Beate Stradmann-bellinghausen
SUMMARY The fourth component of human complement (C4) is coded for by two homologous genes, C4A and C4B, located in the class III region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Genetic typing of C4A and B alleles is routinely carried out by high-voltage agarose gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic C4 polymorphism can be further subdivided by the Rodgers (Rg) and Chido (Ch) blood groups, which are antigenic determinants of the C4A and B alpha-chains, respectively. We have used a recently described direct PCR typing method using sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) in combination with electrophoretic C4 typing as well as genomic RFLP analysis to determine the frequency of C4 allotyp…
C3 reference typing report and nomenclature revision.
As the result of reference typing, two 'new' variants could be provisionally accepted (C3F045 and C3F015). The list of variants of the C3 polymorphism includes now 2 common and 29 rare variants.
Introduction of an single nucleodite polymorphism-based “Major Y-chromosome haplogroup typing kit” suitable for predicting the geographical origin of male lineages
The European Consortium "High-throughput analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms for the forensic identification of persons--SNPforID", has performed a selection of candidate Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for making inferences on the geographic origin of an unknown sample. From more than 200 SNPs compiled in the phylogenetic tree published by the Y-Chromosome Consortium, and looking at the population studies previously published, a package of 29 SNPs has been selected for the identification of major population haplogroups. A "Major Y-chromosome haplogroup typing kit" has been developed, which allows the multiplex amplification of all 29 SNPs in a single reaction. A…
The influence of major histocompatibility complex class II genes and T-cell Vbeta repertoire on response to immunization with HBsAg.
Nonresponsiveness to HBsAg vaccination is observed in 5-10% of vaccine recipients and is possibly caused by a defect in the T helper cell compartment. The immune response to HBsAg is influenced by genes of the major histocompatibility complex. We have investigated MHC class I and class II antigens in 53 adult responders and 73 nonresponders. Results obtained in this first study were tested in a second study with 56 responders and 62 nonresponders from an infant vaccination trial. In addition, the peripheral Vbeta-chain T-cell receptor repertoire was investigated using monoclonal antibodies and flow-cytometry in 26 adult responders and 38 nonresponders. As previously reported, nonresponsiven…
Rapid Detection of the ERV-K(C4) Retroviral Insertion Reveals Further Structural Polymorphism of the Complement C4 Genes in Old World Primates
The fourth component of complement (C4) is coded for by two tandem-duplicated genes located in the class III region of the MHC of humans as well as a number of primates. A C4 gene size polymorphism giving rise to two gene variants of 16 and 22.3 kb length can be attributed to a complete endogenous retroviral insertion of 6.3 kb termed ERV-K(C4) in intron 9 of the long C4 genes. We developed a simple PCR-based screening assay to detect the presence of this insertion, and tested a number of unrelated animals from old world primate species. The presence of the ERV insertion in the orangutan, rhesus macaque and green monkey as well as its absence in gorillas and chimpanzees could be confirmed. …
Differential association of polymorphisms in the TNFalpha region with psoriatic arthritis but not psoriasis.
To investigate the potential association of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) microsatellite and promoter alleles with psoriatic arthritis (PsA).DNA from 89 white patients with PsA, 65 patients with psoriasis, and 99 healthy white controls was investigated for two TNFalpha promoter (-238 and -308) and three microsatellite polymorphisms (TNFa, c, and d). Patients had previously been studied by serology for HLA class I antigens and by sequence-specific polymerase chain reaction for DRB1* alleles. In addition, TNFalpha production of Ficoll separated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) into culture supernatants after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide, alphaCD3 antibodies, phytohae…
Human complement C81 (C8 A) polymorphism: detection and segregation of new variants
In addition to the earlier detected C81(A) rare variants A1, A2 (now A3) and B1 (now B2), six new rare variants (C81 A2 new, A4, A5, A6, M1 and B1new) are described within the polymorphism of the eighth component of human complement (alpha-gamma chain subunit). Except for A3, all rare C81 A variants are only detected by isoelectric focusing, and not by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), in the alpha-gamma subunit. In one individual out of approximately 700 individuals studied, a reversed position of the common allele (B vs A) was observed by SDS PAGE and the isofocusing technique. The segregation of A1, A3 and A4 could be followed in putative father/child combinations.
Forensic validation of the SNPforID 52-plex assay.
The advantages of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing in forensic genetics are well known and include a wider choice of high-throughput typing platforms, lower mutation rates, and improved analysis of degraded samples. However, if SNPs are to become a realistic supplement to current short tandem repeat (STR) typing methods, they must be shown to successfully and reliably analyse the challenging samples commonly encountered in casework situations. The European SNPforID consortium, supported by the EU GROWTH programme, has developed a multiplex of 52 SNPs for forensic analysis, with the amplification of all 52 loci in a single reaction followed by two single base extension (SBE) react…
IL 10.G microsatellites mark promoter haplotypes associated with protection against the development of reactive arthritis in Finnish patients.
Objective To investigate the association of microsatellites and single-nucleotide promoter polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene for the cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) with susceptibility to and outcome of reactive arthritis (ReA). Methods From genomic DNA, IL-10 microsatellites G and R and IL-10 promoter polymorphisms at positions −1087 and −524 were typed by polymerase chain reaction, automated fragment length analysis, and restriction fragment digestion in 85 Finnish patients with ReA and 62 HLA–B27–positive Finnish controls. ReA patients had been followed up for 20 years. Genotypes and haplotypes of IL-10 were correlated with distinct features of the disease course, such as triggering agent…
C8 Reference Typing Report and Nomenclature Recommendation
Using two different typing techniques (i.e. polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing (PAGIF) with Western blot and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of precipitated C8 under nonreducing conditions with Western blot), the following observations were made during the reference typing for C81 (C8A). The Japanese variant A1J is probably identical with A1Cauc, whereas B1J is definitely different from B1Cauc and could therefore provisionally be named HB3'. Variant 'A2' from Japan is focused in an intermediate position, but different from M1 and could be named 'M2'. Both variants possess normal A subunits. B2 from Japan is clearly different from B1Cauc and should retain its designation. In PAGI…
Development of a pentaplex X-chromosomal short tandem repeat typing system and population genetic studies
Quadruplex and pentaplex systems for polymerase chain reaction amplification of X-chromosomal short tandem repeats DXS101, HPRTB, DXS8377, DXS981 (STRX1) and DXS6789 were developed for automated profiling of liquid and membrane-bound DNA samples. Chinese, Japanese and Thai populations were typed using a quadruplex system, while German and Philippine populations were analyzed using a five-locus system. Out of 88 meioses studied in Philippine family samples at each locus, a possible one repeat deletion (allele 51 to 50) at DXS8377 was observed in a father-daughter pair. Exact tests performed on genotype data from females in the Philippine, German and Thai populations indicated that these grou…
C4A deficiency and nonresponse to hepatitis B vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccination failure has been linked to the presence of certain human leukocyte antigen class II alleles. However, the functional background of these associations has remained unclear. Complement component C 4 is encoded within the major histocompatibility complex and is essential for classical pathway activation.Healthy individuals (n=4269) were vaccinated in a prospective trial with Engerix B. Nonresponse was classified as anti-HBs10 U/l after the last vaccination. Seventy-three nonresponders (NR) (1.7%) were identified. For comparison 53 responders (R) (anti-HBs10 IU/l) were drawn randomly from the same cohort. C4 allotyping was carried out by high-voltage agarose gel electrop…
Genetic polymorphism of human complement factor I (C3b inactivator) in the Chinese Han population.
The human complement factor I (IF) polymorphism has been analysed by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing electrophoresis of neuraminidase-treated EDTA plasma samples followed by immunoblotting and enzymatic detection. In a population study among 121 random individuals from Chengdu, PR China, three different common phenotypes were observed. The results show that IF is polymorphic in the Chinese population. The allele frequencies were as follows: FI*A = 0.153, FI*B = 0.847. The distribution of observed phenotypes was in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In comparison to other Asian population studies, the frequency of the IF*A allele was the highest in the Chinese population…
HLA DRw8 and primary biliary cirrhosis
Analysis of 29 Y-chromosome SNPs in a single multiplex useful to predict the geographic origin of male lineages
Abstract The European Consortium “High throughput analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms for the forensic identification of persons—SNPforID” has performed a selection of candidate Y-chromosome SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) for making inferences on the geographic origin of an unknown sample. A “Major Y chromosome haplogroup typing kit” has been developed, which allows the multiplex amplification of 29 SNPs in a single reaction followed by a single base extension (SBE) reaction (minisequencing) and separation of the resulting extension products by capillary electrophoresis.
Sequence polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA control region in Japanese.
Sequence polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, hypervariable regions I and II, from 100 unrelated Japanese were determined by PCR amplification and direct sequencing. Sequences of 404 nucleotides for hypervariable region I and 379 nucleotides for region II were obtained. Variable sites (85 and 45) were revealed in region I and region II, respectively, as compared to the reference sequence, and a total of 96 different genetic patterns from both regions I and II were determined. A point mutation heteroplasmy was observed at the ratio of approximately 50:50 from one individual at the sequence position 151 showing a nucleotide transition from C to T. The probability of …
Genotyping of 9 STR systems in combination with 11 diallelic polymorphisms on the Y-chromosome by fragment analysis and minisequencing
1. IntroductionThe study of Y chromosomal haplotypes and their relationship to human evolution andvariation is increasing rapidly in the fields of anthropology and forensic genetics.Although autosomal STRs are commonly used and very informative for paternity testingand forensic identification, the use of the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome isimportant and provides additional data in cases when the offspring is a male or for mixedmale/female crime stains. For this purpose, in the past 2 years, more and more attentionhas been paid to the examination of diallelic polymorphisms (SNPs) on the Y chromosome[1].Here, we describe an approach for the typing of 10 Y-chromosomal diallelic po…
Analysis of artificially degraded DNA using STRs and SNPs—results of a collaborative European (EDNAP) exercise
Recently, there has been much debate about what kinds of genetic markers should be implemented as new core loci that constitute national DNA databases. The choices lie between conventional STRs, ranging in size from 100 to 450 bp; mini-STRs, with amplicon sizes less than 200 bp; and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). There is general agreement by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) that the reason to implement new markers is to increase the chance of amplifying highly degraded DNA rather than to increase the discriminating power of the current techniques. A collaborative study between nine European and US laboratories…
Comparative analysis of short tandem repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms on the Y-chromosome in Germans, Chinese and Thais.
We have typed genomic DNA samples from 95 individuals from Western Germany, 78 individuals from Bangkok/Thailand and 56 individuals from Chengdu/China for 11 Y-chromosomal diallelic polymorphisms and eight short tandem repeat (STR) systems. For single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis, a rapid method was applied using the single base extension technology (minisequencing) in combination with capillary electrophoresis. PCR products for SRY-8299, Tat, SRY2627, 92R7, SRY1532, M9, M13, M17/M19 and M20 were pooled and used as templates for the commercially available SNaPshot kit. In addition to these ten SNPs we also tested the Y-chromosomal diallelic Alu repeat insertion DYS287 (YAP) by aga…
Quantification of fluorescent STR genotyping results for chimerism control after bone marrow transplantation
1. IntroductionEngraftment of donor stem cells after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation can begenetically monitored by PCR typing of DNA polymorphisms [1]. Successful engraftmentwith complete chimerism and presence of the donor’s genotype in the bone marrow has tobe demonstrated, and the presence of the patient’s alleles has to be excluded. Detection ofthe patient’s alleles provides evidence for an incomplete chimerism or for a relapse ofmalignant disease. STRs have been used successfully for this type of genetic monitoring[2]. For the present study, we have developed an approach to quantify the ratio of donorchimerism using mock mixture experiments. The usefulness of our approach is de…
Glioblastoma cells induce differential glutamatergic gene expressions in human tumor-associated microglia/macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages
Glioblastoma cells produce and release high amounts of glutamate into the extracellular milieu and subsequently can trigger seizure in patients. Tumor-associated microglia/macrophages (TAMs), consisting of both parenchymal microglia and monocytes-derived macrophages (MDMs) recruited from the blood, are known to populate up to 1/3 of the glioblastoma tumor environment and exhibit an alternative, tumor-promoting and supporting phenotype. However, it is unknown how TAMs respond to the excess extracellular glutamate in the glioblastoma microenvironment. We investigated the expressions of genes related to glutamate transport and metabolism in human TAMs freshly isolated from glioblastoma resecti…
Development of a quadruplex PCR system for the genetic analysis of X-chromosomal STR loci
Short tandem repeat systems on the X chromosome are the natural counterpart to the well-established Y-chromosomal STR loci. The X-linked systems are inherited as a single haplotype only in males, whereas in females, the X chromosomes recombine and exhibit the same characteristics as the autosomes. Nevertheless, X-linked systems may provide a useful tool in paternity cases with female offspring, in particular when the alleged father is not available for testing, or in forensic identification cases based on the comparison with firstor second-degree relatives. Only a small number of STR loci have been described on the X chromosome, and a number of these are not highly informative. Therefore, w…
C4 Alpha-Chain Reference Typing Report
Previously it was shown that C4A and C4B alpha-chains after separation on SDS-PAGE can provide valuable information on presence and absence, as well as the number of C4A and C4B genes expressed in an individual. All samples submitted for C4 reference typing were also subjected to C4 alpha-chain separation; the results were included in the Final C4 Reference Typing List [Complement Inflamm 1990;7:193-212]. In addition, in selected cases with assumed 'reversed antigenicity', Western blots of C4 alpha-chains with monoclonal anti-C4A and B antibodies were obtained. As a result, subtypic differences of C4B allotypes were detected by the comparison of monoclonal antibodies 1217 and 1228.