showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Deciphering field-based evidences for crop allelopathy in weed regulation


It is now essential to reduce the negative impacts of weed management and especiallyherbicide use. Weed-suppressive crop species/varieties hold promise for integrated andsustainable weed regulation. Competition for resources and allelopathy are the two mainunderlying mechanisms. Unlike competition, which is well studied and established, allelopathyby living crops remains a contentious mechanism. Although it is recognized that plants emit alarge number of substances, the effective role of these molecules is very challenging todemonstrate in the field. A major difficulty to dissociate the effects of allelopathy from thoseof competition for resources.Here we systematically and quantitatively r…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Miradas desde el dintel de una pandemia. Aproximaciones al deber de memoria a través de diversas narraciones


Este libro es el diario de un lector ávido y constante durante la época de pandemia. Es un diario elaborado a modo de autobiografía intelectual, combinando la experiencia de sus lecturas con el ejercicio de la escritura. Aquí se reúnen, ordenadas cronológicamente, un conjunto de 48 reseñas que se iniciaron en junio de 2020 y finalizaron en diciembre de 2021. Un año y medio de atención a rescates y a novedades editoriales, con una mirada abierta a géneros diferentes, a autores y autoras muy plurales, y a temáticas diferentes, si bien con un hilo conductor: el deber de memoria. Son miradas desde el dintel de la pandemia, que se sirven de los libros a modo de observatorio y de labor…

memoriaUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍApandemialiteratura:SOCIOLOGÍA [UNESCO]narracionessociedad

Publisher Correction: Unjamming overcomes kinetic and proliferation arrest in terminally differentiated cells and promotes collective motility of car…


In the version of this article initially published, equation (1) in the Methods section, now reading (Formula presented.), was missing a delta symbol following “R”. The symbol has now been restored in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

CARCINOMASettore MED/08 - Anatomia Patologica

Arteriālās hipertensijas pacientu apmācība ambulatorajā praksē


Bakalaura darba tēma: Arteriālās hipertensijas pacientu apmācība ambulatorajā praksē. Tēmas aktualitāti pamato hipertensija kā viens no galvenajiem nāves cēloņiem. Darba mērķis: izzināt arteriālās hipertensijas pacientu apmācības norisi ambulatorajā praksē. Pētniecības uzdevumi: literatūras analīze par arteriālo hipertensiju un pacientu apmācīšanas nozīmīgumu D. Oremas teorijā. Izstrādāt un veikt interviju, apstrādāt un analizējot rezultātus izdarīt secinājumus. Pētniecības jautājums: kā noris arteriālās hipertensijas pacientu apmācība ambulatorajā praksē? Pētniecības metode: kvalitatīvā. Pētniecības instruments: intervija. Pētījuma rezultāti: Ambulatorajās praksēs notiek arteriālās hiperte…

pacientsD. OremahipertensijaapmācībaMedicīna

Computational strategies to model the interaction and the reactivity of biologically-relevant transition metal complexes


Abstract Transition metal atoms possess the unique capacity to induce significant changes in the electronic structure of their ligands, often culminating in substantial modification of their chemical behavior, and this ability explains well their evolutionary incorporation into the living matter. Exactly this complexity of metal atom behaviours on the electronic level is the reason of various quantum chemistry strategies have been developed for their description. On the other hand, the application of quantum chemistry methodologies to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between metal and biological matter, can only be approached through adequate modelling of the chemical p…

Inorganic ChemistryTransition metal atomsTransition metalChemistryChemical physicsMaterials ChemistryElectronic levelReactivity (chemistry)Electronic structurePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryQuantum chemistryLiving matterInorganica Chimica Acta

Validez y reproducibilidad de una rúbrica para el análisis de la expresividad en la danza


La danza es una disciplina artística que combina la destreza del movimiento corporal con la expresividad de emociones, sentimientos e ideas. Sin embargo, generalmente la expresividad queda en segundo plano tanto en el proceso de enseñanza como en su evaluación. En ese sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio fue diseñar y validar una rúbrica para evaluar la expresividad en la danza en general, así como valorar su reproducibilidad inter-evaluador y su aplicación en dos grupos de bailarines/as. Ambos grupos se aprendieron una misma coreografía con la diferencia de que solo uno de ellos fue conocedor de la rúbrica. Dicha coreografía fue grabada en vídeo para posteriormente ser evaluada por do…

-- FormacióAvaluació educativaDansaArt

Darbaspēka nodokļu salīdzinošā analīze Baltijas valstīs


Maģistra darba temats ir “Darbaspēka nodokļu salīdzinošā analīze Baltijas valstīs”. Kā viena no Latvijas valdības galvenajām prioritātēm nodokļu jomā ir darbaspēka nodokļu sloga mazināšana. Lai turpinātu Latvijā mazināt darbaspēka nodokļu slogu, ir svarīgi veikt darbaspēka nodokļu salīdzinošo analīzi starp Baltijas valstīm. Darba mērķis, pamatojoties uz darbaspēka nodokļu salīdzinošo analīzi Baltijas valstīs, novērtēt Latvijas darbaspēka nodokļu politiku un izstrādāt priekšlikumus Latvijas darbaspēka nodokļu pilnveidošanai. Maģistra darbā autore pēta Baltijas valstu darbaspēka nodokļus, analizē darba algas aprēķināšanas kārtību un nosaka darbaspēka nodokļu slogu. Maģistra darba izstrādes re…

valsts obligātās sociālās apdrošināšanas iemaksasiedzīvotāju ienākuma nodoklisEkonomika un uzņēmējdarbībadarbaspēka nodokļiBaltijas valstu darbaspēka nodokļi

Wychowanie religijne w Niemczech


Assessment of the effect of pesticides on soil microorganisms


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Intelligibility and the gravity of segmental deviations in L1 Finnish speakers’ L2 English


The goal of English pronunciation teaching has shifted from native-likeness to intelligibility. Especially in EFL contexts, pushing learners to sound like L1 speakers is difficult to justify, whereas becoming intelligible is an easily justifiable, practical learning goal. However, EFL teachers often emphasize the sounds that are typically challenging for their learners, even though all sounds are not equally important for intelligibility. The present study is focussed on the extent to which segmental deviations can compromise intelligibility. Speech samples were elicited from teenaged L1 Finnish learners of English, demonstrating segmental deviations typical of the target group. To evaluate…

ymmärrettävyyskieltenopetussuomenkielisetääntäminenenglannin kieli

Polémoformes et zones humides dans la Montagne de Reims (Marne, France) – apport du lidar aéroporté


Les morphologies liées aux conflits armés ou « polémoformes »déterminent potentiellement des zones humides sous la forme de mares ou d’étangs sur d’anciens champs de bataille. Ces milieux, fortement modifiés par la pédoturbation, et la bombturbation voire par des contaminations (ETM), constituent pourtant des ilots de biodiversité à forte valeur patrimoniale (Forêt d’exception, Réserves dirigées, ZNIEFF). C’est le cas de la Montagne de Reims, terminaison orientale de la côte d’Ile de France dominant la Champagne et coiffée par la formation des Argiles à meulières.L’objectif de cette contribution est de caractériser les polémoformes de la Montagne de Reims, située en arrière de la 4ème posit…

[SDE] Environmental Sciences[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Market Timing Using Artificial Neural Networks


The emergence of artificial neural networks has given us some of the most impressive technological tools. Inspired by the human brain, these networks consist of interconnected artificial neurons that can detect patterns invisible to the human eye. These qualities have caught the attention of investors seeking ways to beat the market. In this thesis, we explore how artificial neural networks can be used to construct an active trading strategy and evaluate the strategy's performance against two benchmark strategies. Two stock indices were used to train neural networks using the lagged return as input to predict the market state. By using the networks' predictions, an active trading strategy w…

La pluralità dei sistemi musicali e le origini della musica (parte II)


Il testo tratta la nascita degli interessi scientifici verso le tradizioni musicali extraoccidentali grazie alla nuova disciplina denominata "musicologia comparata" e agli studi etno-antropologici di orientamento evoluzionista e diffusionista. In questo contesto di studio viene dato particolare rilievo alle ipotesi riguardanti le origini della musica, che vengono sinteticamente ripercorse e valutate. The text deals with the birth of scientific interests towards extra-western musical traditions thanks to the new discipline called "comparative musicology" and to ethno-anthropological studies of evolutionist and diffusionist orientation. In this context of study, particular importance is given…

Comparative MusicologySettore L-ART/08 - EtnomusicologiaMusicologia comparataFilogenesi della musicaHistorical EthnomusicologyEtnomusicologia storicaPhylogeny of music

Prezidenta vēlēšanas Baltkrievijā


Autore bakalaura darbā “Prezidenta vēlēšanas Baltkrievijā” pēta vēlēšanu rīkošanu tādā autoritārā politiskā režīmā kā Baltkrievija. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kāpēc autoritāros režīmos tiek rīkotas vēlēšanas, ko vēlēšanas dod autokrātiem un izpētīt Baltkrievijas vēlēšanu brīvību un godīgumu. Lai to noskaidrotu tiks izmantoti starptautiski pētījumi un teorijas par vēlēšanām autoritāros režīmos, tiks aplūkoti rādītāji brīvām un godīgām vēlēšanām, tiks veikta aptauja, lai noskaidrotu Latvijas sabiedrības aktuālo viedokli par vēlēšanām Baltkrievijā. Rezultātā tiks izdarīti secinājumi par Baltkrievijas prezidenta vēlēšanām, to brīvību un godīgumu, par to, ka tās tiek rīkotas esošas varas leģitimēš…

Baltkrievijagodīgumsautoritārais režīmsbrīvībaPolitikas zinātnevēlēšanu institūcija

Bezrobocie w świetle wybranych badań socjologicznych


The Potential Role of Metabolomics in Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) Assessment.


Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the most frequent adverse clinical reactions and a relevant cause of morbidity and mortality. Hepatotoxicity is among the major reasons for drug withdrawal during post-market and late development stages, representing a major concern to the pharmaceutical industry. The current biochemical parameters for the detection of DILI are based on enzymes (alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP)) and bilirubin serum levels that are not specific of DILI and therefore there is an increasing interest on novel, specific, DILI biomarkers discovery. Metabolomics has emerged as…

BioquímicaBiologiaEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismMolecular BiologyBiochemistryMetabolites

Frequency locking of a breather fibre laser, fairy tree and devil's staircase


Breathing solitons exhibiting periodic oscillatory behaviour form an important part of many different classes of nonlinear wave systems. Recently, thanks to the development of real-time detection techniques, they have also emerged as a ubiquitous mode-locked regime of ultrafast fibre lasers [1,2]. The excitation of breather oscillations in a laser naturally triggers a second characteristic frequency in the system, which therefore shows competition between the cavity repetition frequency and the breathing frequency. The theoretical model describing nonlinear systems with two competing frequencies predicts frequency locking, in which the system locks into a resonant periodic response featurin…

[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]

La nulidad por discriminación en el contrato


: El art. 10 de la Ley Orgánica 3/2007 de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres, el art. 28 de la Ley catalana 11/2014, de 10 de octubre, para garantizar los derechos de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgéneros e intersexuales y para erradicar la homofobia, la bifobia y la transfobia, y el art. 25 de la Ley catalana 19/2020, de 30 de diciembre, de igualdad de trato y no discriminación prevé, entre otras consecuencias, que los actos y las disposiciones o cláusulas de los negocios jurídicos que constituyan o causen discriminación serán nulos. En el presente trabajo el autor trata sobre el alcance de dichos preceptos y el entendimiento que debe darse a la mencionada nuli…

nulidad parcial:CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO [UNESCO]negocio jurídicodiscriminaciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHOcausa ilícitailicitud

Bestim network : stimulating plant health in agroécological systems


The evolution of agriculture is facing strong societal expectations. One of them is to drasticallyreduce the use of synthetic inputs and in particular of plant protection products (PPP). In response,farmers and professionals in charge of agricultural development must invent a so-called "agroecological" agriculture, by ensuring profitability and sustainability of production systems and byimplementing a combination of many levers. The BESTIM network is part of this logic and proposes theconcept of "agroecological immunity" which aims to optimize the stimulation of plant health in efficientagroecological systems. We’ve adapted the concept of ecological immunity initially described in theanimal…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Palazzo Lanza dei Principi di Deliella. Dai disegni di archivio di Ernesto Basile alla ricostruzione virtuale


Il contributo indaga il progetto di Ernesto Basile, mai realizzato, per Palazzo Lanza dei principi di Deliella a Palermo, attraverso lo studio dei disegni originali (1895-1897). Questi consistono in 15 documenti grafici che raccolgono 5 piante, 6 prospetti e 4 viste prospettiche, che rappresentano quattro versioni di progetto con diverse soluzioni, di ognuna delle quali è possibile reperire una documentazione frammentaria e incompleta, riconducibile a tempi ideativi differenti. Il contributo ripercorre, mediante il ridisegno, il percorso compiuto da Basile per giungere dalla prima all’ultima versione, raccontando graficamente l’evoluzione della pianta dell’edificio che, dall’impianto simmet…

ricostruzione virtuale disegni di archivio modello digitale Ernesto Basilevirtual reconstruction archive drawings digital model Ernesto BasileSettore ICAR/17 - Disegno

Attāluma uztveres eksperimentāla testēšana digitālā vidē


Bakalaura darbs “Attāluma uztveres eksperimentāla testēšana digitālā vidē” tika izstrādāts ar mērķi veikt pētījumu par attāluma uztveri digitālā vidē. Tika izveidots eksperiments ar dzīvu un nedzīvu objektu savstarpējo telpisko attiecību vērtējumu, atrodoties tiem savstarpēji tuvu vai tālu, esot savstarpēji funkcionējošam un nefunkcionējošam, kā arī atrodoties lielā un mazā telpā. Darba autors vēlējās noskaidrot, kādus attālumu aprakstošus vārdus cilvēki izvēlas lietot, aplūkojot mainīgajiem faktoriem speciāli veidotus attēlus digitālā vidē. Šī tēma ir aktuāla, jo līdzīgi pētījumi par vārdu lietojumu Latvijā, latviešu valodā ir maz. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir veikt teorētisku izpēti par attā…

telpiskā valodadigitālā videDatorzinātnetelpiskā uztvereliela un maza izmēra telpa

L’hypermobilité à l’épreuve des enjeux environnementaux et sociétaux.


Alors que l’on prophétise, à l’aune de la crise sanitaire, un changement radical des pratiques touristiques pour aller vers un tourisme de proximité qui peut se lire comme un oxymore et que certains modes de transport, l’avion en particulier, ou certaines formes touristiques, telles que la croisière maritime font l’objet de critique quant à leur impact environnemental et/ou sociétal, nous nous sommes penchés sur une catégorie de touristes, qualifiés d’hypermobiles. Il s’agit de comprendre leurs pratiques et les motivations qui guident une activité touristique supérieure à la moyenne nationale. L’analyse a été menée en deux temps. Une première analyse quantitative basée sur des traitements s…

MobilitéMobilité - tourisme- Développement durable[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyDurableVacancesTransports[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationPandémie

Social Services, Social Innovation and Multi-Actor Collaboration: A Civil Society Organisation Perspective


A central focus of this PhD dissertation is to advance an understanding of how social innovation is generated through the perspective of civil society organisations (CSOs) that provide social services to vulnerable groups through collaboration with multiple actors in the fragile context, with a legacy of war. An “agency-structure” approach has been applied as an overarching perspective throughout this dissertation. Theories such as institutional theory (new institutionalism and institutional networking), resource-dependency theory as well as the concepts of social innovation, collaboration, non-state service provision, NGO-isation and the third sector-public services provision present the m…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Sosialt arbeid: 360

Individualized Power Training Based on the Theoretical Force-Velocity Profile: Efficient or too many pitfalls?


Hensikt: Målet med denne studien var å utforske om et individualisert power-treningsprogram som er basert på den teoretiske individuelle kraft-hastighetsprofilen (KH) er mer effektiv enn et balansert power-treningsprogram for å forbedre sprint- og hopprestasjon. Metode: Førti nasjonale eliteutøvere fra håndball og fotball (alder 22 ± 4, høyde 183 ± 10 og kroppsmasse 84 ± 15) gjennomførte en 10-ukers treningsintervensjon. Utøvernes teoretiske optimale kraft-hastighetsprofilen ble utviklet med knebøyhopp med forskjellig belastning (0,20,40,60.80 kilogram), og basert på utøvernes KH-profil så ble de kategorisert som enten kraft- eller hastighetsdominante. Gjennom randomisering ble utøverne pla…

SARS-CoV-2 antibody persistence after five and twelve months: A cohort study from South-Eastern Norway


Objectives To assess total antibody levels against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) spike protein up to 12 months after Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) infection in non-vaccinated individuals and the possible predictors of antibody persistence. Methods This is the first part of a prospective multi-centre cohort study. Participants The study included SARS-CoV-2 real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) positive and negative participants in South-Eastern Norway from February to December 2020. Possible predictors of SARS-CoV-2 total antibody persistence was assessed. The SARS-CoV-2 total antibody levels against spike protein were measured three to five months aft…

AdultAged 80 and overMaleMultidisciplinaryNorwaySARS-CoV-2COVID-19Middle AgedAntibodies ViralCohort StudiesYoung AdultSpike Glycoprotein CoronavirusHumansFemaleVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700Prospective StudiesAged

'To Leave or to Remain': Trauma, Loss and the Reinvention of the Self in Rachel Cusk’s Outline trilogy


This thesis will examine trauma and loss in Rachel Cusk’s Outline trilogy: Outline (2014), Transit (2016) and Kudos (2018), and how it opposes and supplements another narrative, that of conversion and the reinvention of the self. I will track the tension between the model of personal trauma and loss of the main character and the conversion or rebirth narrative that unfolds in the novels. The trilogy introduces us to Faye, a writer who has recently divorced her husband after seven years of marriage and who is living alone with their two sons. This shock of modern life is something Faye, over the course of three novels, tries to cope with – she searches for a new way of living in the world. B…



[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history

Hypothesis testing for Panels of Semi-Markov Processes with parametric sojourn time distributions


This work deals with the asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators for semi-Markov processes with parametric sojourn time distributions. It is motivated by the comparison, via a two-sample test procedure, of the distribution of two panels of qualitative trajectories modeled by semi-Markov processes and observed over a random number of transitions. Considering first one panel of growing size, we derive, under classical conditions, the convergence in probability of the estimators of the transition probabilities and the parameters of the sojourn time distributions as well as their asymptotic normality. We then consider panels of semi-Markov processes drawn from two different popul…

Two-sample testsLikelihood ratio testWald type testPanels of qualitative trajectories[STAT] Statistics [stat]

Digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas 5. klases matemātikas mājasdarbos


Diplomdarbā Digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas 5. klases matemātikas mājasdarbos darba autore Marika Tereščenko aktualizējusi matemātikas nozīmi mācību procesā, kā arī digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas mājasdarbu izpildē. Diplomdarba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai digitālo rīku izmantošana mājasdarbu pildīšanā nemazina mājasdarbu nozīmi un kvalitāti. Pētījumā ir izmantotas vairākas metodes: teorētiskās izpētes metode, aprakstošā metode, atsevišķos gadījumos ir izmantota arī salīdzināmā un kvantitatīvā metode. Pētījuma ietvaros tika noskaidrots par digitālo rīku iespējām izmantot matemātikas mājasdarbu pildīšanā 5.klasē par daļām un jauktajiem skaitļiem. Khan Academy ir visatbilstošākais, jo t…

mājasdarbiPedagoģijamatemātikadigitālie rīkitehnoloģijas

Nano-Silica Carriers Coated by Chloramphenicol: Synthesis, Characterization, and Grinding Trial as a Way to Improve the Release Profile


Silica nanoparticles were applied as the carrier of chloramphenicol (2,2-dichloro-N-[(1R,2R)-1,3-dihydroxy-1-(4-nitrophenyl)propan-2-yl]acetamide), and were loaded in a 1% carbopol-based gel (poly(acrylic acid)), which allowed obtainment of an upgraded drug form. The samples of silica materials were obtained by means of modified Stöber synthesis, and their morphological properties were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, elemental analysis (EA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), analysis of the specific surface properties, X-ray diffraction study (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS) meth…

dissolution studysolStöber methodcarbopoldrug deliverysilica carrierchloramphenicol nanoparticlesrelease profilePharmaceuticals

Il lavoro sociale nei servizi dell’accoglienza a rifugiati e richiedenti asilo in Italia


Mediante una rassegna sintetica di studi e ricerche, il capitolo propone spunti per l’analisi di un particolare aspetto del sistema italiano di prima e seconda accoglienza di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo: gli operatori e le operatrici dei servizi. Gli studi sulla violenza di prossimità subita da migranti, principalmente di genere femminile, in transito nei centri per rifugiati e richiedenti asilo e sulla presa in carico da parte dei servizi sociosanitari segnalano criticità: alcune di esse concernono aspetti strutturali del sistema di accoglienza (normativa di riferimento), altre ineriscono ai criteri discrezionali propri dei centri. La carenza sia di figure competenti sia di uniformità e …

social workers migrants migrations policies ItalySettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generaleoperatori sociali migranti politiche migratorie Italia



La Renal Salt Wasting Syndrome (RSW) è una sindrome clinica con caratteristiche di laboratorio che si sovrappongono completamente alla sindrome da secrezione inappropriata di ADH (SIADH). La differenza fondamentale tra le due sindromi risiede nel volume extracellulare (ECV), ridotto nella RSW e normale o leggermente aumentato nella SIADH. Le difficoltà nella diagnosi differenziale di questa sindrome e nella comprensione del preciso meccanismo patogenetico hanno contribuito a mettere in discussione l'esistenza stessa di RSW. Considerando le caratteristiche della RSW, è stato studiato il possibile ruolo dei peptidi natriuretici per spiegare la sua patogenesi come ANP e BNP, con risultati inso…

Settore MED/14 - NefrologiakidneySettore MED/09 - Medicina Internanatriuretic peptidehyponatremianatriuriaiposodiemiasodiemiafluid balancepeptidi natriureticiurodilatinasodiopeptide natriuretico atrialeurodilatinatrial natriuretic peptidesaltbilancio idricosodiumanp

Additional file 12 of Elucidating the picocyanobacteria salinity divide through ecogenomics of new freshwater isolates


Additional file 12: Fig. S3. Genomic context of the phoBR two-component system in different marine, brackish and freshwater cluster 5 picocyanobacteria. Each subunit is color coded accordingly. The right panel shows a phylogenomic tree with all those freshwater strains (colored red) possessing two copies of the phoB gene.

Pirmsskolas vecuma bērna kritiskās domāšanas un problēmrisināšanas attīstība matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanās procesā


Bakalaura darba nosaukums: Pirmsskolas vecuma bērna kritiskās domāšanas un problēmrisināšanas attīstība matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanās procesā pirmsskolas iestādē Pētījuma mērķis: 5-6 gadīgu bērnu kritiskās domāšanas un problēmrisināšanas attīstības iespējas matemātikas nodarbībās pirmsskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā. Teorētiskā daļā aplūkots: •Kritiskās domāšanas un problēmrisināšanas būtība. Kā šo caurviju prasmi attīstot, attīstās bērna personība. •Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu kritiskās domāšanas un problēmrisināšanas attīstība matemātikas mācību kontekstā. Kā veicināt bērnu kritisko domāšanu un problēmrisināšanu matemātikas mācību jomā. Praktiskajā daļā: Tika pētīti vidējā vecuma pirmsskol…

matemātikaSkolas pedagoģijaproblēmrisināšanapirmsskolakritiskā domāšana

5 – 6 gadīgu bērnu izpratnes veidošana par veselīgu dzīvesveidu spēlēs


Darba autors: Anete Apiņa Darba nosaukums: 5 -6 gadīgu bērnu izpratnes veidošana par veselīgu dzīvesveidu spēles Pētījuma mērķis: teorētiski izzināt un praktiski pētīt spēļu pielietošanu pirmsskolā, 5 - 6 gadīgu bērnu izpratnes veidošanai par veselīgu dzīvesveidu. Uzdevumi: 1. Analizēt teorētisko literatūru par veselīgu dzīvesveidu un izpratnes veidošanu par to pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. 2. Pētīt izpratnes veidošanos par veselīgu dzīvesveidu spēlēs 5 – 6 gadīgiem bērniem. 3. Apkopot pētījuma rezultātus un izstrādāt ieteikumus pirmsskolas skolotājiem par veselīga dzīvesveida izpratnes veidošanu. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tika pētītā un analizēta literatūra par veselīgu dzīvesveidu. Dažādu aut…

Pirmsskolas pedagoģijaIzpratneVeselībaVeselīgs dzīvesveidsFiziskās aktivitātesPirmsskolas dienas rits

Omnichannel and Experience Approach as a Post-COVID-19 Economic Reactivation Mechanism


The aim of this chapter is to show how omnichannel tools must be applied through the process of creating experiences for the consumers. During the literature review, some authors make approaches to the key concepts connecting omnichannels and consumer experiences; therefore, they explain through the analysis of data the reality of the Ecuadorian environment and global trends. With this context, this chapter will present how, by using macro environment and accessibility, a unique experience may be created in the customer journey in omnichannel.

OmnichannelProcess managementCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)BusinessMechanism (sociology)