Arne Wickenbrock


Photoluminescence at the ground-state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: A comprehensive study

Physical review / B 103(3), 035307 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.035307

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Search for axionlike dark matter with a liquid-state nuclear spin comagnetometer

Physical review letters 122(19), 191302 (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.191302

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Infrared laser threshold magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon

International audience; We propose a hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be less than 1 pT/ √ Hz. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external f…

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Application of spin-exchange relaxation-free magnetometry to the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment

The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) seeks to measure oscillating torques on nuclear spins caused by axion or axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. A sample spin-polarized along a leading magnetic field experiences a resonance when the Larmor frequency matches the axion/ALP Compton frequency, generating precessing transverse nuclear magnetization. Here we demonstrate a Spin-Exchange Relaxation-Free (SERF) magnetometer with sensitivity $\approx 1~{\rm fT/\sqrt{Hz}}$ and an effective sensing volume of 0.1 $\rm{cm^3}$ that may be useful for NMR detection in CASPEr. A potential drawback of SERF-magnetometer-based NMR detection is …

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Stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter

Numerous theories extending beyond the standard model of particle physics predict the existence of bosons that could constitute the dark matter (DM) permeating the universe. In the standard halo model (SHM) of galactic dark matter the velocity distribution of the bosonic DM field defines a characteristic coherence time $\tau_c$. Until recently, laboratory experiments searching for bosonic DM fields have been in the regime where the measurement time $T$ significantly exceeds $\tau_c$, so null results have been interpreted as constraints on the coupling of bosonic DM to standard model particles with a bosonic DM field amplitude $\Phi_0$ fixed by the average local DM density. However, motivate…

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Overview of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr)

An overview of our experimental program to search for axion and axion-like-particle (ALP) dark matter using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques is presented. An oscillating axion field can exert a time-varying torque on nuclear spins either directly or via generation of an oscillating nuclear electric dipole moment (EDM). Magnetic resonance techniques can be used to detect such an effect. The first-generation experiments explore many decades of ALP parameter space beyond the current astrophysical and laboratory bounds. It is anticipated that future versions of the experiments will be sensitive to the axions associated with quantum chromodynamics (QCD) having masses \({\lesssim }10^{…

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Intensity interferometry for ultralight bosonic dark matter detection

Ultralight bosonic dark matter (UBDM) can be described by a classical wave-like field oscillating near the Compton frequency of the bosons. If a measurement scheme for the direct detection of UBDM interactions is sensitive to a signature quadratic in the field, then there is a near-zero-frequency (dc) component of the signal. Thus, a detector with a given finite bandwidth can be used to search for bosons with Compton frequencies many orders of magnitude larger than its bandwidth. This opens the possibility of a detection scheme analogous to Hanbury Brown and Twiss intensity interferometry. Assuming that the UBDM is virialized in the galactic gravitational potential, the random velocities pr…

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Quantum sensor networks as exotic field telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy

Multi-messenger astronomy, the coordinated observation of different classes of signals originating from the same astrophysical event, provides a wealth of information about astrophysical processes with far-reaching implications. So far, the focus of multi-messenger astronomy has been the search for conventional signals from known fundamental forces and standard model particles, like gravitational waves (GW). In addition to these known effects, quantum sensor networks could be used to search for astrophysical signals predicted by beyond-standard-model (BSM) theories. Exotic bosonic fields are ubiquitous features of BSM theories and appear while seeking to understand the nature of dark matter…

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Analysis method for detecting topological defect dark matter with a global magnetometer network

Abstract The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME) is a network of time-synchronized, geographically separated, optically pumped atomic magnetometers that is being used to search for correlated transient signals heralding exotic physics. GNOME is sensitive to exotic couplings of atomic spins to certain classes of dark matter candidates, such as axions. This work presents a data analysis procedure to search for axion dark matter in the form of topological defects: specifically, walls separating domains of discrete degenerate vacua in the axion field. An axion domain wall crossing the Earth creates a distinctive signal pattern in the network that can be d…

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High homogeneity permanent magnet for diamond magnetometry

Abstract Halbach magnets are a source of homogeneous magnetic field in an enclosed volume while keeping stray fields at a minimum. Here, we present the design, construction, and characterization for a stack of two Halbach rings with 10 cm inner diameter providing a homogeneous ( 100 ppm over 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.5 cm 3 ) magnetic field of around 105 mT, which will be used for a diamond based microwave-free widefield imaging setup. The final characterization is performed with a novel fiberized diamond-based sensor on a 3D translation stage documenting the high homogeneity of the constructed Halbach array and its suitability for the proposed use.

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Fiberized diamond-based vector magnetometers

Frontiers 2, 732748 (2021). doi:10.3389/fphot.2021.732748

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All-Optical Spin Locking in Alkali-Vapor Magnetometers

The nonlinear Zeeman effect can induce splittings and asymmetries of magnetic-resonance lines in the geophysical magnetic-field range. We demonstrate a scheme to suppress the nonlinear Zeeman effect all optically based on spin locking. Spin locking is achieved with an effective oscillating magnetic field provided by the AC Stark-shift of an intensity-modulated and polarization-modulated laser beam. This results in the collapse of the multi-component asymmetric magnetic-resonance line with about 100 Hz width in the Earth-field range into a peak with a central component width of 25Hz. The technique is expected to be broadly applicable in practical magnetometry, potentially boosting the sensit…

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Battery Diagnostics with Sensitive Magnetometry

The ever-increasing demand for high-capacity rechargeable batteries highlights the need for sensitive and accurate diagnostic technology for determining the state of a cell, for identifying and localizing defects, or for sensing capacity loss mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate the use of atomic magnetometry to map the weak induced magnetic fields around a Li-ion battery cell as a function of state of charge and upon introducing mechanical defects. These measurements provide maps of the magnetic susceptibility of the cell, which follow trends characteristic for the battery materials under study upon discharge. In addition, the measurements reveal hitherto unknown long time-scale transient inte…

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Characterization of the global network of optical magnetometers to search for exotic physics (GNOME)

The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers to search for Exotic physics (GNOME) is a network of geographically separated, time-synchronized, optically pumped atomic magnetometers that is being used to search for correlated transient signals heralding exotic physics. The GNOME is sensitive to nuclear- and electron-spin couplings to exotic fields from astrophysical sources such as compact dark-matter objects (for example, axion stars and domain walls). Properties of the GNOME sensors such as sensitivity, bandwidth, and noise characteristics are studied in the present work, and features of the network's operation (e.g., data acquisition, format, storage, and diagnostics) are described. Charac…

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Determination of local defect density in diamond by double electron-electron resonance

Magnetic impurities in diamond influence the relaxation properties and thus limit the sensitivity of magnetic, electric, strain, and temperature sensors based on nitrogen-vacancy color centers. Diamond samples may exhibit significant spatial variations in the impurity concentrations hindering the quantitative analysis of relaxation pathways. Here, we present a local measurement technique which can be used to determine the concentration of various species of defects by utilizing double electron-electron resonance. This method will help to improve the understanding of the physics underlying spin relaxation and guide the development of diamond samples, as well as offering protocols for optimiz…

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A machine learning algorithm for direct detection of axion-like particle domain walls

The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME) conducts an experimental search for certain forms of dark matter based on their spatiotemporal signatures imprinted on a global array of synchronized atomic magnetometers. The experiment described here looks for a gradient coupling of axion-like particles (ALPs) with proton spins as a signature of locally dense dark matter objects such as domain walls. In this work, stochastic optimization with machine learning is proposed for use in a search for ALP domain walls based on GNOME data. The validity and reliability of this method were verified using binary classification. The projected sensitivity of this new analy…

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Wu et al. Reply:

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The cosmic axion spin precession experiment (CASPEr): a dark-matter search with nuclear magnetic resonance

The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) is a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment (NMR) seeking to detect axion and axion-like particles which could make up the dark matter present in the universe. We review the predicted couplings of axions and axion-like particles with baryonic matter that enable their detection via NMR. We then describe two measurement schemes being implemented in CASPEr. The first method, presented in the original CASPEr proposal, consists of a resonant search via continuous-wave NMR spectroscopy. This method offers the highest sensitivity for frequencies ranging from a few Hz to hundreds of MHz, corresponding to masses $ m_{\rm a} \sim 10^{-14}$--$10^{-6}…

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Suppression of nonlinear Zeeman effect and heading error in earth-field-range alkali-vapor magnetometers

The nonlinear Zeeman effect can induce splitting and asymmetries of magnetic-resonance lines in the geophysical magnetic field range. This is a major source of "heading error" for scalar atomic magnetometers. We demonstrate a method to suppress the nonlinear Zeeman effect and heading error based on spin locking. In an all-optical synchronously pumped magnetometer with separate pump and probe beams, we apply a radio-frequency field which is in-phase with the precessing magnetization. In an earth-range field, a multi-component asymmetric magnetic-resonance line with ? 60 Hz width collapses into a single peak with a width of 22 Hz, whose position is largely independent of the orientation of th…

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Hyperfine level structure in nitrogen-vacancy centers near the ground-state level anticrossing

Energy levels of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond were investigated using optically detected magnetic-resonance spectroscopy near the electronic ground-state level anticrossing (GSLAC) at an axial magnetic field around 102.4~mT in diamond samples with a nitrogen concentration of 1~ppm and 200~ppm. By applying radiowaves in the frequency ranges from 0 to 40 MHz and from 5.6 to 5.9 GHz, we observed transitions that involve energy levels mixed by the hyperfine interaction. We developed a theoretical model that describes the level mixing, transition energies, and transition strengths between the ground-state sublevels, including the coupling to the nuclear spin of the NV center\textquotesing…

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Atomic and molecular transitions induced by axions via oscillating nuclear moments

The interaction of standard model's particles with the axionic Dark Matter field may generate oscillating nuclear electric dipole moments (EDMs), oscillating nuclear Schiff moments and oscillating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moments (MQMs) with a frequency corresponding to the axion's Compton frequency. Within an atom or a molecule an oscillating EDM, Schiff moment or MQM can drive transitions between atomic or molecular states. The excitation events can be detected, for example, via subsequent fluorescence or photoionization. Here we calculate the rates of such transitions. If the nucleus has octupole deformation or quadrupole deformation then the transition rate due to Schiff moment and M…

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Fundaments of photoelectric readout of spin states in diamond

Abstract The chapter “Fundaments of photoelectric readout of spin states in diamond” deals with the detection of NV centre spins in diamond using the photoelectric detection of magnetic resonances (PDMR) method, introduced in a series of recent publications. It provides in particular insights into the physics of electronic transitions of the NV center, leading to the free carrier generation, and discusses methodologies how to implement the photocurrent detection principles in the dynamically evolving field of quantum technologies. Recent results on the single electron and the single nuclear spin qubits photoelectric readout are presented, along with a microwave-free NV magnetometry techniqu…

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Zero-field magnetometry based on nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond

Ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds are widely utilized for magnetometry, magnetic-field imaging and magnetic-resonance detection. They have not been used for magnetometry at zero ambient field because Zeeman sublevels lose first-order sensitivity to magnetic fields as they are mixed due to crystal strain or electric fields. In this work, we realize a zero-field (ZF) magnetometer using polarization-selective microwave excitation in a 12C-enriched HPHT crystal sample. We employ circularly polarized microwaves to address specific transitions in the optically detected magnetic resonance and perform magnetometry with a noise floor of 250 pT/Hz^(1/2). This technique opens the …

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Eddy current imaging with an atomic radio-frequency magnetometer

We use a radio-frequency $^{85}$Rb alkali-vapor cell magnetometer based on a paraffin-coated cell with long spin-coherence time and a small, low-inductance driving coil to create highly resolved conductivity maps of different objects. We resolve sub-mm features in conductive objects, we characterize the frequency response of our technique, and by operating at frequencies up to 250 kHz we are able to discriminate between differently conductive materials based on the induced response. The method is suited to cover a wide range of driving frequencies and can potentially be used for detecting non-metallic objects with low DC conductivity.

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Search for Axionlike Dark Matter Using Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Physical review letters 126(14), 141802 (2021). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.141802

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Quantum sensitivity limits of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments searching for new fundamental physics

Nuclear magnetic resonance is a promising experimental approach to search for ultra-light axion-like dark matter. Searches such as the cosmic axion spin-precession experiments (CASPEr) are ultimately limited by quantum-mechanical noise sources, in particular, spin-projection noise. We discuss how such fundamental limits can potentially be reached. We consider a circuit model of a magnetic resonance experiment and quantify three noise sources: spin-projection noise, thermal noise, and amplifier noise. Calculation of the total noise spectrum takes into account the modification of the circuit impedance by the presence of nuclear spins, as well as the circuit back-action on the spin ensemble. S…

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Constraints on bosonic dark matter from ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

The nature of dark matter, the invisible substance making up over $80\%$ of the matter in the Universe, is one of the most fundamental mysteries of modern physics. Ultralight bosons such as axions, axion-like particles or dark photons could make up most of the dark matter. Couplings between such bosons and nuclear spins may enable their direct detection via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: as nuclear spins move through the galactic dark-matter halo, they couple to dark-matter and behave as if they were in an oscillating magnetic field, generating a dark-matter-driven NMR signal. As part of the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr), an NMR-based dark-matter search, w…

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Eddy-Current Imaging with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond

We demonstrate microwave-free eddy-current imaging using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. By detecting the eddy-current induced magnetic field of conductive samples, we can distinguish between different materials and shapes and identify structural defects. Our technique allows for the discrimination of different materials according to their conductivity. The sensitivity of the measurements is calculated as 8$\times 10 ^{5}$\,S/m\,$\sqrt[]{\textrm{Hz}}$ at 3.5\,MHz, for a cylindrical sample with radius $r_0$\,=\,1\,mm and height $h$\,=\,0.1\,mm (volume $\sim$\,0.3\,mm$^3$), at a distance of 0.5\,mm. In comparison with existing technologies, the diamond-based device exhibits a superior ba…

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Sensitive magnetometry in challenging environments

State-of-the-art magnetic field measurements performed in shielded environments under carefully controlled conditions rarely reflect the realities of those applications envisioned in the introductions of peer-reviewed publications. Nevertheless, significant advances in magnetometer sensitivity have been accompanied by serious attempts to bring these magnetometers into the challenging working environments in which they are often required. This review discusses the ways in which various (predominantly optically pumped) magnetometer technologies have been adapted for use in a wide range of noisy and physically demanding environments.

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Microwave-free magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

We use magnetic-field-dependent features in the photoluminescence of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers to measure magnetic fields without the use of microwaves. In particular, we present a magnetometer based on the level anti-crossing in the triplet ground state at 102.4 mT with a demonstrated noise floor of 6 nT/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$, limited by the intensity noise of the laser and the performance of the background-field power supply. The technique presented here can be useful in applications where the sensor is placed closed to conductive materials, e.g. magnetic induction tomography or magnetic field mapping, and in remote-sensing applications since principally no electrical acces…

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Battery characterization via eddy-current imaging with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

Sensitive and accurate diagnostic technologies with magnetic sensors are of great importance for identifying and localizing defects of rechargeable solid batteries in a noninvasive detection. We demonstrate a microwave-free AC magnetometry method with negatively charged NV centers in diamond based on a cross-relaxation feature between NV centers and individual substitutional nitrogen (P1) centers occurring at 51.2 mT. We apply the technique to non-destructive solid-state battery imaging. By detecting the eddy-current-induced magnetic field of the battery, we distinguish a defect on the external electrode and identify structural anomalies within the battery body. The achieved spatial resolut…

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Characterization of high-temperature performance of cesium vapor cells with anti-relaxation coating

© 2017 Author(s). Vapor cells with antirelaxation coating are widely used in modern atomic physics experiments due to the coating's ability to maintain the atoms' spin polarization during wall collisions. We characterize the performance of vapor cells with different coating materials by measuring longitudinal spin relaxation and vapor density at temperatures up to 95 °C. We infer that the spin-projection-noise-limited sensitivity for atomic magnetometers with such cells improves with temperature, which demonstrates the potential of antirelaxation coated cells in applications of future high-sensitivity magnetometers.

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Spectral signatures of axionlike dark matter

We derive spectral line shapes of the expected signal for a haloscope experiment searching for axionlike dark matter. The knowledge of these line shapes is needed to optimize an experimental design and data analysis procedure. We extend the previously known results for the axion-photon and axion-gluon couplings to the case of gradient (axion-fermion) coupling. A unique feature of the gradient interaction is its dependence not only on magnitudes but also on directions of velocities of galactic halo particles, which leads to the directional sensitivity of the corresponding haloscope. We also discuss the daily and annual modulations of the gradient signal caused by the Earth's rotational and o…

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Miniature Cavity-Enhanced Diamond Magnetometer

We present a highly sensitive miniaturized cavity-enhanced room-temperature magnetic-field sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. The magnetic resonance signal is detected by probing absorption on the 1042\,nm spin-singlet transition. To improve the absorptive signal the diamond is placed in an optical resonator. The device has a magnetic-field sensitivity of 28 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$, a projected photon shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 22 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ and an estimated quantum projection-noise-limited sensitivity of 0.43 pT/$\sqrt{\rm{Hz}}$ with the sensing volume of $\sim$ 390 $\mu$m $\times$ 4500 $\mu$m$^{2}$. The presented miniaturized device is the basis for an e…

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Stand-Off Magnetometry with Directional Emission from Sodium Vapors

International audience; Stand-off magnetometry allows measuring magnetic field at a distance, and can be employed in geophysical research, hazardous environment monitoring, and security applications. Stand-off magnetometry based on resonant scattering from atoms or molecules is often limited by the scarce amounts of detected light. The situation would be dramatically improved if the light emitted by excited atoms were to propagate towards the excitation light source in a directional manner. Here, we demonstrate that this is possible by means of mirrorless lasing. In a tabletop experiment, we detect free-precession signals of ground-state sodium spins under the influence of an external magne…

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Level anti-crossing magnetometry with color centers in diamond

Recent developments in magnetic field sensing with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV) in diamond employ magnetic-field (MF) dependent features in the photoluminescence (PL) and eliminate the need for microwaves (MW). Here, we study two approaches towards improving the magnetometric sensitivity using the ground-state level anti-crossing (GSLAC) feature of the NV center at a background MF of 102.4\,mT. Following the first approach, we investigate the feature parameters for precise alignment in a dilute diamond sample; the second approach extends the sensing protocol into absorption via detection of the GSLAC in the diamond transmission of a 1042\,nm laser beam. This leads to an …

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Investigation of antirelaxation wall coatings beyond melting temperatures

We investigate vapor cells with antirelaxation wall coatings by measuring their relaxation properties beyond the melting temperatures and compare with the melting behavior of the coating material as observed with differential scanning calorimetry.

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Heading-Error-Free Optical Atomic Magnetometry in the Earth-Field Range

Alkali-metal atomic magnetometry is widely used due to its high sensitivity and cryogen-free operation. However, when operating in geomagnetic field, it suffers from heading errors originating from nonlinear Zeeman (NLZ) splittings and magnetic resonance asymmetries, which lead to difficulties in mobile-platform measurements. We demonstrate an alignment based $^{87}$Rb magnetometer, which, with only a single magnetic resonance peak and well-separated hyperfine transition frequencies, is insensitive or even immune to NLZ-related heading errors. It is shown that the magnetometer can be implemented for practical measurements in the geomagnetic environments and the photon-shot-noise-limited sen…

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Sensitive magnetometry reveals inhomogeneities in charge storage and weak transient internal currents in Li-ion cells

The ever-increasing demand for high-capacity rechargeable batteries highlights the need for sensitive and accurate diagnostic technology for determining the state of a cell, for identifying and localizing defects, and for sensing capacity loss mechanisms. Here, we leverage atomic magnetometry to map the weak induced magnetic fields around Li-ion battery cells in a magnetically shielded environment. The ability to rapidly measure cells nondestructively allows testing even commercial cells in their actual operating conditions, as a function of state of charge. These measurements provide maps of the magnetic susceptibility of the cell, which follow trends characteristic for the battery materia…

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Nondestructive in-line sub-picomolar detection of magnetic nanoparticles in flowing complex fluids

AbstractOver the last decades, the use of magnetic nanoparticles in research and commercial applications has increased dramatically. However, direct detection of trace quantities remains a challenge in terms of equipment cost, operating conditions and data acquisition times, especially in flowing conditions within complex media. Here we present the in-line, non-destructive detection of magnetic nanoparticles using high performance atomic magnetometers at ambient conditions in flowing media. We achieve sub-picomolar sensitivities measuring ~30 nm ferromagnetic iron and cobalt nanoparticles that are suitable for biomedical and industrial applications, under flowing conditions in water and who…

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Is light narrowing possible with dense-vapor paraffin coated cells for atomic magnetometers?

We investigated the operation of an all-optical rubidium-87 atomic magnetometer with amplitude-modulated light. To study the suppression of spin-exchange relaxation, three schemes of pumping were implemented with room-temperature and heated paraffin coated vacuum cells. Efficient pumping and accumulation of atoms in the F=2 ground state were obtained. However, the sought-for narrowing of the resonance lines has not been achieved. A theoretical analysis of the polarization degree is presented to illustrate the absence of light narrowing due to radiation trapping at high temperature.

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Rapid online solid-state battery diagnostics with optically pumped magnetometers

Applied Sciences 10(21), 7864 (2020). doi:10.3390/app10217864

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Oscillating nuclear electric dipole moments inside atoms

Interaction with the axion dark matter (DM) field generates an oscillating nuclear electric dipole moment (EDM) with a frequency corresponding to the axion's Compton frequency. Within an atom, an oscillating EDM can drive electric dipole transitions in the electronic shell. In the absence of radiation, and if the axion frequency matches a dipole transition, it can promote the electron into the excited state. The excitation events can be detected, for example, via subsequent uorescence or photoionization. Here we calculate the rates of such transitions. For a single light atom and an axion Compton frequency resonant with a transition energy corresponding to 1 eV, the rate is on the order of …

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Microwave-free vector magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers along a single axis in diamond

Sensing vector magnetic fields is critical to many applications in fundamental physics, bioimaging, and material science. Magnetic-field sensors exploiting nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are particularly compelling as they offer high sensitivity and spatial resolution even at nanoscale. Achieving vector magnetometry has, however, often required applying microwaves sequentially or simultaneously, limiting the sensors' applications under cryogenic temperature. Here we propose and demonstrate a microwave-free vector magnetometer that simultaneously measures all Cartesian components of a magnetic field using NV ensembles in diamond. In particular, the present magnetometer leverages the level ant…

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Evidence for degenerate mirrorless lasing in alkali metal vapor: forward beam magneto-optical experiment

We report an experimental observation of degenerate mirrorless lasing in forward direction under excitation of a dilute atomic Rb vapor with a single linearly polarized cw laser light resonant with cycling Fe > Fg atomic D2 transitions. Light polarized orthogonally to the laser light is generated for the input light intensity exceeding a threshold value of about 3 mW/cm^2. Application of a transverse magnetic field directed along the input light polarization reveals a sharp about 20 mG wide magnetic resonance centered at B = 0. Increasing the incident light intensity from 3 to 300 mW/cm^2, the generated light undergoes rapid amplitude increase followed by a decline and resonance broadeni…

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Electrical readout microwave-free sensing with diamond

While nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers have been extensively investigated in the context of spin-based quantum technologies, the spin-state readout is conventionally performed optically, which may limit miniaturization and scalability. Here, we report photoelectric readout of ground-state cross-relaxation features, which serves as a method for measuring electron spin resonance spectra of nanoscale electronic environments and also for microwave-free sensing. As a proof of concept, by systematically tuning NV centers into resonance with the target electronic system, we extracted the spectra for the P1 electronic spin bath in diamond. Such detection may enable probing optically inactive defects …

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Searching for axion stars and $Q$-balls with a terrestrial magnetometer network

Light (pseudo-)scalar fields are promising candidates to be the dark matter in the Universe. Under certain initial conditions in the early Universe and/or with certain types of self-interactions, they can form compact dark-matter objects such as axion stars or Q-balls. Direct encounters with such objects can be searched for by using a global network of atomic magnetometers. It is shown that for a range of masses and radii not ruled out by existing observations, the terrestrial encounter rate with axion stars or Q-balls can be sufficiently high (at least once per year) for a detection. Furthermore, it is shown that a global network of atomic magnetometers is sufficiently sensitive to pseudos…

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On the Possibility of Miniature Diamond-Based Magnetometers Using Waveguide Geometries

Micromachines 9(6), 276 (2018). doi:10.3390/mi9060276

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Infrared laser magnetometry with a NV doped diamond intracavity etalon

We propose an hybrid laser system consisting of a semiconductor external cavity laser associated to an intra-cavity diamond etalon doped with nitrogen-vacancy color centers. We consider laser emission tuned to the infrared absorption line that is enhanced under the magnetic field dependent nitrogen-vacancy electron spin resonance and show that this architecture leads to a compact solid-state magnetometer that can be operated at room-temperature. The sensitivity to the magnetic field limited by the photon shot-noise of the output laser beam is estimated to be around $250~\mathrm{fT/\sqrt{Hz}}$. Unlike usual NV center infrared magnetometry, this method would not require an external frequency …

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Search for topological defect dark matter with a global network of optical magnetometers

Ultralight bosons such as axion-like particles are viable candidates for dark matter. They can form stable, macroscopic field configurations in the form of topological defects that could concentrate the dark matter density into many distinct, compact spatial regions that are small compared with the Galaxy but much larger than the Earth. Here we report the results of the search for transient signals from the domain walls of axion-like particles by using the global network of optical magnetometers for exotic (GNOME) physics searches. We search the data, consisting of correlated measurements from optical atomic magnetometers located in laboratories all over the world, for patterns of signals p…

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Alkali-vapor magnetic resonance driven by fictitious radiofrequency fields

We demonstrate an all-optical 133Cs scalar magnetometer, operating in nonzero magnetic field, in which the magnetic resonance is driven by an effective oscillating magnetic field provided by the AC Stark shift of an intensity-modulated laser beam. We achieve a projected shot-noise-limited sensitivity of 1.7fT/Hz and measure a technical noise floor of 40fT/Hz. These results are essentially identical to a coil-driven scalar magnetometer using the same setup. This all-optical scheme offers advantages over traditional coil-driven magnetometers for use in arrays and in magnetically sensitive fundamental physics experiments, e.g., searches for a permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron.

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Imaging Topological Spin Structures Using Light-Polarization and Magnetic Microscopy

We present an imaging modality that enables detection of magnetic moments and their resulting stray magnetic fields. We use wide-field magnetic imaging that employs a diamond-based magnetometer and has combined magneto-optic detection (e.g. magneto-optic Kerr effect) capabilities. We employ such an instrument to image magnetic (stripe) domains in multilayered ferromagnetic structures.

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Photoluminescence at the ground state level anticrossing of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond

The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) in diamond at magnetic fields corresponding to the ground state level anticrossing (GSLAC) region gives rise to rich photoluminescence (PL) signals due to the vanishing energy gap between the electron spin states, which enables to have an effect on the NV center's luminescence for a broad variety of environmental couplings. In this article we report on the GSLAC photoluminescence signature of NV ensembles in different spin environments at various external fields. We investigate the effects of transverse electric and magnetic fields, P1 centers, NV centers, and the $^{13}$C nuclear spins, each of which gives rise to a unique PL signature at the GSLAC. …

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