showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Escrit a València
Amb les seues aportacions, Albert Hauf Valls (Sóller, Mallorca, 1938) ha infuït molt significativament i positiva en la manera en què llegim i interpretem avui els clàssics de la literatura catalana medieval. Al llarg de la seua trajectòria, el filòleg mallorquí ens ha oferit edicions filològiques abundosament anotades i antologies d’alguns dels nostres autors més destacats (Joanot Martorell, Francesc Eiximenis o sor Isabel de Villena), així com d’altres textos no tan coneguts, però la importància dels quals ha sabut veure i posar de relleu gràcies al seu afinat judici crític (com ara l’anònima ‘Flor de les històries d’Orient’ o la ‘Contemplació de la Santa Quarantena’, de Joan Eixemeno), a…
Martí de Viciana: Libro tercero de la Crónica de la ínclita y coronada ciudad de Valencia y de su reino
En aquesta part de la seua Crònica, editada el 1564, Martí de Viciana, doctorat en Drets a València, notari de la cort del batlle i justícia de Borriana, elabora una descripció topogràfica de les poblacions valencianes. L'historiador va escriure la seua obra en català, malgrat que la va publicar en castellà. Es tracta d'un dels testimonis més importants de l'època de les Germanies. In this part of his Chronicle, published in 1564, Martí de Viciana, a doctor of Law from Valencia, notary of the court of the mayor and justice of Burriana, draws up a topographical description of the Valencian towns. The historian wrote his work in Catalan, although he published it in Spanish. He is one of the m…
El sujeto de las formas no personales:problemas de caracterización y orientaciones para su enseñanza
En este artículo nos ocuparemos de las formas no personales que encabezan oraciones. Tradicionalmente el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio se han asociado con las categorías de sustantivo, adverbio y adjetivo. Sin embargo, este paralelismo no implica una equivalencia categorial, puesto que el hecho de que un infinitivo ocupe contextos similares a los de un sintagma nominal no lo convierte en un sustantivo. Veremos que las construcciones con formas no personales constituyen estructuras predicativas bimembres y, por tanto, tienen sujeto, aunque bien es cierto que condicionado por la ausencia de flexión verbal. Para entender las propiedades del sujeto de las formas no personales examinam…
Teresa Julio, «Maria Carratalà. Música, escriptura i traducció», Lleida, Punctum, 2021, 244 p.
Ressenya sobre el llibre de Teresa Julio, Maria Carratalà. Música, escriptura i traducció, Lleida, Punctum, 2021, 244 p., ISBN: 978-84-123303-5-9.
La grammaire à l’école élémentaire française : un enseignement sous tension…
La question de l’enseignement de la langue à l’école reste sensible en France et entraine régulièrement des débats et des controverses qui dépassent le cadre scolaire. La grammaire cristallise ces oppositions tant au niveau linguistique, didactique et pédagogique, politique, institutionnel, social… Nous sommes de fait face à un enseignement sous tension. Notre proposition tentera d’interroger et de croiser deux dimensions, les savoirs prescrits et les savoirs enseignés. Cette mise en interaction se fera selon deux axes: sur un axe diachronique, nous proposerons une analyse de quelques textes institutionnels qui se succèdent depuis vingt ans pour comprendre les attentes ministérielles dans u…
Innovative In Situ and Ex Situ Conservation Strategies of the Madonie Fir Abies nebrodensis
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei is an endemic species of the north-west of Sicily located in an 84 ha area in the Madonie Regional park. The current population is limited to 30 relic adult trees and a fluctuating number of juveniles of natural regeneration. The species is defined as “Critically Endangered” in the Italian list of threatened plants and is classified as CR-D in the 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This article reports the key action undertaken by the LIFE4FIR project aimed at preserving A. nebrodensis, and the results obtained so far in three years of activity. OpenArrays SNPs genotyping revealed a high rate of inbreeding in the natural population and that the adult…
Introducció al monogràfic «El rol de l’ensenyament gramatical en l’aprenentatge de llengües: pràctiques reflexives, tasques comunicatives i material …
Introducció al monogràfic «El rol de l’ensenyament gramatical en l’aprenentatge de llengües: pràctiques reflexives, tasques comunicatives i material d’intervenció», coordinat per Xavier Fontich, María-José García Folgado i Carmen Rodríguez Gonzalo.
A family of distances for preference–approvals
Producción Científica
Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats, «La llengua estàndard a les comarques centrals del domini lingüístic català», Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I …
Ressenya sobre el llibre d'Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats, La llengua estàndard a les comarques centrals del domini lingüístic català, Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I / Fundació Germà Colón, 2022, 219 p., ISBN 978-84-18432-92-7.
El simbolisme dels colors en dos poemes mallorquins del segle XVII
En aquest article volem comentar dos poemes catalans la temàtica dels quals està relacionada amb el simbolisme dels colors. Ambdós es troben a un manuscrit del segle XVII que es conserva a l’Arxiu Municipal de Palma. Per enfocar d’una manera adequada la nostra anàlisi, parlarem breument sobre els significats que en diferents èpoques s’ha atribuït als colors i donarem una sèrie d’exemples per mostrar com ha estat expressada aquesta temàtica, cosa que ens permetrà també donar suport a la nostra interpretació. Un dels poemes que comentarem, fragmentari, està clarament influenciat per una composició del Cancionero de Baena. Entre els nostres objectius destaca l’interès de comprovar fins a quin …
Joan Binimelis: Descripció particular de l'illa de Mallorca e viles
Aquest volum, escrit per l'eclesiàstic Joan Binimelis (1538/9-1616), constitueix la primera edició crítica del Llibre V de la Història general del Regne de Mallorca en la versió catalana que, com és sabut, és l'original. Sens dubte, aquesta part de l'obra, dedicada a la descripció geogràfica de Mallorca i de caràcter autònom respecte a la narració històrica i cronística, representa l'aportació més original de l'autor i la que manté més vigència i interès avui dia, tant per la modernitat del seu plantejament, com per la diversitat dels aspectes que són objecte de la seua metòdica atenció: situació geogràfica, afrontacions, proveïment d'aigua, cales i aptesa per a desembarcaments, cabuda i po…
Neus Nogué, Josep Besa, Lluís Payrató & Montserrat Sendra (eds.), «Els sistemes de tractament: una visió interlingüística i aplicada», Barcelona,…
Ressenya sobre el llibre de Neus Nogué, Josep Besa, Lluís Payrató & Montserrat Sendra (eds.), Els sistemes de tractament: una visió interlingüística i aplicada, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2022, 166 p., ISBN: 978-84-9168-751-1.
Inscripcions romanes del País Valencià, V (Valentia i el seu territori)
Aquest volum és la segona edició, corregida i augmentada, de les "Inscripcions romanes de Valentia i el seu territori", que incloïa les actuals comarques de l'Horta i la Ribera situada al nord del riu Xúquer. Cronològicament abasta el període que va des de l'inici de la romanització fins a la dominació musulmana. Des del punt de vista dels materials, inclou totes les inscripcions romanes, diversos "instrumenta" i algunes inscripcions cristianes. El corpus es basa tant en la consulta d'una bibliografia pràcticament exhaustiva, incloent-hi manuscrits poc aprofitats, com en la revisió autòpica de tots els materials conservats. Les fotografies i els dibuixos, disposats junt a la transcripció i …
Alterations in Daphnia magna exposed to enniatin B and beauvericin provide additional value as environmental indicators
Mycotoxins beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENN B) affect negatively several systems and demand more studies as the mechanisms are still unclear. The simultaneous presence of contaminants in the environment manifests consequences of exposure for both animals and flora. Daphnia magna is considered an ideal invertebrate to detect effects of toxic compounds and environmental alterations. In this study, the potential toxicity and the basic mechanism of BEA and ENN B individually and combined were studied in D. magna. Acute and delayed toxicity were evaluated, and transcript levels of genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism (mox, gst, abcb1, and abcc5), reproduction, and oxidative stress (vtg-S…
Lluís Meseguer, Juan Luis Porcar, Adolf Piquer & Javier Vellón (eds.), «Cultura i exili. Estudis d’Història i Literatura. 1939-2019», Castelló de…
Ressenya sobre el llibre de Lluís Meseguer, Juan Luis Porcar, Adolf Piquer & Javier Vellón (eds.), Cultura i exili. Estudis d’Història i Literatura. 1939-2019, Castelló de la Plana, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 2021, 597 p., ISBN 978-84-18432-58-3.
Autobiographical texts written by learners of Catalan as an Additional Language: From formative needs to reflection in the teaching of narrative genr…
In this article we analyse autobiographical narrative texts written by university students studying Catalan as an Additional Language at a CEFR (2020) B1 level. The goal is to analyse the formative needs related to the writing of this genre in order to foster metadiscursive reflection in the classroom that will allow students to improve their written output. To this end, we analyzed a corpus of 39 autobiographies at both the macrotextual level (i.e., rhetorical moves) and the microtextual level (i.e., deictic elements which channel the narrative’s organization). Our results show that the problems that these texts present for students are related to awareness of the elements that define the …
Kunnat hidastamaan luontokatoa : suosituksia luontohaittojen välttämiseksi, lieventämiseksi ja kompensoimiseksi kuntien maankäytössä
Peer reviewed
Highly Homogeneous 2D/3D Heterojunction Diodes by Pulsed Laser Deposition of MoS2 on Ion Implantation Doped 4H-SiC
In this paper, 2D/3D heterojunction diodes have been fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of MoS2 on 4H-SiC(0001) surfaces with different doping levels, i.e., n− epitaxial doping (≈1016 cm−3) and n+ ion implantation doping (>1019 cm−3). After assessing the excellent thickness uniformity (≈3L-MoS2) and conformal coverage of the PLD-grown films by Raman mapping and transmission electron microscopy, the current injection across the heterojunctions is investigated by temperature-dependent current–voltage characterization of the diodes and by nanoscale current mapping with conductive atomic force microscopy. A wide tunability of the transport properties is shown by the SiC surface dopi…
Age-Related Differences in Intermuscular Coherence EMG-EMG of Ankle Joint Antagonist Muscle Activity during Maximal Leaning
Background: Intermuscular synchronization is one of the fundamental aspects of maintaining a stable posture and is of great importance in the aging process. This study aimed to assess muscle synchronization and postural stabilizer asymmetry during quiet standing and the limits of stability using wavelet analysis. Intermuscular synchrony and antagonistic sEMG-sEMG (surface electromyography) coherence asymmetry were evaluated in the tibialis anterior and soleus muscles. Methods: The study involved 20 elderly (aged 65 ± 3.6) and 20 young (aged 21 ± 1.3) subjects. The task was to perform a maximum forward bend in a standing position. The prone test was divided into three phases: quiet standing …
Cholesterol-Inulin Conjugates for Efficient SN38 Nuclear Delivery: Nanomedicines for Precision Cancer Therapy
An amphiphilic inulin-thiocholesterol conjugate (INU-Cys-TC) was strategically designed as a biodegradable core-shell nanocarrier of 7-ethyl-10-hydroxy-camptothecin (SN38) to enhance its solubility and stability in aqueous media, thus exploiting its brilliant anticancer effect. INU-Cys-TC was designed to have the hydrophilic inulin backbone (external shell) partially functionalized with hydrophobic thiocholesterol moieties (internal core) through a biodegradable disulfide bond due to cysteamine bridges. Thiocholesterol moieties impair redox-sensitive self-assembling abilities, yielding to nano-sized micelles in aqueous media capable of efficiently encapsulating a high amount of SN38 (DL = 8…
A short biographical chapter on Olimpia Fulvia Morata and a translation of an excerpt of a work of hers.
Computational thermochemistry: extension of Benson group additivity approach to organoboron compounds and reliable predictions of their thermochemica…
High-level computational data for standard gas phase enthalpies of formation, entropies, and heat capacities are reported for 116 compounds of boron. A comparison of the results with extant experimental and computational benchmark values reveals important trends and clear outliers. Recommendations are made to revise some of the key quantities, such as the enthalpies of formation of orthoboric acid, trimethylthioborate, and triphenylborane, the last of which is found to be considerably in error. The uncertainties associated with the experimental values are found to exceed those of high-level calculations by a clear margin, prompting the redetermination of Benson group additivity contribution…
Genetic complementation fosters evolvability in complex fitness landscapes
Abstract The ability of natural selection to optimize traits depends on the topology of the genotype-fitness map (fitness landscape). Epistatic interactions produce rugged fitness landscapes, where adaptation is constrained by the presence of low-fitness intermediates. Here, we used simulations to explore how evolvability in rugged fitness landscapes is influenced by genetic complementation, a process whereby different sequence variants can compensate for their deleterious mutations. We designed our model inspired by viral populations, in which genetic variants are known to interact frequently through coinfection. Our simulations indicate that genetic complementation enables a more efficien…
Negative eWOM and perceived credibility : a potent mix in consumer relationships
PurposeBased on the foundations of the schema theory, the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and customer experience literature, this research examines how the interplay between a consumer's previous shopping experience(s) and perceived credibility of negative online word-of-mouth (PCNWOM) leads to improved consumer–firm relationship quality (RQ).Design/methodology/approachThe authors utilised series of scenario-based experiments (N = 918) to test the research hypotheses.FindingsThe authors show that a focal customer's previous shopping experiences attenuate the perceived credibility of negative word-of-mouth on social media by other customers, which in turn weakens consumer–firm RQ. The au…
Recycling of Thermoset Materials and Thermoset-Based Composites: Challenge and Opportunity
Thermoset materials and their composites are characterized by a long life cycle with their main applications in aircrafts, wind turbines and constructions as insulating materials. Considering the importance of recovery and valorization of these materials at their end-of-life, avoiding landfilling, the interest concerning their recycling grows continuously. The thermoset materials and their composites, to be successfully recovered and valorized, must degrade their three-dimensional structures and recover the mono-oligomers and/or fillers. The thermoset materials could successfully degrade through thermal treatment at different temperatures (for example, above 1000 °C for incineration, ca. 50…
Brain activity changes with emotional words in different stages of psychosis.
Abstract Background To date, a large number of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have been conducted on psychosis. However, little is known about changes in brain functioning in psychotic patients using an emotional auditory paradigm at different stages of the disease. Such knowledge is important for advancing our understanding of the disorder and thus creating more targeted interventions. This study aimed to investigate whether individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic schizophrenia show abnormal brain responses to emotional auditory processing and to compare the responses between FEP and chronic schizophrenia. Methods Patients with FEP (n = 31) or chron…
Modeling psychological well-being among abdominal and pelvic cancer patients: The roles of total pain, meaning in life, and coping.
Objective: Relationships between pain and well‐being are mediated by a variety of factors. This study examines a serial mediating role of meaning in life and coping in the relationship of total pain with psychological well‐being in abdominal and pelvic cancer (APC) patients. Total pain is understood in terms of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual components interacting upon one another. Methods: Adult patients diagnosed with the APC (N = 333) who were undergoing radiotherapy/chemotherapy treatment in two inpatient units of university hospitals completed questionnaires measuring total pain, psychological well‐being, meaning in life, and coping. SEM analysis was used to examine ser…
Influence of Operational Strategies for the Recovery of Magnesium Hydroxide from Brines at a Pilot Scale
The continuous depletion of minerals caused by land mining and the increase in their demand have pushed the development of novel sustainable technological processes for mineral recovery from unconventional sources. In this context, magnesium (Mg) has gained considerable attention for its peculiar properties and high relevance of its compounds, such as magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. In the present work, the influence of several operating conditions on the Mg(OH)2 precipitation process was thoroughly investigated by adopting a novel multiple feed-plug flow reactor. The influence of (i) initial Mg2+ concentrations in the feed stream; (ii) brine and alkaline flow rates; and (iii) the product rec…
Multiparameter quantum critical metrology
Single parameter estimation is known to benefit from extreme sensitivity to parameter changes in quantum critical systems. However, the simultaneous estimation of multiple parameters is generally limited due to the incompatibility arising from the quantum nature of the underlying system. A key question is whether quantum criticality may also play a positive role in reducing the incompatibility in the simultaneous estimation of multiple parameters. We argue that this is generally the case and verify this prediction in paradigmatic quantum many-body systems close to first and second order phase transitions. The antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic 1-D Ising chain with both transverse and longi…
Social-Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Emotion Perception in Daily Life and in a Formal Assessm…
AbstractChildren with neurodevelopmental disorders often have social-emotional and behavioural difficulties. The present study explored these difficulties in children (n = 50, aged 6–10 years) with autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and developmental language disorder. Parents, teachers and therapists evaluated children’s social-emotional and behavioural difficulties through a self-devised questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Additionally, the children, along with their typically developing age peers (n = 106), completed six emotion discrimination tasks. Analysis revealed some impaired emotion discrimination skills that were predict…
Predictive Value of Basal Serum Progesterone for Successful IVF in Endometriosis Patients: The Need for a Personalized Approach
The data regarding the role of progesterone (P4) in reproductive events of endometriosis patients are limited. This prospective study aimed to examine the predictive value of basal P4 serum levels for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) in patients with primary infertility and endometriosis. The study included 73 patients divided according to endometriosis treatment (surgery vs. control—no treatment). The general data, basal hormonal status, and pregnancy rates were determined for every patient. Clinical pregnancy was achieved in 40.3% of patients, and more often in patients treated for endometriosis before IVF. The regression analysis showed that higher basal P4 serum levels were assoc…
The diverse genetic origins of a Classical period Greek army.
Trade and colonization caused an unprecedented increase in Mediterranean human mobility in the first millennium BCE. Often seen as a dividing force, warfare is in fact another catalyst of culture contact. We provide insight into the demographic dynamics of ancient warfare by reporting genome-wide data from fifth-century soldiers who fought for the army of the Greek Sicilian colony of Himera, along with representatives of the civilian population, nearby indigenous settlements, and 96 present-day individuals from Italy and Greece. Unlike the rest of the sample, many soldiers had ancestral origins in northern Europe, the Steppe, and the Caucasus. Integrating genetic, archaeological, isotopic, …
A Test Bench for a Blockchain-based Management of Smart Prosumers' Flexibility
To date, the European regulatory framework requires the development of new energy policies at the national level that can reduce overall consumption and support the implementation of customer-focused control and management systems. Therefore, it is necessary to study the feasibility of the various strategies available, especially for the involvement of residential users in services that can contribute to the management of the electricity grid. The advent of blockchain technology has enabled the development of new business models for the electricity market, opening this world to end users who previously did not have the opportunity to participate in energy trading and allowing the implementa…
Knowledge, safety, and teamwork: a qualitative study on the experiences of anaesthesiologists and nurse anaesthetists working in the preanaesthesia a…
Abstract Background The preanaesthesia assessment clinic (PAC) has been shown to contribute to safe anaesthesia assessment in hospitals. In the PAC, patients are assessed with an interview and can also ask relevant questions about anaesthesia. The intention is to ensure that patients are comprehensively prepared for the surgery and hospital stay. Although earlier studies have assessed the effects of PAC, attitudes and satisfaction of the healthcare personnel working in PAC remain unknown. Thus, this study aimed to examine the experiences of anaesthesiologists and nurse anaesthetists working in PACs as well as to explore barriers and facilitators in this context. Methods A descriptive qualit…
Des céréales à paille compétitives vis-à-vis des adventices
National audience; Contexte -Réduire le recours au désherbage chimique ou/et mécanique, tous deux questionnés pour des raisons environnementales, nécessite d’activer des leviers de régulationbiologique des plantes adventices. Lesquels ?Ceux misant sur la capacité de compétition de la culture. Couvrir le sol, occuper l’espace,limiter la disponibilité en lumière à différents stades de développement de la culture, autantde caractéristiques à rechercher aujourd’hui.¾ étude - L’article propose un bilan des connaissances concernant les principauxcaractères impliqués dans la compétitivité ou/et la tolérance des variétés de céréales àpaille vis-à-vis des adventices, les corrélations connues entre c…
Applying transdisciplinary sustainability transitions research in international social work doctoral training
In the last 15 years, transdisciplinary research of sustainability transitions has become an increasingly powerful approach. We discuss it as a perspective for social work discipline, and as a theoretical-conceptual frame of a new international doctoral training and research programme in social work taking place in seven European countries. In our qualitative study, we investigate how the participating social work doctoral students reflect upon transdisciplinarity and understand the interconnectivity between environmental, ecological, and social sustainability transitions—which is widely recognised as a highly complex challenge of sustainability. The data used included the students’ learnin…