Laurent Markey
Surface-plasmon hopping along coupled coplanar cavities
International audience; We report on surface-plasmon propagation along coupled coplanar cavities periodically distributed in an otherwise unperturbed plasmonic crystal. We show that the dispersion of particular Bloch modes can exhibit multiple energy gaps that can be adjusted by choosing the cavity size. For resonant sizes, the composite crystals composed of juxtaposed cavities can support plasmon modes at frequencies within the gap of the unperturbed grating. In this case, we demonstrate that the surface-plasmon propagation relies on a hopping mechanism.
Characterization of thermo-optical 2×2 switch configurations made of Dielectric Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides for telecom routing architecture
We report on the characterization of thermo-optic switch structures based on Dielectric Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide for high data bit rate transfer. Performances are extracted by Leakage Radiation Microscopy and compared to numerical results.
Nonlinear photon-assisted tunneling transport in optical gap antennas.
International audience; We introduce strongly coupled optical gap antennas to interface optical radiation with current-carrying electrons at the nanoscale. The transducer relies on the nonlinear optical and electrical properties of an optical gap antenna operating in the tunneling regime. We discuss the underlying physical mechanisms controlling the conversion involving d-band electrons and demonstrate that a simple two-wire optical antenna can provide advanced optoelectronic functionalities beyond tailoring the electromagnetic response of a single emitter. Interfacing an electronic command layer with a nanoscale optical device may thus be facilitated by the optical rectennas discussed here.
10 Gb/s transmission and thermo-optic resonance tuning in silicon-plasmonic waveguide platform
The first system-level experimental results of hybrid Si-DLSPP structures incorporated into a SOI chip are reported. We demonstrate over 7nm thermo-optical tuning of a Si-Plasmonic racetrack-resonator and verify error-free 10Gb/s transmission through 60um Si-Plasmonic waveguide.
Supercontinuum generation in titanium dioxide waveguides
International audience; Optical supercontinua are a fundamental topic that has stimulated a tremendous practical interest since the early works of Alfano et al. in the 70’s in bulk components. Photonic crystal fibers have then brought some remarkable potentialities in tailoring the dispersive properties of a waveguide while maintaining a high level of confinement over significant propagation distances. The next breakthrough is to further reduce the footprint of the nonlinear component and to achieve the generation of optical supercontinuum on a photonic chip. To reach this aim, several platforms have been successfully investigated such as silicon, silicon germanium, silicon nitride, chalcog…
Active Plasmonics in True Data Traffic Applications: Thermo-Optic On/Off Gating Using a Silicon-Plasmonic Asymmetric MachZehnder Interferometer
We present the first system-level demonstration of an active plasmonic device in 10-Gb/s data traffic conditions. An asymmetric silicon-plasmonic Mach-Zehnder interferometer with dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides serving as the electrically controlled arms, operates as thermo-optic ON/OFF gating element with 2.8-mu s response time and 10.8-mW power consumption. We present the first system-level demonstration of an active plasmonic device in 10-Gb/s data traffic conditions. An asymmetric silicon-plasmonic Mach-Zehnder interferometer with dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides serving as the electrically controlled arms, operates as thermo-optic ON/OFF gating element with 2.8-mu s respon…
Sorting of Enhanced Reference Raman Spectra of a Single Amino Acid Molecule
In this contribution, we report the identification of the principal reference Raman spectra of a single cystein molecule. To that purpose, we design an active Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) template based on surfactant-less Chebyshev nanoparticles operating in a microfluidic platform. A principal component analysis is obtained from fluctuating spectra to sort the reference spectra of cystein. The assignment of Raman bands brings new insight into the conformation of an amino acid adsorbed onto gold nanoparticle.
Leakage radiation microscopy of surface plasmon coupled emission: investigation of gain-assisted propagation in an integrated plasmonic waveguide.
International audience; Using a single-mode dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguide doped with quantum dots, we were able to slightly increase the propagation length of the mode by stimulated emission of plasmon. We analyse the amplification phenomenon in the visible range by combining leakage radiation microscopy and surface plasmon coupled emission techniques.
Power monitoring in dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides
We report on propagating mode power monitoring in dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs) by measuring the resistance of gold stripes supporting the DLSPPW mode propagation. Inevitable absorption of the DLSPPW mode in metal causes an increase in the stripe temperature and, thereby, in its resistance whose variations are monitored with an external Wheatstone bridge being accurately balanced in the absence of radiation in a waveguide. The investigated waveguide configuration consists of a 1-µm-thick and 10-µm-wide polymer ridges tapered laterally to a 1-µm-wide ridge placed on a 50-nm-thin and 4-µm-wide gold stripe, all supported by a magnesium fluoride substrate. Usi…
Plasmonics co-integrated with silicon nitride photonics for high-sensitivity interferometric biosensing
We demonstrate a photonic integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometric sensor, utilizing a plasmonic stripe waveguide in the sensing branch and a photonic variable optical attenuator and a phase shifter in the reference arm to optimize the interferometer operation. The plasmonic sensor is used to detect changes in the refractive index of the surrounding medium exploiting the accumulated phase change of the propagating Surface-Plasmon-Polariton (SPP) mode that is fully exposed in an aqueous buffer solution. The variable optical attenuation stage is incorporated in the reference Si3N4 branch, as the means to counter-balance the optical losses introduced by the plasmonic branch and optimize interfe…
Differential method for modeling dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides
This paper demonstrates the efficiency of the differential method, a conventional grating theory, to investigate dielectric loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs), known to be a potential solution for optical interconnects. The method is used to obtain the mode effective indices (both real and imaginary parts) and the mode profiles. The results obtained with the differential method are found to be in good agreement with those provided by the effective index method or finite elements. The versatility of the differential method is demonstrated by considering complex configurations such as trapezoidal waveguides or DLSPPWs lying on a finite width metal stripe.
Active plasmonics in WDM traffic switching applications
With metal stripes being intrinsic components of plasmonic waveguides, plasmonics provides a "naturally" energy-efficient platform for merging broadband optical links with intelligent electronic processing, instigating a great promise for low-power and small-footprint active functional circuitry. The first active Dielectric-Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton (DLSPP) thermo-optic (TO) switches with successful performance in single-channel 10 Gb/s data traffic environments have led the inroad towards bringing low-power active plasmonics in practical traffic applications. In this article, we introduce active plasmonics into Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) switching applications, using the …
Submicrometer in-plane integrated surface plasmon cavities.
International audience; The optical properties of in-plane integrated surface plasmon polariton (SPP) cavities comprised of a thin film area sandwiched between two one-dimensional Bragg SPP mirrors are investigated numerically and experimentally. We discuss the resonance condition of these cavities, and we analyze in details the physical origin of the dispersion of this resonance. On the basis of numerical results, we show that in-plane SPP cavities can be used to achieve local SPP field enhancement and antireflecting SPP layers. The numerical results are compared to near-field optical images recorded by operating a photon scanning tunneling microscope. From the near-field images recorded o…
0.48Tb/s (12x40Gb/s) WDM transmission and high-quality thermo-optic switching in dielectric loaded plasmonics
We demonstrate Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM)-enabled transmission of 480Gb/s aggregate data traffic (12x40Gb/s) as well as high-quality 1x2 thermo-optic tuning in Dielectric-Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides (DLSPPWs). The WDM transmission characteristics have been verified through BER measurements by exploiting the heterointegration of a 60 mu m-long straight DLSPPW on a Silicon-on-Insulator waveguide platform, showing error-free performance for six out of the twelve channels. High-quality thermo-optic tuning has been achieved by utilizing Cycloaliphatic-Acrylate-Polymer as an efficient thermo-optic polymer loading employed in a dual-resonator DLSPPW switching structure, …
Bringing Plasmonics Into CMOS Photonic Foundries: Aluminum Plasmonics on Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ for Biosensing Applications
We present a technology platform supported by a new process design kit (PDK) that integrates two types of aluminum plasmonic waveguides with Si $_{3}$ N $_{4}$ photonics towards CMOS-compatible plasmo-photonic integrated circuits for sensing applications. More specifically, we demonstrate the fabrication of aluminum slot waveguide via e-beam lithography (EBL) on top of the Si $_{3}$ N $_{4}$ waveguide and an optimized fabrication process of aluminum plasmonic stripe waveguides within a CMOS foundry using EBL. Experimental measurements revealed a propagation length of 6.2 μm for the plasmonic slot waveguide in water at 1550 nm, reporting the first ever experimental demonstration of a plasmon…
Demonstration of a Plasmonic MMI Switch in 10-Gb/s True Data Traffic Conditions
International audience; We report the first experimental performance evaluation of a 75-mu m-long plasmonic multimode interference switch that is hetero-integrated on a silicon-on-insulator platform, operating with 10-Gb/s data signals. The switch exhibits a 2.9-mu s response time and 44.5% modulation depth, while the extinction ratio between the ports alters from 5.4 to -1.5 dB for 35-mW electrical (switching) power. Error-free performance was achieved.
Active components for integrated plasmonic circuits
International audience; We present a comprehensive study of highly efficient and compact passive and active components for integrated plasmonic circuit based on dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides.
Thermo-optic control of dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide components
International audience; We report preliminary results on the development of compact (length 20%) is demonstrated with MZI-and WRR-based components, and efficient (similar to 30%) rerouting is achieved with DC switches. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America
Dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides at telecommunication wavelengths: Excitation and characterization
International audience; The excitation and propagation of strongly confined surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguide modes, supported by 500-nm-wide and 550-nm-high dielectric ridges fabricated on smooth gold films, are investigated at telecommunication wavelengths using a scanning near-field optical microscope. Different tapering structures for coupling of SPPs, excited at bare gold surfaces, into dielectric-loaded SPP waveguide (DLSPPW) modes are considered. The DLSPPW mode confinement and propagation loss are characterized. The DLSPPW mode propagation along an S bend having the smallest curvature radius of 2.48 mu m is shown, demonstrating the potential of DLSPPW technology for the real…
Evaluating plasmonic transport in current-carrying silver nanowires
cited By 1; International audience; Plasmonics is an emerging technology capable of simultaneously transporting a plasmonic signal and an electronic signal on the same information support1,2,3. In this context, metal nanowires are especially desirable for realizing dense routing networks4. A prerequisite to operate such shared nanowire-based platform relies on our ability to electrically contact individual metal nanowires and efficiently excite surface plasmon polaritons5 in this information support. In this article, we describe a protocol to bring electrical terminals to chemically-synthesized silver nanowires6 randomly distributed on a glass substrate7. The positions of the nanowire ends …
Bend- and splitting loss of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides.
International audience; The design, fabrication, characterization, and modeling of basic building blocks of plasmonic circuitry based on dielectric- loaded surface polariton waveguides, such as bends, splitters, and Mach- Zehnder interferometers are presented. The plasmonic components are realized by depositing subwavelength dielectric ridges on a smooth gold film using mass-production- compatible UV-photolithography. The near-field characterization at telecommunication wavelengths shows the strong mode confinement and low radiation and bend losses. The performance of the devices is found in good agreement with results obtained by full vectorial three-dimensional finite element simulations.…
Efficient thermo-optically controlled Mach-Zhender interferometers using dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides
Compact fiber-coupled dielectric-loaded plasmonic Mach-Zehnder interferometers operating at telecom wavelengths and controlled via the thermo-optic effect are reported. Two fabricated structures with Cytop substrate and a ridge made of PMMA or a cycloaliphatic acrylate polymer (CAP) were considered showing low switching power of 2.35 mW and switching time in the range of microseconds for a CAP ridge and milliseconds switching time for a PMMA ridge. Full output modulation is demonstrated for the structure with a CAP ridge and 40% modulation with a PMMA ridge. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America Compact fiber-coupled dielectric-loaded plasmonic Mach-Zehnder interferometers operating at teleco…
Plasmonic-assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometric photonic sensor using aluminum waveguides
We demonstrate a CMOS compatible interferometric plasmo-photonic sensor exploiting SisN4 photonic and aluminum (Al) plasmonic stripe waveguides. Experimental evaluation revealed bulk sensitivity of 4764 nm/RIU, holding promise for ultra-sensitive and low cost sensing devices.
Selective Surface Modification of SiO2−TiO2 Supports with Phosphonic Acids
The selective surface modification by phosphonic acids of SiO2−TiO2 supports at the micrometer and molecular scale was investigated. Under aqueous conditions, phosphonic acids bind to TiO2 and not to SiO2 surfaces. A micropatterned support was prepared by electron beam microlithography and selectivity, of the surface modification was evidenced using scanning Auger electron spectroscopy (SAES). The second support was a mesoporous SiO2−TiO2 mixed oxide (10 mol % Ti) epoxidation catalyst prepared by sol−gel processing. Selectivity was deduced from the decrease of the catalytic activity upon modification and from chemical analysis; bonding modes to the surface were investigated using solid-stat…
Dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides: Figures of merit and mode characterization by image and Fourier plane leakage microscopy
International audience; Waveguiding of surface plasmon polaritons by dielectric-loaded metal structures is studied in detail by combining numerical simulations and leakage radiation microscopy. These types of waveguides are first numerically investigated using the effective index model and the differential method. We analyzed systematically the influence of the ridge width and thickness of the waveguide on the properties of the surface plasmon guided modes. In particular we investigated the confinement factor of the modes and their associated propagation lengths. These two parameters can be optimized by adjusting the thickness of the dielectric layer. Waveguides loaded with thick and thin d…
Fiber-coupled dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides.
Fiber in- and out-coupling of radiation guided by dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs) is realized using intermediate tapered dielectric waveguides. The waveguide structures fabricated by large-scale UV-lithography consist of 1-microm-thick polymer ridges tapered from 10-microm-wide ridges deposited directly on a magnesium fluoride substrate to 1-microm-wide ridges placed on a 50-nm-thick and 100-microm-wide gold stripe. Using fiber-to-fiber transmission measurements at telecom wavelengths, the performance of straight and bent DLSPPWs is characterized demonstrating the overall insertion loss below 24 dB, half of which is attributed to the DLSPPW loss of propagati…
Recess photomask contact lithography and the fabrication of coupled silicon photonic and plasmonic waveguide switches
Display Omitted A lithography technique capable of printing submicron-sized features inside deep cavities is presented.A so-called recess photomask adapted to the wafer's topography is employed.Based on a standard mask aligner, Recess Photomask Contact Lithography has moderate cost.Its efficiency for a photonic/plasmonic switch application was demonstrated experimentally.The technique is extensible to any design and to wafers with multiple level recesses. A novel lithographic method is presented, based on the use of a mask aligner in the contact mode with a modified photomask, the so-called recess photomask; its goal is the printing of submicron-sized patterns into deep cavities of a chip, …
Thermo-optic control of dielectric-loaded plasmonic Mach-Zehnder interferometers and directional coupler switches
We report detailed experimental studies of compact fiber-coupled dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide components-Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) and directional couplers (DCs)-whose operation at telecom wavelengths is controlled via the thermo-optic effect by electrically heating the gold stripe of dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides. The effect of the gaps isolating the heated part of the waveguide from the rest of the structure was examined showing the presence of a Fabry-Perot cavity in this MZI arm. Wavelength-dependent modulation is demonstrated with MZI-based components, and wavelength dependent low power (similar to 0.92 mW) rerouting is achieved with DC switches. Furthermore…
Plasmonic Waveguides Co-Integrated with Si3N4 Waveguide Platform for Integrated Biosensors
Integration of plasmonic waveguides with low-loss photonic platforms have attracted research efforts as the means to benefit from the extra-ordinary features of plasmonics while enhancing the functional portfolio of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). In this work, we review a technology platform that integrates water cladded plasmonic waveguides integrated in a low-loss Si 3 N 4 photonic platform, targeting biosensing applications. Results obtained experimentally and numerically will be presented with respect to propagation losses, interface coupling loss and accumulated phase change per unit length, showing how Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP) waveguides can be effectively combined with p…
First demonstration of active plasmonic device in true data traffic conditions: On/off thermo-optic modulation using a hybrid silicon-plasmonic asymmetric MZI
We demonstrate the first system-level evaluation of an active plasmonic device in 10Gb/s data traffic conditions. Thermo-optic ON/OFF modulation with 3μs response time and 10mW power consumption is presented using an asymmetric MZI silicon-plasmonic gate.
Octave Spanning Supercontinuum in Titanium Dioxide Waveguides
International audience; We report on the experimental generation of an octave-spanning supercontinuum in a 2.2 cm-long titanium dioxide optical waveguide with two zero dispersion wavelengths. The resulting on-chip supercontinuum reaches the visible wavelength range as well as the mid-infrared region by using a femtosecond fiber laser pump at 1.64 µm.
Wavelength-selective directional coupling with dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides
International audience; We consider wavelength-selective splitting of radiation using directional couplers (DCs) formed by dielectric-loaded surface-plasmon-polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs). The DCs were fabricated by depositing subwavelength-sized polymer ridges on a gold film using large-scale UV photolithography and characterized at telecommunications wavelengths with near-field microscopy. We demonstrate a DLSPPW-based 45-mu m-long DC comprising 3 mu m offset S bends and 25-mu m-long parallel waveguides that changes from the "through" state at 1500 nm to 3 dB splitting at 1600 nm, and show that a 50.5-mu m-long DC should enable complete separation of the radiation channels at 1400 and 162…
Dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide components: Going practical
Surface plasmon propagating modes supported by metal/dielectric interfaces in various configurations can be used for radiation guiding similarly to conventional dielectric waveguides. Plasmonic waveguides offer two attractive features: subdiffraction mode confinement and the presence of conducting elements at the mode-field maximum. The first feature can be exploited to realize ultrahigh density of nanophotonics components, whereas the second feature enables the development of dynamic components controlling the plasmon propagation with ultralow signals, minimizing heat dissipation in switching elements. While the first feature is yet to be brought close to the domain of practical applicatio…
CMOS plasmonics in WDM data transmission: 200 Gb/s (8 × 25Gb/s) transmission over aluminum plasmonic waveguides
We demonstrate wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) 200 Gb/s (8 × 25 Gb/s) data transmission over 100 μm long aluminum (Al) surface-plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguides on a Si3N4 waveguide platform at telecom wavelengths. The Al SPP waveguide was evaluated in terms of signal integrity by performing bit-error-rate (BER) measurements that revealed error-free operation for all eight 25 Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulated data channels with power penalties not exceeding 0.2 dB at 10−9. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of WDM enabled data transmission over complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) SPP waveguides fueling future development of CMOS compatible …
Fiber-pigtailed temperature sensors based on dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide-ring resonators.
We demonstrate optical fiber-pigtailed temperature sensors based on dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguide-ring resonators (DLSPP-WRRs), whose transmission depends on the ambient temperature. The DLSPP-WRR-based temperature sensors represent polymer ridge waveguides (~1×1 µm(2) in cross section) forming 5-µm-radius rings coupled to straight waveguides fabricated by UV-lithography on a 50-nm-thick gold layer atop a 2.3-µm-thick CYTOP layer covering a Si wafer. A broadband light source is used to characterize the DLSPP-WRR wavelength-dependent transmission in the range of 1480-1600 nm and to select the DLSPP-WRR component for temperature sensing. In- and out-coupling single-mod…
Efficient excitation of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguide modes at telecommunication wavelengths
International audience; The excitation of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguide modes in subwavelength dielectric ridges deposited on a thin gold film has been characterized and optimized at telecommunication wavelengths. The experimental data on the electromagnetic mode structure obtained using scanning near-field optical microscopy have been directly compared to full vectorial three-dimensional finite element method simulations. Two excitation geometries have been investigated where SPPs are excited outside or inside the dielectric tapered region adjoint to the waveguide. The dependence of the efficiency of the SPP guided mode excitation on the taper opening angle has been measured an…
First experimental demonstration of a plasmonic MMI switch in 10 Gb/s true data traffic conditions
We report the first experimental performance evaluation of a 75 um long plasmonic MMI switch, hetero-integrated on a SOI platform, operating with 10Gb/s data signals. The switch exhibits 2.9μs response time and 44.5% modulation depth while its extinction ratio varies from 5.4 to -1.5 dB for 35mW switching power. Error-free performance was achieved.
Octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in titanium dioxide waveguides
International audience
Microwave-based gas sensor with phthalocyanine film at room temperature
Abstract This work presents the development of a microwave gas sensor at room temperature. The design of the sensor includes a coplanar grounded wave guide where is deposited a molecular gas sensing material. In this study, the sensitive material is a thin layer of cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), sensitive to ammonia and toluene. Submitted to an electromagnetic incident wave in the microwave range, the sensor response is a reflected wave. In the presence of pollutant, the reflected wave shape is specific to the species concentrations. The results interpretation is led at each frequency by the evaluation of the reflected coefficient, which traduces the ratio between the reflected wave over the…
Influence of the Number of Nanoparticles on the Enhancement Properties of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Active Area: Sensitivity versus Repeatability
In the present work, the combination of chemical immobilization with electron beam lithography enables the production of sensitive and reproducible SERS-active areas composed of stochastic arrangements of gold nanoparticles. The number of nanoparticles was varied from 2 to 500. Thereby a systematic analysis of these SERS-active areas allows us to study SERS efficiency as a function of the number of nanoparticles. We found that the experimental parameters are critical, in particular the size of the SERS-active area must be comparable to the effective area of excitation to obtained reproducible SERS measurements. The sensitivity has also been studied by deducing the number of NPs that generat…
Single molecules probe local density of modes (LDOS) around photonic nanostructures
International audience; According to Fermi's golden rule, the fluorescence decay rate is directly proportional to the projected local density of photonic modes (LDOS) at the molecule location. The relevant LDOS depends on the molecule orientation. In this paper, the direct measurement of the fluorescence lifetime near gold dot photonic structures is investigated and compared to calculated LDOS. Detailed analysis of the decay channels is presented on the basis of numerical simulations.
Le dioxyde de titane pour la photonique
National audience
Data Transmission and Thermo-Optic Tuning Performance of Dielectric-Loaded Plasmonic Structures Hetero-Integrated on a Silicon Chip
We demonstrate experimental evidence of the data capture and the low-energy thermo-optic tuning credentials of dielectric-loaded plasmonic structures integrated on a silicon chip. We show 7-nm thermo-optical tuning of a plasmonic racetrack-resonator with less than 3.3 mW required electrical power and verify error-free 10-Gb/s transmission through a 60-mu m-long dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide. We demonstrate experimental evidence of the data capture and the low-energy thermo-optic tuning credentials of dielectric-loaded plasmonic structures integrated on a silicon chip. We show 7-nm thermo-optical tuning of a plasmonic racetrack-resonator with less than 3.3 mW required electrical powe…
Power monitoring in dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides with internal Wheatstone bridges
We report on monitoring the mode power in dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs) by measuring the resistance of gold electrodes, supporting the DLSPPW mode propagation, with internal (on-chip) Wheatstone bridges. The investigated DLSPPW configuration consisted of 1-μm-thick and 10-μm-wide cycloaliphatic acrylate polymer ridges tapered laterally to a 1-μm-wide ridge placed on a 50-nm-thin and 4-um wide gold stripe, all supported by a ~1.7-µm-thick Cytop layer deposited on a Si wafer. The fabricated DLSPPW power monitors were characterized at telecom wavelengths, showing very high responsivities reaching up to ~6.4 μV/μW (for a bias voltage of 245 mV) and the operati…
Thermo-electric detection of waveguided surface plasmon propagation
International audience; The thermo-electric detection of a waveguided surface plasmon traveling along one electrode of an in-plane integrated thermocouple is demonstrated. By using a particular design of the thermocouple, the thermo-electric signal due to the losses of the plasmon mode can be separated from the non-resonant heating of the waveguide. The thermo-electric signal associated with the plasmon propagation is proportional to the power coupled into the waveguided mode and exhibits a maximum at a distance from the excitation site depending on both the heat transfer coefficient of the system and the plasmon mode damping distance.
Thermo-plasmonic components at telecom wavelength
International audience
Tb/s switching fabrics for optical interconnects using heterointegration of plasmonics and silicon photonics: The FP7 PLATON approach
We present recent work that is carried out within the FP7 project PLATON on novel Tb/s switch fabric architectures and technologies for optical interconnect applications, employing heterointegration of plasmonics, silicon photonics and electronics.
Ultra-sensitive refractive index sensor using CMOS plasmonic transducers on silicon photonic interferometric platform
Optical refractive-index sensors exploiting selective co-integration of plasmonics with silicon photonics has emerged as an attractive technology for biosensing applications that can unleash unprecedented performance breakthroughs that reaps the benefits of both technologies. However, towards this direction, a major challenge remains their integration using exclusively CMOS-compatible materials. In this context, herein, we demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, a CMOS-compatible plasmo-photonic Mach-Zehnder-interferometer (MZI) based on aluminum and Si3N4 waveguides, exhibiting record-high bulk sensitivity of 4764 nm/RIU with clear potential to scale up the bulk sensitivity value…
Measurements of thickness dispersion in biolayers by scanning force microscopy and comparison with spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis.
Measuring the thickness of biological films remains a difficult task when using differential measurements by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The use of microstructured substrates combined with a selective adsorption constitutes an alternative to tribological measurements. The statistical thickness analysis of biological layers, especially via the dispersion measurements, can provide a way to quantify the molecular orientation. AFM thicknesses were then compared with those obtained optically by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and surface plasmon resonance enhanced ellipsometry (SPREE). The biolayers could then be modeled using a vertical gradient of optical index, which reflects height disper…
Development of gas sensors by microwave transduction with phthalocyanine film
International audience; This work presents a new transduction mode for gas sensing using a passive microwave circuit at room temperature. The design of the sensor includes a microstrip line where is deposited a thin molecular layer of cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc). The material is sensitive to ammonia and toluene. Submitted to an electromagnetic incident wave in the microwave range, the sensor response is a reflected wave. In the presence of ammonia, the reflected wave is specific to the species concentration. The sensor response is the reflected wave over the incident wave ratio at each frequency traduced by the reflected coefficient. The study deals with the influence of molecular sensitiv…
A Methodology to Deduce the Microstructural Spatial Deformation of Polycrystalline Structures: Application to the Alloy 600
Studying the corrosion of the alloy 600, under water pressure, is of high importance to understand the ageing process of pressurized water reactors. Today, the impact of the oxide growth on the mechanical properties of nickel alloys is a challenge. The surface analysis and the quantification of the local deformation are key factors to deduce the surface damage of the substrate produced by corrosion. Here, we introduce a new methodology to determine the deformation distribution of the alloy 600 by using polycrystalline samples. The method is based on nanopads disposed on the surface samples, which allow a mapping, at the microscopic scale, of the spatial deformation. We applied to the sample…
Dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide-ring resonators
International audience; Using near-field microscopy, the performance of dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguide-ring resonators (WRRs) operating at telecom wavelengths is investigated for various waveguide-ring separations. It is demonstrated that compact ( footprint similar to 150 mu m(2)) and efficient ( extinction ratio similar to 13 dB) WRR-based filters can be realized using UV-lithography. The WRR wavelength responses measured and calculated using the effective-index method are found in good agreement. (c) 2009 Optical Society of America
Discerning the Origins of the Amplitude Fluctuations in Dynamic Raman Nanospectroscopy
International audience; We introduce a novel experimental and analytical method for discerning rare surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) events observable at the nanoscale. We show that the kinetics of the Raman activity recorded on an isolated nanostructure is punctuated by intense and rare events of large amplitude and spectral variations. The fluctuations of thousands of SERS spectra were analyzed statistically in terms of power density functions, and the occurrence of the rare events was quantified by a wavenumber statistics. Our analysis enables one to extract valuable and unique spectroscopic signature of Raman variations usually hidden in time-average or space-average measurement…
Plasmonic Stripes in Aqueous Environment Co-Integrated With Si3N4 Photonics
We demonstrate the design, fabrication, and the experimental characterization of gold-based plasmonic stripes butt-coupled with low-pressure-chemical-vapor-deposition (LPCVD)-based Si3N4 waveguides for the excitation of surface-plasmon-polariton (SPP) modes in aqueous environment. Plasmonic gold stripes, in aqueous environment, with cross-sectional dimensions of 100 nm × 7 μm were interfaced with 360 nm × 800 nm Si3N4 waveguides cladded with low-temperature-oxide, exploiting linear photonic tapers with appropriate vertical (VO) and longitudinal (LO) offsets between the plasmonic and photonic waveguide facets. An interface insertion loss of 2.3 ± 0.3 dB and a plas…
Visible photothermal deflection spectroscopy using microcantilevers
International audience; Photothermal deflection spectroscopy based on bi-material cantilevers combines the sensitivity of miniature sensors and the selectivity of optical spectroscopy. In this paper, we report on the photothermal response of the microcantilevers functionalized with nanometer thin organic films in the visible region. Unlike responses in the infrared regime, in the optical region, light absorption by all the cantilever constituents must be considered for extraction of the physical parameters of the organic layer. A model of photothermal deflection for the optical region has been developed for two absorbing layers consisting of a thick metal (>200 nm) and a thin organic film. …
WDM switching employing a hybrid silicon-plasmonic A-MZI
We demonstrate a system-level evaluation of an A-MZI with 60μm long DLSPP active branches exhibiting more than 14dB extinction ratio. Error-free switching operation is achieved for a 4×10Gb/s incoming WDM data stream with only 13.1mW power consumption.
Low energy routing platforms for optical interconnects using active plasmonics integrated with Silicon Photonics
Power consumption and bandwidth of electronics appear as the main set of technology barriers in next-generation Data Center and High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments. The limited capacity and pitch lane of electrically wired interconnects require the development of new disruptive technologies to cope with the massive amount of data moving across all hierarchical communication levels, namely rack-to-rack, backplane, chip-to-chip and even on-chip interconnections. Plasmonics comes indeed as a disruptive technology that enables seamless interoperability between light beams and electronic control signals through the underlying metallic layer, providing thereby an inherent energy-efficie…
Strain mapping near a triple junction in strained Ni-based alloy using EBSD and biaxial nanogauges
A key element for analyzing the crack initiation in strained polycrystalline alloys is the local quantification of the surface strain distribution according to the grain texture. Using electron backscattered diffraction, the local microstructure was determined to both localize a triple junction and deduce the local Schmid factors. Kernel average misorientation (KAM) was also used to map the areas of defect concentration. The maximum principal strain and the in-plane shear strain were quantified using the biaxial nanogauge. Distortions of the array of nanodots used as spot markers were analyzed near the triple junction. The crystallographic orientation and the surface strain were then invest…
Differential method for modelling dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides
International audience; This paper demonstrates the efficiency of the differential method, a conventional grating theory, to investigate dielectric loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides (DLSPPWs), known to be a potential solution for optical interconnects. The method is used to obtain the mode effective indices (both real and imaginary parts) and the mode profiles. The results obtained with the differential method are found to be in good agreement with those provided by the effective index method or finite elements. The versatility of the differential method is demonstrated by considering complex configurations such as trapezoidal waveguides or DLSPPWs lying on a finite width metal st…
Scaling the Sensitivity of Integrated Plasmo-Photonic Interferometric Sensors
We present a new optical biosensing integration approach with multifunctional capabilities using plasmonic and photonic components on the same chip and a new methodology to design interferometric b...
Titanium dioxide waveguides for supercontinuum generation and optical transmissions in the near-and mid-infrared
International audience; We report the development of titanium dioxide-based waveguides for applications in the near-and mid-infrared. Thanks to embedded metal grating couplers, we demonstrate error free 10 Gbit/s optical transmissions at 1.55 and 2 µm. With additional management of the dispersion profile, we also demonstrate octave spanning supercontinuum in cm-long TiO2 waveguides.
Gold based plasmonic stripes co-integrated with low loss Si3N4 platform in aqueous environment
We demonstrate a butt-coupled interface between LPCVD Si 3 N 4 and gold based plasmonic waveguides in aqueous environment, exhibiting 2.3dB coupling loss and 75μm propagation length at 1550nm, towards future employment in biosensing applications.
Polymer-metal waveguides characterization by Fourier plane leakage radiation microscopy
International audience; The guiding properties of polymer waveguides on a thin gold film are investigated in the optical regime. The details of propagation in the waveguides are studied simultaneously in the object and Fourier planes, providing direct measurement of both the real and imaginary parts of the effective index of the guided mode. A fair agreement between theoretical analysis provided by the differential method and experimental leakage radiation microscopy data is shown. All these tools bring valuable information for designing and understanding such devices. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Excitation and characterization of dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polariton waveguides at telecommunication wavelengths - art. no. 69880T
International audience; The excitation of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) waveguide modes in 500-nm-wide and 550-nm-high dielectric ridges deposited on a thin gold film is characterized at telecommunication wavelengths, by application of a scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM), and by utilizing the finite element method (FEM). Different tapering structures for coupling in SPPs, excited at the bare gold-air interface, are investigated with a SNOM, and the dependence of in coupling efficiency on tapering length is characterized by means of FEM calculations. The performance of this in coupling method is compared to an alternative excitation scheme, where the effective index of SPPs in …
Surface plasmon routing in dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton waveguides - art. no. 70330S
International audience; Waveguiding by dielectric-loaded surface plasmon-polaritons (DLSPP) structures are numerically and experimentally investigated. We used the effective index model to understand the influence of basic waveguide parameters such as width and thickness on the properties of the surface plasmon guided modes. A waveguide was fabricated and experimentally studied. The effective indices of the modes supported by the waveguide and their propagation length are evaluated by leakage radiation microscopy in both the Fourier and imaging planes. Several excitation schemes were tested including surface plasmon coupling by diascopic or episcopic illumination as well as defect-mediated …
Ultracompact and Low-Power Plasmonic MZI Switch Using Cyclomer Loading
We present a $2\times 2$ hybrid silicon-plasmonic thermooptic (TO) asymmetric Mach–Zehnder interferometric (MZI) switch having only 40- $\mu \text{m}$ long active cyclomer-loaded plasmonic phase arms. It requires less than 12 mW of power and has 2/5- $\mu \text{s}$ ON/OFF-times, respectively, a modulation depth higher than 90% and a 13.2-dB extinction ratio. Data traffic evaluation has been carried out using 10-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero streams, yielding error-free operation at both switching states with power penalties ranging between 1 to 4.8 dB. The use of the cyclomer loading having a higher TO coefficient than polymethyl methacrylate has resulted to the smallest footprint among plasmonic …