Michael Bachmann

Translocation of the nuclear autoantigen La to the cell surface of herpes simplex virus type 1 infected cells.

Recently we developed a procedure to translocalize one of the extractable nuclear antigens (ENAs), the La protein, to the cell surface of CV-1 cells. Here we report that herpes simplex virus type 1 infection can also induce a translocation of the autoantigen to the cell surface. On the cell surface we detected La protein assembled with large protrusions. Within these protrusions La protein colocalized with virus particles. These protrusions are known to be released from the cell after virus infections. Such complexes consisting of self and virus could provide helper determinants for an anti-self response, and therefore be important in generation of autoimmunity.

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Proteins from rat liver cytosol which stimulate mRNA transport. Purification and interactions with the nuclear envelope mRNA translocation system.

Two polysome-associated proteins with particular affinities for poly(A) have been purified from rat liver. These proteins stimulate the efflux of mRNA from isolated nuclei in conditions under which such efflux closely stimulates mRNA transport in vivo, and they are therefore considered as mRNA-transport-stimulatory proteins. Their interaction with the mRNA-translocation system in isolated nuclear envelopes has been studied. The results are generally consistent with the most recently proposed kinetic model of mRNA translocation. One protein, P58, has not been described previously. It inhibits the protein kinase that down-regulates the NTPase, it enhances the NTPase activity in both the prese…

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Abstract Polyadenylation and splicing of heterogeneous nuclear RNA, two crucial steps in mRNA processing, are apparently enzymically mediated processes. This contribution summarizes the properties and the presumed functions of the known poly(A) catabolic enzymes (endoribonuclease IV and V, 2′,3′-exoribonuclease) as well as those of the pyrimidine-specific endoribonucleases associated with snRNP—hnRNP complexes (endoribonuclease VII, acidic p I 4.1 endoribonuclease and poly(U)-specific U1 snRNP-nuclease).

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The trans-acting response element (TAR) within the long terminal repeat of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is present in all 5' termini of HIV mRNAs and is recognized by the viral Tat protein. Now we describe that the 59-nucleotide-long TAR-RNA exists as a ribonucleoprotein particle in polysomal and heterogeneous nuclear RNP fractions of HIV-1-infected HeLa-T4+ cells. Applying an immunoprecipitation technique this Tat.TAR complex could be isolated from total cell extracts as well as from polysomal or heterogeneous nuclear RNP fractions. The chain length and the identity of the TAR-RNA were established by RNase protection assays while the Tat protein was confirmed by Western blotting tech…

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Stimulation with carbachol alters endomembrane distribution and plasma membrane expression of intracellular proteins in lacrimal acinar cells.

The events that lead to Sjogren's autoimmune processes in the lacrimal gland remain poorly understood. The acinar cell's responses to acute cholinergic stimulation include release of secretory products across the apical plasma membrane (apm) and a number of processes related to traffic between endomembrane compartments and the basal-lateral plasma membranes (blm), such as recruitment of Na, K-ATPase, accelerated recycling, and accelerated transcytosis of secretory IgA. We tested the hypothesis that stimulation-induced acceleration of endomembrane traffic is accompanied by changes in compartmentation and increased blm expression of proteins that are normally sequestered in endomembrane compa…

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Clones of cDNA coding for the autoantigen La (or SS-B) were isolated from a library made from rat liver. A comparison of the rat La cDNA (encoding from nt 38 to 1281 for rat La protein) with the sequences known for human and bovine La protein resulted in the identification of species-specific inserts. The inserts seem to be the result of multiplication of flanking sequences during evolution. In addition to these variations, we observed that rat La cDNAs exhibit non-canonical polyadenylation sites. Finally, a databank search resulted in the identification of a DNA sequence originally termed as TAG or TSG20X (GenBank accession No. X61893) which represents the C terminus of mouse La/SS-B prote…

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Synergistic effect of peplomycin in combination with bleomycin on L5178y mouse lymphoma cells in vivo.

Studying the treatment of NMRI mice with ip injections of bleomycin (BLM) for 5 days we found an approximate LD50 of 35 mg/kg; the toxicity of peplomycin (PEP) was slightly higher (LD50: approximately 25 mg/kg). The effect of the two drugs on growth of L5178y mouse lymphoma cells in NMRI mice was examined. BLM alone caused at a concentration of 2.5 mg/kg an almost complete inhibition of tumor cell growth; the same effect was determined with 1 mg PEP/kg. At these concentrations the drugs caused an increase of the survival time of 110% (BLM) or 104% (PEP). Given in combination, one-sixth of the optimal doses yielded an 100% increase of the median survival time. These results indicate a signif…

research product

One gene, two transcripts: isolation of an alternative transcript encoding for the autoantigen La/SS-B from a cDNA library of a patient with primary Sjögrens' syndrome.

A cDNA library was prepared from peripheral blood lymphocytes of an autoimmune patient with primary Sjögrens' syndrome. The cDNA library was screened with the patients own autoimmune serum being monospecific for the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B. Thereby an alternative type of La mRNA was identified that differed from the known La mRNA due to an exchange of the exon 1. Sequencing of the genomic region between the exons 1 and 2 showed that the alternative 5'-end is a part of the intron. In addition, the presence of an alternative promoter site, which exists within the intron downstream of the exon 1, became evident. In consequence, the alternative La mRNA is the result of a promoter switching …

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The human autoantigen La/SS-B accelerates herpes simplex virus type 1 replication in transfected mouse 3T3 cells.

SUMMARY Permanently transfected mouse cell lines which expressed different levels of the human autoantigen La/SS-B were infected with different strains of herpes simplex virus type 1, including the strains ANG, HSZP, 17syn+ and HFEM. During infection the localization of the human La protein was followed using an anti-La MoAb, which recognized only the human La protein but did not cross-react with either the endogenous mouse La protein or any viral encoded protein. After infection La protein was transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The time course of translocation was dependent on the amount of human La protein expressed in the respective cell line. Moreover, acceleration of viral …

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An altered intracellular distribution of the autoantigen La/SS-B when translated from a La mRNA isoform.

Abstract Transcription of the gene encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La resulted in La mRNA isoforms. A promoter switching combined with an alternative splicing pathway replaced exon 1 with exon 1′. Similar to mRNAs encoding for ribosomal proteins, exon 1′ started with a pyrimidine-rich 5′-terminus. Moreover, exon 1′ contained 5′-GC-rich regions and an oligo(U)-tail of 23 uridine residues. Exon 1′ encoded for three open reading frames upstream of the La protein reading frame. In spite of this unusual structure, exon 1′ La mRNAs were translated not only in vitro but also in transiently transfected cells. The translational efficiency of exon 1′ La mRNA was about 14% of exon 1 La mRNA using…

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A novel galactose- and arabinose-specific lectin from the sponge Pellina semitubulosa: isolation, characterization and immunobiological properties.

A new lectin from the sponge Pellina semitubulosa is derived which was extracted and purified to homogeneity. The purified lectin is probably a hexamer of polypeptide chains (each M(r) 34,000) which are covalently linked via disulfide linkages; the isoelectric point is 6.1. The lectin displays the following specificities: D-galactose (50% inhibition of hemagglutination at 0.2 mM) = L-arabinose (0.2 mM) greater than D-fucose (1.5 mM) greater than D-glucose (3.0 mM). It precipitates human erythrocytes (A1, A2, A1B, B, and O) with a titer between 2(8) and 2(11) and erythrocytes from sheep and rabbits with a titer between 2(5) and 2(10). The Pellina lectin displays a strong mitogenic effect on …

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Association of a polyuridylate-specific endoribonuclease with small nuclear ribonucleo-proteins which had been isolated by affinity chromatography using antibodies from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Immunoglobulins, containing antibodies against U1-snRNP, have been prepared from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. After coupling these antibodies to a Sepharose matrix, U-snRNPs have been isolated and purified from rat liver nuclei by use of immunoaffinity chromatography. The resulting RNPs had the typical protein pattern of U-sn RNPs and a sedimentation coefficient of 12 S. The U-snRNP preparation was associated with an endoribonuclease which required Mg2+ for optimal activity. The enzyme, with an pH optimum of 6.2, degraded only poly(U). Other single-stranded polyribo- and polydeoxyribonucleotides, tRNA, as well as double-stranded RNA and DNA were not digested. The products of…

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Analysis of expression of the gene encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B using reporter gene constructs.

In earlier studies mRNA isoforms encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La were identified. In an alternative La mRNA form the exon 1 was replaced with the exon 1'. Moreover, exon 1' La mRNAs were found to start at different 5'-regions. In dependence on the 5'-start the exon 1' La mRNAs encoded for up to three open reading frames upstream of the La frame, which starts in the exon 2. The exon 1' was located in the intron about 70 nts downstream of the exon 1. The exon 1' La mRNA was proposed to be the result of a promoter switch in combination with an alternative splicing mechanism. The commonly used technique to study the expression of a eucaryotic gene is to fuse a reportergene immediately d…

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Differential effect of insulin and epidermal growth factor on the mRNA translocation system and transport of specific poly(A+) mRNA and poly(A-) mRNA in isolated nuclei.

The efficiency of efflux of rapidly labeled poly(A)-containing mRNA from isolated rat liver nuclei was found to be modulated by insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in a biphasic but opposite way. At physiological concentrations (10 pM insulin and 1 pM EGF), maximal stimulation of the transport rate by insulin (to 137%) and maximal inhibition by EGF (to 69%) were obtained; at higher concentrations (greater than 100 pM and greater than 10 pM, respectively), the amount of poly(A)-containing mRNA released into the postnuclear supernatant was nearly identical with the level found in untreated nuclei (= 100%). Using mRNA entrapped into closed nuclear envelope (NE) vesicles as a model system…

research product

Analysis of expression of an alternative La (SS-B) cDNA and localization of the encoded N- and C-terminal peptides

AbstractA deletion of an (A)-residue was detected in a cDNA encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B. The cDNA was recently isolated from a cDNA library made from peripheral blood lymphocytes of a patient with primary Sjögren's Syndrome. The region, where the deletion occurred, represents a hot spot region in the La gene(s). It leads to a frame shift mutation and a premature stop codon eleven amino acids downstream of the deletion site within one of the protease sensitive regions of the La protein. In spite of the frame shift mutation expression of full length La protein occurred efficiently in E. coli. Full length La protein was also made in SF9 cells infected with recombinant baculovi…

research product

Intracellular distribution of the La antigen in CV-1 cells after herpes simplex virus type 1 infection compared with the localization of U small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles.

The La antigen is known to associate, at least transiently, with a series of small nuclear and cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs and scRNPs), e.g. U1 and U6 snRNPs. In CV-1 cells a monoclonal antibody (MAb), directed against the La protein (La1B5), immunostained intranuclear speckles. These speckles were found to co-localize with speckles that were stained by MAbs directed against either all U snRNPs or only against U1 snRNPs. Two h after infection of CV-1 cells with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) (strain HFEM) the staining of nuclear speckles with the anti-La MAb disappeared and the La protein was found quantitatively in the cytoplasm. In contrast nuclear speckles remain…

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Increase of sensitivity and validity of the SOS/umu-test after replacement of the beta-galactosidase reporter gene with luciferase.

The SOS/umu-test with Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 as tester strain is a rapid and valuable bacterial assay for screening of umuC-dependent mutagenic potential of chemical compounds and chemicals relevant to environmental pollution. The initial assay was modified by replacing the beta-galactosidase reporter gene with luciferase. Thereby, the sensitivity of the umu-test was increased significantly and the susceptibility to intensively coloured solutions was reduced. The alternative enzyme assay in the modified umu-test (umu-Luc) represents an independent method which allows to confirm the colorimetric results obtained with the original SOS/umu-test system (umu-Gal) by measuring the …

research product

Transfection analysis of expression of mRNA isoforms encoding the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B

Transcription of the gene encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La resulted in La mRNA isoforms. A promoter switching combined with an alternative splicing pathway replaced the exon 1 with the exon 1'. The exon 1' contained GC-rich regions and an oligo(U) tail of 23 uridine residues. Moreover, it encoded for three open reading frames upstream of the La protein reading frame. Despite this unusual structure, when exon 1' La mRNAs were expressed in transfected cells, both exon 1 and 1' La mRNAs were translated to La protein, whereas the upstream open reading frames of the exon 1' were not translated. In addition to full-length exon 1' La mRNAs 5'-shortened exon 1' La mRNAs were detected. The ex…

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Expression of M-cadherin protein in myogenic cells during prenatal mouse development and differentiation of embryonic stem cells in culture.

Molecules regulating morphogenesis by cell-cell interactions are the cadherins, a class of calcium-dependent adhesion molecules. One of its members, M-cadherin, has been isolated from a myoblast cell line (Donalies et al. [1991] Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88:8024—8028). In mouse development, expression of M-cadherin mRNA first appears at day 8.5 of gestation (E8.5) in somites and has been postulated to be down-regulated in developing muscle masses (Moore and Walsh [1993] Development 117:1409—1420). Affinity-purified polyclonal M-cadherin antibodies, detecting a protein of approximately 120 kDa, were used to study the cell expression pattern of M-cadherin protein. It was first visualized …

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Nuclear localization of the protein encoded by the Wilms’ tumor gene WT1 in embryonic and adult tissues

ABSTRACT The human Wilms’ tumor gene WT1 encodes a putative transcription factor implicated in tumorigenesis and in specifying normal urogenital development. We have studied the distribution of WT1 protein and mRNA using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against a peptide specific to the first alternative splice site of WT1. Two antibodies specifically reacted on Western blot to this WT1 isoform. Immunofluorescence localized WT1 protein to podocytes during mesonephric and metanephric development. In situ hybridization revealed a similar pattern of expression except that WT1 mRNA was also present in metanephric blastema and renal vesicles. Mess…

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Synthesis, Labeling and Preclinical Evaluation of a Squaric Acid Containing PSMA Inhibitor Labeled with 68 Ga: A Comparison with PSMA‐11 and PSMA‐617

The L-lysine urea-L-glutamate (KuE) represents a key motif in recent diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals targeting the prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA). Using a squaric acid moiety for coupling of KuE with a radioactive label, the squaric acid as a linker in the PSMA ligand seems to mimic the aromatic structure of the naphthylalanine unit on PSMA-617. In this work, we investigate the influence of squaric acid moiety on the biological activity of the compound carrying a KuE motif and three typical chelates. The derivatives TRAM.SA.KuE, DOTAGA.SA.KuE and NODAGA.SA.KuE were all synthesized in straightforward organic reactions and purified by HPLC afterward. Different amoun…

research product

Age-dependent changes of nuclear envelope protein phosphokinase and protein phosphatase activities. Significance for altered nucleo-cytoplasmic mRNA translocation during development.

Nuclear envelopes are associated with a protein phosphokinase and a phosphoprotein phosphatase, whose activities are modulated by poly(A) in an opposite manner. The activities of these enzymes were determined in nuclear ghosts from liver and oviduct of quails of different age and of different hormone status. Under optimal conditions, kinase activity was found to increase in immature animals 8-fold in response to diethylstilbestrol; co-administration of progesterone had no marked effect on enzyme activity. After the initial burst, the activity of the enzyme increased only slightly during ageing. Two proteins present in nuclear ghosts of Mr 64 000 and of Mr 106 000 are phosphorylated during t…

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Analysis of Epitope Spreading over an Eleven-year Period in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: CASE REPORT

During a period of more than eleven years serum samples of a patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus were collected and analyzed for anti-nuclear autoantibodies. High titer of anti-La/SS-B were detectable in all serum samples. The La/SS-B epitopes remained constant. Besides anti-La/SS-B antibodies all serum samples contained traces of anti-Ro/SS-A including anti-Ro52 and anti-Ro60 antibodies. During disease flares anti-Ro/SS A antibodies were upregulated and anti-dsDNA antibodies appeared, thus supporting the concept of an antigen driven intermolecular epitope spreading to Ro/SS-A and dsDNA.

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Activation of a murine autoreactive B cell by immunization with human recombinant autoantigen La/SS-B: Characterization of the autoepitope

Immunization of Balb/c mice with a homogeneously purified recombinant human La/SS-B protein resulted in activation of an autoreactive B cell secreting a novel monoclonal anti-La antibody termed La4B6. La4B6 reacted with La protein from a variety of sources including human, bovine, rat and mouse. ATP blocked the binding of La4B6 to recombinant La protein. The human epitope was identified as consisting of the amino acid sequence SKGRRFKGKGKGN, which includes the proposed ATP-binding site of the La protein. In the human and bovine La protein, the epitope exists as a continuous amino acid sequence. In rat and mouse the epitope was found to consist of the amino acid sequence SKG interrupted by a…

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Determination of lectin-cell-binding parameters by a new agglutination technique.

We applied a recently described technique which is based on a light transmission/scattering method to determine the association characteristics of the Geodia lectin to sheep erythrocytes. The agglutination assays were performed in a total volume of 3 ml with 5.4 x 10(6) erythrocytes/ml. At a concentration of 360 ng/ml 50% of the lectin molecules were bound to the cells within the first 10 s of incubation. Scatchard analyses revealed an association constant (K(a)) of 0.9 +/- 0.1 x 10(8) M-1 and a number of 3.8 +/- 0.6 x 10(6) lectin binding sites on one erythrocyte. The method was also successfully applied to determine quantitatively the inhibitory potential of sugars competing with cell sur…

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Energy requirement and kinetics of transport of poly(A)-free histone mRNA compared to poly(A)-rich mRNA from isolated L-cell nuclei.

ATP-promoted efflux of poly(A)-rich RNA from isolated nuclei of prelabeled mouse lymphoma L5178y cells has an activation energy of 51.5 kJ/mol, similar to that found for the nuclear envelope nucleoside triphosphatase (48.1 kJ/mol) assumed to be involved in mediating nucleocytoplasmic transport of at least some RNA. Here we show that efflux of two specific poly(A)-rich mRNAs (actin and beta-tubulin) from isolated L-cell nuclei is almost totally dependent on the presence of ATP, while efflux of poly(A)-free histone mRNA (H4, H2B, and H1) also occurs to a marked extent in the absence of this nucleotide. Measurements of temperature dependence of transport rate revealed an activation energy of 5…

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Transport of mRNA from Nucleus to Cytoplasm

Publisher Summary Transport of mRNP (messenger ribonucleoprotein) from nucleus to cytoplasm plays an important role in gene expression in eukaryotic cells. This chapter focuses on energy-(ATP)-dependent mRNP transport. Nucleocytoplasmic transport of ribosomal RNA can also be induced by ATP, but also occurs by varying [Ca 2+ ]:[Mg 2+ ]. Release of ribosomal RNPs seems to be accompanied by an expansion of the nucleus. Nucleocytoplasmic transport of mRNA seems to be also distinct from the export of tRNA or the exchange of snRNPs and proteins across the nuclear envelope. Nucleocytoplasmic transport of tRNA seems to involve a facilitated diffusion mechanism, showing saturability and sequence spe…

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The autoantigen La/SSB: detection on and uptake by mitotic cells.

Abstract The nuclear autoantigen La, a transcription/termination factor of RNA polymerase III, was recently shown to translocalize to the cell surface of growth-stimulated cells during transition from G0- to G1-phase. Here we describe the staining of living mitotic cells with the anti-La mab La11G7. Moreover, La protein added to cell culture medium was able to enter into synchronized mitotic cells. Uptake was inhibited by the anti-La mab. La protein taken up into prophase cells assembled into a fibrillar network. Taken up by ana/telophase cells, La protein was preferentially transported into the newly forming or formed nuclei. This import allowed us to study directly the intranuclear locali…

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Translocation of the nuclear autoantigen La to cell surface: assembly and disassembly with the extracellular matrix.

La (SS-B) protein is known as one major antigenic target for autoantibodies from patients with certain autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome or Lupus Erythematosus. La protein belongs to the so called "extractable nuclear antigens". Here we report that La antigen is not restricted to the nucleus as one might deduce from the exclusive nuclear staining pattern of patient anti-La antibodies but after stimulation of serum-starved cells with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) appears and stays for at least 45 min at the outer surface of CV-1 cells being available for binding of anti-La antibodies. In addition we found that a minor part of La antigen associates with the extracellular fibronectin…

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The value of synthetic linear epitope analogues of La/SSB for the detection of autoantibodies to La/SSB; specificity, sensitivity and comparison of methods

SUMMARY In a previous study it was shown that La/SSB contains four linear epitopes, p147–154, p291–302, p301–318 and p349–364. The aim of the present study was to investigate the value of the synthetic epitope analogues of the La/SSB autoantigen for the detection of antibodies to La/SSB, in comparison with recombinant La and fragments of this protein. A total of 122 sera with anti-La/SSB activity, from patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), were tested in various peptide-based assays. In addition, 62 sera from pSS or SLE patients with other autoantibody specificities and 95 sera from healthy individuals were used as controls. The autoantibody s…

research product

Cytochalasin B selectively releases ovalbumin mRNA precursors but not the mature ovalbumin mRNA from hen oviduct nuclear matrix

Hen oviduct nuclear matrix-bound mature ovalbumin mRNA is released from the matrix in the presence of ATP, while the ovalbumin mRNA precursors remain bound to this structure. Detachment of the mature mRNA from the matrix by ATP as well as ATP-dependent efflux of mRNA from isolated nuclei were found to be inhibited by cytochalasin B. On the other hand, in the absence of ATP, cytochalasin B exclusively caused the release (and nucleocytoplasmic efflux) of the ovalbumin messenger precursors, but not of the mature mRNA. After cytochalasin B treatment, actin could be detected in the matrix supernatant. Phalloidin which stabilizes actin filaments did not cause RNA liberation in the absence of ATP,…

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The nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the La antigen in CV-I cells

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The autoantigen La/SS-B: Analysis of the expression of alternatively spliced La mRNA isoforms

The gene for the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B encodes two La mRNA isoforms. In order to study the function and expression of both La mRNA forms, an in situ hybridization procedure was developed allowing the selective identification of either exon 1 or exon 1'. For this purpose, digoxigenin-labeled exon-specific sense and anti-sense probes were prepared by in vitro transcription from plasmids that contained the respective exon sequence. Detection of the probes was carried out by using rhodamine-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Both La mRNAs were found in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells but not in smooth muscle cells. In addition to the in situ te…

research product

The nuclear autoantigen La/SS-associated antigen B: One gene, three functional mRNAs

Transcription of the gene encoding for the nuclear autoantigen La resulted in three mRNA forms. A promoter switching combined with an alternative splicing pathway replaced exon 1 with either exon 1´ or exon 1´´. The exon 1´´ donor splice site was located 4 nts downstream of the exon 1´ donor splice site. All three La mRNA forms were expressed in all the tissues analysed including peripheral blood lymphocytes, liver, fetal spleen, cultured primary endothelial cells, and mouse LTA cell lines permanently transfected with the human La gene. Both the exons 1´ and 1´´ had unusual structures. They contained GC-rich regions and an oligo(U)-tail of 23 uridine residues. Moreover, they encoded for thr…

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Characterization of the autoantigen La (SS-B) as a dsRNA unwinding enzyme

During the analysis of the La (SS-B) autoantigen for catalytic activities an ATP-dependent double-stranded RNA unwinding activity was detected. Both native and recombinant La proteins from different species displayed this activity, which could be inhibited by monospecific anti-La antibodies. La protein was able to melt dsRNA substrates with either two 3'-overhangs or a single 3'- and a 5'-overhang. Double-stranded RNAs with two 5'-overhangs were not unwound, indicating that at least one 3'-overhang is required for unwinding. Sequence elements of the La protein that might be involved in dsRNA unwinding, such as an evolutionarily conserved putative ATP-binding motif and an element that is hom…

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Different La/SS-B mRNA isoforms are expressed in salivary gland tissue of patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome

Recently we isolated a La/SS-B mRNA isoform from a cDNA library made from peripheral blood lymphocytes of a patient with primary Sjögren's Syndrome. In the La/SS-B mRNA isoform the exon 1 was replaced. The alternative exon was termed exon 1'. Genomic analysis showed that the exon 1' La mRNA was the result of a promoter-switch in combination with alternative splicing. Due to the unusual structure of the exon 1' La/SS-B mRNA, the function and the behaviour under physiological and pathophysiological conditions in tissue of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus remained obscure. Therefore assays were established allowing a qualitative and quantitative estimati…

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The nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B: Mapping and sequencing of the gene and the three retropseudogenes

One target of autoantibodies in sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or primary Sjogren's syndrome is the nuclear autoantigen La/SS-B. Lambda clones and cosmids were isolated, which contained the sequences of the La gene and the three La pseudogenes. They were used for preparation of a physical map. Finally, the La gene and pseudogenes were sequenced. The pseudogenes were characterized as retropseudogenes. Their evolutionary ages were estimated to be approx. 4, 4.5 and 5 million years. Inserts of 4, 16 and 24 nucleotides, which were mostly A-residues, were found in exon 7 of the respective pseudogene. The oldest pseudogene contained the longest insert, the youngest pseudogene …

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Evidence for involvement of a nuclear envelope-associated RNA helicase activity in nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport

It seems well established that translocation of at least some mRNAs through the nuclear pore is (1) an energy-dependent process, and (2) dependent on the presence of the poly(A) segment attached to most mRNA species. We describe that RNA helicase (RNA duplex unwindase) activity is present in a nuclear envelope (NE) preparation, which also appears to be involved in nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport. This activity unwinds RNA: RNA hybrids. The helicase has a pH optimum of 7.5 and a temperature optimum of 30 degrees C. Applying the sealed NE vesicle system, it was shown that duplex RNA species are readily released from the vesicles in an unidirectional manner, in contrast to single-stranded RNA,…

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Shuttling of the autoantigen La between nucleus and cell surface after uv irradiation of human keratinocytes.

During the past years we have established that the nuclear autoantigen La shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in tumor cells after inhibition of transcription or virus infection. We reinvestigated this shuttling using primary human keratinocytes from both healthy donors and patients with xeroderma pigmentosum. Ultraviolet irradiation resulted in both an inhibition of transcription and a translocation of La protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. After a prolonged inhibition of transcription La protein relocated into the nucleus and assembled with nuclear storage regions. The uv-induced shuttling included a translocation to the cell surface, where La protein colocalized with ep…

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Novel Radiolabeled Bisphosphonates for PET Diagnosis and Endoradiotherapy of Bone Metastases.

Bone metastases, often a consequence of breast, prostate, and lung carcinomas, are characterized by an increased bone turnover, which can be visualized by positron emission tomography (PET), as well as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Bisphosphonate complexes of 99mTc are predominantly used as SPECT tracers. In contrast to SPECT, PET offers a higher spatial resolution and, owing to the 68Ge/68Ga generator, an analog to the established 99mTc generator exists. Complexation of Ga(III) requires the use of chelators. Therefore, DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid), NOTA (1,4,7-triazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triacetic acid), and their derivatives, are ofte…

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Overexpression and functional characterization of kinin receptors reveal subtype-specific phosphorylation.

G protein-coupled receptors such as the receptors for bradykinin are present in low copy numbers in most natural cells. To overcome the problems associated with the analysis of these receptors at the protein level, we used highly efficient expression systems such as the baculovirus/insect cell system. However, the structural and functional statuses of recombinant receptors have often remained elusive. We have expressed the two types of human kinin receptors, B1 and B2, in Sf9 cells. Both receptors are found on the surface of infected cells where they display the same pharmacological profiles as their cognate receptors of native cells. The functional analysis of kinin receptors coupled to th…

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Localization of antigens PwA33 and La on lampbrush chromosomes and on nucleoplasmic structures in the oocyte of the urodele Pleurodeles waltl: Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies

Monoclonal antibodies A33/22 and La11G7 have been used to study the distribution of the corre-sponding antigens, PwA33 and La, on the lampbrush chromosome loops and nucleoplasmic structures of P. waltl oocytes, using immunofluorescence, confocal laser scanning microscopy and immunogold labeling. The results obtained with these antibodies have been compared with those obtained with the Sm-antigen-specific monoclonal antibody Y12. All these monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) labeled the matrices of the majority of normal loops along their whole length. Nucleoplasmic RNP granules showed a strong staining with the mAbs La11G7 and Y12 throughout their mass, but with the mAb A33/22, they showed only a …

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Medical Student Ultrasound Education, a WFUMB Position Paper, Part II. A consensus statement of ultrasound societies.

Ultrasound is becoming a fundamental first-line diagnostic tool for most medical specialties and an innovative tool to teach anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to undergraduate and graduate students. However, availability of structured training programs during medical school is lagging behind and many physicians still acquire all their ultrasound skills during postgraduate training.There is wide variation in medical student ultrasound education worldwide. Sharing successful educational strategies from early adopter medical schools and learning from leading education programs should advance the integration of ultrasound into the university medical school curricula. In this overview, we …

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Cross-Reactivity of Antibodies Immunoadsorbed to Laminin with Recombinant Human La (SS-B) Protein

Anti-La (SS-B) antibodies cross-reacting with mouse B1 laminin were reported in sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. However, the common epitope had not been characterized. Immunoblotting conditions were established, allowing detection and elution of anti-La (SS-B)/laminin cross-reacting antibodies. Antibodies adsorbed to mouse B1 laminin represented a subclass of anti-La antibodies. They strongly reacted with human full length recombinant La protein. However, they failed to react with either an N-terminal La peptide consisting of amino acids 1-192 or a C-terminal La peptide starting at methionine 223, while they still reacted with recombinant La peptides consisting of the am…

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Instant kit preparation of 68Ga-radiopharmaceuticals via the hybrid chelator DATA: clinical translation of [68Ga]Ga-DATA-TOC

Purpose The widespread use of 68Ga for positron emission tomography (PET) relies on the development of radiopharmaceutical precursors that can be radiolabelled and dispensed in a simple, quick, and convenient manner. The DATA (6-amino-1,4-diazapine-triacetate) scaffold represents a novel hybrid chelator architecture possessing both cyclic and acyclic character that may allow for facile access to 68Ga-labelled tracers in the clinic. We report the first bifunctional DATA chelator conjugated to [Tyr3]octreotide (TOC), a somatostatin subtype 2 receptor (SST2)-targeting vector for imaging and functional characterisation of SSTR2 expressing tumours. Methods The radiopharmaceutical precursor, DATA…

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Evidence for a direct interaction of Rev protein with nuclear envelop mRNA-translocation system.

The interaction of the Rev protein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with the nucleocytoplasmic mRNA-transport system was investigated. In gel-shift assay, the recombinant Rev protein used in this study selectively bound to the Rev-responsive element (RRE) region of HIV-1 env-specific RNA. Nitrocellulose-filter-binding studies and Northern/Western-blotting experiments revealed an association constant of approximately 1 x 10(10) M-1. The Rev protein also strongly bound to isolated nuclear envelopes from H9 cells, containing the poly(A)-binding site (= mRNA carrier) and the nucleoside triphosphatase (= NTPase), which are thought to be involved in nuclear export of poly(A)-rich …

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Kinetics of expression of prion protein in uninfected and scrapie-infected N2a mouse neuroblastoma cells.

The scrapie prion protein, PrPSc, is formed from its isoform, the cellular PrPc. There is evidence available indicating that PrPSc is necessary component of the infectious prion particle to cause a series of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. We have used immunocytochemistry and RNA blotting techniques to investigate if infection with prions results in an increased PrP gene expression. For the experiments we used N2a cells which had been infected with prions (ScN2a cells). We demonstrated by confocal laser scanning microscopy that PrP-protein was present in the nucleus (predominantly in the nucleoli) of ScN2a cells. Analysis of the PrP-mRNA levels both in N2a- and in ScN2a cells usi…

research product

Expression and cellular localization of the Nef protein from human immunodeficiency virus-1 in stably transfected B-cells.

Nef protein, encoded by the regulatory nef gene of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), was expressed in the B-cell line Raji. The cells were stably transfected with plasmids containing the nef transcriptional cassette. They expressed Nef with an Mr of 27,000; the yield could be augmented by incubation with the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. The intracellular localization of Nef was analyzed applying immunofluorescence microscopy using a confocal laser scanning microscope. The antigen was stained with a monoclonal antibody directed against the N-terminal part of Nef. The experiments revealed that in non-dividing cells Nef is present both in the cytoplasm and th…

research product

Sjögren's autoimmunity: how perturbation of recognition in endomembrane traffic may provoke pathological recognition at the cell surface

CD4 T cell antigen recognition requires presentation by major histocompatibility complex Class II molecules (MHC II). B cell surface immunoglobulins recognize antigens independently of MHC II, but activation typically requires CD4 cell cytokines as accessory signals. Plasma membrane-endomembrane traffic in lacrimal gland acinar cells, targets of autoimmune activity in Sjogren's syndrome, may satisfy both requirements. The Golgi protein galactosyltransferase and the lysosomal proteins cathepsin B and cathepsin D appear at the plasma membranes during sustained secretomotor stimulation. The RNA transcription termination factor La, a frequent target of Sjogren's autoantibodies, appears in the a…

research product

A monoclonal Ro-antibody and the serum of a Ro-positive patient with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) react with basal layers of human epidermis.

Skin lesions, especially at areas exposed to sunlight, prove to be a major form of manifestation of diseases related to Ro-antibodies and neonatal-, 'ANA-negative-', and cutaneous types of lupus erythe- matosus. A monoclonal Ro-antibody established by our group reacts with a 60 kD polypeptide in extracts from human spleen, whereas in extracts from human epidermis the monoclonal Ro-antibody and a purified Ro-antibody from a monospecific serum of a patient with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus reacted with a 60 kD and a 48 kD protein. Performing immunofluorescence microscopy on HEp2-cells both antibodies showed a nuclear speckled staining pattern and a reaction with cytokeratin filament…

research product

A frame shift mutation in a hot spot region of the nuclear autoantigen La (SS-B).

A hot spot region was identified in the exon 7 of the nuclear autoantigen La (SS-B). Two La cDNAs were identified which contained a frame shift mutation in the hot spot region. One La cDNA was isolated from a cDNA library made from peripheral blood lymphocytes of an autoimmune patient with primary Sjogren's Syndrome, the other La cDNA was isolated from a human liver cDNA library. The patient's La cDNA had a deletion and the liver La cDNA had an insert of an (A)-residue at the same position. Inserts of 4, 16 and 24 more or less homogeneous (A)-residues were found at the same site in the three La retropseudogenes. The hot spot region located in one of the major autoepitope regions of the La a…

research product

Studies on protein kinases involved in regulation of nucleocytoplasmic mRNA transport

The rate of energy-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase)-mediated nucleocytoplasmic translocation of poly(A)-containing mRNA [poly(A)+mRNA] across the nuclear envelope is thought to be regulated by poly(A)-sensitive phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of nuclear-envelope protein. Studying the phosphorylation-related inhibition of the NTPase, we found that phosphorylation of one polypeptide of rat liver envelopes by endogenous NI- and NII-like protein kinase was particularly sensitive to poly(A). This polypeptide (106 kDa) was also phosphorylated by nuclear-envelope-bound Ca2+-activated and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Activation of kinase C by tumour-pr…

research product

Characterization of murine monoclonal antibodies against the Ro52 autoantigen

SUMMARY Immunization of BALB/c mice with purified recombinant human Ro52 protein resulted in three anti-Ro52 MoAbs termed 2E7, 4C6 and 4F11. All anti-Ro52 MoAbs specifically reacted with recombinant human Ro52 protein, and also with Ro52 protein in total extracts of all human cell lines analysed, including the epithelial cell line HeLa, the B cell line Raji, the bladder carcinoma cell line RT112, and a fibroblast cell line derived from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum. The anti-Ro52 MoAbs were able to immunoprecipitate the recombinant human Ro52 protein expressed in wheat germ extract, but failed to precipitate hY RNAs from cell extracts. The staining pattern of the MoAbs strongly differ…

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The La antigen shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in CV-1 cells

Recently we established a monoclonal antibody against the La-protein (Bachmann et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83, 7770, 1986). The antibody gives a nuclear speckled type staining and, in addition, a perinuclear cytoplasmic staining on cultured cells in immunofluorescence microscopy. After inhibition of RNA synthesis the La-protein is transported into the cytoplasm. After prolonged inhibition it returns into the nucleus forming large growing speckles. The transport into the nucleus apparently depends on glycosylation.

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High frequency of t(14;18) translocation in Sjögren's syndrome: Comment on the article by Gellrich et al

research product

Correlation of anti-cytoskeleton antibody activities in synovial fluid with interleukin-6 in patients with osteoarthritis and inflammatory joint disease

Synovial fluids and sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, yersinia arthritis, Behçet's syndrome, Crohn's disease, and osteoarthritis were tested for antinuclear antibodies and antibodies to five cytoskeletal components in sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) systems and for IL-6 concentrations in a proliferation assay (IL-6 dependent hybridoma cell line B13.29, subclone B9). Statistically significant correlations between antibody activities and IL-6 levels were found for vimentin antibodies (r = 0.56; p less than 0.05) and actin antibodies (r = 0.44; p less than 0.05). In patients with chronic and active disease like rheumatoid arthritis and psori…

research product

LaXp180, a mammalian ActA-binding protein, identified with the yeast two-hybrid system, co-localizes with intracellular Listeria monocytogenes

The Listeria monocytogenes surface protein ActA is an important virulence factor required for listerial intracellular movement by inducing actin polymerization. The only host cell protein known that directly interacts with ActA is the phosphoprotein VASP, which binds to the central proline-rich repeat region of ActA. To identify additional ActA-binding proteins, we applied the yeast two-hybrid system to search for mouse proteins that interact with ActA. A mouse cDNA library was screened for ActA-interacting proteins (AIPs) using ActA from strain L. monocytogenes EGD as bait. Three different AIPs were identified, one of which was identical to the human protein LaXp180 (also called CC1). Bind…

research product

Additional file 1: of Instant kit preparation of 68Ga-radiopharmaceuticals via the hybrid chelator DATA: clinical translation of [68Ga]Ga-DATA-TOC

Table S1. Binding affinities of [natGa]Ga-DATA-TOC and [natGa]Ga-DOTA-TOC on hSST2/3/5, as determined during displacement of [125I-Tyr25]LTT-SS28 from transfected HEK293-hSST2/3/5 cell membranes; LTT-SS28 served as reference. Table S2. Uptake in terms of %IA of [68Ga]Ga-DATA-TOC or [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC in selected organs of MPC-mCherry tumour-bearing female NMRI nu/nu mice 1 h p.i. (218 ± 57 MBq (11.2 nmol peptide/kg) and 441 ± 109 MBq (10.5 nmol peptide)/kg body weight, respectively; blocking after coinjection of 100 µg/mouse [Nal3]octreotide acetate)). Table S3. Radioactivity concentration in terms of SUV of [68Ga]Ga-DATA-TOC or [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC in selected organs of MPC-mCherry tumour-bear…

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