Alessandro Miceli
Effects of transplant temporary flotation exposure and different planting dates on strawberry fruit production
Effetto dell’innesto e della micorrizazione sulle caratteristiche produttive e qualitative di mini anguria.
Numerose ricerche hanno dimostrato gli effetti positivi della simbiosi micorrizica tra le specie ortive ed i funghi arbuscolari sui parametri vegeto-produttivi e sulle caratteristiche qualitative del prodotto, come conseguenza soprattutto di una maggiore capacità di assorbimento dei nutrienti da parte delle piante micorrizate. Tra le ortive che si avvantaggiano dell’innesto ci sono alcune solanacee e cucurbitacee e tra queste ultime particolare successo ha avuto l’impiego dell’innesto nell’anguria. Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare l’effetto della combinazione tra innesto e micorrizazione sull’accrescimento delle piante, la produzione e la qualità dei frutti di mini anguria.…
Effects of packaging on shelf-life and quality of minimally processed fennel
Fennel is not a widespread product among minimally processed vegetables, due to the fast deterioration mainly caused by browning of the cut surfaces, even during cold storage. In order to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut fennel, the influence of different packaging techniques was studied. Sliced fennel, dipped in a citric acid solution (0.5%), was placed in polystyrene trays, sealed with PE film or vacuum packaged in PE bags and stored up to 14 days at 4°C. During this period the weight loss, soluble solid content, pH, color and firmness were evaluated. Minimally processed fennel packed in sealed trays and cold-stored at 4°C, extended its shelf-life to 14 days maintaining acceptable quali…
Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica Mucilage Edible Coating in Combination with Ascorbic Acid, on Strawberry Fruit Quality during Cold Storage
Strawberry fruit is a nonclimacteric fruit and is one of the most consumed berries in the world. It is characterized by high levels of vitamin C, folate, vitamin E, β-carotene, and phenolic constituents as well asanthocyanins that are strictly related to health benefits. Strawberries are highly perishable fruit with a very short postharvest life due to their susceptibility to mechanical injury, rapid texture softening, physiological disorders, and infection caused by several pathogens (yeast and mold) that can rapidly reduce fruit quality. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the application of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage in combination with ascorbic acid, as edible …
Effects of Packaging on Shelf-Life and Quality of Minimally Processed Fennel
Fennel is not a widespread product among minimally processed vegetables, due to the fast deterioration mainly caused by browning of the cut surfaces, even during cold storage. In order to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut fennel, the influence of different packaging techniques was studied. Sliced fennel, dipped in citric acid solution (0.5 %), was placed in polystyrene trays, sealed with PE film or vacuum packaged in PE bags and stored up to 14 days at 4°C. During this period weight loss, soluble solid content, pH, color and firmness were evaluated. Minimally processed fennel packed in sealed trays and coldstored at 4°C, extended its shelf life to 14 days maintaining acceptable quality. Fe…
Effect of Vibration on the Quality of Strawberry Fruits Caused by Simulated Transport
Mechanical damage of agricultural products is one of the main problems in the harvest and postharvest chain due to the large economic loss that the shelf life reduction could generate. Measurements of change in the chemical components of highly perishable products and microbial growth under different static and dynamic loads is the first step in the development of intelligent logistic units that could help in predicting the residual shelf life in order to minimize losses along the supply chain. In our research, the effects of vibration along the supply chain of a case study were analyzed on strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) and woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) in terms of microbiological…
Prove preliminari per la valorizzazione della borragine (Borrago officinalis L.) come prodotto minimamente processato
La borragine (Borago officinalis L.) è una pianta erbacea annuale tomentosa della famiglia Boraginaceae originaria dell'Europa e del Nord Africa, ampiamente diffusa in molti paesi mediterranei. Questa pianta è coltivata in tutto il mondo ed è usata per scopi medicinali nonché per la preparazione di bevande e per essere consumata cruda o cotta. La coltivazione della borragine è principalmente orientata alla produzione di seme, mentre la coltura da ortaggio è molto limitata e spesso si ricorre alla raccolta delle piante spontanee per soddisfare le richieste di mercato. Al fine di valorizzare il potenziale orticolo di questa specie, la presente ricerca ha lo scopo di valutare la possibilità di…
Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Leaf Lettuce and Rocket Grown in a Floating System
Gibberellins (GAs) are growth hormones strongly involved in a wide variety of physiological activities. Currently, gibberellins are commercially used to enhance phenotypic characteristics, earliness, and productivity of many vegetable and ornamental crops. In this work, the efficacy of supplementation of low levels of gibberellic acid (0, 10&minus
The request of minimally processed vegetable is continuously increasing, and there is a growing interest for new fresh cut products. Cauliflower, as other cabbages, is highly appreciated for its nutritional value due to the good content of vitamins, antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic compounds. It is suitable to be used as a minimally processed vegetable, but harvesting and the following processing can cause a severe stress determining the appearance of accelerated senescence symptoms. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of hot air treatment and cold storage on minimally processed green cauliflower. Fresh-cut cauliflower florets put in sealed PE bags were treated at 48…
Finocchio in Sicilia
Nursery and field evaluation of eggplant grafted onto unrooted cuttings of Solanum torvum Sw.
Abstract Solanum torvum is the eggplant ( Solanum melongena ) relative most commonly used for grafting even if the nursery production of eggplants grafted onto this rootstock has some issues related to its long, irregular and erratic germination and slow growth and development of seedlings. Unrooted cuttings harvested from stock plants could be an alternative propagation material to obtain S. torvum rootstocks and might allow to overcome nursery production issues for eggplant. The aim of this work was to evaluate eggplant suitability to be propagated by unrooted grafted cuttings using S. torvum as rootstock and the influence of this propagation technique on plant yield and fruit quality. A …
Microbiological investigation of Raphanus sativus L. grown hydroponically in nutrient solutions contaminated with spoilage and pathogenic bacteria
Abstract The survival of eight undesired (spoilage/pathogenic) food related bacteria (Citrobacter freundii PSS60, Enterobacter spp. PSS11, Escherichia coli PSS2, Klebsiella oxytoca PSS82, Serratia grimesii PSS72, Pseudomonas putida PSS21, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PSS52 and Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19114T) was investigated in mineral nutrient solution (MNS) during the crop cycle of radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivated in hydroponics in a greenhouse. MNSs were microbiologically analyzed weekly by plate count. The evolution of the pure cultures was also evaluated in sterile MNS in test tubes. The inoculated trials contained an initial total mesophilic count (TMC) ranging between 6.…
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer level on quality and shelf-life of fresh cut Swiss chard
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) is a leafy vegetable highly appreciated in some areas for its nutritional properties and year round supply. Its production area is not commercially important, but this minor vegetable offers an interesting enlargement of the current vegetable assortment by using its stalks and leaves. Swiss chard is a very nutritive demanding species. The content of mineral elements, total quality and yield are influenced by the amount, frequency and method of fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high or low levels of nitrogen fertilization on the quality and shelf-life of minimally processed Swiss chard. Plants grown with a high (18…
Effetti della Densità d’Impianto e della Concimazione Solfo-Potassica sulla Qualita’ dell’Aglio Coltivato nella Sicilia Occidentale
Primi risultati della coltivazione di prezzemolo su pannelli galleggianti
Biological control of Listeria monocytogenes in soil model systems by Enterococcus mundtii strains expressing mundticin KS production
Abstract The agricultural practices applied in pre-harvest greatly influence the presence and the levels of microorganisms in fresh produce. Among these, Listeria monocytogenes represents one of the most lethal foodborne pathogens associated with vegetables. The main hypothesis of this work is that bacteriocin producer Enterococcus mundtii strains can be effective against L. monocytogenes in soil. To this purpose, bacteriocin production by E. mundtii WFE3, WFE20 and WFE31, three strains showing a strong bacteriocin activity in terms of inhibitory power and inhibition spectra, was evaluated in sterile extracts from agricultural soil and peat moss, in organic nutrient solution (ONS) and miner…
Focus su pomodoro da mensa e da industria di trasformazione
Indagine preliminare sulla produzione e composizione di succo fermentato di Fico d'India (Opuntia ficus-indica)
Effetti della concimazione sulla qualità dell'aglio coltivato in Sicilia. Effects of fertilization on the quality of garlic grown in Sicily.
In order to expand this crop and to improve bulbs quality a study was carried out to evaluate different fertilization techniques. Four fertilization formulas were evaluated: 1) mineral fertilization commonly used by Paceco producers - pre-planting with 55, 110 and 80 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O - post planting with 47 and 46 kg ha-1 of N and K2O; 2) organic fertilization with an organic mix - pre-planting with 320 and 240 kg ha-1 of N and P2O5; 3) mineral fertilization - pre-planting with 40, 70 and 100 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O - post-planting with 80 kg ha-1 of N half at 3-4 leaves and half at bulbs formation; 4) only post-planting fertilization with 52 and 184 kg ha-1 of N and K2O, half …
Effetto del molibdeno su Lattuga, Invida liscia e Invidia riccia in floating system
La presente ricerca ha utilizzato dosi crescenti di molibdeno con lo scopo di valutarne gli effetti su alcuni prodotti di IV gamma. Premesso che l’accumulo del molibdeno e di nitrati nelle foglie è stato per tutte le tesi in prova sempre ben al di sotto di limiti ritenuti dannosi per la salute umana, i risultati non sempre sono stati quelli attesi e le tre specie in esame si sono distinte per un diverso comportamento in termini di accumulo di Mo, di produzione e di qualità del prodotto ottenuto. In particolare, per la lattuga la dose ottimale che consente buoni esiti produttivi e qualitativi (in termini di parametri colorimetrici e modesto contenuto in nitrato) sembra essere quella tradizio…
Idoneità alla minima lavorazione dei frutti di Lagenaria siceraria L.
La lagenaria (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.) è una cucurbitacea conosciuta da più di 15000 anni per la commestibilità dei frutti immaturi e dei germogli ma anche per le proprietà medicinali e per i diversi utilizzi cui può essere destinato il frutto maturo. Seppure la coltivazione della Lagenaria è ampiamente diffusa in Asia, in Europa, e nei paesi occidentali in genere, il suo utilizzo è limitato ad alcune zone circoscritte nelle quali riscuote l’apprezzamento dei consumatori. Pertanto questa specie presenta un notevole potenziale commerciale per l’eventuale diffusione in nuovi mercati. A tal fine si è voluta valutare la possibilità di trasformare i frutti di lagenaria in prodotto d…
Influence of greenhouse volume ratio on soil solarization efficiency
Effect of Hot Air Treatment on Quality and Shelf Life of Minimally Processed Cauliflower.
Cauliflower, as other cabbages, has a high nutritional value due to its content of vitamins, antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic compounds. Cauliflower inflorescences are harvested when they are still totally immature. The request of minimally processed vegetable is continuously increasing, and there is a growing interest for new fresh cut products. Cauliflower is suitable to be used as a minimally processed vegetable, but harvesting and the following processing can cause a severe stress determining the appearance of accelerated senescence symptoms. The effect of hot air treatment on minimally processed cauliflower was investigated. Florets were put in PE sealed bags before treating at 48°C …
Antibacterial activity of Borago officinalis and Brassica juncea aqueous extracts evaluated in vitro and in situ using different food model systems
The present study was undertaken to characterize the antibacterial activity of the aqueous extracts (AEs) obtained from the leaves of Borago officinalis L. and Brassica juncea L. The antagonistic activity was evaluated against several bacteria (42 strains of Listeria monocytogenes, 35 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 38 strains of Enterobacter spp. and 18 strains of Salmonella enterica) commonly associated with foodborne diseases by paper disc diffusion method. The susceptibility to the plant extracts was strain specific. Thirty-five strains (7 L. monocytogenes, 11 S. aureus, 1 S. Enteritidis, 1 S. Veneziana, 7 Enterobacter hormaechei, 5 Enterobacter cloacae, 1 Enterobacter sakazakii and 2…
Ricerche su dosi di trattamento con raggi gamma per la mutagenesi dell'aglio
Effetti della concimazione azotata sulla produzione e sulla qualità del finocchio
Idoneità Varietale alla coltivazione su terreno nudo e pacciamato di indivia e scarola in Sicilia
Effect of grafting on yield and quality of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Eggplants have fruits with different sizes, shapes and colours, according to the cultivar. Skin colour is due to anthocyanins, pigments located in the cell vacuole of fruit skin that belong to phenolic flavonoids, a powerful antioxidants group. Environmental conditions and growing techniques may influence fruits characteristics and their content of phenolic compounds. Grafting is a non chemical alternative for overcoming the effects of intensive and continuous cropping. The rootstocks preferred for eggplant are hybrids of tomato or tomato KVFN. Also species taxonomically close, as Solanum torvum, have been used and showed good vigour, compatibility and resistance to wilt disease. Informatio…
Yield and Quality of Mini-Watermelon as Affected by Grafting and Mycorrhizal Inoculum
Grafting and mycorrhizal fungi have gained interest for the positive effects they can have on vegetable crops. The aim of this work was to study the combined effect of grafting with Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation on fruit yield and quality of mini-watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (thumb.) Matsum and Nakai]. Ungrafted plants or grafted onto rootstock RS 841 F1 (Cucurbita maxima × C. moschata) were transplanted to the field. During cultivation half of the plants were inoculated with a suspension of AMF. Plant growth, fruit yield and quality were evaluated. The inoculation of AMF determined a significant increase of root colonisation both for grafted and ungrafted plants…
Rintracciabilità dei prodotti agroalimentari
Effect of Vibration on the Quality of Strawberry Fruits Caused by Simulated Transport
Mechanical damage of agricultural products is one of the main problems in the harvest and postharvest chain due to the large economic loss that the shelf life reduction could generate. Measurements of change in the chemical components of highly perishable products and microbial growth under different static and dynamic loads is the first step in the development of intelligent logistic units that could help in predicting the residual shelf life in order to minimize losses along the supply chain. In our research, the effects of vibration along the supply chain of a case study were analyzed on strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) in terms of microbiological…
An integrated technological approach to the selection of lactic acid bacteria of flour origin for sourdough production
article i nfo Several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were evaluated in situ for their potential in sourdough fermentation. The strains belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, Leuconostoc citreum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides and Weissella cibaria. LAB were used, in individual inocula, to carry out the fermentation of γ-ray treated (sterile) flour and untreated commercial flour, in order to evaluate their performances both in the absence and presence of the native microbiota of flour. The pH and total titratable acidity (TTA) showed a strong and fast acidification of the experimental sourdough determined by W. cibari…
Characterization of kefir-like beverages produced from vegetable juices
The aim of this work was to develop new non-dairy fermented beverages using vegetable juices as fermentable substrates. Carrot, fennel, melon, onion, tomato and strawberry juices underwent back-slopping fermentations, carried out by water kefir microorganisms. Results indicated that lactic acid bacteria and yeasts were capable of growing in the juices tested. Melon juice registered the highest numbers of microorganisms. Almost all juices underwent a lactic fermentation. After fermentation, there was observance of a decrease of the soluble solid content and an increase of the number of volatile organic compounds. In particular, esters were present in high amounts after the fermentation, espe…
Effect of Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Melon Plants under Deficit Irrigation Regimes
The shortage of good quantity and quality of water for irrigated agriculture is a major problem in arid and semiarid regions. To deal with this problem, deficit irrigation (DI) or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation have been proposed and adopted for many crops as a tool to save water, or to improve crop tolerance to drought stress. An experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to evaluate the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on the physiological, morphological, yield, and quality characteristics of melon plants grown under deficit irrigation. Melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Helios) was grown under field conditions adopting a split-plot design with four replications, whe…
Influence of agronomic practices and pre-harvest conditions on the attachment and development of Listeria monocytogenes in vegetables
Interest in fresh vegetables is on the increase due to their protective effects against several diseases. Listeria monocytogenes is a human pathogen easily found in vegetables. The purpose of this review article is to analyse the influence of the agricultural practices applied in pre-harvest, the environmental biotic and abiotic factors characterising the cultivation field, as well as the handling procedures at harvest that might greatly influence the presence and the levels of L. monocytogenes in fresh produce. This review article describes the routes of L. monocytogenes infections in relation to the agricultural practices commonly applied during vegetable cultivation. It also analyses the…
Quality and Shelf-life of Minimally Processed Cauliflower
Cauliflower has been described as a vegetable with a high nutritional value due to its important content of vitamins, antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic compounds. Cauliflower inflorescences are harvested while they are totally immature, which implies severe changes in nutrient, water and hormonal status. Harvesting and the following processing can cause a severe stress determining the appearance of accelerated senescence symptoms. The effect of processing and cold storage of minimally processed cauliflower were investigated. Florets were treated with antioxidants before storage in PE bags at 4°C for 14 days. During storage period, weight loss, colour, firmness, SSC, pH, titratable acidity,…
Influenza della solarizzazione del substrato sul pomodoro allevato in fuori suolo
The influence of addition of Borago officinalis with antibacterial activity on the sensory quality of fresh pasta
Abstract Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a herbaceous plant of the Boraginaceae family cultivated throughout the world for several purposes, including food preparations, mainly beverages and salads. Some Italian recipes use borage as a food ingredient, in particular as condiment for pasta. The aqueous extract (AE) from borage leaves can act as biopreservative in foods due to its inhibition towards the main foodborne pathogen bacteria. Fresh pasta, due to the high content of water, is a food product with a limited shelf life. In order to test the suitability of borage to produce fresh pasta with a prolonged shelf life, borage AE was used in dried form as a raw material for the production o…
Ecologia delle popolazioni lattiche associate alle farine di frumento e studio delle attitudini tecnologiche per la produzione di impasti acidi
Il presente lavoro ha previsto inizialmente l’isolamento, la tipizzazione e l’identificazione dei batteri lattici (BL) presenti in campioni di farine utilizzate per prodotti da forno a lievitazione naturale prelevati presso diversi panifici siciliani. Le conte in piastra dei BL sono state ottenute su tre differenti terreni colturali, generici e specifici. I risultati hanno evidenziato una concentrazione massima di BL di 4.75 Log UFC/g. Tutte le colonie diverse sono state isolate e purificate. Le colture sono state differenziate sulla base delle caratteristiche fenotipiche e dei profili generati mediante la tecnica randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR che ha permesso il riconoscimen…
Effects of polyethylene and biodegradable starch-based mulching films on eggplant production in a Mediterranean area
Traditional plastic films are used for eggplant cultivation in open field in Mediterranean environments. However, disposal and/or recycle of mulches contaminated with soil and/or vegetation represent an environmental concern. We compared two traditional plastic mulches (transparent and black polyethylene films) with five black biodegradable mulching films (Mater-Bi T12A, Mater-Bi T12B, Mater-Bi T15A, Mater-Bi T15B and Mater-Bi T15C) having different thickness and synthetic composition. 'Birgah' eggplant F1 hybrid plug-plants were transplanted on 2nd May, 2016 in the north-western coast of Sicily. Air temperature in the soil-mulch film gap in the plots with transparent PE was higher than in …
Use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and organic fertilization for soilless cultivation of basil
Abstract Today there is a greater environmental and ecological awareness and it is growing the number of farmers who want to adopt sustainable and efficient cultivation systems even if not officially certified as organic. Sustainable and modern cultivation systems must involve organic fertilization and cannot ignore the role of rhizosphere microorganisms. Starting from this premise, this paper aimed to evaluate the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and organic liquid fertilizers on soilless cultivation of basil. Genovese basil plants were cultivated in pots filled with a substrate inoculated or not with a commercial biostimulant (TNC BactorrS13) containing growth-promoting …
Effects of different training system on yield and fruit quality of six cherry tomato cultivars
Tomatoes are intensively grown under protected cultivatrion in the Mediterranean island of sicily. Approximately 3000 hectares of cherry tomatoes are concentred in the provinces of Ragusa, Siracusa, and Trapani. Soilless culture is an innovative method of cultivation which reduces de use of energy, water, labor and pesticides. The incoming phase out of methyl bromide in 2005 and the progressive soil and water salinisation has increaswed the interest of the sicilian growers in this type of cultivation. The aim of this research was top study the effects of different training systems on cherry tomatoes cultivars grown in soilless culture.
Use of microbial biostimulants to increase the salinity tolerance of vegetable transplants
Vegetable plants are more sensitive to salt stress during the early growth stages
Risposta vegeto-produttiva di Nerium oleander L. alla concimazione con formulati a lenta cessione e a cessione controllata
L'utilizzo dei concimi a lento effetto è ormai molto diffuso in agricoltura. Il vantaggio di questi formulati, rispetto a quelli tradizionali, è dato dalla loro capacità di alimentare continuamente la pianta, grazie alla particolare struttura dei granuli, e di limitare le perdite di azoto nel substrato di coltura. La solubilizzazione dei concimi a lento rilascio o la liberazione dei principi attivi dei formulati a cessione controllata sono strettamente correlate all'attività microbica ed alle temperature del mezzo di coltura, per cui le piante possono reperire dal substrato quantitativi diversi in funzione delle condizioni ambientali. La ricerca è stata condotta al fine di valutare la rispo…
Effect of thermal treatments on vitality and physical characteristics of bean, chickpea and lentil
Thermal disinfestation treatments are relatively easy to apply, leave no chemical residues and may have some fungicidal activity. However, temperature and time combinations required to kill insect pests may meet or exceed those that reduce the viability of seeds, nutrients content, shelf life or technological characteristics. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thermal treatments (different temperature and time combinations) on physical and biological characteristics of bean, chickpea and lentil. Seed samples of common bean, chickpea and lentil were treated at low (12, 24 or 48 h at −18 °C) or high (30, 60 or 90 min at 60 °C) temperature. Seed germination, mean germinatio…
Evaluation of the aroma compounds of Sicilian Cactus pear (Opuntia Ficus-Indica) fermented juice
Quality and shelf-life of minimally processed cauliflower
Il cavolfiore è stato descritto come un ortaggio con un alto valore nutrizionale grazie al suo alto contenuto di vitamine, antiossidanti e composti anti-cancerogeni. Le infiorescenze di cavolfiore vengono raccolte mentre sono totalmente immature, il che implica gravi cambiamenti nello stato dei nutrienti, dell'acqua e degli ormoni. La raccolta e la successiva lavorazione possono causare gravi stress determinando la comparsa di sintomi di senescenza accelerata. Sono stati studiati gli effetti della lavorazione e della conservazione a freddo del cavolfiore trasformato minimamente. Gli ornamenti sono stati trattati con antiossidanti prima della conservazione in sacchi di PE a 4 ° C per 21 gior…
Hygienic characteristics of radishes grown in soil contaminated with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Background: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a plant growth-promoter. This bacterium is also implicated in human diseases. Thus, after the use of this bacterium in agriculture, the safety of the final products has to be verified. Due to the ubiquitous presence of S. maltophilia in soil, in this study a massive contamination was simulated to evaluate the growth and safety of Raphanus sativus L.. Results: Different inoculums and soil treatment conditions were tested. Soils were analysed weekly and the radishes at harvest for their microbial loads and presence/persistence of S. maltophilia LMG 6606. The concentration of the bacterium added in the different trials decreased during the first week…
Influence of Preharvest Gibberellic Acid Treatments on Postharvest Quality of Minimally Processed Leaf Lettuce and Rocket
Plant growth regulators are used in high-value vegetable crops during cultivation and after harvest to increase yield, enhance crop management, and improve or retain the produce quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality characteristics during cold storage of minimally processed leaf lettuce and rocket, obtained from plants grown in a hydroponic floating system with mineral nutrient solutions (MNS) containing different levels of gibberellic acid (GA3). Plants were grown in greenhouse conditions on nutrient solutions containing 0, 10&minus
Effetti delle epoche e modalità di concimazione su produzione e qualità del finocchio. Effects of time and method of fertilizer application on yield and quality of fennel.
Two field trials were carried out in Sicily during fall-winter and spring season to determine the influence of 9 fertilization treatments, obtained by changing the time (pre-plant and/or post-plant fertilization), and method (broadcast fertilization and/or fertigation) of fertilizer application and the type of fertilizer (mineral, organic, slow release fertilizers) on yield and quality of fennel. An unfertilized treatment (control) was also included. In all fertilized treatments, macronutrients were applied at the following total rates (kg ha-1): N (350), P2O5 (100), K2O (208). In both trials the highest yield and mean bulb weight was obtained by pre-planting application of all mineral fert…
Influence of Ecklonia maxima Extracts on Growth, Yield, and Postharvest Quality of Hydroponic Leaf Lettuce
Ecklonia maxima is a brown algae seaweed largely harvested over the last years and used to produce alginate, animal feed, fertilizers, and plant biostimulants. Their extracts are commercially available in various forms and have been applied to many crops for their growth-promoting effects which may vary according to the treated species and doses applied. The aim of the study was to characterize the effect of adding an Ecklonia maxima commercial extract (Basfoliar Kelp
Evaluation of strawberry cultivars in soilless cultivation in Sicily
Effetto sugli aspetti morfologici e riproduttivi dell’esposizione di semi di Lagenaria siceraria a campi magnetici
La lagenaria è una cucurbitacea conosciuta da più di 15000 anni per la commestibilità dei frutti immaturi e dei germogli, ma anche per le proprietà medicinali e per i diversi utilizzi cui può essere destinato il frutto maturo. E’ noto che i campi magnetici, con intensità di 1-2 ordini di grandezza al di sopra della forza del campo geomagnetico, possono influenzare la crescita e il metabolismo in una moltitudine di modi. In questo ambito, la ricerca condotta mira a valutare l’effetto che i trattamenti magnetici a semi di Lagenaria possono avere sulle piante da essi ottenute, con particolare riferimento alla biologia fiorale e alla produttività delle piante stesse. Semi di Lagenaria siceraria…
Effects of Foliar Application of Gibberellic Acid on the Salt Tolerance of Tomato and Sweet Pepper Transplants
Seed germination and early seedling growth are the plant growth stages most sensitive to salt stress. Thus, the availability of poor-quality brackish water can be a big limiting factor for the nursery vegetable industry. The exogenous supplementation of gibberellic acid (GA3) may promote growth and vigor and counterbalance salt stress in mature plants. This study aimed to test exogenous supplementation through foliar spray of 10&minus
Effetto della forma azotata e della modalità di distribuzione sulla produzione e la qualità di lattuga
Idoneità varietale alla coltivazione in ambiente protetto su terreno pacciamato e non di Cichorium endivia L. in Sicilia
Effect of a Brassica Juncea Cover Crop on a Mono-Succession of Melon
The ban of methyl bromide and the need for low environmental impact of agriculture has recently increased the interest in the biofumigant effects of Brassica species on soil-borne pathogens. Many researches have tested the toxic effects of Brassica green manures on several soil-borne pathogens in vitro, but field studies have not assessed definitely the efficiency of biofumigation at the field scale and the effect on crop development and production quality. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of a winter-spring cover crop of Brassica juncea compared to bare soil on a mono-succession of melon. The biomass of the B. juncea plants or of the weeds eventually developed in bare so…
Effects of NAA and Ecklonia maxima Extracts on Lettuce and Tomato Transplant Production
Ecklonia maxima and the commercial biostimulants produced from it contain various plant growth regulators that are responsible for the growth stimulation recorded in many crops. Auxins are one of the major plant growth regulators contained in E. maxima extracts. The aim of this research was to evaluate the growth-promoting effect of a seaweed extract from E. maxima on lettuce and tomato transplant production under nursery conditions, and to compare the effect of this extract with an equal concentration of synthetic auxin. Two doses of natural or synthetic exogenous auxins (50 or 100 μg L−1) were supplied to the substrate through the irrigation water with an ebb and flow system, 4, …
Effect of Bacterial Inoculum and Fertigation Management on Nursery and Field Production of Lettuce Plants
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria have been applied to different vegetable crops but there is still no information on the effect of bacterial biostimulant application under variable nutritional level on lettuce seedlings and their performance after transplanting in the field. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a bacterial biostimulant to enhance growth and quality of lettuce seedlings fertigated with increasing nutrient rates and to assess the efficacy of these treatments on lettuce head production. Lettuce seedlings were inoculated with 1.5 g L&minus
Effect of Molybdenum Rate on Yield and Quality of Lettuce, Escarole, and Curly Endive Grown in a Floating System
Molybdenum (Mo) is required in enzymes involved in a number of different metabolic processes, and is crucial for the survival of plants and animals. The influence of nutrient solutions containing four levels of molybdenum (0, 0.5, 1.5, and 3.0 µ
Effetto della concimazione azotata sulla produzione e qualità del finocchio
La coltivazione della fragolina in fuori suolo
Alleviation of Salt Stress by Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in Hydroponic Leaf Lettuce
Mediterranean areas with intensive agriculture are characterized by high salinity of groundwater. The use of this water in hydroponic cultivations can lead to nutrient solutions with an electrical conductivity that overcomes the tolerance threshold of many vegetable species. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were shown to minimize salt stress on several vegetable crops but the studies on the application of PGPR on leafy vegetables grown in hydroponics are rather limited and have not been used under salt stress conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria to increase the salt tolerance of leaf lettuce grown in autumn and spring in a floating s…
Effetto dell'ambiente di coltivazione sulla crescita della Chamaerops humilis in Sicilia
Effetto della solarizzazione all'interno di apprestamenti a diversa cubatura unitaria su una coltura di peperone
Carvacrol activated biopolymeric foam: An effective packaging system to control the development of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria on sliced pumpkin and melon
Abstract A commercial biodegradable starch-based polymer (Mater-Bi) was activated with carvacrol to develop a biodegradable and compostable polymer to be used in food packaging. Based on previous tests, carvacrol was added at 20 % weight of foam. MB foams, with and without carvacrol, were tested for their morphological characteristics, mechanical tests and kinetics of carvacrol release under refrigerated storage conditions. Carvacrol slightly increased the porosity of the foams, induced a reduction of the compressive elastic modulus (Ecom) of foamed MB from 6 to ∼ 3.4 MPa and a decrease of the tensile elastic modulus from ∼70 MPa to ∼16.5 MPa. Carvacrol release from the foam at 4 °C was alm…
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Quality of Swiss Chard at Harvest and during Storage as Minimally Processed Produce
The effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization (0–50–100–150–200 kg/ha), minimal processing and cold storage (14 days at 4C) on yield and quality of fresh-cut Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) were evaluated. Increasing the level of nitrogen fertilization over 100 kg N/ha, plants had a higher fresh weight, reduced their dry matter content and resulted taller and leafier. Total and marketable yield increased linearly with increasing nitrogen level. Both nitrate and ascorbic acid content at harvest increased with increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected the yield of minimal processing. No effect on appearance and quality loss during cold sto…
Effetto del portinnesto sulla attività antiossidante di melanzana
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Quality of Swiss Chard at Harvest and during Storage as Minimally Processed Produce
The effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization (0-50-100-150-200 kg ha-1), minimal processing and cold storage (14 days at 4°C) on yield and quality of fresh-cut Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) were evaluated. Increasing the level of nitrogen fertilization over 100 kg N ha-1, plants had a higher fresh weight, reduced their dry matter content and resulted taller and leafier. Total and marketable yield increased linearly as increasing nitrogen level. Both nitrate and ascorbic acid content at harvest increased as increasing nitrogen supply. Nitrogen fertilization negatively affected the yield of minimal processing. No effect on appearance and quality loss during cold st…
Suitability of Borago officinalis for Minimal Processing as Fresh-Cut Produce
Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a wild vegetable appreciated as a folk medicine and for culinary preparations. The introduction of borage as a specialized cultivation would allow for the diversification of vegetable crops and would widen the offerings of raw and minimally processed leafy vegetables. Thus, the aim of the research was to evaluate the quality and shelf-life of fresh-cut borage stored at different temperatures. Borage plants were grown during the autumn&ndash
Evolution of shelf life parameters of ready-to-eat escarole (Cichorium endivia var. latifolium) subjected to different cutting operations
Abstract The present work was carried out to investigate the microbiological and physicochemical parameters of minimally processed escarole (Cichorium endivia var. latifolium) subjected to two different transformation processes, a classic ready-to-eat process (cut leaves, CL) and a process that excluded the cutting operation (entire leaves, EL) as control trial. Both trials were monitored during the refrigerated (4 °C) storage extended until 15 d. Total mesophilic microorganisms, total psychrotrophic microorganisms and pseudomonads were detected at the highest cell densities in all samples. The genotypic characterization of the dominating microbial populations resulted in the identification…
Fertigation Management and Growth-Promoting Treatments Affect Tomato Transplant Production and Plant Growth after Transplant
Plant biostimulants are of interest as they can stimulate plant growth and increase resource utilization. There is still no information on the use of plant growth-promoters under variable nutritional conditions in the nursery and the effects on tomato seedling growth and plant performance after transplant. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of gibberellic acid (GA3) or bacterial biostimulant treatments to enhance the growth and quality of greenhouse-grown tomato (Solanum lycopersicum &lsquo
Effetti della concimazione sulla qualità dell'aglio coltivato in Sicilia
Investigation of the hygienic safety of aromatic plants cultivated in soil contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes
Abstract The present work was undertaken to investigate the survival of Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19114T in soil during the whole crop cycle of rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), to monitor its transfer to the leaves, and to evaluate its viability at harvest. To this purpose, the soil was N–P–K fertilized and four trials, obtained with different combinations of soil treatment, listerial inoculums and seed planting, were followed for each aromatic plant. Soil was weekly investigated for total microbial counts and L. monocytogenes evolution. At the starting time, un-inoculated autoclaved soil showed a limited microbial load (103 CFU g dw−1), while un-inoculated non…
Effetti della densità d'impianto e della concimazione azotata sulla qualità dell'aglio coltivato in Sicilia
Effetti della forma azotata e delle modalità di distribuzione sulla produzione e la qualità di lattuga
Lettuce has a primary importance among vegetable crops in Italy. Despite the limited duration of crop cycle, lettuce needs high doses of N due to limited growth and low roots N absorption efficiency. Doses and distribution tecniques of nitrogen may affect growth and nitrate accumulation in plant tissues. In order to evaluate the productive and qualitative response of lettuce to different forms of nitrogen and distribution tecniques, a field trial was carried out in Palermo (Sicily) from November 2007 to February 2008. Two forms of nitrogen (ammonium or nitrate) and two distribution tecniques (50% pre-planting+50% post-planting; 25% pre-planting+50% post-planting+25% post planting) were comp…
Collard greens (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) are a group of plants cultivated for its thick, slightly bitter, edible leaves. As other Brassicaceae, have a good nutritional value as they are a good sources of vitamin C and soluble fiber, and contain various compounds with potent anticancer properties. In order to enhance collard cultivation in Sicily, different planting dates were tested. The research was carried out during 2009-2010 in the experimental field of SAgA Department – University of Palermo. Plants of a Sicilian local cultivar, with high vigor, good emission of side shoots, large and moderately curly leaves and long and strong petiole, were planted in three different periods: …
Effetto della solarizzazione all'interno di apprestamenti protettivi a diversa cubatura unitaria su una coltura di peperone
Influence of greenhouse volume/area ratio on soil solarization efficiency
Soil temperature under plastic cover is function of incoming radiation and thermal characteristics of the mulching material and the soil, but it could be also affected by greenhouse characteristics (structure, cover, Volume/Area ratio). The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of different greenhouse unitary volumes and different plastic mulching on soil temperature and soil solarization efficiency. The experiment was carried out in nonheated greenhouses covered with low density transparent polyethilene (PE), located at the experimental field of AAT Department of Palermo University, Italy (138° 7' N, 13° 22' E). Four Volume/Area (V/A) ratios were tested: 1.5 - 2.0 - 2.5 - 3.0. I…
Shelf life evaluation of fresh-cut red chicory subjected to different minimal processes
Abstract Microbiological, chemical and physical parameters of minimally processed red chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) subjected to two different transformation processes were investigated. A classic ready-to-eat (RTE) process (P1) and a production without cutting (P2) were monitored during refrigerated (4 °C) storage (15 d). Total mesophilic microorganisms, total psychrotrophic microorganisms and pseudomonads were detected at the highest cell densities in all samples. Presumptive Pseudomonas population dominated the cultivable microbial community of RTE red chicory and were characterized genetically. Twenty-two randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) types were investigated by 16S rRNA gen…
Evaluation of microbiological and physico‐chemical parameters of retail ready‐to‐eat mono‐varietal salads
An integrated microbiological and physico-chemical approach was applied to evaluate the decay of mono-varietal ready-to-eat escarole (Cichorium endivia var. latifolium) and red chicory (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi) during refrigeration. Total mesophilic microorganisms, including pseudomonads, and total psychrotrophic microorganisms were detected at high numbers in all samples just after packaging and at the expiry date. The dominant microbial populations analyzed by classical culture-dependent methods belonged to Pseudomonas and yeasts. Illumina sequencing identified Janthinobacterium lividum and Pseudomonas veronii as main species. Regarding the physico-chemical quality between…
Effect of grafting, cultivar and cold storage on eggplant fruits
Eggplant is a perishable fruit that, once harvested, can be stored at 10 °C for several days. If long stored, fruits reduce their texture, skin brightness and become rubbery. Recently, grafting onto Solanum torvum has become more and more used to give resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The aim of this work was to study the effect of grafting, cultivar and cold storage on post-harvest changes of eggplant fruits. Grafted or ungrafted plants of four cultivars were grown in an unheated greenhouse during autumn-spring period. Three cultivars had skin with very dark purple colour (Black Bell, Black Moon and Longo) and one had skin with unhomogeneous light purple colour (Birgah). After har…
Influenza della pacciamatura sulla qualità e la conservabilità dei frutti di Cucumis melo L var. Inodorus
La scelta della varietà e della tecnica agronomica giocano un ruolo di fondamentale importanza sulla qualità dei frutti di melone d’inverno (Cucumis melo L var. Inodorus) alla raccolta e sulle variazioni della stessa in post-raccolta. La pacciamatura e l’irrigazione, ad esempio, influenzano positivamente l’accrescimento delle piante e lo sviluppo, la maturazione e la serbevolezza dei frutti. Le cultivar di melone sono caratterizzate da ampia variabilità per quanto riguarda la colorazione dell’epicarpo e del mesocarpo, la cavità placentare, la consistenza della polpa, il contenuto in solidi solubili e in acidi e la fisiologia durante la maturazione e dopo la raccolta. Nell’ambito delle tipol…
Effect of packaging on quality of minimally processed fennel
Fennel is not a widespread product among minimally processed vegetables, due to the fast deterioration mainly caused by browning of the cut surfaces, even during cold storage. In order to extend the shelf-life of fresh-cut fennel, the influence of different packaging techniques was studied. Sliced fennel, dipped in citric acid solution (0.5 %), was placed in polystyrene trays, sealed with PE film or vacuum packaged in PE bags and stored up to 14 days at 4°C. During this period weight loss, soluble solid content, pH, colour and firmness were evaluated. Minimally processed fennel packed in sealed trays and cold-stored at 4°C, extended its shelf life to 14 days maintaining acceptable quality. …
Effect of Agronomic Practices on Yield and Quality of Borage at Harvest and During Storage as Minimally-Processed Produce
Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is a hairy pubescent herb known throughout the world for its folk medicinal uses, as well as for many culinary uses. There is still little information on the cultivation needs of this species, especially for its use as vegetable crop and as fresh-cut produce. Hence, the aim of the research was to study the effects of agronomic practices on yield and quality of borage and on the storability as minimally-processed product. Two experiments were carried out in two consecutive years in order to evaluate the effect of plant density and plastic mulching on yield and quality of two borage accessions at harvest and during storage as minimally-processed produce for 14 d…
Idoneità varietale alla coltivazione su terreno pacciamato e non di Cichorium endivia L. in Sicilia .
IV Gamma, focus sulla bietola
La bietola da foglie, Beta vulgaris var. cicla, è una specie nativa dell'Europa meridionale, dove cresce spontanea nella regione del Mediterraneo; ne esistono numerose varietà dato che si coltiva in tutte le zone temperate del mondo. E' ampiamente apprezzata per le sue foglie, utilizzate crude nelle insalate o cotte come gli spinaci. Le bietole da foglia possono essere impiegate per la preparazione di prodotti di IV gamma, ovvero prodotti orticoli freschi che, previa pulitura e taglio vengono confezionati e risultano quindi pronti per essere consumati. Scopo della presente ricerca è stato quello di valutare l'adattabilità della bietola alla trasformazione in prodotto di IV gamma e le modifi…
Caratterizzazione di ecotipi siciliani di borragine.
La borragine (Borago officinalis L.) è una pianta erbacea annuale originaria di Europa, Nord Africa e Asia Minore. Viene coltivata in tutto il mondo ed è usata come pianta ornamentale da giardino, per scopi medicinali o come ortaggio per la preparazione di insalate e bevande. L'importanza come pianta medicinale è dovuta all'alto contenuto di acido gamma linolenico nell'olio estratto dai semi ed alle proprietà diuretiche, emollienti, espettoranti, ecc. delle foglie. I piccioli, le foglie e gli steli sono molto apprezzati, anche, come ortaggi sin da tempi remoti in molte delle zone di maggiore diffusione in natura, tanto che la borragine comincia ad essere coltivata a fini commerciali oltre c…
Use of Gibberellic Acid to Increase the Salt Tolerance of Leaf Lettuce and Rocket Grown in a Floating System
Hydroponics need water of good quality to prepare a balanced nutrient solution that could allow plants to reach their maximum yield potential. The rising difficulties in finding water with good quality have led to the compelling necessity of identifying sustainable ways to use saline water, limiting its negative effect on crop yield and quality. The exogenous supplementation of plant growth regulators, such as gibberellic acid (GA3), can be effective in increasing plant growth and vigor, thus helping plants to better cope with salt stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility to increase the salt tolerance of leaf lettuce and rocket grown in a floating system by adding GA3 …
La bietola, Beta vulgaris var. cicla, è una specie nativa dell'Europa meridionale, dove cresce spontanea nella regione del Mediterraneo; ne esistono numerose varietà dato che si coltiva in tutte le zone temperate del mondo. E' ampiamente coltivata per le sue foglie, utilizzate nelle insalate o cotte come gli spinaci. La pianta è più robusta e più facile da coltivare degli spinaci. Dal punto di vista nutrizionale le foglie di bietole contengono concentrazioni significative di vitamine A, C e B, calcio, ferro e fosforo. Le bietole hanno anche proprietà ipoglicemizzanti. Molte subspecie di Beta vulgaris L. sono utilizzate come rimedio popolare per malattie del fegato e dei reni, per la stimola…
Lattuga in Sicilia
Lattuga in Sicilia, diffusione e gestione della concimazione azotata.