Alberto Fucarino
Extracellular vesicles in airway homeostasis and pathophysiology
The epithelial–mesenchymal trophic unit (EMTU) is a morphofunctional entity involved in the maintenance of the homeostasis of airways as well as in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The “muco-microbiotic layer” (MML) is the innermost layer of airways made by microbiota elements (bacteria, viruses, archaea and fungi) and the surrounding mucous matrix. The MML homeostasis is also crucial for maintaining the healthy status of organs and its alteration is at the basis of airway disorders. Nanovesicles produced by EMTU and MML elements are probably the most important tool of communication among the different cell types, inclu…
Hsp60 quantification in human gastric mucosa shows differences between pathologies with various degrees of proliferation and malignancy grade
Background: Stomach diseases are an important sector of gastroenterology, including proliferative benign
Functional characterization of a novel 3D model of the epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit
Background/Aim: Epithelial-mesenchymal communication plays a key role in tissue homeostasis and abnormal signaling contributes to chronic airways disease such as COPD. Most in vitro models are limited in complexity and poorly represent this epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit. We postulated that cellular outgrowth from bronchial tissue would enable development of a mucosal structure that recapitulates better in vivo tissue architecture. Materials and Methods: Bronchial tissue was embedded in Matrigel and outgrowth cultures monitored using time-lapse microscopy, electrical resistance, light and electron microscopy. Cultures were challenged repetitively with cigarette smoke extract (CSE). Res…
Role of chronic exposure to cigarette smoke on endoglin/CD105 expression in airway epithelium
Dysregulation of airway epithelium function related to cigarette smoke exposure plays an important role in the pathophysiology of COPD and is associated to tissue damage and disease severity. CD105 is a component of the receptor complex of TGF-β, a pleiotropic cytokine involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation and migration. CD105 regulates the expression of different components of the extracellular matrix suggesting a role of CD105 in cellular transmigration and remodeling processes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of endoglin/CD105 in airway epithelium of COPD patients and its involvement in tissue remodeling and COPD progression. We evaluated the …
Proeryptotic Activity of 4-Hydroxynonenal: A New Potential Physiopathological Role for Lipid Peroxidation Products
Background: Eryptosis is a physiological, apoptosis-like death of injured erythrocytes crucial to prevent premature haemolysis and the pathological sequalae generated by cell-free haemoglobin. When dysregulated, the process is associated to several inflammatory-based pathologies. 4-Hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE) is an endogenous signalling molecule at physiological levels and, at higher concentrations, is involved in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory-based diseases. This work evaluated whether HNE could induce eryptosis in human erythrocytes. Methods: Measurements of phosphatidylserine, cell volume, intracellular oxidants, Ca++, glutathione, ICAM-1, and ceramide were assessed by flow …
The Odyssey of Hsp60 from Tumor Cells to Other Destinations Includes Plasma Membrane-Associated Stages and Golgi and Exosomal Protein-Trafficking Modalities
BACKGROUND: In a previous work we showed for the first time that human tumor cells secrete Hsp60 via exosomes, which are considered immunologically active microvesicles involved in tumor progression. This finding raised questions concerning the route followed by Hsp60 to reach the exosomes, its location in them, and whether Hsp60 can be secreted also via other mechanisms, e.g., by the Golgi. We addressed these issues in the work presented here. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that Hsp60 localizes in the tumor cell plasma membrane, is associated with lipid rafts, and ends up in the exosomal membrane. We also found evidence that Hsp60 localizes in the Golgi apparatus and its secretion is prevent…
PBDEs affect inflammatory and oncosuppressive mechanisms via the EZH2 methyltransferase in airway epithelial cells
Abstract Aims We aimed to investigate the effect of PBDEs (47, 99, 209) on cellular events involved in epigenetic modification, inflammation, and epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT). Materials and methods We studied: 1) ERK1/2 phosphorylation; 2) Enhancer of Zester Homolog 2 (EZH2); 3) Histone H3 tri-methylated in lysine 27 (H3K27me3); 4) K-RAS; 5) silencing disabled homolog 2-interacting protein gene (DAB2IP), 6) let-7a; 7) Muc5AC/Muc5B, and 8) IL-8 in a 3D in vitro model of epithelium obtained with primary Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial cells (pNHBEs) or A549 cell line, chronically exposed to PBDEs (47, 99, 209). Key findings PBDEs (10 nM, 100 nM and 1 μM) increased ERK1/2 phosphor…
Hsp60 secretion and migration from cancer cells: a proposal for a multistage pathway
Molecular mimicry in the post-COVID-19 signs and symptoms of neurovegetative disorders?
Many individuals who have severe forms of COVID-19 experience a suite of neurovegetative signs and symptoms (eg, tachycardia) after their recovery, suggesting that the imbalance of the sympathetic-parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system1 could continue for many weeks or months after respiratory symptoms stop. Moreover, a reduction of the parasympathetic tone could have a role in restricting the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, thus favouring hyperinflammation and cytokine storm in the most severe phases of the disease. As reported by Guglielmo Lucchese in The Lancet Microbe,2 SARS-CoV-2 can damage the nervous system via an indirect mechanism, resulting in a high preva…
Quantitative immunomorphological analysis of heat shock proteins in thyroid follicular adenoma and carcinoma tissues reveals their potential for differential diagnosis and points to a role in carcinogenesis
Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 are chaperones that play a crucial role in cellular homeostasis and differentiation, but they may be implicated in carcinogenesis. Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid include follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma. The former is a very frequent benign encapsulated nodule, whereas the other is a nodule that infiltrates the capsule, blood vessels and the adjacent parenchyma, with a tendency to metastasize. The main objective was to assess the potential of the Hsps in differential diagnosis and carcinogenesis. We quantified by immunohistochemistry Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 on thin sections of human thyroid tissue with follicular adenoma or follicular ca…
Augmented Reality Gamification for Human Anatomy
This paper focuses on the use of Augmented Reality technologies in relation to the introduction of game design elements to support university medical students in their learning activities during a human anatomy laboratory. In particular, the solution we propose will provide educational contents visually connected to the physical organ, giving also the opportunity to handle a 3D physical model that is a perfect reproduction of a real human organ.
A dynamic air–liquid interface system for in vitro mimicking of the nasal mucosa
The development of an in vitro 3D model for the growth of the nasal mucosa cells can improve the therapy and the study of pathological states for subjects with chronic airway conditions. We have previously characterized a system consisting of a scaffold with an internal channel and a perfusion bioreactor with two independent flows provided by an external and an internal circuit, respectively. In this paper, this system was designed as a model of the nasal cavity, in which cells, grown on the inner surface of the scaffold channel, would be in contact at the same time with both culture medium, supplied by the external circuit, and air, provided with the internal flow. To ensure adequate nutri…
Cigarette smoke causes caspase-independent apoptosis of bronchial epithelial cells from asthmatic donors
BackgroundEpidemiologic studies have demonstrated important links between air pollution and asthma. Amongst these pollutants, environmental cigarette smoke is a risk factor both for asthma pathogenesis and exacerbation. As the barrier to the inhaled environment, the bronchial epithelium is a key structure that is exposed to cigarette smoke.ObjectivesSince primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) from asthmatic donors are more susceptible to oxidant-induced apoptosis, we hypothesized that they would be susceptible to cigarette smoke-induced cell death.MethodsPBECs from normal and asthmatic donors were exposed to cigarette smoke extract (CSE); cell survival and apoptosis were assessed by fl…
Medium-term Culture of Normal Human Oral Mucosa: A Novel Three-dimensional Model to Study the Effectiveness of Drugs Administration
Tissue-engineered oral mucosal equivalents have been developed for in vitro studies for a few years now. However, the usefulness of currently available models is still limited by many factors, mainly the lack of a physiological extracellular matrix (ECM) and the use of cell populations that do not reflect the properly differentiated cytotypes of the mucosa of the oral cavity. For this reason, we have developed a novel three-dimensional culture model reflecting the normal architecture of the human oral mucosa, with the main aim of creating a better in vitro model where to test cellular responses to drugs administration. This novel 3D cell culture model (3D outgrowth) was set up using an arti…
Three-Dimensional Bioprinting for Cartilage Tissue Engineering: Insights into Naturally-Derived Bioinks from Land and Marine Sources
In regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, the possibility to: (I) customize the shape and size of scaffolds, (II) develop highly mimicked tissues with a precise digital control, (III) manufacture complex structures and (IV) reduce the wastes related to the production process, are the main advantages of additive manufacturing technologies such as three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting. Specifically, this technique, which uses suitable hydrogel-based bioinks, enriched with cells and/or growth factors, has received significant consideration, especially in cartilage tissue engineering (CTE). In this field of interest, it may allow mimicking the complex native zonal hyaline cartilage organiza…
From Dysbiosis to Neurodegenerative Diseases through Different Communication Pathways: An Overview
The microbiome research field has rapidly evolved over the last few decades, becoming a major topic of scientific and public interest. The gut microbiota (GM) is the microbial population living in the gut. The GM has many functions, such as maintaining gut homeostasis and host health, providing defense against enteric pathogens, and involvement in immune system development. Several studies have shown that GM is implicated in dysbiosis and is presumed to contribute to neurodegeneration. This review focuses mainly on describing the connection between the intestinal microbiome alterations (dysbiosis) and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases to explore the mechanisms that link the GM to nerv…
Airway epithelial dysfunction and mesenchymal transition in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Role of Oct-4
Abstract The airway epithelium is a dynamic tissue that undergoes slow but constant renewal. Dysregulation of airway epithelial function related to cigarette smoke exposure plays an important role in the pathophysiology of COPD. Oct4 is a transcription factor responsible for maintaining cellular self-renewal and regeneration, and CD146 and CD105/Endoglin are adhesion molecules involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, epithelial-mesenchymal-transition and tissue remodeling. Bronchial biopsy specimens (BBs) were obtained from 7 healthy controls (HC) and 10 COPD and subjected to paraffin embedding; BBs from HC were also used for epithelial cell expansion and pHBEC/ALI (air-liquid inter…
Biological evaluation of PLLA membranes, with different pore diameters, to stimulate cell adhesion and growth in vitro
Polymeric membranes prepared via DIPS (Diffusion Induced Phase Separation) are widely studied and utilized as scaffolds for the regeneration of tissue. In this work, poly (L)-lactide membrane are prepared through a DIPS protocol starting from a ternary solution made of polymer, dioxane (solvent) and water (non-solvent). A three-dimensional, porous and mechanically stable membrane is desirable for ingrowth of human bronchial epithelial cells. Polymeric membranes prepared via DIPS (Diffusion Induced Phase Separation) are widely studied and utilized as scaffolds for the regeneration of tissue. In this work, poly (L)-lactide membrane are prepared through a DIPS protocol starting from a ternary …
Probiotics Can Cure Oral Aphthous-Like Ulcers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: A Review of the Literature and a Working Hypothesis
Dysbiosis has been associated with the onset of several chronic autoimmune or inflammatory pathologies (e.g., inflammatory bowel diseases—IBD), because of its primary role in the establishment of a chronic inflammatory process leading to tissue damage. Inflammatory bowel diseases can even involve areas far away from the gut, such as the extraintestinal manifestations involving the oral cavity with the onset of aphthous-like ulcers (ALU). Studies carried out on animal models have shown that intestinal dysbiosis may be related to the development of autoimmune diseases, even if the mechanisms involved are not yet well known. The aim of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that in inflammator…
Space medicine: use of ex vivo human respiratory mucosa in the survey of the effects of microgravity on the respiratory system
In the near future, the length and scope of space travel is set to increase significantly. The number of individuals who will have access to extra-terrestrial travels is also increasing. In view of the growing international interest towards manned long-term space exploration, possible effects of exposure to microgravity conditions affecting the respiratory system are subject of interest by major space agencies (NASA and ESA primarily). Our team has developed an advanced 3d tissue model of the human bronchial mucosa within a wide research project involving several universities and space agencies at international level. The model will be used to study the structural/functional alterations of …
The eSports conundrum: is the sports sciences community ready to face them? A perspective
The reality of eSports is something much more complex than individual users playing video games. There are several characteristics that eSports have in common with traditional sports: from the spirit of competition to the structural composition of the teams, including the increase in performance with training and practice, up to the injuries and physical and psychological stress of the athlete. The number of scientific papers interested in this reality is still relatively low, although in recent years there has been a significant increase in this regard. Probably the lack of knowledge of the world of eSports by inexperts can represent an initial obstacle in the approach to this environment.…
Human molecular chaperones share with SARS-CoV-2 antigenic epitopes potentially capable of eliciting autoimmunity against endothelial cells: possible role of molecular mimicry in COVID-19
Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the cause of COVID-19 disease, has the potential to elicit autoimmunity because mimicry of human molecular chaperones by viral proteins. We compared viral proteins with human molecular chaperones, many of which are heat shock proteins, to determine if they share amino acid-sequence segments with immunogenic-antigenic potential, which can elicit cross-reactive antibodies and effector immune cells with the capacity to damage-destroy human cells by a mechanism of autoimmunity. We identified the chaperones that can putatively participate in molecular mimicry phenomena after SARS-CoV-2 infection, focusing on those for which endotheli…
Hsp60, amateur chaperone in amyloid-beta fibrillogenesis
BACKGROUND: Molecular chaperones are a very special class of proteins that play essential roles in many cellular processes like folding, targeting and transport of proteins. Moreover, recent evidence indicates that chaperones can act as potentially strong suppressor agents in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Indeed, in vitro experiments demonstrate that several chaperones are able to significantly slow down or suppress aggregation of Aβ peptide and in vivo studies reveal that treatment with specific chaperones or their overexpression can ameliorate some distinct pathological signs characterizing AD. METHODS: Here we investigate using a biophysical approach (fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), t…
The Challenging Riddle about the Janus-Type Role of Hsp60 and Related Extracellular Vesicles and miRNAs in Carcinogenesis and the Promises of Its Solution
Hsp60 is one of the most ancient and evolutionarily conserved members of the chaperoning system. It typically resides within mitochondria, in which it contributes to maintaining the organelle’s proteome integrity and homeostasis. In the last few years, it has been shown that Hsp60 also occurs in other locations, intracellularly and extracellularly, including cytosol, plasma-cell membrane, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Consequently, non-canonical functions and interacting partners of Hsp60 have been identified and it has been realized that it is a hub molecule in diverse networks and pathways and that it is implicated, directly or indirectly, in the development of various pathological co…
Cigarette smoke alters primary human bronchial epithelial cell (PBEC) differentiation atAir-Liquid Interface (ALI): role of Oct-4, CD146 and CD105
The airway epithelium is a dynamic tissue that undergoes slow but constant renewal. Dysregulation of airway epithelial cell function related to cigarette smoke (CS) exposure plays an important role in the pathophysiology of COPD. Oct-4 is the crucial POU domain transcription factor responsible for maintaining cellular self-renewal and regeneration, and CD146 and CD105 are adhesion molecule involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tissue remodelling. Bronchial biopsy specimens (BBs) were obtained from 9 healthy controls (C) and 9 COPD. ALI cultures of PBEC from C were exposed to CS extract (CSE) for 7, 14, 21 days. Oct-4, CD105 and CD146 expr…
Cigarette smoke alters primary human bronchial epithelial cell (PBEC) differentiation at air-liquid interface (ALI) and induces expression of CD105 and CD146
Dys-regulation of airway epithelial cell function related to cigarette smoke exposure plays an important role in the pathophysiology of COPD. CD105, a component of TGF-β complex, and CD146, an epithelial-mesenchymal transition inducer, are adhesion molecules involved in cellular proliferation, differentiation, transmigration and tissue remodelling. After validation of an ex vivo ALI culture of PBEC, we assessed the effect of long-term cigarette smoke extract (CSE) exposure on epithelium regeneration and differentiation. Endobronchial biopsy specimens (EBBs) were obtained from 8 controls (C) and 9 COPD. ALI cultures from EBBs of C were exposed to CSE for 7, 14, 21 days. Transepithelial Elect…
Robotic-Assisted Neck Dissection: Our Experience
Abstract Introduction Robotic neck dissection surgery allows less invasiveness to significantly improve the aesthetic impact even though it does not compromise the principles of radical cancer procedure. Objective The aim of our work is to describe our personal experience with robotic neck dissection surgery. Methods A retrospective study was conducted by analyzing 10 patients subjected to a robotic neck dissection surgery. In the period from August 2012 to December 2018, these patients have been treated exclusively with robotic lateral-cervical dissection. Five of them were subjected to robotic-assisted transaxillary neck dissection (RATAND) and the other 5 treated with robotic-assisted re…
Angiotensin II dependent cardiac remodeling in the eel Anguilla anguilla involves the NOS/NO system
Angiotensin II (AngII), the principal effector of the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS), plays an important role in controlling mammalian cardiac morpho-functional remodelling. In the eel Anguilla anguilla, one month administration of AngII improves cardiac performance and influences the expression and localization of molecules which regulate cell growth. To deeper investigate the morpho-functional chronic influences of AngII on the eel heart and the molecular mechanisms involved, freshwater eels (A. anguilla) were intraperitoneally injected for 2 months with AngII (1 nmol g BW-1). Then the isolated hearts were subjected to morphological and western blotting analyses, and nitrite measurements.…
Role of HSP60/HSP10 in Lung Cancer: Simple Biomarkers or Leading Actors?
Cancers are one of the major challenges faced by modern medicine both because of their impact in terms of the amount of cases and of the ineffectiveness of therapies used today. A concrete support to the fight against them can be found in the analysis and understanding of the molecular mechanisms involving molecular chaperones. In particular, HSP60 and HSP10 seem to play an important role in carcinogenesis, supporting tumours in their proliferation, survival, and metastasis. Efforts must be directed toward finding ways to eliminate or block this “mistaken” chaperone. Therefore, the scientific community must develop therapeutic strategies that consider HSP60 and HSP10 as the possible target …
The Microbiota Is Not an Organ: Introducing the Muco-Microbiotic Layer as a Novel Morphofunctional Structure
In this paper, we want to refute the notion that the microbiota should be considered an organ, given that an organ comprises tissue of similar or different embryological origin, while the microbiota is a pool of different microbial species originating individually from single replications and not from a common ancestral cellular element. Hence, we would like to propose a new morphological interpretation of its nature, based on the comprehensive context in which these microbes live: a muco-microbiotic layer of hollow organs, such as the airways and the bowel. The above concept should represent not only a new terminological annotation but also a more accurate portrayal of the physiology and p…
Stem Cell Populations and Regenerative Potential in Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases
Several acute and chronic inflammatory pathologies of the lung are accompanied by structural modifications of airway mucosa that vary depending on the severity, duration and type of the disease. These morphological changes, that determine organ dysfunction, are not always reversible. Indeed, the cycle of injury and repair, influencing airway wall re- generation, may sometimes break off and an exacerbation of the pathology may occur. The mechanisms at the base of airway remodelling during inflammation have been widely studied and numerous evidences indicate that the molecular dialogue among the cells of the mucosa has an essential role in orchestrating cell differentiation and tissue repair.…
Medium-Term Culture of Primary Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Three- Dimensional Model: Effects on Cell Survival Following Topical 5-Fluororacile Delivery by Drug-Loaded Matrix Tablets
Since the activity of several conventional anticancer drugs is restricted by resistance mechanisms and dose-limiting side-effects, the design of formulations for local application on malignant lesions seems to be an efficient and promising drug delivery approach. In this study, the effect of locally applied 5-FU on cell death was evaluated both in a SCC4/HEK001 model and in a newly proposed 3D outgrowth model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Initially, the optimal drug dose was established by delivery of solutions containing different amounts of 5-FU. The solution containing 1% (w/v) of 5-FU resulted effective in inducing cell death with complete eradication of cell colonies. Buccal …
Functional characterization of a novel 3D model of the epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit
Background/Aim: Epithelial-mesenchymal communication plays a key role in tissue homeostasis and abnormal signaling contributes to chronic airways disease such as COPD. Most in vitro models are limited in complexity and poorly represent this epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit. We postulated that cellular outgrowth from bronchial tissue would enable development of a mucosal structure that recapitulates better in vivo tissue architecture. Materials and Methods: Bronchial tissue was embedded in Matrigel and outgrowth cultures monitored using time-lapse microscopy, electrical resistance, light and electron microscopy. Cultures were challenged repetitively with cigarette smoke extract (CSE). Res…