showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
A semi-classical derivation of the spin-orbit electromagnetic interaction
The distribution of ACh in the rabbit heart was investigated by a modified gas chromatographic estimation method. ACh was extracted with perchloric acid, precipitated as reineckate and demethylated with sodium benzenethiolate. The tertiary amines derived from ACh and other choline esters were concentrated by a microdistillation procedure. Gas chromatography was performed using a nitrogen selective detector. In the range of concentrations between 0.4 and 2.5 nmol ACh per tissue sample the coefficient of variation was 5.2 per cent. The recovery of ACh added to heart extracts was 101 per cent. Evidence for the identity of the choline ester isolated from rabbit hearts and authentic ACh was obta…
Further studies on associations between leprosy and genetic markers in human serum.
Seven serum proteins were typed on a sample of 910 individuals from Angola, Africa. The sample consisted of both leprosy patients and healthy controls from the same geographical area. Significant associations with leprosy were found for the Hp and Pi systems. The results are discussed.
Genetic variation in neuromuscular performance.
Using a simple cumulative model of heredity plus environment, based on intrapair differences observed in monozygous (MZ) and dizygous (DZ) twins, the relative contribution of heredity to the interindividual variance in several neuromuscular parameters was determined with 15 pairs of male (8 MZ and 7 DZ) and 14 pairs of female (7 MZ and 7 DZ) twins ranging in age from 10 to 14 years. The data disclosed that in boys the variability in maximal mechanical (anaerobic) power was 99.2% genetically determined under the environmental conditions of the study. The corresponding heritability estimate values for the patellar reflex time and reaction time were 97.5% and 85.7%, respectively. In girls the …
An operon for histidine biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor
On the assumption that a cluster of five his genes (eight cistrons) in S. coelicolor corresponds to an operon, a genetic analysis of a constitutive mutant was carried out. This strain has a multi-site mutation localized at the (conventional) right end of the his cluster and is derepressed for at least two enzymes coded by genes of the cluster. The study of suitable heterozygous clones (heteroclones), showed the mutation to be cis-dominant, suggesting that the operator region is affected. Most likely the strain has a deletion connecting the his operon to an adjacent amm (ammonium requirement) operon as demonstrated by its inability to utilize nitrate as nitrogen source and to complement or r…
A Sensitive Method for Identification of DNA Dependent DNA Polymerases in Acrylamide Gels after Seperation by Micro Disc Electrophoresis
Abstract DNA polymerase, disc electrophoresis, template affinity Two sensitive methods are described for detection of DNA dependent DNA polymerase activities in polyacrylamide gels after their fractionation by micro-disc electrophoresis. One technique is based on the increase in fluorescence of the ethidium bromide complex with template polydeoxyribonucleotides brought about by the action of the polymerases. The sensitivity of the previously described technique has been enhanced. Another method, 14 fold as sensitive, uses radioactive precursors in the enzyme assay after electrophoretic separation; washing, slicing and counting allows to evaluate incorporation into acid insoluble polymer, re…
In the present paper the connection between an arbitrary polydisperse property and the molecular weight distribution is investigated using exact mathematical methods. On the basis of the superposition principle a general equation is derived which can be applied e.g. to the polydispersity problems connected with the Gel Permeation Chromatography, to the light scattering from dilute solutions of high polymers, or the ultracentrifuge. From this point of view, each of these phenomena is described by help of a linear operator with a special kernel, the analytical or numerical inversion of the operator yielding the molecular weight distribution of the system by help of an uniform algorithm. In de…
Low Energy Behaviour of the Phase Shifts for Velocity-Dependent Potentials
Harvey's doctrine of the circulation of the blood in seventeenth-century Spain.
Operationszwischenfall und Narkose
Zur Klarung der Kausalitat bei einem todlichen Narkosezwischenfall mus der Gutachter die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften des verwendeten Anaestheticums, seine Dosierung und Applikationsweise in die Begutachtung mit einbeziehen. Die Narkosemittel sind von sehr unterschiedlicher chemischer Struktur, eine allgemein anerkannte Theorie uber ihre Wirkungsweise existiert nicht. Man bleibt deshalb auf Konzentrationsbestimmungen unter Beobachtung klinischer Effekte angewiesen. Konzentrationsablaufe bei Inhalationsnarkosen mit dem lipoidloslichen Narkosegas Halothan wurden wahrend und nach klinischen Routinenarkosen im Blut und in Tierversuchen in Blut und Geweben beobachtet. Es lassen sich drei Losu…
L'éducation comme investissement : la fin des illusions ?
International audience
Die maximale lokale Erkl�rung einer ges�ttigten Formation
Effect of three-body cluster on the healing properties of the Jastrow Correlation function
A variational equation for the Jastrow Correlation function is derived from the energy functional expanded up to three-body cluster terms. The asymptotic behaviour of this nonlinear equation is studied. The solutions show a healing at least of the type cos(tαr)/r2. The influence of higher cluster contributions is studied. Finally, it is discussed, how one can reduce the many-body cluster contributions to healing conditions to be used in the two-body cluster treatment.
The effects of cold and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption in young chicks.
Abstract 1. 1. To study the possible role of glucagon in avian thermoregulation the effects of cold exposure and glucagon on lipolysis, glycogenolysis and oxygen consumption were measured in young chicks. 2. 2. Cold exposure (+10°C) and glucagon injection (0·3 mg/kg, i.p. at +30°C) both caused a marked increase in the plasma FFA and a decrease in the liver glycogen content. 3. 3. It is suggested that glucagon possibly acts in the avian thermoregulation by producing at least lipolysis and glycogenolysis during cold exposure.
En guise d'introduction
International audience
Fl�chen Beschr�nkter Mittlerer Kr�mmung in Einer Dreidimensionalen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeit
In recent papers HILDEBRANDT [11] and HARTH [5] proved the existence of solutions of the problem of Plateau for surfaces of bounded mean curvature with fixed and free boundaries in E3 and for minimal surfaces with free boundaries in a Riemannian manifold, respectively. Here their methods will be combined to solve the problem of Plateau for surfaces of bounded mean curvature in a Riemannian manifold. This will be done for fixed and free boundaries. Moreover, isoperimetric inequalities for the solutions will be given.
Repair of the mandibular nerve by means of autologous nerve grafting after resection of the lower jaw
Summary On the basis of two cases we demonstrate our method of autologous nerve grafting for substitution of the mandibular nerve after mandibular resection. The sural nerve served as a donor nerve, the graft was imbedded microsurgically at the juncture points by means of a perineurial interfascicular nerve suture. Oversized grafts of about 20 cm in length were chosen intentionally in order to insert them without tension between the stumps of the recipient nerve and outside the regeneration zone of the bone. In both cases complete resensibilization of the lower lip was reached after about six months.
Generation of chemotactic activity by immune complexes carrying clustered or nonclustered C&42horbar; sites
Sensitized cells (EA) bearing different numbers of &42horbar; sites were tested for their ability to generate chemotactic activity from C-EDTA. From the results it can be shown that: 1 the amount of chemotactic activity generated parallels the number of &42horbar; sites bound to the cell surface, 2 all &42horbar; sites clustered around a single hemolytic site are enzymatically active as far as generation of chemotactic activity is concerned, and, 3 no difference can be demonstrated with IgG or IgM antibodies
On the formation of maars
The Pleistocene maars in the Eifel region of Germany, and Massif Central in France, formed when fissures opened at the bottom of older valleys allowing stream water to pour down them and come into contact with rising magma. The resulting phreato-magmatic eruptions gave rise to both base surge and air-fall deposits. Spalling of wall rock at depth enlarged the fissure into an eruption chamber. Subsidence along a ring fault into the eruption chamber accounts for the larger crater cut into the country rocks. The volume relationship between the crater excavated, the ejected pyroclastic debris of the rim and the volume below the floor of the crater, indicates that the volume of the maar ejecta is…
Hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature over obstacles
Let ~2 be a bounded domain in the euclidean space IR", n-> 2, with Lipschitz boundary ~ . We shall consider surfaces which are graphs of functions u defined on f2 having prescribed mean curvature H=H(x, u) with the side condition that they should be bounded from below by an obstacle ~b. The case H = 0 (minimal surfaces) has been discussed in detail by several authors, compare [6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24] of the references. Tomi [-31] has also investigated parametric surfaces with variable H. More general variational problems with obstructions have been discussed in [-9] and [-10]. During the session on "Variationsrechnung", held from June 18th to June 24th, 1972 in Oberwolfach, Mirand…
Unterkieferwachstumsstörungen bei juveniler Polyarthritis
Der Beitrag enthalt Hinweise fur Wachstumsstorungen des Unterkiefers als Folge polyarthritischer Erkankungen. Es werden 2 Patienten vorgestellt, bei denen in der Jugend Gelenkbeschwerden aufgetreten waren und spater Veranderungen des Profils beobachtet worden sind. Der rotgenkephalometrische Befund zeigt eine eigenartige Verformung der Mandibula, die mit der fortschreitenden Zerstorung des Processus articularis das Ausere der Patienten nachteilig verandert.
Testing of a constitutive equation for entangled networks by elongational and shear data of polymer melts
An entangled network such as a polymer melt or a concentrated solution is here described by a set of two simultaneous equations. One of them is a balance of entanglements, the other gives the stress in the classical form of aMaxwell equation.
Atemmechanismus und Kreislauf des Amazonasfisches Pirarucu
Small-angle x-ray scattering experiments for investigating the validity of the two-phase model
A New method for evaluating SAXS curves of polymer samples with lamellar structure is applied to two typical scattering curves measured with a solution-crystallized linear polyethylene and a melt-crystallized branched polyethylene respectively. The method permits a rigorous check of the validity of the two-phase model and yields, without additional measurement, the volume fractions of the two phases and the difference in their densities. The densities can than be obtained by measuring the overall density of the sample. The results are: ρc = 0.996 g/cm3,ρa = 0.854 g/cm3, wa = 0.20 for the solution-crystallized sample; ρc = 0.967 g/cm3,ρa = 0.850 g/cm3, wa = 0.36 for the melt-crystallized sam…
The affinity for oxygen of polyphenoloxidase in grapes
The influence of oxygen on the reaction of polyphenoloxidase in grapes was determined. Using crude extracts of grapes with a sufficiently high polyphenoloxidase activity on a substrate of pyrocatechol, apparentKm values for oxygen, at 25° C were calculated as 1.1 × 10−4mol (or 9% 02) for Sultana, and 1 × 10−4mol (or 8% O2) for Doradillo grapes. The importance of these figures for wine making is discussed.
Pour une analyse économique de la formation permanente
International audience
Les disparités régionales en matière de taux de scolarisation
International audience
Growth of polyoxymethylene crystals during cationic polymerization of trioxane in nitrobenzene
Analyse théorique de la demande d'éducation et optimisation de l'investissement éducatif
International audience; Cet article cherche à expliquer la pluralité des comportements individuels en matière d'éducation. Celle-ci est traitée en tant qu'investissement ainsi que dans la théorie du capital humain. Cependant, la valeur de l'investissement n'est pas mesurée de la même façon suivant les caractéristiques socio-économiques du décideur en raison d'une part des imperfections dans le marché du capital et d'autre part, de l'incertitude sur les flux de coûts et des revenus associés au capital humain. En outre, des indicateurs d'efficacité de la planification sont suggérés.
Table ronde IREDU 24-25 mai 1973 : compte rendu des débats
International audience
Distribution of chlorpromazine in a simplified blood influenced by various drugs
The binding of chlorpromazine to erythrocytes and to albumin as influenced by other drugs was studied in a simplified blood (31.5±0.3% bovine erythrocytes, 4 g-% bovine serum albumin in 0.02 M phosphate buffer solution containing 0.15 M NaCl). the total concentration of chlorpromazine in the simplified blood was 10−4 M, the concentration of the displacing drugs was 10−3 M. After an incubation period of 3 h at 22° C the chlorpromazine concentration was determined in the albumin solution after centrifugation of the blood at 3000×g and in the aqueous phase after ultracentrifugation at 150000×g. Under control conditions 68.1±0.9% of chlorpromazine was bound to the erythrocytes, 28.5±0.9% was bo…
Untersuchungen von Polymeren im Massenspektrometer. I. Fragmentierungsreaktionen von oligomeren β-Alaninen
Beim Abbau von Poly-β-alaninen entstehen unter milden Pyrolysebedingungen oligomere Carbonsaureamide. Die Fragmentierungsreaktionen derartiger Pyrolysebruchstucke werden an dimeren bis tetrameren β-Lactamen untersucht. Als Hauptfragmentierungsreaktionen werden nach Ionisation an einem der Heteroatome αN-, Keten-, αO-, und βO-Spaltung mit MCLAFFERTY-Umlagerung gefunden. The degradation of poly-β-alanines under mild pyrolytical conditions yields oligomeric amids. Dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric β-lactames were used to study the fragmentation reactions of those degradation products. After ionisation at one of the hetero atoms αN-, keten-, αO- and βO-cleavage (with MCLAFFERTY-rearrangement) we…
Untersuchungen von Polymeren im Massenspektrometer. II. Abbaureaktionen von Poly-β-alaninen
Die Abbaureaktionen von Poly-β-alaninen bei der direkten Pyrolyse im Massenspektrometer wurden untersucht. Die thermischen Abbaureaktionen und die Fragmentierung in der Ionenquelle waren unterscheidbar. Die pyrolytische Spaltung verlauft unter den angewendeten Bedingungen fast ausschlieslich zwischen Amidstickstoff und β-Kohlenstoff und fuhrt unter Disproportionierung zu oligomeren β-Alaninen. Die entstehenden Pyrolysebruchstucke werden nach uberwiegender Ionisation an den Heteroatomen unter αN-, αO-, βO- und Keten-Spaltung fragmentiert. The degradation reactions of poly-β-alanines by direct pyrolysis in the mass spectrometer was investigated. The thermal degradation step and the fragmentat…
Polymerisation von Trioxan zu kristallinem POM im Gleichgewicht
Die bestimmung des trägheitsradius von polymethylmethacrylat im glaszustand durch neutronenbeugung
Experimental techniques for testing the sensitivity of bladder tumours to antineoplastic drugs
A number of laboratory tests can be employed to examine the sensitivity of human bladder tumour cells to various chemotherapeutic agents.-Their principles and methods, and some preliminary results, are described with special reference to certain in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity tests and to heterotransplantation in the hamster. Satisfactory agreement has sometimes been observed between experimental results and clinical responses, but our experience is still very limited.-The employment of several such tests would probably lead to a greater degree of reliability in the laboratory assessment of the sensitivity of bladder tumours to cytotoxic drugs.