showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Pnnr e le economie del turismo in Italia: disparità inter ed infra regionali e politiche di ripresa e resilienza
The Italian regions show marked differences in the pattern of tourism development. These disparities can be offset by implementing a common plan supporting recovery and strengthening its resilience to external shocks. This article aims to offer a deepening of the NRPV concerning the economies of tourism and, following a regional analysis, to verify the current disparities and the initiatives of the plan to overcome them. An analysis of the Italian regions on the supply and demand front is proposed using synthetic indices of endowment and the presence of tourist demand to compare the articulation of specificities at the sub-regional level. Finally, some guidelines are suggested on policies f…
Escapism and Excessive Online Behaviors: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in Finland during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Excessive online behaviors refer to harmful or disproportionate use of digital network applications. Such behaviors are likely to be associated with escapist motives. Our aim was to analyze whether escapism predicts excessive gambling, excessive gaming, and excessive internet use over time. A longitudinal sample of Finnish residents aged 18–75 years (n = 1022, 51.27% male) was surveyed at three time points during the COVID-19 pandemic in 6-month intervals: April 2021 (Time 1), October–November 2021 (Time 2), and April–May 2022 (Time 3). Of the original Time 1 respondents, 66.80% took part in the surveys at both Time 2 and Time 3. All surveys included measures for excessive gambling (Problem…
Substantial Fat Loss in Physique Competitors Is Characterized by Increased Levels of Bile Acids, Very-Long Chain Fatty Acids, and Oxylipins.
Funder: Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research
La digitalizzazione del patrimonio come strumento per la conoscenza, un’esperienza sull’architettura ferroviaria siciliana
The process of digitisation of the artistic and cultural heritage has enriched the possibilities of representation and communication of architecture, increasing the modes of reproduction, fruition as well as the possibilities of protection and preservation. The study of this research draws attention on the continuous progress of technology in the cultural field and highlights the important collaboration that exists between digital and analog representation, identifying, with this synergy, a virtuous path that allows, through the use of different methodologies, to be able to know and analyze the historical phases of a building. In particular, the attention was directed to the Caltanissetta C…
Biocomposite PBAT/lignin blown films with enhanced photo-stability.
Lignin can be obtained as a byproduct during cellulose-rich pulp fibers production and it is habitually treated as waste or intended for low-value destinations. However, due to UV absorption and mechanical properties, lignin can contribute to the fabrication of biodegradable blown films with superior performances. In this study, it was established the suitability of lignin for manufacturing biocomposite PBAT blown films with higher stiffness and photo-oxidation resistance. The effect of the filler concentration on the melt rheological behavior in non-isothermal elongational flow was investigated. The results allowed us to choose the correct filler concentration for producing films through a…
Consumer biases in the perception of organizational greed
This article extends current models of how consumers judge or perceive organizations as greedy by employing the theoretical framework of motivated moral reasoning. We show that inherent features of an organization (size and “black sheep” status) and its behavior (relative frequency) bias consumer perceptions of organizational greed. We use an experimental methodology, present subjects with vignettes describing different scenarios, validate our questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis, and test our hypotheses by employing a general linear model with covariates. Our findings suggest that consumer perceptions of organizational greed are subject to three effects: the underdog effect (St…
Tradurre lo Yoga
Il presente articolo descrive in maniera dettagliata il lavoro svolto e le tecniche traduttive utilizzate per tradurre dall’inglese all’italiano il testo Contemporary Yoga Education: Transforming the Body, Mind and Soul. In particolare, è stata applicata la teoria della ‘naturalizzazione’, in cui il processo traduttivo non viene visto come un mero passaggio dalla lingua di partenza alla lingua di arrivo, ma come un meccanismo più ampio in cui la lingua di partenza su- bisce una trasformazione per adattarsi alla lingua di arrivo e la lingua di arrivo, a sua volta, va incontro a cambiamenti per accogliere e incorporare, attraverso le proprie risorse, quelle cioè sue naturali, la lingua di par…
Kotona asuvien 60 vuotta täyttäneiden ihmisten yksinäisyys koronapandemian aikana
Koronapandemia on vaikuttanut monella tavalla yhteiskuntien ja yksittäisten kansalaisten elämään kaikkialla maailmassa. Pandemian hillitsemiseksi asetetut tapaamis ja liikkumisrajoitukset nostivat keskusteluun ikääntyneiden ihmisten yksinäisyyden. Tässä kuvailevassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan 60 vuotta täyttäneiden kotona asuvien ihmisten yksinäisyyttä koronapandemian aikana. Aineiston muodostavat 22 kansainvälistä artikkelia, jotka valikoituivat järjestelmällisen kirjallisuushaun avulla neljästä tietokannasta. Artikkelien mukaan 60 vuotta täyttäneiden ihmisten yksinäisyys oli pandemiaaikana yleisempää kuin ennen pandemiaa ja lisääntyi erityisesti laajimpien rajoitusten aikana…
Early Adverse Effects of Behavioural Preventive Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: An Online General Population Survey
Background Quarantine and physical distancing represent the two most important non-pharmaceutical actions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparatively little is known about possible adverse consequences of these behavioural measures in Germany. This study aimed at investigating potential early adverse effects associated with quarantine and physical distancing at the beginning of the countrywide lockdown in Germany in March 2020. Method Using a cross-sectional online survey (N = 4,268), adverse consequences attributed to physical distancing, symptoms of psychopathology, and sociodemographic variables were explored in the total sample as well as in high-risk groups (i.e., people with a ph…
Active degassing of crustal CO2 in areas of tectonic collision: A case study from the Pollino and Calabria sectors (Southern Italy)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released from the Earth’s interior into the atmosphere through both volcanic and non-volcanic sources in a variety of tectonic settings. A quantitative understanding of CO2 outgassing fluxes in different geological settings is thus critical for decoding the link between the global carbon budget and different natural processes (e.g., volcanic eruption and earthquake nucleation) and the effects on the climate evolution over geological time. It has recently been proposed that CO2 degassing from non-volcanic areas is a major component of the natural CO2 emission budget, but available data are still sparse and incomplete. Here, we report the results of a geochemical surve…
Realizing dynamic capabilities and organizational knowledge in effective innovations: the capabilities typological map
Purpose This paper aims to shed light on the mechanisms that connect dynamic capabilities and organizational knowledge in the innovative process to offer a new theoretical and practical solution considering the microfoundations of knowledge management strategies. Design/methodology/approach This research has emerged from an in-depth case study of an effective innovation (from just ethanol and sugar-production to an effective biomass plant). The study represents an “inductive inquiry,” useful to understand specific “organizational mechanisms” of innovation, where the main data came from in-depth interviews with 18 key actors. It proved to help search the development of a specific biomass pl…
Precision measurements in boosted top quarks in the ATLAS detector
La presente tesis doctoral recoge principalmente una serie de estudios relacionados con la física del quark top, la partícula fundamental más pesada predicha teóricamente en el marco del Modelo Estándar y observada experimentalmente por los experimentos CDF y D0 en el acelerador de partículas Tevatron, en 1995. Debido a su gran masa, el quark top es de especial interés en la comunidad científica; entre otros, determina la estabilidad del vacío electrodébil junto con la masa del bosón de Higgs, introduce correcciones cuánticas grandes que modifican los cálculos del Modelo Estándar y podría ser especialmente sensible a efectos de física más allá del Modelo Estándar. Con todo ello, se han dedi…
Four Remarkable Additions to the Biodiversity of Chinese Mosses
Four species of moss genus Schistidium are reported for the first time from China. All of them have been found in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Ecological and distributional details of the newly recorded species are provided and their local distribution is mapped. Photographs of the species are attached. Checklist of Schistidium species and identifying key are added. Considering the present records, Schistidium consists of 15 species in China.
Sosiaalinen hyvinvointi turvaa terveyttä
Ihmisen hyvinvointi on moniulotteinen ilmiö, joka ei ole pelkistettävissä yksilötasolle ja hyvän terveyden käsitteisiin. Liittyminen ja yhteenkuuluvuus toisiin on ihmisen keskeinen perustarve, ja tässä katsausartikkelissa jäsennämme niitä eri näkökulmia, joita eri tieteenalat ja tarkastelutavat tarjoavat sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin ymmärtämiseksi. Sosiaalinen hyvinvointi rakentuu ja muovautuu koko elämän ajan yksilön vuorovaikutuksessa ryhmänsä, yhteisöjensä ja yhteiskunnan kanssa. Yksilöiden välisten erojen lisäksi myös yhteiskunnat eroavat keskimääräisessä hyvinvoinnissaan, samoin eri väestöryhmät ja yhteisöt yhteiskunnan sisällä. Sosiaalista hyvinvointia voidaankin arvioida myös globaalista…
Policía, servicio público y fomento en el ejercicio de la función administrativa de la Iglesia. Explorando nuevas formas de sistematización del Derec…
El presente estudio pretende contribuir a la reflexión sobre la mejor forma de sistematizar el Derecho Administrativo Canónico, una de las ramas más extensas y jóvenes del ordenamiento jurídico canónico. Para ello, se propone el recurso a las tradicionales formas de intervención administrativa empleadas por la doctrina secular –policía, servicio público y fomento– para categorizar el modo en que se despliega la función administrativa en la Iglesia. El artículo defiende la idoneidad de estas categorías para organizar y explicar muchas de las actuaciones de la Administración eclesial, así como para mejorar su regulación tomando como referencia los desarrollos del ordenamiento secular.
Prefazione alla versione italiana
Tradurre e scrivere sono processi mentali e linguistici estremamente diversi, sebbene le due attività richiedano entrambe conoscenze, impegno e dedizione. Scrivere significa portare alla luce concetti e significati nuovi, mentre tradurre significa trasportare concetti e significati già scritti, da una lingua ad un’altra. Quando abbiamo pensato di intraprendere un progetto di ricerca e di studio quale è una traduzione, ci siamo chieste cosa ci sarebbe piaciuto tradurre e ci siamo imbattute nel testo Formare allo Yoga contemporaneo: trasformare il corpo, la mente e l’anima. Io, Barbara, in quanto docente di inglese nel Corso di Studi in Scienze Motorie dell’Università di Palermo, e io, Franca…
Digital Inequality and Relatedness in India after Access
The scholarship on digital inequality and divides has relied mainly on quantitative data and such general criteria for digital inequality as access, motivation, skills, and the autonomy of use to measure the empowering effects of internet access. This chapter develops a novel way to understand digital inequality based on ethnographic fieldwork on smartphone use in rural and urban India among low-income and little-educated people. It analyses digital inequality through the concept of digital relatedness exploring how people’s digital media use is embedded in social relationships and how media use serves to refashion relationships and hierarchies. The chapter argues that the focus on autonomo…
Evaluating the filial behaviour scale across three cultural groups using exploratory structural equation modelling
Filial piety is a Confucian concept that guides how children treat and take care of their parents. The Filial Behaviour Scale (FBS) is a 25-item instrument developed in the Chinese context measuring behavioural manifestations of filial piety. Although the components of filial piety have been found to be relevant across cultures, little research has investigated the psychometric properties of the FBS in other cultural contexts. The present study evaluated the factor structure, internal consistency, measurement invariance and construct validity of the FBS across three cultural groups: the United States, Italy and Malaysia. Participants were 1090 emerging adults (67% females; Mage = 21.29 yea…
Giacomo Serpotta tra sacro e profano
We shall be taking an innovative and original approach in our examination of the insuperable figure of Giacomo Serpotta, an outstanding Sicilian stucco sculptor of the 18th century. The complete artistic output of Giacomo Serpotta is traced, oscillating between the sacred and the profane in the sculptural adornment of many churches and oratories. Here, Giacomo Serpotta shifts from the Baroque to Rococo, originating a sculptural art that is profoundly innovative in its language and symbology. Formal reading and chromatic-spatial games are intertwined with the symbolic in the light of significant essays by Carl Gustav Jung, Martin Heidegger and Carlo Giulio Argan
The behavioural logics of international public servants: the case of African Union Commission staff
Although international organisations (IOs) are created by governments, their international public administrations (IPAs) have succeeded in ring-fencing their resources, and policymaking from direct intervention by member states. Research shows that international civil servants are best able to protect their autonomy when embedded in large and well-resourced IPAs. Staff in large IOs use their huge size, bureaucratic complexities, and different behavioural logics to protect their autonomy and thereby leave a ‘bureaucratic footprint’ in international affairs. Whereas the behavioural logics of large IPAs, mostly headquartered in the Global North, are reasonably well-documented, not much has bee…
Corticosteroids in oncology: Use, overuse, indications, contraindications. An Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)/ Italian Association of …
Corticosteroids (CSs) are widely used in oncology, presenting several different indications. They are useful for induction of apoptosis in hematological neoplasms, for management of anaphylaxis and cytokine release/hypersensitivity reaction and for the symptomatic treatment of many tumour- and treatment-related complications. If the employment of CSs in the oncological setting results in several benefits for patients and satisfaction for clinicians, on the other hand, many potential adverse events (AEs), both during treatment and after withdrawal of CSs, as well as the duality of the effects of these compounds in oncology, recommend being cautious in clinical practice. To date, several gray…
L’industria dei viaggi e del turismo in Italia: aspetti definitori, dinamiche intersettoriali ed effetti della crisi
The travel and tourism industry has an increasingly central role in countries’ economies due to its ability to contribute significantly to the production of various economic sectors. Despite this growing importance, the literature’s attention to analysing the productive articulations that characterise appears very limited to date. This article presents an overview of the primary lit- erature on the travel and tourism industry and then conducts a quantitative analysis through the Satellite Accounting of Tourism in Italy. Tourism consumption and production in the years 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 are compared, and then the effect of the pandemic is analysed by compar- ing the data in 2020. Fina…
”Mä kertakaikkiaan löydän jonkun konstin, että nousen täältä” - Kroonista väsymysoireyhtymää (ME/CFS) sairastavien toimijuuden modaliteetit
Krooninen väsymysoireyhtymä (ME/CFS [myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome]; G93.3) on pitkäkestoinen, harvinainen ja vaikeasti diagnosoitava sairaus, jolle on tyypillistä voimakas pitkäaikainen väsymys, joka ei selity millään muulla fyysisellä tai psykiatrisella sairaudella. Valtakunnalliset Hyvä käytäntö konsensussuositukset sairauden hoitoon julkaistiin helmikuussa 2021. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan viiden kroonista väsymysoireyhtymää sairastavan toimijuuden kokemuksia. Erityisenä tarkastelun kohteena ovat terveydenhuollon palvelu- ja hoitojärjestelmän vaikutukset sairastuneiden toimijuuteen. Aineisto on kerätty ennen konsensussuositusten julkaisemista. Tutkimus on la…
Exposure to natalizumab throughout pregnancy: effectiveness and safety in an Italian cohort of women with multiple sclerosis.
ObjectiveAssessing the risk of clinical and radiological reactivation during pregnancy and post partum in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with natalizumab (NTZ) throughout pregnancy (LONG_EXP) compared with women interrupting treatment before (NO_EXP) and within >−30 days and ≤90 days from conception (SHORT_EXP), and describing newborns’ outcomes.MethodsMaternal clinical and radiological outcomes and obstetric and fetal outcomes were retrospectively collected and compared among groups (NO_EXP, SHORT_EXP, LONG_EXP). Predictors of clinical and radiological reactivation were investigated through univariable and multivariable analysis.Results170 eligible pregnancies from 163 women…
Migrants at the university doorstep : How we unfairly deny access and what we could (should) do now
The Finnish Government recently launched policies to meet labor shortage challenges, recruit highly skilled international workers. However, they overlook a skilled population already living in Finland, namely highly educated migrants. The problem is that migrants tend to be treated similarly, whether they are well-educated or not. This means that migrants are typically directed into low paying jobs. How is it possible to better develop this group with more effective career guidance? We believe an important answer lies in improved university education for migrants. This investigation is based on responses from surveys, interviews, and project evaluations. An analysis is made of three success…
Les premiers fers pendant l'âge du Bronze en France. Données nouvelles
If iron was used in Asia Minor from the 3rd millennium BC, it was not known in Western Europe until the 13th century BC. In France, its first appears towards the end of the Bronze Age, possibly during the 13th century BC (Bronze final I / Bz D). Iron has been subsequently documented, especially during the 9th century BC (Bronze final IIIb / Late Atlantic Bronze Age 3 / Bz B2-3). Metallurgic iron is known only during this last stage of Late Bronze Age. The inventory of objects found in France, drawn up in 1981 and revised in 2009 has not changed much, despite several recent studies. However renewed data, with new discoveries and some objects removed from the list, call for an updated overvie…
Fossil Fuel and Biofuel Boilers in Ukraine: Trends of Changes in Levelized Cost of Heat
An increase in the share of renewables in heat supply systems is a promising direction to reach sustainable development goals and decarbonization. Decision makers should consider various factors, including energy market prices, the availability of biofuels, boiler and auxiliary equipment costs, logistic costs, and the taxation system. In the European Union, the energy crisis causes a rapid increase in fossil fuel prices. Moreover, the use of fossil fuels results in greenhouse gas emissions, which threatens the achievement of sustainable development goals. We studied the influence of the delivery cost and the value of environmental tax rates on the levelized cost of heat. Low-capacity boiler…
"Il proposito principale di questa Opera è quello di fornire una fonte di informazioni per aiutare l’uomo ad avere cura di sé e a raggiungere l’integrazione della sua personalità, e, infine, for- mare una società sana, etica e coerente. Questa Opera mira anche ad illuminare gli studenti di Yoga, impegnati in vari corsi universitari, riguardo alle fonti di letteratura a disposizione sull’argomento, e ad aiutarli fornendo loro le conoscenze di cui hanno bisogno nel percorso di crescita formativa. Sebbene i capitoli di questa Opera presentino finalità specifiche proprie, essi si completano gli uni con gli altri." Tradurre e scrivere sono processi mentali e linguistici diversi, sebbene le due a…
Listening to the elephant in the room: response-shift effects in clinical trials research
Abstract Background While a substantial body of work postulates that adaptation (response-shift effects) may serve to hide intervention benefits, much of the research was conducted in observational studies, not randomized-controlled trials. This scoping review identified all clinical trials that addressed response shift phenomena, and characterized how response-shift effects impacted trial findings. Methods A scoping review was done of the medical literature from 1968 to 2021 using as keywords “response shift” and “clinical trial.” Articles were included if they were a clinical trial that explicitly examined response-shift effects; and excluded if they were not a clinical trial, a full repo…
An unusual metastasis of atypical pulmonary carcinoid to the renal adipose capsule mimicking primary renal cell carcinoma
Tourism Destination Brokers: a network analytic approach
Understanding the interactions of tourist companies could be relevant for the destination’s organisation and management. The present article employs a network analysis to examine inter-organisational interactions and the various roles that some companies assume in tourism destinations. The results reveal the existence of a network in which enterprises, identified as brokers, take on strategic roles both within and outside of their specific sub-sectors of origin. This study proposes new social network analysis indicators to identify the distinctive and prevalent position of company brokers, who manage inter-organisational relations by spontaneously assuming specific roles within the tourist …
Notes on Selected Genera of Shore Flies (Diptera: Ephydridae), with Removals to Drosophilidae, Heleomyzidae and Milichiidae
The following new taxonomic changes in nine tribes of Ephydridae are proposed: status at species level: Ditrichophora amoena (Duda, 1942); 2 resurrections from synonymy: Ptilomyia madeirensis Stuke, 2012, bona species, and P. orsovana (Enderlein, 1922), bona species; 10 new combinations: Allotrichoma communis (Malloch, 1934), comb. nov., Athyroglossa bettelai (Canzoneri, 1995), comb. nov., Ceropsilopa africana (Canzoneri & Meneghini, 1969), comb. nov., Ceropsilopa flavescens (Frey, 1958), comb. nov., Diclasiopa affinis (Tonnoir & Malloch, 1926), comb. nov., Diclasiopa flavitarsis (Tonnoir & Malloch, 1926), comb. nov., Diclasiopa senegalensis (Canzoneri, 1981), comb. nov., Ditrichophora amoe…
The Pattern of Rare Earth Elements Like a Possible Helpful Tool in Traceability and Geographical Characterization of the Soil-Olive System (Olea euro…
The identification of a product, with its geographical origin, is a guaranty of the value of the foodstuff and protection from potential fraud. Extra virgin olive oil is produced or marketed as a single variety or a blend of two or more cultivars, often of different geographic origins. Therefore, to study a possible link between the soil and olive oil, we accounted crucial to analyse the behaviour of olive of different cultivars. We studied Rare Earth Elements (REE) amounts and their relationship to trace their distribution from soil to the olive pulp (Olea europea L.). The results obtained pointed out that the different cultivars of Olea did not drive significant differences in reciprocal …
Väitöskirjatutkijat akateemisessa maailmassa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan akateemisen maailman reunaehtoja, joihin väitöskirjatutkijat törmäävät tohtoriopinnoissa sekä sitä, millaisia erilaisia polkuja asiantuntijuuteen reunaehdot viitoittavat. Tohtorikoulutusta asiantuntijuuden rakentumisen kontekstina on aiemmin tarkasteltu eri osa-alueiden, kuten ohjauksen tai rahoituksen, näkökulmasta. Sen sijaan tässä artikkelissa tavoittelemamme holistinen, yksilöllisiä ja systeemisiä ehtoja yhdistävä tarkastelu on ollut vähäistä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu Tietoarkiston avulla kerätyistä väitöskirjatutkijoiden (N = 54) kirjoitelmista, joissa he kuvaavat kokemuksiaan asiantuntijana toimimiseen sisältyvistä mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista. Aineis…
Item response theory and differential test functioning analysis of the HBSC-Symptom-Checklist across 46 countries
Abstract Background The Symptom Checklist (SCL) developed by the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is a non-clinical measure of psychosomatic complaints (e.g., headache and feeling low) that has been used in numerous studies. Several studies have investigated the psychometric characteristics of this scale; however, some psychometric properties remain unclear, among them especially a) dimensionality, b) adequacy of the Graded Response Model (GRM), and c) measurement invariance across countries. Methods Data from 229,906 adolescents aged 11, 13 and 15 from 46 countries that participated in the 2018 HBSC survey were analyzed. Adolescents were selected using representative s…
The Antibody Response to the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Booster in Healthcare Workers: Association between the IgG Antibody Titers and Anthropometric and…
Background: Research shows that in most people, two-dose vaccination helps to shape the humoral response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Further studies are required to learn about the vaccine’s effectiveness after boosting. Methods: We conducted a prospective study among 103 healthcare workers (HCWs) from a regional multi-specialty hospital vaccinated with three doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine. We compared their immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers 14 days after the second dose with those 21 days after the booster. We also compared their anthropometric and body composition parameters with IgG concentrations at the same time points. Results: Twenty-one days aft…