and their reasons for those choices are an interesting point to start this investigation. Bakhtin's notion of “chronotope” is useful for discovering the musical signs of “medievalness”; indeed, the sources for authenticity are not the “historical” sources but the musical paradigm defined before the Second World War.

[SHS.MUSIQ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing artsVisual Arts and Performing ArtsCommunication[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art historyMusic

Identificazione e caratterizzazione di molecole biologicamente attive con attività antimicrobica antibiofilm e antitumorale in Posidonia oceanica e P…


Resistenza agli antibiotici peptidi antimicrobici biofilm peptidi anticancro Posidonia oceanica Procambarus clarkiiSettore BIO/06 - Anatomia Comparata E Citologia

The effect of a temperature-sensitive prophage on the evolution of virulence in an opportunistic bacterial pathogen.

2022 Abstract Viruses are key actors of ecosystems and have major impacts on global biogeochemical cycles. Prophages deserve particular attention as they are ubiquitous in bacterial genomes and can enter a lytic cycle when triggered by environmental conditions. We explored how temperature affects the interactions between prophages and other biological levels by using an opportunistic pathogen, the bacterium Serratia marcescens, that harbours several prophages and that had undergone an evolution experiment under several temperature regimes. We found that the release of one of the prophages was temperature-sensitive and malleable to evolutionary changes. We furthe…

prophage inductionMARINE VIRUSESbiologiset vaikutuksetviruksetProphagesvirusLIPOPOLYSACCHARIDESEQUENCEbakteriofagitGeneticsBacteriophagesexperimental evolutionPHYSIOLOGYEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsEcosystem11832 Microbiology and virologySERRATIA-MARCESCENSepigeneticsVirulenceINDUCTIONopportunistic pathogenTemperatureLYSOGENYekosysteemit (ekologia)taudinaiheuttajatMUTANTSepigenetiikkalämpötilaBACTERIOPHAGERESISTANCEGenome BacterialMolecular ecologyREFERENCES

La Cuevona de Avín (Avín, Asturias, North Spain): A new Late Pleistocene site in the lower valley of the River Güeña


The archaeological investigations carried out in the last twenty years in the Lower Valley of the River Güeña (Asturias, central part of northern Spain) have documented different prehistoric sites, particularly with Middle and Upper Palaeolithic occupations. This paper presents the results of the archaeological excavation carried out in the cave of La Cuevona de Avín. From the systematic study of the biotic and abiotic remains, a total of three occupation phases (Phases 1 to 3) have been determined, dated in the Late Pleistocene. The lithic studies indicate the use of local raw materials (mainly quartzite), but also regional ones (different types of flint) in the whole sequence. Retouched i…

ArcheologyLate PleistoceneSubsistence strategiesRaw materialTechnology and use-wear analysisCantabrian Spain

Introducing the DYNAMICS framework of moment-to-moment development in achievement motivation


This article introduces a new theoretical and psychometric framework describing moment-to-moment development and inter-dependencies of achievement motivation in terms of the situated expectancy-value theory, by introducing dynamical systems concepts into this line of research. As a first empirical example of a study using this framework, we examined whether task values, costs, and success expectancies measured in a learning situation (time point t) predicted themselves and each other at the next situation (t + 1; 27 min later) within a weekly university lecture. Situational task values, expectancies, and costs were assessed using the experience sampling method in 155 university teacher trai…

motivaatiominäpystyvyysoppiminenminäkuvaoppimisteoriatkoulusaavutuksetsaavutusmotivaatioteoriaautoregressive modeldynamical systemsoppimistuloksetsuoriutuminenEducationexperience samplingsituated expectancy-value modelodotusarvoteoriaodotuksetDevelopmental and Educational Psychologymallit (mallintaminen)time seriesLearning and Instruction

Ääni työttömyyden traumoille


Kirja-arvio. Sari Näre & Lena Näre: Työttömyys sattuu: Arjen kamppailuja työllistämistoimien rattaissa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2022, 360 s. ISBN 987-952-345-169-8

työllistäminensosiaaliturvakokemuskerrontaarkityöttömättyöllisyyspolitiikkatyöttömyyskohtelutyövoimapalvelutkokemuksetleimautuminen (sosiologia)työnhakuKirjatvaatimuksettoimeentulo

Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review


10122 Institute of Geography1903 Computers in Earth SciencesSoil ScienceGeology910 Geography & travelComputers in Earth Sciences1111 Soil Science1907 Geology

Are there plenty of fish in the sea? How life history traits affect the eco-evolutionary consequences of population oscillations


Understanding fish population oscillations is important for both fundamental population biology and for fisheries science. Much research has focused on the causes of population oscillations, but the eco-evolutionary consequences of population oscillations are unclear. Here, we used an empirically parametrised individual-based simulation model to explore the consequences of oscillations with different amplitudes and wavelengths. We show that oscillations with a wavelength shorter than the maximum lifespan of the fish produce marked differences in the evolutionary trajectories of asymptotic length. Wavelengths longer than the maximum lifespan of the fish, in turn, mainly manifest as ecologica…

density dependencyekosysteemit (ekologia)evoluutiobiologiapopulaatiotpopulation oscillationfisherieskalakannatAquatic Scienceeco-evolutionary dynamicskalatpopulaatioekologia

Guidelines of the Italian societies of gastroenterology on the diagnosis and management of coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis


Introduction: Coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis are immune-mediated diseases triggered by the consumption of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. These guidelines were developed to provide general practitioners, paediatricians, gastroenterologists, and other clinicians with an overview on the diagnosis, management and follow-up of coeliac patients and those with dermatitis herpetiformis.Methods: Guidelines were developed by the Italian Societies of Gastroenterology. Following a systematic literature review, the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation methodol-ogy was used to assess the certainty of the evidence. Statements and recommendations w…

AdultCoeliac disease diagnosiCoeliac disease managementSettore MED/09 - Medicina InternaGlutensHepatologyCoeliac disease diagnosis; Coeliac disease follow-up; Coeliac disease management; Dermatitis herpetiformisGastroenterologyCoeliac disease diagnosisCeliac DiseaseDiet Gluten-FreeHumansDermatitis herpetiformis.Dermatitis herpetiformisChildCoeliac disease follow-upSystematic Reviews as TopicDigestive and Liver Disease

Does taking additional Maths classes improve university performance?


Several recent studies in educational literature showed how students’ skills in maths affect their success at higher levels of education. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of taking additional maths class at high school on first-year performance of Italian university students. However, university performance and the choice of the high-school depend on several factors that make this evaluation challenging. Using information coming from three different sources, we carry out a multilevel propensity score procedure to estimate the average treatment effect between the applied sciences track and the traditional scientific one. After balancing for school- and student-level covariates…

propensity score fine balance educational data multilevel propensity score optimal network flowSettore SECS-S/05 - Statistica SocialeSettore SECS-S/01 - Statistica

Sociologia del crimine. Le prospettive costruzioniste


The volume has an outstanding reputation for its distinctive and systematic contribution to the criminological literature. Through detailed examples and analysis, it shows how crime is a product of processes of criminalisation constituted through the interactional and organizational use of language. In this welcome second edition, the book reviews and evaluates the current state of criminological theory from this "grammatical" perspective. It maintains and develops its critical and subversive stance but greatly widens its theoretical range, including dedicated chapters on gender, race, class and the post-als including postcolonialism. It now also provides questions, exercises and further re…

conflict theorieSettore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica Della Devianza E Mutamento Socialeetnomethodologycrimesymbolic interactionism

Atti del convegno Comunicazione di sostenibilità e blockchain Strumenti giuridici e prospettive tecnologicheperilsettorevitivinicolo


block chainsustainability communicationSettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrario

Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Disorders in Intellectual Giftedness: A Systematic Review


AbstractThis work systematically reviewed past literature to investigate the association between intellectual giftedness and socio-emotional and/or behavioral disorders. Nineteen studies met the inclusion criteria, 17 of which have children and/or adolescents as participants, and 12 have a non-gifted control group. Socio-emotional problems, such as withdrawal, were found in 3 out of 8 studies; internalizing disorders, such as anxiety, were found in 5 out of 9; externalizing disorders, such as hyperactivity, were found in 3 out of 5. The most investigated comorbidity was attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A univocal conclusion on the relationship between intellectual giftedness and so…

Psychiatry and Mental healthAutismPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyADHDHigh intelligenceADHD; Autism; Giftedness; High intelligence; ReviewReviewGiftedness

Orthorexia Nervosa vs Healthy Orthorexia:Preliminary Results of the Italian Validation of the Teruel Orthorexia Scale (TOS)


Eating Disorders Italian validation

Ricerche metaforiche. Verso un'ipotesi pluralista e deflazionista sulla metafora.


PragmaticMental ImageryMetaphorSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi

Associations of parental physical activity trajectories with offspring's physical activity patterns from childhood to middle adulthood : The Young Fi…


We investigated the association of parental physical activity (PA) trajectories with offspring's youth and adult PA. Self-reported PA data were extracted from the Young Finns Study with three follow-ups for parents between 1980 and 1986 and nine follow-ups for their offspring in youth between 1980 and 2011 (aged 9-39 years, n = 2402) and in adulthood in 2018. Accelerometer-derived PA was quantified in 2018-2020 (aged 43-58 years, n = 1134). Data were analyzed using mixture models and conducted in 2022. We identified three trajectories for fathers and mothers (high-stable activity, 20.2%/16.6%; moderate-stable activity, 50.5%/49.6%; and low-stable activity, 29.4%/33.7%) and four for youth ma…

AdultMaleParentsAdolescentEpidemiologyvaikutuksetTrajectoryMothersphysical activitylapset (ikäryhmät)FathersOffspringnuoret3123 Gynaecology and paediatricsHumansChildExerciseFinlandaskelmittaritoffspringPhysical activityPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healthparents3142 Public health care science environmental and occupational healthAccelerometeraccelerometervanhemmattrajectoryterveyskäyttäytyminenmittarit (mittaus)ennustettavuusFemale516 Educational sciencesfyysinen aktiivisuus



Il lavoro affronta l’interrogativo se possa parlarsi, in riferimento alla pandemia ed alla guerra in atto, di stato di eccezione e/o di emergenza in seno all’ordinamento sportivo, così da giustificare una compressione dei suoi principi fondamentali e, tra questi, in particolare, quello di neutralità politica e, correlativamente l'interrogativo se spetti all’ordinamento sportivo il potere di impedire al suo interno le ricadute derivanti dalla dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza operata dall’ordinamento giuridico statale sotto il profilo della compressione, in primis, della libertà fondamentale alla pratica dello sport.

emergenza sanitariaemergenza bellicaSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatoneutralità politicasanzioni sportive



Scopo del lavoro: Scopo principale del nostro studio è stato quello di analizzare la possibile relazione tra aumento della rigidità aortica e progressione della malattia renale cronica in un gruppo di pazienti ipertesi nefropatici, endpoint secondari riguardavano l’eventuale ruolo prognostico della pulse wave velocity (PWV) sugli eventi cardiovascolari (CV) e sulla mortalità totale. Materiali e metodi: sono stati arruolati 395 pazienti che sono stati sottoposti a esami bioumorali, monitoraggio ambulatoriale della pressione arteriosa e stima della stiffness aortica mediante dispositivo oscillometrico Arteriograph. Sono stati inoltre registrati i dati relativi all’insorgenza di eventi card…

Rigidità aorticaSettore MED/14 - NefrologiaMortalità Eventi cardiovascolari.Progressione nefropatieVelocità dell'onda di polso

Systematic literature review of interpretative positions and potential sources of resistance to change in organizations


Purpose: This article addresses the main concerns of existing literature about resistance to change (RC) in organizations, namely the limited interpretative position regarding RC focusing mainly on negative aspects and excluding potential benefits, and the poor consensus or even understanding of RC sources in organizations. Design/methodology: To approach our goal, a systematic literature review will be carried out. The initial sample, obtained using reproducible search algorithms on Scopus and Web of Science, comprises 65 papers. After applying five inclusion/exclusion criteria supported by previous systematic reviews, the final sample consists of 30 papers. Findings: This article demonstr…

Organizational changeOrganizational Behavior and Human Resource Managementsources of resistance to changeStrategy and ManagementUNESCO::CIENCIA POLÍTICASystematic literature reviewsystematic literature reviewSources of resistance to changeClassificationCanvi organitzatiuEducationinterpretative positionsResistance to changeClassificaciótaxonomyManagement of Technology and InnovationAccountingresistance to change:Economia i organització d'empreses [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC]Interpretative positionsBusiness and International ManagementTaxonomy

Favignana Quarry Island. Mediterranean landscapes between description and transformation


The essay takes a critical look at part of the extensive research on the Mediterranean landscape conducted by the authors, particularly on the architecture of the quarry landscape in Sicily. The case study investigated concerns the island of Favignana and the complex relationship that the quarry landscape has represented in the relations between this island of the Egadi archipelago and the Mediterranean basin. The essay adopts five keywords that represent many access tools for an anthropogeographical understanding of the island. The essay interprets Favignana as an island of wind and water through geography. But it extends its dimension to architecture, looking at its landscape as a single …

Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaGeography Subtraction Metamorphosis Genome Next

SAPERO: un nuovo strumento per analisi di sicurezza nel settore della radioterapia avanzata


La realizzazione di elevati standard di sicurezza nell’impiego di tecnologie avanzate per la radioterapia, in cui non è presente memoria storica a causa dell’innovatività, pone la necessità di svolgere analisi basate sull’uso di nuovi approcci incentrati su una visione olistica del processo, efficaci nell’individuare elementi di informazione aggiuntivi rispetto ad un’applicazione classica. Nel presente lavoro viene descritto un nuovo strumento di valutazione, denominato SAPERO (La SicurezzA del PazientE: tecniche avanzate ed innovative per la valutazione del rischio di eventi indesiderati all'interno del percorso assistenziale nel settore RadioterapicO) che consente all’analista di impiegar…

RadioterapiaSettore ING-IND/20 - Misure E Strumentazione NucleariSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariAnalisi si SicurezzaFMECA

Introduzione all'edizione italiana


The Introduction to the Italian edition of A sociology of crime by Stephen Hester and Peter Eglin focus on the relevance of constructionist theories of crime

deviancepositivist theories of crimeSettore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica Della Devianza E Mutamento Socialeethnomethodologycrime

Evaluating and developing teacher instructional practices in economics using a new video-based test


Abstract Teachers’ instructional practices are important for student learning. However, there are few tools for evaluating instructional practices in social studies. To this end, we present a video-based instrument with teacher-student interactions for assessing teaching practices in a high school economics course. We investigate, using an iterative design-based methodology, the adaptation and validation of a test originally developed in Germany for use in the United States. We found that experienced economics teachers and those with more content knowledge demonstrated higher-level instructional skills, and were more flexibile with their thinking. Inexperienced economics teachers and those …

Reflection (computer programming)Iterative designmedia_common.quotation_subjectSocial studiesEducationTest (assessment)FeelingComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONMathematics educationPsychologyContent knowledgeAdaptation (computer science)Video basedSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)media_commonThe Journal of Social Studies Research

Variation in egg size and offspring phenotype among and within seven Arctic charr morphs.


Maternal effects have the potential to alter early developmental processes of offspring and contribute to adaptive diversification. Egg size is a major contributor to offspring phenotype, which can influence developmental trajectories and potential resource use. However, to what extent intraspecific variation in egg size facilitates evolution of resource polymorphism is poorly understood. We studied multiple resource morphs of Icelandic Arctic charr, ranging from an anadromous morph—with a phenotype similar to the proposed ancestral phenotype—to sympatric morphs that vary in their degree of phenotypic divergence from the ancestral anadromous morph. We characterized variation in egg size and…

egg sizediversificationEcologyevoluutiobiologianieriädevelopmental plasticitymunatresource polymorphismemotmaternal effectsjälkeläisetfenotyyppifreshwatermuuntelu (biologia)Ecology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsNature and Landscape ConservationEcology and evolution

The regulation of efferocytosis signaling pathways and adipose tissue homeostasis in physiological conditions and obesity: Current understanding and …


Obesity is associated with changes in the resolution of acute inflammation that contribute to the clinical complications. The exact mechanisms underlying unresolved inflammation in obesity are not fully understood. Adipocyte death leads to pro-inflammatory adipose tissue macrophages, stimulating additional adipocyte apoptosis. Thus, a complex and tightly regulated process to inhibit inflammation and maintain homeostasis after adipocyte apoptosis is needed to maintain health. In normal condition, a specialized phagocytic process (efferocytosis) performs this function, clearing necrotic and apoptotic cells (ACs) and controlling inflammation. For efficient and continued efferocytosis, phagocyt…

InflammationAdipose TissueEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthHomeostasisHumansObesityadipose tissue homeostasis clearance of apoptotic adipocytes continual efferocytosis high fat diet insulin resistance metabolic connections metabolic inflammation therapeutic strategiesSignal TransductionObesity Reviews

Effectiveness of Case Management with Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults with Depression


Objective To evaluate the effect of case management with problem solving therapy (CM-PST) on depression and disability among rural older adults and compare its effect with outcomes derived from a previous, but similar study among 84 urban older adults. Methods This study examined the comparative effectiveness of a CM-PST intervention for older adults with depression and unmet needs across rural and urban settings. Participants received 12 one-hour sessions of CM-PST with a master's-level clinician. A total of 56 rural and 84 urban adults aged 60 and older experiencing mild to moderate depression received services in their homes. Results The rural CM-PST intervention resulted in significantl…

Rural PopulationPsychiatry and Mental healthTreatment OutcomeDepressionVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Klinisk medisinske fag: 750::Geriatri: 778HumansGeriatrics and GerontologyMiddle AgedCase ManagementProblem SolvingAgedThe American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Policía, servicio público y fomento en el ejercicio de la función administrativa de la Iglesia. Explorando nuevas formas de sistematización del Derec…


El presente estudio pretende contribuir a la reflexión sobre la mejor forma de sistematizar el Derecho Administrativo Canónico, una de las ramas más extensas y jóvenes del ordenamiento jurídico canónico. Para ello, se propone el recurso a las tradicionales formas de intervención administrativa empleadas por la doctrina secular –policía, servicio público y fomento– para categorizar el modo en que se despliega la función administrativa en la Iglesia. El artículo defiende la idoneidad de estas categorías para organizar y explicar muchas de las actuaciones de la Administración eclesial, así como para mejorar su regulación tomando como referencia los desarrollos del ordenamiento secular.

Religious studiesfunción administrativaderecho administrativo canónigoGeneral Medicineformas de intervenciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHOLaw