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Mononuclear heterocyclic rearrangements—vi
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the mononuclear heterocyclic rearrangements. The chapter discusses the ring conversion of type 1→2 characterized by nucleophilic attack from a Z atom on a sp 2 -nitrogen atom with displacement of an atom. On this basis, the known ring conversions are tabulated. Taking into account the reactivities observed in the rearrangements, results are presented for 1,2,4-oxadiazole, isoxazole, and 1,2,5-oxadiazole. The sequence involving an oxime group in the side chain is discussed. The chapter presents several attempts for inducing rearrangements in which the reaction center of the starting ring is an atom other than nitrogen. Rearrangement of arylhydrazones …
Las artes decorativas en la cerámica ibérica valenciana
Coût d'entretien et d'éducation d'un enfant
Imidazol-4-carbinole aus Iminoestern und Dihydroxyaceton. 2. Mitt. über Imidazolsynthesen mit flüssigem Ammoniak
Imidazol-4-carbinole 3 mit funktionellen Gruppen am C-Atom 2 lassen sich aus Iminoestern 1 und Dihydroxyaceton (2) in flussigem Ammoniak unter Druck darstellen. Imidazole-4-carbinols from Iminoesters and Dihydroxyacetone Imidazole-4-carbinols 3 with functional groups at C-atom 2 are obtained from iminoesters 1 and dihydroxyacetone (2) in liquid ammonia under pressure.
The effect of methacholine on noradrenaline release from the rabbit heart perfused with indometacin
The experiments were undertaken in order to study the effect of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis on the muscarinic inhibition of noradrenaline release evoked by sympathetic nerve stimulation. The right sympathetic nerves of the perfused rabbit heart were stimulated electrically. The noradrenaline output was enhanced after perfusion of the hearts with indometacin 3×10−5 M indicating blockade of the prostaglandin-mediated negative feedback control. Both in the presence and in the absence of indometacin methacholine 4×10−5 M decreased the noradrenaline output by a similar percentage. It is concluded that the muscarinic inhibition of noradrenaline release does not require the functional in…
Revised structure for siderin
L'utilisation du sol comme système épurateur
National audience
Kinetische Analyse der Calcium-Kompartimente im Meerschweinchenherzen unter Kontrollbedingungen und Strophanthineinwirkung
A quantitative analysis of myocardial Ca-metabolism was carried out on isolated, isovolumetric (10 ml/min) perfused guinea pig hearts by combined determinations of the total Ca-content and kinetics of 45Ca-efflux (collecting period 60 min) (Fig. 1). The kinetics of 45Ca-uptake was estimated by extrapolating 45Ca-efflux curves of heart muscles isotopically loaded for different times (2, 5, 10, 30 60 min) to the end of the loading-period (Fig. 2).
Influence of template inactivators on the binding of DNA polymerase to DNA.
The agents daunomycin, ethidium bromide, distamycin A and cytochrome c inhibit DNA dependent DNA polymerase I (E. coli) reaction competitively to DNA. The influence of these template inactivators on the binding of DNA polymerase to native as well as denatured DNA has been determined by affinity chromatography. Cytochrome c blocks the binding of the enzyme to double-stranded and to single-stranded DNA Sepharose. In contrast to these results daunomycin, ethidium bromide or distamycin A reduce the binding affinity only with denatured DNA Sepharose as matrix. These data are discussed with respect to the modification by template inactivators of the affinity of DNA to the different binding sites …
Las agitaciones campesinas de la huerta de Valencia (1878-1879): sus orígenes históricos
The Influence of the Fir Absorption on the Dielectric Behaviour of Rigid Polar Molecules in Very Dilute Solutions
In view of the FIR absorption the dielectric loss of ten polar molecules — with different volume between furan and 4-bromobiphenyl — has been measured in very dilute solutions at 11 fixed frequencies over an extended range from 0.3 to 300 GHz. Solvents are heptane, cyclohexane, mesitylene, and decalin. For these rigid polar molecules a second high frequency absorption region with time constants of 1–3 ps can be separated from the predominant Debye absorption. This additional absorption decreases with increasing Debye relaxation time. Various molecular motions contributing to this absorption are discussed.
The fine structure of de-and reinnervated muscle spindles
Reinnervated muscle spindles in lower lumbrical muscles of rats studied 17 days to 24 months after crushing the sciatic nerve showed a series of alterations which have not been analysed, thus far, by electron microscopy. There was a striking increase of the number of intrafusal muscle fibers seen in approximately 20% of reinnervated spindles. These spindles showed 5–11 intrafusal muscle fibers whereas normal spindles usually contained 3–4 fibers only.
Mössbauer spectroscopy of mono-organotin(IV) derivatives
Abstract The Mossbauer parameters isomer shift, δ, and quadrupole splitting, ΔE, of mono-organotin compounds insofar investigated have been collected and tabulated. It is demonstrated that isomer shifts consistently depend on ligand electronegativities and coordination numbers, from which it is deduced that RSn IV behave much more as Sn IV rather than R 2 Sn IV and R 3 Sn IV derivatives. The changes of δ for RSn IV are then interpreted by hypotheses analogous to those advanced for Sn IV and its adducts and complexes. It is also inferred that in RSn IV compounds there is a consistent s-character in all tin-ligand atom bonds.
Referencias árabes a las costas de la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media
Zur invers-voltammetrischen Bestimmung des Cadmiums in Aerosolen
Zur invers-voltammetrischen Bestimmung kleiner Cadmiumgehalte in Aerosolsammel-proben wird die Abtrennung des Cadmiums durch Verdampfung im Wasserstoffstrom bei hoherer Temperatur nach vorausgehender Oxydation der Probe im Sauerstoffstrom vorgeschlagen. In 125 cm2 Filterprobe konnen noch 0,15–0,25 μg Cd mit Sicherheit bestimmt werden. Einzelheiten und Ergebnisse des Verfahrens werden mitgeteilt.
The attack readiness of maleHaplochromis burtoni (Cichlidae, Pisces) reared in isolation
The attack readiness of maleHaplochromis burtoni is raised by an optimal dummy (Fig. 1) which possesses the vertical component of the black head pattern but not by a neutral dummy (Fig. 1). Kasper Hausers differ from normal males in that they react to both dummies in the same way — the attack readiness is increased by the same amount. When these Kaspar Hausers are put into community tanks for 8 weeks, they again do not react differently to the two dummies. Whether this difference in reaction to the different dummies is caused by disturbed perceptual development or by a lack of social experience is discussed.
Joint involvement in psoriasis.
21 unselected hospital patients with psoriasis (7 female, 14 males) were examined for joint lesions by clinical, roentgenological and scintigraphical methods (6 mCi99mTc-Pertechnetate, 4 mCi99mTc-Pyrophosphate). According to traditional concepts only 5 patients suffered from psoriatic arthropathy, in 8 other patients an extensive case history revealed some joint complaints.
Une méthode de calcul par éléments finis des mouvements de liquides dans des réservoirs rigides ou déformables
National audience
Exogenous and endogenous provocation of psoriasis. A contribution to the Koebner phenomenon.
Previous literature reports as well as own investigations concerning exogenously and endogenously induced Koebner-reactions in psoriatics are presented. The time interval between irritation and the Koebner-reaction is emphasized. It is proposed, that the intensity of the psoriatic reaction is mediated by circulating DHEA-deficiency. Hypothetical models are presented which allow to explain the different developmental rates of psoriatic lesions in relation to the type of irritation, the area affected and the subsequent proliferative responses.
Expression of Histocompatibility Antigens during the Growth Cycle of Cultured Lymphoid Cells
Histocompatibility antigens are genetically determined markers which are located on plasma membranes of tissue cells of each member of a species. HL-A antigens are the gene products of the major histocompatibility locus in man and represent the human counterparts of the H-2, Ag-B, ChL-A and DL-A systems in mice, rats, chimpanzees and dogs, respectively (Palm, 1964; Snell and Stimpfling, 1966; Rapaport et al., 1970; Balner et al., 1971; Klein and Shreffler, 1971). The great interest in the serologic, genetic, chemical and immunological characterization of histocompatibility antigens is attributable to the fact they provide cell surface markers useful in selecting transplant donors and recipi…
Adsorption enrichment of some azo dye complexes on a carbon paste electrode and its application to the determination of small concentrations of cobal…
The azo dyes eriochrome black T, eriochrome blueblack R and eriochrome blueblack B and their complexes with cobalt, manganese and magnesium show adsorption enrichment on carbon paste electrodes, dependent on the composition of the electrode filling. This effect may be used for the determination of cobalt and manganese by a.c. voltammetry in the 10−7 to 10−6 M range. Standard deviation has been found to be ± 3.2 and ± 3.5%, respectively.
On speeding up synthesis and prediction of functions
Imidazole aus Aldehyden, 1,2-Diketonen und flüssigem Ammoniak. 3. Mitt. über Imidazolsynthesen mit flüssigem Ammoniak
Bei der Darstellung von Imidazolen (3) aus aliphatischen oder aromatischen Aldehyden (1) und 1,2-Diketonen (2) in flussigem Ammoniak unter Druck konnen die verschiedenen Moglichkeiten der C-Substitution des Imidazolkerns realisiert werden. Imidazoles from Aldehydes, 1,2-Diketones and Liquid Ammonia If imidazoles (3) are prepared from aliphatic or aromatic aldehydes (1) and 1,2-diketones (2) in liquid ammonia under pressure, all possibilities of C-substitution of the imidazole nucleus can be realized.
Dust Envelope in Young Supernova Remnants
As stated by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe (1970), hereafter referred to as HW, a significant fraction of the mass ejected by exploding supernovae may condense into solid particles during the expansion phase following explosion. Hence, observable effects on supernova light curves are to be expected.
Experimente zur Zeolithbildung durch hydrothermale Umwandlung
The formation of zeolites by hydrothermal alteration has been investigated by taking trass from the Laach volcanic area as a sample. Zeolites to be found are chabazite, phillipsite and analcime, all of which originated from the same phonolitic glass. This paper aims at explaining the formation of zeolites by means of experimental alteration of the pumice with various solutions. NaOH and KOH solutions were used in the experiments, these limited the formation conditions of chabazite, phillipsite, analcime in alkaline environments. Moreover, experiments were carried out with H2O dist and with solutions that formed during the alteration of pumice by reacting with H2O. These experiments were con…
Éducation et égalité
Die Wirkung des Traumas auf den Organismus
Die Wirkung eines Traumas auf den Organismus ist von verschiedenen, bereits in der Einleitung erwahnten Faktoren abhangig, sie kann isolierte lokale oder aber lokale und allgemeine Folgen nach sich ziehen: Bei den allgemeinen Faktoren steht der Volumenverlust, durch Blut- und/oder Flussigkeitsverlust aus oder in die Gewebe im Vordergrund. Ist der Verlust klein, kommt ihm keinerlei Bedeutung zu, ist er von groserem Ausmas, fuhrt er unbehandelt zum traumatischen Schock, ubergehend in die Schockkrankheit und mit dem todlichen Ausgang endend.
Kritische Wertung angiologischer Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erfassung von organischen Gefäßveränderungen bei jugendlichen Hypertonikern
Folkow und Mitarb. (1) konnten zeigen, das jede Form vori Hypertonic zu sekundaren Strukturveranderungen in den Arteriolen fuhrt, die nach rechtzeitiger Normalisierung des Blutdruckes ganz oder teilweise ruckbildungsfahig sind. Es war daher naheliegend zu prufen, ob sich bei eingehender angiologischer Untersuchung von jugendlichen Patienten im Initialstadium einer Hochdruckkrankheit charakteristische Veranderungen nachweisen lassen.
Quantitative analysis of the EEG effects produced by imipramine, desipramine, promazine, and monodesmethyl promazine in the isolated perfused rat bra…
The effects of imipramine, desipramine, promazine and monodesmethyl promazine on the EEG of the isolated perfused rat brain were studied. The brain preparation was perfused for 30 min with simulated blood, containing of the drugs in a concentration of 10−5 M. Control experiments were performed without a drug added to the simplified blood. The EEG was recorded at various times on a magnetic tape and was evaluated visually and quantitatively (amplitude and interval histography). The EEG effects of imipramine and promazine as well as the effects of these drugs with their monodesmethyl metabolites were compared. The drugs produced clear EEG changes compared with the control EEG. An increase of …
The effects of the tricyclic antidepressants desipramine, doxepin and iprindole on the isolated perfused rabbit heart.
1. The right sympathetic nerves of isolated perfused rabbit hearts were stimulated electrically (1 msec, supramaximal strength, 15 sec) with increasing frequencies (0.25–20 Hz) at 3 min intervals before and 20 min after starting perfusion with desipramine, doxepin or iprindole. Ventricular rate, right atrial and right ventricular tensions were recorded using the transverse method. 2. Sympathic nerve stimulation caused ventricular arrhythmias in the presence of desipramine (3.3 and 5.0 · 10−6 M) and doxepin (1.6−4.7×10−6 M) but failed to produce arrhythmias in hearts not exposed to drugs, or after iprindole, cocaine and atropine. 3. When desipramine or doxepin was added to Tyrode solution co…
Origen de la población en Valencia: anális del proceso migratorio
O seculo das luzes y la ilustración valenciana
El origen de los riegos valencianos. Los canales romanos
Вопросы стратегии и тактики марксистско-ленинских партий. Выпуск 1
Межвузовский сборник научных трудов преподавателей научного коммунизма посвящен некоторым проблемам политической стратегии и тактики.
Anales de la Universidad de Valencia, 1974, 1
Revista editada por la Universitat de València
Archivo de arte valenciano, 1974, año 45
Revista editada por Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos