Raimo Alén

Correlation of wood-based components and dewatering properties of waste activated sludge from pulp and paper industry.

Large amounts of wet sludge are produced annually in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. Already in pulp and paper industry, more than ten million tons of primary sludge, waste activated sludge, and de-inking sludge is generated. Waste activated sludge contains large quantities of bound water, which is difficult to dewater. Low water content would be a matter of high calorific value in incineration but it also has effects on the volume and the quality of the matter to be handled in sludge disposal. In this research waste activated sludges from different pulp and paper mills were chemically characterised and dewatered. Correlations of chemical composition and dewatering properties…

research product

Lignin recovery from spent alkaline pulping liquors using acidification, membrane separation, and related processing steps: A Review

The separation of lignin from the black liquor generated during alkaline pulping is reviewed in this article with an emphasis on chemistry. Based on published accounts, the precipitation of lignin from spent pulping liquor by addition of acids can be understood based on dissociation equilibria of weak acid groups, which affects the solubility behavior of lignin-related chemical species. Solubility issues also govern lignin separation technologies based on ultrafiltration membranes; reduction in membrane permeability is often affected by conditions leading to decreased solubility of lignin decomposition products and the presence of colloidal matter. Advances in understanding of such phenomen…

research product

Alkali consumption of aliphatic carboxylic acids during alkaline pulping of wood and nonwood feedstocks

Abstract The carbohydrate degradation products have been examined, which are formed during the conventional kraft pulping of a softwood, hardwoods, bamboo, and wheat straw as well as soda and soda-anthraquinone pulping of wheat straw. The focus was on “volatile” acids such as formic and acetic acids and “nonvolatile” hydroxy monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids. The different consumption profiles were obtained for the charged alkali required for the neutralization of these aliphatic acids depending on the feedstock and the cooking method. The relative composition of the acid fraction in the black liquors of softwood and hardwood and nonwood feedstocks showed characteristic variations. Howe…

research product

ChemInform Abstract: Chemometrics: An Important Tool for the Modern Chemist, an Example from Wood-Processing Chemistry.

This study briefly outlines the idea of principal component analysis and cross-correlation calculations (applied chemometrics) and presents an illustrative example from wood-processing chemistry. The applicability of chemometric data analysis was demonstrated by investigating the various structural changes that take place in dissolved and degraded lignin ("kraft lignin") during laboratory-scale kraft pulping of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula). The structural data (31P NMR and size exclusion chromatographic data) on kraft lignin were further processed by chemometric multivariate techniques (PCA and 2DCC), confirming, for example, that the cleavage of beta-aryl…

research product

Combustion properties of spruce black liquor droplets : Sulfur-free pulping and influence of hot-water pretreatment

Hot-water pretreatment of lignocellulosics prior to sulfur-free alkaline pulping is an interesting approach for recovering value-added carbohydrate- and lignin-derived materials. This paper investigated the chemical composition variations and combustion properties of the black liquors (BLs) from three different cooking processes: two sulfur-free soda-anthraquinone (soda-AQ) and oxygen-alkali (O2-NaOH) cooks and kraft cook, before and after hot-water pretreatment of the spruce sawdust. Relatively less aliphatic acids but more lignin were present in the BLs after hot-water pretreatment as cooking time prolonged. In general, the burning time decreased as follows: soda-AQ BL > O2-NaOH BL ≅ kraf…

research product

Recovery of aliphatic low-molecular-mass carboxylic acids from hardwood kraft black liquor

Abstract During alkaline pulping of wood, substantial amounts of carbohydrates-derived aliphatic carboxylic acids (formic and acetic acids together with various hydroxy acids) are formed and dissolved into the cooking liquor (“black liquor”). These acids with low heating values are considered to be potential feedstocks for the chemical industry but, due to many factors, their straightforward recovery as free acids from black liquor (pH 13–14) is difficult. In this paper, we outlined the partial recovery of volatile formic and acetic acids from the acidified birch ( Betula pendula ) kraft black liquor (pH approximately 2.5) by distillation, and the partial recovery of significant low-molecul…

research product

Soda-AQ pulping of reed canary grass

Abstract Delignification of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) was carried out by conventional soda-anthraquinone (AQ) pulping under varying conditions selected according to an orthogonal experimental design with four factors (cooking parameters) at three levels each L9 (34). The influence of these four parameters, i.e. effective alkali, EA (12, 15, and 18% on oven dried (o.d.) reed, as NaOH), maximum temperature (145, 155, and 165°C), time to maximum temperature (70, 90, and 110 min), and time at maximum temperature (0, 15, and 30 min) on the pulp properties (yield, kappa number, and viscosity) was studied. Results indicated that, with respect to delignification, EA was the most i…

research product

Hot-water extraction of Miscanthus × giganteus prior to soda-AQ pulping: a biorefining perspective

Agricultural residues, such as giant miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus, a hybrid of Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus), show a great potential for use in lignocellulosic biorefiner...

research product

Analysis of Lipophilic Extractives from Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oils

Fast pyrolysis bio-oils (FPBOs) originating from forest residues contain extractive-derived substances, which may form a separate, sticky layer with char particles on the surface of these bio-oils. In this study, first, the removal of extractive-derived substances from the bio-oil top phase was studied by common solvents with different polarities. In this case, the results indicated that when aimed at the maximum yield of single-phase fuel oil and thus the maximum amount of extractives removed, the use of n-heptane or n-hexane seems to be of benefit for this purpose. For safety reasons, the use of n-heptane was recommended. Second, an analysis practice (extraction time and the way of mixing…

research product

Fate of Oxygen in Industrial Oxygen-Alkali Delignification of Softwood Kraft Pulp

research product

Description of kraft cooking and oxygen–alkali delignification of bamboo by pulp and dissolving material analysis

Abstract The oxygen delignification of two bamboo ( Bambusa procera ) kraft pulps with kappa numbers of 13.6 and 20.0 were studied under typical conditions. Based on detailed analysis data on both the kraft and oxygen-delignified pulps and the corresponding spent liquors (black liquors and oxygen stage effluents), three yield and four selectivity estimation methods, utilizing component material balances, were tested resulting in the value ranges 96.2–97.9% and 43.5–60.4%, respectively, for oxygen delignification process studied. The traditional selectivity using the viscosity and kappa number relation was 66.9–68.4%. The studied bamboo kraft pulps behaved typically as birch kraft pulps duri…

research product

Microwave-assisted catalytic esterification of α-glucoisosaccharino-1,4-lactone with tall oil fatty acids

Background: Carbohydrates-rich materials are partly degraded during alkaline kraft pulping into a complex mixture of aliphatic carboxylic acids consisting of α-glucoisosaccharinic acid as one of the main acids. On the other hand, crude tall oil, containing significant amounts fatty acids, is obtained as a by-product from kraft pulping. One interesting novel approach is to utilize chemically both these side-streams by producing renewable surfactants from aliphatic carboxylic acids and fatty acids via esterification. Results: In this paper, lauric (C12:0) and oleic (C18:1) acids as well as a mixture of tall oil fatty acids were esterified with α-glucoisosaccharino-1,4-lactone in a microwave-a…

research product

Behaviour of Extractives in Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Bark during Pile Storage

The current practices regarding the procurement chain of forest industry sidestreams, such as conifer bark, do not always lead to optimal conditions for preserving individual chemical compounds. This study investigates the standard way of storing bark in large piles in an open area. We mainly focus on the degradation of the most essential hydrophilic and hydrophobic extractives and carbohydrates. First, two large 450 m3 piles of bark from Norway spruce (Picea abies) were formed, one of which was covered with snow. The degradation of the bark extractives was monitored for 24 weeks. Samples were taken from the middle, side and top of the pile. Each sample was extracted at 120 °C with both n-h…

research product

Manufacturing Cellulosic Fibres for Making Paper: A Historical Perspective

The manufacture of pulp and paper is an important branch of industry worldwide and is based on complex and multidisciplinary technology. The production and modification of cellulosic fibre, which created the foundation for this industrial sector, has had a rich and colourful history. It has gone through many eras and its development has been closely integrated with the growth of our fundamental knowledge of chemistry and other natural sciences. During the last two decades, modern pulp and paper technologies have undergone some significant developments, especially ones involving the creation of a wide range of new options for different feedstock materials. Nevertheless, the fundamental conce…

research product

Characterization of lignin dissolved during alkaline pretreatment of softwood and hardwood

Various alkaline pretreatments were applied to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver/white birch (Betula pendula/pubescens) wood chips and the characterization of sulfur-free lignin dissolved was performed. The behavior of lignin during these pretreatments (alkali charge 1–8% NaOH, time 30–120 minutes, and temperature 130–150°C) was studied mainly in terms of lignin removal efficiency and molar mass distribution of dissolved lignin. The amount of lignin in pretreatment liquors increased along with an increase in the alkali charge of 0.8–4.4% and 0.6–3.4% of o.d. pine and birch wood, respectively. The most significant parameter affecting the molar mass of the dissolved lignin was shown to…

research product

Pyrolytic behavior of lignocellulosic-based polysaccharides

The thermochemical behavior of cellulose, glucomannan, and xylan was investigated by pyrolysis–gas chromatographymass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). In each case, major GC-amenable condensable products were classified into several compound groups, and the formation of these monomer-related fragments from the model substance samples was determined at 500, 600, and 700 C with a residence time of 5 s and 20 s. The results revealed that despite some general formation trends, no compound group was selectively formed at certain temperatures. Of the 11 product groups, the primary ones, including lactone, furan, and cyclopentenone derivatives, accounted for 72–85% (from cellulose), 86–90% (from glucomann…

research product

Behaviour of EDTA in marine microcosms

Laboratory-scale microcosm tests were carried out in sea water with and without sediment to investigate the importance of ultraviolet (UV) light and microbes in the temperature-dependent degradation of metal complexes of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). After 17 weeks, 44% and 48% of the original EDTA (initial concentration 385 microg/L) were converted at 10 degrees C and 22 degrees C, respectively. The degradation was more influenced by UV light than by sediment microbes, although the latter were very important. At both temperatures, absorption of EDTA to the sediment phase reached a maximum in the initial stage of the experiments (4 weeks): at 10 degrees C about 4% and at 22 degree…

research product

Pyrolysis of vegetable oil soaps—Palm, olive, rapeseed and castor oils

Abstract Saponified, palm, olive, rapeseed and castor oils were pyrolysed (at 750 °C for 20 s) by pyrolysis gas chromatography with mass selective and flame ionisation detection (Py-GC/MSD and FID) to clarify their thermochemical behaviours. The liquefiable compounds recovered from palm, olive and rapeseed oils mainly contained linear alkenes (up to C 19 ) and alkanes (up to C 17 ), both similar to those found in gasoline (C 4 –C 10 ) and diesel fuel (C 11 –C 22 ) boiling range fractions of petroleum, whereas in the case of castor oil a significant amount of undesired oxygen-containing products (e.g., ketones and phenols) were formed. The obtained data on reaction mechanisms can also be uti…

research product

Combustion Properties of Birch (Betula pendula) Black Liquors From Sulfur-Free Pulping

Sulfur-free pulping has an environmental advantage over the traditional kraft process. This article describes the combustion properties of the black liquors produced from silver birch (Betula pendula) sawdust using three different cooking processes: two sulfur-free cooks (soda-anthraquinone and oxygen-alkali), and one reference kraft cook. It also considers the corresponding black liquors from an integrated forest biorefinery, in which a hot-water pretreatment of feedstock was performed prior to pulping. With the same cooking time, the total burning times for the sulfur-free black liquors were higher (15–55%) than those for the conventional kraft black liquors. However, no significant diffe…

research product

Microwave-Assisted Esterification of Tall Oil Fatty Acids with Methanol Using Lignin-Based Solid Catalyst

During alkaline pulping significant amounts of lignin, carbohydrates (mostly hemicelluloses), and extractives (tall oil soap and turpentine) are removed from wood feedstock. In this study, the catalytic esterification of fatty acids in tall oil with methanol to produce fatty acid methyl esters under microwave irradiation was performed at 100 °C for 10–60 min. A novel heterogeneous acid catalyst tested for this purpose was synthesized from the hardwood alkali lignin that was precipitated by acidification from the black liquor from soda-AQ pulping. The comparative reaction data were obtained by using other solid catalysts, Amberlyst 15, and p-toluenesulfonic acid. The results showed the highe…

research product

A comparative study of advanced oxidative processes: Degradation of chlorinated organic compounds in ultrafiltration fractions of kraft pulp bleaching effluent

Oxidative pre-treatment methods such as the Fenton oxidation, ozonation, and photocatalytic treatment have been compared in reducing adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) and chlorophenolic compounds in untreated kraft pulp bleaching effluent. Their efficiency was also studied on effluent ultrafiltration fractions. The Fenton treatment removed all analyzed chlorophenolic compounds from the effluent. Ozonation and photocatalysis appeared to be much less effective methods. The efficiency of the Fenton oxidation appeared to be more pronounced in higher molecular weight effluent fractions. This suggests a novel design, where the filtration stage can be placed after the oxidation, and the high- -mol…

research product

Molecular Mass Distribution of Lignin from the Alkaline Pulping of Hardwood, Softwood, and Wheat Straw

Abstract The behavior of lignin during kraft (hardwood, softwood, and wheat straw) and soda-AQ (wheat straw) pulping was studied, mainly in terms of delignification degree and molecular mass distribution (MMD). In the initial delignification phase (at 140°C for 15–60 min), a prominent part of the dissolved softwood kraft lignin (18–25 g/L, MM mostly > 3,000 Da) was found in the liquid phase of chip cavities, rather than in the external bulk black liquor (5–7 g/L, MM mostly < 3,000 Da). The maximum weight average MM values ( w) of the soluble lignin under conventional cooking conditions were detected for the kraft softwood (4,100 Da), and kraft birch (3,400 Da) when the degree of delignifica…

research product

Role of lignin and sodium carbonate on the swelling behavior of black liquor droplets during combustion

AbstractA partial removal of lignin from black liquor (BL) by carbonation and lignin precipitation was studied. In lignin-lean BL droplets during combustion in a laboratory furnace at 800°C in stagnant air, the maximum swelling was decreased. This observation was interpreted as showing that the lignin content decrement is due mainly to removal of higher molar mass (HMM) lignin and that the Na2CO3content of the BL is increased. Stepwise precipitation experiments with industrial softwood and hardwood kraft BLs by carbonation (resulting in pH decrement from 13 to 9) indicated that a fraction of HMM lignin (MM &gt;10 kDa) with a higher amount of carbohydrates precipitated more prominently and e…

research product

Sulfur-free pulping of hot-water-extracted spruce sawdust

Softwood (Picea abies) sawdust was hot-water-extracted with two multi-phase processes (160-180°C, 100-280 min, and liquor-to-wood ratio 5 l/kg) corresponding to P-factors of ~780 (yield 80.0%) and ~4580 (yield 72.4%). The pre-treated materials were then pulped with the soda-AQ cooking (170°C, NaOH charge 20%, AQ charge 0.1%, 30-150 min, and liquor-to-wood ratio 5 l/kg), resulting in a yield range of 36.1-61.4% (for reference cooks without pre-extraction 47.9-60.0%). It was observed that the pre-extraction under moderate conditions enhanced the dissolution especially of large-molar-mass lignin during cooking, and the total amount of the dissolved lignin was also higher than that removed from…

research product

Effect of Seasonal Storage on Single-Stem Bark Extractives of Norway Spruce (Picea abies)

Increasing the net value of forestry side-streams has both ecological as well as economic benefits for emerging biorefining industries. Spruce bark represents one of the nature’s abundant sources of valuable extractives. In this study, the impact of storage on the quality and quantity of Norway spruce (Picea abies) extractives was examined as a function of storage time, environmental conditions and season (i.e., winter or summer). The bark from stored spruce saw logs was extracted with an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) at 120 °C with hexane and water. The produced extracts were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by gas chromatography with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) and…

research product

Valorization potential of technical lignins from Norway spruce (Picea abies) via pyrolysis

Analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) on mg-scale of Norway spruce (Picea abies)-derived kraft lignin, ethanosolv lignin, and dried lignin-rich soda-anthraquinone (AQ) black liquors was studied at 500 °C to compare the valorization potential of these materials, focusing on the type and yield of condensable pyrolysis products. Of particular interest was the relatively selective formation of guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol) from the dried soda-AQ black liquors in contrast to the formation of complex phenolic product mixtures from the pyrolysis of the kraft and ethanosolv lignins. It was shown that this finding could be attributed to differences in composition and structure as was assessed by various NMR …

research product

Alkaline Pre-treatment of Hardwood Chips Prior to Delignification

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) chips were pre-treated with alkaline solutions (alkali charges of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8% of NaOH on the oven-dried wood material) at 130°C and 150°C for various treatment times (30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes). Under these conditions, 2.0–13.6% of the wood d.s. was dissolved into the aqueous hydrolysates. The soluble organic fraction was primarily characterized in terms of carbohydrates (monosaccharides and oligo-/polysaccharides) and their alkali-catalyzed degradation products: aliphatic carboxylic acids containing, besides non-volatile hydroxy carboxylic acids, volatile formic and acetic acids. With increasing alkali charge, temperature, and time, the enhanced fo…

research product

Chemical Pretreatments of Wood Chips Prior to Alkaline Pulping - A Review of Pretreatment Alternatives, Chemical Aspects of the Resulting Liquors, and Pulping Outcomes

The chemical industry is being forced to evaluate new strategies for more effective utilization of renewable feedstocks to diminish the use of fossil resources. In this literature review, the integration of both acidic and alkaline pretreatment phases of hardwood and softwood chips with chemical pulping is discussed. Depending on the pretreatment conditions, high-volume sulfur-free fractions with varying chemical compositions can be produced. In case of acidic pretreatments, the major products include carbohydrates (mono-, oligo-, and polysaccharides), whereas under alkaline (i.e., aqueous NaOH) pretreatment conditions, the sulfur-free fractions of aliphatic carboxylic acids, lignin, and ex…

research product

Organic material dissolved during oxygen-alkali pulping of hot-water-extracted spruce sawdust

Untreated and hot-water-extracted (HWE) Norway spruce (Picea abies) sawdust was cooked using the sulfur-free oxygen-alkali (OA) method under the following conditions: temperature, 170 °C; liquor-to-wood ratio, 5:1 L/kg; and NaOH charge, 19% on the oven-dry sawdust. In comparison with earlier studies conducted with birch sawdust, the spruce cooking yield data, together with the amount of the pulp rejects (78% to 86% for reference pulps from the initial feedstock and 73% to 83% for pulps from the HWE feedstock), revealed that the pretreatment stage prior to spruce OA pulping caused different effects on pulping performance. The analyses of the three main compound groups (i.e., lignin, volatile…

research product

Fast pyrolysis of hot-water-extracted and soda-AQ-delignified okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) and miscanthus (miscanthus x giganteus) stalks by Py-GC/MS

Abstract The thermochemical behavior of various samples of okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus ) and miscanthus ( Miscanthus x giganteus ) stalks (initial, hot-water-extracted, and those from sulfur-free delignification) were studied by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). In all cases, major GC-amenable condensable products were measured semi-quantitatively and classified into several product groups. The formation of these product groups from different feedstock samples with varying mass portions of their structural constituents (carbohydrates and lignin) was investigated at 500 °C and 700 °C with a residence time of 5 s and 20 s. The main product groups were aliphatic comp…

research product

Partial Recovery of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids and Sodium Hydroxide from Hardwood Black Liquor by Electrodialysis

The partial recovery of sodium as NaOH and sodium-free aliphatic carboxylic acids (formic and acetic acids together with various hydroxy carboxylic acids) from alkaline hardwood black liquor (BL, pH about 14) was studied by using electrodialysis (ED). In the first phase, the lignin was partly (about 59% of the initial lignin) precipitated from BL by carbonation (pH to 8.5). Furthermore, the carbonated liquor, mainly containing NaHCO3/Na2CO3 and Na salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids and lignin, was subjected to ED for recovering NaOH and sodium-free aliphatic acids. In the second phase, the carbonated BL was further acidified with H2SO4 (pH to about 2.5) for precipitating more lignin (about…

research product

Fast pyrolysis of hot-water-extracted and delignified silver birch (Betula pendula) sawdust by Py-GC/MS

The thermochemical behavior of birch (Betula pendula) sawdust both untreated and after various chemical treatments (hot-water extraction, delignification, and hot-water extraction followed by delignification) was investigated by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). In each case, major GC-amenable condensable products were classified into several compound groups, and the formation of these monomer-related fragments from feedstock samples with varying mass portions of the structural constituents (cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin) were determined at 500 °C and 700 °C at hold times of 5 s and 20 s. The formation of pyrolysis products was shown to be characteristically…

research product

Effects of integrating a bioethanol production process to a kraft pulp mill

Abstract The integration of an ethanol production process based on prehydrolysis of softwood chips to a kraft pulp mill is discussed. A simulation model of this biorefinery has been created with WinGEMS simulation software to calculate the mass and energy balances of the biorefinery and to examine the effects of the integration on the operation of the pulp mill. Integrating the prehydrolysis process to the modeled pulp mill producing 1000 Adt/day of pine pulp would increase the wood consumption by 16%. With the increased wood consumption, 40 t/day of ethanol could be produced, and the excess power production could be increased by 460 MWh/day. The integration of the ethanol production proces…

research product

Chemometric Study on Alkaline Pre-treatments of Wood Chips Prior to Pulping

Alkaline pre-treatments were performed for the production of organics-containing effluents from silver/white birch (Betula pendula/pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) chips prior to chemical pulping. Pre-treatment conditions were varied with respect to time (from 30 min to 120 min), temperature (130 °C and 150 °C), and alkali charge (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8% of NaOH on oven-dried wood). The analytical data (total content, weight average molar mass, and molar mass distribution) on dissolved lignin were subjected to principal component analysis to examine the relationship between molar mass and molar mass distributions in lignin removed from different wood species under varying alkaline…

research product

Effect of sodium borohydride and hydrogen peroxide pretreatments on soda pulping of sugar maple (Acer saccharum)

For recovering value-added wood-based organic material prior to delignification, sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) pretreatments under alkaline conditions were performed before soda pulping of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) chips with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). In this investigation, it was determined whether the pulp yield could be increased by partly stabilizing the hemicelluloses by these pretreatments, and simultaneously obtains lower pulp kappa numbers. The results indicated that when aiming to the same kappa numbers (i.e., kappa numbers 14.3-20.5), roughly 3% higher pulp yield could be achieved if the chips were pretreated with alkaline 0.5% NaBH4 solutions, compared…

research product

FTIR Monitoring of Chemical Changes in Softwood During Heating

Abstract A multivariate chemometric method for monitoring the mass loss of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) by IR spectroscopic determination of chemical changes occurring during the heat treatment (160 - 260 °C, 2 - 8 h) of these wood materials was developed. The method was based on the handling of FTIR data on treated and untreated wood powder samples by the partial least squares (PLS) method. In addition, unknown samples (treated and untreated pine and spruce) were classified into separate groups by the principal component analysis (PCA) method. The chemical changes occurring in the wood samples during heating were also briefly discussed.

research product

Delignification of bamboo (Bambusa procera acher)

Abstract Delignification of bamboo ( Bambusa procera acher ) was carried out by conventional kraft and soda pulping under varying conditions to determine the relationships between selected cooking parameters (EA 14–20%, sulfidity 0–45%, maximum temperature 165 and 170 °C, and time at maximum temperature 30–95 min) and pulp properties (kappa number, viscosity, and yield). Results indicated that in order to obtain relatively low kappa numbers (17–24), high sulfidity (35–45%) at lower EA (14–16%) increased both pulp viscosity and yield compared to the case of low sulfidity (0–15%) at higher EA (16–18%). Pulp with lower kappa numbers (11–15) and acceptable viscosities (1080–1190 ml/g) can be ob…

research product

Direct injection analysis of fatty and resin acids in papermaking process waters by HPLC/MS

A novel HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/MS (HPLC-APCI/MS) method was developed for the rapid analysis of selected fatty and resin acids typically present in papermaking process waters. A mixture of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, and dehydroabietic acids was separated by a commercial HPLC column (a modified stationary C(18) phase) using gradient elution with methanol/0.15% formic acid (pH 2.5) as a mobile phase. The internal standard (myristic acid) method was used to calculate the correlation coefficients and in the quantitation of the results. In the thorough quality parameters measurement, a mixture of these model acids in aqueous media as well as in six different pape…

research product

Carboxymethylation of alkali extracted xylan for preparation of bio-based packaging films

This study describes the synthesis of carboxymethylxylan (CMX) and investigates its suitability as a film for packaging applications. High-purity polymeric xylan was extracted from commercial bleached birch kraft pulp and converted to CMX with three different degrees of substitution (DSs). The water vapor sorption, mechanical, and barrier properties of the films prepared from CMX were tested. Increasing DS of CMX films resulted in an increase in elongation at break and a decrease in tensile strength and Young's modulus. The DS also affected the barrier properties of the films. CMX films with higher DS showed improved (reduced) oxygen permeability (OP), and the water vapor permeability (WVP)…

research product

Pulp Mills and Wood-Based Biorefineries

The pulp and paper industry is facing major challenges and will need to find more versatile products to remain competitive. Large amounts of both solid and liquid residues are formed in the production line from tree to paper. The utilization of various organics for other purposes other than fuel depends on conversion technologies and production scale as well as energy and pulp prices. With respect to this, chemical pulping processes, practically as the first industrial biorefineries in the world, still offer attractive possibilities in the form of new by-products. In this chapter, general aspects together with some selected examples on the integrated production of chemical wood-based fiber,…

research product


Carbohydrate-containing hydrolysates (1.1 to 14.9% of wood dry matter) obtained from autohydrolysis (at 130 to 150°C for 30 to 120 minutes) of birch (Betula pendula) chips prior to pulping were purified with respect to non-carbohydrate materials, without carbohydrate losses, either by ethyl acetate extraction or XAD-4 resin treatment. In the former case, about 50% of lignin and practically all the furanoic compounds (2-furaldehyde and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural) could be removed, whereas in the latter case, the corresponding amounts were about 30% and 50 to 90%, respectively. A partial recovery of various unsaturated impurities is of importance, because they may act as inhibitors when bioche…

research product

Chemometrics:  An Important Tool for the Modern Chemist, an Example from Wood-Processing Chemistry

This study briefly outlines the idea of principal component analysis and cross-correlation calculations (applied chemometrics) and presents an illustrative example from wood-processing chemistry. The applicability of chemometric data analysis was demonstrated by investigating the various structural changes that take place in dissolved and degraded lignin ("kraft lignin") during laboratory-scale kraft pulping of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula). The structural data (31P NMR and size exclusion chromatographic data) on kraft lignin were further processed by chemometric multivariate techniques (PCA and 2DCC), confirming, for example, that the cleavage of beta-aryl…

research product

Multivariate Correlation between Analysis Data on Dissolved Organic Material from Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Chips and their Autohydrolysis Pre-Treatment Conditions

Various chemometric techniques were used to establish the relationship between the autohydrolysis conditions prior to pulping and the chemical compositions of the soluble organic materials removed from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood chips. The aqueous chip pre-treatments (autohydrolysis) were administered at 130 °C and 150 °C for 30, 60, 90, and 120 min, and the hydrolysates obtained were characterized in terms of total carbohydrates (various mono-, oligo-, and polysaccharides together with uronic acid side groups), volatile acids (acetic and formic acids), lignin, and furans (furfural and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural). Based on the analytical data gathered, a relatively accurate model for…

research product

Availability of extractives from various Norway spruce (Picea abies) stumps assortments

Stumps and knotwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies) are valuable sources of wood extractives. Although lignans from knotwood have already been utilized in value-added products, the behavior and valorization of stump-derived extractives are less studied. In this study, the composition of lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives, particularly lignans, from various spruce stump samples (stump bottom, stump heart, and crushed stump samples) stored outside were studied. Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts were separated with an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) apparatus using n-hexane and hot water, respectively. The detailed extractives content of samples was then determined by gas chromatogra…

research product

Carbohydrates from Chemical Pulps: Characterization by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis

Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is one of the novel separation techniques, being applicable, for example, to virtually all important biomass-derived monosaccharides. However, in spite of this fact the utilization of this technique in the pulp and paper industry is currently rather limited. In this chapter practical guidance and some application examples are given to show how carbohydrate material (polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, and neutral and acidic monosaccharides) in pulps and spent liquors can be analyzed by CZE. Emphasis is placed on sample preparation and separation conditions including comparison with other separation methods, such as gas chromatography (GC) and high-perform…

research product

Spectroscopic analysis of hot-water- and dilute-acid-extracted hardwood and softwood chips

Hot-water and dilute sulfuric acid pretreatments were performed prior to chemical pulping for silver/white birch (Betula pendula/B. pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) chips to determine if varying pretreatment conditions on the original wood material were detectable via attenuated total reflectance (ATR) infrared spectroscopy. Pretreatment conditions varied with respect to temperature (130 °C and 150 °C) and treatment time (from 30 min to 120 min). The effects of the pretreatments on the composition of wood chips were determined by ATR infrared spectroscopy. The spectral data were compared to those determined by common wood chemistry analyses to evaluate the suitability of ATR spe…

research product

Combustion behavior of kraft black liquor droplets from hot water pretreated hardwood and softwood chips

This paper describes the combustion behavior of birch and spruce kraft black liquors obtained from an integrated forest biorefinery concept in which a hot water extraction of chips was performed before pulping. This pretreatment, aiming mainly at the recovery of various hemicellulose-derived materials, increased the concentrations of lignin and hydroxy acids in black liquors, compared with those in the reference black liquors without any process modification. On the other hand, the pretreatment decreased the concentrations of volatile acids and other organics (extractives and hemicellulose residues). Because of these characteristic changes, the total burning times (pyrolysis time plus char …

research product

Organics in soda-anthraquinone black liquors from hot-water-extracted non-wood feedstocks

The chemical compositions of black liquors (BLs) obtained from the soda-anthraquinone (AQ) pulping of untreated and hot-water-extracted non-wood feedstocks (okra stalk, miscanthus stalk, and wheat straw) were determined. These under-utilized renewable and widely available feedstocks could provide a cheaper source for producing fiber and precursors for manufacturing green chemicals. These BLs were mainly characterized in terms of carbohydrate-derived volatile carboxylic acids (acetic and formic acids) and non-volatile carboxylic acids (hydroxy acids) as well as lignin. Additionally, in each case, the average molar mass and molar mass distribution of the dissolved lignin were measured. Result…

research product

A spectroscopic method for determining lignin content of softwood and hardwood kraft pulps

Abstract A rapid method for determining the kappa number of unbleached and oxygen-delignified kraft pulps in the range 3–35 is presented. This novel method was based on the multivariate analysis of VIS spectral data on pulp samples. The calculated models and the test results indicated that partial least squares (PLS) and principal component regression (PCR) models yielded similar results, PLS being slightly more accurate. It was also found that for practical purposes a separate model for each wood feedstock and delignification process is needed.

research product

Resin and fatty-acid analysis by solid-phase extraction coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass spectrometry

Using gas-chromatographic analysis, the suitability of liquid–liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction (SPE) methods was studied for the rapid separation of resin and fatty-acid fractions from papermaking process waters. In the second phase of this study, a novel procedure (correlation coefficient >0.99 and repeatability RSD <8%) for on-line monitoring of selected individual acid components (limits of detection 11–78 µg L−1) by SPE combined with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass spectrometry was developed. The suitability of this technique for quality control of papermaking process waters was tested by means of industrial samples. The method was also found suitable for the a…

research product

Quantitative determination of the main aliphatic carboxylic acids in wood kraft black liquors by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

The versatile characterization of organic material and especially of the significant aliphatic hydroxy acids in black liquor is of great importance, for example, in monitoring the progress of the kraft pulping process. This paper describes a simple high-performance liquid chromatographic separation method with atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS) which was developed for the rapid quantitative analysis of these acids, mainly formed as the alkaline degradation products of feedstock carbohydrates. The fraction of carbohydrate degradation products is mainly composed of hydroxy monocarboxylic and volatile acids (formic and acetic acids) along with lesser amou…

research product

A fast method for determining low-molecular-mass aliphatic carboxylic acids by high-performance liquid chromatography–atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry

A fast quantitative high-performance liquid chromatographic separation method with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometric detection (HPLC-APCI-MS) was developed for the determination of low-molecular-mass aliphatic mono- and dicarboxylic acids typically present in different industrial process waters. A mixture of glycolic, lactic, a-glucoisosaccharinic, oxalic, maleic, fumaric, succinic, malic, glutaric, methylsuccinic, and adipic acids was separated using an RP chromatographic system. Adipic acid was used as an internal standard to calculate correlation coefficients for the acids studied. The chromatographic analysis of these acids was primarily carried out by means of…

research product

Multivariate Correlation between Analytical Data for Various Organics Dissolved during Autohydrolysis of Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Chips and Treatment Conditions

Autohydrolysis pre-treatments were performed for the production of hemicellulose-rich autohydrolysates from silver birch (Betula pendula) chips prior to chemical pulping. Pre-treatment conditions were varied with respect to time (from 30 to 120 min) and temperature (130 and 150 °C), covering a P-factor range from 10 to 238. Hydrolysates were analyzed in terms of carbohydrates, lignin, volatile organic acids, and furanoic compounds. The analytical data were subjected to various chemometric techniques to establish the relationships between dissolved organic components, hardwood and softwood used in the experiments, and applied pre-treatment conditions. Using this method, differences between t…

research product

Multivariate correlation between13C and31P NMR spectral data on dissolved lignin and the combustion properties of kraft black liquor

research product

Thermochemical behavior of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) at 180-225 °C

Norway spruce (Picea abies) was heated for 2–8 h in the temperature range 180–225 °C, under a steam atmosphere. The chemical analyses of the treated feedstock samples indicated that during heating (total mass loss 1.5–12.5% of the initial DS) carbohydrates (hemicelluloses and cellulose) were clearly more amenable to various degradation reactions than lignin. In addition, major water-soluble products released from the feedstock material during the treatments were classified into several compound groups and changes in the relative mass portion of these groups were monitored by GC during a separate experiment.

research product

A salt-induced mechanism for the swelling of black liquor droplet during devolatilization

Abstract Black liquor (BL) from the pulp and paper industry is a significant bioenergy source. Swelling of BL droplet during the pyrolysis stage of combustion and gasification is a profound phenomenon affecting various boiler processes. However, the mechanism for droplet swelling has remains a puzzle due to an insufficient understanding of the formation of the plastic droplet at the pyrolysis stage of the thermal conversion. Thermogravimetric studies with model aliphatic carboxylates unraveled the melting and decomposition behavior of the complex mixture of BL salts during pyrolysis, indicating that the melting of salts forming a liquid state may be the primary cause for the development of …

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This review describes the role of wood extractives, especially fatty and resin acids, in papermaking, as well as the importance of their removal from process waters. One of the main aims is also to illustrate versatile analysis methods for this purpose and highlight recent developments in corresponding applications. Most of the current methods require time-consuming and laborious sample pretreatment procedures prior to gas chromatography coupled either with flame ionization or mass selective detection. However, some faster, even online techniques with minimum sample pretreatment, are also available, mainly including high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The …

research product

Chemometric investigation on structural changes in pine kraft lignin during pulping

Abstract Various structural changes which take place in dissolved lignin during the laboratory-scale kraft pulping of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were studied. Lignin samples were subjected to the alkaline cupric oxide oxidation and the analytical data further processed by various multivariate chemometric techniques (principal component analysis, PCA; principal component regression, PCR; and projection to latent structures, PLS). Several models applicable to the indirect measurement of common pine kraft pulp properties (i.e., total cooking yield, kappa number and ISO brightness) were produced.

research product

Characterization of Hardwood Soda-AQ Lignins Precipitated from Black Liquor through Selective Acidification

In the development of integrated biorefinery process alternatives to produce value-added by-products, various black liquors from sulfur-free pulping processes offer potential feedstocks for recovering their main chemical constituents, lignin and aliphatic carboxylic acids. In this study, lignin fractions were obtained from silver birch (Betula pendula) soda-anthraquinone black liquor by carbonation (pH to about 8.5) or by acidification (pH to about 2) with H2SO4 after carbonation or directly. These fractions were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), ultraviolet (UV), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED XRF), and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectroscopy. In a…

research product

Production of vegetable oil-based biofuels—Thermochemical behavior of fatty acid sodium salts during pyrolysis

Abstract To develop an advanced pyrolysis process for various biomass-derived feedstocks and improve product quality and yield, in-depth investigations into the reaction mechanisms are needed. This paper reports on pyrolysis experiments (Py-GC/MSD and FID) with model compounds including the sodium salts of stearic (C18), oleic (C18:1), and linoleic (C18:2) acids principally obtained from alkaline hydrolysis of vegetable oils. Of the parameters studied – temperature (450–750 °C), time (20 s and 80 s), and the degree of unsaturation (i.e., saturated and mono- and dienoic C18-hydrocarbon chains) – the latter had the most significant effect on the formation of volatile compounds detected in pyr…

research product

Pyrolysis of Tall Oil-Derived Fatty and Resin Acid Mixtures

Neutralised mixtures of tall oil-derived fatty acids and resin acids were separately pyrolysed (at 750∘C for 20 s) by pyrolysis gas chromatography with mass-selective and flame ionisation detection (Py-GC/MSD/FID) to clarify their thermochemical behaviour. The pyrolysate of fatty acid salts characteristically contained high amounts of unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons and minor amounts of monoaromatics, whereas the pyrolysis of resin acid salts mainly resulted in the formation of aromatics with up to three benzene rings and only in very low amounts of aliphatic hydrocarbons. The data obtained are useful when considering the suitability of various tall oil products containing fatty and resi…

research product

Characterization of totally chlorine-free effluents from kraft pulp bleaching III

Abstract Chemical changes in the dissolved high-molecular-mass material from silver birch (Betula pendula) kraft pulp during the oxygen–alkali delignification stage (O) and the subsequent totally chlorine-free (TCF) bleaching sequence (X–Z–EOP–AZ–EP–S) were investigated by analytical pyrolysis (pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass-sensitive detector (Py–GC/MSD)). In addition, the pyrolysis data were subjected to chemometric analysis, resulting in a rapid method for determining with reasonable accuracy, for example, the mass proportion of carbohydrates and lignin in the effluents from each of the treatment stages. The method was calibrated by chemical analysis on the same effluents.

research product

Molecular spectra of liquors as method of studying delignification process

FTIR-spectra of dried compounds of black liquors after aspen kraft cooks of different duration were obtained. Twelve samples corresponding to changing H-factor value in limits 4-1010 were investigated. The parameters of selected bands corresponding to lignin fragments vibrations were calculated using mathematical treatment methods. It was revealed that the positions and bandwidths of these lignin bands did not change. During cook at the first stage (H-factor values 4-200) their intensities strongly increased with different rates. During the next time period when the H-factor values were more than 200 a slow phase with small changes of the bands intensities were revealed. The IR-spectra of b…

research product

Fast pyrolysis of hot-water-extracted and delignified Norway spruce (Picea abies) sawdust by Py-GC/MS

The thermochemical behavior of Norway spruce (Picea abies) sawdust as such and after various chemical treatments (hot-water extraction, delignification, and hot-water extraction followed by delignification) was investigated by analytical pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. In each case, the yields of major GC-amenable condensable products were semi-quantitatively measured, and the individual compounds were classified into several compound groups. The formation of these groups from feedstock samples with varying mass portions of their structural constituents (carbohydrates and lignin) was determined at 500 °C and 700 °C with a residence time of 5 s and 20 s. The formation of pyro…

research product

Estimation of pulp yield in industrial oxygen-alkali delignification of softwood kraft pulp

research product

CHEMICAL PULPING. Oxidative degradation of AOX in softwood-based kraft mill effluents from E C F bleachin g

Abstract Softwood-based kraft mill bleaching effluents from the initial bleaching stages D0 and E1 (the bleaching sequence being D0E 1D 1 E2D2) were treated by the oxidative Fenton method (H20rFeS04) to decompose organic pollutants contammg adsorbable organic halogens (AOX). Experiments designed using the Taguchi method were applied to predict the process conditions that would result in a cost-effective and adequate removal of AOX. In addition to the composition and concentration of the reagents (H202 and Fe2+), the main process parameters selected were temperature and reaction time, while pH was adj usted to an approximate value of 4 (the volumetric ratio of the mixed effluents D0:E 1 was …

research product

Depuration of geosmin- and 2-methylisoborneol-induced off-flavors in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) farmed European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus

European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus has increasingly become an important species for aquatic food production, especially in the Nordic countries. Whitefish is produced in traditional cage and pond operations, and in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) in which, unfortunately, off-flavors and odors, mostly caused by geosmin (GSM) and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), can accumulate in fish flesh from the circulating water. GSM and MIB have very low human sensory detection limits and, therefore, often disliked by consumers even at low concentrations. In this study, concentrations of GSM and MIB in RAS farmed European whitefish were studied by an analytical method based on headspace solid phase …

research product

Detailed modeling of the kraft pulping chemistry : carbohydrate reactions

The article introduces a detailed model for carbohydrate chemistry in kraft pulping. This article is continuation to the modeling work carried out for hot water extraction and chemical pulp bleaching. The model includes galactoglucomannan, xylan, and cellulose acid–base equilibria, in addition to peeling, stopping, and alkaline hydrolysis reactions of the same carbohydrates, as well as hexenuronic acid formation and degradation reactions. The Arrhenius parameters were applied from the literature or regressed against experimental data in the present study. The model is very successful in predicting the experimental data of carbohydrate reactions during kraft pulping. Many features of the pul…

research product


ABSTRACT A laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) method for monitoring the oxygen–alkali delignification of pine (Pinus sylvestris) kraft pulp was tested. The fluorescence intensity of the effluent was found to increase systematically during treatment as the lignin content of the pulp decreased. This emission method, compared, for example, to a UV/Vis absorption method, seems to have potential for large-scale applications. Owing both to the complex chemical nature of the effluent from oxygen–alkali delignification and to the complex nature of the fluorescence method, further work on this method is needed before it can be used for industrial purposes.

research product

Determination of low-molecular-mass aliphatic carboxylic acids and inorganic anions from kraft black liquors by ion chromatography.

An ion chromatographic (IC) method with suppressed conductivity detection (CD) was developed and validated for the quantitative determination of several low-molecular-mass aliphatic mono- and dicarboxylic acids as their carboxylate anions together with some inorganic anions (chloride, sulfate, and thiosulfate) from kraft black liquors. To confirm the identification of some carboxylate anions which lack commercial model substances, a qualitative IC method with suppressed electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was also developed. The separations were performed on an IonPac AS 11-HC anion-exchange column operated at 25 degrees C within 25 min by a gradient elution with aqueous pota…

research product


ABSTRACT A study on the formation of aliphatic carboxylic acids, i.e., formic and acetic acids and various hydroxy monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids, during soda-AQ, kraft, and kraft-AQ pulping of muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) was carried out. Detailed gas chromatographic analyses revealed that the most abundant hydroxy carboxylic acids were 2-hydroxybutanoic, lactic, glucoisosaccharinic, glycolic, xyloisosaccharinic, 3,4-dideoxypentonic, and 3-deoxypentonic acids. The presence of AQ depressed the formation of 2-hydroxybutanoic, xyloisosaccharinic, and glucoisosaccharinic acids, and accelerated the formation of glycolic and 3-deoxypentonic acids as well as 3-deoxytetronic acid but h…

research product

Characterization of pre-treatments on wood chips prior to delignification by near infrared spectroscopy

A near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy-based method for predicting yields and lignin contents of differently pre-treated silver/white birch (Betula pendula/B. pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) chips was developed. The approach was to create multivariate calibration models from the NIR data by the partial least squares (PLS) method. Both parameters are important factors when adjusting adequate conditions for pre-treatments either with hot-water (HW) as such and slightly acidified HW (collectively referred to as autohydrolysis) or dilute alkaline aqueous solutions prior to alkaline pulping. Pre-treatment conditions were varied with respect to temperature (130 °C and 150 °C) and treatme…

research product

Thermogravimetric behavior of black liquors and their organic constituents

The slow thermal degradation of various black liquors and their organic components (lignin, aliphatic carboxylic acids, extractives and polysaccharides) was investigated by thermogravimetry in the temperature range 25–700 °C under an inert nitrogen atmosphere and at a heating rate of 20 °C/min. Oven-dried samples of pine and birch black liquors from kraft and soda-anthraquinone pulping were tested. Similar tests with black liquor components were carried out both in the absence and in the presence of alkali. In all cases, the mass loss occurred primarily in the temperature range 250–500 °C. The thermograms of the various black liquors were very similar even though there were significant diff…

research product

Availability of extractives from various Norway spruce (Picea abies) stumps assortments

Stumps and knotwood of Norway spruce (Picea abies) are valuable sources of wood extractives. Although lignans from knotwood have already been utilized in value-added products, the behavior and valorization of stump-derived extractives are less studied. In this study, the composition of lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives, particularly lignans, from various spruce stump samples (stump bottom, stump heart, and crushed stump samples) stored outside were studied. Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts were separated with an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) apparatus using n-hexane and hot water, respectively. The detailed extractives content of samples was then determined by gas chromatogra…

research product

Combustion Properties of Birch (Betula pendula) Black Liquors From Sulfur-Free Pulping

Sulfur-free pulping has an environmental advantage over the traditional kraft process. This article describes the combustion properties of the black liquors produced from silver birch (Betula pendula) sawdust using three different cooking processes: two sulfur-free cooks (soda-anthraquinone and oxygen-alkali), and one reference kraft cook. It also considers the corresponding black liquors from an integrated forest biorefinery, in which a hot-water pretreatment of feedstock was performed prior to pulping. With the same cooking time, the total burning times for the sulfur-free black liquors were higher (15–55%) than those for the conventional kraft black liquors. However, no significant diffe…

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