showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Cancer-Related Cachexia: The Vicious Circle between Inflammatory Cytokines, Skeletal Muscle, Lipid Metabolism and the Possible Role of Physical Train…
Cachexia is a multifactorial and multi-organ syndrome that is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in late-stage chronic diseases. The main clinical features of cancer-related cachexia are chronic inflammation, wasting of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, insulin resistance, anorexia, and impaired myogenesis. A multimodal treatment has been suggested to approach the multifactorial genesis of cachexia. In this context, physical exercise has been found to have a general effect on maintaining homeostasis in a healthy life, involving multiple organs and their metabolism. The purpose of this review is to present the evidence for the relationship between inflammatory cytokines, skeletal mus…
«Ars orandi»: Ramon Llull’s «Ars compendiosa Dei»
Utilitzant el breu estudi sobre les artes orandi de Barbara H. Jaye com a punt de partida, examino l’Ars compendiosa Dei de Ramon Llull (maig de 1308) a la llum de la definició que proporciona del gènere. Tot i que no comparteixo la creença de Jaye que l’ACD és l’únic text dins del corpus de Llull que podria qualificar-se com una ars orandi, realitzo una mena d’«experiment mental» sobre la base dels seus coneixements. Incorporo al meu compte la consideració de certes construccions lògiques aristotèliques (per exemple, teories de l’antítesi) per mostrar com aquests (i altres) determinants interactuen amb les creences cristianes en la seva explicació de les relacions entre la misericòrdia i l…
Typification of five plant names described based on specimens collected by Józef Warszewicz in Central and South America.
Józef Warszewicz (1812–1864) was one of the first Polish naturalists to explore the flora of the tropical New World. During two expeditions to Central and South America (1844–1850 and 1850–1853) he collected and delivered to Europe up to twenty thousand plant specimens. To honour his service and his achievements in plant collections, different taxonomists described more than 100 taxa using the surname Warszewicz, for example in the genus name (Warszewiczia) and the species epithets (warszewiczii, warscewiczii, warszewicziana). Unfortunately, a large part of Warszewicz’s collection of plant species deposited in the Berlin Herbarium (B), including many type specimens was destroyed during Worl…
Immunoexpression of CXCL12 and CXCR4 in sporadic and Gorlin-Goltz syndrome-related odontogenic keratocysts
Differences in the pathogenesis and biological behavior of sporadic and Gorlin-Goltz syndrome-related odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) have been reported, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Chemokine CXCL12 and its main receptor CXCR4 regulate important events in the pathogenesis of several lesions.This study evaluated the immunoexpression of CXCL12 and CXCR4 in sporadic and syndromic OKCs. Twenty-two sporadic OKCs and 22 syndromic OKCs were subjected to immunohistochemistry. The percentages of cytoplasmic (CXCL12 and CXCR4) and nuclear (CXCR4) staining in epithelial and fibrous capsule cells were determined. The results were analyzed statistically using the nonparametric…
Governança territorial i cooperació intermunicipal al País Valencià. Una anàlisi de les xarxes de cooperació local existents
En aquesta publicació analitzarem la realitat de la cooperació intermunicipal en el territori valencià, sobre la base de la identificació de les xarxes que els municipis formen entre ells i de la seua intensitat. Analitzar les dinàmiques de col·laboració existents entre els municipis és d’interès per a encarar des de les actuacions públiques una estratègia territorial més efectiva, i resulta d’utilitat tant per als mateixos governs locals com per al govern autonòmic. El text s’organitza en tres parts ben diferenciades. La primera inclou el marc teòric i conceptual, on situem l’estudi de la cooperació intermunicipal i del territori en relació amb el desenvolupament, la coherència de polítiqu…
Crecimiento urbanístico en la zona costera de la Comunidad Valenciana (1987-2009). Análisis y perspectivas de futuro
Durante las últimas décadas, el litoral de la Comunidad Valenciana ha sufrido un amplio proceso de artificialización que ha modificado su entorno de forma sustancial. La relevancia de la zona litoral ha impulsado la redacción de este estudio, cuyo principal objetivo es cuantificar la artificialización del suelo durante el periodo de la última expansión inmobiliaria (1997-2007). Para analizar correctamente la situación se cuenta con datos previos, así como con datos más actuales, correspondientes con la etapa de crisis inmobiliaria (abarcando el período del 1987 al 2009). Estructurado en tres capítulos, el documento recoge la información básica sobre el estudio: objetivos, características bá…
The polyphasic Protocol for the Keloid
The occurrence of keloids is a common clinical problem that can cause functional impairment and cosmetic deformities. They are pathological cutaneous scars that occur due to surgery, burns or other traumatic wounds. Keloids are manifestations of a loss of the control mechanism that regulates wound repair (inflammation, neoangiogenesis and synthesis of extracellular matrix). The authors present their polyphasic protocol for the treatment of keloids: it consists of a combination of intralesional excision, steroid injections and dye-laser treatment over a period of four months. In our research, we have selected patients who have been clinically diagnosed to have keloid scars, which have been d…
El paper d’Alfred Morel-Fatio en els inicis de la catalanística
El nostre objectiu en aquest article és fer una síntesi dels principals estudis d’Alfred Morel-Fatio sobre llengua i literatura catalanes, així com definir el seu paper en la catalanística del segle XIX, especialment a França però també a la resta d’Europa. Cal saber que aquest erudit francès va tenir un paper cabdal en el desplegament dels estudis universitaris catalans fora del nostre àmbit lingüístic, a banda de fer aportacions significatives al desplegament de la filologia catalana. Així, arribem a la conclusió que Morel-Fatio té el mèrit de ser el primer professor que va introduir l’estudi de la llengua i la literatura catalanes a les aules universitàries. A banda d’això, no es pot obv…
Antoni Isarch, «El batec de l'època. Domènec Guansé i el periodisme (1918- 1936)», Tarragona, Publicacions URV, 2021, 181 p.
Ressenya sobre el llibre d’Antoni Isarch, El batec de l’època. Domènec Guansé i el periodisme (1918- 1936), Tarragona, Publicacions URV, 2021, 181 p. ISBN: 978-84-8424-913-9.
Sobre la categoria verbal de temps en búlgar
El sistema verbal búlgar conserva en principi l’esquema antic. La tendència que antigament operà sobre els sistemes eslaus convertint el perfet en un passat general sembla que també va actuar en búlgar, però menà a resultats diferents. Una innovació fou el valor testimonial associat als temps passats, davant del valor neutre dels no-passats. El sistema s’ha enriquit amb altres innovacions basades sobre els valors de perfet: perfets secundaris, formes narratives, mode conclusiu i formes dubitatives. 
 Dediquem aquest treball a trobar una representació d’aquestes formes en fórmules de relacions temporals «E rel R rel S» per tal de veure que les podem considerar «temps» perquè mostren una…
Thin Film Skyrmionics
In condensed matter physics, magnetic skyrmions, topologically stabilized magnetic solitons, have been discovered in various materials systems, which has intrigued the community in terms of not only fundamental physics but also with respect to engineering applications. In particular, skyrmions in thin films are easily manipulable by electrical means even at room temperature. Concomitantly, a variety of possible applications have been proposed and proof-of-concept devices have been demonstrated. Recently, the field of skyrmion-based electronics has been referred to as skyrmionics and this field has been rapidly growing and extended in multiple directions. This review provides recent progres…
Un text escrit per Bonsom l’any 998, en nova edició i traduït al català
Nova edició crítica d’un text de caràcter força literari del diaca i jutge Bonsom, i traducció al català. Justificació paleogràfica i filològica de les noves lectures proposades. La personalitat literària de Bonsom en el context dels millors homines scholastici del seu temps i entorn. Identificació dels personatges protagonistes de la narració textual i de l’acció jurídica que conté el diploma estudiat.
Associations Between Sympathetic Nervous System Synchrony, Movement Synchrony, and Speech in Couple Therapy
Background: Research on interpersonal synchrony has mostly focused on a single modality, and hence little is known about the connections between different types of social attunement. In this study, the relationship between sympathetic nervous system synchrony, movement synchrony, and the amount of speech were studied in couple therapy. Methods: Data comprised 12 couple therapy cases (24 clients and 10 therapists working in pairs as co-therapists). Synchrony in electrodermal activity, head and body movement, and the amount of speech and simultaneous speech during the sessions were analyzed in 12 sessions at the start of couple therapy (all 72 dyads) and eight sessions at the end of therapy (…
Anna Murià, publicista i ideòloga (1936-1939)
L’objectiu d’aquest article és seguir la trajectòria com a publicista d’Anna Murià compresa entre 1936, any en què s’incorporà al Diari de Barcelona i el 1939, data en què va emprendre el camí de l’exili cap a França. Volem constatar l’existència d’una producció ideològica i política important durant aquests anys en els principals mitjans de l’època. L’estudi d’aquest període, el més desconegut de l’autora, aporta noves dades i resulta interessant atès el canvi significatiu que l’esclat de la guerra i el posterior exili propiciaren en la vida de Murià, perceptible tant des del punt de vista ideològic com personal, fet que repercutí clarament en la seva obra.
Guillem Colom-Montero, «Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Culture 1975-2018 Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics», Cambridge, Leg…
Ressenya sobre el llibre de Guillem Colom-Montero, Quim Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Culture 1975-2018 Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics, Cambridge, Legenda (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 45 / Modern Humanities Research Association), 2021, 226 p., ISBN: 978-1-78188-392-1.
L’analogia i el paral·lelisme en l’estil proverbial de Ramon Llull
Ramon Llull és autor d’un extens i excepcional corpus de proverbis, distribuït en cinc reculls que va escriure principalment entre 1295 i 1302. En aquest article, després de contextualitzar les col·leccions en el marc de la trajectòria intel·lectual de Llull, de presentar els seus trets més remarcables i de repassar breument alguns aspectes de la teoria paremiològica sobre els marcadors proverbials, s’analitza l’ús d’un conjunt de procediments retòrics en la formulació dels enunciats, en especial la personificació i el paral·lelisme, el qual es posa en relació amb les funcions i les aplicacions pràctiques que Llull mateix preveu per als seus proverbis.
Presentació del monogràfic «Formes didàctiques i usos retòrics en la difusió del pensament de Ramon Llull»
Presentació del monogràfic «Formes didàctiques i usos retòrics en la difusió del pensament de Ramon Llull», coordinat per Josep Enric Rubio i Maria Saiz.
Finançament territorial i infraestructures de transport al País Valencià. Lògiques i resistències en el procés valencià de desenvolupament territorial
Finançament autonòmic i infraestructures de transport es conjuguen en aquest estudi amb l'objectiu de cercar-hi relacions entre dues àrees amb propòsits, a priori, independents, però amb rerefons força lligats. D'una banda, el finançament del territori valencià es presenta menor a la mitjana estatal i insuficient per fer front a les competències de despesa transferides. D'altra banda, la inversió i dotació de l'economia valenciana en matèria d'infraestructures de transport esdevenen inferiors als valors de la regió mitjana espanyola i deficients per aprofitar les capacitats socioeconòmiques valencianes. Els resultats van més enllà i apunten, entre d'altres, a una asimetria global en les rel…
Stability of transversal correction with hybrid maxillary expansion appliance in bone and tegumental piriformis opening in relation to bone age and m…
To evaluate the stability of the transverse correction with a hybrid maxillary expansion appliance in the bone and tegumental piriformis opening in relation to bone age and maturation of the midpalatal suture (MPS).15 patients with a mean initial age of 14.9 years (SD=1.50), 7 (46.7%) were female and 8 (53.3%) were male, treated with a hybrid maxillary expander. Cone beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images were collected in three phases: T1 (orthodontic records), T2 (21.33 days (SD=10.68) after the end of expansion screw activation) and T3 after 9.13 months (DP=2.41) after the expansion screw was activated. In CBCT, measurements were performed in the nasal cavity considering the tegumental …
Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ): Psychometric properties in its digital version
The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire’s (TEOSQ’s) psychometric properties have been explored in previous studies but never in its digital version, which facilitates data collection. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the online TEOSQ by MenPas 1.0. The sample was composed of 2320 users (58.4% women; 41.6% men), between 18 and 65 years old (M = 25.27, SD = 7.39). The methods used were Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and invariance analysis from the original 13-item model. The CFA was corrected for all samples (CFI = 0.92–0.94, TLI = 0.93–0.95, RMSEA = 0.07, SRMR = 0.06; df = 64; Bollen-Stine Bootstrap p = 0.02–0.07): general sample (χ2 …
Gender and Toxic Meritocracy in Competitive Overwatch: Case “Ellie”
AbstractThis chapter examines toxic meritocracy in relation to gender in competitive Overwatch, asking how gender affects a player’s opportunities for engagement in that scene. It analyzes online news stories and community discussions concerning “Ellie” – a fabricated competitive woman gamer created as a “social experiment” by a man player. The confluences between gender and toxic meritocracy become visible in the assumption there must be an experienced man gamer behind the battletag, the gender-based harassment targeted at Ellie, and the reflections on the importance of setting an example as the first team taking a woman player for Contenders. The analysis shows that despite a strong belie…
Recommendations for Determining the Validity of Consumer Wearables and Smartphones for the Estimation of Energy Expenditure : Expert Statement and Ch…
Open Access funding provided by the IReL Consortium. This research was partly funded by Huawei Technologies, Finland. RA and BC are partly funded by Science Foundation Ireland (12/RC/2289_P2). PMG and FBO are supported by grants from the MINECO/FEDER (DEP2016-79512-R) and from the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Scientific Excellence Unit on Exercise and Health (UCEES); Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European Regional Development Funds (ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR). JT and JS are partly funded by the Research Council of Norway (249932/F20). AG is supported by a European Research Co…
An Economic Approach to Size of a Renewable Energy Mix in Small Islands
The importance of renewable energy exploitation reduces the energy dependence on fossil fuels. Despite technological progress, in several remote areas and small islands the energy production is nowadays dominated by the utilization of fossil fuels. With new, increasingly stringent laws on polluting emissions and the need to lower production costs, it is necessary to exploit as many renewable sources as possible. In order to implement these considerations, it was decided to study renewable energy production. The study was carried out by estimating the energy production on a monthly and annual basis considering a mix of three plants, namely marine, solar, and wind. Simulations on wave product…
Tunable sensitivity of a biosensor by strain modulation of a gap between gold dimers
International audience
The development of school and sports task values among adolescent athletes : The role of gender
AbstractSuccessfully integrating elite sports with education requires motivation to commit oneself to both domains. This study examines the development of and gender differences in adolescent athletes’ task values for school and sports across the upper secondary school years. A total of 391 adolescents (aged 15–16 at the beginning of the study) were followed four times during sports upper secondary school. The participating student athletes were recruited from six sports upper secondary schools in Finland, which offer equal competitive sport opportunities for both genders. The results showed that school- and sports- task values are strongly related to each other. Males valued school less th…
Effect of methyl jasmonate in gene expression, and in hormonal and phenolic profiles of holm oak embryogenic lines before and after infection with Ph…
The dieback syndrome affecting Quercus ilex and other oak species impels the search for tolerant plant genotypes, as well as methods of plant immunization against such infections. Elicitation treatments can be an effective strategy to activate plant defense response and embryogenic lines represent a promising tool to generate new tolerant genotypes and also to study early markers involved in defense response. The aim of the presented work was to investigate changes in gene expression, and in hormonal and phenolic profiles induced in three holm oak embryogenic lines (ELs) elicited with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) before and after infection with the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi, which is the m…
Spanish Adaptation of Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy for Participants With Cancer: Study Protocol of a Randomized Control Trial.
BackgroundMeaning-Centered Psychotherapy (MCP) is effective in improving meaning in life, hope, optimism, self-efficacy, well-being, and quality of life, and in reducing stress in people with cancer. However, all the studies on the application of MCP in cancer patients have been carried out in Anglo-Saxon samples. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt and verify the efficacy of MCP in populations that speak languages other than English, such as Spanish. Moreover, to expand the data supporting the efficacy of MCP for cancer patients, it would be necessary to compare MCP to other active therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).MethodsThe aims of the proposed study are: the first obj…
Artificial selection for predatory behaviour results in dietary niche differentiation in an omnivorous mammal
The diet of an individual is a result of the availability of dietary items and the individual's foraging skills and preferences. Behavioural differences may thus influence diet variation, but the evolvability of diet choice through behavioural evolution has not been studied. We used experimental evolution combined with a field enclosure experiment to test whether behavioural selection leads to dietary divergence. We analysed the individual dietary niche via stable isotope ratios of nitrogen ( δ 15 N) and carbon ( δ 13 C) in the hair of an omnivorous mammal, the bank vole, from four lines selected for predatory behaviour and four unselected control lines. Predatory voles had higher hair δ 1…
Neglected fishery data sources as indicators of pre‐industrial ecological properties of Mediterranean swordfish ( Xiphias gladius , Xiphiidae)
Management of fish populations and ecosystems suffers from data and knowledge gaps, particularly with respect to how humans and nature affect dynamics at multi-decadal and longer time scales. However, collection of new data which indicates population or ecosystem status is slow and expensive. Here we analyse c. 110 years of neglected fishery data for an overexploited top predator, swordfish, in the Mediterranean Sea. These data are available at scales of high time–space–biological resolution (i.e., sub-weekly, sub-regional sea; individual weights) and allow different ecological questions to be addressed than is possible with coarsely scaled data (e.g., annually resolved total catches aggreg…
Interactions between Street Food and Food Safety Topics in the Scientific Literature—A Bibliometric Analysis with Science Mapping
Street food (SF) consists of ready-to-eat food prepared and sold on the street. This food constitutes the food traditions of local populations in many countries of the world. SF characterizes a large number of cities around the world, from New York to Paris, from Palermo to cities of North Africa, China, India and Japan. SF is inexpensive and prepared following traditional methods that meet local consumer preferences, culinary culture and lifestyles. Moreover, SF allows a unique experience for tourists who also want to experience a destination through traditional food consumed on the street together with the locals. Nevertheless, SF is linked to several health hazards. Hence, several studie…
Flavour and Mass Spectrometry
The flavour of food, commonly called ‘taste’, is an essential determinant of food choice by the consumer. Flavour perception in the mouth results from at least two sensory modalities, aroma and taste, due to odour-active and taste-active compounds released from the food matrix on eating. Instrumental assessment of flavour should characterise odouriferous molecules present in the volatile organic compounds of food and sapid components, essentially present in the non-volatile fraction of food. Mass spectrometry (MS) plays a fundamental role in the studies dedicated to flavour characterisation. Coupled with gas chromatography (GC) and benefitting from the latest development in multidimensional…
Haptotropism in a Nickel Complex with a Neutral, π‐Bridging cyclo ‐P 4 Ligand Analogous to Cyclobutadiene
Inclusion complexes of triblock L35 copolymer and hydroxyl propyl cyclodextrins: a physico-chemical study
In this work, we studied the formation of supramolecular inclusion complexes (pseudopolyrotaxanes) generated by the interactions between L35 Pluronic (PEO-PPO-PEO triblock copolymer) and hydroxyl propyl-modified cyclodextrins (HP-alpha-CD and HP-beta-CD). The structural characteristics of the L35/CD composites were investigated by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, which highlighted the effective inclusion of the copolymer. The thermodynamic properties of the pseudopolyrotaxanes were determined through density and speed of sound experiments conducted on aqueous mixtures with various L35/CD compositions, while turbidimetric analyses allowed the investigation of the kinetics of the threading pro…
Recovery from Food Waste-Biscuit Doughs Enriched with Pomegranate Peel Powder as a Model of Fortified Aliment
This research was funded by the "IEV Programme de Cooperation Italie-Tunisie 2014-2020, Re-lancer une nouvelle economie (Re-Ne)". EU project code C-5-3.1-39.
First-order visual interneurons distribute distinct contrast and luminance information across ON and OFF pathways to achieve stable behavior
The accurate processing of contrast is the basis for all visually guided behaviors. Visual scenes with rapidly changing illumination challenge contrast computation because photoreceptor adaptation is not fast enough to compensate for such changes. Yet, human perception of contrast is stable even when the visual environment is quickly changing, suggesting rapid post receptor luminance gain control. Similarly, in the fruit fly Drosophila, such gain control leads to luminance invariant behavior for moving OFF stimuli. Here, we show that behavioral responses to moving ON stimuli also utilize a luminance gain, and that ON-motion guided behavior depends on inputs from three first-order interneuro…
The angle of trunk rotation and symmetry of a lower limb loading in musicians of a symphony orchestra in Poland: a pilot study concerning instrument-…
Background: The study aimed to evaluate the angle of trunk rotation (ATR) and symmetry of lower limb loading in professional musicians. Material and Methods: A total of 60 instrumentalists were examined: cellists, violinists and musicians playing wind instruments. The scoliometer examination was used to assess trunk asymmetry. The angle of trunk rotation was measured at segment: Th1–Th4, Th5–Th12, and Th12–L4. The maximum value (ATR max) and the sum of three rotations (STR) were calculated. Two scales were used to assess the symmetry of lower limb loading. Loading symmetry index (LSI) of the lower limb was calculated. Results: Violinists have the highest mean values of ATR, ATR max, STR and…