showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
COVID 19 vaccine in the pediatric age: the recommendation of the Italian Pediatric Society
AbstractVaccine is an important and effective tool to protect from preventable infectious diseases. Neverthless, in the COVID-19 pandemic era, scientific and accurate information are required to responde to false and misleading information on efficacy and safety of immunization in the pediatric age.
Rapid Weight Loss Coupled with Sport-Specific Training Impairs Heart Rate Recovery in Greco-Roman Wrestlers
Wrestling is a sport that can be classified with the use of alternating aerobic–anaerobic metabolism with moderate but high-impact energy expenditure. Heart rate recovery (HRR) is the difference between heart rate during exercise and a certain amount of time after the start of recovery. The goal of this study was to determine the difference in HRR between two phases: high-intensity sport-specific training (HISST) combined with rapid weight loss (RWL)—phase 1 (P1) and HISST only—phase 2 (P2). Ten national-level wrestlers were included in this study. All participants underwent HISST along with RWL procedures for P1. Seven days later, during P2, an identical training session …
Motivations, engagement and adoption of e-WOM in restaurants.
Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tienen las motivaciones para consultar y escribir e-WOM sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM y la influencia de dicho compromiso en la adopción del e-WOM consultado. Para analizar estas relaciones, se realizó una investigación empírica aplicada en el contexto de los restaurantes. El ámbito geográfico fue Ecuador, con una muestra de 461 consumidores. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y se validó la cadena de relaciones. Los resultados confirmaron las relaciones entre estas variables; además, se presentaron implicaciones académicas interesantes para profundizar en el estudio sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM, así co…
Design, Manufacturing, and Strength Test of a 4-post ROPS Fitted on a Very Low-Profile Tractor (TRACLAS Project)
To improve the safety level when agricultural tractors work on slope under canopy, INAIL (the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) funded a research project, named TRACLAS, devoted to set-up a prototype of low-profile compact tractor, not exceeding 1.60 m overall height, equipped with a 4-post ROPS (RollOver Protective Structure). After the complete set-up of the prototype, some field and lab tests were carried out to compare its performance with those of some comparable tractor models already on the market, used in vineyards, orchards and greenhouses. A basic step of the TRACLAS project was the execution of the strength test of the customized 4-post frame (th…
Un territori per al desenvolupament. Les comarques centrals valencianes davant el seu futur
Compendi de treballs que Josep-Antoni Ybarra ha fet, en diferents moments de la seua trajectòria professional, sobre les Comarques Centrals Valencianes (CCV). Al volum s'hi recullen bàsicament dos blocs de treball. En el primer s'agrupen aquells realitzats com a consultor de l'OCDE, on centra l'estudi en el desenvolupament econòmic d'àrees intermèdies de diverses parts del món, entre elles les CCV. El segon bloc inclou els treballs fets per al Consorci de les CVV, en el que es destaquen els aspectes relatius a la cultura empresarial i les xarxes d'informació a les CCV. L'especificitat d'aquest recull pot col·laborar al projecte de conformar un espai amb característiques suficients per a dis…
Caregiver Distress in Home Palliative Care
Aim: This study aims to determine the symptom burden of caregivers who were following their loved ones at home and factors associated with this burden. Methods: From a consecutive number of patients followed at home by a specialistic palliative care team, a sample of 46 couples of patients-caregivers was screened. Epidemiological data of both patients and caregivers were collected, also including some variables, such as the level of religiousness, education, economic conditions, and financial distress. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) was measured in both patients and caregivers. Caregivers were asked to provide a comment in a semi-structured interview, about “what do you thin…
School-age vaccination, school openings and Covid-19 diffusion
This article investigates the relationship between school openings and Covid-19 diffusion when school-age vaccination becomes available. The analysis relies on a unique geo-referenced high frequency database on age of vaccination, Covid-19 cases and hospitalization indicators from the Italian region of Sicily. The study focuses on the change of Covid-19 diffusion after school opening in a homogeneous geographical territory (i.e., with the same control measures and surveillance systems, centrally coordinated by the Regional Government). The identification of causal effects derives from a comparison of the change in cases before and after school opening in the school year 2020/21, when vaccin…
Endogenous capital stock and depreciation in the United States
There are several puzzles and unresolved problems in empirical economics that depend on the reliability of capital series. Productivity paradoxes, and certain recent trends in the US macroeconomic data, cannot be addressed correctly with the available standard measures of capital stock. Our paper contributes to the theory of capital by endogenizing capacity utilization and depreciation in an intertemporal optimization model with adjustment and maintenance costs. This model allows for corporate taxation and identifies the impact on the variables that shape the capital accumulation process. Depreciation is a control variable that is no longer assumed proportional to the capital stock. The mod…
Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: Active Surveillance Against Surgery. Considerations of an Italian Working Group From a Systematic Review
IntroductionActive surveillance is considered a viable option for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma. Since the last decade of the 20th century, this method has spread from Japan to other countries, but has not yet been fully accepted and validated by the major Western Scientific Societies. In 2016, a systematic review on the results of active surveillance was published, based on two articles that showed encouraging results. Other reviews published subsequently, were mainly based on articles from the Far East. The aim of this review is to assess the most recent results published from 2017 to 2020 on this subject.Materials and MethodsA systematic literature search was performed on MEDLINE via …
Analysis of hospital costs by morbidity group for patients with severe mental illness
The goal of this study is to analyse hospital costs and length of stay of patients admitted to psychiatric units in hospitals in a European region of the Mediterranean Arc. The aim is to identify the effects of comorbidities and other variables in order to create an explanatory cost model.In order to carry out the study, the Ministry of Health was asked to provide data on access to the mental health facilities of all hospitals in the region. Among other questions, this database identifies the most important diagnostic variables related to admission, like comorbidities, age and gender. The method used, based on the Manning-Mullahy algorithm, was linear regression. The results were measured b…
Gestión y promoción del desarrollo local
Durante las últimas dos décadas, han ido adquiriendo importancia estrategias de gestión y promoción del desarrollo de los territorios en las que la sociedad y las instituciones locales son a la vez impulsores y protagonistas. De este modo, ha emergido un nuevo paradigma del desarrollo que constituye una alternativa a las estrategias clásicas. El presente volumen recoge los materiales elaborados por el equipo docente del Master de Gestión y Promoción del Desarrollo Local. Se concibe como un manual y contiene diversas temáticas y aproximaciones al desarrollo local: información sobre los instrumentes y habilidades, para lograr una formación más adecuada de los técnicos locales. Over the last t…
Aspectos jurídicos de la ordenación del territorio en la Comunitat Valenciana. Pasado y actualidad
Este trabajo se ocupa de los orígenes, evolución y situación actual de la ordenación del territorio en la Comunidad Valenciana. Se trata de un campo habitualmente no demasiado estudiado entre los juristas pues, en materia de ordenación de usos del suelo, estos suelen fijar más su atención en los aspectos relacionados con la ordenación, gestión y disciplina urbanística. El objeto de este trabajo es doble. Por una parte, se pretende abordar el análisis de los distintos aspectos jurídicos de la ordenación del territorio en la Comunidad Valenciana. Por otra parte, se trata también de identificar alguna de las causas por las que la ordenación del territorio no termina de arraigar en la Comunidad…
Psicoanálisis de la enseñanza del derecho en el siglo XXI. ¿Evolución, revolución o caquexia?
Los hábitos y cultura de la comunidad, grupo o sociedad han venido a condicionar la manera de conformar el Derecho en cada momento y lugar, y cómo el crecimiento de las relaciones jurídicas y su consecuente complejidad conflictual fueron llevando a configurar un sistema jurídico propio que fue exigiendo, ante la dificultad y la técnica del Derecho, la aparición de profesionales jurídicos, a los que se hacía necesario formar para el desempeño de su misión. Esto, sin embargo, naturalmente no fue siempre así. El trabajo se centra en un paseo por la historia y los retos, desafíos y avatares que la enseñanza del derecho ha ido sorteando y los que se nuestran en la sociedad actual de siglo XXI, g…
Pla de recuperació i valorització dels recursos culturals de Tavernes de Valldigna
El present treball cataloga els diferents recursos culturals de Tavernes de Valldigna per tal d'identificar els "elements distintius", tant materials com immaterials, amb què compta aquest municipi i que hauran de constituir el punt de partida per a realitzar una proposta que permeta una millor i més adequada posada en valor dels mateixos, fet que enriquirà l'economia i la societat local. Aquest treball no només presenta una investigació inicial amb aplicació de tècniques i metodologies científiques sinó que les conclusions que aporta constitueixen un conjunt d'idees que pretenen proporcionar un instrument esclaridor per contribuir a assolir un model de desenvolupament a llarg termini més s…
Nueve estudios hispano-cubanos sobre desarrollo local
La compilación de textos que se presenta en este libro es la expresión de una voluntad de colaboración académica entre los profesores e investigadores del Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local de la Universidad de Valencia (España), y de la Universidad de Oriente (Cuba). Un conjunto de nueve artículos que presentan el "desarrollo local" como eje vertebrador. Se trata de otras tantas miradas realizadas desde ambas orillas atlánticas, y que proceden de diferentes áreas del conocimiento, con lo que se corrobora que es posible y necesario establecer análisis integrales, incluso multidisciplinares, a la hora de diagnosticar y planificar el desarrollo de un territorio determinado. El v…
Biofortification: Effect of Iodine Fortified Food in the Healthy Population, Double-Arm Nutritional Study
It is estimated that one-third of the world’s population lives in areas where iodine (I) is scarce and its deficiency is responsible for many related disorders, such as goiter, reproductive failure, hearing loss, growth impairment, congenital I deficiency syndrome, and numerous kinds of brain injury. Mineral deficiencies can be overcomeviadietary diversification and mineral supplementation. An alternative or even complementary way is represented by the intake of biofortified foods, which can tackle this lack of micronutrients. In this short-term double-arm nutritional intervention study, a cohort of ten people was supplemented with curly endive leaf biofortified with I and ten people with c…
Health and self-perceived barriers to internet use among older migrants : a population-based study
Background:In older adults, including those with a migrant background, ill health is associated with less internet use. However, it is not known what are the specific self-perceived barriers to internet use among older migrants with different health conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between different health conditions and self-perceived barriers to internet use among older migrants.Methods:We used the Care, Health and Ageing of Russian-speaking Minority in Finland (CHARM) study, which is a nationally representative survey of community-dwelling Russian-speaking adults aged ≥50 years living in Finland (N=1082, 57% men, mean age 63.2 years, standard deviatio…
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-state Generation in Qubit-Chains via a Single Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener π/2-pulse
A protocol for generating Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a system of (Formula presented.) coupled qubits is proposed. The Hamiltonian model assumes (Formula presented.) -wise interactions between the (Formula presented.) qubits and the presence of a controllable time-dependent field acting upon one spin only. The dynamical problem is exactly solved thanks to the symmetries of the Hamiltonian model. The possibility of generating GHZ states simulating our physical scenario under both adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions is within the reach of the experimentalists. This aspect is discussed in detail.
The relationship between the Workers’ Federation of Sports and the well established Norwegian Sports Assocation in the region Agder in the interwar p…
The value of Phosphohistone H3 as a cell proliferation marker in oral squamous cell carcinoma. A comparative study with Ki-67 and the mitotic activit…
The Phosphohistone H3 (PHH3) antibody is recognized as a biomarker of cell proliferation, specific for cells in mitosis, of prognostic value in different malignant neoplasms, however it has been poorly studied in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of the PHH3 in the OSCC, through the correlation with the immunoexpression of Ki-67, the mitotic activity index (MAI), histological grading, clinical-morphological parameters and the rate of survival. The study sample consisted of 62 cases of OSCC diagnosed in the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of the Republic (Uruguay). In each of them…
El desarrollo local en Cuba. Obstáculos para el diseño y aplicación de políticas para un desarrollo sostenible
El trabajo explica en profundidad la realidad política y socioeconómica de Cuba, desde el final del dominio español en 1898, hasta la actualidad, con la finalidad de aportar un análisis crítico de su contexto en relación con la factibilidad o no de políticas de desarrollo local. Se pretende, además, esclarecer los obstáculos que presentan los organismos y los actores encargados de la gestión y aplicación de dichas políticas; al hacerlo tratamos de convertir en contrapunto de oportunidad dichos obstáculos para detectar y proponer oportunidades para un mejor modelo de desarrollo local sostenible en Cuba. La autora construye un relato de la situación política y social de la Cuba pre-revolucion…
Plant-RNA in Extracellular Vesicles: The Secret of Cross-Kingdom Communication
The release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) is a common language, used by living organisms from different kingdoms as a means of communication between them. Extracellular vesicles are lipoproteic particles that contain many biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. The primary role of EVs is to convey information to the recipient cells, affecting their function. Plant-derived extracellular vesicles (PDEVs) can be isolated from several plant species, and the study of their biological properties is becoming an essential starting point to study cross-kingdom communication, especially between plants and mammalians. Furthermore, the presence of microRNAs (miRNAs) in PDEVs repres…
Costes del 'Urban Sprawl' para la Administración local. El caso valenciano
Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo cuantificar el efecto de la dispersión urbana sobre el coste de los servicios públicos básicos mediante un modelo de gasto que pueda servir de instrumento para un mejor conocimiento de las consecuencias sobre la hacienda pública del urbanismo. Así pues, el documento establece el marco teórico, las hipótesis y los objetivos de la investigación; define la metodología y las fuentes de información utilizadas; realiza una primera aproximación al modelo urbano de la Comunidad Valenciana y define un indicador de dispersión urbana municipal, con el que caracteriza la dispersión urbana de cada uno de los municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana; cuantifi…
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Emotional/Behavioral Symptoms and Parental Stress.
The objective of our study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional and behavioral symptoms in minors with neuropsychiatric disorders and on parental stress through a standardized neuropsychological assessment, comparing the data collected before the pandemic with those collected during the lock-down. Another goal of our study was to analyze the relationship between parental stress and behavioral/emotional symptoms in children. Our study was conducted on 383 families of patients who had already been referred at the Child Neuropsychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Salerno for different neuropsychiatric conditions. All the parents completed two neuropsychol…
A three-wave panel study on longitudinal relations between problematic social media use and psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic
Background: It still remains unclear whether problematic social media use (PSMU) is a cause or a consequence of psychological distress. The present study aimed to investigate the temporal relationships between PSMU and psychological distress through a three-wave panel study (between April and July 2020, with an interval of 1 month between each period of time). Methods: 3,912 adult Italian participants were surveyed during the COVID-19 pandemic for psychological distress (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale) and PSMU (Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale). Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Models were applied to disaggregate between-person from within-person associations as regards PSMU an…
A Contribution to Environmental Protection Through the Valorisation of Kitchen Biowaste
The worldwide interest in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is gathering momentum. Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process is steadily growing, as more people are setting up bioreactors in order to produce biogas and digestate. AD process is the fermentation of solid biowaste in the absence of oxygen and is zero emission, i.e. it is CO2 neutral. The aim of this work is to test HomeBiogas 2.0, i.e. a revolutionary equipment that used the kitchen biowaste from the canteen of the agricultural institute of Marsala (Trapani, Italy). This equipment works as a continuous flow bioreactor: the waste is fed in one end, while biogas and digestate come out from the other. The process continuously took place at a…
Disparities in nutritional adequacy of diets between different socioeconomic groups of Finnish adults
Information on dietary adequacy is needed to assess food and nutrition security in a modern society, especially in the transition towards climate-friendly food systems. In this study, differences in the nutritional adequacy of diets among Finnish adults were evaluated in population groups of different education, income and urbanisation levels. The study used data from the FinDiet 2017 Survey (n = 1655, 18–74 years). Modelled usual intakes of foods and nutrients were evaluated relative to food-based dietary guidelines issued by the National Nutrition Council of Finland (FNNC) and with respect to nutrient adequacy following the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and FNNC. For about half of the …
Diagnóstico técnico sobre funciones urbanas en Cullera
El estudio que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo el análisis de las funciones urbanas de Cullera, así como la perspectiva de dichas funciones desde su relación con el ámbito territorial de referencia inmediato en el que se generan, la Ribera Baixa como comarca histórica a la que pertenece Cullera, y el ámbito ampliado, correspondiente al área funcional que configura la aglomeración urbana de Valencia, cuya entidad principal de población apenas dista 40 minutos de desplazamiento desde Cullera, factor que condiciona su papel como ciudad funcional. Resulta interesante el papel de núcleo residencial en el espacio de influencia de una gran metrópoli, además de su especialización en la función…
First Observation of the Direct Production of the χ_{c1} in e^{+}e^{-} Annihilation.
Physical review letters 129(12), 122001 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.122001
Diagnóstico técnico sobre funciones urbanas y desarrollo territorial en Dénia. Aplicación de un sistema de indicadores
El objetivo principal del trabajo que aquí se presenta es la elaboración de un diagnóstico técnico referido a las funciones urbanas, en consonancia con el modelo de desarrollo territorial de la ciudad de Dénia, sobre la base de un amplio sistema de indicadores orientado a conocer la eficiencia de la estructura urbana, sus infraestructuras y equipamientos específicos, así como los aspectos relativos a la calidad ambiental y de vida, la situación del urbanismo y la ordenación del territorio. La idea final es plantear el ámbito local como un territorio con capacidad para aportar ventajas competitivas a las empresas y calidad de vida a los ciudadanos. El diagnóstico trata de detectar aspectos q…
Planificació i govern del territori a l'arc mediterrani espanyol. Noves i velles respostes en un context globalitzat
Estudi que analitza quines respostes s'estan donant des de les diferents administracions del territori per afrontar velles dinàmiques territorials crítiques com el despoblament rural, la dispersió i explosió urbana, la crisi industrial i del sector primari, l'esgotament del recurs aigua, la depredació del litoral i la pèrdua de paisatges, entre d'altres a unes àrees d'estudi que es poden considerar com a representatives de tots els tipus de territoris que podem trobar hui en dia l'Arc Mediterrani. S'abasta un àmbit tan heterogeni com és el litoral que recorre Catalunya, País Valencià, Múrcia i Andalusia. This study analyses the responses being given by the different territorial administrati…
The future of non-metropolitan regions in the European Union. A member-state comparative report
Este estudio propone un análisis comparativo de la diversidad de las regiones no metropolitanas europeas. Recoge los resultados de un exhaustivo análisis empírico de las principales variables socioeconómicas a escala de las regiones NUTs 3 (nomenclatura común de las Unidades Territoriales Estadísticas). Toma como punto de partida la tipología regional de la DG Regio de la Unión Europea que diferencia entre regiones intermedias y predominantemente rurales, y para cada una de estas, entre regiones accesibles y remotas. El análisis incluye comparaciones entre el comportamiento de las diversas tipologías en cuanto a población, PIB, rendimiento económico y estructura productiva, y a diferentes e…
Current and Potential Cognitive Development in Healthy Children: A New Approach to Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices
In clinical practice and research, Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPMs) continue to be used according to a single procedure that aims to evaluate a single overall score of the current general intelligence level. This study aimed to examine potential cognitive development in a sample of 450 typically developing children, aged from 6 to 10 years, by administering RCPMs according to the standard procedure followed immediately by a standardized interview on incorrect items. In addition, the study aimed to analyze how performance differed across age groups. The results analysis was examined on the basis of three different factors in which the items were grouped in previous factorial stu…
Effect of etch-and-rinse and self-etch modes in universal adhesives on push-out bond strength of fiber post
Nowadays, the universal adhesive become more popular among clinicians due to its simple procedure. The application of universal adhesive on root canal dentin prior the self-adhesive resin cement may increase bond-strength between fiber post and dentin. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different etching modes (etch-and-rinse and self-etch) to universal adhesives on push-out bond strength of fiber post.Thirty extracted sound human lower premolars were randomly divided into three groups based on adhesives systems prior to fiber post cementation; two-step etch-and-rinse (group A, Adper Scotchbond), etch-and-rinse universal (group B, PrimeBond Universal), and self-etch u…
Compost Amendment Impact on Soil Physical Quality Estimated from Hysteretic Water Retention Curve
Capacity-based indicators of soil physical quality (SPQ) and pore distribution parameters were proposed to assess the effects of compost amendment but their determination was limited to desorption water retention experiments. This study also considered the pore size distribution obtained from adsorption experiments to establish the effectiveness of compost amendment in modifying the physical and hydrological attributes of a sandy loam soil. Repacked soil samples with different compost to soil ratios, r, were subjected to a wetting–drying cycle, and the water retention data were fit to the van Genuchten model to obtain the pore volume distribution functions. The soil bulk density was m…