showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

On σ-subnormality criteria in finite groups


Abstract Let σ = { σ i : i ∈ I } be a partition of the set P of all prime numbers. A subgroup H of a finite group G is called σ-subnormal in G if there is a chain of subgroups H = H 0 ⊆ H 1 ⊆ ⋯ ⊆ H n = G where, for every i = 1 , … , n , H i − 1 normal in H i or H i / C o r e H i ( H i − 1 ) is a σ j -group for some j ∈ I . In the special case that σ is the partition of P into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality. In this paper some σ-subnormality criteria for subgroups of finite groups are studied.

CombinatoricsFinite groupAlgebra and Number TheoryGroup (mathematics)Prime numberPartition (number theory)Prime (order theory)MathematicsJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra

Principio di non incriminazione della vittima di tratta autore di reato e obblighi di tutela ai sensi dell'art. 4 Cedu. Primi chiarimenti dalla Corte…


Per la prima volta, la Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo (Corte EDU) è chiamata a decidere se, ed entro quali limiti, un ordinamento che non rispetta il principio di non-incriminazione della vittima di tratta (VDT) per i reati da questa commessi violi o meno il divieto di schiavitù e di lavoro forzato stabilito dall’art. 4 della Convezione europea dei diritti dell’uomo (CEDU). Che il principio di non incriminazione abbia trovato tutela convenzionale soltanto sotto un profilo procedimentale, e non anche sostanziale, può a prima vista deludere le aspettative di chi ne auspica ormai da tempo un’ampia attuazione. Non può però escludersi che sia proprio sul piano della tutela procedimentale, d…

Art. 26 Convenzione di Varsavia sul traffico di personeArt. 4 CEDUCorte EDUVittime di trattaPrincipio di non incriminazione

Fortifier l'alimentation des personnes âgées : encore trop peu de stratégies efficaces pour lutter contre la dénutrition


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritionNutrition and DieteticsSystematic Litterature ReviewEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismInternal MedicineFood fortificationUndernutritionOlder adultDiet enrichmentAged

Perceived behavioral control moderating effects in the theory of planned behavior : A meta-analysis


Objective: According to the theory of planned behavior, individuals are more likely to act on their behavioral intentions, and report intentions aligned with their attitudes and subjective norm, when their perceived behavioral control (PBC) is high. We tested these predictions meta-analytically by estimating the moderating effect of PBC on the attitude-intention, subjective norm-intention, and the intention-behavior relations in studies applying the theory in the health behavior domain. Method: We conducted a preregistered secondary analysis of studies (k = 39, total N = 13,121) from two programs of research. Each study measured participants’ attitude, subjective norms, PBC, and intentions …

Behavior ControlPsychiatry and Mental healthitsehallintaAttitudeintentioSurveys and QuestionnairesterveyskäyttäytyminenHealth Behaviormeta-analyysiHumansIntentionPsychological TheoryApplied Psychology

Assessing the carbon footprint across the supply chain: Cow milk vs soy drink


Abstract Since livestock product consumption could have a significant effect on tackling climate change, in the few last years, there has been an increasing consumer demand for non-dairy alternatives. Despite plant-based beverages being considered crucial to foster the transition towards sustainable diet models, no studies have yet compared the level of emissions of plant-based beverages with animal-based ones. The present study aims at computing the carbon footprint of cow milk and that of soy drink and evaluating the carbon footprint results in the light of the substitutability of cow's milk with soy drink, analyzing the potential environmental, economic and nutritional trade-offs between…

GHG emissionEnvironmental EngineeringClimate ChangeSupply chainDiet transitionAnimal-based beverageLife cycle approach.BeveragesCow milkAgricultural scienceSettore ING-IND/17 - Impianti Industriali MeccaniciAnimalsEnvironmental ChemistryProduction (economics)Life cycle approach GHG emissions Animal-based beverage Alternative plant-based beverage Diet transitionWaste Management and DisposalCarbon FootprintConsumption (economics)Food securitybusiness.industryfood and beveragesAlternative plant-based beverage Animal-based beverage Diet transition GHG emissions Life cycle approachPollutionDietMilkGreenhouse gasCarbon footprintCattleFemaleLivestockAlternative plant-based beverageBusiness

Effects of emotions, grade level and gender on pseudoscience beliefs of secondary school students


La educación secundaria desempeña un importante papel en la alfabetización científica y, en ella, las creencias en pseudociencias tienen una gran relevancia. Por esta razón, los objetivos de este estudio se centraron en la evaluación del nivel de adhesión a las creencias en pseudociencias de los estudiantes de secundaria y en el análisis de la influencia del género, nivel académico y emociones generadas en el aula de ciencias sobre dichas creencias. Participaron 125 estudiantes de tres cursos diferentes de educación secundaria (3º y 4º de ESO, y 1º de Bachillerato, esto es, 9º, 10º y 11º grado). A todos ellos se les administraron dos cuestionarios, uno para evaluar las creencias pseudocient…

emocioneseducationeducación secundariaEmocionsProfessors d'educació secundàriaGeneral Medicineemotionspseudoscience beliefsgrade levelgendercreencias en pseudocienciassecondary schoolEducació secundàrianivel académicogéneroCIENCIA UNEMI

Modeling the Sustainable Educational Process for Pupils from Vulnerable Groups in Critical Situations: COVID-19 Context in Lithuania, Latvia, and Est…


The critical situation in education caused by COVID-19 has significantly reduced the involvement of pupils from vulnerable groups, particularly those with low learning achievements. The aim of this study is to reveal the modeling of the sustainable educational process and the factors that ensure optimal learning achievements of pupils from vulnerable groups in general education schools in critical educational transformation situations. To reveal the factors ensuring the sustainability of educational processes, this study was conducted in three Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) involving 1432 subject teachers from public education schools. The results of the study highlight t…

modeling of the educational processEnvironmental effects of industries and plantsRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentsustainable achievementsGeography Planning and DevelopmentCOVID-19TJ807-830Management Monitoring Policy and LawTD194-195Renewable energy sourcesEnvironmental sciencessustainable achievements; critical situations; learning difficulties; modeling of the educational process; COVID-19critical situationsGE1-350learning difficultiesSustainability

Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system


Abstract The goal of the processing industry, trade and consumers is to get eco-labelled freshwater fish products from sustainable fisheries into the market as soon as possible. The fourth largest natural lake system in Europe, the Saimaa lake system supports a fishery for vendace (Coregonus albula). Certification of the fishery requires an understanding of population structure to help determine the number and spatial extent of management units. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of local vendace populations in the Saimaa lake system and aimed to identify the conservation and management units of vendace. Within the Saimaa, the genetic divergence between local populations of ve…

FisheryGenetic divergenceGenetic diversityGeographybiologyGeographical distancePopulation structureFreshwater fishCoregonus albulaLake districtAquatic ScienceLife historybiology.organism_classificationFisheries Research

Chemical-state analyses of Ni, Zn, and W ions in NiWO$_4$-ZnWO$_4$ solid solutions by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


The chemical states of Ni, Zn, and W in microcrystalline NiWO$_4$-ZnWO$_4$ solid solutions were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The recorded spectra of the Ni 2p, Zn 2p, and W 4f photoelectron lines and Ni L$_2$M$_{23}$M$_{45}$, Zn L$_3$M$_{45}$M$_{45}$, and W N$_4$N$_{67}$N$_{7}$ Auger-transition lines show pronounced changes with increasing Zn concentration. The positions of the resolved photoelectron and Auger-transition lines were combined to construct so-called chemical-state plots (Wagner or Auger-parameter plots) for metal ions in solid solutions. With increasing Zn concentration, the Auger parameter increases for Ni and decreases for W, thus evidencing a lowering and an…

Condensed Matter - Materials ScienceMaterials scienceAbsorption spectroscopyMetal ions in aqueous solutionAnalytical chemistryMaterials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci)FOS: Physical sciencesGeneral ChemistryCondensed Matter PhysicsIonMetalChemical stateX-ray photoelectron spectroscopyPolarizabilityvisual_artvisual_art.visual_art_mediumGeneral Materials ScienceSolid solution

On proper branched coverings and a question of Vuorinen


We study global injectivity of proper branched coverings from the open Euclidean n$n$-ball onto an open subset of the Euclidean n$n$-space in the case where the branch set is compact. In particular, we show that such mappings are homeomorphisms when n=3$n=3$ or when the branch set is empty. This gives a positive answer to the corresponding cases of a question of Vuorinen. Peer reviewed

Mathematics - Complex VariablesGeneral Mathematicseuklidinen geometriaGeometric Topology (math.GT)Euclidean geometryMathematics - Geometric TopologyMAPSFOS: Mathematics111 MathematicsHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentComplex Variables (math.CV)SETMONODROMY57M12 30C65 57M30

I nuovi volti del sistema penale: fra cooperazione pubblico-privato e meccanismi di integrazione fra hard law e soft law


La partnership pubblico-privato e l’integrazione tra hard e soft law hanno rappresentato negli ultimi anni, anche nel nostro ordinamento, la cifra del contrasto alla criminalità economica. Il volume affronta le implicazioni penalistiche di questa strategia di contrasto, focalizzando l’attenzione sul tema della responsabilità degli enti ma dedicando spazio altresì a settori di disciplina (riciclaggio, reati tributari e ambientali, abuso d’ufficio etc.) progressivamente interessati da questo approccio alla prevenzione e repressione dei fenomeni criminosi di cui si tratta. Public-private partnerships and the integration of hard and soft law have represented in recent years, also in our legal s…

criminalità economica partneriato pubblico-privato hard law soft lawSettore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale Penaleeconomic crime public-private partnershipst hard law soft lawSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

A Benchmarking Platform for Atomic Learned Indexes


This repository provides a benchmarking platform to evaluate how Feed Forward Neural Networks can be effectively used as index data structures.

Learned IndicesNeural NetworksSettore INF/01 - Informatica

Uncover : Aiap women in design Award : AWDA 3-4


UNCOVER è un progetto polifonico che descrive le proposte di studentesse, professioniste e ricercatrici selezionate nella terza e quarta edizione del premio Aiap Women in Design Award e insieme raccoglie riflessioni teoriche, che affrontano attraverso la lente del design i temi dei diritti e del lavoro femminile, e più in generale delle disparità in ogni ambito. Ai saggi e ai progetti visuali si affiancano le interviste con persone impegnate nei più svariati campi – economia, comunicazione, giornalismo, politica, formazione, arte, volontariato, istituzioni. Un volume non convenzionale, che prova a “scoprire” non solo progetti di comunicazione visiva da ogni parte del mondo, ma anche sto…

women design women’s work visual communication projects award design historySettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industriale

Dal corpo virtuale alle virtù del corpo (Atti del Convegno Nazionale APID® 2021)


Nella Danza Movimento Terapia (DMT) vengono coinvolte più dimensioni interrelate: psicologica, emozionale, immaginativa, creativa, relazionale, espressiva, comunicativa, estetica. Fondamentale, data la complessità dei processi coinvolti, è garantire un setting; in DMT esso va inteso come un insieme di componenti stabili e riconoscibili che consento di creare uno “spazio extra-ordinario” protetto e intimo, connotato affettivamente. La relazione psicocorporea intersoggettiva, la significatività dello spazio, il setting presuppongono la presenza, la possibilità di scambi e contatti emozionali che sembrerebbero non poter prescindere dal trovarsi fisicamente insieme. La pandemia da Covid 19 ha c…

Esperienze artistiche di gruppo a distanzaVirtual intersubjective and embodied relationshipConvegno nazionale APID onlineDanza Movimento Terapiarelazione intersoggetiva ed embodied a distanzaDance Movement TherapyCovid Pandemic 19APID National Conference onlineOnline group art experiences.Settore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E SocialePandemia Covid 19

In situ observations of CH2Cl2 and CHCl3 show efficient transport pathways for very short-lived species into the lower stratosphere via the Asian and…


Efficient transport pathways for ozone-depleting very short-lived substances (VSLSs) from their source regions into the stratosphere are a matter of current scientific debate; however they have yet to be fully identified on an observational basis. Understanding the increasing impact of chlorine-containing VSLSs (Cl-VSLSs) on stratospheric ozone depletion is important in order to validate and improve model simulations and future predictions. We report on a transport study using airborne in situ measurements of the Cl-VSLSs dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) and trichloromethane (chloroform, CHCl3) to derive a detailed description of two transport pathways from (sub)tropical source regions into the ext…

ChemistryPhysicsQC1-999QD1-999Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Risk score for early risk prediction by cardiac magnetic resonance after acute myocardial infarction.


BACKGROUND: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) performed early after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) can improve major adverse cardiac event (MACE) risk prediction. We aimed to create a simple clinical-CMR risk score for early MACE risk stratification in STEMI patients.; METHODS: We performed a multicenter prospective registry of reperfused STEMI patients (n=1118) in whom early (1-week) CMR-derived left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), infarct size and microvascular obstruction (MVO) were quantified. MACE was defined as a combined clinical endpoint of cardiovascular (CV) death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (NF-MI) or re-admission for acute decompensated heart failur…

Malemedicine.medical_specialtyMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyAcute decompensated heart failureMyocardial InfarctionMagnetic Resonance Imaging CineVentricular Function LeftPercutaneous Coronary InterventionRisk FactorsInternal medicineClinical endpointMedicineHumansMyocardial infarctioncardiovascular diseasesAgedFramingham Risk ScoreEjection fractionbusiness.industryMean ageStroke VolumeMiddle Agedmedicine.diseasePrognosiscardiovascular systemCardiologyST Elevation Myocardial InfarctionCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicinebusinessCardiac magnetic resonanceMace

Performance organizzativa e carichi di lavoro nello studio sui Consorzi Regionali di Bonifica


The objective of our research was to verify, through an empirical survey, the measuring of the relationship between workload and performance within complex public organizations. Starting from the reference literature the research approach adopted was of a mixed type characterized by an exploratory design and the analysis of a case study. #e data collection was carried out through documentary sources and some structured interviews administered to the management and the various sector heads of reclamation consortium studied. Based on the interviews carried out, a relationship between the measurement of the workload and the performance within the institution examined is inferred, because there…

Settore SECS-P/10 - Organizzazione AziendalePublic SectorWorkload PerformanceWorkloadReclamation Consortium

Exploring the unknowns : State of the art in qualitative forest-based sector foresight research


The forest-based sector is facing one the greatest transitions in its history in the face of global megatrends. Globalization, sustainability challenges and the ICT sector have put the world in a new light. Whereas some of the recent developments have resulted in challenges for the traditional forest industry, many positive expectations and opportunities are also seen to arise in the form of the transition to a sustainable bio-economy. However, to be able to fully seize the opportunity, the industry has to navigate through contingency where preparedness can have a major impact. Foresight as a strategic approach can help to prepare and sensitize decision-makers to be prepared for the future.…

0106 biological sciencesEconomics and Econometrics010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesSociology and Political SciencemetsäteollisuusmetsäalaStakeholder engagementContext (language use)Management Monitoring Policy and Law01 natural sciencesGlobalization11. SustainabilityRegional scienceAdaptive managementsystemaattiset kirjallisuuskatsaukset0105 earth and related environmental sciencesliiketoimintaympäristötaloudelliset ennusteetForestryForesightennusteet15. Life on landFutures studiesAdaptive management13. Climate actionInformation and Communications TechnologyPreparednessSustainabilityTransitionBusinessForest-based sector010606 plant biology & botany

EUIPO Boards of Appeal in the Light of the Principle of Fair Trial


The EUIPO’s Boards of Appeal are called upon to decide on appeals against decisions by the bodies of ‘first instance’. However, their judicial function has always been denied. Conversely, the essay tends to place the Boards of Appeal of the EUIPO in any case within the concept of ‘court’, as defined by the ECtHR, within the framework of Article 6 ECtHR, because it assesses their independence, impartiality, and in general the guarantees required by the ‘fair trial’, until concluding that it is a paradigmatic model in the overall administration and judicial system. EUIPO Boards of Appeal, European Court of Human Rights, Court of Justice of the Eurpean Union, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, …

EUIPO Boards of Appeal European Court of Human Rights Court of Justice of the Eurpean Union EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Fair trialLawSettore IUS/21 - Diritto Pubblico ComparatoEuropean Public Law

High-pressure synthesis of CO and syngas from CO2 reduction using Ni-N-doped porous carbon electrocatalyst


Abstract Electrochemical conversion of CO2 to CO or syngas (CO/H2 mixture) is considered one of the most promising approaches to valorise waste-CO2. To develop the process on industrial scale, it would be necessary to use selective and inexpensive electrodes and to obtain high productivities with low energy consumption. In this frame, Ni−NC catalysts are considered among the most interesting ones because of their relatively low cost, high faradaic efficiency in CO ( F E C O ), and high stability. However, up to now, quite low productivities were obtained as a result of low current densities achieved in aqueous electrolytes. In this work, we have evaluated the performances of a Ni−NC electro…

Materials scienceGeneral Chemical EngineeringDopingCO reductionGeneral ChemistrySettore ING-IND/27 - Chimica Industriale E TecnologicaElectrochemistryElectrocatalystSyngasIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringCatalysisCOHigh pressureChemical engineeringCO2 reductionElectrodeEnvironmental ChemistryNi−NC electrocatalystCurrent densityFaraday efficiencySyngas

Control points deployment in an Intelligent Transportation System for monitoring inter-urban network roadway


Abstract The constant evolution of transportation systems and traffic in developing countries is nowadays confronted with a problem of road safety and therefore of a high accident rate, especially in the context of inter-urban road transport. In this work, we propose a communication architecture for an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to provide surveillance in an inter-urban transport network in the context of developing countries. We introduce two types of control points: Relay Control Points (RCP) and Treatment Control Points (TrCP). We also designed two multi-objective models for the deployment of these points. In order to ensure good coverage, to minimize the cost of installation and…

Intelligent Transportation SystemGeneral Computer ScienceOperations researchComputer scienceControl (management)Transport network020206 networking & telecommunicationsContext (language use)QA75.5-76.9502 engineering and technologyRoadway network modelingControl points deploymentMulti-objective optimizationTraffic modelinglaw.inventionMulti-objective optimizationSoftware deploymentRelaylawElectronic computers. Computer scienceGenetic algorithm0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineering020201 artificial intelligence & image processingIntelligent transportation systemJournal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

Palladium-Catalysed Intermolecular Direct C–H Bond Arylation of Heteroarenes with Reagents Alternative to Aryl Halides: Current State of the Art


Abstract: This unprecedented review with 322 references provides a critical up-to-date picture of the Pd-catalysed intermolecular direct C–H bond arylation of heteroarenes with arylating reagents alternative to aryl halides that include aryl sulfonates (aryl triflates, tosylates, mesylates, and imidazole-1-sulfonates), diaryliodonium salts, [(diacetoxy)iodo]arenes, arenediazonium salts, 1-aryltriazenes, arylhydrazines and N’-arylhydrazides, arenesulfonyl chlorides, sodium arenesulfinates, arenesulfinic acids, and arenesulfonohydrazides. Particular attention has been paid to summarise the preparation of the various arylating reagents and to highlight the practicality, versatility, and limit…

Organic ChemistryHeteroarenes palladium direct C–H bond arylation catalysis regioselectivity aryl halidesSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaCurrent Organic Chemistry

Detecting crop water requirement indicators in irrigated agroecosystems from soil water content profiles: An application for a citrus orchard.


Abstract Most perennial crops sensitive to water scarcity, such as citrus, can benefit from efficient water management, which allows for reduced water consumption while increasing crop production on a long-term basis. However, when implementing water-saving strategies, it is necessary to monitor soil and/or plant water status in order to determine crop water demand. A plethora of devices providing indirect measurements of volumetric soil water content, such as the “drill and drop” multi-sensors probes (Sentek, Inc., Stepney, Australia), have been developed over the last decade. The objective of the paper was to analyse time-series of soil water content profiles and meteorological data colle…

AgroecosystemCrops AgriculturalIrrigationCitrusEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural IrrigationIrrigation schedulingWaterPlant TranspirationAgricultural engineeringPollutionCrop coefficient Evapotranspiration Internet of Things Root water uptake Sap flow Soil moisture dynamicWater scarcityCrop coefficientCropSoilEvapotranspirationSoil waterEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental scienceSettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliWaste Management and DisposalThe Science of the total environment

Female audit team leaders and audit effort


Abstract Auditing is a collective process conducted by a professional accounting team with a wide range of skills and experience. Audit work is labor-intensive, and audit team diversity, particularly gender diversity, is considered to have both auditing and economic effects. However, there is scant empirical research on the way that audit engagements are conducted and the role of audit team leaders (ATLs), specifically female ATLs, in the audit effort, because they and other audit team members mainly develop audit strategies in practice during the planification period. A hand-collected private data set was gathered from Spanish small and medium-sized audit firms from 2001 to 2015. After con…

MarketingGender diversitybusiness.industrymedia_common.quotation_subjectAccountingAuditQuality auditEmpirical researchWork (electrical)health services administrationQuality (business)EndogeneityEmpirical evidencebusinessPsychologymedia_commonJournal of Business Research

Impact of era of diagnosis on cause-specific late mortality among 77 423 five-year European survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer:The PanCareS…


Late mortality of European five-year survivors of childhood or adolescent cancer has dropped over the last 60 years, but excess mortality persists. There is little information concerning secular trends in cause-specific mortality among older European survivors. PanCareSurFup pooled data from 12 cancer registries and clinics in 11 European countries from 77 423 five-year survivors of cancer diagnosed before age 21 between 1940 to 2008 followed for an average age of 21 years and a total of 1.27 million person-years to determine their risk of death using cumulative mortality, standardized mortality ratios (SMR), absolute excess risks (AER), and multivariable proportional hazards regression ana…

AdultMaleCancer ResearchSecond NeoplasmsAdolescentAdolescent cancercauses of deathEuropean03 medical and health sciencesYoung Adult0302 clinical medicineCancer SurvivorsCause of DeathMedicineHumans030212 general & internal medicineCause specificChild610 Medicine & healthAgedExcess mortalitybusiness.industrycardiovascularsecond malignant neoplasmsHazard ratioCancersurvivors of childhood cancerMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseConfidence interval3. Good healthOncologyEuropean; cardiovascular; causes of death; late mortality; second malignant neoplasms; survivors of childhood cancer030220 oncology & carcinogenesisChild Preschoollate mortalityFemaleRisk of deathbusiness360 Social problems & social servicesDemography

Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a microalgae model for wastewater treatment.


The results of a global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a microalgae model applied to a Membrane Photobioreactor (MPBR) pilot plant were assessed. The main goals of this study were: (I) to identify the sensitivity factors of the model through the Morris screening method, i.e. the most influential factors; (II) to calibrate the influential factors online or offline; and (III) to assess the model's uncertainty. Four experimental periods were evaluated, which encompassed a wide range of environmental and operational conditions. Eleven influential factors (e.g. maximum specific growth rate, light intensity and maximum temperature) were identified in the model from a set of 34 kinetic pa…

Environmental EngineeringUncertaintyExperimental dataPhotobioreactorWastewaterPollutionWater PurificationSet (abstract data type)Light intensityPhotobioreactorsStatisticsCalibrationRange (statistics)MicroalgaeEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental scienceSensitivity (control systems)BiomassWaste Management and DisposalUncertainty analysisThe Science of the total environment

Structural Validity of the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score for Orthopaedic Pathologies with Rasch Measurement Theory


Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors A B S T R A C T Background: The Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) is one of the most frequently used patient reported outcome measures for foot and ankle conditions. The aim is to test the structural validity of the Finnish version of the FAOS using Rasch Measurement Theory. Methods: FAOS scores were obtained from 218 consecutive patients who received operative treatment for foot and ankle conditions. The FAOS data were fitted into the Rasch model and person separation index (PSI) calculated. Results: All the five subscales provided good coverage and targeting. Three subscales presented unidimensional structure. Thirty-eight of the 42 items had orde…

Quality of lifemedicine.medical_specialtyvalidityPsychometricsCULTURAL-ADAPTATIONStructural validityelämänlaatupsychometric propertiesOutcome (game theory)VALIDATIONleikkaushoitoValidity03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineRaschin malliQuality of lifeSurveys and QuestionnairesmedicineQUALITYHumansOrthopedics and Sports MedicineVERSION030222 orthopedicsRasch modelbusiness.industrydigestive oral and skin physiologyOutcome measuresReproducibility of Resultsfood and beverages030229 sport sciences3126 Surgery anesthesiology intensive care radiologyDifferential item functioningjalatnilkatpsykometriikkaPsychometric propertiesOrthopedicsmedicine.anatomical_structurequality of lifeRATING-SCALEShoitotuloksetvaliditeettimittarit (mittaus)Physical therapyTRANSLATIONAnkleAnklebusinessFoot (unit)

Functional and Therapeutic Significance of Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Colorectal Cancer


The role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) and its acquisition of resistance to treatment become the research hotspots. As an important component of TME, the tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) regulate multiple critical oncogenic processes, namely, occurrence, proliferation, metastasis, and drug resistance in CRC. In this review, we have discussed the functional and therapeutic significance of TAMs in CRC. M1 macrophages act as the tumor suppressor while M2 macrophages promote CRC. The polarization of TAMs is mainly regulated by the pathways such as NFKB1 pathways, STAT3 pathways, WNT5A pathways, and PI3K pathways in CRC. Furthermore, the M2 …

Cancer Researchtreatmentstomatognathic systemOncologytumor-associated macrophagesmechanismtumor microenvironmentNeoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogenscolorectal cancerskin and connective tissue diseasesRC254-282digestive system diseaseshormones hormone substitutes and hormone antagonistsFrontiers in Oncology

Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management, and outcomes in invasively ventilated intensive care unit patients without acute resp…


Contains fulltext : 252214.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) BACKGROUND: Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, the practice of ventilation, and outcome in invasively ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remain unexplored. In this analysis we aim to address these gaps using individual patient data of four large observational studies. METHODS: In this pooled analysis we harmonised individual patient data from the ERICC, LUNG SAFE, PRoVENT, and PRoVENT-iMiC prospective observational studies, which were conducted from June, 2011, to December, 2018, in 534 ICUs in 54 countries. We used the 2016 World Bank classification to defi…

MaleSociodemographic FactorsRespiration Artificial/methodsARDS ; mechanical ventilationSeverity of Illness IndexNOSettore MED/41 - ANESTESIOLOGIA80 and overTidal VolumeHumansHospital MortalityProspective Studiesddc:610Developing CountriesAgedHospital Mortality/trendsAged 80 and overDeveloped Countries/statistics & numerical dataDeveloping Countries/statistics & numerical dataRespirationDeveloped CountriesArticlesGeneral Medicineacute respiratory distress syndromeLength of StayMiddle AgedRespiration ArtificialIntensive Care UnitsObservational Studies as Topiclnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 4]Length of Stay/statistics & numerical dataArtificialIntensive Care Units/statistics & numerical dataIncomeFemaleARDS

Tension in the data environment: How organisations can meet the challenge


Big Data is becoming ubiquitous - widely applied across organisations, industry sectors and society. However, the opportunities and risks it presents are not yet fully understood. In this paper we identify and explore the tensions that Big Data can create at multiple levels, focusing on the need for organisations to meet the challenges that can arise. We draw on insights from twelve papers published in the Special Issue of Technological Forecasting & Social Change entitled “Tension in the Data Environment: Can Organisations Meet the Challenge?” in order to build a ‘Multi-Layer Tensions Model’ that highlights key pressures and challenges in the BD environment. We find evidence of tensions of…

Knowledge managementOrder (exchange)business.industryManagement of Technology and InnovationBig dataSocial changeKey (cryptography)Business and International ManagementbusinessVDP::Teknologi: 500::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi: 550Applied PsychologyTechnology forecasting

The effects of water absorption and salt fog exposure on agglomerated cork compressive response


The replacement of synthetic foams with agglomerated cork in sandwich composites can meet the increasing environmental concerns. Its peculiar morphology and chemical composition lead to outstanding dimensional recovery that endorsed a broad investigation of its compressive behavior. The knowledge of neat material response is fundamental to obtain a reliable design dataset, but it is necessary to consider all the environmental factors (water, moisture and sunlight) that significantly modify material mechanical properties. In view of this, the present work investigates the effect of distilled and seawater absorption and salt fog exposure on the compressive behavior of two agglomerated corks w…

Absorption of waterMaterials scienceAgglomerated corkMechanical propertiesCorkengineering.materialThermal diffusivitywater absorptionGeneral Materials ScienceComposite materialSandwich structuresChemical compositionSalt fog exposurePolymer compositesMaterialesMoistureForestryagglomerated corkagglomerated cork; water absorption; salt fog exposureCompressive strengthSettore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei MaterialiDistilled waterengineeringsalt fog cork aging compressive responseWater absorptionSeawatersalt fog exposure



Il crescente interesse per la salvaguardia dell’ambiente, principalmente motivato dai disastri naturali che sono incorsi numerosi nell’ultimo ventennio, ha dato un’ulteriore spinta alla ricerca sulle fonti di energia “green” rinnovabile non derivanti da combustibili fossili, che permetta all’uomo di continuare a provvedere ai propri fabbisogni in maniera più “rispettosa”. Infatti, le fonti energetiche rinnovabili che il nostro pianeta ci mette a disposizione sono innumerevoli: dall’energia meccanica ed elettrica prodotta dal vento, alle biomasse, la cui combustione in appositi impianti permette generazione termica e cogenerazione di calore ed elettricità; l’energia prodotta dalle maree e da…

Settore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei MaterialiAgente reticolanteMiscele a base di EVASistemi stabilizzantiIncapsulanti fotovoltaici

The Monte San Nicola section (Sicily) revisited: A potential unit-stratotype of the Gelasian Stage


The Monte San Nicola area (Southern Sicily) offers a spectacular exposure of open-marine sediments that were employed in 1998 for defining the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Gelasian Stage (Upper Pliocene). After the lowering of the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary to ca. 2.6 Ma in 2010, the Gelasian GSSP has been redefined as the base of both the Pleistocene Series and the Quaternary Period, which increased its importance and visibility within the scientific community. However, documentation on the Monte San Nicola reference section is still sparse. In the light of its renewed status, we decided to undertake a complete revision of the Gelasian Stage in its type area, in ord…

GSSPArcheologyGlobal and Planetary ChangeSettore GEO/02 - Geologia Stratigrafica E SedimentologicaStratigraphyPliocene-Pleistocene boundarymarine sedimentGeologySettore GEO/01 - Paleontologia E PaleoecologiaGelasianQuaternaryCalabrianmagnetostratigraphyEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Maschilità "sacrificate", maschilità "esibite" e maschilità "revansciste" nel sex work di strada


Il presente articolo, approfondendo dei dati etnografici sul sex work maschile di strada raccolti dall'autore tra il 2011 e il 2018, intende evidenziare i significati attribuiti allo scambio sessuo-economico e delineare le relazioni gerarchiche che si definiscono per via della costruzione egemonica di genere e sessuale ma anche, inevitabilmente, per la corresponsione di una paga a seguito di una prestazione con l'obiettivo di identificare le modalità attraverso le quali si costruiscono modelli di maschilità situazionali e negoziate. L'analisi prova che la reputazione maschile deve essere costantemente preservata e dal momento che determina una sorta di rendita da posizionamento, essa è cost…

male sex workSettore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E ComunicativiSettore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica Della Devianza E Mutamento Socialemasculinityethnography.qualitative researchstreet sex work’s sexual fieldSICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI

Reviewer Acknowledgements for Global Journal of Health Science, Vol. 14, No. 2


Reviewer Acknowledgements for Global Journal of Health Science, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2022.

General MedicineGlobal Journal of Health Science

On the response of flax fiber reinforced composites under salt-fog/dry conditions: Reversible and irreversible performances degradation


Abstract Despite their scarce resistance to humid or wet conditions, natural fiber reinforced composites (NFRCs) seem to be able to partially recover their performances under discontinuous exposition to marine environment. To investigate this peculiarity, flax fiber reinforced composite was at first subjected to salt-fog spray condition at 35 °C for 15 and 30 days, respectively, and then stored in ‘‘dry” condition (i.e., 50% R.H. and 22 °C) between 0 and 21 days. The performances evolution was evaluated through flexural tests, water uptake and contact angle measurements. Moreover, the morphology of fractured mechanical samples was examined by using 3D optical microscope and scanning electro…

D. Mechanical testingMaterials scienceScanning electron microscopeMechanical EngineeringComposite numberIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringA. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs); B. Environmental degradation; D. Mechanical testing; Moisture desorptionlaw.inventionContact angleA. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)Settore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei MaterialiOptical microscopeFlexural strengthMoisture desorptionMechanics of MaterialslawPhase (matter)Ceramics and CompositesDegradation (geology)B. Environmental degradationComposite materialNatural fiber