Conxa Soriano

Homo- and heterobinuclear Cu2+ and Zn2+ complexes of abiotic cyclic hexaazapyridinocyclophanes as SOD mimics

The new receptor 3,7,11,15,19,23-hexaaza-1(2,6)-pyridinacyclotetracosaphane (L1) containing a complete sequence of propylenic chains has been synthesised. The acid–base behaviour and Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination have been analysed by potentiometric measurements in 0.15 M NaClO4 for L1 and for the related compounds 3,7,11,14,18,22-hexaaza-1(2,6)-pyridinacyclotricosaphane (L2), 3,7,10,13,16,20-hexaaza-1(2,6)-pyridinacycloheneicosaphane (L3) and 3,7,10,12,15,19-hexaaza-1(2,6)-pyridinacycloicosaphane (L4). The crystal structure of [(CuH4L2)(H2O)(ClO4)](ClO4)5·3H2O shows an interesting combination of a metal ion coordinated by the pyridine nitrogen atom and the adjacent amine groups of the chain, …

research product

Polyamine Linear Chains Bearing Two Identical Terminal Aromatic Units. Evidence for a Photo Induced Bending Movement

Abstract Several chemosensors bearing a fluorescent unit at both ends of a linear polyamine chain were synthesised. The protonation as well as the association constants with Cu2+ and Zn2+ were determined by potentiometry in 0.15 mol dm−3 NaCl at 298.1 K. In the case of 1,16-bis(1-naphthylmethyl)-1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaazadecane hexahydrochloride (L1), formation of an excimer emission in aqueous acidic solutions was observed. The system was characterized by steady state fluorescence emission and by time resolved fluorescence. In the ground state the molecule is expected to adopt a more or less linear conformation, while in the excited state a bending movement of the chain must occur in order to …

research product

In vitro activity of scorpiand-like azamacrocycle derivatives in promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis.

The activity of a family scorpiand-like azamacrocycles against Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis was studied using promastigotes, axenic and intracellular amastigotes forms. All the compounds are more active and less toxic than meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime). Moreover, the data on infection rates and amastigotes showed that compounds P2Py, PN and P3Py are the most active against both species of Leishmania. On the other hand, studies on the inhibitory effect of these compounds on SOD enzymes showed that while the inhibition of the Fe-SOD enzyme of the promastigote forms of the parasites is remarkable, the inhibition of human CuZn-SOD and Mn-SOD from Escherichia coli is negl…

research product

Dinuclear Zn II Complexes of Polydentate Polyamines as Minimalist Models of Hydrolytic Reactions

The synthesis of the novel macrocycle 2,6,9,12,16-pentaaza[17](2,9)(1,10)phenanthrolinophane (L3) is reported. Speciation studies on the systems ZnII−L3 and ZnII−L2 (L2 =2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]metacyclophane) performed in aqueous solution show the formation of mono- and dinuclear ZnII complexes. In the two systems, the dinuclear complexes readily hydroxylate, with the hydroxo species being the main ones in solution at relatively low pH values. This feature makes these complexes promising hydrolytic agents for carboxy and phosphate esters. The hydrolytic ability of the L1−L3 dinuclear complexes toward the carboxy and phosphate ester bond was tested by addition of p-nitrophenyl acetate (N…

research product

Open-chain polyamine ligands bearing an anthracene unit - Chemosensors for logic operations at the molecular level

In this work the absorption and the fluorescence emission properties as well as the protonation sequence of three open chain polyamine ligands of different dimensions bearing an anthracene unit were studied. The protonation and stability constants with Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ have been determined in 0.15 mol·dm−3 NaCl at 298.1 ± 0.1 K. The values of both protonation and stability constants follow the expected trends according to the number of nitrogen donors, sequence of chelate rings and hydrophilic−hydrophobic balance. Chelation enhancement of the fluorescence emission (CHEF) was observed for some complexes of these ligands with Zn2+ and Cd2+. In contrast the analog complexes containin…

research product

Binuclear Cu2+ complex mediated discrimination between L-glutamate and L-aspartate in water.

L-Glutamate and L-aspartate selectivity is achieved by the action of two Cu2+ metal ions rightly disposed in a cyclophanetype macrocyclic framework; electrochemical sensing of glutamate has been achieved by adsorption of the copper complexes on graphite electrodes. Verdejo Viu, Begoña, Begona.Verdejo@uv.es ; Domenech Carbo, Antonio, Antonio.Domenech@uv.es ; Jimenez Garcia, Hermas Rafael, Hermas.Jimenez@uv.es ; Soriano Soto, Concepción, Concepcion.Soriano@uv.es ; Garcia-España Monsonis, Enrique, Enrique.Garcia-Es@uv.es

research product

Synthetic single and double aza-scorpiand macrocycles acting as inhibitors of the antioxidant enzymes iron superoxide dismutase and trypanothione reductase in Trypanosoma cruzi with promising results in a murine model

The anti-chagasic activity of a series of eleven derivatives of aza-scorpiand-like macrocycles, some of them newly synthesised, was assayed. The four compounds with the best selectivity indices in vitro were subjected to in vivo assays. Tests in a murine model of the acute phase of Chagas disease showed a two-fold reduction in parasitaemia compared to that with benznidazole. Furthermore, compounds 7 and 11, with 4-pyridine and phenanthroline substituents in the lateral chain, caused a remarkable decrease in parasitaemia reactivation during the chronic phase after inducing immunosuppression in mice. These activity studies were complemented by measuring their inhibitory effect towards the ant…

research product

Switching from intramolecular energy transfer to intramolecular electron transfer by the action of pH and Zn2+ co-ordination

Abstract Intramolecular electron (eT) and energy transfer (ET) have shown to occur in a covalently linked donor–acceptor (CLDA) system consisting of a naphthalene donor covalently linked through a polyamine chain connector to an anthracene acceptor; the connector has been chosen in order to switch ON or OFF the energy flux as a function of its protonation state as well as by co-ordination to Zn 2+ . The largest energy transfer efficiency ( η =0.61) occurs for the fully protonated form (pH 9 (eT) from the lone pairs of the nitrogens to the excited fluorophore takes place, leading to complete quenching of the emission. On the other hand at neutral and basic pH values, co-ordination of Zn 2+ p…

research product

CO 2 Fixation and Activation by Cu II Complexes of 5,5″‐Terpyridinophane Macrocycles

An aza-terpyridinophane receptor containing the polyamine 4,7,10,13-tetraazahexadecane-1,16-diamine linked through methylene groups to the 5,5″ positions of a terpyridine unit has been prepared and characterized (L). The acid-base behaviour, CuII speciation and ability to form ternary complexes (CuII-L-carbonate) have been explored by potentiometric titrations in 0.15 M NaClO4 and by UV/Vis and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy. Comparisons are made with a previously reported terpyridinophane containing the polyamine 4,7,10-triazatridecane-1,13-diamine (L1). For this latter receptor, reductive coupling between indigo and carbon dioxide at indigo-modified electrodes produces carboxylated derivat…

research product

Naphthalene-containing polyamines supported in nanosized boehmite particles

Boehmite nanoparticles with covalently linked polyamine chains functionalized with naphthalene fluorophores have been prepared and characterized. The characterization of the materials by elemental microanalysis, X-ray powder diffraction, MAS 29Si NMR and electron microscopy unambiguously prove that the covalent anchorage had occurred. Steady-state fluorescence emission studies show that the luminescent properties of the modified nanoparticles are sensitive to changes in concentration of hydrogen ions, metal ions and anionic nucleotides such as ATP. The behaviour of the attached materials in aqueous solution is parallel to the behaviour of the single fluorophoric polyamines. Comparisons are …

research product

Energetics and Dynamics of Naphthalene Polyaminic Derivatives. Influence of Structural Design in the Balance Static vs Dynamic Excimer Formation

Two new fluorescent macrocyclic structures bearing two naphthalene (Np) units at both ends of a cyclic polyaminic chain were investigated with potentiometric, fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved) and laser flash photolysis techniques. The fluorescence emission studies show the presence of an excimer species whose formation depends on the protonation state of the polyamine chains implying the existence of a bending movement (occurring in both the ground and in the first singlet excited state), which allows the two naphthalene units to approach and interact. For comparison purposes, one bis-chromophoric compound containing a rigid chain (piperazine unit) was also investigated. Its em…

research product

Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the Cu2+ coordination chemistry of a novel binucleating pyridinophane ligandElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1: observed rate constants for the acid-promoted decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with ligand L. Table S2: observed rate constants for the acid-promoted decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with macrocycle L1. Fig. S1: Variation of some selected 13C chemical shifts as a function of pH. See http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/dt/b2/b209013a/

The synthesis and coordination chemistry of the novel pyridine-functionalized ligand 2,6,9,12,16-pentaaza[17]-(2,6)pyridinophane (L1) is described. The compound behaves as a hexaprotic base in aqueous solution. NMR studies indicate a protonation pattern in which the sp2 pyridine nitrogen (N(py)) does not undergo a net protonation although it is involved in formation of hydrogen bonds. L1 forms mono and binuclear hydroxylated complexes. The crystal structure of [CuL1](ClO4)2 shows a square planar coordination for Cu2+ with the pyridine and the three central nitrogens of the chain forming the vertices of the square. The benzylic nitrogens could be occupying the axial positions of a strongly a…

research product

Hydrogen and copper ion-induced molecular reorganizations in scorpionand-like ligands. A potentiometric, mechanistic, and solid-state study.

Two aza scorpionand-like macrocycles (L2 and L3) have been prepared. L2 consists of a tren amine with two of its arms cyclizized with a 2,6-bis(bromomethyl)pyridine. In L3, the remaining pendant arm has been further functionalized with a fluorophoric naphthalene group. X-ray data on the compounds [H(L3)]ClO4.H2O (1) and [H3(L3)](H2PO4)3.H2O (2) as well as solution studies (pH-metry, UV-vis, and fluorescence data) show the movement of the pendant arm as a result of the protonation degree of the macrocycles and of the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. X-ray data on the complexes [Cu(L2)](ClO4)2]2.H2O (3) and [Cu(L3)](ClO4)2 (4) and solution studies on Cu2+ coordination show the impl…

research product

Thermodynamics and fluorescence emission studies on potential molecular chemosensors for ATP recognition in aqueous solution †

The interaction of the open-chain polyamine N-(3-aminopropyl)-N′-[3-(anthrylmethyl)aminopropyl]ethane-1,2-diamine (L) with the relevant anionic forms of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP), adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) is described. Unambiguous criteria for defining thermodynamic selectivity based on the use of effective stability constants are presented. The interaction of L and several other topologically similar polyammonium receptors with ATP has been shown to occur through electrostatic and π-stacking intermolecular forces. The π-stacking binding mode is modulated by the protonation degree of ATP as indicated by fluorescence emission titrations. Evide…

research product

Mn(II) complexes of scorpiand-like ligands. A model for the MnSOD active centre with high in vitro and in vivo activity

Manganese complexes of polyamines consisting of an aza-pyridinophane macrocyclic core functionalised with side chains containing quinoline or pyridine units have been characterised by a variety of solution techniques and single crystal x-ray diffraction. Some of these compounds have proved to display interesting antioxidant capabilities in vitro and in vivo in prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic (yeast and fish embryo) organisms. In particular, the Mn complex of the ligand containing a 4-quinoline group in its side arm which, as it happens in the MnSOD enzymes, has a water molecule coordinated to the metal ion that shows the lowest toxicity and highest functional efficiency both in vitro …

research product

Hydrogen and Copper Ion Induced Molecular Reorganizations in Two New Scorpiand-Like Ligands Appended with Pyridine Rings

The synthesis of two new ligands constituted of a tris(2-aminoethyl)amine moiety linked to the 2,6 positions of a pyridine spacer through methylene groups in which the hanging arm is further functionalized with a 2-pycolyl (L1) or 3-pycolyl (L2) group is presented. The protonation of L1 and L2 and formation of Cu(2+) complexes have been studied using potentiometric, NMR, X-ray, and kinetic experiments. The results provide new information about the relevance of molecular movements in the chemistry of this kind of so-called scorpiand ligand. The comparison between these two ligands that only differ in the position of the substituent at the arm reveals important differences in both thermodynam…

research product

Intermolecular binding modes in a novel [1 + 1] condensation 1H-pyrazole azamacrocycle: a solution and solid state study with evidence for CO2 fixation.

The synthesis of a novel cyclophane (L1) consisting of a 1H-pyrazole moiety linked through methylene groups to a 1,5,9,13-tetraazadecane chain is described. As far as we know, this is one of the first reported syntheses of a [1 + 1] condensation 1H-pyrazole azamacrocyclic ligand. The crystal structures of the complexes [Cu2(H(H(-1)L1))(H(-1)L1)](ClO4)3·3.75H2O (1) and ([Cu2(H(H(-1)L1))(0.5)(H(-1)L1)(1.5)]2(ClO4)3Br2·4.2H2O (2) show that Cu(2+) coordination leads to formation of 2:2 Cu(2+):L dinuclear dimeric complexes in which the 1H-pyrazole units lose a proton behaving as bis(monodentate) bridging ligands. Unlike previously reported complexes of [2 + 2] pyrazole azamacrocycles, the pyrazo…

research product

New molecular catalysts for ATP cleavage. Criteria of size complementarity

The interaction of the cyclophane receptor 2,5,8,11,14,17-hexaaza[18]metacyclophane (L) with the nucleotides ATP, ADP and AMP is described. L yields one of the largest rate enhancements for hydrolytic ATP cleavage observed in macrocyclic polyamines. The process is specific for the formation of ADP and involves a high degree of geometrical complementarity between host and guest species. The analogue compound 24-hydroxy-2,5,8,11,14,17-hexaaza[18]metacyclophane (L11) shows also a high degree of ATP activation. However, in this case deprotonation of the hydroxy group results in almost complete quenching of the ATPase activity above pH 7.0.

research product

Synthesis and protonation behaviour of the macrocycle 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]metacyclophane. Thermodynamic and NMR studies on the interaction of 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]metacyclophane and on the open-chain polyamine 4,8,11,15-tetraazaoctadecane-1,18-diamine with ATP, ADP and AMP

Abstract The novel cyclophane receptor 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]metacyclophane (L) has been synthesised and characterised. The acid-base behaviour and interaction with ATP, ADP and AMP have been studied by potentiometry in 0.15 mol dm−3 at 298.1 K and multinuclear NMR. L presents in its protonated forms a molecular organization which enables its multipoint binding with nucleotides. Salt-bridge formation occur between the polyammonium sites of L and the phosphate chain of the nucleotides while π-stacking between the meta-phenylene subunit incorporated in the receptor and the adenine ring of the nucleotides.

research product

Cation and anion recognition characteristics of open-chain polyamines containing ethylenic and propylenic chains

Abstract The interaction of the polyamines 4,7,10,13-tetraazahexadecane-1,16-diamine (L1) and 4,7,10-triazatridecane-1,13-diamine (L2) with H + , Cu 2+ , Zn 2+ , Co 2+ and the nucleotides ATP, ADP and AMP has been followed by NMR and potentiometric studies performed at 298.1 K in 0.15 mol dm −3 NaClO 4 . The influence of the different sequences of hydrocarbon chains and chelate rings present in the ligands on the values of the protonation constants, the stability of the metal ion complexes as well as in the co-ordination to nucleotides is analysed. The formation of mixed complexes has been investigated for the system Cu 2+ –L1–AMP.

research product

Thermodynamic and fluorescence emission studies on chemosensors containing anthracene fluorophores. Crystal structure of {[CuL1Cl]Cl}2·2H2O [L1 = N-(3-aminoprophyl)-N′-3-(anthracen-9-ylmethyl)aminopropylethane-1,2- diamine]

The co-ordination capabilities toward hydrogen ions, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ of the novel receptor 2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14](9,10)anthracenophane (L) and of its open-chain counterpart N-(3-aminopropyl)-N′-3-(anthracen-9-ylmethyl)aminopropylethane-1,2-diamine (L1) is described. Stepwise protonation constants of the cyclic receptor (L) are lower than those of the open-chain receptor (L1) . Quenching effects of the fluorescence emission occur upon first and second deprotonation of L and upon second deprotonation of L1. Stability constants of the Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ complexes follow the Irving–Williams trend and are intermediate between those of triethylenetetraamine with termin…

research product

Cu2+ Coordination Properties of a 2-Pyridine Heptaamine Tripod: Characterization and Binding Mechanism

The synthesis, protonation, and Cu(2+) coordination chemistry of a tripodal heptaamine ligand (L(1)) functionalized with 2-pyridine fragments at the ends of its three branches are reported. L(1) presents six relatively high protonation constants followed by much more reduced constant that as indicated by the UV-vis and NMR data, occur on the pyridine fragments. p[H]-metric, ESI/MS(+), EPR and UV-vis data show that L(1) is able to form mono-, di-, and trinuclear Cu(2+) complexes. Slippage movements and molecular reorganizations have been observed to occur as a function of p[H] in the 1:1 Cu(2+) complexes. The kinetic studies showed that the complex formation is fast and proceeds through a di…

research product

Synthesis and Cu(II) coordination of two new hexaamines containing alternated propylenic and ethylenic chains: Kinetic studies on pH-driven metal ion slippage movements

Abstract The synthesis of the open-chain and cyclic polyamines, 1,5,8,12,15,19-hexaazaheptadecane (L1) and 2,6,9,13,16,20-hexaaza[21]-(2,6)-pyridinophane (L2), are described. The protonation constants and interaction constants with Cu(II) have been determined by potentiometric measurements carried out at 298.1 K in 0.15 mol dm −3 NaClO 4 . The values obtained are discussed as a function of the open-chain or cyclic nature of the ligands and compared with analogous polyamines containing different sets of hydrocarbon chains between the nitrogen donors. Kinetic studies on the acid-promoted dissociation of the Cu(II) complexes indicate that the mono and binuclear complexes of L1 decompose with d…

research product

Equilibrium and Kinetic Properties of Cu II Cyclophane Complexes: The Effect of Changes in the Macrocyclic Cavity Caused by Changes in the Substitution at the Aromatic Ring

The o-B232, m-B232 and p-B232 cyclophanes result from attaching the terminal amine groups of 1,4,8,11-tetraazaundecane (232) to the benzylic carbons of the corresponding o-, m- or p-xylanes. The cavity size of these cyclophanes changes moderately as a consequence of the substitution at the aromatic ring. The effects caused by these changes on the equilibrium constants for protonation and CuII complex formation of the cyclophanes are analyzed and compared with those of the noncyclic 232 polyamine. All three cyclophanes form mononuclear complexes, but only o-B232 is able to coordinate to CuII through the four amine groups simultaneously, whereas m-B232 and p-B232 can only use three nitrogen d…

research product

Scorpiand-like azamacrocycles prevent the chronic establishment of Trypanosoma cruzi in a murine model.

Chagas disease is today one of the most important neglected diseases for its upcoming expansion to non-endemic areas and has become a threat to blood recipients in many countries. In this study, the trypanocidal activity of ten derivatives of a family of aza-scorpiand like macrocycles is evaluated against Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro and in vivo murine model in which the acute and chronic phases of Chagas disease were analyzed. The compounds 4, 3 and 1 were found to be more active against the parasite and less toxic against Vero cells than the reference drug benznidazole, 4 being the most active compound, particularly in the chronic phase. While all these compounds showed a remarkable degree …

research product

Polyaza[n]paracyclophanes as synthetic models of Zn containing enzymes. The role of a non coordinated nitrogen atom in the proximity of the metal

Abstract 2,6,9,13-Tetraaza[14]paracyclophane ( 3, B323 ) represents a simple model for Zn containing enzymes like HCAII which possess additional reactive groups in the proximity of the metal center. The Zn 2+ . 3 complex shows notable catalytic activity for the hydrolysis of p -nitrophenyl acetate. Structural modifications of 3 which affect to the non coordinated nitrogen atom greatly modify the catalytic activity of the receptor.

research product

New sensing devices part 1: indole-containing polyamines supported in nanosized boehmite particles

The synthesis, characterisation and optical properties of new sensing systems made by attaching different polyamine chains functionalised with an indole fluorophore to a boehmite matrix is reported for the first time. Firstly, a family of tri(alkoxy)alkylpolyaminosilanes have been reacted with indole-3-carboxaldehyde to form the corresponding Schiff bases which were reduced with sodium borohydride. The anchoring to the surface of the boehmite nanoparticles was carried out by reacting the precursors with the hydroxyl groups available in the surface of the support. The characterisation of the materials by elemental microanalysis, X-ray powder diffraction, CP-MAS 29Si NMR and electron microsco…

research product

CO2 Fixation by Cu2+ and Zn2+ complexes of a terpyridinophane aza receptor. Crystal structures of Cu2+ complexes, pH-metric, spectroscopic, and electrochemical studies.

The synthesis of the terpyridinophane-type polyamine 2,6,9,12,16-pentaaza[17]-(5,5' ')-cyclo-(2,2':6',2' ')-terpyridinophane heptahydrobromide tetrahydrate (L.7HBr.4H2O) is described. L presents six protonation constants with values in the range 9.21-3.27 logarithmic units. L interacts with Cu2+ and Zn2+ forming in both cases, neutral, protonated, and hydroxylated mono- and binuclear complexes whose constants have been calculated by potentiometry in 0.15 M NaClO4 at 298.1 K. The crystal structures of the compounds [Cu(HL-carb)(H2O)](ClO4)3.2H2O (1) and [Cu2(H2L)(CO3)]2(ClO4)8.9H2O (2) have been solved by X-ray diffraction. In 1, the metal center presents square pyramidal geometry. The base …

research product

Synthesis and photophysical properties of dansyl-based polyamine ligands and their Zn(II) complexes

The synthesis, potentiometric studies and photophysical properties of two new polyamine ligands (L1 and L2) possessing the dansyl chromophore were studied in aqueous 0.15 M NaCl. The compounds show the absorption and emissions bands characteristic of the dansylamide fluorophore and both present intramolecular excited state proton transfer at intermediate pH ranges. One of the ligands (L2) strongly coordinates Zn(II) leading to fluorescence quenching. A model compound (L3) of the dansyl moiety was also investigated. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TG5-4MB4DV1-2/1/45cafbcee9a8df7daddd765512437ca3

research product

Hydrogen-ion driven molecular motions in Cu2+-complexes of a ditopic phenanthrolinophane ligand

One of the first kinetic evaluations of a metal ion interchange between the two coordination sites of a ditopic macrocycle is presented. Garcia-España Monsonis, Enrique, Enrique.Garcia-Es@uv.es ; Soriano Soto, Concepción, Concepcion.Soriano@uv.es ; Verdejo Viu, Begoña, Begona.Verdejo@uv.es

research product

Zn(II)-coordination and fluorescence studies of a new polyazamacrocycle incorporating 1H-pyrazole and naphthalene units.

The synthesis and Zn(2+) coordination properties of a new macrocycle (L1) obtained by dipodal (2 + 2) condensation of the polyamine 3-(naphthalen-2-ylmethyl)pentane-1,5-diamine with 1H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarbaldehyde are reported. pH-metric studies show that L1 bears five measurable protonation steps in the 2.0-11.0 pH range. Fluorescence emission studies indicate that the removal of the first proton from the H(5)L1(5+) species leads to a significant decrease in the emission due to a photoinduced electron transfer process. Addition of Zn(2+) promotes a boat-like conformation that approaches both fluorophores and facilitates the formation of an excimer which reaches its highest emission for a 1 …

research product

Spectroscopy and Coordination Chemistry of a New Bisnaphthalene−Bisphenanthroline Ligand Displaying a Sensing Ability for Metal Cations

A new fluorescent macrocyclic structure (L1) bearing two naphthalene units at both ends of a cyclic polyaminic chain containing two phenanthroline units was investigated with potentiometric and fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved) techniques. The fluorescence emission spectra show the simultaneous presence of three bands: a short wavelength emission band (naphthalene monomer), a middle emission band (phenanthroline emission), and a long-wavelength band. All three bands were found to be dependent on the protonation state of the macrocyclic unit (including the polyaminic and phenanthroline structures). The existence of the long-wavelength emission band is discussed and is shown to im…

research product

Potentiometric, NMR, and Fluorescence-Emission Studies on the Binding of Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate (ATP) by Open-Chain Polyamine Receptors Containing Naphthylmethyl and/or Anthrylmethyl Groups

The interaction in aqueous solution of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) with a series of open-chain polyamines linked at one or both ends to anthrylmethyl or naphthylmethyl fragments was followed by potentiometric titration, 1H-, 13C-, and 31P-NMR spectroscopy, and by steady-state fluorescence measurements. The results revealed greater stabilities for the compounds containing one anthracene moiety than for those with one naphthalene moiety, the stabilities of the compounds with both ends N-substituted with naphthylmethyl groups being close to those containing just one anthrylmethyl unit. The 1H-NMR spectra showed that in all systems, there is involvement of π-π stacking interactions in the s…

research product

CO2 Fixation by Copper(II) Complexes of a Terpyridinophane Aza Receptor

CO2 is fixed by a Cu2+ complex of a macrocyclic terpyridinophane ligand forming a carbamate group. Several features of the structure mimic the enzyme rubisco.

research product

Synthesis, Protonation and Cu II Complexes of Two Novel Isomeric Pentaazacyclophane Ligands: Potentiometric, DFT, Kinetic and AMP Recognition Studies

The synthesis and coordination chemistry of two novel ligands, 2,6,9,12,16-pentaaza[17]metacyclophane (L1) and 2,6,9,12,16-pentaaza[17]paracyclophane (L2), is described. Potentiometric studies indicate that L1 and L2 form a variety of mononuclear complexes the stability constants of which reveal a change in the denticity of the ligand when moving from L1 to L2, a behaviour that can be qualitatively explained by the inability of the paracyclophanes to simultaneously use both benzylic nitrogen atoms for coordination to a single metal centre. In contrast, the formation of dinuclear hydroxylated complexes is more favoured for the paraL2 ligand. DFT calculations have been carried out to compare …

research product

Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for MRI of Atherosclerotic Lesions

Nanoparticle contrast agents for MRI may aid in identifying atherosclerotic lesions that give rise to ischemic events by means of penetration and retention in the plaque. These imaging agents may provide valuable information regarding plaque characteristics which can help determine the risk of plaque rupture. By increasing molecular flexibility or adding a means of specifically targeting ligands via antibody or peptide, nanoparticles can enhance certain regions of the atherosclerotic plaque. The development of single contrast agents detectable with multiple imaging modalities may further improve our ability to detect and characterize atherosclerosis in clinical and preclinical applications.…

research product

Structural characterization in solution of multifunctional nucleotide coordination systems

The interaction in aqueous solution of the cyclophane receptors 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]orthocyclophane (L11) and 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]paracyclophane (L22) with the nucleotides ATP, ADP and AMP has been studied by pH titration and NMR. The obtained results are compared with those previously reported for the analogous meta-substituted receptor 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]metacyclophane (L). All the experimental data support the actuation of these cyclophane molecules as multi-point binders of nucleotides through electrostatic, hydrogen bonding and π-stacking interactions. The combined use of NMR and molecular dynamics permits us to get a rather reliable picture of the way in which th…

research product

Synthesis and coordination properties of an azamacrocyclic Zn(II) chemosensor containing pendent methylnaphthyl groups

The synthesis of a polyazamacrocycle constituted by two diethylenetriamine bridges functionalized at their central nitrogen with naphth-2-ylmethyl units and interconnected through 2,6-dimethylpyridine spacers (L1) is reported. The protonation behaviour of the new macrocycle in water and in water-ethanol 70/30 v/v mixed solvent has been examined by means of pH-metric, UV-Vis and steady-state fluorescence techniques. The fluorescence emission is slightly quenched following the deprotonation of the central tertiary amines and more deeply quenched upon deprotonation of the secondary amino groups. pH-Metric titrations show that in water-ethanol 70/30 v/v L1 forms stable mononuclear complexes wit…

research product

Ground and excited state properties of polyamine chains bearing two terminal naphthalene units

A series of compounds bearing two naphthalene units linked through methylene groups to both ends of different open-chain polyamines has been investigated. The fluorescence emission studies show the presence of an excimer species whose formation depends on the protonation state and length of the polyamine chains and implies the existence of a bending movement in the excited state allowing the two naphthalene units to approach and interact. This interpretation was clearly proven by time-resolved fluorescence with the appearance of double exponential decays with a rise time observed at the excimer emission wavelength. For comparison purposes one bis-chromophoric compound containing a rigid cha…

research product

Copper(ii) and Zn(ii) coordination chemistry of tetraaza[n]cyclophanes

The acid–base behaviour and Zn2+ and Cu2+ metal coordination chemistry of the novel orthocyclophane ligands 2,5,8,11-tetraaza[12]orthocyclophane (L2) and 2,5,9,12-tetraaza[13]orthocyclophane (L3) and metacyclophane 2,5,8,11-tetraaza[12]metacylophane (L1) are studied. Important differences in the chemistry of these compounds are found depending on the substitution of the aromatic ring. The ortho derivatives are much more basic in their first two protonation steps while the metacyclophane presents much larger constants in the third and fourth protonation stages. The crystal structure of the picrate salt of [H2L3]2+ shows an alternate disposition of the protons in the molecule with formation o…

research product

Geometric Isomerism in Pentacoordinate Cu2+ Complexes: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Density Functional Theory Studies Reveal the Existence of Equilibrium between Square Pyramidal and Trigonal Bipyramidal Forms for a Tren-Derived Ligand

A ligand (L1) (bis(aminoethyl)[2-(4-quinolylmethyl)aminoethyl]amine) containing a 4-quinolylmethyl group attached to one of the terminal amino groups of tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) has been prepared, and its protonation constants and stability constants for the formation of Cu(2+) complexes have been determined. Kinetic studies on the formation of Cu(2+) complexes in slightly acidic solutions and on the acid-promoted complex decomposition strongly suggest that the Cu(2+)-L1 complex exists in solution as a mixture of two species, one of them showing a trigonal bipyramidal (tbp) coordination environment with an absorption maximum at 890 nm in the electronic spectrum, and the other one bein…

research product

Small Azaparacyclophanes as Potential Selective Scavengers of Mercury. Crystal Structure of the Complex Hg2(L1)Cl4 (L1 = 16,17,19,20-Tetramethyl-2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14]paracyclophane)

research product

CO2fixation and activation by metal complexes of small polyazacyclophanes

The interaction of the cyclophanes 2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14]paracyclophane (L1) and 2,6,9,13-tetraaza[14]metacyclophane (L2) and of their Zn2+ and Cu2+ complexes with CO32− and its protonated forms is described. The actuation of the Cu2+–L2 system as an electrocatalyst for the reduction of CO2 to CO in water is advanced. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

research product

Manganese(II) complexes of scorpiand-like azamacrocycles as MnSOD mimics.

Mn(II) complexes of scorpiand-type azamacrocycles constituted by a tretrazapyridinophane core appended with an ethylamino tail including 2- or 4-quinoline functionalities show very appealing in vitro SOD activity. The observed behaviour is related to structural and electrochemical parameters.

research product

A New ZnIITweezer Pyridine-Naphthalene System - An Off-On-Off System Working in a Biological pH Window

Their basic idea consisted of the connec-tion of an amine to a fluorophoric anthracene unit on oneside and to a pyridine moiety on the other. At acidic pHvalues the amino and the pyridine groups are protonatedand a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) occurs fromthe π-π* excited state of the anthracene to the protonatedpyridinium unit, leading to quenching of the fluorescence.However, at high pH values, where the amino group is notprotonated, PET alternatively takes place from the aminelone pair to the same excited state of the fluorophore, yield-ing the same inhibitory effect on the fluorescence. Betweenthese two pH values, there is a pH window where PET doesnot take place and fluorescence…

research product

Stability and kinetics of the acid-promoted decomposition of Cu(II) complexes with hexaazacyclophanes: kinetic studies as a probe to detect changes in the coordination mode of the macrocycles.

The synthesis, protonation and Cu(II) coordination features of the novel azacyclophane type receptors 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaza[22]-(2,6)-pyridinophane (L2), 2,6,9,12,15,19-hexaza[20]-(2,6)-pyridinophane (L5) and 2,6,9,12,15,19-hexaza[20]metacyclophane (L6) are presented. The protonation and Cu(II) constants are analysed and compared with the previously reported open-chain polyamines 4,8,11,15-tetrazaoctadecane-1,18-diamine (L1) and 4,7,10,13-tetraazahexadecane-1,16-diamine (L4) and of the cyclophane 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexaaza[22]paracyclophane (L3). All the systems form mono- and dinuclear complexes whose stability and pH range of existence depend on the type of hydrocarbon chains and molecular …

research product

Polyamines containing naphthyl groups as pH-regulated molecular machines driven by light

A series of compounds made up by linking methylnaphthalene fragments at both ends of different polyamine chains have shown to behave as pH-regulated molecular machines driven by light and fluorescence emission studies have proved the formation of an excimer between the two naphthalene units whose appearance, fluorescence intensity and decay times depend on the pH value of the media. Albelda Gimeno, Maria Teresa, Teresa.Albelda@uv.es ; Garcia-España Monsonis, Enrique, Enrique.Garcia-Es@uv.es ; Soriano Soto, Concepción, Concepcion.Soriano@uv.es

research product

Specific interaction of citrate with bis(fluorophoric) bibrachial lariat aza-crown in comparison with the other components of the Krebs cycle

Clares Garcia, M. Paz, M.Paz.Clares@uv.es ; Garcia-España Monsonis, Enrique, Enrique.Garcia-Es@uv.es ; Soriano Soto, Concepcion, Concepcion.Soriano@uv.es ; Tejero Toquero, Roberto, Roberto.Tejero@uv.es

research product

Imidazolate bridged Cu(II)-Cu(II) and Cu(II)-Zn(II) complexes of a terpyridinophane azamacrocycle: a solution and solid state study.

The dinuclear Cu2+ and Zn2+ as well as the mixed Cu2+-Zn2+ complexes of a 5,5''-pentaazaterpyridinophane ligand (L) are able to incorporate imidazolate (Im-) as a bridging ligand. The crystal structure of [Cu(2)L(Im)(Br)(H2O)](CF(3)SO(3))(2).3H2O (1) shows one copper coordinated by the three pyridine nitrogens of the terpyridine unit, one nitrogen of the imidazolate bridge (Im-) and one bromide anion occupying the axial position of a distorted square pyramid. The second copper atom is coordinated by the remaining imidazolate nitrogen, the three secondary nitrogens at the centre of the polyamine bridge and one water molecule that occupies the axial position. Magnetic measurements have been p…

research product

A bibracchial lariat aza-crown ether as an abiotic catalyst of malonic acid enolization

A bibracchial lariat aza-crown ether (L) consisting of 2-aminoethylnaphthyl moieties appended to a 2 : 2 azapyridinophane structure displays significant activation of H–D exchange in malonic acid. The compound forms very stable adducts with malonate anions (MA) in the 2–10 pH range. Molecular dynamics studies performed for the species resulting from the interaction of the hexaprotonated macrocycle and the dianion show that malonate is encapsulated by L with distances between the CH2 group of malonate and the pyridine nitrogens of ca. 3.5 A. The pendant arms of L cap above and below the anion, defining a pseudo-cage structure. Quantum chemical calculations for α-proton abstraction from malon…

research product

Cu2+and AMP complexation of enlarged tripodal polyamines

The synthesis, characterization, Cu2+ coordination and interaction with AMP of three tripodal polyamines are reported. The polyamines are based on the structure of the tetraamine (tren) which has been enlarged with three propylamino functionalities (TAL), with a further anthrylmethyl fragment at one of its terminal primary nitrogens (ATAL) or with naphthylmethyl fragments at its three ends (N3TAL). The protonation constants of all three polyamines show that at pH 6, all six primary and secondary nitrogen atoms in the arms are protonated. The interaction with Cu2+ and AMP (adenosine-5′-monophosphate) has been studied by potentiometric, UV-Vis, ESI-MS spectroscopy and NMR techniques. pH-Metri…

research product

CCDC 973978: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch-Jarque, Conxa Soriano, José M. Llinares, Salvador Blasco, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, and Enrique García-España|2013|Inorg.Chem.|52|10795|doi:10.1021/ic400645t

research product

CCDC 973974: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch-Jarque, Conxa Soriano, José M. Llinares, Salvador Blasco, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, and Enrique García-España|2013|Inorg.Chem.|52|10795|doi:10.1021/ic400645t

research product

CCDC 934155: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda,Salvador Blasco,Begona Verdejo,Hermas R. Jimenez,Antonio Domenech-Carbo,Conxa Soriano,Julio Latorre,Carmen Terencio,Enrique Garcia-Espana|2013|Dalton Trans.|42|11194|doi:10.1039/C3DT51012C

research product

CCDC 973976: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch-Jarque, Conxa Soriano, José M. Llinares, Salvador Blasco, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, and Enrique García-España|2013|Inorg.Chem.|52|10795|doi:10.1021/ic400645t

research product

CCDC 1020483: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: M. Paz Claresa, Carolina Serena, Salvador Blasco, Aida Nebot, Lucas del Castillo, Conxa Soriano, Antonio Domènech, Ana Virginia Sánchez-Sánchez, Laura Soler-Calero, José Luis Mullor, Antonio García-España, Enrique García-España|2015|J.Inorg.Biochem.|143|1|doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.11.001

research product

CCDC 999624: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: M. Paz Claresa, Carolina Serena, Salvador Blasco, Aida Nebot, Lucas del Castillo, Conxa Soriano, Antonio Domènech, Ana Virginia Sánchez-Sánchez, Laura Soler-Calero, José Luis Mullor, Antonio García-España, Enrique García-España|2015|J.Inorg.Biochem.|143|1|doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.11.001

research product

CCDC 973975: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch-Jarque, Conxa Soriano, José M. Llinares, Salvador Blasco, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, and Enrique García-España|2013|Inorg.Chem.|52|10795|doi:10.1021/ic400645t

research product

CCDC 1423684: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Salvador Blasco, Begoña Verdejo, M. Paz Clares, Carmen E. Castillo, Andrés G. Algarra, Julio Latorre, M. Angeles Máñez, Manuel G. Basallote, Conxa Soriano and Enrique García-España|2010|Inorg.Chem.|49|7016|doi:10.1021/ic100609h

research product

CCDC 973977: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Raquel Belda, Javier Pitarch-Jarque, Conxa Soriano, José M. Llinares, Salvador Blasco, Jesús Ferrando-Soria, and Enrique García-España|2013|Inorg.Chem.|52|10795|doi:10.1021/ic400645t

research product