Ludovic Journaux
A novel method for network intrusion detection based on nonlinear SNE and SVM
In the case of network intrusion detection data, pre-processing techniques have been extensively used to enhance the accuracy of the model. An ideal intrusion detection system (IDS) is one that has appreciable detection capability overall the group of attacks. An open research problem of this area is the lower detection rate for less frequent attacks, which result from the curse of dimensionality and imbalanced class distribution of the benchmark datasets. This work attempts to minimise the effects of imbalanced class distribution by applying random under-sampling of the majority classes and SMOTE-based oversampling of minority classes. In order to alleviate the issue arising from the curse…
3D image acquisition system based on shape from focus technique
agent Agrosup Dijon de l'UMREcolDurGEAPSI; This paper describes the design of a 3D image acquisition system dedicated to natural complex scenes composed of randomly distributed objects with spatial discontinuities. In agronomic sciences, the 3D acquisition of natural scene is difficult due to the complex nature of the scenes. Our system is based on the Shape from Focus technique initially used in the microscopic domain. We propose to adapt this technique to the macroscopic domain and we detail the system as well as the image processing used to perform such technique. The Shape from Focus technique is a monocular and passive 3D acquisition method that resolves the occlusion problem affecting…
Enrichissement de schéma multidimensionnel en constellation grâce à la Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique
National audience; Les hiérarchies sont des structures cruciales dans un entrepôt de don-nées puisqu'elles permettent l'agrégation de mesures dans le but de proposer une vue analytique plus ou moins globale sur les données entreposées, selon le niveau hiérarchique auquel on se place. Cependant, peu de travaux s'intéressent à la construction de hiérarchies, via un algorithme de fouille de données, pre-nant en compte le contexte multidimensionnel de la dimension concernée. Dans cet article, nous proposons donc un algorithme, implémenté sur une architecture ROLAP, permettant d'enrichir une dimension avec des données factuelles.
Early detection of disease on leaves by image processing
International audience
Texture classificatication in a cloud computing environment for leaf roughness characterization in precision spraying applications
International audience
Une nouvelle approche mixte d'enrichissement de dimensions dans un schéma multidimensionnel en constellation Application à la biodiversité des oiseaux
International audience; Les entrepôts de données (DW) et les systèmes OLAP sont des technologies d'analyse en ligne pour de grands volumes de données, basés sur les be-soins des utilisateurs. Leur succès dépend essentiellement de la phase de conception où les exigences fonctionnelles sont confrontées aux sources de données (méthodologie de conception mixte). Cependant, les méthodes de conception existantes semblent parfois inefficaces, lorsque les décideurs définissent des exi-gences fonctionnelles qui ne peuvent être déduites à partir des sources de don-nées (approche centrée sur les données), ou lorsque le décideur n'a pas intégré tous ces besoins durant la phase de conception (approche c…
A Robust Generic Method for Grid Detection in White Light Microscopy Malassez Blade Images in the Context of Cell Counting
AbstractIn biology, cell counting is a primary measurement and it is usually performed manually using hemocytometers such as Malassez blades. This work is tedious and can be automated using image processing. An algorithm based on Fourier transform filtering and the Hough transform was developed for Malassez blade grid extraction. This facilitates cell segmentation and counting within the grid. For the present work, a set of 137 images with high variability was processed. Grids were accurately detected in 98% of these images.
Automatic analyzis of droplet impact by high speed imaging
International audience; The impact of agricultural activities on the water quality is the consequence of the loss of fertilisers (chemical fertilisers, livestock effluent, also referred to as farm fertiliser, food-processing effluent and sludge) and crop treatment products (phytosanitary products). This pollution may prevent certain uses of water, notably its use for human and animal food (groundwater and surface water), and leads to a deterioration in aquatic environments. In the domain of vineyard precision spraying research, one of the most important objectives is to minimize the volume of phytosanitary products. It is also to be more environmentally respectful with more effective vine l…
Comparison of leaf surface roughness analysis methods by sensitivity to noise analysis
International audience; Surface roughness is of great interest in agricultural spraying because it is used to characterise leaf surface wettability to predict the behaviour of droplets on a leaf surface. In recent years, the use of texture analysis to estimate surface roughness has emerged. In this paper we propose to estimate leaf surface roughness by using an optimisation of the Generalized Fourier Descriptors method. This approach is then compared with two other standard methods in the literature, one based on grey level intensity variation and the other on wavelet decomposition. Since roughness has many definitions and each method is calculated differently, we propose a new approach to …
Texture, color and frequential proxy-detection image processing for crop characterization in a context of Precision Agriculture
The Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering with Gower index: a methodology for automatic design of OLAP cube in ecological data processing context
In Press, Corrected Proof; International audience; The OLAP systems can be an improvement for ecological studies. In fact, ecology studies, follows and analyzes phenomenon across space and time and according to several parameters. OLAP systems can provide to ecologists browsing in a large dataset. One focus of the current research on OLAP system is the automatic design of OLAP cubes and of data warehouse schemas. This kind of works makes accessible OLAP technology to non information technology experts. But to be efficient, the automatic OLAP building must take into account various cases. Moreover the OLAP technology is based on the concept of hierarchy. Thereby the hierarchical clustering m…
Impact of oxidoreduction potential and of gas bubbling on rheological properties of non-fat yoghurt
International audience; The aim of this work was to study the effect of different gaseous conditions on the physico-chemical properties of yoghurt. Four conditions of oxidoreduction potential (Eh7), +433 mV (milk gassed with air), +405 mV (ungassed milk), +283 mV (milk gassed with N2) and −349 mV (milk gassed with N2–H2) were applied to milk. The rheological properties and microstructure of these yoghurts were determined by measuring apparent viscosity, whey separation (WS) and using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) production by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was also studied, and production was increased for extreme Eh7 values: the highest values were obtained for a…
Measuring vine leaf roughness by image processing
International audience; In precision spraying, spray application efficiency depends on the pesticide application method, the phytosanitary product as well as the leaf surface properties. For environmental and economic reasons, the global trend is to reduce the pesticide application rate of the few approved active substances. Under these constraints, one of the challenges is to improve the efficiency of pesticide application. Different parameters can influence on pesticide application as nozzle types, liquid viscosity and leaf surface. Specific models have been developed showing that the predominant factor for the leaf is the leaf roughness, because it is related on adhesion mechanisms of li…
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on extraction of B-phycoerythrin from Porphyridium cruentum: Use of confocal microscopy and image processing
International audience; The aim of the study was to extract B-phycoerythrin from Porphyridium cruentum while preserving its structure. The high hydrostatic pressure treatments were chosen as extraction technology. Different methods have been used to observe the effects of the treatment: spectrophotometry and confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image processing analysis. Image processing led to the generation of masks used for the identification of three clusters: intra, extra and intercellular. All methods showed that high hydrostatic pressure treatments between 50 and 500 MPa failed to extract B-phycoerythrin from Porphyridium cruentum cells. The fluorescence emission was negati…
Comparison of metrics to remove the influence of geometrical conditions on soil reflectance
The objective of this work is to find the best metric to ignore the variations of soil reflectance induced by the solar-view angles geometry. Differences between spectra measured for the same soil under different observation and illumination configurations can leads to misclassifications. Using ninety two soils of different composition measured under twenty eight solar- view angles geometries, we tested 3 metrics : RMSE, SAM, R2 (the coefficient of determination) and we compared their performances. The best metric seems to be the coefficient of determination with 93 % of good classifications.
Construction de Modèles Prédictifs pour l'Analyse des Relations Oiseaux-Paysage
National audience; Cet article présente une comparaison de trois méthodes (Modèles Linéaires Généralisés, Réseaux de Neurones, Machines Vecteurs Supports) et de différentes combinaisons de prétraitements de données (filtrage, arrondi, analyse factorielle, sélection de paramètres). L'objectif de cette comparaison est de définir quel est le processus qui permet de construire le meilleur modèle prédictif, dans le cadre de la prédiction d'abondances d'espèces d'oiseaux à partir de variables décrivant le paysage. Nous comparerons les modèles grâce à l'erreur moyenne absolue et à l'information mutuelle. Cette comparaison a montré qu'aucune technique étudiée ne permet de construire des modèles pré…
Efficient unsupervised clustering for spatial bird population analysis along the Loire river
International audience; This paper focuses on application and comparison of Non Linear Dimensionality Reduction (NLDR) methods on natural high dimensional bird communities dataset along the Loire River (France). In this context, biologists usually use the well-known PCA in order to explain the upstream-downstream gradient.Unfortunately this method was unsuccessful on this kind of nonlinear dataset.The goal of this paper is to compare recent NLDR methods coupled with different data transformations in order to find out the best approach. Results show that Multiscale Jensen-Shannon Embedding (Ms JSE) outperform all over methods in this context.
Nombre de contributions en ligne au Grand Débat National (volet Transition Écologique) en France métropolitaine
Les données extraites pour cette analyse proviennent du site du Grand Débat National. Nous avons utilisé les données concernant la transition écologique. Sur l’ensemble de ces données seul ont été considérée celle faisant référence aux réponses aux propositions et pas aux questionnaires rapides. Nous utilisons les codes postaux renseignés par les contributeurs dans leurs propositions. Parmi les 134177 personnes ayant répondu au questionnaire "Transition écologique", 131472 ont donné un code postal exploitable permettant de les localiser. La carte montre le nombre de contributeurs répartis dans une maille hexagonale, où le centre de chaque maille est distant de dix kilomètres de ses voisins.…
Automatic Counting of Intra-Cellular Ribonucleo-Protein Aggregates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using a Textural Approach.
AbstractIn the context of microbiology, recent studies show the importance of ribonucleo-protein aggregates (RNPs) for the understanding of mechanisms involved in cell responses to specific environmental conditions. The assembly and disassembly of aggregates is a dynamic process, the characterization of the stage of their evolution can be performed by the evaluation of their number. The aim of this study is to propose a method to automatically determine the count of RNPs. We show that the determination of a precise count is an issue by itself and hence, we propose three textural approaches: a classical point of view using Haralick features, a frequency point of view with generalized Fourier…
Leaf surface roughness characterization by image processing
International audience
Statistical methods for texture analysis applied to agronomical images
For activities of agronomical research institute, the land experimentations are essential and provide relevant information on crops such as disease rate, yield components, weed rate... Generally accurate, they are manually done and present numerous drawbacks, such as penibility, notably for wheat ear counting. In this case, the use of color and/or texture image processing to estimate the number of ears per square metre can be an improvement. Then, different image segmentation techniques based on feature extraction have been tested using textural information with first and higher order statistical methods. The Run Length method gives the best results closed to manual countings with an averag…
Roughness evaluation of vine leaf by image processing
International audience; The study of leaf surface roughness is very important in the domain of precision spraying. It is one of the parameters that allow to reduce costs and losses of phytosanitary prod- ucts and to improve the spray accuracy. Moreover, the leaf roughness is related to adhesion mechanisms of liquid on a surface. It can be used to define leaf nature surface (hy- drophilic/hydrophobic). The main goal of this study is thus to estimate and to follow the evolution of leaf roughness using image processing and computer vision. The develop- ment and application of computer vision for measurement of surface leaf roughness using artificial neural networks will be described. The syste…
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement des pistes cyclables dans l'Hérault
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
Vine leaf roughness estimation by image processing
International audience; The application of plant protection product has an important role in agricultural production processes. With current pesticides management, a huge amount of them are applied to worldwide orchards. In precision spraying, spray application efficiency depends on the pesticide application method, the phytosanitary product as well as the leaf surface properties. For environmental and economic reasons, the global trend is to reduce the pesticide application rate of the few approved active substances. Under these constraints, one of the challenges is to improve the efficiency of pesticide application. Different parameters can influence pesticide application such as nozzle t…
Mixed Driven Refinement Design of Multidimensional Models based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
20 pages; International audience; Data warehouses (DW) and OLAP systems are business intelligence technologies allowing the on-line analysis of huge volume of data according to users' needs. The success of DW projects essentially depends on the design phase where functional requirements meet data sources (mixed design methodology) (Phipps and Davis, 2002). However, when dealing with complex applications existing design methodologies seem inefficient since decision-makers define functional requirements that cannot be deduced from data sources (data driven approach) and/or they have not sufficient application domain knowledge (user driven approach) (Sautot et al., 2014b). Therefore, in this p…
Automatic Biological Cell Counting Using a Modified Gradient Hough Transform
AbstractWe present a computational method for pseudo-circular object detection and quantitative characterization in digital images, using the gradient accumulation matrix as a basic tool. This Gradient Accumulation Transform (GAT) was first introduced in 1992 by Kierkegaard and recently used by Kaytanli & Valentine. In the present article, we modify the approach by using the phase coding studied by Cicconet, and by adding a “local contributor list” (LCL) as well as a “used contributor matrix” (UCM), which allow for accurate peak detection and exploitation. These changes help make the GAT algorithm a robust and precise method to automatically detect pseudo-circular objects in a microscop…
Effect of oxidoreduction potential and of gas bubbling on rheological properties and microstructure of acid skim milk gels acidified with glucono-delta-lactone
Milk oxidoreduction potential was modified using gases during the production of a model dairy product and its effect on gel setting was studied. Acidification by glucono-delta-lactone was used to examine the physicochemistry of gelation and to avoid variations due to microorganisms sensitive to oxidoreduction potential. Four conditions of oxidoreduction potential were applied to milk: milk was gassed with air, nongassed, gassed with N(2), or gassed with N(2)H(2). The rheological properties and microstructure of these gels were determined using viscoelasticimetry, measurement of whey separation, and confocal laser scanning microscopy. It appeared that a reducing environment led to less-aggre…
Le grand débat national, une aide pour prendre des décisions locales?
The Great National Debate, decided by Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of 2019 to respond to the Yellow Vests social movement, allowed the collection of citizens’ contributions on the ecological transition via an online platform. In this article, we use the corpus constituted by these contributions to identify areas where participants are asking for the development of bicycle paths and railway facilities. For this purpose, we have created a classification model to identify contributions dealing with the theme of transportation and proposed a method for extracting patterns that reflect the contributors’ proposals. We then represented these patterns on maps, using the contributors’ postal cod…
Machine Learning Techniques for Intrusion Detection: A Comparative Analysis
International audience; With the growth of internet world has transformed into a global market with all monetary and business exercises being carried online. Being the most imperative resource of the developing scene, it is the vulnerable object and hence needs to be secured from the users with dangerous personality set. Since the Internet does not have focal surveillance component, assailants once in a while, utilizing varied and advancing hacking topologies discover a path to bypass framework " s security and one such collection of assaults is Intrusion. An intrusion is a movement of breaking into the framework by compromising the security arrangements of the framework set up. The techniq…
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement du réseau ferroviaire et/ou une augmentation de la fréquence des trains dans l'Hérault
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
Texture Classification with Generalized Fourier Descriptors in Dimensionality Reduction Context: An Overview Exploration
In the context of texture classification, this article explores the capacity and the performance of some combinations of feature extraction, linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques and several kinds of classification methods. The performances are evaluated and compared in term of classification error. In order to test our texture classification protocol, the experiment carried out images from two different sources, the well known Brodatz database and our leaf texture images database.
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement du réseau ferroviaire et/ou une augmentation de la fréquence des trains dans l'aire urbaine de Grenoble.
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
Qui a peur du changement climatique?
ABSTRACT.The French "Grand Débat National" (Great National Debate) was animportant political event in 2019. Using the online proposals collected during thisconsultation, we propose a representation of the feeling of the impact of climate changeamong the contributors to the "Grand Débat National" in Metropolitan France. Weanalyze the causes of this feeling, through a supervised analysis of the contributions(via the Great Annotation) and we show the complementary interest of an unsuper-vised analysis (by extracting keywords). We show the richness of the data set that constitutes the "Grand Débat National", and the analytical stakes around these data.We also point out some important limitation…
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement du réseau ferroviaire et/ou une augmentation de la fréquence des trains dans l'aire urbaine de Dijon
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
Multidimensional Model Design using Data Mining: A Rapid Prototyping Methodology
[Departement_IRSTEA]Ecotechnologies [TR1_IRSTEA]MOTIVE; International audience; Designing and building a Data Warehouse (DW), and associated OLAP cubes, are long processes, during which decision-maker requirements play an important role. But decision-makers are not OLAP experts and can find it difficult to deal with the concepts behind DW and OLAP. To support DW design in this context, we propose: (i) a new rapid prototyping methodology, integrating two different DM algorithms, to define dimension hierarchies according to decision-maker knowledge; (ii) a complete UML Profile, to define a DW schema that integrates both the DM algorithms; (iii) a mapping process to transform multidimensional …
Le sentiment des contributeurs de l’impact du changement climatique sur leur vie quotidienne (contributions en ligne au Grand Débat National - volet Transition Écologique)
Les données extraites pour cette analyse proviennent du site du Grand Débat National -volet Transition écologique.Nous utilisons les codes postaux renseignés par les contributeurs dans leurs propositions. Parmi les 134177 personnes ayant répondu au questionnaire "Transition écologique", 131472 ont donné un code postal exploitable permettant de les localiser.Concernant la question "Diriez-vous que votre vie quotidienne est aujourd’hui touchée par le changement climatique ?", 64% des contributeurs ont répondu oui, 29% ont répondu non et 7% n’ont pas répondu.Pour représenter le sentiment d’impact du changement climatique, nous exprimons ce dernier par un indice de sentiment estimer par la rela…
Détermination de la texture de la feuille de vigne par imagerie
National audience; Dans le contexte de la pulvérisation de précision, nombreuses sont les recherches menées sur l'optimisation d'utilisation des produits phytosanitaires. L'objectif final étant de réduire de manière significative la quantité d'intrant dans les cultures . Dans ce cadre, les travaux présentés dans cet article s'intéresse particulièrement à l'analyse de l'état de surface foliaire qui présente une part essentielle dans le processus d'adhésion du produit pulvérisé sur la feuille. L'analyse de surface de la feuille est réalisée à travers l'analyse des caractéristiques texturale extraites d'images microscopics. Afin de discriminer les différents cépages et âges des feuilles retenu…
Vineyard leaf roughness characterization by computer vision and cloud computing technics
International audience; In the context of vineyard leaf roughness analysis for precision spraying applications, this article deals with its characterization by computer vision and cloud computing techniques. The techniques merge feature extraction, linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques and several kinds of classification methods. Different combinations are processed and their performances compared in terms of classification error rate, in order to find the best association. However these combinations are hardly processed because of the lack of computing power and the prohibitive time consumption of the algorithms. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a solution: the …
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques: An Operational Comparison On Multispectral Satellite Images Using Unsupervised Clustering
Multispectral satellite imagery provides us with useful but redundant datasets. Using Dimensionality Reduction (DR) algorithms, these datasets can be made easier to explore and to use. We present in this study an objective comparison of five DR methods, by evaluating their capacity to provide a usable input to the K-means clustering algorithm. We also suggest a method to automatically find a suitable number of classes K, using objective "cluster validity indexes" over a range of values for K. Ten Landsat images have been processed, yielding a classification rate in the 70-80% range. Our results also show that classical linear methods, though slightly outperformed by more recent nonlinear al…
Reduction of the number of spectral bands in Landsat images: a comparison of linear and nonlinear methods
We describe some applications of linear and nonlinear pro- jection methods in order to reduce the number of spectral bands in Land- sat multispectral images. The nonlinear method is curvilinear component analysis CCA, and we propose an adapted optimization of it for image processing, based on the use of principal-component analysis PCA, a linear method. The principle of CCA consists in reproducing the topol- ogy of the original space projection points in a reduced subspace, keep- ing the maximum of information. Our conclusions are: CCA is an im- provement for dimension reduction of multispectral images; CCA is really a nonlinear extension of PCA; CCA optimization through PCA called CCAinitP…
Large-scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction for network intrusion detection
International audience; Network intrusion detection (NID) is a complex classification problem. In this paper, we combine classification with recent and scalable nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) methods. Classification and DR are not necessarily adversarial, provided adequate cluster magnification occurring in NLDR methods like $t$-SNE: DR mitigates the curse of dimensionality, while cluster magnification can maintain class separability. We demonstrate experimentally the effectiveness of the approach by analyzing and comparing results on the big KDD99 dataset, using both NLDR quality assessment and classification rate for SVMs and random forests. Since data involves features of mixe…
Dimension enrichment with factual data during the design of multidimensional models: application to bird biodiversity
20 pages; International audience; Data warehouses (DW) and OLAP systems are technologies allowing the on-line analysis of huge volume of data according to decision-makers’ needs. Designing DW involves taking into account functional requirements and data sources (mixed design methodology) [1]. But, for complex applications, existing automatic design methodologies seem inefficient. In some cases, decision-makers need querying, as a dimension, data which have been defined as facts by actual automatic mixed approachs. Therefore, in this paper, we offer a new mixed refinement methodology relevant to constellation multidimensional schema. The proposed methodolgy allows to decision-makers to enric…
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement des pistes cyclables dans l'aire urbaine de Grenoble
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
Mesurer l’efficacité des enseignements par l’étude des rendements
International audience; Le champ des recherches concernant les pratiques enseignantes en étude de la langue demeure peu fertile (on citera entre autres : Bulea Bronckart et al. , 2018 ; Riou, 2017) et supporte peu de généralisations, la portée statistique semblant difficilement atteignable, pour des raisons pragmatiques. Par ailleurs, l’importante recherche Lire – Écrire menée par l’Ifé en 2010-2013 (Goigoux, 2015) a ouvert la voie méthodologique à des études quantitatives dans le domaine de la didactique. C’est dans ce cadre que la recherche REAlang1 s’est donné comme objectif, entre autres, d’évaluer la performance des classes de CE2, CM1 et CM22 concernant des savoirs grammaticaux et ort…
Reliable Detection and Smart Deletion of Malassez Counting Chamber Grid in Microscopic White Light Images for Microbiological Applications
AbstractIn biology, hemocytometers such as Malassez slides are widely used and are effective tools for counting cells manually. In a previous work, a robust algorithm was developed for grid extraction in Malassez slide images. This algorithm was evaluated on a set of 135 images and grids were accurately detected in most cases, but there remained failures for the most difficult images. In this work, we present an optimization of this algorithm that allows for 100% grid detection and a 25% improvement in grid positioning accuracy. These improvements make the algorithm fully reliable for grid detection. This optimization also allows complete erasing of the grid without altering the cells, whic…
Contributeurs au Grand Débat National demandant un développement des pistes cyclables dans l'aire urbaine de Dijon
Le Grand Débat National, décidé par Emmanuel Macron début 2019 pour répondre au mouvement social des Gilets Jaunes, a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de motifs traduisant les propositions des contributeurs. A l’aide des codes postaux donnés par les co…
A Methodology and Tool for Rapid Prototyping of Data Warehouses Using Data Mining: Application to Birds Biodiversity
Data Warehouses (DWs) are large repositories of data aimed at supporting the decision-making process by enabling flexible and interactive analyses via OLAP systems. Rapid prototyping of DWs is necessary when OLAP applications are complex. Some work about the integration of Data Mining and OLAP systems has been done to enhance OLAP operators with mined indicators, and/or to define the DW schema. However, to best of our knowledge, prototyping methods for DWs do not support this kind of integration. Then, in this paper we present a new prototyping methodology for DWs, extending [3], where DM methods are used to define the DW schema. We validate our approach on a real data set concerning bird b…