showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Potential non-disasters of 2021
Author's accepted manuscript. This author accepted manuscript is deposited under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC) licence. This means that anyone may distribute, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes, subject to full attribution. If you wish to use this manuscript for commercial purposes, please contact Purpose: This short paper compiles some potential disasters that might not have happened in 2021 even though a major hazard occurred. No definitive statements are made of what did or did not transpire in each instance. Instead, the material offers a pedagogical and communications approach, especially to e…
Albert O. Hirschman, Europe, and the Postwar Economic Order, 1946–52
Abstract Between 1946 and 1952, Albert Hirschman worked as an economist in charge of the Western European desk of the research branch of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, DC. In this position he wrote extensively on patterns of European postwar reconstruction and the creation of a new world economic order. Given his deep knowledge and prewar experiences, Italy and France were his first areas of specialization, although Hirschman soon contributed to the analysis of the Marshall Plan, the shaping of the European Payments Union, and the problem of the dollar shortage. This article provides a comprehensive interpretation of this early stage of Hirschman's intel…
Enhancing repopulation in a decaying historical neighborhood through collaborative networking: A Dynamic Performance Governance approach
Historic centers, as the internationally recognized heritage of the cities, and among the most valuable assets in urban Italy, have been underutilized, devitalized, and wasted (Pellegrini & Micelli, 2019). In fact, urban degradation has been pervasive and remaining also in other industrialized countries (Serrano et al., 2016). Many historic centers have been affected by urban deterioration and depopulation for the past two centuries (Pough & Wan, 2007), and the problem persists today. This research underlines the importance of employing a collaborative governance perspective in designing policies, in terms of not only fostering effective local governments' agendas but also promote active ci…
Le passage à une économie fondée sur la connaissance entraîne-t-il une transformation des contenus de l'éducation ?
International audience; Nos économies sont de plus en plus basées sur la connaissance. Les exigences des entreprises sur le marché du travail doivent alors amener les établissements d'enseignement à prêter une attention toute particulière aux contenus de ce qui est enseigné. La présentation des résultats d'une recherche empirique internationale originale, menée auprès de diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur, permet de préciser les compétences les plus recherchées dont celles qui concourent à l'innovation. L'auteur souligne ainsi, au-delà de l'influence des variables traditionnelles, l'importance des compétences en informatique, de la pratique d'une langue étrangère, de la maîtrise du raison…
A new species within the Centaurea busambarensis complex (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from Sicily
The Centaurea busambarensis group is made up by eight species endemic to Sicily. We statistically evaluated a population found on the Nebrodi Mountain (NE Sicily) to verify if the observed morphological differences with the already known taxa justified the description of a new one. It resulted in being sufficiently distinct to deserve recognition at the species level. Centaurea valdemonensis, a new species endemic to Sicily is described and illustrated here. It is confined to the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily). The distinction of this taxon from the others belonging to the C. busambarensis complex has been supported with the aid of statistical analyses on morphological characters. The differ…
Enseignement artistique et marché, quelles relations ? Pour une conception élargie de la qualification
International audience; L'objet de l'analyse est de relier l'enseignement (ses méthodes et ses contenus) au fonctionnement du marché du travail, en se concentrant spécifiquement sur les formations artistiques. L'auteur part des caractéristiques de l’œuvre d'art et montre comment ce bien hors du commun est, de façon a priori paradoxale et avec d'éventuelles tensions, enseigné. Il pose la question de la médiation du maître, de la place de la certification. Il en pointe les conséquences sur la relation - difficile - entre la formation et l'emploi et, en réponse, la tendance à la professionnalisation vers laquelle semblent s'orienter les écoles d'art.
Quantifying the relationship between specialisation and reputation in an online platform
AbstractOnline platforms implement digital reputation systems in order to steer individual user behaviour towards outcomes that are deemed desirable on a collective level. At the same time, most online platforms are highly decentralised environments, leaving their users plenty of room to pursue different strategies and diversify behaviour. We provide a statistical characterisation of the user behaviour emerging from the interplay of such competing forces in Stack Overflow, a long-standing knowledge sharing platform. Over the 11 years covered by our analysis, we represent the interactions between users and topics as bipartite networks. We find such networks to display nested structures akin …
The Increased Mortality Rate with Lower Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Study
Background: the COVID-19 pandemic with the following lockdown strategies have affected virtually all aspects of everyday life. Health services all over the world faced the crisis on an unprecedented scale, hampering timely care delivery. The present study was designed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the incidence and treatment of traumatic brain injuries in Poland. Methods: the data on hospital admissions with traumatic brain injuries as the primary diagnosis were extracted from the National Health Fund of Poland. For the purpose of this study, the search was limited to four relevant diagnosis-related groups. The overall in-house mortality was calculated. Results: there wer…
Genital pustules, fever, lymphadenopathy in a heterosexual couple
No abstract available
Calorie restriction causes multiple beneficial metabolic adaptations linearly related with the degree of weight loss in non-obese individuals: Result…
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Understanding the temporal association and relative power of anthropometric, body composition and energy metabolism measurements of calorie restriction (CR) in predicting metabolic and hormonal adaptations is important, given the clinical and public health implications of excess weight and adiposity. METHODS: Anthropometric (body weight, BMI, waist circumference), body composition (body fat and lean mass by DXA), energy metabolism (leptin and total daily energy intake by doubly labelled water [DLW]) markers and an extensive assessment of cardiometabolic, inflammatory and hormonal risk factors were obtained in 191, 21–50 year old non-obese (BMI 22·0–27·9 kg/m2) women a…
Executives' role in digital transformation
This conceptual paper revisits and updates the concept of top management support (TMS), which has been the long-established rationale for explaining the role of top managers in digitalization activities. In our view, the concept of TMS is grounded in technological determinism, accounts for attitudinal and behavioral aspects that appear to be little more than exhortation and accepts the occasional responsibility of top managers in technology management. We consider both the crucial role that top managers may play in the digitalization process and the fact that digital technologies have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Then, we develop a model by which top managers and digital techn…
Bridging the knowledge gap on the distribution and typology of vermetid bioconstructions along the Maltese coastline : an updated assessment
In the Maltese Islands, insufficient attention has been paid to vermetid reefs, endemic Mediterranean bioconstructions widely distributed along the southern part of the basin. As a result, this is a largely-overlooked coastal ecosystem despite the multitude of ecosystem services it provides. The perennial urban development in the Maltese Islands calls for the adoption of urgent action to protect coastal habitats, in particular bioconstructions that increase biodiversity and contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change. The objective of our study was to extensively document the presence and typology of the vermetid reef ecosystems along the coast of Malta and Gozo, assessing the oc…
An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network with Transfer Learning for Malware Classification
Rising prevalence of malicious software (malware) attacks represent a serious threat to online safety in the modern era. Malware is a threat to anyone who uses the Internet since it steals data and causes damage to computer systems. In addition, the exponential growth of malware hazards that affect many computer users, corporations, and governments has made malware detection, a popular issue in academic study. Current malware detection methods are slow and ineffectual because they rely on static and dynamic analysis of malware signatures and behavior patterns to detect unknown malware in real-time. Thus, this paper discusses the role of deep convolution neural networks in malware classifica…
Environmental Voluntary Programs in the Transport Industry in the Post-COVID Situation: The French Experience
This study investigates the drivers impacting the success of the environmental voluntary program recently launched in France. This program, titled EVE (Engagements Volontaires pour l’Environnement), aims to improve transport operators’ efficiency and to reduce CO2 emissions in the environment. Due to the complexity of the context in which the EVE program is implemented, we used a System Dynamics (SD) approach. This study offers multiple contributions. First, studying the dynamic interdependences of voluntary programs aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the transport industry can help policymakers in designing successful policies. In addition, the study can help transport operators engaged…
Adolescents’ online communication and well-being : Findings from the 2018 health behavior in school-aged children (HBSC) study
Background: Digital transformation has influenced all areas of adolescents’ lives, including the ways adolescents maintain friendships. Interpersonal communication is one of the most common activities while online. Online communication may provide adolescents with opportunities to expand their social contacts, but these encounters can be risky, especially when the communication is with unknown people on the internet. This study examined the associations between different forms of online communication behavior and well-being. Materials and methods: Data were collected from Finnish adolescents as part of the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study in 2018. The participants were 3…
Interpretation, Negotiation, Play
Augmented reality (AR) picturebooks combine printed children's literature with augmented reality. This study examines the shared reading of the Finnish AR picturebook Mur, eli karhu (2016) by Kaisa Happonen and Anne Vasko. The main aim of the study is to explore the playful reading experience of three Finnish families with children between the ages of 4 and 6. Three main categories of engagement with the book are discussed in the article: interpretation, negotiation, and play. The findings of the study suggest that children are skilled users of mobile digital media but may not understand the content of AR without parental mediation. In addition, parents and educators are required to have su…
Transparent Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Single layer light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) are amongst the simplest electroluminescent devices and operate with air-stable electrodes. Transparent light-emitting devices are of great interest as they can enable new applications in consumer electronics. In this work, a transparent ionic transition metal complex based LEC is fabricated by developing a transparent top contact based on tin (IV) oxide (SnO2) and indium-tin oxide, processed by low-temperature atomic layer deposition and pulsed laser deposition, respectively. The resulting devices present transparency in excess of 75% over the full visible spectrum (380-750 nm), with 82% transmission at the emission peak (563 nm). Th…
Luis Arciniega García & Amadeo Serra Desfilis, «Imágenes y espacios en conflicto: las Germanías de Valencia y otras revueltas en la Europa del Re…
Book review: Luis Arciniega García & Amadeo Serra Desfilis, Imágenes y espacios en conflicto: las Germanías de Valencia y otras revueltas en la Europa del Renacimiento, València, Tirant lo Blanch, 2021, 453 p., ISBN: 978-84-18802-50-8.
«Llibre de la Cort del justícia Pere Penedés (Alcoi, 1320)», transcripció, Josep Lluís Santonja i Vicent Cabanes; estudi lingüístic i glossari, Vicen…
Ressenya sobre el Llibre de la Cort del justícia Pere Penedés (Alcoi, 1320), transcripció, Josep Lluís Santonja i Vicent Cabanes; estudi lingüístic i glossari, Vicent Cabanes, Alcoi, Arxiu Municipal d’Alcoi, 2021, 790 p., ISBN: 0978-84-16186-33-40.
Tämä kirjoitus on saanut alkusysäyksen omista luontokokemuksista ja luontokokemusten keskuudessa virinneistä filosofisista pohdinnoista, joihin toisten kirjoittajien ja ajattelijoiden filosofiset, antropologiset ja ekopsykologiset näkökulmat ovat härmistyneet. Kirjoitus alkaa ja saa inspiraationsa soisella järvellä kohtaamastani perhosesta. Etenen lukutaidon ja koulumaailman sekä teknologisen subjektin kautta kohti jotain esikäsitteellistä metsäläisyydeksi kutsumaani elämisen maisemaa. Pohdin tiedon ja oppimisen suuntia sekä erilaisia tietämisen tapoja. Luonnostelen kirjoituksessa esiin jonkinlaista kokemuksellista ja metsäläistä tutkimusmatkailijuutta.
 Kirjoituksen aihe liittyy työn …
La poesia infantil en el sistema literari valencià actual:un estudi de cas
L’objectiu principal d’aquest article és definir les característiques i tendències principals d’un subsistema poètic concret: la poesia per a infants publicada en llengua catalana a la Comunitat Valenciana al nou mil·lenni. Més en concret, es tracta de comprovar si les tendències definides per la literatura acadèmica com a característiques i dominants dins de la poesia per a infants de l’àmbit estatal es troben també a l’àmbit valencià. Per a arribar al nostre objectiu hem seleccionat un corpus que es correspon a l’única col·lecció de poesia diferenciada per a infants existent a la Comunitat Valenciana: «Vagó de versos», de l’editorial Andana. Així doncs, una vegada establert i descrit el c…
El sujeto de las formas no personales:problemas de caracterización y orientaciones para su enseñanza
En este artículo nos ocuparemos de las formas no personales que encabezan oraciones. Tradicionalmente el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio se han asociado con las categorías de sustantivo, adverbio y adjetivo. Sin embargo, este paralelismo no implica una equivalencia categorial, puesto que el hecho de que un infinitivo ocupe contextos similares a los de un sintagma nominal no lo convierte en un sustantivo. Veremos que las construcciones con formas no personales constituyen estructuras predicativas bimembres y, por tanto, tienen sujeto, aunque bien es cierto que condicionado por la ausencia de flexión verbal. Para entender las propiedades del sujeto de las formas no personales examinam…
Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats, «La llengua estàndard a les comarques centrals del domini lingüístic català», Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I …
Ressenya sobre el llibre d'Amanda Ulldemolins Subirats, La llengua estàndard a les comarques centrals del domini lingüístic català, Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I / Fundació Germà Colón, 2022, 219 p., ISBN 978-84-18432-92-7.
Els registres notarials de Miquel Llagària (Sueca 1541-1552)
Aquest volum conté la documentació generada pel notari Miquel Llagària, una activitat que es prolongà durant vint anys, des de la dècada de 1540 fins a l'any 1561. Procedent de Xàtiva, s'establí a Sueca, una comunitat rural de l'orde de Montesa que vivia un moment d'expansió agrària. A través d'aquestes actes es pot seguir la vida quotidiana d'una població formada sobretot per llauradors. Tota la vida social i econòmica de les famílies camperoles es reflecteix en els registres notarials, des dels capítols matrimonials fins als testaments i inventaris post mortem, passant per les compravendes, les cessions, l'endeutament o les procuradories. Fins i tot les actuacions del govern local de Suec…
La llengua catalana en la literatura de viatges del primer terç del vuit-cents
Aquest treball analitza les descripcions de la llengua catalana que feren els viatgers que van recórrer els Països Catalans i, especialment, el País Valencià al llarg del primer terç del segle XIX. Alhora, examina les observacions i les percepcions lingüístiques d'aquests viatgers sobre la llengua catalana, i especialment sobre la seva unitat/diversitat interna, la seva catalogació entre la resta de les llengües romàniques i l'ús d'aquesta per part dels habitants d'aquests territoris. Les obres que s'hi estudien no són només llibres de viatges, sinó també aquells textos informatius que servien als viatgers per a orientar i contextualitzar els seus itineraris: guies de viatge i obres de topo…
An Instrument-Assisted coracoid pain test: an exploratory diagnostic accuracy study
The coracoid pain test (CPT) could contribute to the diagnosis of frozen shoulder (FS) with palpation. However, due to assessor performance these values might be unreliable. Therefore, the aim was to explore the diagnostic accuracy of an instrument-assisted CPT and two alternative approaches (pain severity and side comparison) for assistance in the diagnosis of FS. Patients with FS and healthy age-matched controls were recruited. All participants underwent the instrument-assisted CPT on both shoulders with a pressure algometer. Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios were determined for the three approaches. In total, 35 patients with FS and 35 healthy participants were included. Th…
Method Effects Associated to Item Valence: Evidence From the 10-Item Big-Five Inventory in Older Adults.
The objective of this study is to analyze the factor structure of the BFI-10 considering item valence effects when applied to measure older adults. Likewise, this study aims to estimate the factorial structure, internal consistency of the scale, to assess the nomological validity, and the association of the Big Five traits with age. 75,078 participants with mean age of 68.27 from the 7th Wave of the SHARE study were included. Confirmatory Factor Analyses, omega coefficients and Pearson correlations were estimated. The best-fit model identified a five-factor structure with two valence effects, internal consistency ranged from .26 to .64, the nomological network showed that loneliness is neg…
Àlex Matas Pons, «Els marges dels mapes:una geografia desplaçada», València, Tres i Quatre, 2021, 190 p.
Ressenya sobre el llibre d'Àlex Matas Pons, Els marges dels mapes: una geografia desplaçada, València, Tres i Quatre, 2021, 190 p., ISBN: 978-84-17469-34-4.
Discovery-learning in grammar education:a study on anaphoric pronouns
En les darreres dècades, en el context educatiu portuguès, com en altres països, la gramàtica ha estat un tema central de debat en l’educació L1. L’any 2001, amb la publicació del Currículum Nacional d’Educació Bàsica, la gramàtica, que es va anomenar «coneixement explícit de la llengua», es va considerar un dels components bàsics del currículum de L1 portuguès. Des d’aquesta perspectiva, inspirada en les propostes del moviment anglosaxó de consciència lingüística, l’objectiu principal de l’educació gramatical és desenvolupar els coneixements implícits que els infants ja tenen i utilitzen en un coneixement cada cop més reflexiu i explícit. En aquesta concepció, en què se suposa que «la majo…
Liber ordinum de la diòcesi de València (1463-1479)
El manuscrit que s’edita correspon a un ‘Liber Ordinum’ del bisbat de València en temps de Roderic de Borja com a titular d’aquesta diòcesi. Entre la documentació medieval emanada des dels bisbats, els ‘Libri Ordinum’ són els que recullen les ordenacions de clergues fetes pel bisbe de la diòcesi. En cadascuna s’inclouen dades concretes sobre els ordenats i el ministre de l’ordenació, sobre el tipus d’orde, lloc i temps, i sobre les condicions requerides als aspirants. Això ens permet conèixer la prosopografia del clergat, els seus efectius, les pràctiques i cursos seguits en l’accés a les ordes sacramentals, els orígens socials i familiars i, a més, les possibles expectatives quant a la car…
Paraules cansades. Disponibilitat lectal i adaptabilitat de la llengua
L’adaptabilitat d’una llengua depèn del multilingüisme intralingüístic dels parlants, que els permet usar la llengua-dialecte adequada a cada situació. Una llengua, per tant, és inevitablement un conjunt de llengües-dialecte. Aquestes mantenen relacions desiguals amb l’espai privilegiat de l’estàndard, que és l’única entitat lingüística construïda. En aquest treball volem reflexionar sobre les tensions entre les llengües-dialecte i la llengua estàndard.
La grammaire à l’école élémentaire française : un enseignement sous tension…
La question de l’enseignement de la langue à l’école reste sensible en France et entraine régulièrement des débats et des controverses qui dépassent le cadre scolaire. La grammaire cristallise ces oppositions tant au niveau linguistique, didactique et pédagogique, politique, institutionnel, social… Nous sommes de fait face à un enseignement sous tension. Notre proposition tentera d’interroger et de croiser deux dimensions, les savoirs prescrits et les savoirs enseignés. Cette mise en interaction se fera selon deux axes: sur un axe diachronique, nous proposerons une analyse de quelques textes institutionnels qui se succèdent depuis vingt ans pour comprendre les attentes ministérielles dans u…
Escrit a València
Amb les seues aportacions, Albert Hauf Valls (Sóller, Mallorca, 1938) ha infuït molt significativament i positiva en la manera en què llegim i interpretem avui els clàssics de la literatura catalana medieval. Al llarg de la seua trajectòria, el filòleg mallorquí ens ha oferit edicions filològiques abundosament anotades i antologies d’alguns dels nostres autors més destacats (Joanot Martorell, Francesc Eiximenis o sor Isabel de Villena), així com d’altres textos no tan coneguts, però la importància dels quals ha sabut veure i posar de relleu gràcies al seu afinat judici crític (com ara l’anònima ‘Flor de les històries d’Orient’ o la ‘Contemplació de la Santa Quarantena’, de Joan Eixemeno), a…
Urban Flood Prediction through GIS-Based Dual-Coupled Hydraulic Models
Propagation of pluvial floods in urban areas, occurring with return time periods of few years, can be well solved using dual models accounting for the mutual relationship between the water level in the streets and the discharges inside the sewer pipes. The extended WEC-flood model (EWEC), based on the use of unstructured triangular meshes and a diffusive formulation of the momentum equations in both the 2D and the 1D lower domains, is presented along with its novelty, limits, and advantages. The model is then applied to a small computational domain in the Palermo area, where only some ‘hard’ data given by one rain gauge has been used for calibration and validation, along with ot…
Alterations in Daphnia magna exposed to enniatin B and beauvericin provide additional value as environmental indicators
Mycotoxins beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENN B) affect negatively several systems and demand more studies as the mechanisms are still unclear. The simultaneous presence of contaminants in the environment manifests consequences of exposure for both animals and flora. Daphnia magna is considered an ideal invertebrate to detect effects of toxic compounds and environmental alterations. In this study, the potential toxicity and the basic mechanism of BEA and ENN B individually and combined were studied in D. magna. Acute and delayed toxicity were evaluated, and transcript levels of genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism (mox, gst, abcb1, and abcc5), reproduction, and oxidative stress (vtg-S…
La pragmatica dell’articolo determinativo plurale in italiano: un caso di studio
La categoria della determinazione (o indeterminazione) è comune a tutte le lingue e in italiano è grammaticalizzata e si presenta sotto forma di articoli. Gli articoli sono da sempre considerati una delle caratteristiche della grammatica italiana che gli studenti di madrelingua russa trovano ostica. Ciò si deve in parte alla presenza di numerose eccezioni alle regole, in parte all’esistenza di una terminologia che, invece di semplificare, complica le cose. L’analisi della produzione scritta di studenti russi di italiano ha dimostrato che circa un terzo degli errori nell’uso degli articoli riguarda la contrapposizione della categoria definito vs indefinito al plurale (ho passato le/delle vac…