showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
A Design of Global Workspace Model with Attention: Simulations of Attentional Blink and Lag-1 Sparing
There are many developed theories and implemented artificial systems in the area of machine consciousness, while none has achieved that. For a possible approach, we are interested in implementing a system by integrating different theories. Along this way, this paper proposes a model based on the global workspace theory and attention mechanism, and providing a fundamental framework for our future work. To examine this model, two experiments are conducted. The first one demonstrates the agent’s ability to shift attention over multiple stimuli, which accounts for the dynamics of conscious content. Another experiment of simulations of attentional blink and lag-1 sparing, which are two well-stu…
Evolutionary transition to the ectomycorrhizal habit in the genomes of a hyperdiverse lineage of mushroom‐forming fungi
International audience; Summary The ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbiosis has independently evolved from diverse types of saprotrophic ancestors. In this study, we seek to identify genomic signatures of the transition to the ECM habit within the hyper-diverse Russulaceae. We present comparative analyses of the genomic architecture and the total and secreted gene repertoires of 18 species across the order Russulales of which 13 are newly sequenced, including a representative of a saprotrophic member of Russulaceae, Gloeopeniophorella convolvens. The genomes of ECM Russulaceae are characterized by a loss of genes for plant cell-wall degrading enzymes (PCWDEs), an expansion of genome size through in…
Di concerto con i quattro i laboratori di terzo anno raccolti in questo volume, il Laboratorio B - di cui chi scrive è stato responsabile per l’insegnamento della Progettazione Architettonica (con Isotta Cortesi, responsabile per il l’Architettura del Paesaggio) - si è giovato, nelle fasi iniziali, dei materiali cartografici già reperiti nelle ricerche sullo stesso ambito urbano coordinate dal prof. Giovanni Multari negli anni accademici precedenti. Date le restrizioni dovute all’emergenza sanitaria Covid 19, lezioni e revisioni sono state tenute in via telematica per tutto il semestre. Il laboratorio ha registrato l’iscrizione di 36 studenti, di cui 34 frequentanti, approdati tutti ad esam…
Room temperature synthesis of two-dimensional multilayer magnets based on α-CoII layered hydroxides
Research on two-dimensional (2D) materials is one of the most active fields in materials science and nanotechnology. Among the members of the 2D family, layered hydroxides (LHs) represent an exceptional case of study due to their unparalleled chemical versatility which allows the modulation of their physicochemical properties at will. Nowadays, LHs based on earth-abundant metals are key materials in the areas of energy storage and conversion, hybrid materials or magnetism. ɑ-Co hydroxides (Simonkolleite-like structures) are promising phases with tuneable electronic and magnetic properties by ligand modification. However, even in the simple case of ɑ-CoII hydroxychlorides, the preparation of…
Out-of-Plane Behavior of URM Infill: Accuracy of Available Capacity Models
The aim of this paper is to check the accuracy of analytical capacity models available for the prediction of out-of-plane strength of unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls. The accuracy of the available models is checked by detailed comparison with the existing experimental results. In doing so, both types of capacity models are evaluated: Type I for the prediction of the strength in the undamaged state, and Type II for the prediction of strength reduction in the in-plane damaged state. Results from the calculations are discussed, and the best among the available models are recommended. Furthermore, the influence of orthotropy of the infill masonry in the out-of-plane capacity predicted b…
Politiche migratorie nell’ambito del partenariato UE-Tunisia. Cooperazione allo sviluppo, principio di solidarietà e aspettative tradite
La crisi migratoria ha manifestato le debolezze di Dublino III e la fallacia della solidarietà europea, quale principio alla base del Sistema Comune Europeo di Asilo. Di conseguenza, le istituzioni europee si sono concentrate maggiormente sulla ‘dimensione esterna’ dell'UE, attraverso accordi che esternalizzino il controllo migratorio verso Paesi terzi, impedendo ai migranti irregolari di raggiungere i confini europei. Il contributo analizza gli effetti di questa cooperazione: la creazione di una pre-frontiera in un Paese, come la Tunisia, dove vengono impiegate pratiche illegali. In particolare, la prima parte del contributo esamina i rapporti tra Ue e Tunisia, storicamente ‘paese di trans…
Descrizione di una battaglia. Attori e strategie della prova in un processo per femminicidio
Spostando l’attenzione dalla dimensione della verità a quella della veridizione e analizzando la sentenza come una battaglia dialettica che ridefinisce i confini delle identità degli attori coinvolti, il libro propone l’esame di un caso di femminicidio andato in giudizio nel dicembre del 2015. È l’omicidio di una donna che viene insolitamente definito dai giudici come un femminicidio e il cui movente è rinvenuto nel desiderio di possesso dell’omicida nei confronti della vittima. Un caso del quale la cronaca si è poco occupata, anche per il basso livello socio-economico e culturale di vittima e assassino. A renderne ancor più ricca la narrazione, il fatto che di esso (e della giovane vittima…
Modification of face masks with zeolite imidazolate framework-8
The worldwide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has continued to accelerate, putting a considerable burden on public health, safety, and the global economy. Taking into consideration that the main route of virus transmission is via respiratory particles, the face mask represents a simple and efficient barrier between potentially infected and healthy individuals, thus reducing transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles. However, long-term usage of a face mask leads to the accumulation of significant amounts of different pathogens and viruses onto the surface of the mask and can result in dangerous bacterial and viral co-infections. Zeolite imidazolat…
Two-step nilpotent Leibniz algebras
In this paper we give a complete classification of two-step nilpotent Leibniz algebras in terms of Kronecker modules associated with pairs of bilinear forms. In particular, we describe the complex and the real case of the indecomposable Heisenberg Leibniz algebras as a generalization of the classical $(2n+1)-$dimensional Heisenberg Lie algebra $\mathfrak{h}_{2n+1}$. Then we use the Leibniz algebras - Lie local racks correspondence proposed by S. Covez to show that nilpotent real Leibniz algebras have always a global integration. As an application, we integrate the indecomposable nilpotent real Leibniz algebras with one-dimensional commutator ideal. We also show that every Lie quandle integr…
The aim of this paper is to show patterns in the moderation of video conferences. The corpus used comes from the Erasmus+ project LEELU (development of teaching skills for extensive reading lessons). The subject of the investigation was how changes in the agenda are negotiated at the beginning of the meetings. A multimodal method based on conversation analysis was chosen for the analysis.
A novel compound heterozygous mutation in PYGM gene associated with McArdle’s disease
McArdle's disease is an autosomal recessive glycogenosis due to mutation in the myophosphorylase gene (PYGM) resulting in a pure myopathy. The clinical onset typically occurs in childhood with cramps, myalgia, and intolerance to physical exercise, although late onset forms are also reported. We describe a case of a 17-year-old male complaining of cramps and myalgia following brief and intense exercise. The patient reported marked improvement in muscle fatigability few minutes after starting aerobic exercise. When he was a child, he had experienced few episodes of vomiting, nausea, and black colored urine following physical activity. Laboratory testings revealed high creatine kinase serum le…
Validation of a multi-residue UHPLC-HRMS method for antibiotics screening in milk, fresh cheese, and whey
Abstract The aim of this study was to develop a UHPLC–HRMS methodology as a suitable tool for the screening of antibiotics in milk, fresh cheese, and whey. Compounds were analysed using an Orbitrap Exactive™ analyser working at a resolving power of 50,000 FWHM in full scan, both in positive and negative electrospray ionization mode, and a high mass accuracy (
Study of the combined effects of CDK1 inhibitors and senolytic drugs for the clearance of aneuploid-senescent cells
Despite the progresses in discovering new therapeutic drugs and treatments, cancer is still one of the main causes of death. The biggest part of available treatments, moreover, is not always effective against tumour spread and it also has negative effects on the healthy tissues of the individual. For this reason, it is extremely relevant to find new strategies to avoid side effects during the anti-cancer therapies. Aneuploidy, an aberrant number of chromosomes in the cell, is a typical condition of cancer cells caused mainly by segregation errors and chromosomal instability (CIN). CIN is a process by which higher rate of chromosome segregation defects occurs by different mechanisms (chromos…
The politics of emotion in a parenting support programmes for refugees in Norway
Enhancing social skills among citizens who are considered at risk is one of the ways in which a welfare state handles marginalised groups (Prieur et al, 2020). Universalised programmes represent a common way of strengthening the social capabilities of groups deemed in need of such skills (for example, Pettersvold and Østrem, 2019). In this article, we show that emotions perform a political role in such programmes. We proffer our arguments on the basis of data from five training sessions in the International Child Development Programme (ICDP) in a mid-sized Norwegian municipality. Mentors who are teaching the ICDP course use emotions to signal the superiority of the ICDP as a parenting ideal…
Introduction: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Agri-food Supply Chain
The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still unclear, but the link with the presence in the food chain of wild animals for human consumption has been claimed as one of the possible sources of the so-called “spillover” of the virus. Food safety throughout the food chain, from field to fork, is one of the most critical issues of the food industry, and significant differences still exist from country to country concerning food production systems, postharvest management, trading, and retail organization. The effect of the pandemic has touched all steps of the food chain.
Pianificazione regionale al bivio: un piano territoriale regionale strategico a valenza sociale economica o un piano comprensivo
With the approval of the regional law n.2 / 2021 the Sicilian regional urban reform has taken the start that has been completed with the last of the implementing decrees provided for in the regional law n.19 / 2020 relating to the sizing of general urban plans (PUG) that take the place of the PRG of the lr n.71 / 1978. This last law was part of the triptych of laws (urban planning, cultural heritage and tourism) that between 1976 and 1980 were alternately desired by Piersanti Mattarella before his murder at the hands of the mafia. The regional council has approved the act of address that constitutes the document of the guidelines for the new regional territorial plan of social and economic …
The role of serum free light chain as biomarker of Myasthenia Gravis
Background and aim: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a B lymphocyte–mediated disease affecting neuromuscular transmission. The clinical course of MG is unpredictable due to the fluctuating nature and heterogeneity of the disease. Increased levels of free light chains (FLC), which reflect B cell activation, have been detected in different autoimmune disorders. In this study, we evaluated the potential role of FLC as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of MG. Materials and methods: 74 MG patients and 52 healthy individuals were included in the study. Serum FLC levels were measured by turbidimetric assay (Freelite, The Binding Site Group Ltd) on the Optilite Analyser System in both groups. In MG pat…
L'educazione intellettuale in John Dewey. Senso e metodo di una pedagogia per il reflective thinking.
Un dibattito scientifico settecentesco sulla «combustione umana spontanea», le domande sollevate in età moderna dalle nascite mostruose e questioni di storia della psichiatria tra fine XVIII e primo quarantennio del XIX secolo. Ma anche l’antigiudaismo nel discorso inquisitoriale della Sicilia di metà Settecento, a pochi anni dalla soppressione di un tribunale che la civiltà giuridica coeva considerò come il suo monstrum antipodico. Il volume affronta trame "minori," ma estremamente rivelatorie, dietro cui si cela il filo rosso delle contraddizioni della modernità, degli sfasamenti e delle discontinuità che stanno dietro alle trasformazioni, come pure l’affanno nella produzione di un «di…
Repetitive use of LEvosimendan in Ambulatory Heart Failure patients (LEIA-HF) - The rationale and study design
Abstract Purpose Clinical practice forces the necessity to conduct a clinical trial concerning the group of outpatients with chronically advanced heart failure in III or IV NYHA functional class, frequently requiring hospitalizations due to HF exacerbation, and often left without any additional therapeutic option. The current trial aims to determine the efficacy and safety of repeated levosimendan infusions in the group of severe outpatients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Material and methods LEIA-HF (LEvosimendan In Ambulatory Heart Failure Patients) is a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 4 clinical trial to determine whether the repetitive use of le…
Virtual Resource Allocation for Wireless Virtualized Heterogeneous Network with Hybrid Energy Supply
In this work, two novel virtual user association and resource allocation algorithms are introduced for a wireless virtualized heterogeneous network with hybrid energy supply. In the considered system, macro base stations (MBSs) are supplied by the grid power and small base stations (SBSs) have the energy harvesting capability in addition to the grid power supplement. Multiple infrastructure providers (InPs) own the physical resources, i.e., BSs and radio resources. The Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) are able to recent these resources from the InPs and operate the virtualized resources for providing services to different users. In particular, aiming to maximize the overall utility …
Coupling of electromembrane processes with reverse osmosis for seawater desalination: Pilot plant demonstration and testing
Reverse osmosis (RO) is the most widespread technology to produce drinking water from seawater (SW). However, the integration of different membrane processes offers interesting alternatives. In this work, electromembrane processes were integrated with RO to desalinate real seawater in a pilot plant with 25 m3/day capacity. Electrodialysis (ED, either two-stage or single stage), shortcut reverse electrodialysis (scRED) and assisted reverse electrodialysis (ARED) pre-desalinated seawater before RO with the ED-ED-RO, ED-RO, and scRED-ARED-RO process schemes. Treated wastewater was used as salt sink in the scRED-ARED tests. The performance of the pilot plant can be summarized as follows: water …
A new definition of soil to promote soil awareness, sustainability, security and governance
Abstract In these last decades, the awareness that soil is a very important resource for humans has noticeably increased. Many actions and initiatives to promote soil governance, aiming at sustainable soil management and soil security have been undertaken by several national and international institutions and in many countries. Analysis of the changes of soil perception over the centuries allows highlighting a perfect harmony between the evolution of soil awareness and the level of knowledge and technology achieved by humans during their history and evolution. Notwithstanding these many achievements, soils continue to be scarcely considered in politics and society. We suggest some thoughts …
Beyond Agency: The African Peasantry, the State, and Tobacco in Southern Rhodesia (Colonial Zimbabwe), 1900–80
AbstractThis paper examines African peasant tobacco production in Southern Rhodesia from 1900 to 1980, from the cusp of colonialism to its end. It analyses shifting state policy towards African tobacco producers, the concomitant impact on peasant economies, accumulation patterns and the rural physical landscape and peasant responses. It focuses on the changing agricultural commodity value chains, cash crop asymmetries, and global market forces to explain colonial responses to peasant production and peasant agency. We argue that the symbolic value of each agricultural commodity, in entrenching the hierarchy of power relations and the institutionalisation of white control, mediated colonial r…
Adaptive Control Design for Underactuated Cranes With Guaranteed Transient Performance: Theoretical Design and Experimental Verification
For antiswing control of underactuated cranes, how to guarantee the converging speed of cranes through control design is essential but still remains unsolved. In this paper, the adaptive antiswing control for underactuated gantry cranes with guaranteed transient performance under unmodeled dynamics and external disturbances is investigated. To sovle this problem, a set of filters are proposed to make the backstepping technique applicable for the control of crane systems. Then through variable transformation the position error and swing angel could be guaranteed converging to the origin with a given exponential speed. Hardware experiments are conducted to show that the proposed scheme achiev…
Le organizzazioni di volontariato nella provincia di Palermo
Il capitolo presenta un’analisi delle organizzazioni di volontariato della provincia di Palermo, sulla base dei dati di una survey regionale, condotta su iniziativa dei tre Centri di servizio per il Volontariato e del Comitato di Gestione dei fondi speciali per la Sicilia. L’obiettivo e quello di delineare un’immagine articolata delle organizzazioni, in ragione di alcune dimensioni essenziali: 1) identificazione anagrafica (denominazione, comune della sede sociale, forma giuridica, iscrizione/non iscrizione al registro regionale del volontariato/della protezione civile e al Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato); 2) informazioni circa il profilo socio-professionale, la rete di appartenenze…
Holistic Approach to the Mediterranean Architectural Heritage at risk of abandonment: the case study of Montalbano Elicona (Italy)
A conceptual and methodological renewal is needed in the field of formation, transformation and management of the built environment. This need also concerns the architectural heritage, a non-renewable resource threatened by various types of risk factors, including abandonment. A similar phenomenon (intended as a lack of usage, which leaves room for improper or harmful utilization) is juxtaposed with overuse (intended as too intense and continuous a usage), which today is even more unacceptable, due to the need for social distancing as part of the containment measures of COVID-19. There is a wide and varied case history regarding abandonment, with reference to possible causes and consequence…
Performance of a historical cantilever reinforced concrete bridge with half-joint degradation
The lack of maintenance of roadway concrete bridges built from the Second World War until the 70 s of the 20th century has led in recent years to an ever-increasing request for safety assessments. When bridge performance in terms of Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS) has to be evaluated, in-situ visual inspections and load tests for safety and maintenance assessment have to be coupled with structural analysis. In order to identify a sound bridge structural model and to assess the actual conservation state, more refined models than those usually considered for section and reinforcement design should be used to reproduce the results of load tests and perform globa…
Il contributo propone un'anilisi quali-quantitativa sullo stato della pianificazione urbanistica comunale nella provincia di Palermo alla luce del rinnovo dei riferimenti normativi regionali in materia di governo del territorio con l'approvazione della LR 19/2020
Introduction to Objects, Structures and, Logics
This paper shows how the debate about whether mathematics is a science of objects or structures is connected with the discussion concerning which kind of logic ought to be used in doing mathematics. Here the reader can clearly see how metaphysical and ontological issues about mathematics interact with logic gaining a good vantage point from which to approach the articles contained in edited collection Objects, Structures, and Logics.
Effect of internal noise on the relaxation time of an yttria stabilized zirconia-based memristor
The effects of temperature on the switching kinetics of an yttrium-stabilized zirconia-based memristor from a low-resistance state to a high-resistance state have been experimentally investigated. It was found that the memristor relaxation time depends on the temperature in a non-monotonous way, with a maximum observed at the temperature close to 55 °C. This nonmonotonic behavior is a signature of the noise-enhanced stability phenomenon observed in all physical and complex systems characterized by metastable states.
The state of research on software engineering competencies: A systematic mapping study
Considering the critical role of software in modern societies, we face an urgent need to educate more competent software professionals. Software engineering competencies (SEC) are considered the backbone of successfully developing software products. Consequently, SEC has become a hotspot for software engineering research and practice. Although scientific literature on SEC is not lacking, to our knowledge, a comprehensive overview of the current state of SEC research is missing. To that end, we conducted an extensive and systematic review of the SEC literature. We provide an overview of the current state of research on SEC, with a particular focus on common SEC research areas. In addition to…
Fibred-categorical obstruction theory
Abstract We set up a fibred categorical theory of obstruction and classification of morphisms that specialises to the one of monoidal functors between categorical groups and also to the Schreier-Mac Lane theory of group extensions. Further applications are provided to crossed extensions and crossed bimodule butterflies, with in particular a classification of non-abelian extensions of unital associative algebras in terms of Hochschild cohomology.
Protein c-phycocyanin, structure, physicochemical and biological properties, methods of extraction
С-phycocyanin (phycocyanin) is a pigment-protein complex of the lightharvesting phycobiliprotein family that takes part in the primary phase of photosynthesis in lower plants. The phycocyanin content depends on such factors as the species of microalgae, physical state of biomass, extraction techniques, etc. The main methods for obtaining phycocyanin from biomass include chemical, physical and enzyme treatments with the following purification by such methods as precipitation with ammonium sulfate, ion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration chromatography. The commercial value of phycocyanin is directly related to the methods of its obtaining, purification and purity. The ratio of absorb…
Pratiche sessuali a "rischio" in un campione di lavoratori sessuali italiani. Dai copioni sessuali tradizionali all'attore sessuale neoliberale?
In this article, we deal with the so-called ‘risky sexual behaviours’ and the spread of HIV/AIDS among the community of MSM (men who have sex with other men). For a long time, both the sociological analysis and the medical and epidemiological approach studied the behaviour of the gay population as “inherently” more problematic in terms of spreading the human immunodeficiency virus. For these studies, even more dangerous are those men who sell sex and sexual services. Starting from a sample of twenty-one male sex workers in Italy and of the use or misuse of condoms during encounters with their male clients, this contribution will try to understand how ‘risky sexual practices’ (like barebacki…
The process of female borrower discouragement
Recent entrepreneurial finance literature identifies ‘borrower discouragement’ as an important phenomenon explaining why female entrepreneurs hold less capital to grow their venture. But how do you become a discouraged borrower? We apply grounded theory to interviews with Tanzanian female entrepreneurs and model the process via which these entrepreneurs become discouraged. Our model suggests that entrepreneurs hold negative perceptions regarding loan application, allocation and payback procedures shaped by both internal and external information sources. We demonstrate that negative perceptions cause an unfavorable attitude towards formal loans which together with entrepreneurs' perceptions …