Inmaculada Montoya-castilla


Conducta suicida en adolescentes: un análisis de redes

Resumen Objetivo Hasta el momento, no se ha analizado la conducta suicida en poblacion adolescente mediante el analisis de redes. Es necesario incorporar nuevos acercamientos psicologicos que permitan comprender la conducta suicida bajo un prisma diferente. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue doble: a) analizar la conducta suicida mediante el analisis de redes; y b) investigar la relacion entre la conducta suicida y diferentes factores de riesgo y proteccion en adolescentes escolarizados. Metodo Participaron 443 estudiantes espanoles (M = 14,3 anos; DT = 0,53; 51,2% mujeres) seleccionados de forma incidental de diferentes centros educativos. Se administraron instrumentos de medida par…

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Psychometric properties of the questionnaire on threat perception of chronic illnesses in pediatric patients*

Objetivo: o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicometricas do Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve em uma amostra de adolescentes com condicoes endocrinas ou pneumologicas cronicas. Analisar a dimensionalidade e reduzir a escala elaborando baremas por sexo e diagnostico medico. Metodo: avaliamos 510 pacientes com idades entre 9 e 16 anos usando o Questionario de Percepcao de Doencas Versao Breve e a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressao. Foram realizados testes de confiabilidade, validade do construto, validade de criterio e comparacao de medias segundo o diagnostico e as variaveis sociodemograficas. As analises de confiabilidade e validade mostraram propried…

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Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Spanish Teachers: A Mediation Study

espanolLa utilidad de la inteligencia emocional y su efecto tranquilizador sobre el estres laboral de los profesores han ido cobrando importancia en este campo de investigacion. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la relacion entre las habilidades emocionales y el sindrome de burnout y si el equilibrio afectivo media esta asociacion. Se han utilizado modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con datos de autoinforme de 200 profesores cuya edad estaba comprendida entre los 22 y los 64 anos (M = 44.97, SD = 9.31, 73.50% mujeres). Se utilizo un diseno transversal para el estudio. Los resultados mostraron un efecto significativo directo e indirecto de la claridad y de la reparacion emocional…

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Adaptación en la infancia: influencia del estilo parental y del estado de ánimo

La adaptación en la infancia hace referencia al ajuste personal, social y familiar que los niños manifiestan. Esta variable está relacionada con factores personales y familiares que influyen en su desarrollo. Entre ellos los estados emocionales y el estilo educativo que los padres utilizan para educar a sus hijos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el valor predictivo de los estilos parentales y los estados emocionales sobre la adaptación infantil. Los participantes fueron 1129 niños entre 8 y 12 años de colegios de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los estilos educativos se evaluaron con las Escalas de Identificación de “Prácticas Educativas Familiares”, los estados de ánimo a través de T…

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¿Qué dicen los adolescentes sobre el acoso escolar?

Resumen: Todos los actos antisociales, incluidos la violencia y el acoso escolar, lo son dentro de la colectividad en la que se producen y son reflejo de esa colectividad. Este estudio se centra en el discurso espontáneo de 406 adolescentes entre 15 y 21 años sobre el acoso escolar. El análisis cualitativo de los datos permite inferir cuatro principios discursivos que se articulan desde la inicial negación de la violencia (“eso no pasa”), a la negación de la responsabilidad (“si pasa, no soy yo, somos todos”), la negación de la gravedad (“si es broma, no hace daño), y la atribución a la víctima (el acoso tiene más que ver con la víctima que con el agresor). El análisis del discurso espontán…

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Factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in adolescent patients with chronic disease.

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a screening instrument that assesses emotional symptoms in different populations and medical conditions. This study analyzes the psychometric properties and factor structure of the HADS in adolescents with chronic disease and the differences based on their medical condition.The HADS was administered to a sample of 302 adolescents with chronic disease. Exploratory factor analyses were done in a subsample of 100 adolescents, while confirmatory factor analyses were performed in the rest of participants (202) to examine the validity and reliability of the HADS (14 items); an analysis of variance for a single factor was also done to study diffe…

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'We can Only Teach from Our Own Experience': From Emotional Learning in Childhood and Adolescence to Emotional Training in Teachers

The ability to understand and process emotional information is an important part of human functioning as it facilitates an adequate adjustment to the environment [1]. The development of emotional abilities, including the capacity to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions underlies social competence and performance [2]. For instance, accurate perception of another person's emotional state enhances the estimation and understanding of their intention and subsequent behavior, making it easier to respond accordingly [3]. Emotions can facilitate thought processes reinforces learning, concentration, and execution [4]. Understanding the meaning of emotions in a social context guides decision…

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Estado de salud en adolescentes de España, México y Chile durante la COVID-19: un estudio transcultural.

espanolLa pandemia provocada por la COVID-19 es una crisis sin precedentes en la historia reciente, cuyas consecuencias han tenido un impacto mundial. Una de las etapas mas vulnerables a los efectos de esta emergencia sanitaria es la adolescencia, pues atraviesan un proceso vital de cambios en diversos aspectos de su vida, y la inestabilidad social y economica se suma como factor de riesgo a su ajuste psicosocial. Los estudios a nivel transcultural han tratado de comparar y comprender las diferencias en la adaptacion de los y las adolescentes a la pandemia en diferentes partes del mundo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el estado de salud actual, en comparacion con el estado de salu…

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The impact of peer attachment on prosocial behavior, emotional difficulties and conduct problems in adolescence: The mediating role of empathy

Attachment theories postulate that during adolescence, peer relationships become more important as a predictor of positive social, emotional and behavioral outcomes. Adolescents develop the ability to empathize with others, which is related to healthy functioning and positive peer relationships. Empathy has been studied as a potential mechanism that may help to explain how strong and healthy emotional bonds are associated with less emotional disorders and conduct problems in youth. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between peer attachment and strengths and difficulties during adolescence, considering empathy as a potential mediator of this association. A total o…

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The Impact of Adolescent Internet Addiction on Sexual Online Victimization: The Mediating Effects of Sexting and Body Self-Esteem

Adolescents’ problematic use of the internet and the risk of sexual online victimization are an increasing concern among families, researchers, professionals and society. This study aimed to analyze the interplay between adolescents’ addiction to social networks and internet, body self-esteem and sexual–erotic risk behavior online: sexting, sextortion and grooming. While sexting refers to the voluntary engagement in texting sexual–erotic messages, sextortion and grooming are means of sexual–erotic victimization through the use of the internet. Participants were 1763 adolescents (51% girls), aged 12 to 16 years (M = 14.56

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Psychological adjustment of Spanish adolescents and their parents during COVID- 19 lockdown: A mixed method approach

Previous literature on the psychological impact of COVID-19 has shown a direct relationship between family conflicts and psychological distress among parents and their children during the domestic lockdown and social isolation; but there are also opportunities to enhance family bonding, encourage collective problem-solving and improve personal relationships. This study aimed to explore psychological adjustment processes of Spanish adolescents and their parents during the first month of lockdown by analyzing their narratives, perceived outcomes, protection and risk factors. A total of 142 people agreed to participate in this study. Of all participants, 61 were adolescents (M = 13.57; SD = 1.…

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Longitudinal analysis of subjective well-being in preadolescents: The role of emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress

Subjective wellbeing has been conceptualized as a person’s cognitive and affective evaluation of their life. In this line, life satisfaction and somatic complaints may be outstanding indicators of well-being. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyze the combined contribution of trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress to well-being. Participants were 381 pupils aged 12–16 years (56.1% female). Hierarchical regression models and a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) were conducted. Trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and low perceived stress were related in the expected direction to life satisfaction and somatic complaints. Findings support …

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Predicting adolescent adjustment and well-being: The interplay between socio-emotional and personal factors

Social and emotional factors such as emotional competence and self-esteem are protective factors that promote adolescent mental health and well-being. In this paper, we will examine the combined contribution of these socio-emotional factors in addition to personal factors, in the prediction of psychological adjustment and subjective well-being in adolescence. The study included 840 adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 13.37, SD = 1.16, 51.4% girls). We measured personal variables (sex, age, number of siblings), socio-emotional variables (emotional competence and self-esteem), psychological adjustment (emotional and behavioural problems) and subjective well-being (life satisfact…

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Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ-SAS): Analysis of psychometric properties

The Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire Self-Administered Standardized (CRQ-SAS) format is used to assess health-related quality of life in different languages and adult populations, but it has not been validated in adolescents. This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the CRQ-SAS in a sample of adolescent patients with chronic respiratory disease and correlates them to anxiety and depression.In relation to the CRQ-SAS psychometric properties, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were done to assess the instrument's reliability and validity. Correlations and multiple linear regressions with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were done to assess the relation wi…

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The importance of trait emotional intelligence and feelings in the prediction of perceived and biological stress in adolescents: hierarchical regressions and fsQCA models

The purpose of this study is to analyze the combined effects of trait emotional intelligence (EI) and feelings on healthy adolescents' stress. Identifying the extent to which adolescent stress varies with trait emotional differences and the feelings of adolescents is of considerable interest in the development of intervention programs for fostering youth well-being. To attain this goal, self-reported questionnaires (perceived stress, trait EI, and positive/negative feelings) and biological measures of stress (hair cortisol concentrations, HCC) were collected from 170 adolescents (12-14 years old). Two different methodologies were conducted, which included hierarchical regression models and …

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Decision-making Styles in Adolescent Offenders and Non-offenders: Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

The literature indicates that adolescents with delinquent behavior have greater difficulty making rational decisions and show lower emotional intelligence and empathy. Decision-making is a set of complex processes associated with neurobiological, cognitive, emotional, and social factors which help regulate and guide behavior, which could be influenced by emotional intelligence and empathy. A comparative, correlational, and predictive study was conducted to analyze relationships and influence of emotional intelligence and empathy in decision-making styles in adolescent offenders and non-offenders. 808 Colombian adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age participated (50p offenders). The resu…

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Los efectos a largo plazo de las competencias emocionales y la autoestima en los síntomas internalizantes en la adolescencia

Resumen Los sintomas internalizantes como el estado de animo depresivo, las quejas somaticas y la ansiedad de los adolescentes es una preocupacion importante y global para los padres, los educadores y los profesionales. Las investigaciones empiricas indican que una elevada autoestima esta asociada con la adaptacion psicologica y el bienestar emocional en la adolescencia. En el presente estudio se ha examinado la autoestima como posible mediador en la relacion entre las competencias emocionales y los sintomas internalizantes durante la adolescencia. Los datos de 855 adolescentes espanoles (M = 13.6, DT = 1.09, 52% chicas) se han recogido en dos momentos, utilizando un diseno longitudinal. El…

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Los efectos a largo plazo de las competencias emocionales y la autoestima sobre los síntomas internalizantes de los adolescentes

Internalizing symptoms such as depressive mood, somatic complaints and anxiety among adolescents are a major and global concern for parents, educators and professionals. Empirical research suggests that high level of self-esteem during adolescents is associated with psychological adjustment and emotional well-being. This study examines self-esteem as a potential mediator in the interplay between emotional competencies and internalizing symptoms during adolescence. Self-report data from 855 Spanish adolescents (Mage = 13.6, SD = 1.09, 52% girls) were collected in two waves, using a longitudinal design. The mediation model was estimated using structural equation modelling (SEM). Results show …

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Emotional competences and subjective well‐being: The mediating role of relationship satisfaction in young Spanish adults

Establishing and maintaining relationships is one of the challenges facing young adults at the beginning of this stage in their lives. Emotional competences are related to relationship satisfaction and subjective well-being. This paper aims to study the relationship between emotional competences and subjective well-being in young adults, considering the mediating role of satisfaction with the partner. Two hundred and thirty-three young Spanish people (60.1% women) between 18 and 35 years old (Mean = 22.93; SD = 3.72) participated in the study. All of them had a romantic partner. The Questionnaire of Emotional Skills and Competences (ESCQ-21), the Scale of Evaluation of the Relationships (RA…

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Coconut oil: non-alternative drug treatment against alzheimer's disease

Introducción: la enfermedad de Alzheimer es la demencia más prevalente en la actualidad. En cuanto al tratamiento, no existe cura farmacológica definitiva, con lo cual son necesarias nuevas alternativas terapéuticas. En este sentido, los triglicéridos de cadena media suponen una fuente directa de energía celular y pueden ser una alternativa no farmacológica a la muerte neuronal por falta de la misma, que se produce en los enfermos de Alzheimer. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto que tiene el aceite de coco en la evolución de la demencia tipo Alzheimer, en cualquier grado de demencia. Asimismo, determinar si existe influencia en dicha mejora, de variables como el sexo y padecer o no diabetes melli…

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The influence of attachment on well-being: the mediating role of emotion regulation in Spanish youth

Las personas construyen y mantienen vínculos emocionales a lo largo de todo su desarrollo vital. El modo de vincularse, es decir, el estilo de apego, es consecuencia de los modelos mentales de relación construidos durante las experiencias afectivas. Los individuos con apego inseguro informan de elevada ansiedad y/o elevada evitación al establecer relaciones interpersonales. Estas personas podrían beneficiarse especialmente del aprendizaje de estrategias adecuadas para regular sus emociones, y así, aumentar su grado de bienestar. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar la relación entre el apego y el bienestar subjetivo en jóvenes españoles, contemplando la regulación emocional como var…

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Childhood adaptation: Perception of the parenting style and the anxious‐depressive symptomatology

Objectives Childhood adaptation is essential for proper social-emotional development. Children growing up in a family context where they feel supported and protected are less vulnerable in the presence of psychopathology. The aim of this study is analysing the impact of parenting styles and the anxious-depressive symptoms on child adaptation. Design and setting A total of 367 children between the ages of 10 and 12, following a similar distribution by sex. The children completed self-reports assessing parenting styles, child adaptation, and depressive-anxiety symptomatology. Methods The data were analysed using two complementary methodologies: linear regressions and fuzzy-set qualitative com…

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Does Stress Mediate the Association Between Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction During Adolescence?

Background Based on Mayer and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence, this study examined whether perceived stress mediates the interplay of emotional intelligence and life satisfaction for girls and boys during early and middle adolescence. Methods Using multigroup structural equation modeling with questionnaire data from a sample of Spanish adolescent students (N = 800; MAge T1 = 14.02, MAge T2 = 15.00, SD = 1.21) in 2 waves (T1 = March 2015; T2 = December 2015). Results Results of multigroup structural equation modeling indicated no group differences between boys and girls in early adolescence (7th and 8th grade) and middle adolescence (9th and 10th grade), as stress function as media…

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Predicting health-related quality of life in Spanish adolescents with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma

This study analyzed the predictive power of sociodemographic (age, sex) and medical variables (months since diagnosis and in treatment, immunotherapy, number of environmental allergens, food allergies or atopic dermatitistypes) on the quality of life of patients with rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma, using models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis to compare them according to the pathology(s). Retrospective cross-sectional design.Sixty-four adolescents (65.60% boys) diagnosed with rhinoconjunctivitis and/or bronchial asthma aged between 12 and 16 years old (M= 14.02; SD = 1.45). The data were collected between February 2019 and January 2020 using the Brief Disease Perce…

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Analyzing the role of resilience and life satisfaction as mediators of the impact of COVID-19 worries on mental health

The aim of this study was to test whether resilience and life satisfaction (two traditional protective factors) mediate between COVID-19 related worries and the development of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in adolescents and young adults. Participants involved 392 adolescents and young adults (70.20% female) aged between 12 and 25 years (M = 17.05 years, SD = 3.08). Participants completed the COVID-19 related worries scale, the CD-RISC to analyse resilience, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 to study emotional symptoms. Descriptive analyses and Pearson correlations were conducted, together with a structural equation modeling te…

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Development of Emotional Skills in Adolescents to Prevent Cyberbullying and Improve Subjective Well-Being

Bullying behavior alters the way in which students coexist together in the classroom and negatively affects adolescents’ well-being. Research highlights the importance of emotional skills in promoting positive youth development and optimal social functioning. Therefore, education in these skills is a potential target for interventions aimed at reducing cyberbullying and promoting satisfaction with life during adolescence. This study analyzes the impact of an emotion education program in adolescents to promote classroom coexistence and well-being. The sample comprised 148 students from 7th and 8th grade of secondary school aged between 12 and 15 years (Mage = 12.63, SDage = 0.74; 57% girls).…

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Cuestionario de adaptación a la diabetes-mellitus tipo I en pediatría: relación con la psicopatología

ABSTRACT Objective: to study the psychometric properties of an adaptive disease response questionnaire for use with Spanish children with type 1 diabetes; to analyse this response in this sample and to observe the relationship between adaptive response and levels of anxiety-depression. Method: a total of 100 patients with type 1 diabetes aged between nine and 16 years (M=12.28, SD=1.78) participated in the study, of which 59% were children. Data was collected in public hospitals via interviews using the Adaptive Disease Response Questionnaire and Anxiety and Depression Scale. The data was analysed using Pearson correlations, multiple hierarchical linear regressions, Student’s t Test for ind…

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EmoTIC: Impact of a game-based social-emotional programme on adolescents

[EN] Introduction Technologies provide a brilliant opportunity to promote social-emotional competences, well-being and adjustment in adolescence. Game-based programmes and serious games are digital tools that pursue an educational goal in an attractive environment for adolescents. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine the effectiveness of emoTIC, a game-based social-emotional programme designed according to Mayer, Caruso, and Salovey's model of emotional intelligence. Materials and methods The participants were 119 adolescents between 11 and 15 years, randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The adolescents completed questionnaires to assess their em…

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Diabetes mellitus tipo 1: breve revisión de los principales factores psicológicos asociados

Resumen: La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) es una enfermedad crónica ampliamente extendida entre la población infantojuvenil. Suele suponer una sobrecarga significativa en el niño y su familia, modificando aspectos en su estilo de vida, necesarios para cumplimentar las exigencias del tratamiento.Nuestro objetivo es estudiar las principales características psicológicas, familiares y de ajuste a la enfermedad de los niños y adolescentes diagnosticados de DM1, haciendo especial hincapié en los factores psicopatológicos asociados.La metodología empleada ha consistido en una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática en las principales bases de datos científicas.Debido al impacto biopsicosocial que la D…

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Ajuste familiar durante la pandemia de la COVID-19: un estudio de díadas

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has brought a host of vital changes to society Families and their children have had to adapt to new routines and situations, which may have increased or aggravated the suffering of emotional symptoms However, the presence of resilience and positive emotional regulation strategies can cushion this impact on families with young children The aim of the present study is to know the variables that explained the problems of family emotional adjustment to the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the dyads of parents and their adolescent children Thirty-one dyads of adolescents between 11 and 19 years old (M = 13 90;SD = 1 85) and their main caregivers participated, 93 50%…

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Emotional education program for adolescents (PREDEMA): evaluation from the perspective of students and effects on socio-affective competences / Programa de educación emocional para adolescentes (PREDEMA): valoración desde la perspectiva de los participantes y sus efectos en las competencias socio-afectivas

AbstractThe literature reveals multiple benefits of emotional education in adolescents’ development. This study examines the effects perceived by participants in the Emotional Education Programme f...

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HabitApp: New Play Technologies in Pediatric Cancer to Improve the Psychosocial State of Patients and Caregivers

[EN] Childhood cancer involves long periods of hospitalization that trigger emotions such as fear or sadness. Previous research has studied the positive effects of technology games on improving the hospitalization experience, but most do not focus on caregivers and none allow interaction with the real time observation of a zoo. The present study evaluates the impact of HabitApp and assesses the short-term impact on the psychosocial state of patients and caregivers in order to improve the hospitalization experience. The participants in this study were 39 patients plus 39 caregivers. A quantitative analysis revealed a significant improvement in patient's and caregiver's psychosocial factors f…

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Emotional distress in family caregivers of adolescents with bronchial asthma: analysis of its predictors

Adolescents with asthma face problems inherent to this stage in their development, to which the challenges of taking over control of their disease, complying with a daily treatment and regular medical followup are added. Any rejection generated by this may lead to treatment non-adherence and poor asthma control, which brings about problems in family dynamics, made worse by the stress or the emotional distress that this situation causes in caregivers.Identify adjustment profiles and predictors of risk for the well-being of caregivers of pediatric patients with bronchial asthma.Seventy-nine family caregivers of pediatric patients with bronchial asthma. Instruments were used to assess the emot…

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Relationships between affective states and childhood internalizing disorders

Internalizing disorders are mainly defined as psychosomatic, anxiety and depression problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between dairy affective states and internalizing disorders in early adolescence (10–12 years old), considering the influence of sex. The participants of the study were 367 children aged between 10 and 12 (190 girls and 177 boys). The results showed that fear was the best predictor for all internalizing disorders, and the only common predictor for all of them. The prediction of boys' internalizing disorders was based only in fear, whereas the prediction for girls involved more variables besides fear. An early detection/regulation of these affect…

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Psychological Risk Factors that Predict Social Networking and Internet Addiction in Adolescents


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Trastorno mental y tipo de sustancia consumida: estudio piloto sobre la utilización de la Entrevista de Cribado de Patología Dual (ECDD)

Introduction: Dual pathology defines an illness case when a substance abuse disorder and a mental disorder simultaneously affect an individual patient. Both disorders influence each other, mutually, that its recommended what recommends to treat them together. Objective: to analyse the psychopatologic character and its association with different types of substances, evaluated through the Dual Pathology Screening interview (ECDD). Method: the participants were 63 patients between 18 and 45 years, with an average age of 37.7 years (SD = 9.6), assisted in the Unit of Addictive Behaviours of a Valencia town. The sociodemographic variables, clinical and toxycologic, were evaluated through the que…

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The Effectiveness of EMOVERE: An Emotional Education Program for Young Couples

Our aim was to assess the effectiveness of EMOVERE, a psychoeducational and experiential program to increase emotion regulation in couples. Forty-four young couples (n = 88) aged between 18 and 36 years old participated in the study (53.4% women

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Psychosocial Factors and Chronic Illness as Predictors for Anxiety and Depression in Adolescence

Adolescence is a challenging time when emotional difficulties often arise. Self-esteem, good relationships with peers, and emotional competences can buffer the effects of these difficulties. The difficulties can be even greater when coupled with the presence of a chronic physical illness (CD). Our goal is to analyze psychosocial factors and CD as predictors for anxiety and depression. It was compared the results of structural equation models (SEM) with models based on qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to analyze the possible influence of these variables on levels of anxiety-depression in adolescents with and without CD. The sample consisted of 681 adolescents, between 12 and 16 years o…

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Attachment Styles and Well-Being in Adolescents: How Does Emotional Development Affect This Relationship?

Attachment relationships with parents, as well as emotional competencies, are protective factors against stress and other physical, mental, and relational health symptoms in adolescence. In this paper, we will examine the mediating role of emotional competencies in the relationship between attachment to parents and the well-being of adolescents, taking into account the influence of gender. There were 1276 Spanish adolescents between 12 and 15 years old (M = 13.48

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The risk of sexual-erotic online behavior in adolescents – Which personality factors predict sexting and grooming victimization?

Abstract Information and communication technologies provide new opportunities for adolescents to establish and maintain intimate relationships, as well as exploring their sexuality. However, the young population is particularly vulnerable to becoming victims of violence or online abuse. The aim of this study was to understand to which extent the personality factors (extraversion, narcissism, lack of empathy and disinhibition) are related to sexting and online grooming victimization. The participants were 1763 adolescents between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.56, SD = 1.16, 50.99% girls). A cross-sectional design with self-report data was used, analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The r…

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Perceived stress and reference ranges of hair cortisol in healthy adolescents

BackgroundChronic stress during adolescence has usually been evaluated through subjective measures, leaving aside objective measures such as hair cortisol concentrations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide reference ranges for hair cortisol concentrations by sex and age and to study the relationship between subjective and objective measures of stress and temporal stability.MethodsThe participants were 170 adolescents aged between 12 and 14 years (mean = 12.78 years; standard deviation = 0.71 years; 52.40% girls) who completed the Perceived Stress Scale 4 and had their hair sampled.ResultsThe results revealed hair cortisol concentrations ranging from 0.07 pg/mg to 9.54 pg/mg. Su…

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What Does It Mean to Be Popular in Spain? Mixed-Method Analysis of Popularity as Perceived by Teenagers and Their Teachers

A great part of the research in adolescent popularity is based on sociometric methods, not always distinguishing between social preference (acceptance or likeability) and perceived popularity (visibility or salience), which has practical and theoretical implications. The aim of this work was to analyze the features that a sample of 406 Spanish adolescents (53.2% girls, M = 16.76 years) and their teachers (n = 26, 50% women) associated with perceived popularity. The data analysis established three main themes that categorize perceived popularity: behaviors, developmental traits, and other resources, which include both peer-valued and not valued characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative c…

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Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Spanish adolescents: risk and protective factors of emotional symptoms

The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents is one of the most prevalent concerns all over the world. Adolescence is a developmental stage of high vulnerability due to the challenges this period entails. Additionally, the health emergency crisis has put adolescents even more at risk of developing mental health problems. The present study aims to examine the influence of socio-demographic and COVID-19 related variables on symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in adolescents during pandemic-related confinement in Spain. Participants were 523 adolescents (63.1% female), aged between 13 and 17 years (M=14.89 years; SD=1.13 years), who completed an ad hoc q…

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Diabetes mellitus tipo1: factores psicosociales y adaptación del paciente pediátrico y su familia. Revisión

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common chronic endocrine disease in children, with a very low incidence in the first months of life and reaching its peak during puberty (10-15 years old is the age group with the highest incidence at the time of onset). Based on the review of the scientific literature, our objective is to study the main psychosocial factors associated with the adjustment of these pediatric patients and their families. Research underscore the following risk factors: situational (stressful life events), personal (additional physical diseases, low self-esteem, emotional disturbances), and interpersonal (family breakdown and conflicts), and also protection factors (coping s…

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Primary ciliary dyskinesia and psychological well-being in adolescence.

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease with low prevalence in pediatrics. Health studies have not sufficiently analyzed the role of psychological variables in rare diseases such as PCD. This paper studies the psychological characteristics of a group of pediatric patients diagnosed with PCD compared to their healthy peers. The sample consisted of 48 preadolescents-adolescents, aged 9-18 years (M = 12.96; SD = 2.71), with similar distribution by sex, and 25% of the patients having dyskinesia. Clinical anxiety-depression, self-esteem and psychological well-being were evaluated using questionnaires: the Adolescent Psychological Well-being Scale (BIEPS-J), the Hos…

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El autoconcepto y la adaptación a la enfermedad en pacientes diabéticos pediátricos

ResumenNuestro objetivo es estudiar el autoconcepto y la adaptación a la enfermedad en pacientes pediátricos diabéticos. Como instrumentos de evaluación se utilizaron el registro ad-hoc para las variables sociodemográficas y de enfermedad, el cuestionario de Autoconcepto Garley (CAG) y cuestionario de respuesta adaptativa a la enfermedad en pacientes diabéticos. La muestra constó de 23 sujetos evaluados en un único momento de medida, todos ellos niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 16 años de edad. Los resultados muestran cómo aproximadamente el 50% de niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo I presentan un autoconcepto bajo en la mayoría de las dimensiones estudiadas, destacando cómo cerca del 30%…

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Adaptation to Disease and Anxiety-Depressive Clinic in the Paediatric Patient with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

Introduction: Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare, autosomal recessive disease of low prevalence in paediatrics. Studies in psychology have not analysed the role of family-psychological variables in rare diseases such as primary ciliary dyskinesia. Objectives: this study aims to analyse the presence of clinical anxiety-depressive and perception threat of disease in patients with dyskinesia and evaluate the adaptation to the disease. Material-Methods: All patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia (9 to 18 years of age), attended in the Infantile Pneumology Unit of HCUV, from July 2015 to January 2019, who accepted to complete the Anxiety Depression (HADS) and Perception of Disease Threat (BI…

research product

Psycho-emotional adjustment in parents of adolescents: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the impact of the COVID pandemic

Abstract Purpose: adolescence is a time of change and it generally entails a greater family vulnerability thus; the aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for poor emotional adjustment to COVID among parents of adolescents. Design and methods: 94 parents of adolescents (11–18 years old, M = 13.90, SD = 1.85) participated at different times during the state of alert in Spain. 91.5% were mothers. Their ages ranged from 35 to 63 years (M = 46.54; SD = 5.09). The variables assessed were anxiety, depression and stress (DASS), moods (MOOD), somatization (SCL) and resilience (CD-RISC). Descriptive analyses, t-tests, ANOVAs, correlations, and hierarchical regressions were performed. All…

research product

Factors associated with stress when caring for a child with a short stature

Short stature (SS) is one of the main diagnoses in Pediatric Endocrinology. SS can have a negative impact on family dynamics, causing stress and psychopathology. Poor adaptation by the family caregiver negatively affects the pedi- atric patient. Our objective was therefore to study the adjustment of the main family caregivers of pediatric patients with SS, analyzing the factors influencing it. One hundred and ten primary family caregivers of pediatric SS patients from hospitals in Valencia, Spain, participated. Parental stress (Pediatric Inventory for Parents), anxious and depres- sive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), family functioning (Family Cohesion and Adaptation Scale…

research product

A brief version of the Pediatric Inventory for Parents (PIP) in Spanish population: Stress of main family carers of chronic paediatric patients.

A chronic illness in childhood has a negative impact on the paediatric patient and on family functioning. Psychological stress in parents influences the level of adjustment to the illness of their children. The Pediatric Inventory for Parents (PIP) was designed to measure stress in parents whose child has a chronic illness or requires prolonged medical monitoring. The main objective of this study is to provide a brief version of the Spanish translation of the PIP, across a sample consisting of 465 main familial caregivers (85.2% female, n = 396) between 27 and 67 years old ([Formula: see text] = 44.13; SD = 5.35) of paediatric patients between 9 and 18 years old ([Formula: see text] = 12.10…

research product

Self-concept and adaptation to illness in pediatric diabetic patients

Nuestro objetivo es estudiar el autoconcepto y la adaptación a la enfermedad en pacientes pediátricos diabéticos. Como instrumentos de evaluación se utilizaron el registro ad-hoc para las variables sociodemográficas y de enfermedad, el cuestionario de Autoconcepto Garley (CAG) y cuestionario de respuesta adaptativa a la enfermedad en pacientes diabéticos. La muestra constó de 23 sujetos evaluados en un único momento de medida, todos ellos niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 16 años de edad. Los resultados muestran cómo aproximadamente el 50% de niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo I presentan un autoconcepto bajo en la mayoría de las dimensiones estudiadas, destacando cómo cerca del 30% de los…

research product

Aceite de coco: tratamiento alternativo no farmacológico frente a la enfermedad de Alzheimer

Introducción: la enfermedad de Alzheimer es la demencia más prevalente en la actualidad. En cuanto al tratamiento, no existe cura farmacológica definitiva, con lo cual son necesarias nuevas alternativas terapéuticas. En este sentido, los triglicéridos de cadena media suponen una fuente directa de energía celular y pueden ser una alternativa no farmacológica a la muerte neuronal por falta de la misma, que se produce en los enfermos de Alzheimer. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto que tiene el aceite de coco en la evolución de la demencia tipo Alzheimer, en cualquier grado de demencia. Asimismo, determinar si existe influencia en dicha mejora, de variables como el sexo y padecer o no diabetes melli…

research product