showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Compost Amendment Impact on Soil Physical Quality Estimated from Hysteretic Water Retention Curve
Capacity-based indicators of soil physical quality (SPQ) and pore distribution parameters were proposed to assess the effects of compost amendment but their determination was limited to desorption water retention experiments. This study also considered the pore size distribution obtained from adsorption experiments to establish the effectiveness of compost amendment in modifying the physical and hydrological attributes of a sandy loam soil. Repacked soil samples with different compost to soil ratios, r, were subjected to a wetting–drying cycle, and the water retention data were fit to the van Genuchten model to obtain the pore volume distribution functions. The soil bulk density was m…
Chelarctus and Crenarctus (Crustacea: Scyllaridae) from Coral Sea waters, with molecular identification of their larvae
Chelarctus Holthuis, 2002 is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific, but its biogeographic patterns are unknown because Southern Hemisphere areas, such as the Coral Sea, remained poorly explored. Recent cruises organized by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle of Paris and the Australian Institute of Marine Science allowed the molecular identification of Crenarctus crenatus (Whitelegge, 1900), Chelarctus aureus (Holthuis, 1963) and Chelarctus crosnieri Holthuis, 2002 phyllosomae. The Coral Sea C. crenatus larvae are identical to stages IX and X of Scyllarus sp. Z, described in detail by Webber and Booth (2001). Descriptions of phyllosoma stages VI, IX and X of Ch. aureus an…
Editorial: New Insights Into Adult Neurogenesis and Neurodegeneration: Challenges for Brain Repair.
The formation of new neurons in the brain is probably one of the most controversial topics in the scientific community since in the 1960's Joseph Altman described for the first time that proliferating cells give rise to new neurons in the adult brain of rats and other mammals. This Research Topic includes 1 brief research report, 3 mini review, 4 review and 9 original research papers gathering different contributions highlighting new developments in the field of neurogenesis.
The Harvesting Memories Project: Historical ecology and landscape changes of the Sicani Mountains in Sicily
The Harvesting Memories project aims to investigate the historical landscape dynamics in an inner area of the Sicani Mountains district in Western Sicily (Contrada Castro, Corleone-Palermo). The interdisciplinary approach of the project allowed us to combine and integrate methods from different disciplines such as historical ecology, landscape archaeology, archaeobotany and GIS-based spatial analysis. In this paper some results have been summarized. The comparison between land mosaic change during the last 60 years, the relationship between site catchment area and land suitability and the correlation between archaeobotanical and phytosociological data. This approach underlined the relevance…
Complex effects of natural disasters on protected areas
It is now broadly recognised that in order to be sustainable, protected areas (PAs) must bring concrete benefits to local populations who suffer from the restrictions imposed for conservation. Natural disasters, such as major floods, bring additional challenges to conservation efforts and related support activities, notably nature-based tourism. Disasters often intensify conflicts between conservation objectives and local community needs, but they may also bring some mutual benefits. Reduced income from decreased nature-based tourism can, for example, lead to expansion of agricultural fields to protected forests, and subsequent land-use conflicts. Yet, disasters can also strengthen feelings…
Palvelujärjestelmään liittyvät rakenteelliset haasteet ja työntekijöiden toimintamahdollisuudet julkisen sektorin lastensuojelutyössä
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan lastensuojelun ammattilaisten työtä ja työoloja toimintamahdollisuuksien viitekehyksestä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaiset palvelujärjestelmään liittyvät rakenteelliset tekijät hankaloittavat työntekijöiden toimintamahdollisuuksien toteutumista julkisen sektorin lastensuojelutyössä ja miten nämä haasteet realisoituivat heidän työssään. Toimintamahdollisuuksilla tarkoitetaan mahdollisuuksia työskennellä tavalla, jota työntekijät pitävät lastensuojelutyössä tavoiteltavana. Tutkimusaineisto muodostui kolmesta ryhmähaastattelusta, jotka tehtiin kolmessa eri työyhteisössä toteutettavan osallistavan toimintatutkimuksen alkuvaiheessa. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohj…
Physical multimorbidity and depression: A mediation analysis of influential factors among 34,129 adults aged ≥50 years from low- and middle-income co…
Background There is a scarcity of literature on the association between physical multimorbidity (i.e., >= 2 chronic physical conditions) and depression among older adults, especially from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In addition, the mediators in this association are largely unknown. Therefore, we aimed to examine this association among adults aged >= 50 years from six LMICs (China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa), and to identify potential mediators. Methods Cross-sectional, nationally representative data from the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health were analyzed. Depression was defined as past-12 months DSM-IV depression or receiving depression treat…
Emotivity in Valencian demonstratives
Més que una proximitat metafòrica cap al referent, la dixi emotiva, afectiva o empàtica produeix proximitat cap a l’oient arran de l’atenció conjunta i/o l’avaluació del referent. Aquest treball estudia els usos del demostratiu (com ara, la funció nominal o adverbial, el grau, el mode referencial, el caràcter humà, etc.) i de les seues construccions (anteposades al nom, posposades al nom o sense nucli nominal) per a comprovar quin tipus de demostratius tendeixen a tindre referents que són valorats de manera positiva o negativa. Per a realitzar aquesta exploració, hem recollit 383 formes demostratives d’un corpus propi (CoValC) format per converses col·loquials entre valencianoparlants de di…
Epidemiological Study of Tricuspid Regurgitation After Cardiac Transplantation. Does it Influence Survival?
Background: Tricuspid valve disease is the most frequent valvulopathy after heart transplantation (HTx). Evidence for the negative effect of post-transplant tricuspid regurgitation (TR) on survival is contradictory. The aim of this study was to analyze the causes of post-transplant TR and its effect on overall mortality.Methods: This is a retrospective observational study of all transplants performed in two Spanish centers (1009 patients) between 2000 and 2019. Of the total number of patients, 809 had no TR or mild TR and 200 had moderate or severe TR. The etiology of TR was analyzed in all cases.Results: The prevalence of moderate and severe TR was 19.8%. The risk of mortality was greater …
One changing and challenging scenario: the treatment of cancer patients with bone metastases by bisphosphonates and denosumab, the cost-benefit evalu…
Antiresorptive drugs (bisphosphonates and denosumab) have become the cornerstone of medical supportive treatment of bone metastases in solid cancer patients. In the beginning, the choice of available antiresorptive agents was limited to bisphosphonates and the treatment options restricted principally to monthly pamidronate and monthly zoledronic acid. Introduction of new antiresorptive therapies (monthly denosumab) and schedules (zoledronic acid every 3 months, upfront or after initial period of monthly infusion) in the last decade increased the range of available options, thus challenging treatment decision making. Direct and indirect costs of very different treatment options are difficult…
Association Between Free-Living Sit-to-Stand Transition Characteristics, and Lower-Extremity Performance, Fear of Falling, and Stair Negotiation Diff…
Abstract Background Good sit-to-stand (STS) performance is an important factor in maintaining functional independence. This study investigated whether free-living STS transition volume and intensity, assessed by a thigh-worn accelerometer, is associated with characteristics related to functional independence. Methods Free-living thigh-worn accelerometry was recorded continuously for 3–7 days in a population-based sample of 75-, 80-, and 85-year-old community-dwelling people (479 participants; women n = 287, men n = 192). The records were used to evaluate the number and intensity (angular velocity of the STS phase) of STS transitions. Associations with short physical performance battery (SPP…
Accommodating Students With Special Educational Needs During School Closures Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway: Perceptions of Teachers and Stud…
The purpose of the two interrelated studies reported here was to explore the approaches that schools and teachers adopted to accommodate students with special educational needs (SEN) during school closings in Norway, as well as the consequences of the pandemic for children with SEN and their peers. Study 1 was a mixed-methods case study of a lower-secondary school in which students with SEN (n= 14) and students performing at or above grade-level (n= 66) completed a survey about their experiences. Survey results were then used as a starting point for follow-up interviews with four teachers and the school principal to explore how they dealt with pandemic restrictions and supported students wi…
Psychological Impact in Healthcare Workers During Emergencies: The Italian Experience With COVID-19 First Wave
BackgroundThe COVID-19 outbreak imposed an overwhelming workload as well as emotional burdens on Healthcare workers (HCWs). In May 2020, an online survey was administered to HCWs in Italy to assess the pandemic's psychological impact and to investigate possible predictive factors that led to individual differences.MethodsThe psychological experience was measured based on the prevalence of self-reported feelings during the pandemic, including negative and positive emotional states. We analyzed the relationship between factors of gender, age, geographic region, professional role, and operational unit, and the four-point scale used to rate the frequency of each emotional state experienced by p…
A New Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT) to Assess the Quality of Life at Work in the Italian Academic Context
Refereed/Peer-reviewed The present study provides evidence for a valid and reliable tool, the Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT), to investigate the quality of life at work in academics within the Italian university sector. The AQ@workT was developed by the QoL@Work research team, namely a group of expert academics in the field of work and organizational psychology affiliated with the Italian Association of Psychologists. The tool is grounded in the job demands-resources model and its psychometric properties were assessed in three studies comprising a wide sample of lecturers, researchers, and professors: a pilot study (N = 120), a calibration study (N = 1084), and a validation study …
Understanding teachers’ mental models of collaboration to enhance the learning community
This study examined representations of Finnish basic education teachers’ mental models of collaboration to reveal the background features that enable or hinder changes in a school community and teacher collaboration. In this case study, we explored 41 teachers’ mental models of collaboration in a one-school community to identify and understand the features that enhance or challenge collaboration. The findings raise the question of how collaboration can support a school’s transition to a unified comprehensive school, when teachers are accustomed to working alone with a strong sense of autonomy and diverse mental models of collaboration. The findings revealed that collaboration is mainly limi…
Oscillatory periodic pattern dynamics in hyperbolic reaction-advection-diffusion models
In this work we consider a quite general class of two-species hyperbolic reaction-advection-diffusion system with the main aim of elucidating the role played by inertial effects in the dynamics of oscillatory periodic patterns. To this aim, first, we use linear stability analysis techniques to deduce the conditions under which wave (or oscillatory Turing) instability takes place. Then, we apply multiple-scale weakly nonlinear analysis to determine the equation which rules the spatiotemporal evolution of pattern amplitude close to criticality. This investigation leads to a cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau (CCGL) equation which, owing to the functional dependence of the coefficients here involve…
Road to unity? : Nordic economic convergence in the long run
This study examines Nordic economic convergence from the sixteenth to twentieth century respective of the economic leaders, in effect the UK before 1914 and USA thereafter. The paper uses a novel approach of combining the analysis of both GDP and wages. The examination of real GDP per capita suggests that there was a catch-up process in play, both with the economic leaders and among the Nordic states, from the early nineteenth century onwards. However, the examination of the adjusted silver wages suggests convergence among the Nordic economies by the end of the eighteenth century. Therefore, we argue, no single Nordic Model emerged from these development patterns, even though the Nordic sta…
Comparison of Fluoroquinolones and Other Antibiotic Prophylaxis Regimens for Preventing Complications in Patients Undergoing Transrectal Prostate Bio…
Our study aimed to compare the incidence of infective complications after transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy (TRUSBx) when adopting different antimicrobial prophylaxis regimens. A multi-institutional cohort of 1150 patients who underwent TRUSBx was retrospectively analyzed. Procedures were performed between 2017 and 2019 (before and after the EMA warning about the use of fluoroquinolones for the antibiotic prophylaxis of patient candidates to TRUSBx). The primary endpoint was the occurrence of infective complications, including sepsis and/or fever. The population was stratified according to the antibiotic prophylaxis adopted: fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, prulifl…
Effect of experimentally increased nutrient availability on the structure, metabolic activities, and potential microbial functions of a maritime Anta…
The role of competitive interactions based on resource utilisation was explored in a phototrophic microbial mat from Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica). Shotgun metagenomic profiling of the mat showed a taxonomic and functionally diverse microbial community. The heterotrophic bacterial community was dominated by Proteobacteria, where genera typically found in polar habitats, such as Janthinobacterium, Pseudomonas, and Polaromonas, were highly prevalent. Cyanobacteria played the main role as primary producers, accompanied by diatoms and chlorophytes. To test the potential effects of the inorganic nutrient (N and P) availability on this community, a fully factorial nitrate and phosphorus a…
Jaw bone metastasis from Lung cancer as sole primary source: A systematic review
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Lung cancer metastasis to oral region is very rare. Very few research work has been conducted till date to analyse the jaw bone metastasis from Lung cancer as the primary source. The goal of this research was to examine published cases of jaw bone metastasis from lung cancer as the sole primary source from 1st December 1961 to 31st December 2021 and to learn about their characteristics.An electronic search of the published English literature was performed in PubMed/ Medline, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Research gate databases, using keywords like 'Lung cancer', OR/AND 'Lung carcinoma', OR/AND 'Metastasis', OR/AND 'Primary', OR/AND…
Intraspecific variation in the morphology of Alloxysta fracticornis (Thomson, 1862)(Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae)
A new brachypterous form of Alloxysta fracticornis (Thomson, 1862) has been found in the Museum of Natural History of Wroclaw University (Poland). This is the first time that this morphological variation has been recorded for A. fracticornis. The morphological features of this new form match with this species, except for the wing length, which is characteristic of the brachypterous form, and the colour. COI sequences and phylogenetic analysis for the specimens studied (macropterous and brachypterous) confirm that the two morphologies belong to the same species, as we suspected a priori. Thus, in this study we show evidence of morphological variation in A. fracticornis, and demonstrate the v…
Forest ecosystems in the Monti Sicani Park (Sicily)
The authors analysed the forest ecosystems in the Monti Sicani Park (Sicily). In particular, the state of the natural and non-native forests in the Site of Community Interest (SCI ITA040005) - Monte Cammarata, Contrada Salaci, was evaluated in terms of distribution, evolution of forest dynamics and, silvicultural activities. The evolution of vegetation within two different forest plots are analysed and management strategies are proposed. The finding on Mount Cammarata of seedlings of Fagus sylvatica in the undergrowth of a conifer afforestation is noteworthy.
The Church of S. Maria Delle Palate in Tusa (Messina, Italy): Digitization and Diagnostics for a New Model of Enjoyment
Cultural places represent the tangible part of the identity and historical heritage of a civilization as well as an extraordinary driving force for the economic development of a country. Within its huge asset, Italy counts a wide number of archaeological sites and monuments which, despite their cultural value, are totally cut off from the most important cultural routes. This paper aims to demonstrate how specific actions of digitization can contribute to valorize (restoring a cultural value) ‘marginal’ landmarks, promoting their knowledge and inclusion. The case study described is represented by the Church of “Santa Maria delle Palate”, located inside the well-known …
Predictors of surgical outcomes of minimally invasive right colectomy: the MERCY study
PURPOSE: The optimal approach for minimally invasive (MIS) right colectomy remains under debate. This study aimed to describe surgical trends in the treatment of nonmetastatic right colon cancer and to identify predictors of short-term surgical outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective multicenter cohort study of Minimally-invasivE surgery for oncologic Right ColectomY (MERCY) was conducted on patients who underwent laparoscopic or robotic right colectomy between 2014 and 2020. Classification tree approach was used to describe the extracorporeal (EA) or intracorporeal (IA) anastomosis choice. Mixed-model regressions were used to identify patient- and surgery-related factors predictive of postopera…
Physiological stress indicators in the plasma of Scyliorhinus canicula captured by botto trawling at two depths.
The quantification of capture-related physiological stress is an important factor when assessing the potential for post-release survival in sharks that are incidentally captured. In the absence of these biological data and when the post-release fate is unknown, effective management plans cannot be formulated and may lead to highly susceptible shark populations being overfished. Here, we measured the levels of lactate, glucose, alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), Ca2+, Na+ K+,Cl - Mg 2+ and Pi in the plasma of mature and immature lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula, herein dogfish) which were incidentally captured at two depths (shallow: 50-200 m, an…
Adherence to Medication in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Living in Lubuskie Voivodeship in Poland: Association with Frailty Syndrome
Purpose: Diabetic patients aged 65 years or older are more likely to be frail than non-diabetic older adults. Adherence to therapeutic recommendations in the elderly suffering from diabetes and co-existent frailty syndrome may prevent complications such as micro- or macroangiopathy, as well as significantly affect prevention and reversibility of frailty. The study aimed at assessing the impact of frailty syndrome (FS) on the level of adherence to medication in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2). Patients and Methods: The research was carried out among 175 DM2 patients (87; 49.71% women and 88; 50.29% men) whose average age amounted to 70.25 ± 6.7. Standardized research instr…
“Local Production”: What Do Consumers Think?
Since the mid-1990s, there has been a growing interest among consumers and producers in downscaling to a local level the length of the agri-food chains as a solution for fairer and more sustainable food production systems. From the point of view of consumption, the attribute “local” is assuming an important role in defining food purchasing preferences, both in terms of expectations of product quality and in terms of its perceived relevance in determining the supply chain sustainability. This research aims to define how individuals’ perception of local production influences the definition of “local” among consumers based on a survey submitted to a sample of 500 consumers in North-Western Ita…
Sense of Coherence and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Physical and Neurological Disability
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that can lead to permanent disability and significantly impact the quality of life. The present study explores the relationship between neurological disability and disease symptoms, quality of life, and the level of sense of coherence, which is an important resource for coping with the disease. EDSS, GNDS, SOC-29, and MSIS-29 were used in the presented study. The study group consisted of 137 people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The study showed the correlation between most of the analyzed variables. Mood disability and fatigue were significant predictors of the sense of coherence and explained 34% o…
Diversification and community assembly of the world’s largest tropical island
Aim: The species diversity and endemism of tropical biotas are major contributors to global biodiversity, but the factors underlying the formation of these systems remain poorly understood. Location: The world's largest tropical island, New Guinea. Time period: Miocene to present. Major taxa studied: Passerine birds. Methods: We first generated a species-level phylogeny of all native breeding passerine birds to analyse spatial and elevational patterns of species richness, species age and phylogenetic diversity. Second, we used an existing dataset on bill morphology to analyse spatial and elevational patterns of functional diversity. Results: The youngest New Guinean species are principally …
Psychological Well-Being During the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediation Role of Generalized Anxiety
Palmira Faraci, Rossella Bottaro, Giusy Danila Valenti, Giuseppe Craparo Faculty of Human and Social Sciences - University of Enna âKoreâ, Enna, ItalyCorrespondence: Palmira Faraci, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Enna âKoreâ, Cittadella Universitaria, Enna, 94100, Italy, Tel +39 0935 536536, Email palmira.faraci@unikore.itIntroduction: The outbreak of the COVID-19 has largely impacted individualsâ health and lifestyles. This study aimed to investigate peopleâs psychological well-being during the second phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: We selected six indicators of psychological well-being: fear of COVID-19, loneliness, social interaction anxiety, gene…
Unethical Leadership: Review, Synthesis and Directions for Future Research
AbstractThe academic literature on unethical leadership is witnessing an upward trend, perhaps given the magnitude of unethical conduct in organisations, which is manifested in increasing corporate fraud and scandals in the contemporary business landscape. Despite a recent increase, scholarly interest in this area has, by and large, remained scant due to the proliferation of concepts that are often and mistakenly considered interchangeable. Nevertheless, scholarly investigation in this field of inquiry has picked up the pace, which warrants a critical appraisal of the extant research on unethical leadership. To this end, the current study systematically reviews the existing body of work on …
Use of Hybrid Methods (Hole-Drilling and Ring-Core) for the Analysis of the RS on Welded Joints
The hybrid methods (HMs) for the residual stress (RS) analysis, such as the well-known hole-drilling method (HDM) and the ring-core method (RCM), have been widely developed since 80’. They are mechanical methods based on the partial relaxation of the RSs that occur when a proper geometry variation of the analysed component is introduced by drilling a hole (HDM) or a proper annular groove (RCM). The RS computation is performed by measuring the strains relaxed on surface and then by combine properly such measured strains with the influence coefficients previously computed accurately by using a numerical codes that consider the geometry of the particular component to be examined. In such a man…
Frequency Dynamics in Fully Non-Synchronous Electrical Grids: A Case Study of an Existing Island
The operation of a power system with 100% converter-interfaced generation poses several questions and challenges regarding various aspects of the design and the control of the system. Existing literature on the integration of renewable energy sources in isolated systems mainly focuses on energy aspects or steady-state issues, and only a few studies examine the dynamic issues of autonomous networks operated with fully non-synchronous generation. A lack of research can be found in particular in the determination of the required amount of grid-forming power, the selection of the number and rated power of the units which should implement the grid-forming controls, and the relative locations of …
Diseño y tipografía para formar a docentes en educación artística. De la caligrafía al universo digital
El artículo presenta una reflexión y propuesta sobre la oportunidad de recuperar el estudio de la imagen de las letras en la formación inicial del profesorado de primaria. Se discuten referentes teóricos, se estudia la perspectiva histórica, y se fundamenta la metodología utilizada, de carácter eminentemente cualitativo, incorporando la Investigación Educativa Basada en Artes. El objetivo consiste en analizar hasta qué punto la tipografía puede favorecer la conciencia cultural de profesorado. Se describe un estudio realizado en las aulas de grado de Maestro/a de la Universitat de València. Los resultados revelan que existe un gran potencial en el uso de la tipografía entre futuros docentes,…
De la localización a la movilización. Evolución del uso electoral de Instagram en España de 2015 a 2019
Este artículo analiza la evolución del uso electoral de Instagram en España, desde sus inicios como canal de comunicación política hasta su actual consolidación. Se aplica un análisis de contenido de once variables a las dimensiones formal, espacial, personal, temático-discursiva e interactiva de la actividad desarrollada en esta red social por los candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno de España de los partidos que concurrieron con una mayor expectativa de voto a las Elecciones Generales de diciembre de 2015, junio de 2016 y abril y noviembre de 2019 (571 publicaciones). Los resultados evidencian la consolidación de Instagram como herramienta de comunicación política y el creciente inter…
New distributional data on Haemogregarina stepanowi (Apicomplexa) and Placobdella costata (Hirudinea) parasitising the Sicilian pond turtle Emys trin…
The host-parasite system "Emys trinacris - Placobdella costata - Haemogregarina stepanowi"is known for Sicily, but scarce information is available to date about the distribution of the two parasites P. costata and H. stepanowi on the island. Therefore, an extensive sampling effort through visual census and collection and analysis of blood smears of the endemic Sicilian pond turtle E. trinacris was carried out in 46 water bodies scattered throughout mainland Sicily. Our findings revealed that the distribution of both parasites is limited to the Nebrodi area, where the infection of H. stepanowi has shown a high incidence on the local turtle populations. Our data suggest no correlation between…