Piero Colajanni

Validation of a Shear Model for RC and Hybrid Beams with Two Different Inclinations of Transversal Reinforcement

The validation of an analytical model recently proposed for evaluation of the shear capacity in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams containing multiple inclination of transverse stirrups is presented. The model is a suitable extension of that currently proposed in Eurocode 2 for the evaluation of the shear resistance, and it is derived by means of the the variable-inclination stress-field theory based on Nielsen’s plastic approach. Experimental and numerical data available in the literature on Hybrid Steel-Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) are used for model validation and result discussion. Finally, also the comparison with a different analytical approach for the assessment of the shear resistanc…

research product

Indagine sperimentale su nodi di tralicci in acciaio di travi reticolari miste

Results of experimental tests on welded joints of steel truss of encased composite steel-concrete beams are presented. The welding of the inclined web bars to top bars, both of steel type B450C, and to bottom steel plate, the latter made of S355 steel type, are tested. Two analytical expressions for prediction of welding strength are derived: the one based on a resistance criterion and the other based on a limit domain of the welding section. Guidelines for choosing the effective dimensions of the fillet weld, necessary to determine the strength, are provided. A high precision digital scanner is used to validate the suggested guidelines to determine the geometrical characteristics of the fi…

research product

Stress field model for strengthening of shear-flexure critical RC beams

A model for the design of shear-flexure critical reinforced concrete elements strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets and plates is presented. The model is based on the stress field approach and the equilibrium method and accounts for the different failure modes of FRP, focusing on the debonding of the FRP from the concrete surface. The efficiency of the model in the strength assessment of beams reinforced with FRP by the prediction of the shear-flexure capacity is checked by corroborating the results of several experimental tests found in the literature. Moreover, the presented model's capacity to reproduce experimental behavior is compared with the formulations suggested b…

research product

Combination of modal responses consistent with seismic input representation

The well-known modal superposition method for the evaluation of seismic response by the complete quadratic modal combination rule (CQC) is revisited. The most widely used version of the CQC rule utilizes correlation coefficients derived for white-noise excitation and neglects the influence of peak factor variation on the response. Here a simplified procedure for evaluation of correlation coefficients and peak factors consistent with the power spectral density of seismic excitation is proposed. The procedure is based on an approximate analytic expression for direct evaluation of the power spectral density of the excitation consistent with any prefixed response spectrum, and the evaluation of…

research product

Travi reticolari miste- Problemi locali nella trasmissione degli sforzi

Experimental test results on the local behavior of the typical Italian typology of hybrid steel-to-concrete beam are presented and discussed in order to provide insight on transfer mechanism between different components of the beam. Preliminarily, in order to investigate on the bearing capacity of the welding and on the local instability problems that can arise in the trusses before concrete casting, tensile tests on specimens reproducing different types of welded joints, and push-out tests on bare specimen have been performed. Then, the transfer mechanism between steel trusses and concrete is investigated by means of push-out tests carried out also in displacement controlled mode. Results …

research product

Effects of confinement level, cross-section shape and corner radius on the cyclic behavior of CFRCM confined concrete columns

Abstract The main results of an experimental research aiming to investigate the behavior of medium-size low-strength concrete columns wrapped with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (CFRCM) under monotonic and cyclic compressive axial loads are presented. Thirty columns with circular, square and rectangular cross-sections were tested under monotonic and cyclic axial loads to investigate the effect of the confinement level, the cross-section shape and the corner radius on the stiffness, strength, and ductility of CFRCM confined concrete columns under cyclic loads. The results prove that CFRCM confining jackets provide substantial gain in compressive strength, deformability and absor…

research product

Shear-flexure interaction of RC elements strengthened with FRP sheets

An approximate physical model for evaluation of the M-V interaction resistance domains for concrete elements strengthened with FRP sheets is presented. The reliability of the model in predicting flexureshear capacity is verified by a comparison with the results of several experimental tests.

research product

Modelli per l'interpretazione dei risultati di prove di push-out su travi reticolari miste

Il comportamento sotto carico delle travi prefabbricate reticolari miste prima della pubblicazione delle nuove norme tecniche sulle costruzioni, veniva solitamente interpretato in analogia a quello di travi in c.a o a quello di travi miste acciao-calcestruzzo classicamente intese. L’esplicito riferimento nelle attuali norme a questa tipologia che viene trattata in un capitolo a parte, ha fatto scaturire l’esigenza di chiarezza e come conseguenza la pubblicazione di Linee Guida emanate dal C.S.LL.PP. che classificano le diverse tipologie in tre categorie: a) strutture composte acciaio-calcestruzzo; b) strutture in c.a. o in c.a.p.; c) strutture non riconducibili alle due categorie precedenti…

research product

Analisi Sperimentale del Comportamento Ciclico di Elementi in Calcestruzzo a Bassa Resistenza Confinati con FRCM

Vengono riportati i principali risultati di una campagna sperimentale finalizzata alla caratterizzazione della risposta sotto carichi assiali ciclici di colonne di calcestruzzo a bassa resistenza con sezione circolare, quadrata e rettangolare, rinforzate con fibre di carbonio immerse in matrice cementizia (CFRCM). Sono state condotte prove di compressione assiale su 30 campioni di altezza 600 mm, 10 a sezione cilindrica di diametro 300 mm, 10 quadrata di lato 200 mm, e 10 rettangolare di lato 200x400 mm. Le prove sono finalizzate a indagare gli effetti del carico ciclico, della forma della sezione, del raggio di curvatura degli spigoli e del numero di strati di tessuto di rinforzo sul legam…

research product

PBO textile embedded in FRCM for confinement of r.c. columns

Results of experimental tests on two reinforced concrete columns confined with PBO-FRCM jacketing subject to axial load and bending moments are presented, showing the effectiveness of the confinement system. Comparison of test results against theoretical results derived by a fiber model stress the ability of the confinement system to enhance both strength and deformation capacity of the confined concrete

research product

Sul controllo del meccanismo di collasso di controventi eccentrici

The effectiveness of different non-linear static procedures, for the detection of the collapse mechanism of eccentric braced frames, is investigated. EBFs introduced into truss frame structures are considered. For such a typology of structures, plastic deformations are concen-trated in a single resistant element at each floor, greatly increasing the risk of the formation of soft storey mechanisms, even if the structure is designed according to the capacity design. The results of different non-linear static procedures are compared to those obtained by incremental dynamic non-linear analysis, considering a meaningful set of artificially generated stationary accelerograms, compatible with a ta…

research product

Analytical evaluation of steel–concrete composite trussed beam shear capacity

A calculation method for the prediction of the shear resistance of precast composite beams, named Hybrid Steel Trussed-Concrete Beams (HSTCBs), is herein proposed. HSTCBs are constituted by a prefabricated steel truss embedded within a concrete matrix cast in situ so that, after curing, the two materials work together in the mechanical response of the composite structural element, the steel truss behaving as reinforcement of the beam. The proposed analytical model is developed on the basis of the results of a reference experimental campaign of three-point bending tests available in the literature, carried out on specimens of HSTCB designed in order to attain a shear failure. Furthermore, th…

research product


A proposal is formulated that allows to evaluate the residual shear strength of reinforced concrete columns and beams for an assigned flexural ductility demand by limiting the range of the deviation angle between the inclinations of the yield  and the crack lines. In order to take into account the degradation due to cyclic loads, the reduction of the range of the deviation angle is related to the value of cinematic ductility

research product

Indagine sperimentale sul comportamento di travi reticolari miste

Nel lavoro sono presentati i risultati di indagini sperimentali condotte su travi ed elementi di travi reticolari miste in acciaio-calcestruzzo, svolte presso l’Università di Palermo, nell’ambito di un programma di ricerca tendente a validare criteri e metodi per la progettazione strutturale di tali sistemi. Preliminarmente si riporta una sintesi dei risultati, già presentati in altre memorie, ottenuti da indagini su problemi locali di trasmissione degli sforzi tra gli elementi che compongono la trave sia prima che dopo il getto di calcestruzzo; successivamente si presentano i risultati di una sperimentazione su trave continua opportunamente strumentata in modo da rilevare il comportamento …

research product


Il modello per la valutazione del taglio resistente di elementi in c.a. dotati di staffe adottato dalle recenti Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni, basato sul modello di Nielsen a campi di tensione ad inclinazione variabile, viene qui esteso per potere modellare il comportamento di travi dotate di due ordini di armature trasversali disposte secondo due diverse giaciture, ed eventualmente anche di armatura longitudinale di parete. Vengono poi presentati i risultati di una indagine numerica condotta con il modello proposto, finalizzata ad evidenziare la disposizione più efficace del secondo ordine di armatura trasversale nel conferire resistenza alle travi.

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A Handy Stress-Strain Law for FRP Confined Concrete

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Stochastic linearization critically re-examined

Abstract The stochastic linearization technique, widely used for the analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems subjected to random excitations, is revisited. It is shown that the standard procedure universally adopted for determining the so-called effective stiffness of the equivalent linear system is erroneous in all previous publications. Two error-free stochastic linearization techniques are elucidated, namely those based on (1) the force linearization and (2) energy linearization.

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Analisi teorico-sperimentale del comportamento ciclico di sezioni di estremità di travi prefabbricate reticolari miste

Si indaga sul comportamento sismico di travi prefabbricate reticolari miste, non autoportanti in prima fase, nelle quali il traliccio prefabbricato è costituito da un piatto inferiore di acciaio tipo S355, ed un corrente superiore realizzato con barre di acciaio da cemento armato di tipo B450C, collegate da un anima costituita da barre sagomate a V rovescia inclinate. Vengono mostrati i risultati di una prova a flessione su tre punti su un campione rappresentativo di una coppia di travi convergenti a un nodo, collegate ad un pilastro in c.a. con connessione gettata in opera. La prova è stata condotta con più cicli di carico a momento positivo, di cui uno di grande ampiezza e uno successivo …

research product

A subtle error in conventional stochastic linearization techniques

Abstract The stochastic linearization technique as applied to the SDOF system is re-examined. Two standard procedures associated with the stochastic linearization, widely adopted in the literature, are shown to be erroneous. Two new procedures to correct the errors made in previous works are introduced. To gain more insight, the procedures are applied to the quintic oscillator. Comparative numerical analysis is performed.

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Colonne in C.A. rinforzate con FRP con diverso livello di confinamento

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RC beams retrofitted by FRP oriented in any direction: Influence of the effectiveness factors

Shear strength of FRP-retrofitted RC beams is usually influenced by different brittle failure modes characterizing the collapse of the FRP reinforcement. The most significant analytical models for assessing the shear strength of FRP-retrofitted RC beams reflect the effect of brittle failure through an effectiveness factor “R”, which reduces the ultimate tensile strength of FRP. The brittle collapse of FRP reinforcement often leads to a lower shear contribution by steel stirrups due to hindering of the yielding of all stirrups involved by critical cracking. Some analytical models consider this phenomenon introducing a further effectiveness factor “r”, which reduces the yielding strength of s…

research product

Indagine sperimentale su tralicci in acciaio di travi reticolari miste

Experimental results on the shear behaviour of the steel trusses in composite steel-concrete beams are presented. Preliminarily tensile tests have been performed on specimens reproducing different types of welded joints. Tests are addressed to investigate on the bearing capacity of the welds and on the local instability problems that can arise in the elements of the truss. A FEM model is also presented in order to reproduce the behaviour of the steel truss subjected to shear load. Moreover, simplified relations are used to obtain the ultimate load on the welds for the different type of node and simplified models based on truss behaviour are used to foresee the stiffness and the strength of …

research product

Influence of Cross-Section Shape and FRP Reinforcement Layout on Shear Capacity of Strengthened RC Beams

The evaluation of the shear capacity of an FRP-strengthened reinforced-concrete beam is challenging due to the complex interaction between different contributions provided by the concrete, steel stirrup and FRP reinforcement. The shape of the beam and the FRP inclination can have paramount importance that is not often recognized by the models that are suggested by codes. The interaction among different resisting mechanisms has a significant effect on the shear capacity of beams, since it can cause a reduction in the efficiency of some resisting mechanisms. A comparative study of the performance in the shear resistance assessment provided by three models with six different effectiveness fact…

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Vulnerabilità ed esposizione sismica del costruito residenziale del centro storico di Alcamo

Vulnerabilità ed esposizione dell'edilizia residenziale del centro storico di Alcamo

research product

Seismic behaviour of hybrid steel trussed concrete beams

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Design procedure for prestressed concrete beams

Abstract. The theoretical basis and the main results of a design procedure, which attempts to provide the optimal layout of ordinary reinforcement in prestressed concrete beams, subjected to bending moment and shear force are presented. The difficulties encountered in simulating the actual behaviour of prestressed concrete beam in presence of coupled forces bending moment - shear force are discussed; particular emphasis is put on plastic models and stress fields approaches. A unified model for reinforced and prestressed concrete beams under axial force - bending moment - shear force interaction is provided. This analytical model is validated against both experimental results collected in li…

research product

Modello Esplicito Per La Resistenza A Taglio Di Travi In C.A. Con Armature Trasversali Disposte Secondo Due Giaciture

An analysis oriented mechanical model for shear strength evaluation of rc beams with transversal reinforcement with two different inclination, that required a numerical analysis, is tuned into a design oriented analytical model that can be handy utilized for practical design.

research product

FEM analysis of push-out test response of Hybrid Steel Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCBs)

Abstract Aiming to investigate the steel truss–concrete stress transfer mechanism in Hybrid Steel Trussed–Concrete Beams (HSTCBs), a three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear Finite Element (FE) model is developed. The constitutive relationship of the steel composing the plates and the rebars is modeled by means of a quadri-linear law, while the concrete behavior is defined by means of a Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model, suitable for modeling concrete and brittle materials. Two main failure mechanisms are considered, namely the tensile cracking and the compressive crushing. In order to accurately grasp the complicate dowel and bond phenomena arising at the steel–concrete interface, a 3D solid…

research product

Increasing the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams using pretensioned stainless steel ribbons

In this work, the second part of an experimental campaign investigating the efficiency of an alternative retrofitting method for increasing the flexural and/or shear capacity in reinforced concrete beams, based on the use of prestressed stainless steel ribbons and steel angles, is presented and analytically reproduced. This group of tests focuses on the ability of the adopted retrofitting method to improve the shear strength and ultimate deformation of reinforced concrete structural elements. As described in a companion paper, the adopted retrofitting method is alternative to traditional techniques of reinforced concrete retrofitting, being easy to install and usually reversible, and charac…

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Comportamento ciclico delle connessioni tra travi prefabbricate reticolari miste e pilastri in c. a.

research product

Stress transfer and failure mechanisms in steel-concrete trussed beams: Experimental investigation on slab-thick and full-thick beams

Abstract This study presents the results of an experimental investigation on semi-precast Hybrid Steel Trussed-Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) for analyzing the failure modes and the stress transfer mechanism between concrete and embedded steel elements (plate and truss). The available literature presents previous studies carried out by the authors mainly focused on the understanding of the local transfer mechanism by means of push-out tests. Conversely, in this paper original the results of laboratory tests conducted on six specimens of full-size HSTCBs subjected to four-point bending, with variation in the shear span, are reported on. From these results, the authors are able to assess the failure…

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Sostenibilità di interventi di miglioramento sismico di strutture in c.a. non danneggiate

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A New Look at the Stochastic Linearization Technique for Hyperbolic Tangent Oscillator

Abstract Stochastic linearization technique is reconsidered for oscillator with restoring force in form of hyperbolic tangent. We show that a subtle error was made in the previously known procedure for derivation of the linearized system parameters. Two new error-free procedures, namely, those based on minimization of mean square difference between (a) restoring force or (b) potential energy of the original non-linear system and their linear counterparts, are suggested. The results of numerical analysis are shown.

research product

Un approccio innovativo per la modellazione degli edifici in muratura intelaiata. Applicazione ad un caso di studio

Le strutture in muratura intelaiata rappresentano una parte rilevante delle strutture esistenti e sono ancora largamente adottate come sistema strutturale per la costruzione di edifici residenziali, soprattutto in aree del mondo a forte sismicità non fortemente industrializzate e nelle quali la muratura rappresenta ancora un materiale tradizionale e a basso costo. In questo lavoro viene presentato un approccio per macro-elementi per la valutazione della risposta sismica di strutture in muratura confinata. La complessa interazione tra il telaio e la muratura è simulata mediante un approccio originale in cui il telaio è modellato con aste a plasticità concentrata mentre il contributo della mu…

research product

Prove di Push-Out su travi reticolari miste

Results of push-out experimental tests on typical italian typology of hybrid steel-to-concrete beam are presented and discussed in order to provide insight on transfer mechanism between concrete and steel truss. Two specimens of a shallow beam are tested and experimental relationships between interaction force, total slip and strain in truss elements are shown; moreover, behaviour of specimens at failure is discussed.

research product

Review of push-out and shear response of hybrid steel-trussed concrete beams

The hybrid steel trussed concrete beams examined in the present study are comprised of two principal components, i.e., a steel joist with inclined rebars, realized in industry, which is welded to a smooth steel plate and then embedded within the concrete cast in situ. The paper presents first the state of the art on laboratory tests and analytical modeling of the steel-to-concrete stress transfer mechanism investigated by push-out tests. Next, the most relevant scientific contributions currently available in the technical literature regarding experimental investigation on actual shear behavior are summarized and discussed. Lastly codes and analytical models are reviewed.

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Increasing the Capacity of Existing Bridges by Using Unbonded Prestressing Technology: A Case Study

External posttensioning or unbonded prestressing was found to be a powerful tool for retrofitting and for increasing the life extension of existing structures. Since the 1950s, this technique of reinforcement was applied with success to bridge structures in many countries, and was found to provide an efficient and economic solution for a wide range of bridge types and conditions. Unbonded prestressing is defined as a system in which the post-tensioning tendons or bars are located outside the concrete cross-section and the prestressing forces are transmitted to the girder through the end anchorages, deviators, or saddles. In response to the demand for a faster and more efficient transportati…

research product

Experimental Tests and FEM Model for SFRC Beams under Flexural and Shear Loads

The complete load-vs-displacement curves obtained by four-point-bending tests on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) beams are predicted by using a nonlinear finite element code based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) and the Disturbed Stress Field Model (DSFM) suitably adapted for SFRC elements. The effect of fibers on the shear-flexure response is taken into account, mainly incorporating tensile stress-strain analytical relationship for SFRC. The numerical results show the effectiveness of the model for prediction of the behavior of the tested specimens reinforced with light amount of stirrups or with fibers only. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.

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Seismic response of braced frames with and without friction dampers

Abstract The dynamic response of friction damped bracing systems and ordinary cross-bracing systems inserted into surrounding frames without lateral stiffness is analysed in order to compare the typical behaviour of the two different bracing systems. The cyclic force-displacement relationship in the two cases is accurately modelled on the basis of experimental and related numerical models which are available in the literature, and the structural dimensionless parameters defining the shapes of the cycles are stressed. Systems having the same average period of vibration in the elastic phase of the response are assumed to be comparable with one another, which leads to a relationship linking th…

research product

Non-linear Correlation Coefficients for pushover analysis

Aiming to put forward an improvement on Multimodal Pushover Analysis, a modified version of the modal correlation rule that takes into account the non-linear behavior of structures is proposed. The modification is primarily based on using the correlation coefficients consistent with the mechanical and dynamical properties of the hysteretic oscillators utilized in the MPA method, i.e. determined taking into account the second order statistics pertinent to the non-linear oscillators. Initially, the new correlation coefficients are evaluated by Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS), assuming a spectrum-compatible representation of the seismic input. The results of a large numerical parametric analysis…

research product

Nonlinear Analysis of Beams Reinforced in Shear with Stirrups and Steel Fibers

The modified compression field theory (MCFT) and the disturbed stress field model (DSFM) are often used to predict the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete structures. This study presents several extensions of the MCFT and DSFM to the case of high-strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams subjected to transverse loads. Experimental four-point bending tests were conducted on 12 concrete beams with a different percentage of fibers and/or stirrups. To validate the updates introduced in the analytical models, numerical analysis was performed using nonlinear finite element software. Modeling of the post-peak softening branch of the tensile and compressive constitutive curves of fibrous…

research product

Simple Plastic Model for Shear Critical SFRC Beams

A simple physical model, for prediction of ultimate shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams is developed on the basis of a plastic approach originally proposed for reinforced concrete (RC) beams without stirrups. It is founded on the hypothesis that cracks can be transformed into yield lines, and thus is know as Crack Sliding Model (CSM). First, the CSM is improved in order to take into account the shear strength increase for deep beams, due to the arch effect. Then, the effectiveness factors for fibrous concrete under biaxial stresses are evaluated, taking into account the post-cracking tensile strength of SFRC and its ability to control slippage along shear cracks. …

research product

Experimental tests on typical masonry of Messina area (Italy) retrofitted with CAM: A full scale arch

The present paper focuses on an in-situ testing campaign recently developed in the Messina area, Italy, aiming at the assessment of the in-plane shear behaviour of traditional masonry structures retrofitted with the innovative CAM system (a system of 3D pre-tensioned stainless steel ties). The typical masonry of Messina area, is characterised by low mechanical properties, both for its texture and for the bad quality of mortar, as well as lack of transverse connections. The high seismic risk characterizing the zone, amplifies the need for in-plane strengthening and transverse connections improving. The CAM system, Masonry Active Ties or Manufact Active Confining, allows to realise a 3D pre-t…

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Influence of lateral load distribution in estimation of target displacement and capacity demand by pushover analysis

Two simplified adaptive load patterns for conservative estimation of seismic demand in 2D frames by pushover analysis are presented. The influence of load pattern in assessment of target displacement and distribution of demand along the height of the structure is investigated by comparing results of non linear history analysis, and non linear static analysis for eccentric braced frames. Numerical analyses show that the proposed load patterns provide safe estimation of the seismic response more accurately than load patterns proposed by seismic code.

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Nuove tecniche di rinforzo e adeguamento per elementi in calcestruzzo armato

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Experimental test results vs. analytical prediction of welded joint strength in hybrid steel trussed concrete beams (HSTCBs)

The aim of the paper is to provide practical guidelines for the design of welded joints of steel truss for encased composite steel–concrete beams. The results of experimental tests are presented and interpreted. The steel truss is made of a steel plate acting as the bottom chord, made of S355 structural steel, coupled with steel rebars which form the upper chord, and steel inclined web rebars (V-reverse) welded to the two chord elements, both of them made of steel B450C. Butt welded joints of web bar to bottom steel plate and fillet welding joints of inclined web bars to top chord bars were tested, as they are different from the ones which are normally used due to the coupling of different …

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Una valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica, sia attraverso approcci fenomenologici che attraverso più accurati modelli meccanici non può prescindere dalla conoscenza (il più possibile accurata) di tali caratteristiche del costruito, che può essere acquisita spesso soltanto attraverso campagne di rilievo e di indagini sul costruito. In questo contesto, vengono inizialmente descritte le caratteristiche salienti del centro storico di Modica, per poi passare in rassegna i metodi di valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica a scala territoriale; infine verranno presentate alcune tecniche di mitigazione della vulnerabilità sismica, e presidi antisismici da mettere in atto per evitare che trasforma…

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Assessment of push-out test response of hybrid steel trussed-concrete beams by FE model

Aiming to investigate the truss-concrete stress transfer mechanism in Hybrid Steel Trussed-Concrete Beams (HSTCBs), a three-dimensional nonlinear FE model is developed. The constitutive laws of the steel composing the plates and the bars is modeled by means of a quadri-linear law, while the concrete behavior is defined by means of a Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model, suitable for modeling concrete and brittle materials. The CDP model uses the concept of isotropic damaged elasticity in combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity and is able to properly account for the concrete confinement effect. Two main failure mechanisms are considered, namely the tensile cracking …

research product

Booton's problem re-examined

The application of the stochastic linearization technique to the specific problem analyzed by Booton is reexamined. It is shown that Booton has made a subtle error in the procedure for minimization of the mean square force difference between the sharp limiter and its linear equivalent counterpart

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On bottom steel plate to concrete anchorage in hybrid steel trussed concrete beams

A semi-precast hybrid steel trussed-concrete beam typology is considered. Beams are made up of a steel truss encased in a concrete beam. The steel to concrete stress transferring mechanism is analyzed by experimental tests on six specimens of the beam. Four point bending tests on three slab thick beams and three full thick beams have been carried out. The instrumentation allowed to measure global and local response. The global response was monitored in terms of load vs. midspan-deflection curves and the local response was recorded by strain-gauges placed both on the bottom steel plate and at the top concrete surface of the beam in order to investigate the stress transfer mechanism between s…

research product

Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Members Externally Wrapped with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets

The effectiveness of external wrapping with fiber-reinforced polymer for enhancing the curvature ductility of lightly reinforced concrete members is investigated. Referring to members with circular transverse cross sections, the performances in terms of both strength and ductility capacities are analyzed, and the predictive reliability of two different recent constitutive models, available in the literature and able to take into account the softening behavior of confined concrete, is checked. A parameter characterizing the effectiveness of the confining wrapping is proposed, and characteristic values are suggested. Moreover, referring to ductility increases due to confinement effects, a com…

research product

Definition of diagonal Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus for infill masonry walls

The prediction of the response of infilled frames through the simplified approach of substituting the infill with an equivalent pin-jointed strut is treated. In this framework the results of an experimental study for the mechanical characterization of different types of masonry infills having the aim of estimating strength, Young modulus and Poisson's ratio are presented. Four types of masonry were investigated and subjected to ordinary compressive tests orthogonally to the mortar beds and along the directions of the mortar beds. The experimental campaign confirmed the possibility of using an orthotropic plate model for prediction of the Poisson's ratio and Young modulus along the diagonal …

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Increasing the flexural capacity of RC beams using steel angles and pre-tensioned stainless steel ribbons

This article presents an experimental programme on reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with steel angles and pre-stressed stainless steel ribbons to increase their flexural strength and ductility. Two different configurations of the steel ribbon were designed, and two companion specimens for each type considered were subjected to a four-point bending test to facilitate a direct comparison in the analysis of the effectiveness of the retrofitting technique. The influence of longitudinal steel angles and transverse stainless steel ribbons is analysed, and the concrete confinement due to stainless steel ribbons examined. The strengthened beams show remarkable increments in flexural strength a…

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Concrete columns confined with fibre reinforced cementitious mortars: Experimentation and modelling

Abstract The structural behaviour of concrete columns strengthened with a system made up of fibre nets embedded in an inorganic stabilized cementitious matrix under an uniaxial load was investigated. Medium size specimens with circular and square cross-section were cast and subjected to monotonic uniaxial compression, to investigate the efficiency of a p-Phenylene BenzobisOxazole (PBO) Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Mortar (FRCM) system in increasing both strength and ductility. The experimental results show that the confinement system adopted produced a noticeable increment in strength and ductility, though the low mechanical ratios of fibre considered were not always able to ensure hardeni…

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A method for identification of stiffness, dissipation and input parameters of randomly excited non-linear systems

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Analytical prediction of the shear connection capacity in composite steel–concrete trussed beams

Steel–concrete trussed composite beams are a particular types of composite girders constituted by a steel truss embedded in a concrete core. The truss is typically composed by a steel plate or a precast concrete slab working as bottom chord while coupled rebars are generally used to form the upper chord. Moreover, a system of ribbed or smooth steel rebars welded to the plate and forming the diagonals of the truss, works as web reinforcement. In the present study, the attention is focused on the evaluation of the shear resistance of the connection between bottom steel plate (the bottom chord) and concrete core through the diagonal bars of the truss developing a mechanical model able to accou…

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Vengono presentati i risultati di prove sperimentali su provini di calcestruzzo rinforzati con fibre di materiale composito, soggetti a compressione monotonica fino alla rottura. In particolare si è sperimentato l’impiego degli FRCM (Fiber Reinforced Cementitiuos Matrix), in cui le fibre di rinforzo sono immerse in una matrice cementizia. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che il confinamento eseguito con questi materiali conferisce agli elementi di calcestruzzo un significativo aumento di capacità portante e di duttilità, sebbene le percentuali di fibra impiegate non abbiano consentito di ottenere comportamenti costantemente incrudenti fino a rottura. In particolare le curve tensione-deformaz…

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Un criterio di selezione dell’input sismico per l’analisi dinamica non lineare delle strutture

Viene proposto un metodo di selezione di accelerogrammi naturali da impiegare nell’analisi dinamica non lineare al passo. Allo scopo di valutare la capacità dei parametri di intensità sismica di rappresentare il potenziale di danneggiamento del sisma, sono stati analizzati gli spettri delle correlazioni tra i parametri di intensità sismica che caratterizzano le registrazioni accelerometriche ed i parametri cinematici, energetici e di danno rappresentativi della risposta strutturale di un sistema ad un grado di libertà. In tale ambito, è stato definito un nuovo parametro di intensità sismica in forma integrale, l’Accelerazione di Picco Efficace per la Struttura (SEPA - Structure Effective Pe…

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Recenti sviluppi nei metodi di analisi strutturale per la valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli edifici

research product

Failure by corrosion in PC bridges: A case history of a viaduct in Italy

Purpose The paper illustrates a viaduct collapse due to corrosion phenomena. Moreover, a contribution to the issues related to both the control of existing structures and design methods to be followed for the construction of new buildings is provided. Design/methodology/approach The objectives were achieved by in situ observations and numerical analyses. The effects of corrosion phenomena are investigated, and the progressive collapse analysis is provided to be helpful in this case. Findings The damages induced by corrosion phenomena have caused the collapse of the viaduct taken in to account. The performed numerical analyses were able to reproduce the effects of corrosion in terms of redu…

research product

Generalization of Shear Truss Model to the Case of SFRC Beams with Stirrups

A theoretical model for shear strength evaluation of fibrous concrete beams reinforced with stirrups is proposed. The formulation is founded on the theory of plasticity and the stress field concepts, generalizing a known plastic model for calculating the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams, to the case of fibrous concrete. The beneficial effect of steel fibres is estimated taking into account the residual tensile strength of fibrous concrete, by modifying an analytical constitutive law which presents a plastic plateau as a post-peak branch. Around fifty results of experimental tests carried out on steel fibrous concrete beams available in the literature were collected, and a compa…

research product

Experimental Investigation of the Shear Response of Precast Steel-Concrete Trussed Beams

The results of an experimental campaign of three-point bending tests on precast composite beams, named hybrid steel-trussed concrete beams (HSTCBs), are provided. HSTCBs are typically constituted by a precast steel truss embedded in a block of concrete cast in place. Two series of specimens were manufactured, designed such that shear failure would occur, and tested under positive and negative bending moment. The experimental results obtained showed that fragile shear failure occurred in almost all cases, evidencing the crisis of the compressed concrete strut involved in the collapse mechanism. Yielding of the steel members provided ductility to the system, especially in those cases in which…

research product

Stiffness and strength of composite truss beam to R.C. column connection in MRFs

Abstract The results of experimental and numerical investigations on the cyclic behavior of composite truss beam to reinforced concrete column connection of moment resisting frames are reported. The beams are constituted by a steel truss and end zone added rebar embedded within a concrete block cast in place, so that, after curing, the steel truss and the added rebar work together with the concrete matrix as reinforcement of the composite beam. Particularly, three specimens of two-span continuous beams were tested under monotonic and cyclic actions as three point bending test. With the goal to investigate about the behavior of the end zone of the beam integrated into a moment resisting fram…

research product

Stress-Strain Law for Confined Concrete with Hardening or Softening Behavior

This paper provides a new general stress-strain law for concrete confined by steel, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), or fiber reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM), obtained by a suitable modification of the well-known Sargin’s curve for steel confined concrete. The proposed law is able to reproduce stress-strain curve of any shape, having both hardening or softening behavior, by using a single closed-form simple algebraic expression with constant coefficients. The coefficients are defined on the basis of the stress and the tangent modulus of the confined concrete in three characteristic points of the curve, thus being related to physical meaningful parameters. It will be shown that if the v…

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Analytical prediction of ultimate moment and curvature of RC rectangular sections in compression

This paper presents closed form expressions linking the ultimate bearing capacity to the ultimate curvature of rectangular RC sections subjected to axial load and bending moment acting in one of the two symmetry planes of the section. With respect to possible simplified formulations the following effects are also considered: confinement of the concrete, hardening of the longitudinal reinforcement, and presence of reinforcing bars distributed orthogonally to the neutral axis. The formulation is proposed in dimensional terms after a preliminary definition of the geometrical and mechanical parameters governing the structural response of the class of sections considered. The analytical expressi…

research product

A modal approach for the evaluation of the response sensitivity of structural systems subjected to non-stationary random processes

A method for the evaluation of the response sensitivity of both classically and non-classically damped discrete linear structural systems under stochastic actions is presented. The proposed approach requires the following items: (a) a suitable modal expansion of the response; (b) the derivation in analytical form of the equations governing the evolution of the derivatives of the response (the so-called sensitivity equations) with respect to the parameters that define the structural model; (c) an extensive use of the Kronecker algebra for determining the analytical expressions of the sensitivity of the structural response statistics to non-stationary random input processes. Moreover, a step-…

research product

An Analytical Step-by-Step Procedure to Derive the Flexural Response of RC Sections in Compression

This paper proposes an analysis procedure able to determine the flexural response of rectangular symmetrically reinforced concrete sections subjected to axial load and uniaxial bending. With respect to the usual numerical approaches, based on the fibre decomposition method, this procedure is based on the use of analytical expressions of the contributions to the equilibrium given by the longitudinal reinforcement and the concrete region in compression, which depend on the neutral axis depth and the curvature at each analysis step. The formulation is developed in dimensionless terms, after a preliminary definition of the geometrical and mechanical parameters involved, so that the results are …

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Comparison of fully non-stationary artificial accelerogram generation methods in reproducing seismicity at a given site

Abstract Seismic input modelling is a crucial step when Non-Linear Time-History Analyses (NLTHAs) are performed, the seismic response of structures being highly responsive to the input employed. When natural accelerograms able to represent local seismicity are not available, the use of generated accelerograms is an efficient solution for input modelling. The aim of the present paper is to compare four methods for generating fully non-stationary artificial accelerograms on the basis of a target spectrum, identified using seven recorded accelerograms registered in the neighbourhood of the construction site during a single event, assumed as target accelerograms. For each method, seven accelero…

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Effect of the different data survey scale on assessment of seismic exposure and vulnerability of the historic center of Caltabellotta

The results of the prediction of exposure and seismic vulnerability for the buildings of the historic center of Caltabellotta, obtained with databases of different levels of accuracy, are compared. In particular, the results obtained on the basis of the estimation of the characteristics and of the distribution of the typologies derived from the filling in of the CARTIS sheets on a sector scale are compared with those obtained through a survey from the outside to a building scale. In this latter area, indicators contained in the CARTIS are suitably supplemented with those available in the literature, partly modified to adapt them to the local reality. The vulnerability is evaluated on the ba…

research product

Experimental in situ behaviour of unreinforced masonry elements retrofitted by pre-tensioned stainless steel ribbons

Abstract The results of in situ tests carried out on unreinforced and reinforced poor rubble masonry full-scale walls in the earthquake prone Messina (Italy) area are presented and discussed. This experimental research was aimed at the assessment of the in plane shear behaviour of ancient masonry strengthened with an innovative system for masonry and retrofitting of reinforced concrete element constituted by three-dimensional pre-tensioned stainless steel ribbons. A comparison between different strengthening configurations was made in order to characterise the behaviour of masonry panels under shear-compression load, focusing attention on the diagonal cracking failure mode. The effectivenes…

research product


Innovative materials and techniques are widespread used for the strengthening and rehabilita-tion of existing structures. Recent researches have been developed on new fiber reinforced composites in which epoxy resin is replaced by inorganic cementitious material. These kind of cement-based composite material is known as Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrices (FRCM) recently used also in combination with synthetic polymeric fibers named PBO. The efficiency of this new confining system has been demonstrated by a large number of com-pression tests on concrete specimens while there are only few experimental researches on the behaviour of large scale specimens under external action able to simul…

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Steel based retrofitting interventions for existing masonry walls: a comparative numerical investigation

Masonry buildings constitute a significant portion of the architectural heritage all over the world, also in regions affected by a high seismic hazard. Since this constructional material is character-ized by lack of tensile strength, as well as small deformation capacity, masonry structures could result hugely damaged if shaken by seismic forces. In order to avoid collapses and reduce struc-tural damage, innovative retrofitting interventions are necessary to improve the seismic behavior of masonry structures. In this context, steel-based techniques could be considered among the most suitable solutions. In fact, by using such a high-performant material, additional strength and ductility may …

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Non linear and linearized combination coefficients for modal pushover analysis

Current design practice and seismic codes tend to assess seismic demand of buildings by Non linear Static Analysis (NSA), based on the evaluation of the pushover curve. Earlier non-linear static analysis procedure estimate the response peak value by evaluating the push-over curve adopting a distribution of invariant forces proportional to the fundamental vibration mode. In order to include the effect of higher modes several multimodal push-over analysis procedures were proposed in literature. In In the most famous of these, namely Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA), nodal response peak values are obtained by combination of "modal" responses by the traditional SRSS or CQC methods: the use of the …

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Nel presente lavoro si riferisce di una sperimentazione condotta su travi reticolari miste realizzate utilizzando un traliccio in acciaio preparato in stabilimento, avente come corrente inferiore un piatto metallico e come corrente superiore e aste di parete barre da c.a., successivamente annegato in un getto di calcestruzzo, ottenendo così una trave composta accaio-calcestruzzo. Per la specificità della tipologia, la trasmissione degli sforzi tra i due materiali non è assimilabile a quella delle travi composte tradizionalmente intese né a quella delle travi in c.a. La sperimentazione condotta attraverso prove di flessione su quattro punti ha avuto come scopo principale la valutazione della…

research product

Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with fibers and stirrups

research product

Validation of a Shear Model for RC and Hybrid Beams with Two Different Inclinations of Transversal Reinforcement

The validation of an analytical model recently proposed for evaluation of the shear capacity in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams containing multiple inclination of transverse stirrups is presented. The model is a suitable extension of that currently proposed in Eurocode 2 for the evaluation of the shear resistance, and it is derived by means of the the variable-inclination stressfield theory based on Nielsen’s plastic approach. Experimental and numerical data available in the literature on Hybrid Steel-Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) are used for model validation and result discussion. Finally, also the comparison with a different analytical approach for the assessment of the shear resistance…

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abstractita La memoria riporta i risultati di indagini sperimentali su pareti sottili in acciaio sottoposte ad azioni cicliche, ponendo in risalto le capacità dissipative. Le prove sono state condotte presso il laboratorio DISMAT di Canicattì (AG)su modelli in scala 1:2. I risultati evidenziano le riserve di resistenza dei pannelli in fase post critica. Results of experimental tests on Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) placed in steel frames subjected to cyclic actions are presented, stressing the dissipative capacity of the system. The tests were performed at the DISMAT laboratory in Canicattì (AG) on scale specimens. The surrounding frame is made by HEA 160 beam and columns with pinned joint,…

research product

Shear Capacity Model with Variable Orientation of Concrete Stress Field for RC Beams Strengthened by FRP with Different Inclinations

A design-oriented analytical model able to evaluate the shear capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets or strips oriented in any direction is proposed. The formulation of the model is based on the variable-inclination stress-field approach, aiming to extend the provisions of current European standards to beams strengthened in shear using FRP. The main novelty of the model lies in taking into account the possible different inclination of steel stirrup and FRP reinforcement in determining the orientation of a compressed concrete stress field, and in shear strength evaluation, overcoming the approximation of the known models with variab…

research product

Design of RC joints equipped with hybrid trussed beams and friction dampers

Abstract The challenge of this research consists in the first attempt to apply a dissipative friction connection to beam-to-column joints with semi-prefabricated Hybrid Steel-Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCB) and RC pillars cast in-situ. Nowadays, HSTCBs are widely adopted in civil and industrial buildings and, therefore, it is required to evaluate their compliance with the capacity design criteria and their seismic energy dissipation capability. However, the design of the reinforcement of such beams usually lead to the adoption of large amount of steel within the panel zone which becomes potentially vulnerable to the effects of seismic cyclic actions and dramatically reduce the dissipation ca…

research product

Seismic Performance of Earthquake-Resilient RC Frames Made with HSTC Beams and Friction Damper Devices

Seismic behavior of RC frames with hybrid steel-trussed concrete beams is affected by panel zone damage due to a large amount of longitudinal reinforcement. Here the seismic efficiency of innovative frames characterized by friction damper devices (FDDs) at beam-to-column connections is compared against traditional frame. Three configurations are investigated: FDDs alone; FDDs with column-to-foundation connections having preloaded threaded bars and disk springs; FDDs with self-centering friction devices. Non-linear analyses show that FDDs alone prevent plastic hinge formation at beam ends and beam–column joint damage. FDDs with self-centering friction devices effectively limit both peak and …

research product


The experimental results of three and four point loading tests on reinforced concrete beams strengthened by angles and/or pre-stressed stainless steel ribbons (CAM system) are presented. The stainless steel prestressed ribbons play the role of adjunctive transversal reinforcement as well as confine the structural element. Six flexural critical beams and nine shear critical beams were tested. In the first group four beams were retrofitted with bottom stainless steel angles and transversal ribbons, with two different spacing. In the second group three specimens were retrofitted by wrapping the beam with the ribbons, while three specimens were strengthned by perforation of the beam beneath the…

research product

Dalla Ricerca Nazionale Coordinata ASSOPREM: la duttilità delle sezioni delle travi PREM

Per supportare l'attività del Gruppo di Lavoro, nella redazione delle Istruzioni per Travi Prefabbricate Reticolari Miste, è emersa la necessità di eseguire una vasta campagna di prove sperimentali nel più breve tempo possibile. Assoprem si è fatta carico di questa esigenza finanziando un Progetto Nazionale Coordinato di Ricerca redatto dallo stesso GdL. Si tratta di un Progetto, del valore approssimativo di 100.000,00 €, che si snoda su 9 Centri di Ricerca Universitari ed 1 privato coordinati da un organismo nazionale.

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Shear resistance analytical evaluation for RC beams with transverse reinforcement with two different inclinations

An analysis-oriented mechanical model for shear strength evaluation of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with transverse reinforcement with two different inclinations, which required a numerical analysis, is turned into a design-oriented analytical model that can easily be utilized for practical purposes. The model assessed the shear resistance, according to the “lower-bound solution”, employing a numerical procedure that maximizes the element shear strength varying the stresses in the two sets of transverse reinforcement and the magnitude and inclination of the web concrete compressive stress field. The model is formulated with the aim of representing an extension of Eurocode 2 framework to R…

research product

Stress transfer mechanism investigation in hybrid steel trussed-concrete beams by push-out tests

Abstract Results of push-out tests carried out on Hybrid Steel Trussed–Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) before and after the concrete casting are presented and interpreted. Firstly, in order to check the ability of weldings before casting, tensile tests were performed on specimens reproducing different types of welded joints. Simplified design formulae were used to predict their ultimate strength. Secondly, results obtained by push-out tests on specimen representative of the beam before and after the concrete casting are presented and discussed. Finally, simplified analytical models proposed by the current European building code were adapted to the specific typology to roughly predict the ultimate s…

research product

A model for SFRC beams without shear reinforcement

In this paper a physical model, for the prediction of ultimate shear strength of Steel Fibers Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) beams is developed from the plastic Crack Sliding Model (CSM) introduced by Zhang (1997), based on the hypothesis that cracks can be transformed into yield lines. In this work the effectiveness factors are recalculated for SFRC beams and some further developments are introduced in the CSM, taking into account the fundamental post cracking tensile strength contribute of SFRC. The proposed model is validate by a large set of tests collected in literature and some numerical analyses were carried out to show the influence of fibers on the failure beams mode.

research product

Shear capacity in concrete beams reinforced by stirrups with two different inclinations

Abstract A model for the estimation of shear capacity in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with web reinforcement is provided by introducing a generalization of classical plastic Nielsen’s model, which is based on the variable-inclination stress-field approach. The proposed model is able to predict the shear capacity in RC beams reinforced by means of stirrups having two different inclinations and longitudinal web bars. A numerical comparison with the results of experimental tests and those provided by a Finite Element Model (FEM) based on the well known theory of Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) is carried out for validating the robustness of the proposed model. Finally, a set of para…

research product

Ultimate Shear of RC Beams with Corroded Stirrups and Strengthened with FRP

Transverse reinforcement plays a key role in the response behavior of reinforced concrete beams. Therefore, corrosion of steel stirrups may change the failure mode of elements from bending to shear, leading to a brittle and catastrophic crisis. It is important to strengthen reinforced concrete beams with corroded stirrups to enhance the shear resistance. This paper presents a formulation, based on the modified compression field theory, to estimate the ultimate shear of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP, because of stirrup corrosion. The detrimental effect of corrosion on steel stirrup yield strength was taken into account by introducing an empirical decay law. The effective st…

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Performance of a historical cantilever reinforced concrete bridge with half-joint degradation

The lack of maintenance of roadway concrete bridges built from the Second World War until the 70 s of the 20th century has led in recent years to an ever-increasing request for safety assessments. When bridge performance in terms of Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS) has to be evaluated, in-situ visual inspections and load tests for safety and maintenance assessment have to be coupled with structural analysis. In order to identify a sound bridge structural model and to assess the actual conservation state, more refined models than those usually considered for section and reinforcement design should be used to reproduce the results of load tests and perform globa…

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A simplified analysis for the evaluation of stochastic response of elasto-plastic oscillators

Abstract The paper deals with dynamic hysteretic oscillators without post-yielding hardening, called ideal elasto-plastic oscillators, subjected to white noise. They are characterized by the fact that they do not reach stationarity even though excited by stationary stochastic processes. A simplified solution procedure to capture this behaviour is presented in this paper. It is based on modelling the accumulated plastic deformations as a homogeneous compound Poisson process. In particular, two aspects are addressed in the paper: (1) evaluation of the probabilistic parameters of the accumulated plastic deformation process; and (2) evaluation of the second-order cumulants of the response by me…

research product

Stochastic sensitivity of steel frames with connection dampers by modal analysis

A procedure for evaluation of dynamic response sensitivity of multistory steel frames with added viscoelastic beam to column connections by modal analysis is presented. The connection behavior is modeled by a Kelvin-Voigt element, consisting of a rotational spring and a dashpot connected in parallel. Consistent mass, stiffness and damping matrices of the multistory frame are utilized, leading to a structure modeling as a non-classically damped system. The procedure is based on the dynamic modification method, that allows to evaluate the response of non-classically damped structure by modal superposition, without transformation in the complex space. The differential equations governing the e…

research product

Prove sperimentali in situ su tipica muratura messinese rinforzata con CAM: arco in muratura a piena scala

Il presente lavoro illustra i risultati di una campagna sperimentale di prove in situ recentemente realizzata nella zona di Messina, in particolare il fine della sperimentazione è la valutazione del comportamento a taglio-compressione della tradizionale muratura messinese (nota in generale per le basse proprietà meccaniche dovute alle caratteristiche della pietra, alla cattiva qualità della malta ed alla mancanza di connessioni trasversali) rinforzata con il sistema CAM (Cucitura Attiva dei Manufatti).

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Cyclic axial testing of columns confined with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix

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Push-Over Analysis of RC Frame with Corroded Rebar

Abstract As known, the Italian building heritage largely consists of reinforced concrete frames designed before the ‘80s, which are, in many cases, built in the absence of specific anti-seismic criteria. Moreover, many of them, today, are characterized by bad structural conditions. Moreover, the problem of the structural conditions of the existing buildings, and their residual strength capacity, is often linked to the deterioration induced by the corrosive phenomena, which end up having a big impact on steel rebar mechanical properties. In this work, in order to investigate the influence of corrosion-damage on seismic response of existing reinforced concrete structures, a study has been car…

research product

Proposal of a Selection Criterium of Natural Accelerograms for NLRHA

A selection criterion to obtain different sets of accelerograms, all of them satisfying the spectrum compatibility criteria imposed by the codes, that enable a reliable assessment of the seismic demand for a given structure is proposed. The formulation is based on a preliminary evaluation of correlations among Intensity Measure parameters for ground motion and cinematic, energetic and damage parameters describing structure non linear responses. To this aim, a modified expression of the Effective Peak Acceleration EPA* is proposed, defined over the range of structure fundamental period referring to undamaged and damaged model. The analyses are carried out analyzing the response of a three pl…

research product

Shear strength degradation due to flexural ductility demand in circular RC columns

An analytical model was developed to estimate the shear-strength degradation and the residual capacity of circular reinforced concrete (RC) columns subjected to seismic action. The proposed model is an upgrade of a previously proposed model for axial force $$N$$ , bending moment $$M$$ and shear force $$V$$ ( $$N$$ – $$M$$ – $$V$$ ) interaction domain evaluation for rectangular and circular cross-section RC elements subjected to static loading. The model was extended to the case of circular cross-sections subjected to seismic actions with limitation of the range of variability of the deviation angle between the directions of the stress fields and the crack inclinations, as a function of the …

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Calibrazione Sperimentale di un Modello Ciclico per Tamponamenti

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Cyclic behavior of composite truss beam-to-RC column joints in MRFS

In the present paper, the cyclic behavior of beam-to-column joints made up of Hybrid Steel Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) connected to Reinforced Concrete (RC) piers is investigated. HSTCBs are a typology of composite beam generally constituted by a steel truss with end zone added rebars embedded within a block of concrete cast in place. HSTCBs represent a structural solution for light industrialization in the civil constructions; the main advantages in their use are the higher construction speed with the minimum site labor, the possibility of covering wide spans with low depths and a final economical convenience. For these reasons, they are also increasingly adopted within seismic framed …

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Experimental Tests on Typical Masonry of Messina Area (Italy) Retrofitted with CAM: Full Scale Panels

The present paper focuses on an in-situ testing campaign recently developed in the Messina area, Italy, aiming at the assessment of the in-plane shear behaviour of traditional masonry retrofitted with the innovative CAM system (a system of 3D pre-tensioned stainless steel ties). The typical masonry of Messina area, is characterised by low mechanical properties, both for its texture and for the bad quality of mortar, as well as lack of transverse connections. The high seismic risk characterizing the zone, amplifies the need for in-plane strengthening and transverse connections improving. The CAM system, Masonry Active Ties or Manufact Active Confining, allows to realise a 3D pre-tensioned ty…

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Progetto INCAMMINO-Indagini sperimentali su elementi strutturali in muratura rinforzati con il CAM

research product

Caratterizzazione meccanica di alcune tipologie di tamponamento

L’utilizzo di modelli che prevedono l’inserimento dei tamponamenti nelle maglie di telaio richiede la conoscenza preliminare delle caratteristiche meccaniche del tamponamento. A tal fine si possono seguire diverse strade, tutte basate su prove di laboratorio: 1) determinazione diretta della risposta a taglio del tamponamento su campioni di muratura; 2) determinazione della risposta a compressione lungo gli assi principali di campioni di muratura rappresentativi del tamponamento e utilizzo dei risultati per dedurre il comportamento a taglio; 3) determinazione della risposta a compressione dei componenti della muratura (malta ed elementi resistenti) da correlare alle caratteristiche meccanich…

research product