showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Joint retirement behaviour and pension reform in the Netherlands


We examine the effects of a major pension reform in 2015 on the joint retirement decisions of working couples in the Netherlands. The reform abolished the partner allowance, a state pension supplement for a nonworking partner below the state pension age. At the same time, actuarially generous early retirement arrangements were made less attractive. Using rich administrative data, we estimate a multivariate mixed proportional hazards model that distinguishes between several sources of joint retirement: financial incentives, other causal mecha-nisms that make retirement of one spouse more likely when the other spouse retires (e.g., due to complemen-tarities in leisure or social norms) and cor…

SOCIAL-SECURITYEconomics and EconometricsAGEpartner allowanceageinghousehold labour supplyUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASearly retirementLife-span and Life-course StudiesRESPONSESCOUPLESThe Journal of the Economics of Ageing

Presentazione convegno


The idea behind this Conference is to promote and disseminate legal and digital forms capable of making "sustainability" mandatory: and on the other hand to really achieve the climate objectives that would like to eliminate CO2 emissions and the land consumption by 2050, adherence to disciplinary leads to sustainability mindsets cannot be left to the "conscience" of entrepreneurs but should switch from incentivized forms of coercion or negotiation also with the use of already tested tools such as those of collective autonomy.

Settore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrarioviticulture sustainability block chain

Intensive care medicine in Europe: perspectives from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care


BACKGROUND Anaesthesiology represents a rapidly evolving medical specialty in global healthcare, currently covering advanced peri-operative, pre-hospital and in-hospital critical emergency management (CREM), intensive care medicine (ICM) and pain management. The aim of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) is to develop and promote a coordinated interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary European network of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (AICM) societies for improvement of patient safety and outcome, and to enhance political and public awareness of the role of anaesthesiologists all over Europe. The ESAIC promotes coordinated interdisciplinary and mult…

EuropeCritical CareAnesthesiologyIntensive careHumansEuropean UnionSocieties Medical

Entropy Analysis of Univariate Biomedical Signals: Review and Comparison of Methods


Nonlinear techniques have found an increasing interest in the dynamical analysis of various kinds of systems. Among these techniques, entropy-based metrics have emerged as practical alternatives to classical techniques due to their wide applicability in different scenarios, especially to short and noisy processes. Issued from information theory, entropy approaches are of great interest to evaluate the degree of irregularity and complexity of physical, physiological, social, and econometric systems. Based on Shannon entropy and conditional entropy (CE), various techniques have been proposed; among them, approximate entropy, sample entropy, fuzzy entropy, distribution entropy, permutation ent…


Trattato del Modo di tenere il Libro Doppio Domestico col suo Essemplare (1636) Saggio introduttivo


Questo saggio introduttivo correda la ripubblicazione, in testo integralmente traslitterato, del celeberrimo Trattato di Flori del 1636 con cui il principio di competenza economica e lo stesso conto economico trovano la loro origine nella letteratura contabile. Esso vuole essere soprattutto una guida ragionata alla sua lettura in cui si compendia il dibattito sin qui disponibile e si fornisce una chiave di lettura sull'impatto dell'opera nella più generale Storia della Ragioneria. Per far ciò il saggio riprende la storiografia in materia ad oggi disponibile, presenta i dati biografici dell'Autore, espone – sia pure con il dovuto grado di sintesi – i contenuti del testo. Posta questa ricostr…

Settore SECS-P/07 - Economia AziendaleStoria della Ragioneria Principio di competenza Bilancio Scuola palermitana di Ragioneria Lodovico Flori Trattato del modo di tenere il libro doppio domestico

All'Università di Palermo negli anni della guerra: Silvio Ferri "archeologo e filologo di straordinario acume e spirito indipendente"


L’articolo prende in esame l’attività svolta da Silvio Ferri presso l’Università di Palermo negli anni del secondo conflitto mondiale, quando ricoprì l’insegnamento di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte greca e romana e diresse l’Istituto di Archeologia, tra non pochi disagi e difficoltà causati dagli eventi del periodo bellico. Durante l’ultimo anno di insegnamento (1945-1946), prima del definitivo trasferimento a Pisa, ebbe tra i suoi laureandi Gesualdo Bufalino, la cui tesi è stata ritrovata durante la nuova sistemazione dell’Archivio dell’Ateneo palermitano.

Settore L-ANT/07 - Archeologia ClassicaSilvio Ferri Gesualdo Bufalino

Spatio-temporal changes in degassing behavior at Stromboli volcano derived from two co-exposed SO2 camera stations


Improving volcanic gas monitoring techniques is central to better understanding open-vent, persistently degassing volcanoes. SO2 cameras are increasingly used in volcanic gas studies, but observations are commonly limited to one single camera alone viewing the volcanic plume from a specific viewing direction. Here, we report on high frequency (0.5 Hz) systematic measurements of the SO2 flux at Stromboli, covering a 1-year long observation period (June 2017-June 2018), obtained from two permanent SO2 cameras using the same automated algorithm, but imaging the plume from two different viewing directions. Our aim is to experimentally validate the robustness of automatic SO2 camera for volcano …

Stromboli (Italy)volcano monitoringSO2 fluxGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesUV cameraStrombolian activityvolcanic degassingFrontiers in Earth Science

Social information use by predators : expanding the information ecology of prey defences


Social information use is well documented across the animal kingdom, but how it influences ecological and evolutionary processes is only just beginning to be investigated. Here we evaluate how social transmission may influence species interactions and potentially change or create novel selection pressures by focusing on predator-prey interactions, one of the best studied examples of species coevolution. There is extensive research into how prey can use social information to avoid predators, but little synthesis of how social transmission among predators can influence the outcome of different stages of predation. Here we review evidence that predators use social information during 1) encount…

PUBLIC INFORMATIONpredator-prey interactionsBIRDSTOOL USEFEEDING-BEHAVIORinformation ecologyFORAGING FLOCKSpredator–prey interactionseläinten käyttäytyminensaalistussocial informationMONARCH BUTTERFLIESsosiaalinen oppiminenFOODantipredator defencesTASTE-AVERSION1181 Ecology evolutionary biologyNORWAY RATSCULTURAL TRANSMISSIONpuolustusmekanismit (biologia)Ecology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

L’etichettatura di sostenibilità nel settore vitivinicolo


Nel settore vitivinicolo la sostenibilità e la sua comunicazione al consumatore per mezzo dell’etichettatura, nel rispetto della normativa in materia, ha assunto una crescente rilevanza, anche in ragione delle pressanti esigenze ambientali e climatiche che costringono ad un ripensamento in chiave digitale di sistemi e tecniche di produzione, in un’ottica di ottimizzazione e preservazione delle risorse naturali. Partendo da una preliminare riflessione circa il significato giuridico del termine “sostenibile”, il contributo si sofferma su come il legame tra iniziativa imprenditoriale, sviluppo di innovative tecnologie digitali, ricerca di nuovi spazi di mercato e sicurezza giuridica abbia anc…

Etichettatura - vino - sostenibilità - VIVA - SQNPIsmart- label - internet of things - blockchain - corporate social responsibilitySettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrario

Dallo studio delle culture indigene a un progetto di analisi critica della modernità. L’antropologia «fatta in» Colombia


Based on a critical assessment of the historiography of Colombian anthropology, the chapter provides a synthesis of the history of anthropology made in Colombia, defined as “that produced in the country and which constitutes an empirical, methodological or conceptual contribution to new anthropological works or debates in Colombia” (Restrepo, Rojas, Saade 2017). The history of Colombian anthropology can be generally divided into three periods. The first goes from 1941 till 1968 and coincides with the birth and the institutional and academic consolidation of the disciplinary field. The second goes from 1968 till 1991: these years are marked by the rise and fall of the season of social and po…

debates on pure/applied anthropologyforms of anthropological engagementHistory of ColombiaSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline Demoetnoantropologichehistoriography of Colombian anthropologyanthropology made in Colombia

Global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subarachnoid haemorrhage hospitalisations, aneurysm treatment and in-hospital mortality: 1-year follow-up.


BackgroundPrior studies indicated a decrease in the incidences of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated differences in the incidence, severity of aSAH presentation, and ruptured aneurysm treatment modality during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the preceding year.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study including 49 countries and 187 centres. We recorded volumes for COVID-19 hospitalisations, aSAH hospitalisations, Hunt-Hess grade, coiling, clipping and aSAH in-hospital mortality. Diagnoses were identified by International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, codes or stroke databases from Jan…

Psychiatry and Mental healthSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingCOVID-19SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGECEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE; COVID-19; SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGESurgeryCEREBROVASCULAR DISEASENeurology (clinical)Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry

Maternal gut microbiota mediate intergenerational effects of high-fat diet on descendant social behavior


Dysbiosis of the maternal gut microbiome during pregnancy is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. We previously showed that maternal high-fat diet (MHFD) in mice induces gut dysbiosis, social dysfunction, and underlying synaptic plasticity deficits in male offspring (F(1)). Here, we reason that, if HFD-mediated changes in maternal gut microbiota drive offspring social deficits, then MHFD-induced dysbiosis in F(1) female MHFD offspring would likewise impair F(2) social behavior. Metataxonomic sequencing reveals reduced microbial richness among female F(1) MHFD offspring. Despite recovery of microbial richness among MHFD-descendant F(2) mice, they display social dysfunction. P…

Limosilactobacillus reuteriMaleneurodevelopmentDOHaDCP: MicrobiologymicrobiomeDiet High-FatArticleGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biologysocial behaviorGastrointestinal MicrobiomeMiceprobioticsPregnancyCP: Neuroscienceintergenerationalmaternal dietAnimalsDysbiosisFemaleCell Reports

Life events as predictors of unsustainable working life trajectories from a life course perspective


Abstract Background The association between family-related life events (e.g., getting married or having children) and unsustainable working life in terms of unemployment, sickness absence and disability pension (SA/DP) are rarely studied from a life-course perspective although having public health importance. We investigated trajectories of unsustainable working life, and the associations between change in family-related life events and unsustainable working life trajectories by controlling for familial factors. Methods This is a prospective cohort study of 37,867 Swedish twins aged between 20-40 years on 31st December 1994. Data on trajectories of annual unemployment, SA/DP, and a combined…

työterveysterveyskäyttäytyminenPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healthhealth at workliikuntaterveysfyysinen aktiivisuusEuropean Journal of Public Health

Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy


FNEGE 3, HCERES A, ABS 2; International audience; The metaverse has the potential to extend the physical world using augmented and virtual reality technologies allowing users to seamlessly interact within real and simulated environments using avatars and holograms. Virtual environments and immersive games (such as, Second Life, Fortnite, Roblox and VRChat) have been described as antecedents of the metaverse and offer some insight to the potential socio-economic impact of a fully functional persistent cross platform metaverse. Separating the hype and “meta…” rebranding from current reality is difficult, as “big tech” paints a picture of the transformative nature of the metaverse and how it w…

Virtual worldAvatarsMetaverseComputer Networks and CommunicationsSecond lifeAugmented realityLibrary and Information SciencesVirtual reality[SHS]Humanities and Social SciencesExtended realityVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200[INFO]Computer Science [cs]Information SystemsZ665VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap: 320

Quantifying uncertainty in high resolution biophysical variable retrieval with machine learning


The estimation of biophysical variables is at the core of remote sensing science, allowing a close monitoring of crops and forests. Deriving temporally resolved and spatially explicit maps of parameters of interest has been the subject of intense research. However, deriving products from optical sensors is typically hampered by cloud contamination and the trade-off between spatial and temporal resolutions. In this work we rely on the HIghly Scalable Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (HISTARFM) algorithm to generate long gap-free time series of Landsat surface reflectance data by fusing MODIS and Landsat reflectances. An artificial neural network is trained on PROSAIL inversion to p…

MODISlandsatdownscalingSoil ScienceGeologybiophysical parameter estimationUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICASComputers in Earth Sciencesuncertaintyneural networksRemote Sensing of Environment

A high-Q superconducting toroidal medium frequency detection system with a capacitively adjustable frequency range >180 kHz


We describe a newly developed polytetrafluoroethylene/copper capacitor driven by a cryogenic piezoelectric slip-stick stage and demonstrate with the chosen layout cryogenic capacitance tuning of ≈60 pF at ≈10 pF background capacitance. Connected to a highly sensitive superconducting toroidal LC circuit, we demonstrate tuning of the resonant frequency between 345 and 685 kHz, at quality factors Q > 100 000. Connected to a cryogenic ultra low noise amplifier, a frequency tuning range between 520 and 710 kHz is reached, while quality factors Q > 86 000 are achieved. This new device can be used as a versatile image current detector in high-precision Penning-trap experiments or as …

Speichertechnik - Abteilung BlaumDetectors and Experimental TechniquesInstrumentationReview of Scientific Instruments

Effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment of the pivots on lower limb function in young professional football players


Introduction: The most frequent injuries in professional soccer players are those pertinent to the lower limbs. In particular, strains of the hamstrings and ligamentous injuries of the knee. Therefore, preventive measures are aimed to reduce such events. We aimed to investigate if an osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) of the pivots could improve lower limb function in young professional football players. Methods: Thirty-eight young male professional football players were recruited (mean age 17.8 +/- 0.44 years). These were randomly assigned to an OMT or control group (n 1/4 20 and 18, respectively). Both groups underwent osteopathic evaluation. A sit-and-reach test, a vertical jump te…

MaleComplementary and Manual TherapyBalanceAdolescentRehabilitationFootballPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationOMTManipulation OsteopathicLower ExtremityComplementary and alternative medicineSoccerHumansPostural BalanceHamstrings

Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Disorders in Intellectual Giftedness: A Systematic Review


AbstractThis work systematically reviewed past literature to investigate the association between intellectual giftedness and socio-emotional and/or behavioral disorders. Nineteen studies met the inclusion criteria, 17 of which have children and/or adolescents as participants, and 12 have a non-gifted control group. Socio-emotional problems, such as withdrawal, were found in 3 out of 8 studies; internalizing disorders, such as anxiety, were found in 5 out of 9; externalizing disorders, such as hyperactivity, were found in 3 out of 5. The most investigated comorbidity was attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A univocal conclusion on the relationship between intellectual giftedness and so…

Psychiatry and Mental healthAutismPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyADHDHigh intelligenceADHD; Autism; Giftedness; High intelligence; ReviewReviewGiftedness

Exploring the impact of sustainable value proposition on firm performance


Considering the immense potential of sustainable business models in tackling the broader challenge of corporate sustainability, this paper integrates the literature streams on sustainability practices and organizational business models to analyze the performance implications of a firm's sustainable value proposition. Based on the analysis of a large panel dataset across different industries, consistent with the proposed theory, a sustainable value proposition has been found to have a positive impact on a firm's market-based financial performance (namely, Tobin's Q). Yet, this impact turns out to be highly context-dependent. In particular, the findings reveal that a firm's R&D capabilities i…

liiketoimintamallitProcess (engineering)Strategy and ManagementyritysstrategiatPropositionsustainable value propositionBusiness modelmarkkinointiviestintätutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintayritysvastuutyöntekijätSustainable practicesarvolupausIndustrial relationsadvertisingIndustrial organizationsustainable business modelSustainable ValueR&Dkestävä kehitysfirm performanceemployee relationsmainontaCorporate sustainabilitySustainabilityBusinessEuropean Management Journal

Identification of an effective chemotherapy and DNA damage response inhibitor combination for diffuse large b cell lymphoma


Chemotherapy forms the backbone of treatment for Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL); however, <∼20% of tumors are chemoresistant. Inhibitors of the DNA damage response (DDR) show promise as chemosensitizers. We therefore set up an in-vitro screen to identify an optimal chemotherapy-DDR inhibitor (DDRi) combination in a panel of DLBCL cell lines.

Cancer ResearchOncologyDLBCL DNA damage chemotherapySettore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E ApplicataSettore MED/01 - Statistica Medica

Reflexiones sobre el control de gestión en una economía digital


En este trabajo se contextualiza el rol del control de gestión retomando sus orígenes, evolución y perspectivas futuras, especialmente en el convulsionado contexto del cambio tecnológico y de una economía digital. Para ello se caracterizan y se ejemplifican las diferencias entre el controller financiero y el de gestión. Luego de repasar las responsabilidades y tareas del controller de gestión y la importancia de su formación especializada, se presentan las implicaciones de las nuevas tecnologías y la economía digital para el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias en los controllers de gestión. Con todo ello, se concluye mostrando la importancia del esfuerzo formativo y de consolidación de…

IberoaméricadigitalizaciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASGeneral Medicinecompetencias profesionalescontrollercontrol de gestiónContaduría Universidad de Antioquia

Multi-sensor spectral synergies for crop stress detection and monitoring in the optical domain: A review


10122 Institute of Geography1903 Computers in Earth SciencesSoil ScienceGeology910 Geography & travelComputers in Earth Sciences1111 Soil Science1907 Geology

Genomic characterization of undifferentiated sarcomatoid carcinoma of the pancreas


Undifferentiated sarcomatoid carcinoma (USC) of the pancreas is a rare but especially aggressive variant of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), composed of at least 80% of sarcomatoid cells. This study aimed to elucidate its clinicopathological and molecular features. The study cohort included 10 patients with pancreatic USC. Clinicopathological parameters were determined for each patient. The molecular profile was investigated using next-generation sequencing (NGS). Histologically, all tumors were hypercellular neoplasms with spindle-shaped or sarcomatoid cells. All patients showed vascular and perineural invasion. Most patients had a poor prognosis. NGS showed important similarities …

GenomicsPancreatic cancerAdenocarcinomaKRAS; Pancreatic cancer; Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; Sarcomatoid; UndifferentiatedSarcomatoidPathology and Forensic MedicineKRAS Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Sarcomatoid UndifferentiatedPancreatic NeoplasmsProto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaMutationUndifferentiatedKRASHumansMyeloid Cell Leukemia Sequence 1 ProteinPancreasCarcinoma Pancreatic Ductal

Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the singly Cabibbo suppressed decay Λc+ →pη′


Physical review / D 106(7), 072002 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.072002

Subatomär fysikAstronomi astrofysik och kosmologiSubatomic PhysicsAstronomy Astrophysics and Cosmologyddc:530530

Ethics, Dialogue and English as a Lingua Franca for ESD in Higher Education


Abstract The urgency for education to participate in the plan of action of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SD) poses challenges to language education in university language centers. This paper discusses the potential of Higher Education (HE) language center courses to provide students with the knowledge and skills of inclusive, respectful, and equal communication needed in promoting SD and global citizenship. Education for sustainable development (ESD) in language teaching often focuses on integrating the content of SD topics into the language course. This paper focuses on the skills dimension and reports on a case study of a dialogue approach, a pedagogical method that coul…

dialoguekieli ja kieletLinguistics and Languagekestävä kehitysethical communicationhigher education (HE)opetusLanguage and LinguisticskorkeakouluopetusdialogiEducationEnglish as a lingua franca (ELF)korkeakouluopiskelueducation for sustainable development (ESD)Language Learning in Higher Education

Probabilistic Selection Approaches in Decomposition-based Evolutionary Algorithms for Offline Data-Driven Multiobjective Optimization


In offline data-driven multiobjective optimization, no new data is available during the optimization process. Approximation models, also known as surrogates, are built using the provided offline data. A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm can be utilized to find solutions by using these surrogates. The accuracy of the approximated solutions depends on the surrogates and approximations typically involve uncertainties. In this paper, we propose probabilistic selection approaches that utilize the uncertainty information of the Kriging models (as surrogates) to improve the solution process in offline data-driven multiobjective optimization. These approaches are designed for decomposition-base…

Pareto optimalitypareto-tehokkuusgaussiset prosessitGaussian processesevoluutiolaskentamonitavoiteoptimointiTheoretical Computer ScienceKrigingComputational Theory and Mathematicsmetamodellingsurrogatekernel density estimationkriging-menetelmäSoftware

Randazzo nell'opera di Walter Leopold


In 2021 a group of researchers and students on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean toasted ten years of The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database project ( This collection of historical images of medieval monuments in Southern Italy was launched in 2011. Its purpose was to document the complex history of this highly diverse patrimony with visual documents that testify to the cultural richness of the Italian South. Online since October 2016, the project was fostered by Caroline Bruzelius at Duke University (NC). It has now become an invaluable research and study tool thanks to her charisma and her indefatigable enthusiasm in the face of ever-new intellectual cha…

Database Drawing Sicily Medieval

Variability in energy expenditure is much greater in males than females


In mammals, trait variation is often reported to be greater among males than females. However, to date, mainly only morphological traits have been studied. Energy expenditure represents the metabolic costs of multiple physical, physiological, and behavioral traits. Energy expenditure could exhibit particularly high greater male variation through a cumulative effect if those traits mostly exhibit greater male variation, or a lack of greater male variation if many of them do not. Sex differences in energy expenditure variation have been little explored. We analyzed a large database on energy expenditure in adult humans (1494 males and 3108 females) to investigate whether humans have evolved s…

AdultMaleAgingDlwDLWArticleAffordable and Clean EnergyEnergeticsBehavioral and Social ScienceAnimalsHumansObesityEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsAgedMammalsSex CharacteristicsEvolutionary BiologyReproductionVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400Activity3141 Health care scienceArchaeologyAnthropologyBody CompositionFemaleTrait variabilityEnergy MetabolismBiological sex

Association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in older adults


Background and aim: Arterial stiffening – a process that is largely due to intimal thickening, collagen disposition or elastin fragmentation – significantly contributes to cardiovascular events and mortality. There is also some evidence that it may negatively affect physical function. This study aimed to evaluate whether arterial stiffness was associated with measures of walking capacity in a large, population-based sample of highly aged older adults.Methods: A population-based sample of 910 community-dwelling adults (aged 75, 80, or 85 years) were investigated in a cross-sectional observational study. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, was estimated based …

Agingväestötutkimusfyysinen toimintakykyCell BiologyWalkingPopulation-basedVascular stiffnessBiochemistryMobility limitationPulse wave analysiskävelyCross-Sectional StudiesikääntyminenEndocrinologyOctogenarianliikuntakykysydän- ja verisuonitauditGeneticsArterial PressureMolecular BiologyikääntyneetExperimental Gerontology

An Optimised Indoor Deployment of Visual Sensor Networks


[SPI.SIGNAL] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Signal and Image processing2022 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS)



Today’s communication has almost completely entered the digital world as the only system of language, be it graphic, spoken or artistic. It is no coincidence that the architectural and cultural heritage, as well as the urban aspects of the city, could not avoid undergoing significant change caused by the influence of the digital transition which allows them to be safeguarded, documented and handed down. Digital, through all its forms, is, today, not only the representation of the asset but also its management through BIM approaches. The boundaries of representation, digitization and documentation open up and become ever wider, embracing greater goals and responding to growing needs.

3d modelling BIM photogrammetrySettore ICAR/17 - Disegno

An Automatic Method for Assessing Spiking of Tibial Tubercles Associated with Knee Osteoarthritis


Efficient and scalable early diagnostic methods for knee osteoarthritis are desired due to the disease’s prevalence. The current automatic methods for detecting osteoarthritis using plain radiographs struggle to identify the subjects with early-stage disease. Tibial spiking has been hypothesized as a feature of early knee osteoarthritis. Previous research has demonstrated an association between knee osteoarthritis and tibial spiking, but the connection to the early-stage disease has not been investigated. We study tibial spiking as a feature of early knee osteoarthritis. Additionally, we develop a deep learning based model for detecting tibial spiking from plain radiographs. We collected an…

tuki- ja liikuntaelinten tauditnivelrikkokoneoppiminenröntgenkuvauspolvetconvolutional neural networkssääriluutibial spikingsyväoppiminenneuroverkotdiagnostiikka3126 Surgery anesthesiology intensive care radiology

Gli spazi del benessere come nuove forme dell’eterotopia


Il contributo in volume analizza il tema del benessere oggi, il quale ha definito le condizioni per lo sviluppo di un mercato, e suo relativo indotto economico, per mezzo della costruzione di nuove architetture dedicate alla cura del proprio corpo: terme, S.P.A., beauty farm, palestre. Spesso molte altre strutture di tipo ricettivo, ad esempio: hotel, alberghi, residenze turistico alberghiere, residenze d’epoca, si sono trasformate in delle vere e proprie macchine architettoniche, con un alto grado di complessità funzionale, per accogliere spazi con differenti programmi funzionali dedicati alla salute dei propri clienti. Architetture dai contorni esotici che rimandano spesso a culture appar…

Eterotopie Progetto ArchitetturaSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Dietary acrylamide and incident osteoporotic fractures: an 8-year prospective cohort study


Abstract Background Acrylamide, a component of fried foods, has been associated with several negative health outcomes. However, the relationship between dietary acrylamide and osteoporotic fractures has been explored by a few cross-sectional studies. Aims To investigate if dietary acrylamide is associated with the onset of fractures in North American participants at high risk/having knee osteoarthritis (OA), over 8 years of follow-up. Methods A Cox’s regression analysis, adjusted for baseline confounders was run and the data were reported as hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Dietary acrylamide intake was assessed at the baseline using a food frequency questionnaire and…

AgingAcrylamideHip FracturesAcrylamide; Fracture; Osteoarthritis initiative; OsteoporosisOsteoarthritis initiativeAcrylamide Fracture Osteoarthritis initiative OsteoporosisDietCross-Sectional StudiesFractureRisk FactorsHumansOsteoporosisProspective StudiesGeriatrics and GerontologyOsteoporotic Fractures

Lowered nutritional quality of prey decrease the growth and biomolecule content of rainbow trout fry


Diet quality is crucial for the development of offspring. Here, we examined how the nutritional quality of prey affects somatic growth and the lipid, carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, and polyunsaturated fatty acid content of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry using a three-trophic-level experimental setup. Diets differed especially in their content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are physiologically essential polyunsaturated fatty acids for a fish fry. Trout were fed with an artificial diet (fish feed, DHA-rich), marine zooplankton diet (krill/Mysis, DHA-rich), or freshwater zooplankton diet (Daphnia, Cladocera, DHA-deficient). The Daphnia were gr…

freshwater food websDocosahexaenoic AcidsPhysiologyrasvahapotBiochemistrypoikasetkirjolohiAnimalsravintoaineetMolecular BiologykalatfishArachidonic AcidFatty Acids Essentialrehevöityminenplanktonvesiekosysteemitdaphniadocosahexaenoic acidomegarasvahapotDieteutrophicationEicosapentaenoic AcidOncorhynchus mykissphytoplanktonvesikirputravintoarvoNutritive Valueravintoverkotpolyunsaturated fatty acids

Inoculum of Indigenous Microalgae/Activated Sludge for Optimal Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters and Biochemical Composition of Residual Biomass for…


In this work, municipal wastewater was treated with microalgal/activated sludge consortia. We aimed at obtaining a positive interaction between the microalgae and the heterotrophic bacteria and identifying the best combination for bioremediation purposes. A strain of Chlorella sp CW2 employed in this work was isolated from AS and molecularly characterised in this work for the first time. This strain and another previously isolated strain (Chlorella sp Pozzillo) were inoculated alone and in combination with AS in different ratios in wastewaters. Microalgae/activated sludge growth curves were obtained by using a UV–vis spectrophotometer and a fluorimeter to distinguish the contribution of the…

HistoryPolymers and PlasticsProcess Chemistry and TechnologySettore ING-IND/25 - Impianti ChimiciBusiness and International ManagementSafety Risk Reliability and QualityWastewater treatment Microalgae Activated sludge Heterotrophic bacteria Biomass valorisationWaste Management and DisposalIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringBiotechnologySSRN Electronic Journal