Bertil Schmidt

Next-generation sequencing: big data meets high performance computing

The progress of next-generation sequencing has a major impact on medical and genomic research. This high-throughput technology can now produce billions of short DNA or RNA fragments in excess of a few terabytes of data in a single run. This leads to massive datasets used by a wide range of applications including personalized cancer treatment and precision medicine. In addition to the hugely increased throughput, the cost of using high-throughput technologies has been dramatically decreasing. A low sequencing cost of around US$1000 per genome has now rendered large population-scale projects feasible. However, to make effective use of the produced data, the design of big data algorithms and t…

research product

CUDA-Accelerated Alignment of Subsequences in Streamed Time Series Data

Euclidean Distance (ED) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) are cornerstones in the field of time series data mining. Many high-level algorithms like kNN-classification, clustering or anomaly detection make excessive use of these distance measures as subroutines. Furthermore, the vast growth of recorded data produced by automated monitoring systems or integrated sensors establishes the need for efficient implementations. In this paper, we introduce linear memory parallelization schemes for the alignment of a given query Q in a stream of time series data S for both ED and DTW using CUDA-enabled accelerators. The ED parallelization features a log-linear calculation scheme in contrast to the naive …

research product

Bit-Parallel Approximate Pattern Matching on the Xeon Phi Coprocessor

Bit-parallel pattern matching encodes calculated values in bit arrays. This approach gains its efficiency by performing multiple updates within a machine word. An important parameter is therefore the machine word size (e.g. 32 or 64 bits). With the increasing length of vector registers, the efficient mapping of bit-parallel pattern matching algorithms onto modern high performance computing architectures is becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we investigate an efficient implementation of the Wu-Manber approximate pattern matching algorithm on the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. This architecture features a 512-bit long vector processing unit (VPU) as well as a large number of process…

research product

Suffix Array Construction on Multi-GPU Systems

Suffix arrays are prevalent data structures being fundamental to a wide range of applications including bioinformatics, data compression, and information retrieval. Therefore, various algorithms for (parallel) suffix array construction both on CPUs and GPUs have been proposed over the years. Although providing significant speedup over their CPU-based counterparts, existing GPU implementations share a common disadvantage: input text sizes are limited by the scarce memory of a single GPU. In this paper, we overcome aforementioned memory limitations by exploiting multi-GPU nodes featuring fast NVLink interconnects. In order to achieve high performance for this communication-intensive task, we …

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kmcEx: memory-frugal and retrieval-efficient encoding of counted k-mers.

Abstract Motivation K-mers along with their frequency have served as an elementary building block for error correction, repeat detection, multiple sequence alignment, genome assembly, etc., attracting intensive studies in k-mer counting. However, the output of k-mer counters itself is large; very often, it is too large to fit into main memory, leading to highly narrowed usability. Results We introduce a novel idea of encoding k-mers as well as their frequency, achieving good memory saving and retrieval efficiency. Specifically, we propose a Bloom filter-like data structure to encode counted k-mers by coupled-bit arrays—one for k-mer representation and the other for frequency encoding. Exper…

research product

Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment with MSAProbs

Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) generally constitutes the foundation of many bioinformatics studies involving functional, structural, and evolutionary relationship analysis between sequences. As a result of the exponential computational complexity of the exact approach to producing optimal multiple alignments, the majority of state-of-the-art MSA algorithms are designed based on the progressive alignment heuristic. In this chapter, we outline MSAProbs, a parallelized MSA algorithm for protein sequences based on progressive alignment. To achieve high alignment accuracy, this algorithm employs a hybrid combination of a pair hidden Markov model and a partition function to calculate posterior…

research product

RabbitMash: accelerating hash-based genome analysis on modern multi-core architectures

Abstract Motivation Mash is a popular hash-based genome analysis toolkit with applications to important downstream analyses tasks such as clustering and assembly. However, Mash is currently not able to fully exploit the capabilities of modern multi-core architectures, which in turn leads to high runtimes for large-scale genomic datasets. Results We present RabbitMash, an efficient highly optimized implementation of Mash which can take full advantage of modern hardware including multi-threading, vectorization and fast I/O. We show that our approach achieves speedups of at least 1.3, 9.8, 8.5 and 4.4 compared to Mash for the operations sketch, dist, triangle and screen, respectively. Furtherm…

research product

Accelerating short read mapping on an FPGA (abstract only)

The explosive growth of short read datasets produced by high throughput DNA sequencing technologies poses a challenge to the mapping of short reads to a reference genome in terms of sensitivity and execution speed. Existing methods often use a restrictive error model for computing the alignments to improve speed, whereas more flexible error models are generally too slow for large-scale applications. Although a number of short read mapping software tools have been proposed, designs based on hardware are relatively rare. In this paper, we present a hybrid system for short read mapping utilizing both software and field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware. The compute intensive semi-g…

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CUDA-enabled hierarchical ward clustering of protein structures based on the nearest neighbour chain algorithm

Clustering of molecular systems according to their three-dimensional structure is an important step in many bioinformatics workflows. In applications such as docking or structure prediction, many algorithms initially generate large numbers of candidate poses (or decoys), which are then clustered to allow for subsequent computationally expensive evaluations of reasonable representatives. Since the number of such candidates can easily range from thousands to millions, performing the clustering on standard central processing units (CPUs) is highly time consuming. In this paper, we analyse and evaluate different approaches to parallelize the nearest neighbour chain algorithm to perform hierarc…

research product

Bit-parallel approximate pattern matching: Kepler GPU versus Xeon Phi

Advanced SIMD features on GPUs and Xeon Phis promote efficient long pattern search.A tiled approach to accelerating the Wu-Manber algorithm on GPUs has been proposed.Both the GPU and Xeon Phi yield two orders-of-magnitude speedup over one CPU core.The GPU-based version with tiling runs up to 2.9 × faster than the Xeon Phi version. Approximate pattern matching (APM) targets to find the occurrences of a pattern inside a subject text allowing a limited number of errors. It has been widely used in many application areas such as bioinformatics and information retrieval. Bit-parallel APM takes advantage of the intrinsic parallelism of bitwise operations inside a machine word. This approach typica…

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Automatische Detektion der primär sklerosierenden Cholangitis (PSC) anhand von 3D-MRCP Datensätzen mittels Deep Learning

research product

AFS: identification and quantification of species composition by metagenomic sequencing

Abstract Summary DNA-based methods to detect and quantify taxon composition in biological materials are often based on species-specific polymerase chain reaction, limited to detecting species targeted by the assay. Next-generation sequencing overcomes this drawback by untargeted shotgun sequencing of whole metagenomes at affordable cost. Here we present AFS, a software pipeline for quantification of species composition in food. AFS uses metagenomic shotgun sequencing and sequence read counting to infer species proportions. Using Illumina data from a reference sausage comprising four species, we reveal that AFS is independent of the sequencing assay and library preparation protocol. Cost-sav…

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Fourth Workshop on using Emerging Parallel Architectures

AbstractThe Fourth Workshop on Using Emerging Parallel Architectures (WEPA), held in conjunction with ICCS 2012, provides a forum for exploring the capabilities of emerging parallel architectures such as GPUs, FPGAs, Cell B.E., Intel M.I.C. and multicores to accelerate computational science applications.

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All-Food-Seq (AFS) : a quantifiable screen for species in biological samples by deep DNA sequencing

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Reconfigurable Accelerator for the Word-Matching Stage of BLASTN

BLAST is one of the most popular sequence analysis tools used by molecular biologists. It is designed to efficiently find similar regions between two sequences that have biological significance. However, because the size of genomic databases is growing rapidly, the computation time of BLAST, when performing a complete genomic database search, is continuously increasing. Thus, there is a clear need to accelerate this process. In this paper, we present a new approach for genomic sequence database scanning utilizing reconfigurable field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware. In order to derive an efficient structure for BLASTN, we propose a reconfigurable architecture to accelerate the…

research product

parSRA: A framework for the parallel execution of short read aligners on compute clusters

The growth of next generation sequencing datasets poses as a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of both accuracy and speed. In this work we present parSRA, a parallel framework to accelerate the execution of existing short read aligners on distributed-memory systems. parSRA can be used to parallelize a variety of short read alignment tools installed in the system without any modification to their source code. We show that our framework provides good scalability on a compute cluster for accelerating the popular BWA-MEM and Bowtie2 aligners. On average, it is able to accelerate sequence alignments on 16 64-core nodes (in total, 1024 cores) with speedup of 10.48 …

research product

Accelerating metagenomic read classification on CUDA-enabled GPUs.

Metagenomic sequencing studies are becoming increasingly popular with prominent examples including the sequencing of human microbiomes and diverse environments. A fundamental computational problem in this context is read classification; i.e. the assignment of each read to a taxonomic label. Due to the large number of reads produced by modern high-throughput sequencing technologies and the rapidly increasing number of available reference genomes software tools for fast and accurate metagenomic read classification are urgently needed. We present cuCLARK, a read-level classifier for CUDA-enabled GPUs, based on the fast and accurate classification of metagenomic sequences using reduced k-mers (…

research product

Parallel and scalable short-read alignment on multi-core clusters using UPC++

[Abstract]: The growth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) datasets poses a challenge to the alignment of reads to reference genomes in terms of alignment quality and execution speed. Some available aligners have been shown to obtain high quality mappings at the expense of long execution times. Finding fast yet accurate software solutions is of high importance to research, since availability and size of NGS datasets continue to increase. In this work we present an efficient parallelization approach for NGS short-read alignment on multi-core clusters. Our approach takes advantage of a distributed shared memory programming model based on the new UPC++ language. Experimental results using the …

research product

CUSHAW2-GPU: Empowering Faster Gapped Short-Read Alignment Using GPU Computing

We present CUSHAW2-GPU to accelerate the CUSHAW2 algorithm using compute unified device architecture (CUDA)-enabled GPUs. Two critical GPU computing techniques, namely intertask hybrid CPU-GPU parallelism and tile-based Smith-Waterman map backtracking using CUDA, are investigated to facilitate fast alignments. By aligning both simulated and real reads to the human genome, our aligner yields comparable or better performance compared to BWA-SW, Bowtie2, and GEM. Furthermore, CUSHAW2-GPU with a Tesla K20c GPU achieves significant speedups over the multithreaded CUSHAW2, BWA-SW, Bowtie2, and GEM on the 12 cores of a high-end CPU for both single-end and paired-end alignment.

research product


Nowadays, a growing number of servers and workstations feature an increasing number of GPUs. However, slow communication among GPUs can lead to poor application performance. Thus, there is a latent demand for efficient multi-GPU communication primitives on such systems. This paper focuses on the gather, scatter and all-to-all collectives, which are important operations for various algorithms including parallel sorting and distributed hashing. We present two distinct communication strategies (ring-based and flow-oriented) to generate transfer plans for their topology-aware implementation on NVLink-connected multi-GPU systems. We achieve a throughput of up to 526 GB/s for all-to-all and 148 G…

research product


The widespread use of digital sensor systems causes a tremendous demand for high-quality time series analysis tools. In this domain the majority of data mining algorithms relies on established distance measures like Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or Euclidean distance (ED). However, the notion of similarity induced by ED and DTW may lead to unsatisfactory clusterings. In order to address this shortcoming we introduce the Gliding Elastic Match (GEM) algorithm. It determines an optimal local similarity measure of a query time series Q and a subject time series S. The measure is invariant under both local deformation on the measurement-axis and scaling in the time domain. GEM is compared to ED and…

research product

Deep Learning für die automatische Bestimmung von klinisch relevanten Herzparametern mittels Kardio-MRT

research product

Efficient Parallel Sort on AVX-512-Based Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures

Sorting kernels are a fundamental part of numerous applications. The performance of sorting implementations is usually limited by a variety of factors such as computing power, memory bandwidth, and branch mispredictions. In this paper we propose an efficient hybrid sorting method which takes advantage of wide vector registers and the high bandwidth memory of modern AVX-512-based multi-core and many-core processors. Our approach employs a combination of vectorized bitonic sorting and load-balanced multi-threaded merging. Thread-level and data-level parallelism are used to exploit both compute power and memory bandwidth. Our single-threaded implementation is ~30x faster than qsort in the C st…

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Long read alignment based on maximal exact match seeds

Abstract Motivation: The explosive growth of next-generation sequencing datasets poses a challenge to the mapping of reads to reference genomes in terms of alignment quality and execution speed. With the continuing progress of high-throughput sequencing technologies, read length is constantly increasing and many existing aligners are becoming inefficient as generated reads grow larger. Results: We present CUSHAW2, a parallelized, accurate, and memory-efficient long read aligner. Our aligner is based on the seed-and-extend approach and uses maximal exact matches as seeds to find gapped alignments. We have evaluated and compared CUSHAW2 to the three other long read aligners BWA-SW, Bowtie2 an…

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Deep Semantic Segmentation von 4D DCE MRT Untersuchungen der Lunge zum Erheben Klinischer Biomarker bei Chronisch Obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung

research product

MetaCache: context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing.

Abstract Motivation Metagenomic shotgun sequencing studies are becoming increasingly popular with prominent examples including the sequencing of human microbiomes and diverse environments. A fundamental computational problem in this context is read classification, i.e. the assignment of each read to a taxonomic label. Due to the large number of reads produced by modern high-throughput sequencing technologies and the rapidly increasing number of available reference genomes corresponding software tools suffer from either long runtimes, large memory requirements or low accuracy. Results We introduce MetaCache—a novel software for read classification using the big data technique minhashing. Our…

research product

Parallel algorithms for large-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters

Computing alignments between two or more sequences are common operations frequently performed in computational molecular biology. The continuing growth of biological sequence databases establishes the need for their efficient parallel implementation on modern accelerators. This paper presents new approaches to high performance biological sequence database scanning with the Smith-Waterman algorithm and the first stage of progressive multiple sequence alignment based on the ClustalW heuristic on a Xeon Phi-based compute cluster. Our approach uses a three-level parallelization scheme to take full advantage of the compute power available on this type of architecture; i.e. cluster-level data par…

research product

Iterative sparse matrix-vector multiplication for accelerating the block Wiedemann algorithm over GF(2) on multi-graphics processing unit systems

SUMMARY The block Wiedemann (BW) algorithm is frequently used to solve sparse linear systems over GF(2). Iterative sparse matrix–vector multiplication is the most time-consuming operation. The necessity to accelerate this step is motivated by the application of BW to very large matrices used in the linear algebra step of the number field sieve (NFS) for integer factorization. In this paper, we derive an efficient CUDA implementation of this operation by using a newly designed hybrid sparse matrix format. This leads to speedups between 4 and 8 on a single graphics processing unit (GPU) for a number of tested NFS matrices compared with an optimized multicore implementation. We further present…

research product

SparseHC: A Memory-efficient Online Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

Computing a hierarchical clustering of objects from a pairwise distance matrix is an important algorithmic kernel in computational science. Since the storage of this matrix requires quadratic space with respect to the number of objects, the design of memory-efficient approaches is of high importance to this research area. In this paper, we address this problem by presenting a memory-efficient online hierarchical clustering algorithm called SparseHC. SparseHC scans a sorted and possibly sparse distance matrix chunk-by-chunk. Meanwhile, a dendrogram is built by merging cluster pairs as and when the distance between them is determined to be the smallest among all remaining cluster pairs. The k…

research product

Fast dendrogram-based OTU clustering using sequence embedding

Biodiversity assessment is an important step in a metagenomic processing pipeline. The biodiversity of a microbial metagenome is often estimated by grouping its 16S rRNA reads into operational taxonomic units or OTUs. These metagenomic datasets are typically large and hence require effective yet accurate computational methods for processing.In this paper, we introduce a new hierarchical clustering method called CRiSPy-Embed which aims to produce high-quality clustering results at a low computational cost. We tackle two computational issues of the current OTU hierarchical clustering approach: (1) the compute-intensive sequence alignment operation for building the distance matrix and (2) the …

research product

High-speed and accurate color-space short-read alignment with CUSHAW2

Summary: We present an extension of CUSHAW2 for fast and accurate alignments of SOLiD color-space short-reads. Our extension introduces a double-seeding approach to improve mapping sensitivity, by combining maximal exact match seeds and variable-length seeds derived from local alignments. We have compared the performance of CUSHAW2 to SHRiMP2 and BFAST by aligning both simulated and real color-space mate-paired reads to the human genome. The results show that CUSHAW2 achieves comparable or better alignment quality compared to SHRiMP2 and BFAST at an order-of-magnitude faster speed and significantly smaller peak resident memory size. Availability: CUSHAW2 and all simulated datasets are avail…

research product

HECTOR : a parallel multistage homopolymer spectrum based error corrector for 454 sequencing data

Background Current-generation sequencing technologies are able to produce low-cost, high-throughput reads. However, the produced reads are imperfect and may contain various sequencing errors. Although many error correction methods have been developed in recent years, none explicitly targets homopolymer-length errors in the 454 sequencing reads. Results We present HECTOR, a parallel multistage homopolymer spectrum based error corrector for 454 sequencing data. In this algorithm, for the first time we have investigated a novel homopolymer spectrum based approach to handle homopolymer insertions or deletions, which are the dominant sequencing errors in 454 pyrosequencing reads. We have evaluat…

research product

Efficient and Accurate OTU Clustering with GPU-Based Sequence Alignment and Dynamic Dendrogram Cutting.

De novo clustering is a popular technique to perform taxonomic profiling of a microbial community by grouping 16S rRNA amplicon reads into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In this work, we introduce a new dendrogram-based OTU clustering pipeline called CRiSPy. The key idea used in CRiSPy to improve clustering accuracy is the application of an anomaly detection technique to obtain a dynamic distance cutoff instead of using the de facto value of 97 percent sequence similarity as in most existing OTU clustering pipelines. This technique works by detecting an abrupt change in the merging heights of a dendrogram. To produce the output dendrograms, CRiSPy employs the OTU hierarchical clusterin…

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Massively parallel computation of atmospheric neutrino oscillations on CUDA-enabled accelerators

Abstract The computation of neutrino flavor transition amplitudes through inhomogeneous matter is a time-consuming step and thus could benefit from optimization and parallelization. Next to reliable parameter estimation of intrinsic physical quantities such as neutrino masses and mixing angles, these transition amplitudes are important in hypothesis testing of potential extensions of the standard model of elementary particle physics, such as additional neutrino flavors. Hence, fast yet precise implementations are of high importance to research. In the recent past, massively parallel accelerators such as CUDA-enabled GPUs featuring thousands of compute units have been widely adopted due to t…

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Deep learning in next-generation sequencing

Highlights • Machine learning increasingly important for NGS. • Deep learning can improve many NGS applications.

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Graphical Workflow System for Modification Calling by Machine Learning of Reverse Transcription Signatures

Modification mapping from cDNA data has become a tremendously important approach in epitranscriptomics. So-called reverse transcription signatures in cDNA contain information on the position and nature of their causative RNA modifications. Data mining of, e.g. Illumina-based high-throughput sequencing data, is therefore fast growing in importance, and the field is still lacking effective tools. Here we present a versatile user-friendly graphical workflow system for modification calling based on machine learning. The workflow commences with a principal module for trimming, mapping, and postprocessing. The latter includes a quantification of mismatch and arrest rates with single-nucleotide re…

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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events

Description of data: Sensitivity of individual tools and one run on CLOVE for different event types. Sensitivity is measured including half true positives (wrong event type). Events are considered recalled if any one of its fusions is found in the output. (PDF 9Â kb)

research product

GPU-accelerated exhaustive search for third-order epistatic interactions in case–control studies

This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Computational Science. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2015.04.001 [Abstract] Interest in discovering combinations of genetic markers from case–control studies, such as Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), that are strongly associated to diseases has increased in recent years. Detecting epistasis, i.e. interactions among k markers (k ≥ 2), is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each k-tuple of measured markers. Efficient exhaustive methods have been proposed for k = 2, but exhaustive thi…

research product

Millimeter-Scale and Billion-Atom Reactive Force Field Simulation on Sunway Taihulight

Large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on supercomputers play an increasingly important role in many research areas. With the capability of simulating charge equilibration (QEq), bonds and so on, Reactive force field (ReaxFF) enables the precise simulation of chemical reactions. Compared to the first principle molecular dynamics (FPMD), ReaxFF has far lower requirements on computational resources so that it can achieve higher efficiencies for large-scale simulations. In this article, we present our efforts on scaling ReaxFF on the Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer (TaihuLight). We have carefully redesigned the force analysis and neighbor list building steps. By applying fine-grained …

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Parallel and Space-Efficient Construction of Burrows-Wheeler Transform and Suffix Array for Big Genome Data

Next-generation sequencing technologies have led to the sequencing of more and more genomes, propelling related research into the era of big data. In this paper, we present ParaBWT, a parallelized Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and suffix array construction algorithm for big genome data. In ParaBWT, we have investigated a progressive construction approach to constructing the BWT of single genome sequences in linear space complexity, but with a small constant factor. This approach has been further parallelized using multi-threading based on a master-slave coprocessing model. After gaining the BWT, the suffix array is constructed in a memory-efficient manner. The performance of ParaBWT has b…

research product

WarpCore: A Library for fast Hash Tables on GPUs

Hash tables are ubiquitous. Properties such as an amortized constant time complexity for insertion and querying as well as a compact memory layout make them versatile associative data structures with manifold applications. The rapidly growing amount of data emerging in many fields motivated the need for accelerated hash tables designed for modern parallel architectures. In this work, we exploit the fast memory interface of modern GPUs together with a parallel hashing scheme tailored to improve global memory access patterns, to design WarpCore -- a versatile library of hash table data structures. Unique device-sided operations allow for building high performance data processing pipelines ent…

research product

CUSHAW3: Sensitive and Accurate Base-Space and Color-Space Short-Read Alignment with Hybrid Seeding

The majority of next-generation sequencing short-reads can be properly aligned by leading aligners at high speed. However, the alignment quality can still be further improved, since usually not all reads can be correctly aligned to large genomes, such as the human genome, even for simulated data. Moreover, even slight improvements in this area are important but challenging, and usually require significantly more computational endeavor. In this paper, we present CUSHAW3, an open-source parallelized, sensitive and accurate short-read aligner for both base-space and color-space sequences. In this aligner, we have investigated a hybrid seeding approach to improve alignment quality, which incorp…

research product

XLCS: A New Bit-Parallel Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm on Xeon Phi Clusters

Finding the longest common subsequence (LCS) of two strings is a classical problem in bioinformatics. A basic approach to solve this problem is based on dynamic programming. As the biological sequence databases are growing continuously, bit-parallel sequence comparison algorithms are becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we present XLCS, a new parallel implementation to accelerate the LCS algorithm on Xeon Phi clusters by performing bit-wise operations. We have designed an asynchronous IO framework to improve the data transfer efficiency. To make full use of the computing resources of Xeon Phi clusters, we use three levels of parallelism: node-level, thread-level and vector-level.…

research product

CUDA-enabled Sparse Matrix–Vector Multiplication on GPUs using atomic operations

We propose the Sliced Coordinate Format (SCOO) for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPUs.An associated CUDA implementation which takes advantage of atomic operations is presented.We propose partitioning methods to transform a given sparse matrix into SCOO format.An efficient Dual-GPU implementation which overlaps computation and communication is described.Extensive performance comparisons of SCOO compared to other formats on GPUs and CPUs are provided. Existing formats for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) on the GPU are outperforming their corresponding implementations on multi-core CPUs. In this paper, we present a new format called Sliced COO (SCOO) and an efficient CUDA i…

research product

Scalable Clustering by Iterative Partitioning and Point Attractor Representation

Clustering very large datasets while preserving cluster quality remains a challenging data-mining task to date. In this paper, we propose an effective scalable clustering algorithm for large datasets that builds upon the concept of synchronization. Inherited from the powerful concept of synchronization, the proposed algorithm, CIPA (Clustering by Iterative Partitioning and Point Attractor Representations), is capable of handling very large datasets by iteratively partitioning them into thousands of subsets and clustering each subset separately. Using dynamic clustering by synchronization, each subset is then represented by a set of point attractors and outliers. Finally, CIPA identifies the…

research product

Identification and quantification of meat product ingredients by whole-genome metagenomics (All-Food-Seq)

AbstractComplex food matrices bear the risk of intentional or accidental admixture of non-declared species. Moreover, declared components can be present in false proportions, since expensive taxa might be exchanged for cheaper ones. We have previously reported that PCR-free metagenomic sequencing of total DNA extracted from sausage samples combined with bioinformatic analysis (termed All-Food-Seq, AFS), can be a valuable screening tool to identify the taxon composition of food ingredients. Here we illustrate this principle by analysing regional Doner kebap samples, which revealed unexpected and unlabelled poultry and plant components in three of five cases. In addition, we systematically ap…

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Automated detection and classification of synoptic-scale fronts from atmospheric data grids

Automatic determination of fronts from atmospheric data is an important task for weather prediction as well as for research of synoptic-scale phenomena. In this paper we introduce a deep neural network to detect and classify fronts from multi-level ERA5 reanalysis data. Model training and prediction is evaluated using two different regions covering Europe and North America with data from two weather services. We apply label deformation within our loss function, which removes the need for skeleton operations or other complicated post-processing steps as used in other work, to create the final output. We obtain good prediction scores with a critical success index higher than 66.9 % and an obj…

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Combining GPU and FPGA technology for efficient exhaustive interaction analysis in GWAS

Interaction between genes has become a major topic in quantitative genetics. It is believed that these interactions play a significant role in genetic variations causing complex diseases. Due to the number of tests required for an exhaustive search in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), a large amount of computational power is required. In this paper, we present a hybrid architecture consisting of tightly interconnected CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs and a fine-tuned software suite to outperform other implementations in pairwise interaction analysis while consuming less than 300Watts and fitting into a standard desktop computer case.

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CorCast: A Distributed Architecture for Bayesian Epidemic Nowcasting and its Application to District-Level SARS-CoV-2 Infection Numbers in Germany

Timely information on current infection numbers during an epidemic is of crucial importance for decision makers in politics, medicine, and businesses. As information about local infection risk can guide public policy as well as individual behavior, such as the wearing of personal protective equipment or voluntary social distancing, statistical models providing such insights should be transparent and reproducible as well as accurate. Fulfilling these requirements is drastically complicated by the large amounts of data generated during exponential growth of infection numbers, and by the complexity of common inference pipelines. Here, we present CorCast – a stable and scalable distributed arch…

research product

MSAProbs-MPI: parallel multiple sequence aligner for distributed-memory systems

This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Bioinformatics following peer review. The version of recordJorge González-Domínguez, Yongchao Liu, Juan Touriño, Bertil Schmidt; MSAProbs-MPI: parallel multiple sequence aligner for distributed-memory systems, Bioinformatics, Volume 32, Issue 24, 15 December 2016, Pages 3826–3828, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw558is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw558 [Abstracts] MSAProbs is a state-of-the-art protein multiple sequence alignment tool based on hidden Markov models. It can achieve high alignment accuracy at the expense of relatively long runtimes for large-sca…

research product

Unified Parallel C++

Abstract Although MPI is commonly used for parallel programming on distributed-memory systems, Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) approaches are gaining attention for programming modern multi-core CPU clusters. They feature a hybrid memory abstraction: distributed memory is viewed as a shared memory that is partitioned among nodes in order to simplify programming. In this chapter you will learn about Unified Parallel C++ (UPC++), a library-based extension of C++ that gathers the advantages of both PGAS and Object Oriented paradigms. The examples included in this chapter will help you to understand the main features of PGAS languages and how they can simplify the task of programming par…

research product

Locality-sensitive hashing enables signal classification in high-throughput mass spectrometry raw data at scale

Mass spectrometry is an important experimental technique in the field of proteomics. However, analysis of certain mass spectrometry data faces a combination of two challenges: First, even a single experiment produces a large amount of multi-dimensional raw data and, second, signals of interest are not single peaks but patterns of peaks that span along the different dimensions. The rapidly growing amount of mass spectrometry data increases the demand for scalable solutions. Existing approaches for signal detection are usually not well suited for processing large amounts of data in parallel or rely on strong assumptions concerning the signals properties. In this study, it is shown that locali…

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High-speed exhaustive 3-locus interaction epistasis analysis on FPGAs

Abstract Epistasis, the interaction between genes, has become a major topic in molecular and quantitative genetics. It is believed that these interactions play a significant role in genetic variations causing complex diseases. Several algorithms have been employed to detect pairwise interactions in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) but revealing higher order interactions remains a computationally challenging task. State of the art tools are not able to perform exhaustive search for all three-locus interactions in reasonable time even for relatively small input datasets. In this paper we present how a hardware-assisted design can solve this problem and provide fast, efficient and exhaus…

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DySC: software for greedy clustering of 16S rRNA reads.

Abstract Summary: Pyrosequencing technologies are frequently used for sequencing the 16S ribosomal RNA marker gene for profiling microbial communities. Clustering of the produced reads is an important but time-consuming task. We present Dynamic Seed-based Clustering (DySC), a new tool based on the greedy clustering approach that uses a dynamic seeding strategy. Evaluations based on the normalized mutual information (NMI) criterion show that DySC produces higher quality clusters than UCLUST and CD-HIT at a comparable runtime. Availability and implementation: DySC, implemented in C, is available at http://code.google.com/p/dysc/ under GNU GPL license. Contact:  bertil.schmidt@uni-mainz.de Sup…

research product

SWAPHI-LS: Smith-Waterman Algorithm on Xeon Phi coprocessors for Long DNA Sequences

As an optimal method for sequence alignment, the Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm is widely used. Unfortunately, this algorithm is computationally demanding, especially for long sequences. This has motivated the investigation of its acceleration on a variety of high-performance computing platforms. However, most work in the literature is only suitable for short sequences. In this paper, we present SWAPHI-LS, the first parallel SW algorithm exploiting emerging Xeon Phi coprocessors to accelerate the alignment of long DNA sequences. In SWAPHI-LS, we have investigated three parallelization approaches (naive, tiled, and distributed) in order to deeply explore the inherent parallelism within Xeon P…

research product

MetaCache-GPU: Ultra-Fast Metagenomic Classification

The cost of DNA sequencing has dropped exponentially over the past decade, making genomic data accessible to a growing number of scientists. In bioinformatics, localization of short DNA sequences (reads) within large genomic sequences is commonly facilitated by constructing index data structures which allow for efficient querying of substrings. Recent metagenomic classification pipelines annotate reads with taxonomic labels by analyzing their $k$-mer histograms with respect to a reference genome database. CPU-based index construction is often performed in a preprocessing phase due to the relatively high cost of building irregular data structures such as hash maps. However, the rapidly growi…

research product

Massively Parallel ANS Decoding on GPUs

In recent years, graphics processors have enabled significant advances in the fields of big data and streamed deep learning. In order to keep control of rapidly growing amounts of data and to achieve sufficient throughput rates, compression features are a key part of many applications including popular deep learning pipelines. However, as most of the respective APIs rely on CPU-based preprocessing for decoding, data decompression frequently becomes a bottleneck in accelerated compute systems. This establishes the need for efficient GPU-based solutions for decompression. Asymmetric numeral systems (ANS) represent a modern approach to entropy coding, combining superior compression results wit…

research product

The Sliced COO Format for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on CUDA-enabled GPUs

Abstract Existing formats for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) on the GPU are outperforming their corresponding implementations on multi-core CPUs. In this paper, we present a new format called Sliced COO (SCOO) and an effcient CUDA implementation to perform SpMV on the GPU. While previous work shows experiments on small to medium-sized sparse matrices, we perform evaluations on large sparse matrices. We compared SCOO performance to existing formats of the NVIDIA Cusp library. Our resutls on a Fermi GPU show that SCOO outperforms the COO and CSR format for all tested matrices and the HYB format for all tested unstructured matrices. Furthermore, comparison to a Sandy-Bridge CPU sho…

research product

FMapper: Scalable read mapper based on succinct hash index on SunWay TaihuLight

Abstract One of the most important application in bioinformatics is read mapping. With the rapidly increasing number of reads produced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, there is a need for fast and efficient high-throughput read mappers. In this paper, we present FMapper – a highly scalable read mapper on the TaihuLight supercomputer optimized for its fourth-generation ShenWei many-core architecture (SW26010). In order to fully exploit the computational power of the SW26010, we employ dynamic scheduling of tasks, asynchronous I/O and data transfers and implement a vectorized version of the banded Myers algorithm tailored to the 256 bit vector registers of the SW26010. Our perf…

research product

SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic single-nucleotide and indel mutations

Various approaches to calling single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) or insertion-or-deletion (indel) mutations have been developed based on next-generation sequencing (NGS). However, most of them are dedicated to a particular type of mutation, e.g. germline SNVs in normal cells, somatic SNVs in cancer/tumor cells, or indels only. In the literature, efficient and integrated callers for both germline and somatic SNVs/indels have not yet been extensively investigated. We present SNVSniffer, an efficient and integrated caller identifying both germline and somatic SNVs/indels from NGS data. In this algorithm, we propose the use of Bayesian probabilistic models to identify SNVs and investigate a mult…

research product

WarpDrive: Massively Parallel Hashing on Multi-GPU Nodes

Hash maps are among the most versatile data structures in computer science because of their compact data layout and expected constant time complexity for insertion and querying. However, associated memory access patterns during the probing phase are highly irregular resulting in strongly memory-bound implementations. Massively parallel accelerators such as CUDA-enabled GPUs may overcome this limitation by virtue of their fast video memory featuring almost one TB/s bandwidth in comparison to main memory modules of state-of-the-art CPUs with less than 100 GB/s. Unfortunately, the size of hash maps supported by existing single-GPU hashing implementations is restricted by the limited amount of …

research product

Parallelized Clustering of Protein Structures on CUDA-Enabled GPUs

Estimation of the pose in which two given molecules might bind together to form a potential complex is a crucial task in structural biology. To solve this so-called "docking problem", most algorithms initially generate large numbers of candidate poses (or decoys) which are then clustered to allow for subsequent computationally expensive evaluations of reasonable representatives. Since the number of such candidates ranges from thousands to millions, performing the clustering on standard CPUs is highly time consuming. In this paper we analyze and evaluate different approaches to parallelize the nearest neighbor chain algorithm to perform hierarchical Ward clustering of protein structures usin…

research product

mD3DOCKxb: An Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Coordinated Virtual Screening Framework

Molecular docking is an important method in computational drug discovery. In large-scale virtual screening, millions of small drug-like molecules (chemical compounds) are compared against a designated target protein (receptor). Depending on the utilized docking algorithm for screening, this can take several weeks on conventional HPC systems. However, for certain applications including large-scale screening tasks for newly emerging infectious diseases such high runtimes can be highly prohibitive. In this paper, we investigate how the massively parallel neo-heterogeneous architecture of Tianhe-2 Supercomputer consisting of thousands of nodes comprising CPUs and MIC coprocessors that can effic…

research product

RabbitQC: high-speed scalable quality control for sequencing data

Abstract Motivation Modern sequencing technologies continue to revolutionize many areas of biology and medicine. Since the generated datasets are error-prone, downstream applications usually require quality control methods to pre-process FASTQ files. However, existing tools for this task are currently not able to fully exploit the capabilities of computing platforms leading to slow runtimes. Results We present RabbitQC, an extremely fast integrated quality control tool for FASTQ files, which can take full advantage of modern hardware. It includes a variety of operations and supports different sequencing technologies (Illumina, Oxford Nanopore and PacBio). RabbitQC achieves speedups between …

research product

Ultra-Fast Detection of Higher-Order Epistatic Interactions on GPUs

Detecting higher-order epistatic interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) remains a challenging task in the fields of genetic epidemiology and computer science. A number of algorithms have recently been proposed for epistasis discovery. However, they suffer from a high computational cost since statistical measures have to be evaluated for each possible combination of markers. Hence, many algorithms use additional filtering stages discarding potentially non-interacting markers in order to reduce the overall number of combinations to be examined. Among others, Mutual Information Clustering (MIC) is a common pre-processing filter for grouping markers into partitions using K-Means…

research product

Parallelized short read assembly of large genomes using de Bruijn graphs

Abstract Background Next-generation sequencing technologies have given rise to the explosive increase in DNA sequencing throughput, and have promoted the recent development of de novo short read assemblers. However, existing assemblers require high execution times and a large amount of compute resources to assemble large genomes from quantities of short reads. Results We present PASHA, a parallelized short read assembler using de Bruijn graphs, which takes advantage of hybrid computing architectures consisting of both shared-memory multi-core CPUs and distributed-memory compute clusters to gain efficiency and scalability. Evaluation using three small-scale real paired-end datasets shows tha…

research product

SNVSniffer: An integrated caller for germline and somatic SNVs based on Bayesian models

The discovery of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) from next-generation sequencing (NGS) data typically works by aligning reads to a given genome and then creating an alignment map to interpret the presence of SNVs. Various approaches have been developed to call whether germline SNVs (or SNPs) in normal cells or somatic SNVs in cancer/tumor cells. Nonetheless, efficient callers for both germline and somatic SNVs have not yet been extensively investigated. In this paper, we present SNVSniffer, an integrated caller for germline and somatic SNVs from NGS data based on Bayesian probabilistic models. In SNVSniffer, our germline SNV calling models allele counts per site as a multinomial condition…

research product

AnySeq: A High Performance Sequence Alignment Library based on Partial Evaluation

Sequence alignments are fundamental to bioinformatics which has resulted in a variety of optimized implementations. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are hand-tuned and specific to certain architectures and execution models. This not only makes them challenging to understand and extend, but also difficult to port to other platforms. We present AnySeq - a novel library for computing different types of pairwise alignments of DNA sequences. Our approach combines high performance with an intuitively understandable implementation, which is achieved through the concept of partial evaluation. Using the AnyDSL compiler framework, AnySeq enables the compilation of algorithmic variants that ar…

research product

CRiSPy-CUDA: Computing Species Richness in 16S rRNA Pyrosequencing Datasets with CUDA

Pyrosequencing technologies are frequently used for sequencing the 16S rRNA marker gene for metagenomic studies of microbial communities. Computing a pairwise genetic distance matrix from the produced reads is an important but highly time consuming task. In this paper, we present a parallelized tool (called CRiSPy) for scalable pairwise genetic distance matrix computation and clustering that is based on the processing pipeline of the popular ESPRIT software package. To achieve high computational efficiency, we have designed massively parallel CUDA algorithms for pairwise k-mer distance and pairwise genetic distance computation. We have also implemented a memory-efficient sparse matrix clust…

research product

Neighbor-list-free molecular dynamics on sunway TaihuLight supercomputer

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are playing an increasingly important role in many research areas. Pair-wise potentials are widely used in MD simulations of bio-molecules, polymers, and nano-scale materials. Due to a low compute-to-memory-access ratio, their calculation is often bounded by memory transfer speeds. Sunway TaihuLight is one of the fastest supercomputers featuring a custom SW26010 many-core processor. Since the SW26010 has some critical limitations regarding main memory bandwidth and scratchpad memory size, it is considered as a good platform to investigate the optimization of pair-wise potentials especially in terms of data reusage. MD algorithms often use a neighbor-list …

research product

Musket: a multistage k-mer spectrum-based error corrector for Illumina sequence data

Abstract Motivation: The imperfect sequence data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies have motivated the development of a number of short-read error correctors in recent years. The majority of methods focus on the correction of substitution errors, which are the dominant error source in data produced by Illumina sequencing technology. Existing tools either score high in terms of recall or precision but not consistently high in terms of both measures. Results: In this article, we present Musket, an efficient multistage k-mer-based corrector for Illumina short-read data. We use the k-mer spectrum approach and introduce three correction techniques in a multistage workflow: two-s…

research product

CUDA-BLASTP: Accelerating BLASTP on CUDA-enabled graphics hardware

Scanning protein sequence database is an often repeated task in computational biology and bioinformatics. However, scanning large protein databases, such as GenBank, with popular tools such as BLASTP requires long runtimes on sequential architectures. Due to the continuing rapid growth of sequence databases, there is a high demand to accelerate this task. In this paper, we demonstrate how GPUs, powered by the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), can be used as an efficient computational platform to accelerate the BLASTP algorithm. In order to exploit the GPU's capabilities for accelerating BLASTP, we have used a compressed deterministic finite state automaton for hit detection as wel…

research product

RNACache: Fast Mapping of RNA-Seq Reads to Transcriptomes Using MinHashing

The alignment of reads to a transcriptome is an important initial step in a variety of bioinformatics RNA-seq pipelines. As traditional alignment-based tools suffer from high runtimes, alternative, alignment-free methods have recently gained increasing importance. We present a novel approach to the detection of local similarities between transcriptomes and RNA-seq reads based on context-aware minhashing. We introduce RNACache, a three-step processing pipeline consisting of minhashing of k-mers, match-based (online) filtering, and coverage-based filtering in order to identify truly expressed transcript isoforms. Our performance evaluation shows that RNACache produces transcriptomic mappings …

research product

SWMapper: Scalable Read Mapper on SunWay TaihuLight

With the rapid development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, high throughput sequencing platforms continuously produce large amounts of short read DNA data at low cost. Read mapping is a performance-critical task, being one of the first stages required for many different types of NGS analysis pipelines. We present SWMapper — a scalable and efficient read mapper for the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. A number of optimization techniques are proposed to achieve high performance on its heterogeneous architecture which are centered around a memory-efficient succinct hash index data structure including seed filtration, duplicate removal, dynamic scheduling, asynchronous data tra…

research product

FeatherCNN: Fast Inference Computation with TensorGEMM on ARM Architectures

Deep Learning is ubiquitous in a wide field of applications ranging from research to industry. In comparison to time-consuming iterative training of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), inference is a relatively lightweight operation making it amenable to execution on mobile devices. Nevertheless, lower latency and higher computation efficiency are crucial to allow for complex models and prolonged battery life. Addressing the aforementioned challenges, we propose FeatherCNN – a fast inference library for ARM CPUs – targeting the performance ceiling of mobile devices. FeatherCNN employs three key techniques: 1) A highly efficient TensorGEMM (generalized matrix multiplication) routine is app…

research product

Pairwise DNA Sequence Alignment Optimization

This chapter presents a parallel implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm to accelerate the pairwise alignment of DNA sequences. This algorithm is especially computationally demanding for long DNA sequences. Parallelization approaches are examined in order to deeply explore the inherent parallelism within Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. This chapter looks at exploiting instruction-level parallelism within 512-bit single instruction multiple data instructions (vectorization) as well as thread-level parallelism over the many cores (multithreading using OpenMP). Between coprocessors, device-level parallelism through the compute power of clusters including Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors using M…

research product

BGSA: a bit-parallel global sequence alignment toolkit for multi-core and many-core architectures

Abstract Motivation Modern bioinformatics tools for analyzing large-scale NGS datasets often need to include fast implementations of core sequence alignment algorithms in order to achieve reasonable execution times. We address this need by presenting the BGSA toolkit for optimized implementations of popular bit-parallel global pairwise alignment algorithms on modern microprocessors. Results BGSA outperforms Edlib, SeqAn and BitPAl for pairwise edit distance computations and Parasail, SeqAn and BitPAl when using more general scoring schemes for pairwise alignments of a batch of sequence reads on both standard multi-core CPUs and Xeon Phi many-core CPUs. Furthermore, banded edit distance perf…

research product

AnyDSL: a partial evaluation framework for programming high-performance libraries

This paper advocates programming high-performance code using partial evaluation. We present a clean-slate programming system with a simple, annotation-based, online partial evaluator that operates on a CPS-style intermediate representation. Our system exposes code generation for accelerators (vectorization/parallelization for CPUs and GPUs) via compiler-known higher-order functions that can be subjected to partial evaluation. This way, generic implementations can be instantiated with target-specific code at compile time. In our experimental evaluation we present three extensive case studies from image processing, ray tracing, and genome sequence alignment. We demonstrate that using partial …

research product

SAUCE: A web application for interactive teaching and learning of parallel programming

Abstract Prevalent hardware trends towards parallel architectures and algorithms create a growing demand for graduate students familiar with the programming of concurrent software. However, learning parallel programming is challenging due to complex communication and memory access patterns as well as the avoidance of common pitfalls such as dead-locks and race conditions. Hence, the learning process has to be supported by adequate software solutions in order to enable future computer scientists and engineers to write robust and efficient code. This paper discusses a selection of well-known parallel algorithms based on C++11 threads, OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA that can be interactively embedded i…

research product

An FPGA aligner for short read mapping

The rapid growth of short read datasets poses a new challenge to the mapping of short reads to a reference genome in terms of sensitivity and execution speed. In this work, we present a parallel architecture for short read mapping utilizing field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware. The computation intensive semi-global alignment and the hash table lookup operations are mapped onto an FPGA. The proposed Align Core is implemented with a parallel block structure to gain computational efficiency. We present a new parallel block-wise alignment structure to approximate the conventional dynamic programming algorithm. The performance of our FPGA aligner is compared to the GASSST and BWA …

research product

CUDASW++ 3.0: accelerating Smith-Waterman protein database search by coupling CPU and GPU SIMD instructions

Background The maximal sensitivity for local alignments makes the Smith-Waterman algorithm a popular choice for protein sequence database search based on pairwise alignment. However, the algorithm is compute-intensive due to a quadratic time complexity. Corresponding runtimes are further compounded by the rapid growth of sequence databases. Results We present CUDASW++ 3.0, a fast Smith-Waterman protein database search algorithm, which couples CPU and GPU SIMD instructions and carries out concurrent CPU and GPU computations. For the CPU computation, this algorithm employs SSE-based vector execution units as accelerators. For the GPU computation, we have investigated for the first time a GPU …

research product

Mapping of BLASTP Algorithm onto GPU Clusters

Searching protein sequence database is a fundamental and often repeated task in computational biology and bioinformatics. However, the high computational cost and long runtime of many database scanning algorithms on sequential architectures heavily restrict their applications for large-scale protein databases, such as GenBank. The continuing exponential growth of sequence databases and the high rate of newly generated queries further deteriorate the situation and establish a strong requirement for time-efficient scalable database searching algorithms. In this paper, we demonstrate how GPU clusters, powered by the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), OpenMP, and MPI parallel programmi…

research product

cuBool: Bit-Parallel Boolean Matrix Factorization on CUDA-Enabled Accelerators

Boolean Matrix Factorization (BMF) is a commonly used technique in the field of unsupervised data analytics. The goal is to decompose a ground truth matrix C into a product of two matrices A and $B$ being either an exact or approximate rank k factorization of C. Both exact and approximate factorization are time-consuming tasks due to their combinatorial complexity. In this paper, we introduce a massively parallel implementation of BMF - namely cuBool - in order to significantly speed up factorization of huge Boolean matrices. Our approach is based on alternately adjusting rows and columns of A and B using thousands of lightweight CUDA threads. The massively parallel manipulation of entries …

research product

Parallelizing Epistasis Detection in GWAS on FPGA and GPU-Accelerated Computing Systems

This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in IEEE - ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2015.2389958 [Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies (such as SNP-arrays) allow the rapid collection of up to a few million genetic markers of an individual. Detecting epistasis (based on 2-SNP interactions) in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. Computational methods to detect epistasis therefore suffer from prohibitively lon…

research product

Accelerating large-scale biological database search on Xeon Phi-based neo-heterogeneous architectures

In this paper we present new parallelization techniques for searching large-scale biological sequence databases with the Smith-Waterman algorithm on Xeon Phi-based neoheterogenous architectures. In order to make full use of the compute power of both the multi-core CPU and the many-core Xeon Phi hardware, we use a collaborative computing scheme as well as hybrid parallelism. At the CPU side, we employ SSE intrinsics and multi-threading to implement SIMD parallelism. At the Xeon Phi side, we use Knights Corner vector instructions to gain more data parallelism. We have presented two dynamic task distribution schemes (thread level and device level) in order to achieve better load balancing. Fur…

research product

S-Aligner: Ultrascalable Read Mapping on Sunway Taihu Light

The availability and amount of sequenced genomes have been rapidly growing in recent years because of the adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies that enable high-throughput short-read generation at highly competitive cost. Since this trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future, the design and implementation of efficient and scalable NGS bioinformatics algorithms are important to research and industrial applications. In this paper, we introduce S-Aligner–a highly scalable read mapper designed for the Sunway Taihu Light supercomputer and its fourth-generationShenWei many-core architecture (SW26010). S-Aligner employs a combination of optimization techniques to o…

research product

SWAPHI: Smith-Waterman Protein Database Search on Xeon Phi Coprocessors

The maximal sensitivity of the Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm has enabled its wide use in biological sequence database search. Unfortunately, the high sensitivity comes at the expense of quadratic time complexity, which makes the algorithm computationally demanding for big databases. In this paper, we present SWAPHI, the first parallelized algorithm employing Xeon Phi coprocessors to accelerate SW protein database search. SWAPHI is designed based on the scale-and-vectorize approach, i.e. it boosts alignment speed by effectively utilizing both the coarse-grained parallelism from the many co-processing cores (scale) and the fine-grained parallelism from the 512-bit wide single instruction, mul…

research product

ParDRe: faster parallel duplicated reads removal tool for sequencing studies

This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Bioinformatics following peer review. The version of record [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw038 [Abstract] Summary: Current next generation sequencing technologies often generate duplicated or near-duplicated reads that (depending on the application scenario) do not provide any interesting biological information but can increase memory requirements and computational time of downstream analysis. In this work we present ParDRe , a de novo parallel tool to remove duplicated and near-duplicated reads through the clustering of S…

research product

FPGA-based Acceleration of Detecting Statistical Epistasis in GWAS

Abstract Genotype-by-genotype interactions (epistasis) are believed to be a significant source of unexplained genetic variation causing complex chronic diseases but have been ignored in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) due to the computational burden of analysis. In this work we show how to benefit from FPGA technology for highly parallel creation of contingency tables in a systolic chain with a subsequent statistical test. We present the implementation for the FPGA-based hardware platform RIVYERA S6-LX150 containing 128 Xilinx Spartan6-LX150 FPGAs. For performance evaluation we compare against the method iLOCi[9]. iLOCi claims to outperform other available tools in terms of accuracy.…

research product

Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS

This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_57 [Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies allow the collection of up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as 2-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. In this work we present EpistSearch, a parallelized tool that, following the log-linear model appr…

research product

Big Data in metagenomics: Apache Spark vs MPI.

The progress of next-generation sequencing has lead to the availability of massive data sets used by a wide range of applications in biology and medicine. This has sparked significant interest in using modern Big Data technologies to process this large amount of information in distributed memory clusters of commodity hardware. Several approaches based on solutions such as Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark, have been proposed. These solutions allow developers to focus on the problem while the need to deal with low level details, such as data distribution schemes or communication patterns among processing nodes, can be ignored. However, performance and scalability are also of high importance when…

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Verwendung eines 3D Neuronalen Netzwerkes zur Lebervolumenbestimmmung im 3T MRT

research product

PUNAS: A Parallel Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for Next-Generation Sequencing Read Alignment

The progress of next-generation sequencing has a major impact on medical and genomic research. This technology can now produce billions of short DNA fragments (reads) in a single run. One of the most demanding computational problems used by almost every sequencing pipeline is short-read alignment; i.e. determining where each fragment originated from in the original genome. Most current solutions are based on a seed-and-extend approach, where promising candidate regions (seeds) are first identified and subsequently extended in order to verify whether a full high-scoring alignment actually exists in the vicinity of each seed. Seed verification is the main bottleneck in many state-of-the-art a…

research product

A 3D Deep Neural Network for Liver Volumetry in 3T Contrast-Enhanced MRI.

 To create a fully automated, reliable, and fast segmentation tool for Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI scans using deep learning. Datasets of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced liver MR images of 100 patients were assembled. Ground truth segmentation of the hepatobiliary phase images was performed manually. Automatic image segmentation was achieved with a deep convolutional neural network. Our neural network achieves an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.987, a Sørensen-Dice coefficient of 96.7 ± 1.9 % (mean ± std), an overlap of 92 ± 3.5 %, and a Hausdorff distance of 24.9 ± 14.7 mm compared with two expert readers who corresponded to an ICC of 0.973, a Sørensen-Dice coefficient of 95.2 ± 2.8 %, and…

research product

Deep semantic lung segmentation for tracking potential pulmonary perfusion biomarkers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): The multi‐ethnic study of atherosclerosis COPD study

Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Identification of imaging biomarkers for phenotyping is necessary for future treatment and therapy monitoring. However, translation of visual analytic pipelines into clinics or their use in large-scale studies is significantly slowed by time-consuming postprocessing steps. Purpose To implement an automated tool chain for regional quantification of pulmonary microvascular blood flow in order to reduce analysis time and user variability. Study type Prospective. Population In all, 90 MRI scans of 63 patients, of which 31 had a COPD with a mean Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung …

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CellMinerHCC: a microarray-based expression database for hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.

Background & Aims Therapeutic options for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) still remain limited. Development of gene targeted therapies is a promising option. A better understanding of the underlying molecular biology is gained in in vitro experiments. However, even with targeted manipulation of gene expression varying treatment responses were observed in diverse HCC cell lines. Therefore, information on gene expression profiles of various HCC cell lines may be crucial to experimental designs. To generate a publicly available database containing microarray expression profiles of diverse HCC cell lines. Methods Microarray data were analyzed using an individually scripted R program package. Dat…

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Parallel Pairwise Epistasis Detection on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures

This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2015.2460247. [Abstract] Development of new methods to detect pairwise epistasis, such as SNP-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important task in bioinformatics as they can help to explain genetic influences on diseases. As these studies are time consuming operations, some tools exploit the characteristics of different hardware accelerators (such as GPUs and Xeon Phi coprocessors) to reduce the runtime. Nevertheless, all these approaches are not able t…

research product

SWhybrid: A Hybrid-Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Protein Sequence Database Search

Computer architectures continue to develop rapidly towards massively parallel and heterogeneous systems. Thus, easily extensible yet highly efficient parallelization approaches for a variety of platforms are urgently needed. In this paper, we present SWhybrid, a hybrid computing framework for large-scale biological sequence database search on heterogeneous computing environments with multi-core or many-core processing units (PUs) based on the Smith- Waterman (SW) algorithm. To incorporate a diverse set of PUs such as combinations of CPUs, GPUs and Xeon Phis, we abstract them as SIMD vector execution units with different number of lanes. We propose a machine model, associated with a unified …

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Modern high throughput sequencing platforms can produce large amounts of short read DNA data at low cost. Error correction is an important but time-consuming initial step when processing this data in order to improve the quality of downstream analyses. In this paper, we present a Scalable Parallel Error CorrecToR designed to improve the throughput of DNA error correction for Illumina reads on various parallel platforms. Our design is based on a k-spectrum approach where a Bloom filter is frequently probed as a key operation and is optimized towards AVX-512-based multi-core CPUs, Xeon Phi many-cores (both KNC and KNL), and heterogeneous compute clusters. A number of architecture-specific opt…

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Faster GPU-Accelerated Smith-Waterman Algorithm with Alignment Backtracking for Short DNA Sequences

In this paper, we present a GPU-accelerated Smith-Waterman (SW) algorithm with Alignment Backtracking, called GSWAB, for short DNA sequences. This algorithm performs all-to-all pairwise alignments and retrieves optimal local alignments on CUDA-enabled GPUs. To facilitate fast alignment backtracking, we have investigated a tile-based SW implementation using the CUDA programming model. This tiled computing pattern enables us to more deeply explore the powerful compute capability of GPUs. We have evaluated the performance of GSWAB on a Kepler-based GeForce GTX Titan graphics card. The results show that GSWAB can achieve a performance of up to 56.8 GCUPS on large-scale datasets. Furthermore, ou…

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Large-Scale Clustering of Short Reads for Metagenomics On GPUs

research product

UPC++ for bioinformatics: A case study using genome-wide association studies

Modern genotyping technologies are able to obtain up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as SNP-SNP interactions, in Genome-Wide Association Studies is an important but time-consuming operation since statistical computations have to be performed for each pair of measured markers. Therefore, a variety of HPC architectures have been used to accelerate these studies. In this work we present a parallel approach for multi-core clusters, which is implemented with UPC++ and takes advantage of the features available in the Partitioned Global Address Space and Object Oriented Programming models. Our solution is base…

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Reconstruction of Low Energy Neutrino Events with GPUs at IceCube

IceCube is a cubic kilometer neutrino observatory located at the South Pole that produces massive amounts of data by measuring individual Cherenkov photons from neutrino interaction events in the energy range from few GeV to several PeV. The actual reconstruction of neutrino events in the GeV range is computationally challenging due to the scarcity of data produced by single events. This can lead to run times of several weeks for the state-of-the-art reconstruction method – Pegleg – on CPUs for typical workloads of many ten-thousand events. We propose a GPU version of Pegleg that probes the likelihood space with several hypotheses in parallel while adapting the amount of parallel sampled hy…

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GSWABE: faster GPU-accelerated sequence alignment with optimal alignment retrieval for short DNA sequences

In this paper, we present GSWABE, a graphics processing unit GPU-accelerated pairwise sequence alignment algorithm for a collection of short DNA sequences. This algorithm supports all-to-all pairwise global, semi-global and local alignment, and retrieves optimal alignments on Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA-enabled GPUs. All of the three alignment types are based on dynamic programming and share almost the same computational pattern. Thus, we have investigated a general tile-based approach to facilitating fast alignment by deeply exploring the powerful compute capability of CUDA-enabled GPUs. The performance of GSWABE has been evaluated on a Kepler-based Tesla K40 GPU using a varie…

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Large-scale genome-wide association studies on a GPU cluster using a CUDA-accelerated PGAS programming model

[Abstract] Detecting epistasis, such as 2-SNP interactions, in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is an important but time consuming operation. Consequently, GPUs have already been used to accelerate these studies, reducing the runtime for moderately-sized datasets to less than 1 hour. However, single-GPU approaches cannot perform large-scale GWAS in reasonable time. In this work we present multiEpistSearch, a tool to detect epistasis that works on GPU clusters. While CUDA is used for parallelization within each GPU, the workload distribution among GPUs is performed with Unified Parallel C++ (UPC++), a novel extension of C++ that follows the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model…

research product

Evaluation of GPU-based Seed Generation for Computational Genomics Using Burrows-Wheeler Transform

Unprecedented production of short reads from the new high-throughput sequencers has posed challenges to align short reads to reference genomes with high sensitivity and high speed. Many CPU-based short read aligners have been developed to address this challenge. Among them, one popular approach is the seed-and-extend heuristic. For this heuristic, the first and foremost step is to generate seeds between the input reads and the reference genome, where hash tables are the most frequently used data structure. However, hash tables are memory-consuming, making it not well-suited to memory-stringent many-core architectures, like GPUs, even though they usually have a nearly constant query time com…

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Optimization of Reactive Force Field Simulation: Refactor, Parallelization, and Vectorization for Interactions

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are playing an increasingly important role in many areas ranging from chemical materials to biological molecules. With the continuing development of MD models, the potentials are getting larger and more complex. In this article, we focus on the reactive force field (ReaxFF) potential from LAMMPS to optimize the computation of interactions. We present our efforts on refactoring for neighbor list building, bond order computation, as well as valence angles and torsion angles computation. After redesigning these kernels, we develop a vectorized implementation for non-bonded interactions, which is nearly $100 \times$ 100 × faster than the management processing…

research product

CUSHAW Suite: Parallel and Efficient Algorithms for NGS Read Alignment

Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled cheap, large-scale, and high-throughput production of short DNA sequence reads and thereby have promoted the explosive growth of data volume. Unfortunately, the produced reads are short and prone to contain errors that are incurred during sequencing cycles. Both large data volume and sequencing errors have complicated the mapping of NGS reads onto the reference genome and have motivated the development of various aligners for very short reads, typically less than 100 base pairs (bps) in length. As read length continues to increase, propelled by advances in NGS technologies, these longer reads tend to have higher sequencing error rat…

research product

A hybrid short read mapping accelerator

Background The rapid growth of short read datasets poses a new challenge to the short read mapping problem in terms of sensitivity and execution speed. Existing methods often use a restrictive error model for computing the alignments to improve speed, whereas more flexible error models are generally too slow for large-scale applications. A number of short read mapping software tools have been proposed. However, designs based on hardware are relatively rare. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been successfully used in a number of specific application areas, such as the DSP and communications domains due to their outstanding parallel data processing capabilities, making them a compet…

research product

Accelerating bioinformatics applications via emerging parallel computing systems [Guest editorial]

The papers in this issue focus on advanced parallel computing systems for bioinformatics applications. This papers provide a forum to publish recent advances in the improvement of handling bioinformatics problems on emerging parallel computing systems. These systems can be characterized by exploiting different types of parallelism, including fine-grained versus coarse-grained and thread-level parallelism versus datalevel parallelism versus request-level parallelism. Hence, parallel computing systems based on multi- and many-core CPUs, many-core GPUs, vector processors, or FPGAs offer the promise to massively accelerate many bioinformatics algorithms and applications, ranging from computeint…

research product

LightSpMV: Faster CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication on CUDA-enabled GPUs

Compressed sparse row (CSR) is a frequently used format for sparse matrix storage. However, the state-of-the-art CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) implementations on CUDA-enabled GPUs do not exhibit very high efficiency. This has motivated the development of some alternative storage formats for GPU computing. Unfortunately, these alternatives are incompatible with most CPU-centric programs and require dynamic conversion from CSR at runtime, thus incurring significant computational and storage overheads. We present LightSpMV, a novel CUDA-compatible SpMV algorithm using the standard CSR format, which achieves high speed by benefiting from the fine-grained dynamic distribut…

research product

Massively Parallel Huffman Decoding on GPUs

Data compression is a fundamental building block in a wide range of applications. Besides its intended purpose to save valuable storage on hard disks, compression can be utilized to increase the effective bandwidth to attached storage as realized by state-of-the-art file systems. In the foreseeing future, on-the-fly compression and decompression will gain utmost importance for the processing of data-intensive applications such as streamed Deep Learning tasks or Next Generation Sequencing pipelines, which establishes the need for fast parallel implementations. Huffman coding is an integral part of a number of compression methods. However, efficient parallel implementation of Huffman decompre…

research product

SAUCE: A Web-Based Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Parallel Programming

Many curricula for undergraduate studies in computer science provide a lecture on the fundamentals of parallel programming like multi-threaded computation on shared memory architectures using POSIX threads or OpenMP. The complex structure of parallel programs can be challenging, especially for inexperienced students. Thus, there is a latent need for software supporting the learning process. Subsequent lectures may cover more advanced parallelization techniques such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) languages. Unfortunately, the majority of students cannot easily access MPI clusters or modern hardware accelerators in order to effectivel…

research product

Advanced C++11 Multithreading

Abstract The previous chapter introduced the basic concepts of multithreading using the C++11 threading API starting with basic spawn and join approaches, while finishing with non-trivial synchronization based on mutexes and condition variables. However, the major bottleneck of application performance is usually caused by contention for a shared resource. In case of mutex-based programming all participating threads usually try to acquire the same lock in parallel which effectively serializes the program for lightweight operations such as increment/decrement or updates of a single scalar value. Fortunately, modern CPUs provide dedicated commands that allow for the efficient execution of unin…

research product

CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events

Background A precise understanding of structural variants (SVs) in DNA is important in the study of cancer and population diversity. Many methods have been designed to identify SVs from DNA sequencing data. However, the problem remains challenging because existing approaches suffer from low sensitivity, precision, and positional accuracy. Furthermore, many existing tools only identify breakpoints, and so not collect related breakpoints and classify them as a particular type of SV. Due to the rapidly increasing usage of high throughput sequencing technologies in this area, there is an urgent need for algorithms that can accurately classify complex genomic rearrangements (involving more than …

research product

Cell-List based Molecular Dynamics on Many-Core Processors: A Case Study on Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are playing an increasingly important role in several research areas. The most frequently used potentials in MD simulations are pair-wise potentials. Due to the memory wall, computing pair-wise potentials on many-core processors are usually memory bounded. In this paper, we take the SW26010 processor as an exemplary platform to explore the possibility to break the memory bottleneck by improving data reusage via cell-list-based methods. We use cell-lists instead of neighbor-lists in the potential computation, and apply a number of novel optimization methods. Theses methods include: an adaptive replica arrangement strategy, a parameter profile data structur…

research product

Automated detection and classification of synoptic scale fronts from atmospheric data grids

<p>Automatic determination of fronts from atmospheric data is an important task for weather prediction as well as for research of synoptic scale phenomena. We developed a deep neural network to detect and classify fronts from multi-level ERA5 reanalysis data. Model training and prediction is evaluated using two different regions covering Europe and North America with data from two weather services. Due to a label deformation step performed during training we are able to directly generate frontal lines with no further thinning during post processing. Our network compares well against the weather service labels with a Critical Success Index higher than 66.9% and a Object Detecti…

research product

CARE: context-aware sequencing read error correction.

Abstract Motivation Error correction is a fundamental pre-processing step in many Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) pipelines, in particular for de novo genome assembly. However, existing error correction methods either suffer from high false-positive rates since they break reads into independent k-mers or do not scale efficiently to large amounts of sequencing reads and complex genomes. Results We present CARE—an alignment-based scalable error correction algorithm for Illumina data using the concept of minhashing. Minhashing allows for efficient similarity search within large sequencing read collections which enables fast computation of high-quality multiple alignments. Sequencing errors ar…

research product

Additional file 2: Table S1. of CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events

Description of data: Detailed results of simulated data analysis. The spreadsheet shows runs of the tested structural variant tools as well as CLOVE re-classified results by variant type and for the individual runs of simulated data. (XLSX 139Â kb)

research product

Additional file 3: of CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events

Data S1. Description of data: VCF file of variant calls of CLOVE on the NA12878 genome. (VCF 271Â kb)

research product

Additional file 2: Table S1. of CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events

Description of data: Detailed results of simulated data analysis. The spreadsheet shows runs of the tested structural variant tools as well as CLOVE re-classified results by variant type and for the individual runs of simulated data. (XLSX 139Â kb)

research product