Maurizio Sajeva

Regulating Internet Trade in CITES Species

International trade in species that are or may be endangered by collection from the wild is regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) for 176 member States (Parties). Internet commerce is a relatively new route for such trade. In 2007, the CITES Secretariat asked Parties to collect information on internet wildlife trade and report problems and implemented regulations. The reports indicated it was difficult to even approximate the influence of e-commerce on CITES-listed species (CITES Secretariat 2009). We report a case study in which we quantified international transactions over an internet auction site of CITES-listed cacti …

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The loss of dispersal on islands hypothesis revisited: Implementing phylogeography to investigate evolution of dispersal traits in Periploca (Apocynaceae)

Aim: The loss of dispersal on islands hypothesis (LDIH) posits that wind-dispersed plants should exhibit reduced dispersal potential, particularly if island populations are old. In this study, we tested this hypothesis using a detailed phylogeographical framework across different geographical scales. Location: Mainland and island areas of the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, including Macaronesia (Canary Islands and Cape Verde) and Mediterranean islands in the strait of Sicily. Methods: Forty-five populations of Periploca laevigata, a wind-dispersed shrub, were sampled. Plastid and nuclear microsatellite data were used to reconstruct spatio-temporal patterns of island colonization, and e…

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Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf on Lampedusa Island

Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf [synonym: Periploca laevigata Labill.] (Apocynaceae – Periplocoideae sensu Endress & Bruyns 2000) is a Mediterranean-Saharan element growing wild in the low and middle Mediterranean basin and descending southwards to the northern and central Sahara. It is found in North Africa (from Morocco to Egypt), southern Spain, Sicily, Malta, Crete, Lebanon and Syria (Ghrabi 2005). In Sicily it is reported only from some Sicilian Islands: Egadi, Pantelleria, Lampedusa and Linosa (Pignatti 1982). In this paper we report some unpublished data and a summary of information of recent publications on P. laevigata subsp. angustifolia made durin…

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Floral scent in Iris planifolia (Iridaceae) suggests food reward

Iris species can adopt different pollination strategies to attract their pollinators, generalized shelter-mimicking, specialized deceptive sexual-mimicking or food-rewarding. As attractive stimuli, Iris flowers may use their colours, large-size, symmetry, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, relatively few studies in- vestigated Iris floral olfactory cues in the context of plant-visitor/pollinator interactions. In the present study we combined the identification of the floral volatiles of the nectariferous I. planifolia with insects visiting its flowers to gather data on its biology. Floral volatiles were collected in the natural environment by dynamic headspace and analysed by g…

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The authors report new records of Bombyliidae (Diptera) for Lampedusa Island discovered during field investigations carried out for a broader research project in the island. Data are updated to July 2010. Four species of Bombyliidae new for Lampedusa have been found, one of which has not been recorded for Sicilan dipterofauna. The present data bring to 60 the species of Diptera reported for Lampedusa Island.

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Biografia / Antologia

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Succulents and CITES

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Do island plant populations really have lower genetic variation than mainland populations? Effects of selection and distribution range on genetic diversity estimates

Ecological and evolutionary studies largely assume that island populations display low levels of neutral genetic variation. However, this notion has only been formally tested in a few cases involving plant taxa, and the confounding effect of selection on genetic diversity (GD) estimates based on putatively neutral markers has typically been overlooked. Here, we generated nuclear microsatellite and plastid DNA sequence data in Periploca laevigata, a plant taxon with an island–mainland distribution area, to (i) investigate whether selection affects GD estimates of populations across contrasting habitats; and (ii) test the long-standing idea that island populations have lower GD than their mai…

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Essential oils of Chiliadenus lopadusanus (Asteraceae).

The essential oils from the leaves and flowers of Chiliadenus lopadusanus growing on Lampedusa Island were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The major component was camphor (39.4% in the leaves and 24.0% in the flowers), followed in the leaves by torreyol (6.7%), t-cadinol (5.2%) and 1,8-cineole (3.8%), while in the flowers by t-cadinol (15.2%), t-muurolol (5.1%) and torreyol (4.5%). Among the compounds identified, several seem to play a role in antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic and spasmolytic activity. In addition, several compounds identified in this study seem to influence the attraction of Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis (Megachilidae) and Halictus (Seladonia…

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Recovery from water stress in laurel plants: influence of short term potassium fertilization

Plant xylem hydraulic conductance varies with changes in sap solute concentrations, particularly potassium, a phenomenon known as 'ionic effect'. In well-watered Laurus nobilis plants, short term potassium fertilization increased xylem sap potassium concentration, resulting in an increase in plant hydraulic conductance (Kplant), leaf-specific conductivity of the shoot (kshoot) and transpiration rate (Eplant). The ionic effect is enhanced in embolized stems, where it can compensate the cavitation-induced loss of hydraulic conductance. The aim of this work was to test if water-stressed potassium-starved laurel plants could recover earlier from stress when irrigated with a potassium solution i…

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Milichiella lacteipennis: new record for Lampedusa Island (Italy).

The authors report the first record of Milichiella lacteipennis (Loew) (Diptera Milichiidae) in Lampedusa Island (Italy), and give information on its distribution and biology.

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Anemocoria di Caralluma europaea nella Riserva Naturale "Isola di Lampedusa": modello di dispersione (4 pagine http://www.esriitalia.it/conferenza2007cd/content/poster2.htm.)

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Water recycling in leaves of Lithops (Aizoaceae)

Lithops plants consist of a pair of succulent leaves inserted on a short stem; each growing season young leaves develop in a cavity formed between the older pair. Young leaves can take up water from the older pair allowing the plant to maintain growth and leaf expansion even without external supply of water. Recycling water between vegetative organs is one of the possible adaptation strategies of plants under drought stress, but it had never been demonstrated experimentally in Lithops. The methodology used to verify the existence of water redistribution from old leaves to young leaves was fluorescence microscopy, using two dyes to follow the water pathway inside the plant: Sulforhodamine G …

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Cortical Bundles in the Persistent, Photosynthetic Stems of Cacti

We examined 62 species in 45 genera of the cactus subfamily Cactoideae; all had collateral cortical bundles that permeated the broad, water-storing inner cortex and extended to the base of the outer, photosynthetic palisade cortex. Mean distance between cortical bundles was 0.75 mm, similar to the mean spacing (0.74 mm) of veins in leaves of Pereskia, a genus of relict leaf-bearing cacti. In 16 species, both young and extremely old stem cortex was available for study: in all of these, older bundles had larger amounts of phloem than did younger bundles, indicating that phloem had been produced for many years. In ten species, older bundles also had more xylem than younger bundles. In two gene…

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Fetid odors in Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae): a chemical characterization

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Inflorescence scents of Calendula maritima, C. suffruticosa subsp. fulgida, and their hybrid

Premise of research. Hybridization is an important driver of plant evolutionary processes. By attracting the same pollinators to different species, floral scents may be involved in the formation of hybrids and breakdown of species boundaries. In contrast, by attracting a different suite of pollinators to hybrids and their parents, floral scents are believed to contribute to speciation processes initiated by hybridization events. Scents may or may not differ between the hybrids and their parents, but little is known about the scent chemistry of parental species and their hybrids. Methodology. We studied the inflorescence scents of parental Calendula maritima and C. suffruticosa subsp. fulgid…

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In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from floral explants and genetic stability of regenerants

A new technique to regenerate caper plants (Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris) starting from flower explant is reported. In vitro plant regeneration was attempted using stigma, anthers and unfertilized ovules of unopened flowers collected in the field. Plant regeneration was achieved from unfertilized ovules on MS medium supplemented with 88 mM sucrose and 13 lM 6-benzyladenine (BA). New individuals obtained from unfertilized ovules were used as source material for micropropagation and multiple shoots were obtained on MS medium sup- plemented with the adeninic cytokinin BA and the auxin indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Explants obtained in micro- propagation step were used for rooting step u…

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Leaf water relation traits in typical Sicilian varieties of Vitis vinifera L.

In Italy, grapevines are extensively cultivated, with Sicily representing one of the most significant wine regions. The high number of autochthonous grapevine varieties represents an important source of genetic diversity, and the many Sicilian varieties have anatomical and physiological traits that allow them to resist to different levels of drought stress. We investigated the water relation parameters of four cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. (Catarratto, Corinto, Nero d'Avola and Zibibbo) and characterized their leaf hydraulics. Measurements were conducted during summer on plants growing in the experimental field of the IBBR-CNR near Palermo. Daily patterns of leaf water potential (Yleaf) an…

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Inflorescence-visiting insects of a functionally dioecious wild grapevine

The wild grapevine [Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi] is the Eurasian dioecious ancestral form of mostly monoecious domesticated cultivars (Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera). There are different hypotheses about grapevine pollination, varying from insect to wind pollination to spontaneous self-pollination. The aim of this paper is to update our knowledge on the biology of the wild grapevine by studying the insects visiting their inflorescences. During the fieldworks, floral visitors were observed, captured and identified. The most frequent insects visiting both sexes of wild grapevine were beetles (55%) followed by bees (45%). The present study shows that although in vineyard…

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CITES and Cycads, a user's guide

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Anti-tumor activity of the methanolic extracts of Salvia menthifolia

In the present research we investigated the anti-proliferative activity of Salvia menthifolia Ten. (formerly Salvia menthaefolia), Lamiaceae, on a glioblastoma cell line, since up to date poor therapeutic results have been reported for treatment of malignant glioblastoma. Methanol extracts from different anatomical parts of S. menthifolia were tested on DBTRG-05MG cell line by MTT assay. The most active primary stems extract was also evaluated for apoptosis induction. Results confirmed the anti-tumor property of all the organs and demonstrated that the primary stems extract induced apoptosis after 4 h with the highest values of DNA fragmentation after 6 to 24 h. Some extracts were also HPLC…

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Le specie vegetali italiane presenti nella normativa CITES dell'Unione Europea.

Italian plant species included in the CITES regulation of European Union-This paper presents the checklist of plant species listed by CITES that grow wild in the Italian boundary. For each species a brief description is given including distribution and synonyms beside the most relevant biological characteristics.

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Monitoring internet trade to inform species conservation actions

Specimens, parts and products of threatened species are now commonly traded on the internet. This could threaten the survival of some wild populations if inadequately regulated. We outline two methods to monitor internet sales of threatened species in order to assess potential threats and inform conservation actions. Our first method combines systematic monitoring of online offers of plants for sale over the internet with consultation by experts experienced in identifying plants collected from the wild based on images of the specimens, species identity and details of the trade. Our second method utilises a computational model, trained using Bayesian techniques to records that have been clas…

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Species of sicilian vascular flora included in the international laws. The present paper aims to divulgate the knowledge of the Sicilian flora protected at international level and includes a check-list of the Sicilian vascular flora recorded in international normatives on the protection of nature and biodiversity. For each normative general information is given together with a reference list to further deepen the contents, the aims and the present implementation in Italy.

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Is in vitro micrografting a possible valid alternative to traditional micropropagation in Cactaceae? Pelecyphora aselliformis as a case study

Several taxa of Cactaceae are endangered by overcollection for commercial purposes, and most of the family is included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). Micropropagation may play a key role to keep the pressure off wild populations and contribute to ex situ conservation of endangered taxa. One of the limits of micropropagation is the species-specific requirement of plant regulators for each taxon and sometimes even for different genotypes. With the micrografting technique the rootstock directly provides the scion with the necessary hormonal requirements. In this paper we present data on in vitro grafting of Pelecyphora aselliformis Eh…

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Calendula maritima is a critically endangered endemic plant of Western Sicily. Besides habitat destruction, the hybridization with the contiguous congener species C. fulgida is a major threat to its conservation. For this reason, seed-based propagation and seed storage are not appropriate for conservation purposes. In the present paper we describe a rapid and prolific in vitro plant regeneration method by direct organogenesis from leaves of C. maritima. Leaf explants were cultured on solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium in the presence of several plant growth regulator combinations. The best shoot multiplication rate (2.5 shoots/explant) was obtained on the medium containing 4.4 µM 6-benzy…

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CITES and Succulents.

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Interspecific variation of inflorescence scents and insect visitors in Allium (Amaryllidaceae: Allioideae)

Allium is a large monocotyledonous genus, with many species of high economic importance. Knowledge of the pollination biology and the chemical ecology of pollination in this genus is far from being complete. We studied flower visitors of some Allium species in their native habitat and how these interaction partners communicate by olfactory cues. Floral volatiles of five Mediterranean species were investigated by dynamic headspace and thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS). Floral visitors were observed and captured. The physiological activity of scent components in antennae of flower visitors and congeneric species was tested by gas chromatographic/electroantenno…

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Does short-term potassium fertilization improve recovery from drought stress in laurel?

Xylem hydraulic conductance varies in response to changes in sap solute content, and in particular of potassium (K(+)) ion concentration. This phenomenon, known as the 'ionic effect', is enhanced in embolized stems, where it can compensate for cavitation-induced loss of hydraulic conductance. Previous studies have shown that in well-watered laurel plants (Laurus nobilis L.), potassium concentration of the xylem sap and plant hydraulic conductance increased 24 h after fertilization with KCl. The aim of this work was to test whether water-stressed laurel plants, grown under low potassium availability, could recover earlier from stress when irrigated with a KCl solution instead of potassium-fr…

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Il Fuoco delle Passole

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Studio preliminare dei Ditteri impollinatori delle Asclepiadaceae nell’isola di Lampedusa.

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Studio preliminare sull’attività antiproliferativa di Salvia menthaefolia Ten. in glioblastoma umano.

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Una inaspettata biodiversità valutata con la trappola malaise: il caso dei collemboli di Lampedusa

All‟interno di uno studio sulla biodiversità dell‟entomofauna dell‟Isola di Lampedusa, che verteva principalmente sulla fauna aerea, si sono trovati diversi taxa normalmente appartenenti alla fauna edafica. Infatti per il monitoraggio sono state utilizzate trappole di tipo Malaise internazionalmente impiegate e consigliate nei protocolli per il monitoraggio di popolazioni di insetti volatori. Inaspettatamente, anche se qualche altro caso è citato in letteratura, si sono rinvenuti diversi taxa più tipicamente rappresentativi della fauna del suolo ed in particolare dell‟epifauna quali chilopodi, collemboli, coleotteri carabidi. La nostra attenzione si è focalizzata sui collemboli in quanto so…

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Essential oil composition of the fruits of Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf (Apocynaceae – Periplocoideae)

The essential oil of the fruits of Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf (Apocynaceae) from Lampedusa Island was obtained by hydrodistillation and its composition was analysed. The analyses allowed the identification and quantification of 64 volatile compounds belonging to different classes. The most abundant compounds were nonacosane, heptacosane, hentriacontane and δ-cadinene. Among the volatile compounds identified in the fruits of P. laevigata subsp. angustifolia, 31 are present in other taxa of Apocynaceae, 19 have antimicrobial activity and four are pheromones for the butterfly Danaus chrysippus. The possible ecological role of the volatile compounds found i…

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Diptera of Lampedusa are poorly known, and the only published data are those of VENTURI (1960) and PISCIOTTA et al. (2008). In the present paper the authors report new records of Syrphidae (Diptera) for Lampedusa island discovered during field investigations carried out for a broader research project in the island. Data are updated to November 2009. Eleven species of Syrphidae new for Lampedusa have been found of which one is new for the Sicilian fauna.

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Valutazione dell’affinità su recettori H1 istaminergici e b2 adrenergici di due estratti di Solanum mammosum L.

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CITES and Cydads - A Users' Guide

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Sapromyophily in two species of Apocynaceae from Lampedusa island

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Key Note Speaker - Thematic Workshop 4 and Planta Europa Targets: sustainable development. Impact of forestry and Agriculture (4 pagine http://www.nerium.net/plantaeuropa/Proceedings.htm#s)

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Caralluma europaea on Lampedusa Island

The paper deals with the Ecology of Caralluma europaea (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoidae) in its type locality.

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The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and the Conservation of Plant Diversity

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Essential oils composition of two Sicilian cultivars of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) fruits (prickly pear).

The essential oils composition of the skin, pulp and seeds from fruits of two Sicilian cultivars of Opuntia ficus-indica (cv. Sanguigna and cv. Surfarina) has been obtained by hydrodistillation and the possible antioxidant, antimicrobial and semiochemical roles have been investigated comparing the data with those reported in the literature. The presence of antioxidants and antimicrobials found in this study increases the spectrum of compounds that have beneficial properties in O. ficus-indica. In addition, several compounds identified in this study have been reported to influence the behaviour of Ceratitis capitata, a phytophagous pest which causes severe damages to several crops including …

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Effect of 2,4-D and 4-CPPU on somatic embryogenesis from stigma and style transverse thin cell layers of Citrus

Callus induction, somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were obtained in lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. cv `Femminello'] and sweet orange [C. sinensis (L.) Osb. cv `Washington Navel GS'] from cultures of stigma and style transverse thin cell layer explants [(t)TCLs]. Explants were cultured on 16 different media, based on the nutrients and vitamins of Murashige and Tucker medium (MT) supplemented with different combinations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-Nprime-phenylurea (4-CPPU). Sucrose (146 mM) was used as the sole carbon source. Somatic embryos arose from callus at the surface of stigma and style (t)TCLs 3–5 months after culture initiation of…

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Water relations of two Sicilian grapevine cultivars in response to potassium availability and drought stress

Abstract We investigated the response of two Sicilian grapevine cultivars, Catarratto and Nero d'Avola, to potassium deficiency and drought stress. Two-year-old plants grafted on 1103 Paulsen were grown in agriperlite, with or without potassium in the fertigation solution for six weeks, and subjected to moderate drought stress by suspending irrigation for one week. Potassium content of leaves, roots and xylem sap were measured with an ion-selective electrode. Changes in stomatal conductance, stem and leaf water potential and hydraulic conductance were compared between genotypes and treatments. Potassium deficiency led to significant decreases in leaf potassium content in both cultivars and …

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Stigma morphology inAylosterasubg.Mediolobivia(Cactaceae) and its importance for systematic investigation

The stigma of 31 taxa of Aylostera (Cactaceae) was studied using environmental scanning electron microscopy. Seven stigma types could be defined, based on the degree of fusion of the stigmatic lobes and, when these are completely separated (types I and II), their orientation. Four types (types IV, V, VI and VII) are present only in Aylostera subg. Mediolobivia, two of which (types IV and VII) are species-specific. Stigma morphology was found to be a good diagnostic character in Aylostera subg. Mediolobivia, allowing in some cases to distinguish species that had been confused previously. The stigmatic types here defined seem apt to characterize natural groups within the subgenus and are usef…

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Lampedusa è un'isola appartenente all'arcipelago delle Pelagie, che è particolarmente interessante per l'aspetto faunistico, in quanto crocevia tra la fauna Europea e Africana. Gli insetti, per la loro abbondanza e diversità in natura, rappresentano una classe nel regno animale particolarmente utile per studiare la biodiversità e i fenomeni di migrazione o emigrazione delle specie, e per valutare inoltre eventuali cambiamenti climatici. Allo stato attuale i dati sull'entomofauna non sono organici e sono riportati in modo spesso frammentario, e la check-list più completa disponibile è datata 1995, quasi venti anni fa. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di impiegare nuove tecniche di ri…

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International Environmental Conventions: the conservation of biodiversity and Moringa stenopetala

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Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of the housefly to “sweet” volatiles of the flowers of Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E. Br.

In sapromyiophilous plants, up to date, long range attraction of fly pollinators has been thoroughly investigated and attributed to ‘‘fetid’’ floral compounds, while the ‘‘sweet’’ floral scent fraction has not been spe- cifically investigated and its role has received little atten- tion. The aim of the present study was to verify if terpenoids, which are the main compounds of the floral bouquet of Caralluma europaea, play a role in the attrac- tion of its pollinator Musca domestica. Terpinolene, a- terpinene and linalool, described as the three main volatiles of the flowers of C. europaea, were evaluated in electro- physiological investigations and blends of these com- pounds as well as the…

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Effects of drought and re-watering on water transport in Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pau

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Metaboliti secondari in Caralluma europaea

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Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from pistil transverse thin cell layers of lemon (Citrus limon)

Callus induction, somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were obtained in Citrus limon (L.) Burm. (cv. Femminello) from cultures of pistil transverse thin cell layer explants [(t)TCLs]. Explants were cultured on two different media, based on Murashige and Skoog salts and vitamins, supplemented with 500 mg l-1 malt extract (MSI), or 500 mg l-1 malt extract and 13.3 ¼M 6-benzylaminopurine (MSII). Sucrose (146 mM) was used as carbon source. Somatic embryos appeared 3 months after culture initiation from stigma and style (t)TCLs; they were observed at the surface of the (t)TCL-derived callus. Although ovary (t)TCLs showed the highest callus formation, they never differentiated somatic emb…

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Leaf-like Structure in the Photosynthetic, Succulent Stems of Cacti

This research examined the hypothesis that as cacti evolve to the leafless condition, the stem epidermis and cortex become more leaflike and more compatible with a photosynthetic role. All cacti in the relict genus Pereskia have non-succulent stems and broad, thin leaves. All members of the derived subfamily Cactoideae are ‘leafless’, having an expanded cortex that is the plant's only photosynthetic tissue. In Pereskia, leaves have a high stomatal density (mean: 50.7 stomata mm−2 in the lower epidermis, 38.1 mm−2 in the upper epidermis), but stems have low stomatal densities (mean: 11.3 mm 2, three of the species have none). Stems of Cactoideae have a high stomatal density (mean: 31.1 mm−2,…

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Studying illegal online trades in plants: market characteristics, organisational and behavioural aspects, and policing challenges

AbstractIllegal commerce in plants and their derivatives threatens and destroys numerous species and important natural resources, and may cause phytosanitary and health problems. This illegal trade, which has been boosted by the commercialisation of the Internet, has been relatively overlooked in criminological research. Furthermore, the policing of illegal plant markets remains limited and poorly resourced, with law enforcement agencies lacking awareness and technical capacity in investigation and prosecution services. Based on semi-structured interviews with law enforcement officers and other relevant experts, this study, developed in the context of the ESRC-funded project “FloraGuard: Ta…

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Volatile constituents of Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill.

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Essential Oil Composition of Alluaudia procera and in Vitro Biological Activity on Two Drug-Resistant Models

Drug resistance is a major obstacle in antibiotic and antitumor chemotherapy. In response to the necessity to find new therapeutic strategies, plant secondary metabolites including essential oils (EOs) may represent one of the best sources. EOs in plants act as constitutive defenses against biotic and abiotic stress, and they play an important role in the pharmacology for their low toxicity, good pharmacokinetic and multitarget activity. In this context, natural products such as EOs are one of the most important sources of drugs used in pharmaceutical therapeutics. The aim of this paper was to identify the chemical composition of the essential oil of Alluaudia procera leaves, obtained by hy…

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Molecular Characterization of Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae by ISSR and RAPD Markers on Eggplant

Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae is a major soil-borne pathogen of eggplant (Solanum melongena). ISSR and RAPD markers were used to characterize Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae isolates collected from eggplant fields in southern Turkey. Those isolates were not pathogenic to tomato. Pathogens were identified by their morphology, and their identity was confirmed by PCR amplifi- cation using the specific primer PF02-3. The isolates were classified into groups on the basis of ISSR and RAPD fingerprints, which showed a level of genetic speci- ficity and diversity not previously identified in Fusarium oxysporum f. melongenae, suggesting that genetic differences are related to the pathogen in the…

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Anemocory dispersal model of Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. in the Island of Lampedusa

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Somatic embryogenesis and flow cytometric assessment of nuclear genetic stability for Sansevieria spp.: an approach for in vitro regeneration of ornamental plants

Sansevieria Thunb. species are traditionally known as succulent ornamental plants worldwide. They are also cultivated for medicinal, fodder, soil conservation and fiber uses, and for their capacity to reduce environmental pollution. Sansevieria sexual propagation is limited by the lack of viable seeds, and reproduction is largely made via vegetative propagation by suckers or cuttings. For these reasons, genetic improvement by conventional breeding is limited. To overcome this problem and to address the increasing demand from customers for novel Sansevieria varieties, many commercial companies regularly use in vitro propagation, as is the case in the breeding process of several ornamental pl…

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Water relations in developing leaves of Lithops hookeri (Berg.) Schwant (Aizoaceae – Ruschioideae)

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Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) larvae feeding on Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Lampedusa Island.

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Dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide: so similar yet so different in evoking biological responses in saprophilous flies

Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS) are used by saprophilous insects to locate breeding sites (decaying organic matter), and by brood-site deceptive flowers to attract such insects. However, little is known about the relative importance of these two compounds in eliciting electrophysiological and behavioral responses in the insects. Here, we compared the relative attractiveness of DMDS and DMTS to saprophilous flies in field choice experiments and tested whether potential differences in field responses can be explained by differences in electrophysiological antennal responses to these compounds. Field experiments revealed that the attractiveness of a mixture of these co…

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The new Access and Benefit Sharing Protocol under the CBD. Implications for non commercial research

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Essential oils composition of Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf (Apocynaceae – Periplocoideae)

The essential oil of roots, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of Periploca laevigata Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Apocynaceae) from Lampedusa Island has been obtained by hydrodistillation and its composition analysed. The analyses allowed the identification and quantification of 86 volatile compounds. Branches showed the higher diversity with 57 compounds followed by fruits with 33, roots with 23, flowers with 16 and leaves with six compounds, respectively. In the matrices examined three constituents, heneicosane, docosane and tricosane are in common, although with different percentages. At least the most abundant compounds found in the matrices have been reported to have several biologica…

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Ecologia di Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) nel sito di Lampedusa.

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Influence of Culture Conditions on In Vitro Asymbiotic Germination of Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana (Orchidaceae)

This study is the first approach to in vitro asymbiotic germination of two species of Sicilian threatened terrestrial orchids, Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana. Seeds were collected in the wild and cultured in two different media—Orchimax medium (OM) and Murashige and Skoog (MS)—and exposed to different photoperiods and temperatures to evaluate the best conditions for the specific stages of development. The germination of A. longicornu was very high on OM (95.5%) and lower on MS medium (21.4%), whereas O. panormitana germinated only on OM medium, with significantly lower percentages (12.0%), compared with A. longicornu. This difference is caused by variation in quality and quant…

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Chemical Composition, In Vitro Antitumor and Pro-Oxidant Activities of Glandora rosmarinifolia (Boraginaceae) Essential Oil

The biological properties of essential oils have been demonstrated in the treatment of several diseases and to enhance the bioavailability of other drugs. In natural habitats the essential oils compounds may play important roles in the protection of the plants as antibacterials, antivirals, antifungals, insecticides and also against herbivores by reducing their appetite for such plants or by repelling undesirable others. We analyzed by gas-chromatography mass spectrometry the chemical composition of the essential oil of aerial parts of Glandora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) D.C. Thomas obtained by hydrodistillation and verified some biological activities on a panel of hepatocellular carcinoma cell …

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New records of Coleoptera Cerambycidae for Lampedusa Island.

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Seasonal pattern of mannitol and malate accumulation in leaves of two manna ash species (Fraxinus ornus L. and F. angustifolia Vahl) growing in Sicily

The content of mannitol and malate was assayed enzimatically during spring, summer and autumn, in leaves of two species of ash traditionally cultivated in Sicily for the extraction of manna. The results suggest that in these species, under the local field conditions, mannitol has a more relevant role than malate in the response to summer drought.

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Carbon and nitrogen isotopic values in Lithops aucampiae during leaf development.

Abstract Lithops (Aizoaceae) are succulent plants consisting of a pair of opposite succulent leaves inserted on an extremely short stem. The apical meristem produces a new leaf pair that develops between the older pair, recycling water and metabolites. This peculiar anatomy and growth form make ecophysiological studies quite challenging. Lithops are considered to have CAM metabolism, though experimental evidence is scarce. We followed the changes in carbon and nitrogen isotopic values in mature leaves, young leaves and roots, with the aim of investigating how the use of resources is optimized to achieve survival in extremely arid environments. Two-year-old plants of Lithops aucampiae were g…

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Attività antiproliferativa di estratti di fusti e radici di Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché

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Antitumor Effect of Glandora rosmarinifolia (Boraginaceae) Essential Oil through Inhibition of the Activity of the Topo II Enzyme in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

It was previously shown that the antitumor and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil (EO) extracted from the aerial parts of Glandora rosmarinifolia appears to involve a pro-oxidant mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines. Its most abundant compound is a hydroxy-methyl-naphthoquinone isomer. Important pharmacological activities, such as antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic activities, are attributed to naphthoquinones, probably due to their pro-oxidant or electrophilic potential; for some naphthoquinones, a mechanism of action of topoisomerase inhibition has been reported, in which they appear to act b…

research product

CITES and Cacti a user's guide

This user’s guide covers the widely traded cactus family and how it is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The guide explores the major groups of cacti in trade, their distribution, conservation status, use and levels of trade as well as the likelihood of illegal trade. All CITES Appendix I taxa and a wide selection of Appendix II taxa are covered in detail. Major exemptions from CITES regulations are also outlined, including cacti not covered by CITES. The guide includes a fully illustrated PowerPoint training presentation with comprehensive speaker notes on CD-ROM.

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Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis in eight Italian grapevine cultivars and the genetic stability of embryo-derived regenerants as assessed by molecular markers

Abstract Embryogenic cultures have been used in cryopreservation, genetic transformation, propagation, virus elimination, induced mutagenesis and in many other biotechnological applications, providing excellent opportunities for biotechnology advances in grapevine. Unfortunately the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis (SE) is genotype-dependent in addition to showing interaction with explant type used and the plant growth regulator (PGR) composition. In order to identify the interaction of these parameters in SE, we tested eight wine grapevine cultivars, three explant types (ovary, anther/filament and stigma/style) and four PGR combinations in a statistically designed experiment. The genoty…

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Antitumor Mechanism of the Essential Oils from Two Succulent Plants in Multidrug Resistance Leukemia Cell

Drug resistance remains a major challenge in the treatment of cancer. The multiplicity of the drug resistance determinants raises the question about the optimal strategies to deal with them. Essential oils showed to inhibit the growth of different tumor cell types. Essential oils contain several chemical classes of compounds whose heterogeneity of active moieties can help prevent the development of drug resistance. In the present paper, we analyzed, by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry the chemical composition of the essential oil of the leaves of Kalanchoe beharensis obtained by hydrodistillation and compared the chemical composition of its essential oil with that of Cyphostemma juttae.…

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Risultati preliminari dell'indagine genetica intraspecifica di Caralluma europea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) nel sito di Lampedusa

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Essential Oils of Chiliadenus Lopadusanus (Asteraceae)

The essential oils from the leaves and flowers of Chiliadenus lopadusanus growing on Lampedusa Island were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The major component was camphor (39.4% in the leaves and 24.0% in the flowers), followed in the leaves by torreyol (6.7%), t-cadinol (5.2%) and 1,8-cineole (3.8%), while in the flowers by t-cadinol (15.2%), t-muurolol (5.1%) and torreyol (4.5%). Among the compounds identified, several seem to play a role in antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic and spasmolytic activity. In addition, several compounds identified in this study seem to influence the attraction of Megachile ( Eutricharaea) apicalis (Megachilidae) and Halictus ( Selado…

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Studio preliminare sul polline di due Apocynacae: Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N. E. Brown (Asclepiadoideae) e Periploca laevigata subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf (Periplocoideae).

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Floral volatiles in a sapromyiophilous plant and their importance in attracting house fly pollinators

Floral scent in sapromyiophilous plants often consists of complex blends with not only fetid (e.g., sulfides) but also sweet (e.g., terpenoids) volatile organic compounds and a recent study suggests that both groups of compounds are involved in pollinator attraction. However, little is known about the number and identity of compounds involved in pollinator attraction in these deceptive plants that mimic breeding sites of fly pollinators. In the present paper, we studied flower volatiles of sapromyiophilous Periploca laevigata and their capability to elicit biological responses in one of the pollinator species, Musca domestica. Floral volatiles were collected by dynamic headspace and analyse…

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Electrophysiological and behavioral studies to test attractants semiochemicals for Stegobium paniceum L. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)

Stegobium paniceum (L.) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae), the drugstore beetle, is one of the major pests for a wide variety of dry and durable stored agricultural products. Females of S. paniceum produce a sex pheromone, (2S,3R,1'R)-Stegobinone, that attracts males. Nevertheless, trapping experiments using the synthetic sex pheromone in many cases showed low levels of captures, perhaps because of isomerization of the pheromone compound in ambient conditions. To date, very few brands of commercially S. paniceum pheromone are available in the market. In this study, we evaluated in electrophysiological (EAG) and behavioral bioassays (two-choice olfactometer), the response of S. paniceum male and femal…

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CITES, wild plants, and opportunities for crime

The illegal trade in endangered plants damages both the environment and localcommunities by threatening and destroying numerous species and important natural resources. There is very little research which systematically addresses this issue by identifying specific opportunities for crime. This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary study which brings together criminological and conservation science expertise to identify criminal opportunities in the illegal wild plant trade and suggest strategies in order to prevent and mitigate the problem. Methodologically, the study adapts a crime proofing of legislation approach to the UN Convention on the International Trade in Endangered…

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Intraspecific genetic analysis in Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) from Lampedusa island (Italy) by ISSR molecular markers.

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The water shuttling hypothesis in Lithops

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Essential oil of Cyphostemma juttae (Vitaceae): Chemical composition and antitumor mechanism in triple negative breast cancer cells

The genus Cyphostemma (Planch.) Alston (Vitaceae) includes about 150 species distrib- uted in eastern and southern Africa and Madagascar. Some species are used in traditional medicine and their biological activities, including antiproliferative effects against cancer cell lines, have been demonstrated. To date no investigations on Cyphostemma essential oils have been carried out. Essential oils, which play important roles in plant defenses have been demonstrated to be active in the treatment of several human diseases and to enhance bioavability of other drugs. The aim of this paper was to identify the chemical composition of the essential oil of the leaves of Cyphostemma juttae (Dinter &amp…

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Seasonal pattern of mannitol and malate accumulation in leaves of two manna ash species (Fraxinus ornusL. andF. angustifoliaVahl) growing in Sicily

ABSTRACT The content of mannitol and malate was assayed enzimatically during spring, summer and autumn, in leaves of two species of ash, Fraxinus ornus L. and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl, traditionally cultivated in Sicily for the extraction of manna. Both species contain high levels of mannitol and show, on a dry weight basis, a 65–80% increase in the summer content of this polyol. The malate content differs in the two species: in F. ornus it shows a summer increase, but it is relatively low (65–115 µmol g-1 DW), while in F. angustifolia it is higher (275–318 µmol g-1 DW), but remains more or less constant throughout the year. The results suggest that in these species, under the local field…

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Procedure semplificate per lo scambio tra istituzioni scientifiche di materiale incluso nella Convenzione sul Commercio Internazionale di Specie di Fauna e Flora Minacciate di Estinzione (CITES).

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Esemplari d’erbario e CITES

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La Convenzione di Washington (CITES): attività in Italia e in Unione Europea

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Floral scent in a sexually deceptive Ophrys orchid: from headspace collections to solvent extractions

Sexually deceptive orchid flowers use visual, tactile and olfactory cues of female insects in order to attract males of one or a few closely related species as pollinators. Ophrys L. is the most species-rich genus of sexually deceptive orchids in the Mediterranean Basin. Despite Ophrys pollinated by Andrena male bees use alkanes and mainly alkenes with specific double-bond positions as key signals that trigger pseudocopulatory behavior, some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with low molecular weight were found as long-range attractants non-eliciting copulatory behavior. Since floral scents in Ophrys have been extensively studied by solvent extractions here we aimed to understand which flor…

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Assorbimento di saccarosio in ipocotili di ravanello (Raphanus sativus L.)

Abstract In questo lavoro abbiamo determinato le caratteristiche di entrata del saccarosio in funzione della sua concentrazione esterna, incubando i pezzi in saccarosio triziato, in condizioni normali e di stress osmotico. Nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento di saccarosio esogeno e lineare in presenza di basse concentrazioni mentre non lo e ad alte concentrazioni. Per quanto riguarda le parti basali la linearita si mantiene per tutte le concentrazioni; inoltre nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento e maggiore che nelle basali e la differenza aumenta all' aumentare delle concentrazioni di saccarosio esterno. Abbiamo poi studiato l'assunzione di saccarosio con osmotici diversi in cui fosse present…

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Le piante succulente: la Convenzione sul Commercio Internazionale di Specie di Fauna e Flora Minacciate di Estinzione (CITES) ed altri spunti di ricerca sulla loro ecofisiologia.

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Headspace Volatile Composition of the Flowers of Caralluma europaea N.E.Br. (Apocynaceae)

The volatile constituents of the flowers of Caralluma (Apteranthes) europaea (Guss.) N.E. Br. (Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae) from Lampedusa Island were analyzed by headspace method. The analyses allowed the identification and quantification of 41 compounds. The main components were, among the monoterpenoids, terpinolene (23.3%), a-terpinene (19.1%) and linalool (18.4%), whereas, among the carbonylic compounds the major constituents were heptanal (2.0%), octanoic acid (2.4%) and hexanoic acid (1.7%). It is worth to mention the presence of a nitrogen containing compound, indole (0.8%) and of a sulphur containing compound, dimethylsulphide (t). The compounds found in the flowers of C. europea…

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In Vitro Modulation of P-Glycoprotein Activity by Euphorbia intisy Essential Oil on Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Line HL-60R

Euphorbia species have a large spectrum of traditional medicinal uses. We tested the biological activities of the essential oil (EO) of Euphorbia intisy Drake in an acquired multidrug resistance leukemia model to assess whether the EO obtained by hydrodistillation of stems was able to reverse the resistant phenotype. HL-60R cell lines are characterized by the overexpression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) and constitutive expression of NF-κB. EO chemical composition was determined by GC/MS analysis

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In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.)

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Phytol and Heptacosane Are Possible Tools to Overcome Multidrug Resistance in an In Vitro Model of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Drug resistance is the ability of cancer cells to gain resistance to both conventional and novel chemotherapy agents, and remains a major problem in cancer therapy. Resistance mechanisms are multifactorial and involve more strictly pharmacological factors, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and biological factors such as inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) and the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) pathway. Possible therapeutic strategies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have increased in recent years; however, drug resistance remains a problem for most pa-tients. Phytol and heptacosane are the major compounds of Euphorbia intisy essential oil (EO) which were demonstrated to inhi…

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Potassium deficiency and drought stress in grapevine cultivars

Potassium availability affects drought responses in plants through several metabolic roles, among which stomatal regulation, cell growth and xylem hydraulics. Vitis vinifera L. is a highly valuable crop and several genotypes have been selected during its millennial cultivation. Varieties show differences in their adaptability to stress conditions, making them more or less suitable to certain climatic and edaphic conditions. The varieties cultivated in Sicily are characterized by high variability. We investigated the response of two Sicilian cultivars (Nero d'Avola and Catarratto) to potassium deficiency and drought stress. Two-year-old grafted plants were grown in agriperlite, with or witho…

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Cactaceae and Chiroptera: a mutualistic relationship more common than expected?

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Water Potential Gradients between Old and Developing Leaves in Lithops (Aizoaceae).

Lithops plants consist of a pair of opposite succulent leaves inserted on a short stem. The apical meristem produces a new pair of leaves within the old one every growing season, recycling water from the old leaves. Since there are no data on water relations between the two pairs of leaves, we measured leaf water potential at different stages of development with a pressure chamber. Osmotic potential of cell sap was measured with a cryoscopic osmometer and turgor pressure was calculated indirectly. Leaf water potentials were never very low even though plants were not irrigated. In old leaves water potential ranged between -0.5 and -0.28 MPa. In young leaves water potential increased with siz…

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Essential Oil Composition of Stems and Fruits of Caralluma europaea N.E.Br. (Apocynaceae)

The essential oil of the stems and fruits of Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Apocynaceae) from Lampedusa Island has been obtained by hydrodistillation and its composition analyzed. The analyses allowed the identification and quantification of 74 volatile compounds, of which 16 were aromatic and 58 non-aromatic. Stems and fruits contained 1.4% and 2.7% of aromatic compounds respectively, while non-aromatic were 88.3% and 88.8%. Non-aromatic hydrocarbons were the most abundant compounds in both organs, followed by fatty acids. Data showed differences in the profiles between stems and fruits which shared only eighteen compounds; stems accounted for 38 compounds while fruits for 53. Fruits …

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CITES and Cacti - A User’s Guide


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Dimorphism in inflorescence scent of dioecious wild grapevine

Abstract Wild grapevine ( Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris ) is the dioecious ancestral form of grapevine, from which the domesticated cultivars have derived ( V. vinifera subsp. vinifera ). Little is known about the floral scent compounds of wild grapevine that is considered as being partly insect pollinated. The knowledge of volatiles released by male and female inflorescence may contribute to the understanding of the pollination biology of this endangered taxon. Inflorescence scents of male and female individuals were collected by dynamic headspace and analysed by thermal desorption-GC/MS. A total of 17 compounds of C5-branched chain alcohols, aliphatics, aromatics, and terpenoids were i…

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First records of pollinators of two co-occurring Mediterranean Apocynaceae

This article presents results of a field survey of pollinators of two Apocynaceae, Periploca laevigata subsp. angustifolia (Labill.)Markgraf (Periplocoideae) and Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. Asclepiadoideae) co-occurring on Lampedusa Island, Mediterranean sea. Fifteen species within nine families of Diptera have been identified as pollinators of the two plants. The families involved are Tephritidae, Milichiidae, Trixoscelididae, cathophagidae, Anthomyiidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Rhinophoridae. Families of Muscidae and Sarcophagidae are the more represented, respectively with four and three species. P. laevigata subsp. angustifolia seems to have a broader spectrum of …

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La definizione di propagazione artificiale nella CITES.


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Data from: Do island plant populations really have lower genetic variation than mainland populations? Effects of selection and distribution range on genetic diversity estimates

Ecological and evolutionary studies largely assume that island populations display low levels of neutral genetic variation. However, this notion has only been formally tested in a few cases involving plant taxa, and the confounding effect of selection on genetic diversity (GD) estimates based on putatively neutral markers has typically been overlooked. Here, we generated nuclear microsatellite and plastid DNA sequence data in Periploca laevigata, a plant taxon with an island-mainland distribution area, to (i) investigate whether selection affects GD estimates of populations across contrasting habitats and (ii) test the long-standing idea that island populations have lower GD than their main…

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