Photoplethysmography in dogs and cats: a selection of alternative measurement sites for a pet monitor.
Objective Photoplethysmography (PPG) is an increasingly popular health and well-being tool for monitoring heart rate and oxygen saturation. Due to the pigmentation and hairiness of dogs and cats, a pulse oximeter is routinely placed solely on the tongue. As this approach is feasible only for pet monitor use during surgical procedures, we investigate PPG signal quality on several other measurement sites that would be better tolerated by conscious animals. Approach Acquired PPG signals are analyzed by four signal quality indices: mean baseline, signal power, kurtosis, and tolerance score. Main results In dogs, the metacarpus and tail can be substituted for oral pulse oximeter placement since …
Clinical evaluation of automated capillary refill time estimation in dogs and cats
In this study, we clinically evaluated a pulse oximeter-based device for automated capillary refill time (CRT) estimation in dogs and cats. CRT can reveal conditions like shock or anemia in dogs and cats. However, visual CRT estimation has low repeatability, and the available optical systems for automated estimation are not suitable for pets. We evaluated a custom-made portable CRT measuring device on various measurement sites of 12 dogs and 11 cats with parallel visual CRT estimation on the gum by treating veterinarian. The capillary refill was also recorded by a video camera for reference. The visual and video procedures were moderately correlated with the coefficient of 0.61; visual CRT …
Multi-spectral mapping of in vivo skin hemoglobin and melanin
The multi-spectral imaging technique has been used for distant mapping of in-vivo skin chromophores by analyzing spectral data at each reflected image pixel and constructing 2-D maps of the relative concentrations of oxy-/deoxyhemoglobin and melanin. Instead of using a broad visible-NIR spectral range, this study focuses on narrowed spectral band 500-700 nm, so speeding-up the signal processing procedure. Regression analysis confirmed that superposition of three Gaussians is optimal analytic approximation for the oxy-hemoglobin absorption tabular spectrum in this spectral band, while superposition of two Gaussians fits well for deoxy-hemoglobin absorption and exponential function - for mela…
Fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy: potential for in-vivo estimation of skin fluorophores changes after low power laser treatment
The impact of visible cwlaser irradiation on skin autofluorescence lifetimes was investigated in spectral range from 450 nm to 600 nm. Skin optical provocations were performed during 1 min by 405 nm low power cw laser with power density up to 20 mW/cm 2 . Autofluorescence lifetimes were measured before and immediately after the optical provocation.
<title>Optical pressure sensor based on the side-emitting optical fiber</title>
Two prototype models of pressure sensors using side-scattering optic fiber as the sensitive element have been designed and experimentally assessed. The study showed that the use of 600-micron silica core side-scattering fiber resulted in 5 to 6 times higher sensitivity compared to the oridinary PCS fibers.
<title>Clinical potential of the side-glowing optical fibers</title>
Unconventional designs of silica-core optical fibers providing efficient lateral emission through the cylindrical side surface have been developed and manufactured. A physical model of the side-glowing fibers, available experimental data and potential clinical applications of this type of lightguides are discussed. Promising, clinical applications can be expected in the following areas: (1) Phototherapy, including photo-dynamic therapy, soft-laser therapy and visible/UV broadband irradiation therapy. (2) Single-fiber laser Doppler flowmetry. (3) Laser-tissue dosimetry. (4) Linear and planar 'cold light' illumination. (5) Optical sensing of mechanical pressure.
RGB imaging system for mapping and monitoring of hemoglobin distribution in skin
A prototype R-G-B imaging system for mapping of skin hemoglobin distribution has been designed and tested. Device basically consists of a commercial RGB sensor (CMOS, max. frame rate 87 fps for VGA resolution), RGB LED ringlight illuminator and orthogonally orientated polarizers for reducing specular reflectance. The system was examined for monitoring of hemoglobin concentration changes during specific provocations - arterial/venous occlusions and heat test. Hemoglobin distribution maps of several skin malformations were obtained, as well.
Photobleaching measurements of pigmented and vascular skin lesions: results of a clinical trial
The autofluorescence photobleaching intensity dynamics of in vivo skin and skin pathologies under continuous 532 nm laser irradiation have been studied. Overall the 141 human skin malformations were investigated by laser induced skin autofluorescence photobleaching analysis. Details of equipment are described along with some measurement results illustrating potentiality of the technology.
Parallel Measurements of in-vivo Skin Autofluorescence Lifetimes and Photobleaching Rates
Experimental methodology for parallel measurements of in-vivo skin autofluorescence (AF) lifetimes and photo-bleaching dynamic has been developed and tested. The AF lifetime decay distributions were periodically collected from fixed tissue area with subsequent detection of the fluorescence intensity decrease dynamic at different time shifts after the pulse excitation. Temporal distributions of skin AF lifetimes and bleaching dynamic were collected and analyzed by means of commercial time-correlated single photon counting system. Details of the equipment and data processing are described as well as some measurement results that confirm the feasibility of the proposed technology.
Multi-wavelength photoplethysmography for simultaneous recording of skin blood pulsations at different vascular depths
Parallel recording of reflection photoplethysmography (PPG) signals in broad spectral band has been performed, and potential of this approach for assessment of blood microcirculation at various vascular depths is discussed. PPG signals have been simultaneously detected at cw laser wavelengths sets comprising 405 nm, 532 nm, 645 nm, 807 nm and 1064 nm. Different signal baseline responses to breath holding at different wavelengths have been observed, as well as different shapes of the PPG pulses originated from the same heartbeat.
Autofluorescence spectroscopy of cutaneous neoplasia under ultraviolet, visible and near infrared excitation
We investigated melanin-pigmented skin samples ex vivo, of benign and dysplastic nevi, as well as malignant melanoma, obtained after surgical excision, containing so called safety areas, where a normal skin could be observed, to obtain a complex and complete view about the feasibility of different excitation sources solely and/or in combination to induce fluorescence signal useful for diagnosis of pigmented cutaneous neoplasia. Using the specialized multispectral analysis of the data obtained by fluorescence using excitation in broad spectral range, covering ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectral range, contribute considerably to the both the fundamental determination of tumour tis…
Challenges in automated estimation of capillary refill time in dogs
Capillary refill time (CRT) is a part of the cardiorespiratory examination in dogs. Changes in CRT can reflect pathological conditions like shock or anemia. Visual CRT estimation has low repeatability; therefore, optical systems for automated estimation have recently appeared. Since existing systems are unsuitable for use in dogs, we designed a simple, small and portable device, which could be easily used at veterinary clinic. The device was preliminarily tested on several measurement sites in two dogs. Not all measurement sites were suitable for CRT measurements due to underlying tissue optical and mechanical properties. The CRT measurements were possible on the labial mucosa, above the st…
Photoplethysmographic sensor with smoothed output signals
A reflectance-type photoplethysmographic sensor probe connected to personal computer has been constructed and tested. Special algorithms and PC programs providing fast processing and smoothing of the output signals were developed. High-quality single period photoplethysmography signals were recorded from various locations of the body (fingers, forearm, neck). Clear differences in the shapes of detected single-period signals have been observed for different persons, and also for the same person at various measurement locations and before/after physical exercise.
Optical noninvasive monitoring of skin blood pulsations
Time-resolved detection and analysis of skin backscattered optical signals (remission photoplethysmography or PPG) provide rich information on skin blood volume pulsations and can serve for reliable cardiovascular assessment. Single- and multiple-channel PPG concepts are discussed. Simultaneous data flow from several locations on the human body allows us to study heartbeat pulse-wave propagation in real time and to evaluate vascular resistance. Portable single-, dual-, and four-channel PPG monitoring devices with special software have been designed for real-time data acquisition and processing. The prototype devices have been clinically studied, and their potential for monitoring heart arrh…
Photoaging evaluation by RGB images using a smartphone for photodynamic therapy assessment
In this study was evaluated the photoaging of patients' skins by the processing of RGB images acquired with an optical system based on a smartphone. Two groups were approached: a younger and an older.
Determination of chromophore distribution in skin by spectral imaging
Possibilities to determine chromophore distribution in skin by spectral imaging were explored. Simple RGB sensor devices were used for image acquisition. Totally 200 images of 40 different bruises of 20 people were obtained in order to map chromophores bilirubin and haemoglobin. Possibilities to detect water in vitro and in vivo were estimated by using silicon photodetectors and narrow band LEDs. The results show that it is possible to obtain bilirubin and haemoglobin distribution maps and observe changes of chromophore parameter values over time by using a simple RGB imaging device. Water in vitro was detected by using differences in absorption at 450 nm and 950 nm, and 650 nm and 950 nm.
Optical multichannel monitoring of skin blood pulsations for cardiovascular assessment
Time resolved detection and analysis of the skin back-scattered optical signals (reflection photoplethysmography or PPG) provide rich information on skin blood volume pulsations and can serve for cardiovascular assessment. The multichannel PPG concept has been developed and clinically verified in this work. Simultaneous data flow from several body locations allows to study the heartbeat pulse wave propagation in real time and to evaluate the vascular resistance. Portable two- and four-channel PPG monitoring devices and special software have been designed for real-time data acquisition and processing. The multi-channel devices were successfully applied for cardiovascular fitness tests and fo…
Dual channel photoplethysmography studies of cardio-vascular response to the body position changes
The dual-channel photoplethysmography studies of physiological responses during 3-stage orthostatic test were performed. Clear differences in heartbeat rate, pulse wave transit time and blood pressure variations of healthy volunteers and diabetic patients have been observed.
Imaging of laser-excited tissue autofluorescence bleaching rates.
Experimental methodology for imaging of laser-excited tissue autofluorescence bleaching rates has been developed and clinically tested. The fluorescence images were periodically captured from the same tissue area over a certain time, with subsequent detection of the fluorescence intensity decrease rate at each image pixel and further imaging the planar distribution of those values. Spectral features at each image pixel were analyzed with a hyperspectral imaging camera. Details of the equipment and image processing are described as well as some measurement results that confirm the feasibility of the proposed technology.
Autofluorescence imaging for recurrence detection in skin cancer postoperative scars
This clinical study is a first attempt to use autofluorescence for recurrence diagnosis of skin cancer in postoperative scars. The proposed diagnostic parameter is based on a reduction in scar autofluorescence, evaluated in the green spectral channel. The validity of the method has been tested on 110 postoperative scars from 56 patients suspected of non-melanoma skin cancer, with eight patients (13 scars) available for the repeated examination. The recurrence diagnosis within a scar has been made after two subsequent autofluorescence check-ups, representing the temporal difference between the scar autofluorescence amplitudes as a vector. The recognition of recurrence has been discussed to r…
Simultaneous recording of skin blood pulsations at different vascular depths by multiwavelength photoplethysmography.
A new technique for parallel recording of reflection photoplethysmography (PPG) signals in a broad spectral band (violet to near-infrared) has been developed, and its potential for assessment of blood microcirculation at various depths from the skin surface is discussed. PPG signals have been simultaneously detected at cw laser wavelength sets comprising 405, 532, 645, 807, and 1064 nm. Various signal baseline responses to breath holding and different shapes of the PPG pulses originated from the same heartbeat but recorded at different wavelengths have been observed, indicating a depth variety of the skin blood pulsation dynamics.
Agar-based phantoms for skin diagnostic imaging
Agar-based skin phantoms with different thicknesses and hemoglobin concentration were evaluated for diagnostics of skin lesions by RGB imaging. Scattering properties of the phantoms were simulated using intralipid, absorption properties – using lyophilized powder of human hemoglobin. RGB images of phantoms were captured by self-developed laboratory made devices. The algorithm for calculation of chromophore concentrations are based on Beer-Lambert law and includes the photon path length evaluated from the measured photon-time-of-flight signals. Optical properties and chromophore concentration maps of phantoms obtained from RGB images were analyzed. The influence of chromophore concentration …
Skin-remitted photon path lengths: experimental study
Skin-remitted picosecond laser pulses were detected at four input-output fiber distances in the spectral range 560-800 nm. After deconvolution procedures, distributions and mean values of the remitted photon path lengths in forearm skin were analyzed.
Single snapshot RGB multispectral imaging at fixed wavelengths: proof of concept
A concept of single snapshot multispectral imaging by standard RGB image sensors under spectrally-specific illumination comprising a fixed number of narrow spectral lines is discussed and experimentally validated. The limiting conditions, RGB band spectral crosstalk corrections and potential applications for parametric mapping of skin are regarded, along with the preliminary results of the proof-of-concept measurements.
Evaluation of Skin Melanoma in Spectral Range 450-950 nm Using Principal Component Analysis
Diagnostic potential of principal component analysis (PCA) of multi-spectral imaging data in the wavelength range 450-950 nm for distant skin melanoma recognition is discussed. Processing of the measured clinical data by means of PCA resulted in clear separation between malignant melanomas and pigmented nevi.
Towards single snapshot multispectral skin assessment
Skin assessment technology based on comparative analysis of single-pixel RGB signal values at poly-chromatic illumination has been proposed. Multi-spectral imaging information from a single snapshot RGB image data set with the inter-channel crosstalk correction can be extracted this way. Proof-of-concept evaluations and measurement results are presented and discussed. Potential of bi-chromatic illumination for skin hemoglobin mapping during arterial occlusion test has been demonstrated.
Clinical evaluation of melanomas and common nevi by spectral imaging
A clinical trial on multi-spectral imaging of malignant and non-malignant skin pathologies comprising 17 melanomas and 65 pigmented common nevi was performed. Optical density data of skin pathologies were obtained in the spectral range 450-950 nm using the multispectral camera Nuance EX. An image parameter and maps capable of distinguishing melanoma from pigmented nevi were proposed. The diagnostic criterion is based on skin optical density differences at three fixed wavelengths: 540nm, 650nm and 950nm. The sensitivity and specificity of this method were estimated to be 94% and 89%, respectively. The proposed methodology and potential clinical applications are discussed.
Snapshot RGB mapping of skin melanin and hemoglobin.
The concept of snapshot red-green-blue (RGB) multispectral imaging was applied for skin chromophore mapping. Three monochromatic spectral images have been extracted from a single RGB image dataset at simultaneous illumination of skin by 473-, 532-, and 659-nm laser lines. The spectral images were further transformed into distribution maps of skin melanin, oxyhemoglobin, and deoxyhemoglobin, related to pigmented and vascular skin malformations. The performance and clinical potential of the proposed technique are discussed
Hands-on optics and photonics outreach in Riga
A long-term exposition focused on optics and photonics was created in Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy at University of Latvia in 2010. Considering unpopularity of science in Latvia and lack of broadly accessible hands-on outreach activities for school children, as well as rapid development of advanced photonic technologies, this exposition was meant to involve more students to the natural sciences and modern technologies. Exposition covers 10 topics of optics – colors, diffraction, interference, polarization, reflection, liquid crystals, gas discharge, lasers, fluorescence, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Students' visits are organized as an exciting adventure, which differ…
Autofluorescence imaging of basal cell carcinoma by smartphone RGB camera
The feasibility of smartphones for in vivo skin autofluorescence imaging has been investigated. Filtered autofluorescence images from the same tissue area were periodically captured by a smartphone RGB camera with subsequent detection of fluorescence intensity decreasing at each image pixel for further imaging the planar distribution of those values. The proposed methodology was tested clinically with 13 basal cell carcinoma and 1 atypical nevus. Several clinical cases and potential future applications of the smartphone-based technique are discussed.
A device for multimodal imaging of skin
A compact prototype device for diagnostic imaging of skin has been developed and tested. Polarized LED light at several spectral regions is used for illumination, and round skin spot of diameter 30mm is imaged by a CMOS sensor via crossoriented polarizing filter. Four consecutive imaging series are performed: (1) RGB image at white LED illumination for revealing subcutaneous structures; (2) four spectral images at narrowband LED illumination (450nm, 540nm, 660nm, 940nm) for mapping of the main skin chromophores; (3) video-imaging under green LED illumination for mapping of skin blood perfusion; (4) autofluorescence video-imaging under UV (365nm) LED irradiation for mapping of the skin fluor…
Express RGB mapping of three to five skin chromophores
Skin melanin, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin were snapshot-mapped under simultaneous 448-532-659 nm laser illumination by a smartphone RGB camera. Experimental prototypes for double-snapshot RGB mapping of four (melanin, bilirubin, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin) and five (melanin, bilirubin, lipids, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin) skin chromophores with reduced laser speckle artefacts have been developed and tested. A set of 405-448-532-659 nm lasers were used for four chromophores mapping, and a set of 405-448-532-659-842 nm lasers for five chromophores mapping. Clinical tests confirmed functionality of the developed devices.
Compact dielectric reflective elements I Half-sphere concentrators of radially emitted light
Optical designs of aspheric internally reflective concentrators of divergent light emitted within a spatial angle of 2n sr are proposed and discussed. Four types of solid transparent element are considered: the divergence angle reducer, the small-spot illuminator, the point focuser, and the collimator. The output beam aperture in all cases is comparable with the light-source external dimensions. Expressions describing the profiles of beam-transforming surfaces and results from experiments with model devices are presented.
MSc course program on biomedical optics
A new Msc study course program on biomedical optics has been developed and adapted. The program consists of three main parts. (1) Fundamentals of tissue optics, (2) Optical sensing for diagnostics and monitoring, (3) Laser-tissue interaction and laser treatment. The full program and some comments on it are presented.
Towards direct measurements of remitted photon path lengths in skin: kinetic studies in the range 520-800 nm
Skin-remitted picosecond laser pulses have been detected at variable input-output fiber distances (8 … 20 mm) in the spectral range 520-800 nm, with subsequent analysis of the pulse shape changes. Transfer functions representing the temporal responses of remitted photons to infinitely narrow δ-pulse excitation have been calculated. Parameters related to the photon path length in skin – input-output pulse peak delays, pulse FWHM, travel times of the “initial” photons and distributions of the remitted photon path lengths – are presented and analyzed. The measurement results are in general agreement with the photon propagation model expectations
Multi-spectral skin imaging by a consumer photo-camera
The possibilities to perform multi-band spectral imaging by means of a consumer color camera without external filters have been studied. Images at up to 6 spectral bands may be extracted from a single color image after appropriate signal processing. The proposed technique was tested in pilot measurements of in-vivo skin hemoglobin maps and laser-excited autofluorescence images.
Remitted photon path length in human skin, skin phantoms and cell cultures
An experimental method for remitted photon path length measurements in scattering media has been developed and tested on human skin and skin neoplasms, skin phantoms and cell cultures. The photon time-of-flight (PTOF) measurement method was used in this study, where the photon travel time was converted into path length. Remitted light signals were obtained using a picosecond broadband laser and a set of narrowband interference filters in spectral rang 520 – 760 nm. Five different distances of 1, 8, 12, 16 and 20 mm between the source and detector fibers were used. Measurements were performed at different wavelengths and distance combinations; they were taken from human skin and skin malform…
Novel hybrid technology for early diagnostics of sepsis
Sepsis is a potentially fatal disease with mortality rate as high as 50% in patients with septic shock; mortality rate can increase by 7.6% per hour if appropriate treatment is not started. Internationally accepted guidelines for diagnosis of sepsis rely on vital sign monitoring and laboratory tests in order to recognize organ failure. This pilot study aims to explore the potential of hyperspectral and thermal imaging techniques to identify and quantify early alterations in skin oxygenation and perfusion induced by sepsis. The study comprises both physiological model experiments on healthy volunteers in a laboratory environment, as well as screening case series of patients with septic shock…
Non-invasive LED-based screening solution for skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common type of malignant tumors in humans. Early diagnosis is the key to successful surgical treatment. In this work we present a non-invasive screening tool for early stage detection of skin cancer and also for the evaluation of post-operative scars.
<title>Compact illuminators, collimators, and focusers with half-sperical input aperture</title>
Inexpensive semi-point light sources completed with integral concentrators of the emitted radiation can find many applications in machine vision systems. Three designs of half- spherical input aperture dielectric concentrators optimized for small spot illumination, collimation, and point-focusing are discussed here. The designs provide conversion of radially emitted light into narrow beam of the desired profile by means of total internal reflection and refraction on specially shaped aspherical surfaces. Analytic expressions describing the surface shapes as well as raytracing results are presented.
Determination of in vivo skin moisture level by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Near-infrared spectroscopy has a potential for noninvasive determination of skin moisture level due to high water absorption. In this study, diffuse reflectance spectra of in vivo skin were acquired in the spectral range of 900 nm to 1700 nm by using near-infrared spectrometer, optical fiber and halogen bulb light source. Absorption changes after applying skin moisturizers were analyzed over time at different body sites. Results show difference in absorption when comparing dry and normal skin. Comparison of absorption changes over time after applying moisturizer at different body sites is analyzed and discussed. Some patterns of how skin reacts to different skin moisturizers are shown, alth…
Skin chromphore mapping by means of a modified video-microscope for skin malformation diagnosis
Many spectral imaging devices are commercially available and used to detect certain skin pathology; however an alternative cost-efficient device can provide an advanced spectral analisys of skin. Multispectral device for diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions was developed and tested. Possibilities to map skin chromophores using a modified low-cost digital video-microscope is discussed. It was adapted for an advanced skin microscopy and used for detailed spectral analysis of skin. The device comprises CMOS digital imaging sensor, four-colour LED illumination system and image acquisition optics. The main goal is to obtain a set of spectral images of the skin area of interest for further convers…
Skin autofluorescence photo-bleaching and photo-memory
Photo-bleaching of in-vivo skin autofluorescence intensity under continuous low power laser irradiation has been studied. Temporal behavior of single-spot fluorescence and spectral fluorescent images have been studied at continuous 405 nm, 473 nm and 532 nm laser excitation and/or pre-irradiation, with power densities well below the laser-skin safety limits. Skin autofluorescence photo-memory effects (laser signatures) have been observed and analyzed, as well.
Contact probe pressure effects in skin multi-spectral photoplethysmography
A novel technique ensuring parallel recording of reflection photoplethysmography signals in broad spectral range has been tested for assessment of pressure-induced vascular changes at various depths from the skin surface. PPG signals have been simultaneously detected at three combinations of the cw laser wavelengths 405 nm, 532 nm, 645 nm, 807 nm and 1064 nm. The PPG baseline responses to the probe-skin contact pressure changes and shapes of the PPG pulses originated from the same heartbeat but recorded at different wavelengths have been detected and analyzed.
Multispectral imaging of pigmented and vascular cutaneous malformations: the influence of laser treatment
The paper investigates influence and efficacy of laser therapy on pigmented and vascular cutaneous malformations by multispectral imaging technique. Parameter mapping of skin pigmented and vascular lesions and monitoring of the laser therapy efficacy are performed by multispectral imaging in wavelength range 450-700nm by scanning step - 10nm. Parameter maps of the oxyhemoglobin deoxyhemoglobin and melanin derived from the images are presented. Possibility of laser therapy efficacy monitoring by comparison of the parameter maps before and after laser treatment has been demonstrated. As both cutaneous pigmented and vascular malformations are commonly found lesions, the parameter mapping would…
Master's level education in biomedical optics: four-year experience at the University of Latvia
Pilot program for Master's studies on Biomedical Optics has been developed and launched at University of Latvia in 1995. The Curriculum contains several basic subjects like Fundamentals of Biomedical Optics, Medical Lightguides, Anatomy and Physiology, Lasers and Non-coherent Light Sources, Optical Instrumentation for Healthcare, Optical Methods for Patient Treatment, Basic Physics, etc. Special English Terminology and Laboratory-Clinical Praxis are also involved, and the Master Theses is the final step for the degree award. Following one four-year teaching experience, some observations, conclusions and eventual future activities are discussed.
Analysis of multi-spectral photoplethysmograph biosensors
Multi-spectral photoplethysmograph biosensor intended for analysis of peripheral blood volume pulsations at different vascular depths has been experimentally tested. Light emitting diodes with four different wavelengths were used as the light emitters. A single photodiode with multi-channel signal output processing was used as the light detector. This study analyzed rising time difference between wavelengths at systole maximum, wavelengths relations between systole and diastole peak difference. The proposed methodology is discussed.
Laser illumination designs for snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging
For multi-spectral imaging, both acquisition time of the spectral image set and the spectral bandwidth of each image have to be minimized. Ultimate performance can be achieved if the set of monochromatic (single-wavelength) spectral images is obtained with a single snapshot — a technique provisionally called "snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging" or SMSLI. Using contemporary RGB colour cameras, up to three spectral line images can be extracted from a snapshot image data cube at specific illumination that comprises only three spectral lines, each of them positioned within one of the detection bands (R, G or B) [1]. Techniques able to provide more spectral line images are under development, a…