Alessandro Gulino
Constitutive psgl-1 correlates with cd30 and tcr pathways and represents a potential target for immunotherapy in anaplastic large t-cell lymphoma
Simple Summary P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), coded by the SELPLG gene, is the major ligand of selectins and plays a pivotal role in tethering, rolling and extravasation of immune cells. PSGL-1 involvement in core molecular programs, such as SYK, PLCγ2, PI3Kγ or MAPK pathways, suggests additional functions beyond the modulation of cell trafficking. Recently, several studies identified a novel mechanism responsible for PSGL-1-mediated immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment and proved a novel concept of PSGL-1 as a critical checkpoint molecule for tumor immunotherapy. The immunotherapeutic approach has gained an ever-growing interest in the treatment of several hematolog…
Challenges and new prospects in hepatosplenic γδ T-cell lymphoma.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoid neoplasms characterized by aggressive clinical behavior and dismal prognosis. Hepatosplenic γδ T-cell lymphoma (γδ-HSTL) is a particular form of PTCL that arises from a small subset of γ/δ T-cell receptor-expressing lymphocytes. γδ-HSTL has a rapidly progressive course and poor outcome due also to its refractoriness to conventional chemotherapy regimens. The very low incidence of γδ-HSTL, along with its propensity to mimic different pathological entities, makes this lymphoma a true diagnostic challenge. In this review, we highlight the biological and clinical features of γδ-HSTL that contribute to making this lymphoma…
Distinct Roles of Classical and Lectin Pathways of Complement in Preeclamptic Placentae
Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by defective vascular remodeling in maternal decidua responsible for reduced blood flow leading to functional and structural alterations in the placenta. We have investigated the contribution of the complement system to decidual vascular changes and showed that trophoblasts surrounding unremodeled vessels prevalent in preeclamptic decidua fail to express C1q that are clearly detected in cells around remodeled vessels predominant in control placenta. The critical role of C1q is supported by the finding that decidual trophoblasts of femaleC1qa-/-pregnant mice mated toC1qa+/+male mice surrounding remodeled vessels express C1q of paternal …
SPARC regulation of PMN clearance protects from pristane induced lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
AbstractOne step along the pathogenesis of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) death and their ineffective removal by M2-macrophages. The secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein with unexpected immunosuppressive function in M2-macrophages and myeloid cells. To investigate the role of SPARC in autoimmunity, we adopted a pristane–induced model of lupus in mice, which recapitulates clinical manifestations of human SLE. Sparc-/- mice developed earlier and more severe renal disease, lung and liver parenchymal damage than the WT counterpart. Most prominently, Sparc-/- mice had anticipated and severe occurr…
Real-time detection of BRAF V600E mutation from archival hairy cell leukemia FFPE tissue by nanopore sequencing
The MinION is a miniaturized high-throughput next generation sequencing platform of novel conception. The use of nucleic acids derived from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples is highly desirable, but their adoption for molecular assays is hurdled by the high degree of fragmentation and by the chemical-induced mutations stemming from the fixation protocols. In order to investigate the suitability of MinION sequencing on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples, the presence and frequency of BRAF c.1799T > A mutation was investigated in two archival tissue specimens of Hairy cell leukemia and Hairy cell leukemia Variant. Despite the poor quality of the starting DNA, BRAF mutation was su…
Stromal niche communalities underscore the contribution of the matricellular protein SPARC to B-cell development and lymphoid malignancies
Neoplastic B-cell clones commonly arise within secondary lymphoid organs (SLO). However, during disease progression, lymphomatous cells may also colonize the bone marrow (BM), where they localize within specialized stromal niches, namely the osteoblastic and the vascular niche, according to their germinal center-or extra-follicular-derivation, respectively. We hypothesized the existence of common stromal motifs in BM and SLO B-cell lymphoid niches involved in licensing normal B-cell development as well as in fostering transformed B lymphoid cells. Thus, we tested the expression of prototypical mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) markers and regulatory matricellular proteins in human BM and SLO u…
New landscapes and horizons in hepatocellular carcinoma therapy
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is the sixth most frequent form of cancer and leads to the fourth highest number of deaths each year. HCC results from a combination of environmental factors and aging as there are driver mutations at oncogenes which occur during aging. Most of HCCs are diagnosed at advanced stage preventing curative therapies. Treatment in advanced stage is a challenging and pressing problem, and novel and well-tolerated therapies are urgently needed. We will discuss further advances beyond sorafenib that target additional signaling pathways and immune checkpoint proteins. The scenario of possible systemic therapies for patients with advanced HCC has changed dramatically in …
Neoadjuvant eribulin mesylate following anthracycline and taxane in triple negative breast cancer: Results from the HOPE study
BackgroundEribulin mesylate (E) is indicated for metastatic breast cancer patients previously treated with anthracycline and taxane. We argued that E could also benefit patients eligible for neoadjuvant chemotherapy.MethodsPatients with primary triple negative breast cancer ≥2 cm received doxorubicin 60 mg/m2 and paclitaxel 200 mg/m2 x 4 cycles (AT) followed by E 1.4 mg/m2 x 4 cycles. Primary endpoint was pathological complete response (pCR) rate; secondary and explorative endpoints included clinical/metabolic response rates and safety, and biomarker analysis, respectively. Using a two-stage Simon design, 43 patients were to be included provided that 4 of 13 patients had achieved pCR in the…
NUPR1, a new target in liver cancer: implication in controlling cell growth, migration, invasion and sorafenib resistance
AbstractSorafenib, an oral multikinase inhibitor, is the only approved agent for the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, its benefits are modest, and as its mechanisms of action remain elusive, a better understanding of its anticancer effects is needed. Based on our previous study results, we investigated here the implication of the nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) in HCC and its role in sorafenib treatment. NUPR1 is a stress-inducible protein that is overexpressed in various malignancies, but its role in HCC is not yet fully understood. We found that NUPR1 expression was significantly higher in primary human HCC samples than in the normal liver. Knockdown of NUPR1 signi…
Targeting COPZ1 non-oncogene addiction counteracts the viability of thyroid tumor cells
Abstract Thyroid carcinoma is generally associated with good prognosis, but no effective treatments are currently available for aggressive forms not cured by standard therapy. To find novel therapeutic targets for this tumor type, we had previously performed a siRNA-based functional screening to identify genes essential for sustaining the oncogenic phenotype of thyroid tumor cells, but not required to the same extent for the viability of normal cells (non-oncogene addiction paradigm). Among those, we found the coatomer protein complex ζ1 (COPZ1) gene, which is involved in intracellular traffic, autophagy and lipid homeostasis. In this paper, we investigated the mechanisms through which COPZ…
Persistent immune stimulation exacerbates genetically driven myeloproliferative disorders via stromal remodeling
Abstract Systemic immune stimulation has been associated with increased risk of myeloid malignancies, but the pathogenic link is unknown. We demonstrate in animal models that experimental systemic immune activation alters the bone marrow stromal microenvironment, disarranging extracellular matrix (ECM) microarchitecture, with downregulation of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) and collagen-I and induction of complement activation. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in Treg frequency and by an increase in activated effector T cells. Under these conditions, hematopoietic precursors harboring nucleophosmin-1 (NPM1) mutation generated myeloid cells unfit for normal …
CK2β-regulated signaling controls B cell differentiation and function
Serine-Threonine kinase CK2 supports malignant B-lymphocyte growth but its role in B-cell development and activation is largely unknown. Here, we describe the first B-cell specific knockout (KO) mouse model of the β regulatory subunit of CK2. CK2βKO mice present an increase in marginal zone (MZ) and a reduction in follicular B cells, suggesting a role for CK2 in the regulation of the B cell receptor (BCR) and NOTCH2 signaling pathways. Biochemical analyses demonstrate an increased activation of the NOTCH2 pathway in CK2βKO animals, which sustains MZ B-cell development. Transcriptomic analyses indicate alterations in biological processes involved in immune response and B-cell activation. Upo…
Mesenchymal Transition of High-Grade Breast Carcinomas Depends on Extracellular Matrix Control of Myeloid Suppressor Cell Activity
SummaryThe extracellular matrix (ECM) contributes to the biological and clinical heterogeneity of breast cancer, and different prognostic groups can be identified according to specific ECM signatures. In high-grade, but not low-grade, tumors, an ECM signature characterized by high SPARC expression (ECM3) identifies tumors with increased epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), reduced treatment response, and poor prognosis. To better understand how this ECM3 signature is contributing to tumorigenesis, we expressed SPARC in isogenic cell lines and found that SPARC overexpression in tumor cells reduces their growth rate and induces EMT. SPARC expression also results in the formation of a h…
Antibody-mediated blockade of JMJD6 interaction with collagen I exerts antifibrotic and antimetastatic activities
JMJD6 is known to localize in the nucleus, exerting histone arginine demethylase and lysyl hydroxylase activities. A novel localization of JMJD6 in the extracellular matrix, resulting from its secretion as a soluble protein, was unveiled by a new anti-JMJD6 mAb called P4E11, which was developed to identify new targets in the stroma. Recombinant JMJD6 binds with collagen type I (Coll-I), and distinct JMJD6 peptides interfere with collagen fibrillogenesis, collagen-fibronectin interaction, and adhesion of human tumor cells to the collagen substrate. P4E11 and collagen binding to JMJD6 are mutually exclusive because the amino acid sequences of JMJD6 necessary for the interaction with Coll-I ar…
Spheroids from adipose-derived stem cells exhibit an miRNA profile of highly undifferentiated cells
Two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures have been extensively used to investigate stem cell biology, but new insights show that the 2D model may not properly represent the potential of the tissue of origin. Conversely, three-dimensional cultures exhibit protein expression patterns and intercellular junctions that are more representative of their in vivo condition. Multiclonal cells that grow in suspension are defined as "spheroids," and we have previously demonstrated that spheroids from adipose-derived stem cells (S-ASCs) displayed enhanced regenerative capability. With the current study, we further characterized S-ASCs to further understand the molecular mechanisms underlying their stemness pr…
Mast cells crosstalk with B cells in the gut and sustain IgA response in the inflamed intestine.
B lymphocytes are among the cell types whose effector functions are modulated by mast cells (MCs). The B/MC crosstalk emerged in several pathological settings, notably the colon of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients is a privileged site in which MCs and IgA+ cells physically interact. Herein, by inducing conditional depletion of MCs in red MC and basophil (RMB) mice, we show that MCs control B cell distribution in the gut and IgA serum levels. Moreover, in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-treated RMB mice, the presence of MCs is fundamental for the enlargement of the IgA+ population in the bowel and the increase of systemic IgA production. Since both conventional B-2 and peritoneal-deriv…
Targeting a Specific Glycosylated Epitope of CD43 with a New Humanized Monoclonal Antibody for the Treatment of Pediatric and Adult T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL)
Abstract Introduction: T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) accounts for about 20% of pediatric and adult ALL cases. Despite the use of intensive chemotherapy protocols, 25% of children and 50% of adult patients fail to respond or relapse. The 3-years prognosis for these patients is poor and novel treatment options are needed. The targeting of tumor-associated antigens by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is among the most investigated immune-therapeutic strategies. Accordingly, we developed a new humanized mAb (hUMG1), directed against a heavy glycosylated epitope of CD43 which presents a high reactivity against T-ALL cells. Here we investigated the pre-clinical therapeutic activity and t…
OP0023 Targeted Polymeric Nanoparticles as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease affecting joints due to the persistent synovial tissue inflammation. RA treatment has dramatically evolved in the last 20 years due to the production of biological Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (bDMARDs). However, side effects and the high costs of biological drugs are holding back their widespread usage. Moreover, some patients fail to respond to bDMARDs, for all of these reasons, DMARDs remains the main desired strategy for the treatment of RA, and Methotrexate (MTX) is still the “anchor” drug to treat RA. A successful treatment depends also on the early diagnosis, treating patients as soon as possible …
Intra-tumor heterogeneity of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma involves the induction of diversified stroma-tumor interfaces
ABSTRACTIntra-tumor heterogeneity in lymphoid malignancies is articulated around several fundamentals, encompassing selection of genetic subclonal events and epigenetic regulation of transcriptional programs. Clonally-related neoplastic cell populations are unsteadily subjected to immune editing and metabolic adaptations within different tissue microenvironments. How tissue-intrinsic mesenchymal determinants impact on the diversification of aggressive lymphomas is still unknown. In this study we adopted the established A20 line-based model of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), to investigate the intra-tumor heterogeneity associated with the infiltration of different tissue microenvironm…
Release of IFNγ by Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Remodels Bone Marrow Immune Microenvironment by Inducing Regulatory T Cells
Abstract Purpose: The stromal and immune bone marrow (BM) landscape is emerging as a crucial determinant for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Regulatory T cells (Treg) are enriched in the AML microenvironment, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly elucidated. Here, we addressed the effect of IFNγ released by AML cells in BM Treg induction and its impact on AML prognosis. Experimental Design: BM aspirates from patients with AML were subdivided according to IFNG expression. Gene expression profiles in INFγhigh and IFNγlow samples were compared by microarray and NanoString analysis and used to compute a prognostic index. The IFNγ release effect on the BM microenvironment was investigated in me…
SPARC is a new myeloid-derived suppressor cell marker licensing suppressive activities
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are well-known key negative regulators of the immune response during tumor growth, however scattered is the knowledge of their capacity to influence and adapt to the different tumor microenvironments and of the markers that identify those capacities. Here we show that the secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) identifies in both human and mouse MDSC with immune suppressive capacity and pro-tumoral activities including the induction of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and angiogenesis. In mice the genetic deletion of SPARC reduced MDSC immune suppression and reverted EMT. Sparc−/− MDSC were less suppressive overall and the granu…
Injectable in situ forming hydrogels based on natural and synthetic polymers for potential application in cartilage repair
In this work we prepared two new hyaluronic acid (HA) based in situ forming hydrogels for the potential treatment of articular cartilage damages. In particular the amino derivative of HA (HA-EDA) and its graft copolymer with α-elastin (HA-EDA-g-α-elastin) were crosslinked, in mild physiological conditions via Michael-type addition, with α,β-poly(N-2-hydroxyethyl)-dl-aspartamide (PHEA) derivatized with divinylsulfone (DV). The swelling and degradation profile of the obtained hydrogels as well as the metabolic activity of incorporated bovine articular chondrocytes were investigated. Histological analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed to analyze the morphology of cells …
Pathogenic Role of Complement in Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Therapeutic Implications
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune disease characterized by thromboembolic events, pregnancy morbidity, and the presence of antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies. There is sound evidence that aPL act as pathogenic autoantibodies being responsible for vascular clots and miscarriages. However, the exact mechanisms involved in the clinical manifestations of the syndrome are still a matter of investigation. In particular, while vascular thrombosis is apparently not associated with inflammation, the pathogenesis of miscarriages can be explained only in part by the aPL-mediated hypercoagulable state and additional non-thrombotic effects, including placental inflammation, have b…
Heat Shock Protein 70 Serum Levels Differ Significantly in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis, Liver Cirrhosis, and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Members of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family play an important role in assisting protein folding, preventing protein aggregation and transport of proteins across membranes under physiological conditions. Following environmental (i.e., irradiation, chemotherapy), physiological (i.e., cell growth, differentiation), and pathophysiological (i.e., inflammation, tumorigenesis) stress, the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) is highly up-regulated, whereas protein synthesis in general is reduced. In contrast to normal cells, many tumor entities including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) overexpress HSP70, the major-stress-inducible member of the HSP70 family, present it on their cell surf…
Alteration of HSC Functions in Thalassemia
Abstract Beta-thalassemia represents one of the most globally widespread monogenic disorders and is characterized by significantly reduced or absent synthesis of hemoglobin beta-chains. In its severe form the insufficient production of adult hemoglobin results in altered erythropoiesis, hemolytic anemia, bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic hyperplasia and splenomegaly often associated with extramedullary hematopoiesis, requiring regular blood transfusions and iron chelation treatment. Over the last two decades many progresses were made in the field of allogeneic bone marrow (BM) transplantation to definitively cure beta-thalassemia. In parallel, experimental autologous transplantation protocols …
C3 Drives Inflammatory Skin Carcinogenesis Independently of C5
Nonmelanoma skin cancer such as cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the most common form of cancer and can occur as a consequence of DNA damage to the epithelium by UVR or chemical carcinogens. There is growing evidence that the complement system is involved in cancer immune surveillance; however, its role in cSCC remains unclear. Here, we show that complement genes are expressed in tissue from patients with cSCC, and C3 activation fragments are present in cSCC biopsies, indicating complement activation. Using a range of complement-deficient mice in a two-stage mouse model of chemically-induced cSCC, where a subclinical dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene causes oncogenic mutatio…
Bone marrow stroma CD40 expression correlates with inflammatory mast cell infiltration and disease progression in splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is a mature B-cell neoplasm characterized by rather indolent clinical course. However, nearly one third of patients experience a rapidly progressive disease with a dismal outcome. Despite the characterization of clone geneticsandthe recognition of deregulated immunologic stimulation in the pathogenesis of SMZL, little is known about microenvironment dynamics and their potential biological influence on disease outcome. Here we investigate the effect of stroma-intrinsic features on SMZL disease progression by focusing on the microenvironment of the bone marrow (BM), which represents an elective disease localization endorsing diagnostic and prognostic rele…
Hematopoietic stem cell function in b-thalassemia is impaired and is rescued by targeting the bone marrow niche
Abstract Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are regulated by signals from the bone marrow (BM) niche that tune hematopoiesis at steady state and in hematologic disorders. To understand HSC-niche interactions in altered nonmalignant homeostasis, we selected β-thalassemia, a hemoglobin disorder, as a paradigm. In this severe congenital anemia, alterations secondary to the primary hemoglobin defect have a potential impact on HSC-niche cross talk. We report that HSCs in thalassemic mice (th3) have an impaired function, caused by the interaction with an altered BM niche. The HSC self-renewal defect is rescued after cell transplantation into a normal microenvironment, thus proving the active role of…
Targeted sequencing of BRAF by MinION in archival Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded specimens allows to discriminate between Hairy Cell Leukemia and Hair Cell Leukemia Variant
Targeted sequencing of BRAF by MinION in archival Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded specimens allows to discriminate between Hairy Cell Leukemia and Hair Cell Leukemia Variant
CD40 provides immune privilege to the bone marrow hematopoietic niche
AbstractAllogeneic bone marrow transplantation remains the only therapeutic option for a wide range of hematological malignancies despite the risk of possible adverse, immune-related events, such as infection and acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD). aGVHD is characterized by T-cell activation, defective B-cell development and osteoblastic niche destruction in bone marrow (BM) among other issues. Transplant conditioning regimens cause excessive inflammatory cytokines production and impaired regulatory T-cell control of aberrant T-cell activation. Here, we show that mesenchymal cells (MSCs) upregulated CD40 upon irradiation at the expense of mesenchymal markers, and that CD40 endows MSC o…
Pathological significance and prognostic value of surfactant protein D in cancer
Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is a pattern recognition molecule belonging to the Collectin (collagen-containing C-type lectin) family that has pulmonary as well as extra-pulmonary existence. In the lungs, it is a well-established opsonin that can agglutinate a range of microbes, and enhance their clearance via phagocytosis and super-oxidative burst. It can interfere with allergen–IgE interaction and suppress basophil and mast cell activation. However, it is now becoming evident that SP-D is likely to be an innate immune surveillance molecule against tumor development. SP-D has been shown to induce apoptosis in sensitized eosinophils derived from allergic patients and a leukemic cell line via …
Intra-tumour heterogeneity of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involves the induction of diversified stroma-tumour interfaces
Abstract Background Intra-tumour heterogeneity in lymphoid malignancies encompasses selection of genetic events and epigenetic regulation of transcriptional programs. Clonal-related neoplastic cell populations are unsteadily subjected to immune editing and metabolic adaptations within different tissue microenvironments. How tissue-specific mesenchymal cells impact on the diversification of aggressive lymphoma clones is still unknown. Methods Combining in situ quantitative immunophenotypical analyses and RNA sequencing we investigated the intra-tumour heterogeneity and the specific mesenchymal modifications that are associated with A20 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cells seeding of d…
Reciprocal influence of B cells and tumor macro and microenvironments in the ApcMin/+ model of colorectal cancer
One of the most fascinating aspects of the immune system is its dynamism, meant as the ability to change and readapt according to the organism needs. Following an insult, we assist to the spontaneous organization of different immune cells which cooperate, locally and at distance, to build up an appropriate response. Throughout tumor progression, adaptations within the systemic tumor environment, or macroenvironment, result in the promotion of tumor growth, tumor invasion and metastasis to distal organs, but also to dramatic changes in the activity and composition of the immune system. In this work, we show the changes of the B-cell arm of the immune system following tumor progression in the…
Epigenetic changes and nuclear factor-κB activation, but not microRNA-224, downregulate Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein in triple-negative breast cancer SUM 159 cells
Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) is a tumor suppressor and metastasis inhibitor, which enhances drug-induced apoptosis of cancer cells. Downregulation of RKIP may be significant in the biology of highly aggressive and drug-resistant tumors, for example triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs). Potential causes for the low levels of RKIP expressed by SUM 159 TNBC cells were investigated in the present study. Bisulphite modification, methylation specific-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a TransAM NF-κB assay were performed and the results suggested that various mechanisms, including methylation of the gene promoter, histone deacetylation and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation, but not…
SPARC regulation of PMN clearance protects from pristane-induced lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
Summary The secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein with unexpected immunosuppressive function in myeloid cells. We investigated the role of SPARC in autoimmunity using the pristane-induced model of lupus that, in mice, mimics human systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Sparc−/− mice developed earlier and more severe renal disease, multi-organ parenchymal damage, and arthritis than the wild-type counterpart. Sparc+/- heterozygous mice showed an intermediate phenotype suggesting Sparc gene dosage in autoimmune-related events. Mechanistically, reduced Sparc expression in neutrophils blocks their clearance by macrophages, through defective delivery of don'…
In situ forming hydrogels of hyaluronic acid and inulin derivatives for cartilage regeneration.
An in situ forming hydrogel obtained by crosslinking of amino functionalized hyaluronic acid derivatives with divinylsulfone functionalized inulin (INU-DV) has been here designed and characterized. In particular two hyaluronic acid derivatives bearing respectively a pendant ethylenediamino (EDA) portion (HA-EDA) and both EDA and octadecyl pendant groups (HA-EDA-C18) were crosslinked through an azo-Michael reaction with INU-DV. Gelation time and consumption of DV portions have been evaluated on hydrogel obtained using HA-EDA and HA-EDA-C18 derivatives with a concentration of 3% w/v and a ratio 80/20 w/w respect to the crosslinker INU-DV. The presence of pendant C18 chains improves mechanical…
MERTK rs4374383 AA genotype is associated with a lower prevalence of severe hepatic steatosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Direct RNA nanopore sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 extracted from critical material from swabs
ABSTRACTBackgroundIn consideration of the increasing prevalence of COVID-19 cases in several countries and the resulting demand for unbiased sequencing approaches, we performed a direct RNA sequencing experiment using critical oropharyngeal swab samples collected from Italian patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 from the Palermo region in Sicily.MethodsHere, we identified the sequences SARS-CoV-2 directly in RNA extracted from critical samples using the Oxford Nanopore MinION technology without prior cDNA retro-transcription.ResultsUsing an appropriate bioinformatics pipeline, we could identify mutations in the nucleocapisid (N) gene, which have been reported previously in studies conducted in…
MYD88 L265P mutation and interleukin‐10 detection in cerebrospinal fluid are highly specific discriminating markers in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma: results from a prospective study
Reliable biomarkers are needed to avoid diagnostic delay and its devastating effects in patients with primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (PCNSL). We analysed the discriminating sensitivity and specificity of myeloid differentiation primary response (88) (MYD88) L265P mutation (mut-MYD88) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of both patients with newly diagnosed (n = 36) and relapsed (n = 27) PCNSL and 162 controls (118 CNS disorders and 44 extra-CNS lymphomas). The concordance of MYD88 mutational status between tumour tissue and CSF sample and the source of ILs in PCNSL tissues were also investigated. Mut-MYD88 was assessed by TaqMan-based polymerase chain reac…
Construction and evaluation of sponge scaffolds from hyaluronic acid derivatives for potential cartilage regeneration
A two or one pot synthesis has been used for the reaction of hyaluronic acid (HA) with octadecylamine (C-18) and hydrazine (Hy). In both cases, the chemical derivatization involved primary hydroxyl groups of hyaluronic acid and not its carboxyl groups, whose presence is important for receptor interaction. In this way, Hy-HA-C-18 derivatives have been obtained with appropriate hydrophobic and hydrophilic character. Their ability to form homogeneous physical hydrogels has been evaluated as well as the possibility to obtain porous sponges through salt leaching technology. Sponges showing the highest porosity, potentially compatible with cell entrapment, have been characterized with regard to t…
CD40 activity on mesenchymal cells negatively regulates OX40L to maintain bone marrow immune homeostasis under stress conditions
BackgroundWithin the bone marrow (BM), mature T cells are maintained under homeostatic conditions to facilitate proper hematopoietic development. This homeostasis depends upon a peculiar elevated frequency of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and immune regulatory activities from BM-mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs). In response to BM transplantation (BMT), the conditioning regimen exposes the BM to a dramatic induction of inflammatory cytokines and causes an unbalanced T-effector (Teff) and Treg ratio. This imbalance negatively impacts hematopoiesis, particularly in regard to B-cell lymphopoiesis that requires an intact cross-talk between BM-MSCs and Tregs. The mechanisms underlying the ability of…
Efficacy of bendamustine and rituximab in splenic marginal zone lymphoma: results from the phase II BRISMA/IELSG36 study.
Splenectomy in addition to immunotherapy with rituximab can provide quick and sometimes durable disease control in patients with splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL). However, systemic chemotherapy is ultimately required in many cases. The BRISMA (Bendamustine-rituximab as first-line treatment of splenic marginal zone lymphoma)/IELSG (International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group)36 trial is an open-label, single arm phase II study designed by the IELSG in cooperation with the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi and the lymphoma Study Association according to Simon's two-stage method. The primary endpoint was complete response rate. Fifty-six patients with SMZL diagnosis confirmed on central revis…
Human Spheroids from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Induce Calvarial Bone Production in a Xenogeneic Rabbit Model
ABSTRACT: Calvarial defects can result from several causes. Tissue engineering hold the potential to restore native form and protective function. We have recently shown that stemness and differentiation ability of spheroids from adipose-derived stem cells (S-ASCs) promotes osteoblasts growth within Integra in a small vertebral lesion. In our study, we aimed to test osteogenic potential of S-ASCs in aiding regeneration of a calvarial defect. Groups containing Integra showed increased bone regeneration at the calvarial defect-Integra interface compared with the control group. In particular, S-ASC-derived osteoblasts group showed a superior calvarial remodeling than undifferentiated S-ASCs gro…
Poly(I:C) and CpG-ODN combined aerosolization to treat lung metastases and counter the immunosuppressive microenvironment.
The immunostimulatory ability of synthetic oligonucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG-ODN), agonists of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), can be harnessed to promote antitumor immunity by their application at the tumor site to stimulate local activation of innate immunity; however, particularly in the lung, tumor-associated immunosuppression can subvert such antitumor innate immune responses. To locally maintain continuous activation of innate subpopulations while inhibiting immunosuppressive cells, we evaluated aerosol delivery CpG-ODN combined with Poly(I:C), a TLR3 agonist able to convert tumor-supporting macrophages to tumoricidal effectors, in the treatment of B16 melanoma lung metastases …
Natriuretic peptide system expression in murine and human submandibular salivary glands: a study of the spatial localisation of ANB, BNP, CNP and their receptors
AbstractThe natriuretic peptide (NP) system comprises of three ligands, the Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP), Brain Natriuretic peptide (BNP) and C-type Natriuretic peptide (CNP), and three natriuretic peptide receptors, NPRA, NPRB and NPRC. Here we present a comprehensive study of the natriuretic peptide system in healthy murine and human submandibular salivary glands (SMGs). We show CNP is the dominant NP in mouse and human SMG and is expressed together with NP receptors in ducts, autonomic nerves and the microvasculature of the gland, suggesting CNP autocrine signalling may take place in some of these glandular structures. These data suggest the NP system may control salivary gland funct…
Targeting HSP90 with the small molecule inhibitor AUY922 (luminespib) as a treatment strategy against hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly malignant tumor that responds very poorly to existing therapies, most probably due to its extraordinary inter- and intra-tumor molecular heterogeneity. The modest therapeutic response to molecular targeted agents underlines the need for new therapeutic approaches for HCC. In our study, we took advantage of well-characterized human HCC cell lines, differing in transcriptomic subtypes, DNA mutation and amplification alterations, reflecting the heterogeneity of primary HCCs, to provide a preclinical evaluation of the specific heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) inhibitor AUY922 (luminespib). Indeed, HSP90 is highly expressed in different tumor types, but it…
Universal newborn hearing screening in the Italian Region of Sicily in 2018
We have clarified the role of Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening (UNHS) for both early diagnosis and rapid treatment in order to improve the prognosis of the deaf child and reduce patient management costs. Although in Sicily UNHS has been progressively implemented, there is scarce data in the literature on this matter. Therefore, the main objective was to collect in the year 2018 the following data: number of newborns screened for hearing loss, number of infants "referred" to transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), number of infants with pathologic auditory brainstem response (ABR) and number of infants affected by permanent hearing loss.UNHS monitoring was conducted through the…
Microenvironment modulation and enhancement of antilymphoma therapy by the heparanase inhibitor roneparstat
Therapeutic afucosylated monoclonal antibody and bispecific T-cell engagers for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
BackgroundT-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is an aggressive disease with a poor cure rate for relapsed/resistant patients. Due to the lack of T-cell restricted targetable antigens, effective immune-therapeutics are not presently available and the treatment of chemo-refractory T-ALL is still an unmet clinical need. To develop novel immune-therapy for T-ALL, we generated an afucosylated monoclonal antibody (mAb) (ahuUMG1) and two different bispecific T-cell engagers (BTCEs) against UMG1, a unique CD43-epitope highly and selectively expressed by T-ALL cells from pediatric and adult patients.MethodsUMG1 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on a wide panel of normal t…
MERTK rs4374383 polymorphism affects the severity of fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Background & Aim Homozygosity for a common non-coding rs4374383 G>A polymorphism in MERTK (myeloid-epithelial-reproductive tyrosine kinase) has been associated with the protection against fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C. The main study objective was to assess whether MERTK AA genotype influences liver fibrosis, and secondarily MERTK expression in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We also investigated whether MERTK is expressed in human hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and in murine models of fibrogenesis. Methods We considered 533 consecutive patients who underwent liver biopsy for suspected non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) without severe obesity from two …
Identificazione di nuovi bersagli terapeutici nel microambiente nei Linfomi T Epatosplenici
Wnt3a Neutralization Enhances T-cell Responses through Indirect Mechanisms and Restrains Tumor Growth
Abstract The Wnt/β-catenin pathway regulates T-cell functions, including the repression of effector functions to the advantage of memory development via Tcf1. In a companion study, we demonstrate that, in human cancers, Wnt3a/β-catenin signaling maintains tumor-infiltrating T cells in a partially exhausted status. Here, we have investigated the effects of Wnt3a neutralization in vivo in a mouse tumor model. Abundant Wnt3a was released, mostly by stromal cells, in the tumor microenvironment. We tested whether Wnt3a neutralization in vivo could rescue the effector capacity of tumor-infiltrating T cells, by administering an antibody to Wnt3a to tumor-bearing mice. This therapy restrained tumor…
Direct RNA Nanopore Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Extracted from Critical Material from Swabs
In consideration of the increasing prevalence of COVID-19 cases in several countries and the resulting demand for unbiased sequencing approaches, we performed a direct RNA sequencing (direct RNA seq.) experiment using critical oropharyngeal swab samples collected from Italian patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 from the Palermo region in Sicily. Here, we identified the sequences SARS-CoV-2 directly in RNA extracted from critical samples using the Oxford Nanopore MinION technology without prior cDNA retrotranscription. Using an appropriate bioinformatics pipeline, we could identify mutations in the nucleocapsid (N) gene, which have been reported previously in studies conducted in other countri…
Microenvironmental regulation of the IL-23R/IL-23 axis overrides chronic lymphocytic leukemia indolence
Although the progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) requires the cooperation of the microenvironment, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms involved are still unclear. We investigated the interleukin (IL)-23 receptor (IL-23R)/IL-23 axis and found that circulating cells from early-stage CLL patients with shorter time-to-treatment, but not of those with a more benign course, expressed a defective form of the IL-23R complex lacking the IL-12Rβ1 chain. However, cells from both patient groups expressed the complete IL-23R complex in tissue infiltrates and could be induced to express the IL-12Rβ1 chain when cocultured with activated T cells or CD40L+ cells. CLL cells activated in…
Dissection of DLBCL microenvironment provides a gene expression-based predictor of survival applicable to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue
Abstract Background Gene expression profiling (GEP) studies recognized a prognostic role for tumor microenvironment (TME) in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), but the routinely adoption of prognostic stromal signatures remains limited. Patients and methods Here, we applied the computational method CIBERSORT to generate a 1028-gene matrix incorporating signatures of 17 immune and stromal cytotypes. Then, we carried out a deconvolution on publicly available GEP data of 482 untreated DLBCLs to reveal associations between clinical outcomes and proportions of putative tumor-infiltrating cell types. Forty-five genes related to peculiar prognostic cytotypes were selected and their expression …
Anaplastic Large T Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) is characterized by high expression of P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1 (PSGL-1) that positively correlates with CD30 expression and TCR signaling pathway.
Anaplastic Large T Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) is characterized by high expression of P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1 (PSGL-1) that positively correlates with CD30 expression and TCR signaling pathway.