Brita Willershausen

Thermoplastic Properties of Endodontic Gutta-percha: A Thermographic In Vitro Study

Abstract Introduction Endodontic gutta-percha undergoes deformation at temperatures above 65°C. The temperature influence of heat carriers on gutta-percha cones was investigated in vitro. Methods Six single-rooted extracted teeth were embedded in resin and fixed. The root canals were prepared (ProFile; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaiques, Switzerland) to different tapers and bisected. Thermographic images when heating the gutta-percha cones (Roeko, Langenau, Germany) with a heat carrier (ML .12; SybronEndo, Orange, CA) at 1 and 5 mm from the working length were made with an infrared thermal imaging camera (ThermaCam P640; Flir Systems, Taby, Sweden). The device temperature was preset at 200°C. T…

research product

Influence of Bleaching Agents on Surface Roughness of Sound or Eroded Dental Enamel Specimens

Purpose:  The aim of the present in vitro study was to assess the effect of bleaching agents on eroded and sound enamel specimens. Materials and Methods:  Enamel specimens prepared from human permanent anterior teeth were incubated with different bleaching agents containing active ingredients as 7.5 or 13.5% hydrogen peroxide or 35% carbamide peroxide, ranging in pH from 4.9 to 10.8. The effect of the tooth whitening agents on surface roughness was tested for sound enamel surfaces as well as for eroded enamel specimens. To provoke erosive damage, the enamel specimens were incubated for 10 hours with apple juice (pH = 3.4). Afterwards, pretreated and untreated dental slices were incubated wi…

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Influence of a bioceramic root end material and mineral trioxide aggregates on fibroblasts and osteoblasts

The biocompatibility of materials used in endodontic treatment is of high importance, because they can come in contact with periradicular tissues and there is a risk of possible systemic toxicity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vitro reaction to a bioceramic based root end material in comparison to mineral trioxide aggregates (MTA) as the established gold standard.The root end materials grey MTA Angelus (GMTA), white MTA Angelus (WMTA), ProRoot MTA, and EndoSequence Root Repair Material (ERRM) were incubated with human periodontal ligament fibroblasts and osteoblasts (10(4)cells/ml) for up to 96h. Cell proliferation (RFU) was determined by means of the Alamar Blue as…

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Undergraduate Students’ Acceptance of a Reciprocating One-File System for Endodontic Treatment

Abstract Objectives Reciprocating endodontic one-file systems are a comparatively new method for root canal shaping. Even though the mechanical properties are comparable to modern rotating mechanical systems, data about subjective assessment and application quality are scarce. This study evaluates the reciprocating one-file system in undergraduate education. Materials and Methods A total of 42 undergraduate students without experience regarding reciprocating file systems filled in a questionnaire in four different points in time (t 1–t 4) anonymously. The questionnaire was based on a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 to 10. Statistical Analysis A least significant difference post-hoc an…

research product

The effectiveness of a novel optical probe in subgingival calculus detection

:  Objectives:  The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel optical calculus detection system under in vivo conditions. Methods:  One hundred and seventy-six tooth surfaces from 44 adult teeth that were indicated for extraction were selected for the present study. The patients were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental groups. In group A (n = 96), clinical presence or absence of subgingival calculus deposits was determined using the light-emitting diode-based optical probe (OP). In group B (n = 80), the subgingival deposits were first recorded with the OP followed by root surface debridement until no subgingival deposits could be detected by the devi…

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Impact of Green Vegetables and Green Smoothies on Enamel Mineral Composition In Vitro

Background: Recently, smoothies with a high vegetable content have become very popular, especially among young adults. Objectives: This in vitro study was conducted to determine the erosive potential of selected green vegetables and green smoothies on human dental enamel. Methods: A total of ten green smoothies and eight freshly mixed vegetables were chosen, and pH, calcium and oxalic acid contents were measured. The enamel specimens were obtained from wisdom teeth and incubated with 3 selected foods (spinach, parsley, or green smoothie) for 12 and 24 hours (N = 6). Control samples were incubated with a physiological salt solution. An electron probe microanalyzer (Jeol JXA 8900RL) was utili…

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A survey of clearing techniques for 3D imaging of tissues with special reference to connective tissue

AbstractFor 3-dimensional (3D) imaging of a tissue, 3 methodological steps are essential and their successful application depends on specific characteristics of the type of tissue. The steps are 1° clearing of the opaque tissue to render it transparent for microscopy, 2° fluorescence labeling of the tissues and 3° 3D imaging. In the past decades, new methodologies were introduced for the clearing steps with their specific advantages and disadvantages. Most clearing techniques have been applied to the central nervous system and other organs that contain relatively low amounts of connective tissue including extracellular matrix. However, tissues that contain large amounts of extracellular mat…

research product

Catalogue of Interactive Learning Objectives to improve an Integrated Medical and Dental Curriculum.

ABSTRACT Introduction Online learning media are increasingly being incorporated into medical and dental education. However, the coordination between obligatory and facultative teaching domains still remains unsatisfying. The Catalogue of Interactive Learning Objectives of the University Clinic of Mainz (ILKUM), aims to offer knowledge transfer for students while being mindful of their individual qualifications. Its hierarchical structure is designed according to the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) levels of competence. Materials and methods The ILKUM was designed to establish a stronger interconnection between already existing and prospective learning strategies. All conte…

research product

Survey of midwives' knowledge of caries prevention in perinatal care.

Purpose To assess midwives' knowledge about oral health and early caries prevention during perinatal care for mothers and babies. Study design and methods A survey developed by the investigators was conducted among midwives to assess their knowledge about caries etiology, their attitude toward their role in early caries prevention, and prophylactic measures recommended during pregnancy, and after birth, for their babies. Self-administered questionnaires were sent to 180 midwives in hospitals and 323 midwives from a midwives' association in Hesse, Germany. Results Response rates were 46% (83/180) and 56% (181/323); a total of 264 questionnaires were evaluated. Most midwives were familiar wit…

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Low level 809-nm diode laser-induced in vitro stimulation of the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts

Background and Objective The authors investigated the effects of low level laser irradiation on the proliferation rate of human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) in vitro. Study Design/Materials and Methods HGF were obtained from gingival connective tissue explants and cultured under standard conditions. 110 cell cultures in their logarithmic growth phase were spread on 96-well tissue culture plates and were irradiated at energy fluences of 1.96–7.84 J/cm2. Another 110 cultures served as control. An 809-nm semiconductor laser operated at a power output of 10 mW in the cw-mode was used. The time of exposure varied between 75 and 300 seconds. Laser treatment was performed alternatively once, twice, …

research product

Effectiveness of Self-Hypnosis on the Relief of Experimental Dental Pain: A Randomized Trial.

This randomized, controlled clinical trial evaluates the effectiveness of self-hypnosis on pain perception. Pain thresholds were measured, and a targeted, standardized pain stimulus was created by electrical stimulation of the dental pulp of an upper anterior tooth. Pain stimulus was rated by a visual analogue scale (VAS). The pain threshold under self-hypnosis was higher (57.1 ± 17.1) than without hypnotic intervention (39.5 ± 11.8) (p < .001). Pain was rated lower on the VAS with self-hypnosis (4.0 ± 3.8) than in the basal condition without self-hypnosis (7.1 ± 2.7) (p < .001). Self-hypnosis can be used in clinical practice as an adjunct to the gold standard of local anesthesia for pain m…

research product

Effectiveness of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste on gingival inflammation: a randomized clinical trial.

Objectives In this study, the efficacy of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste (Salvadora persica) on gingival inflammation was compared with that of a herbal and a conventional toothpaste. Methods Non-smoking outpatients with sulcus bleeding index (SBI) ≥25% and with periodontal pocket depths ≤3 mm were randomly selected and divided into three groups: M-group, miswak extract-containing toothpaste; P-group, herbal toothpaste; and C-group, conventional toothpaste. After instructing the patients to brush their teeth twice a day for 3 weeks with the assigned toothpaste using a flat-trimmed manual toothbrush, a thorough oral examination was performed by a calibrated examiner (EH). The primary…

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Die zahnärztliche selektive Intensivprophylaxe in Rheinland-Pfalz: Untersuchungen an Erstklässlern im Schuljahr 2013/2014

Ziel der Studie: Fur Kinder und Jugendliche mit stark erhohtem Kariesrisiko wurde durch die LAGZ (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendzahnpflege) Rheinland-Pfalz im Jahr 2004 die selektive Intensivprophylaxe (SIP) etabliert. Vergleichbare Programme existieren in den meisten deutschen Bundeslandern in unterschiedlicher Auspragung. Die Ergebnisse der schulzahnarztlichen Untersuchungen der Erstklassler im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz im Schuljahr 2013/2014 werden nach Prophylaxeprogramm („Aktivprogramm Jugendzahnpflege“ [SIP] gegenuber Standardprogramm [SP]) betrachtet. Hierbei sollen die innerschuljahrlichen Auswirkungen auf das teilnehmende Kollektiv beleuchtet werden. Des Weiteren soll untersucht…

research product

Cytotoxicity of Root Canal Filling Materials to Three Different Human Cell Lines

The aim of this study was to investigate the biological compatibility of five root canal sealers (Sealapex, Endion, Super-EBA, Ketac-Endo, and AH Plus) and regular and calcium hydroxide-based gutta-percha in three different human cell lines. Cultures without root canal sealers were used as controls. Cell growth, cell morphology, cell viability, protein content of the cells, and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) release were used as parameters to determine the cytotoxicity of the materials. The protein content of the three cell lines—nasal fibroblasts, gingival fibroblasts, and epithelial tumor cells—was significantly reduced (p ≤ 0.001) by all materials tested. Determinations of PGE 2 release show…

research product

Tissue reaction to sealing materials: different view at biocompatibility

Abstract The biodegradability of root canal sealers in areas other than the root canal system is crucial to the overall success rate of endodontic treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate, the cell and tissue reaction to GuttaFlow and AHPlus, both in vitro and in vivo. For the in vitro experiments the materials were incubated with Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts and cell proliferation and cytotoxicity analyses were performed. Additional fluorescence-microscope stainings were carried out in order to visualize cell growth and morphology. For assessment of the tissue reaction to the materials a subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats was employed and the inflamm…

research product

Reduction of Polymerization Shrinkage Stress and Marginal Microleakage Using Soft-Start Polymerization

Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of a soft-start light-curing exposure on polymerization shrinkage stress and marginal integrity of adhesive restorations. Materials and Methods: Six resin-based composites (Pertac II, Tetric Ceram, Definite, Surefil, Solitaire, and Visio-Molar) were adhesively bonded to a cylindrical cavity (n = 9 per material/light) in a photoelastic material. Visible light-curing was applied using either the standard polymerization mode (800 mW/cm2 exposure duration 40 s) of the curing light (Elipar TriLight, 3M ESPE) or the exponential mode from the same device (ramp-curing: 150 mW/cm2 to 800 mW/cm2 within the first 15 s of a total curing time of 40 s). Polymer…

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Multiple Resistance to Betalactam Antibiotics, Azithromycin or Moxifloxacin in Implant Associated Bacteria

Background Antibiotics are more and more frequently prescribed in dentistry for prevention and treatment of oral diseases. Bacterial resistance to these agents is clearly increasing, including even previously susceptible micro-organisms and true pathogens. The aim of the present investigation was to examine resistant bacterial strains with respect to possible multiple antibiotic resistance. Methods In a previous investigation, implant-associated bacteria were tested first as mixed cultures and again as pure isolates (n = 138) for resistance to one of five antibiotics (ampicillin/AM, ampicillin + sulbactam/AB, azithromycin/AZ, penicillin/PG, moxifloxacin/MX) using the Etest. The resistance o…

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Mundgesundheit von berufstätigen und nicht berufstätigen Frauen – Ergebnisse einer regionalen Untersuchung und Umfrage

ZusammenfassungIn der vorliegenden Studie sollte der Mundgesundheitszustand sowie Mundhygienemaßnahmen bei berufstätigen und nichtberufstätigen Frauen untersucht und miteinander verglichen werden. Neben einer zahnärztlichen Untersuchung wurden mittels Fragebogen sowohl Mundhygienemaßnahmen als auch soziodemografische Daten erhoben.Für die Studie konnten insgesamt 415 Frauen (210 berufstätige und 205 nicht berufstätige Frauen) der Altersgruppe 25–65 Jahre erfasst werden. Bei allen Frauen erfolgte eine zahnärztliche Untersuchung einschließlich einer radiologischen Befundung (Panoramaschichtaufnahme). Die zahnärztliche Untersuchung beinhaltete Anzahl der Zähne, Karieshäufigkeit (DMFT-Wert), Ar…

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Diversity of Lactobacillus species in deep carious lesions of primary molars

AIM: This was to determine the prevalence of Lactobacilli (LB) species in different stages of caries progression and are considered as secondary invaders of existing carious lesions and specialists for caries progression. METHODS: Carious dentine samples were collected from 70 primary molars (M) during step-wise (S1, S2: n = 35 M) or one-step (O1: n = 35 M) caries treatment and after 11 months of temporary restorations (S3, O2). LB were identified by selected physiological and biochemical characteristics, ratio of lactic acid isomers, electrophoretic mobilities of lactic acid dehydrogenases, and shotgun mass mapping by MALDI mass spectrometry. RESULTS: LB were isolated from 46% of soft dent…

research product

Radiographic Investigation of Location and Angulation of Curvatures in Human Maxillary Incisors

The aim of this radiographic study was to evaluate the degree and location of root canal curvatures of human maxillary incisors. A total of 286 extracted human maxillary incisors (145 central and 141 lateral incisors) were included in this investigation. Exclusion criteria were teeth with extensive carious lesions, restorations, and root canal treatment. For this in vitro study, the teeth were fixed in a special device and digitally x-rayed with the parallel technique. The distances from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the first curvature and the according angle were recorded. The results were analyzed descriptively, and p values were calculated with the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test. The …

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Mandibular Molar Root Resection Versus Implant Therapy: A Retrospective Nonrandomized Study

AbstractSuccess rates for both periodontal and implant therapy are often dependent on site and tooth type. For periodontally involved mandibular molars, the decision to hemisect or to extract and place an implant is often complicated. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the outcomes of the aforementioned treatment modalities for mandibular molars in a private practice setting. A retrospective chart review was performed. In one group of patients (n = 32), 56 mandibular first or first and second molars were treated by hemisection (Group H). A second group (n = 28) received 36 implants in the mandible to replace periodontally involved first or first and second molars (Group I). Al…

research product

Determination of polymerization shrinkage stress by means of a photoelastic investigation

This study examined the polymerization stress of different established composite resins (Tetric Ceram, Vivadent; EsthetX, Surefil, Dentsply/DeTrey; Clearfil AP-X, Clearfil Photo Posterior, Kuraray; Prodigy Condensable, sds Kerr; Filtek P 60, 3M ESPE; Solitaire 2, Heraeus-Kulzer) by means of a photo-elastic investigation and investigated six new, experimental composite resins, which have been claimed to exhibit less polymerization shrinkage (InTen-S, Vivadent; K 112, K 051, Dentsply/DeTrey; Compox, Pluto, Hermes 3M ESPE).Cylindrical cavities (phi 5 mm) in Araldit B epoxide resin plates (40 x 40 x 3 mm3) were pretreated with the Rocatec system to ensure bonding of the composite resin. Ten com…

research product

Association between chronic dental infection and acute myocardial infarction.

Introduction: In patients with cardiovascular diseases several risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and drinking habits, genetic disposition, and chronic inflammation must be considered. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between dental origin infections and the presence of an acutemyocardialinfarction(AMI).Methods:Atotalof125 patients who had experienced a myocardial infarction and 125healthyindividualswereincludedinthisstudy.Theoral examination was carried out following the consent of the ethics committee and the National Board for Radiation Protection and included the number of teeth, endodontically treated teeth, periodontal sc…

research product

The adjunctive use of a controlled-release chlorhexidine chip following treatment with a new ultrasonic device in supportive periodontal therapy: a prospective, controlled clinical study

Abstract:  Objective:  The aim of this randomised, split-mouth, controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a controlled-release chlorhexidine chip (CHX chip) as an adjunctive therapy to scaling and root planing (SRP) with a newly developed ultrasonic device in supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). Materials and methods:  Twenty patients with moderate-to-severe chronic periodontitis, displaying at least four sites with probing depth (PD) ≥5 mm and persistent bleeding on probing (BOP), were recruited for the study. The target sites were randomly treated with either a newly developed piezo-driven ultrasonic device VectorTM- or ultrasonic system (VUS) + CHX chip or VUS alone…

research product

Treatment of intrabony defects using guided tissue regeneration and autogenous spongiosa alone or combined with hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate bone substitute or bovine-derived xenograft.

The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the clinical regeneration of deep intrabony defects using guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with autogenous spongiosa (ASB) alone or using GTR with a mixture of ASB with a bovine-derived xenograft (BDX) or a synthetic composite bone substitute (hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate [HA/beta-TCP]).Sixty-four patients with a total of 93 intrabony defects of 2- or 3-wall morphology and an intrabony component (IC)or=4 mm participated in this study. Defects were treated with a bioabsorbable membrane and ASB alone or ASB mixed with HA/beta-TCP or BDX. Clinical parameters measured at baseline and 12 months after surgery included IC, bleeding …

research product

Influence of E-smoking liquids on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts.

Introduction: Over the last years, electronic cigarettes (ECs) have become more popular, particularly in individuals who want to give up smoking tobacco. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of the different e-smoking liquids on the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Method and materials: For this study six test solutions with components from ECs were selected: lime-, hazelnut- and menthol-flavored liquids, nicotine, propylene glycol, and PBS as control group. The fibroblasts were incubated up to 96 h with the different liquids, and cell viability was measured by using the PrestoBlue® reagent, the ATP detection and the migration assay.…

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Prolonged in vitro exposure to white wines enhances the erosive damage on human permanent teeth compared with red wines.

Abstract The aim of this in vitro study was to determine and compare the erosive potentials of red and white wines, exerted on enamel surfaces prepared from extracted human permanent teeth. European wines (50 red, 50 white wines) from different regions were purchased, and the pH values were measured. Eight wines with different pH values were selected. Enamel samples with an average surface area of 25 mm 2 were prepared from 25 extracted permanent teeth from male and female patients aged 40 to 65 years and incubated with wines for up to 24 hours; the amounts of released calcium were determined colorimetrically, and mean surface roughness was measured with a profilometer. A quantitative eleme…

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Root canal morphology and configuration of 123 maxillary second molars by means of micro-CT.

The aim of this study was to investigate the root canal configuration, accessory canals and number of main foramina of 123 maxillary second molars by means of micro-computed tomography. The teeth were scanned and reproduced with 3D software imaging. The root canal configuration and number of main foramina were evaluated by means of a four-digit system. The morphological complexity of human maxillary second molars is depicted by the number of accessory and connecting canals. The most frequently observed root canal configurations in the mesiobuccal root were 2-2-2/2 (19.5%), 2-2-1/1 (14.6%) and 2-1-1/1 (13.0%). A 1-1-1/1 configuration was observed in 93.5% and in 96.7% in the distobuccal and …

research product

Minimal exposure time of different LED-curing devices

Abstract Objectives The purpose of the study was to investigate the shortest possible exposure time of different LED-curing devices for five different resin composites in a clinically relevant in vitro-model, where a 7 mm distance from the light guide tip to the bottom side of the cavity was compiled. Methods Resin composite samples (Tetric EvoCeram A3, Filtek Supreme XT A3B, Premise A3, CeramX Mono M5, QuiXfil) were filled in three increments of 2 mm thickness each in stainless steel moulds (O = 5 mm, h  = 6 mm, n  = 9). The samples were incrementally exposed to different blue LED-curing devices (Bluephase, Bluephase C8, Bluephase 16i/Ivoclar Vivadent, L.E.Demetron II/sds Kerr, Elipar Free…

research product

Local Gingival Blood Flow at Healthy and Inflamed Sites Measured by Laser Doppler Flowmetry

This investigation aimed to: 1) develop a method to obtain reproducible laser Doppler flow readings (LDFRs) at the gingiva of the maxillary front teeth; 2) evaluate regional gingival blood flow (GBF) in healthy gingiva by laser Doppler flowmetry; 3) compare hand-held LDFR (H-LDFR) with splint LDFR (S-LDFR); and 4) monitor changes in GBF in experimental gingivitis (EG) and chronic gingivitis (CG).The LDFR, gingival index (GI), and plaque index (PI) were measured at 13 gingival sites (teeth #6 to #11) in 10 healthy volunteers (five males and five females), 23 to 34 years of age, over a period of 12.5 +/- 3.27 days employing a partial-mouth EG model and in 11 patients (three males and eight fe…

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Usefulness of combining clinical and radiological dental findings for a more accurate noninvasive age estimation.

: The aim of this study was to establish correlations of clinical and radiological dental findings, alone or in combination, with chronological age in adults. Dental findings and orthopantomograms of 984 patients (aged 20–60 years; 524 females/460 males) were analyzed. DMF-T index and distance (alveolar bone level, ABL) between cemento-enamel junction and alveolar bone margin were recorded. Additionally, clinical and radiological findings at each tooth crown and root were collected according to the actual status of destruction and restoration, and a total score for each dentition (TSD) was calculated. After univariate correlation analysis, correlation coefficients for ABL and TSD were impro…

research product

Root coverage with connective tissue graft associated with coronally advanced flap or tunnel technique: a randomized, double-blind, mono-centre clinical trial

Aim: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to compare the coronally advanced flap (CAF) with the modified microsurgical tunnel technique (MMTT) for treatment of Miller class I and II recessions. Material and Methods: Forty patients with 71 gingival recessions were recruited and randomly assigned to either CAF or to MMTT. In both groups, a connective tissue graft was applied. Clinical evaluations were performed after 3, 6, and 12 months. Impressions were taken and digitally scanned three-dimensionally to evaluate the quantitative soft tissue changes in the operative region. Patient satisfaction was measured with the root coverage aesthetic score (RES). Results: After a period of 12 m…

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Mundhygiene und Ernährungsgewohnheiten bei Jugendlichen mit festsitzenden kieferorthopädischen Apparaturen

Eine Vielzahl an Studien belegen, dass festsitzende kieferorthopadische Behandlungsmasnahmen (Multiband- oder Multibracket-Apparaturen) eine temporare Verschlechterung der Mundhygiene mit entsprechenden entzundlich bedingten Gingivaveranderungen hervorrufen konnen. Optimale Mundhygienemasnahmen und Anderungen der Ernahrungsgewohnheiten sind wesentliche Faktoren, um parodontale Entzundungen bei festsitzenden kieferorthopadischen (KFO-) Apparaturen zu vermeiden. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte uberpruft werden, inwieweit die Empfehlungen der behandelnden Kieferorthopaden von jugendlichen Patienten nachvollzogen werden. Insgesamt wurden 67 jugendliche Patienten mit festsitzenden KFO-Apparatu…

research product

Root Canal Morphology and Configuration of 179 Maxillary First Molars by Means of Micro-computed Tomography: An Ex Vivo Study

Introduction The objective of this study was to propose a root canal configuration description method and to investigate the root canal system morphology of the maxillary first molar by means of micro-computed tomographic imaging. Methods The root canal configuration, foramina, and accessory canal frequency of 179 maxillary first molars were investigated by means of micro-computed tomographic imaging and 3-dimensional software imaging. The root canal configuration and main foramina number are described from coronal to apical with a 4-digit system. Results The most frequent root canal configurations were 1-1-1/1 (45.8%), 2-2-2/2 (25.1%) and 2-2-1/1 (10.1%) in mesiobuccal roots and 1-1-1/1 in…

research product

Clinical parameters and aMMP-8-concentrations in gingival crevicular fluid in pregnancy gingivitis.

BACKGROUND During pregnancy hormonal changes may increase the risk for developing gingivitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the signs of gingival inflammation and the enzyme activity of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) in the gingival crevicular fluid of pregnant women. METHODS After approval by the ethics commission, a total of 40 volunteers participated in the study; group 1 (n = 20, age: 32 +/- 4 years) with pregnant women, and group 2 (n = 20, age: 30 +/- 10 years) with age-matched non-pregnant women as controls. After obtaining anamnestic data, the dental examination included assessment of oral hygiene, gingival inflammation, probing pocket depth, and recession. Gingival cre…

research product

Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa: oral findings and problems.

Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) is one of the three major types of epidermolysis bullosa (EB), an inherited cutaneous disease with blister formation following minor trauma. A subtype of DEB is recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Hallopeau-Siemens type (RDEB-HS), where marked scarring leads to deformities of extremities. In RDEB-HS the mucous membranes may also be involved and form adhesions with ankyloglossia and microstomia. Oral hygiene is difficult. A 7-year-old boy with RDEB-HS was brought to the Johannes Gutenberg University dental clinic with dental pain. He had multiple carious lesions, poor oral hygiene and gingivitis. Because he was noncompliant and had microstomia, …

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Radiographic Investigation of Frequency and Location of Root Canal Curvatures in Human Mandibular Anterior Incisors In Vitro

The aim of the present in vitro study was to evaluate the degree and location of root canal curvatures of mandibular anterior incisors. A total of 396 extracted human permanent anterior incisors (248 central and 148 lateral) were included in this investigation. Exclusion criteria were teeth with extensive carious lesions, restorations, and root canal treatment. The specimens were fixed in a special device and digitally x-rayed (Heliodent MD; Sirona, Benzheim, Germany; Merlin 2.1, Olympus/PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA) with the parallel technique. The distances from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the first curvatures as well as the according angles were recorded. The results were analyzed de…

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Clinical evaluation of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste in the treatment of human periodontal bony defects--a randomized controlled clinical trial: 6-month results.

The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcome of intrabony periodontal defects following treatment with a novel nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (NHA) paste to open flap debridement.Twenty-eight subjects, each displaying one intrabony defect with probing depth (PD)or =6 mm and radiographic evidence of an intraosseous componentor =3 mm participated in the present study. Subjects were allocated randomly to treatment with NHA paste (test group) or open flap debridement (control group). At baseline and at 6 months after surgery, the following clinical parameters were recorded by a masked examiner: plaque index, gingival index, PD, clinical attachment level (CAL), and gingival recessio…

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Corrigendum to "Human periodontal fibroblast response to a nanostructured hydroxyapatite bone replacement graft in vitro" [Arch. Oral Biol. 53 July (7) (2008) 683-689].

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Non-cross-linked collagen type I/III materials enhance cell proliferation: in vitro and in vivo evidence

Objective: To analyze Mucograft®(MG), a recently introduced collagen matrix, in vitro and in vivo, and compare it with BioGide®(BG), a well-established collagen membrane, as control. Material and Methods: A detailed analysis of the materials surface and ultra-structure was performed. Cellular growth patterns and proliferation rates of human fibroblasts on MG and BG were analyzed in vitro. In addition, the early tissue reaction of CD-1 mouse to these materials was analyzed by means of histological and histomorphometrical analysis. Results: MG showed a three-fold higher thickness both in dry and wet conditions, when compared to BG. The spongy surface of BG significantly differed from that of …

research product

Marginal integrity of class V restorations: SEM versus dye penetration.

To perform an in vitro investigation on the marginal integrity of different adhesives (Optibond FL, Scotchbond 1XT, Clearfil SE Bond, Adper Prompt L-Pop, S(3) Bond, iBond exp., Adper Prompt L-Pop) in combination with Tetric Ceram as well as an experimental silorane-restorative (Hermes, Hermes Bond; 3M ESPE) using SEM and dye penetration (2% methylene blue) in a comparative manner.Standardized class V-cavities (3 mm x 1.5 mm) were prepared in 70 extracted human teeth (n=10). The adhesives were applied according to manufacturers' instructions. The cavities were restored with three increments. After finishing and polishing (Sof-Lex discs) and thermocycling (5000x, 5/55 degrees C), replicas wer…

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Three-dimensional analysis of the physiological foramen geometry of maxillary and mandibular molars by means of micro-CT.

The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological foramen diameter, shape and distance between physiological and anatomical apex of maxillary and mandibular first and second molars. Accurate knowledge of the physiological foramina morphology; thus, inherent mechanical shaping technical hindrances, is decisive when taking the corresponding root canal final preparation decision. The morphological dimensions of a total of 1727 physiological foramina were investigated by means of micro-computed tomography. Mean narrow and wide (to a high number, oval) diameters of the physiological foramen were 0.24, 0.22 and 0.33 mm and 0.33, 0.31 and 0.42 mm in mesiobuccal (MB), distobuccal (DB) and …

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Roentgenographic in vitro investigation of frequency and location of curvatures in human maxillary premolars.

The aim of this study was to determine the location of the root canal curvature and measure the distance from the CEJ to the first curvature using in vitro methods. Extracted maxillary premolars (n = 358) were fixed and digitally radiographed using the parallel technique. Excluded from further analysis were teeth with root caries, artificial crowns, extensive fillings, or endodontic treatments. The results were descriptively analyzed and the cumulative frequencies were calculated. The median values of the distance between CEJ and first curvature were for the first right premolars 8.4 mm (buccal) and 8.5 mm (palatal), for the first left premolars 9.1 mm (buccal) and 8.9 mm (palatal). The med…

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Ability of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite paste to promote human periodontal ligament cell proliferation.

Recent studies indicate that nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (nano-HA) paste represents a promising class of bone graft substitute. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of nano-HA function have not yet been determined. This study was conducted to investigate the proliferation of human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells cultured in the presence of nano-HA paste and to characterize associated changes in intracellular signaling pathways. Cultured PDL cells were stimulated with nano-HA paste and enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in a soluble form. Proliferation of PDL cells was determined by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in the DNA of proliferating cells. In order to understand th…

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Identification of Lactobacilli from Deep Carious Lesions by Means of Species-Specific PCR and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

SUMMARY Background: The aim of the present study was to compare MALDI-TOF results for the identification of 87 lactobacilli, isolated from soft or hard carious dentin from 70 first molars of 7- to 8-year-old children with those obtained by species-specific PCR. Methods: The 87 isolates were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS (Microflex LT, MALDI Biotyper 3.0, Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany), using a reference data base of 4110 strains including > 90 lactobacillus species. For the identification with species-specific PCR, oligonucleotide primers (16S rRNA) specific for L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L. gasseri, L. plantarum, and L. acidophilus were used; type strains served as controls. The P…

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Interdisciplinary approach for the treatment of periodontally compromised malpositioned anterior teeth: a case report

Today many adult patients with periodontal disease demonstrate positioning of teeth that comprise their ability for proper mechanical tooth cleaning of approximal tooth surfaces. With adequate combined periodontal-orthodontic treatment it is possible to re-establish a healthy and well-functioning dentition. However, while orthodontic treatment can realign periodontally affected teeth, esthetic appearance may be compromised by gingival recession due to alveolar bone dehiscences or fenestrations in combination with a thin gingival biotype. This article reports an interdisciplinary (periodontic, orthodontic, restorative) approach for the treatment of a periodontally compromised patient with an…

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Early root surface colonization by human periodontal ligament fibroblasts following treatment with different biomaterials

The present in-vitro study examined the effects of different biomaterials on early root surface colonization by human periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts using confocal-laser-scanning-microscopy (CLSM).Fifteen periodontally-diseased teeth were extracted, treated with scaling/root planing and longitudinally cut to obtain 30 root fragments. Fragments were treated either with 24% EDTA following application of enamel matrix derivative (EMD), 24% EDTA or EMD only, nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (NHA) paste or oily calcium hydroxide suspension (OCHS) for 1 h each. The analogue untreated root specimens served as controls. Root fragments were incubated with human PDL fibroblasts and cellular pro…

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Influence of gender and social factors on oral health, treatment degree and choice of dental restorative materials in patients from a dental school.

To cite this article: Int J Dent Hygiene DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00401.x Willershausen B, Witzel S, Schuster S, Kasaj A. Influence of gender and social factors on oral health, treatment degree and choice of dental restorative materials in patients from a dental school. Abstract:  Objective:  The attitude towards oral health is influenced by gender, the level of education and the social background of the patients The aim of the present study was to determine a possible relationship of gender, the educational level and the oral health as well as the choice of dental restorations. Methodology:  A total of 2374 outpatients (age: 18–80 years) from a University dental school were assessed. …

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In vitro retentive strength of zirconium oxide ceramic crowns using different luting agents

Statement of problem In contrast to gold crowns, in vitro determination of the retentive strength of all-ceramic crowns is more difficult because components allowing connection to testing apparatus are not as easily integrated into the all-ceramic material. Nevertheless, retentive strength data are crucial for obtaining information about the potential clinical performance of luting cements for all-ceramic restorations. Therefore, a new in vitro model was necessary to evaluate the retentive strength of all-ceramic crowns. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the retentive strength of 4 resin-cement systems, a compomer, a glass-ionomer cement, a resin-modified glass-ion…

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Survey of root canal irrigating solutions used in dental practices within Germany.

Aim Irrigant usage information in relation to years of professional experience was collected from general dentists in different German federal states by means of a questionnaire. Methodology A short survey concerning endodontic treatment and use of irrigants was mailed to 4240 dentists or delivered to 3720 dental offices as an extra page in a journal in eight German states. Detailed information concerning the most frequently used irrigants, their concentrations, the spectrum of disinfectants used in root canal treatment concepts for vital and nonvital pulps, main topics of continuing education as well as years of professional experience was collected. The statistical analysis of differences…

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Two-year clinical performance of a packable posterior composite with and without a flowable composite liner

The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical performance of a packable fine hybrid dental composite (Prodigy Condensable) and the influence of the additional application of a flowable resin composite (Revolution, SDS Kerr) layer on marginal integrity after 2 years in stress-bearing posterior cavities according to the Ryge criteria. In 50 patients (40.5+/-17.5 years of age), 116 class II fillings (metal matrix system, glass ionomer-cement-base in 36%, rubberdam isolation in 70%) were placed, with at least two restorations per patient. The adhesive Optibond Solo Plus was used for all the restorations. In one of the two fillings in each patient, an additional layer of the flowable composi…

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Influence of Instrument Size on the Accuracy of Different Apex Locators: An In Vitro Study

The aim of this in vitro investigation was to determine the accuracy of 4 different electronic apex locators (EALs) with 3 different instrument sizes. For this study 146 roots were embedded in an agar solution. Electronic measurements were made to the physiologic foramen (apical constriction) with the Elements Apex Locator, Justy II, Raypex 5, and ProPex II and K-type files sizes 08, 10, and 15. Statistical significances were calculated with the sign test (P < .001). Exact measurements to the physiologic foramen were made with the Elements Apex Locator, 36.99%, 39.04%, and 44.93%; Justy II, 38.62%, 32.41%, and 43.41%; Raypex 5, 42.76%, 39.31%, and 39.06%; and ProPex II, 38.62%, 43.45%, and …

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Anwendungsbeobachtungsstudie mit Ubistesin 1 : 400 000

In der vorliegenden klinischen Anwendungsbeobachtungsstudie wurde die Wirkdauer des Lokalanasthetikums Ubistesin 1: 400 000 getestet. Ziel der Studie war, den klinischen Nutzen hinsichtlich Wirkdauer und Einsatzbereiche zu prufen. Insgesamt sind 515 Zahne (380 Patienten) behandelt worden. Die Hauptindikationsbereiche waren Parodontalbehandlungen (n = 245), gefolgt von Kavitatenpraparationen (n = 162) und Legen von Fullungen (n = 39). Die mediane Anasthesiedauer betrug 162 min. Die individuelle Schmerzempfindung der Patienten lag jedoch zwischen 37 min und 7,5 h. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden klinischen Anwendungsbeobachtung zeigten, dass das verwendete Anasthetikum mit geringer Vasokonstr…

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Rheuma und Mundgesundheit

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Oral Hygiene and Dietary Habits in Adolescents with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances: A Cross-sectional Study.

ABSTRACT Objectives Fixed orthodontic appliances (FOAs) may cause a temporary deterioration of oral hygiene with corresponding gingival inflammatory changes. Optimal oral hygiene and dietary changes are essential in order to avoid periodontal inflammation. The present study investigates to what extent the recommendations made by the orthodontist are followed by young patients. Materials and methods A total of 67 adolescent patients with FOA were examined and interviewed. The control group consisted of 70 patients of the same age who had not undergone any orthodontic treatment. A specific questionnaire (assessing dietary habits, oral hygiene measures) was used and comprehensive oral findings…

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The influence of micronutrients on oral and general health

Abstract Objective The aim of the present clinical pilot study was to examine the influence of a combination of micronutrients on individuals with high stress experience. Methods 40 healthy students (28 female, 12 male) with a mean age of 27.1 ± 3.0 years, experiencing high examination stress, were chosen. After approval of the ethics commission, one group of students (n = 19) took a combination of micronutrients (Orthomol vital m/f) for three months, whereas other students (n = 21) served as control group. All participants underwent at the beginning and at the end of the trial a dental examination, a determination of 10 periodontal pathogens, a salivary and a blood analysis. In addition, t…

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Marginal integrity of different resin-based composites for posterior teeth: an in vitro dye-penetration study on eight resin-composite and compomer-/adhesive combinations with a particular look at the additional use of flow-composites

Abstract Objective: To determine improvements in marginal adaptation of resin-based composite restorative systems by means of flow-composites (Solitaire 2/Gluma Solid Bond, Solitaire 2/Flow Line/Gluma Solid Bond, Point 4/Optibond Solo Plus, Point 4/Revolution/Optibond Solo Plus) and to determine the equality of simplified bonding systems (Solitaire 2/Gluma Comfort Bond, Tetric Ceram/Tetric Flow/Excite, Dyract AP/Prime & Bond NT/NRC, Pertac II/Prompt-L-Pop) in marginal gap formation. Methods: The marginal dye penetration (2% methylene-blue) was investigated separately for the approximal boxes of Class II mod-cavities with one cervical margin of the approximal box within enamel, the other wit…

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Efficacy of Subgingival Irrigation Using Herbal Extracts on Gingival Inflammation

The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of an herbal-based mouthrinse in combination with an oral irrigator in reducing gingival inflammation.A total of 89 patients (45 females, 44 males; mean age 49.1 +/- 1.31 years) were included in this prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical study and allocated to 3 treatment groups: group 1 (n = 34), treated with an oral irrigator with subgingival tips and an herbal-based mouthrinse; group 2 (n = 29), the oral irrigator was applied in combination with a conventional mouthwash; and group 3 (n = 26), treated with the conventional mouthwash without subgingival irrigation. Data collected at baseline and after 4, 8, and 12 weeks …

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Retentive strengths of cast gold crowns using glass ionomer, compomer, or resin cement

The retention forces of a newly developed compomer cement (Dyract Cem), a glass ionomer cement (Ketac Cem Aplicap), and a resin cement (F21) were examined.Cemented cast gold crowns were removed along the path of insertion with a Zwick universal testing device. The impact of both a cured and a noncured additional bonding layer that were applied to the inner surface of the crowns was examined across the Dyract Cem group.The mean adhesive strength was measured at 2.36 +/- 0.69 N/mm2 in the Ketac Cem group, at 0.60 +/- 0.28 N/mm2 in the F21 group, and at 1.85 +/- 0.94 N/mm2 in the Dyract Cem group, respectively. The application of an additional bonding layer to the inner surface of the crowns d…

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Penetration of Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus sanguinis into dental enamel.

Abstract The aim of this pilot study was to assess the difference in virulence of acidogenic and aciduric oral streptococci in an in vitro caries model using their penetration depths into dental enamel. 30 caries-free extracted molars from 11- to 16-year-olds were cleaned ultrasonically for 1 min with de-ionized water and, after air-drying, embedded in epoxy resin. After 8-h of setting at room temperature, the specimens were ground on the buccal side with SiC-paper 1200 (particle size 13–16 μm). Enamel was removed in circular areas sized 3 mm in diameter; the mean depth of removed enamel was 230 ± 60 μm. 15 specimens each were incubated anaerobically under standardized conditions with 24 h-…

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Possibilities of Dental Age Assessment in Permanent Teeth: A Review

The developmental stages of the first and second dentition, combined with abrasive wear of the dental hard tissue can be used for age determination in many mammal species and in humans. Concerning dental age determination, one has to distinguish between invasive techniques, which are mainly applied in dead individuals, and non-invasive methods suitable for living individuals. In contrast to in adults, where only few parameters are available for orientation, age determination in children and adolescents is in general fairly easy, and is facilitated by stereotypical biological growth patterns. In the present article, different methods for dental age determination are introduced, with a specia…

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Odontogenic Infections: A 1-year Retrospective Study.

ABSTRACT Objectives The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence, demographic patterns and management of odontogenic infections in patients undergoing treatment in an outpatient dental emergency service of a university hospital. Materials and methods In a retrospective study of the year 2012, all patients suffering from odontogenic infections were included. Demographic data, diagnosis and the conducted treatment were analyzed. Odontogenic infections were defined as pulpitis, apical and marginal periodontitis, abscesses and pericoronitis. Results A total of 2,058 out of 4,209 emergency patients suffered from odontogenic infections. The majority (45.0%) had an apical periodontitis,…

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Influence of different biomaterials on the viability of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans

Abstract Objectives The aim of the present in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of different biomaterials used for regenerative periodontal surgery on the growth of the periodontopathogen Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans . Methods Three commercially available biomaterials of synthetic origin (hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate, nanostructured hydroxyapatite paste, oily calcium hydroxide suspension), a bovine-derived xenograft as well as an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) were added in different concentrations to calibrated suspensions of A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 43718/33384 (serotype b/c). Equal aliquots (0.1 ml) for the viability assay were taken after 5 min, 1 h, 3 h,…

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Efficacy of electrical neuromuscular stimulation in the treatment of chronic periodontitis

Purpose: The purpose of the present randomized controlled clinical study was to evaluate the short-term outcomes of microcurrent electrical neuromuscular stimulation (MENS) as an adjunct method to nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Methods: Twenty patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis were recruited into the study and randomly treated with either nonsurgical periodontal therapy followed by 5 MENS treatments with a microcurrent device or by nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone. Periodontal parameters were measured at baseline and 6 weeks following therapy, and included the plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, and clinical attachment level (CAL). Results: All meas…

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Effect of thermocycling with or without 1 year of water storage on retentive strengths of luting cements for zirconia crowns

Abstract Statement of problem Bond stability between zirconia crowns and luting cement and between cement and dentin is a main concern; however, only limited evidence is available as to its longevity. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to measure the retentive strengths of 7 self-adhesive cements (RelyX Unicem Aplicap, RelyX Unicem Clicker, RelyX Unicem 2 Automix, iCEM, Maxcem Elite, Bifix SE, SpeedCem), 2 adhesive cements with self-etch primers (Panavia 21, SEcure), 1 glass ionomer cement (Ketac Cem), 1 resin-modified glass ionomer cement (Meron Plus), and 1 zinc phosphate cement for luting zirconia crowns (LAVA) to extracted teeth after thermocycling with or without 1 year of …

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