showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Zusammenfassung Vinicius de Moraes’ Musiktheaterstück Orfeu da Conceição. Tragédia carioca em três atos (1954) kann sowohl als Klassiker brasilianischer Literatur als auch als Weltliteratur betrachtet werden. Vinicius verknüpft den griechischen Stoff mit afrobrasilianischer Kultur, Musikstücken, die später zu Bossa Nova-Klassiker wurden und inszeniert einen schwarzen Orpheus auf einem Favelahügel in Rio de Janeiro. Das Stück wurde zwar mehrfach verfilmt, aber kaum übersetzt. Der Beitrag möchte ein paar Herausforderungen für die Übersetzung ins Deutsche skizzieren. Vor allem für die Vermittlung afrobrasilianischer Kultur müssen Strategien entwickelt werden. Erstens soll es um das semantische…
An Investigation of the Pressure-Induced Structural Phase Transition of Nanocrystalline alpha-CuMoO4
The structural behavior of nanocrystalline α-CuMoO4 was studied at ambient temperature up to 2 GPa using in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. We found that nanocrystalline α-CuMoO4 undergoes a structural phase transition into γ-CuMoO4 at 0.5 GPa. The structural sequence is analogous to the behavior of its bulk counterpart, but the transition pressure is doubled. A coexistence of both phases was observed till 1.2 GPa. The phase transition gives rise to a change in the copper coordination from square-pyramidal to octahedral coordination. The transition involves a volume reduction of 13% indicating a first-order nature of the phase transition. This transformation was…
Role of Dietary Carotenoids in Frailty Syndrome: A Systematic Review
Unbalanced diets and altered micronutrient intake are prevalent in the aging adult population. We conducted a systematic review to appraise the evidence regarding the association between single (α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin) or total carotenoids and frailty syndrome in the adult population. The literature was screened from study inception to December 2021, using six different electronic databases. After establishing inclusion criteria, two independent researchers assessed the eligibility of 180 retrieved articles. Only 11 fit the eligibility requirements, reporting five carotenoid entries. No exclusion criteria were applied to outcomes, assessment tools, i.e., f…
Donation and back-donation in cis- and trans-[(η5-C5H5)Fe(η1-CO)(μ-CO)]2 tautomers: Which relative is more generous? An ETS-NOCV bond analysis
The ETS-NOCV bond analysis has been exploited to quantitatively estimate donation and back-donation properties of [(η5-C5H5)]−, CO, and FeI in the cis-/trans-[(η5-C5H5)Fe(η1-CO)(μ-CO)]2 (cis-I/trans-I) tautomers. Theoretical outcomes indicate that the Fe-CO bond, regardless to the CO monoapto (η1-) or bridging (μ-) coordination, has a sizeable π Fe → CO back-bonding contribution, which is stronger in trans-I than in cis-I. Moreover, [(η5-C5H5)]− has the weakest back-donation acceptor capability. The back-bonding behaviour of the Fe → η1-CO interaction well agrees with the experimental symmetric/antisymmetric infrared νCO (sνηjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@fc12185-CO/aνηjavax.xml.bind.JAXBElemen…
First-order visual interneurons distribute distinct contrast and luminance information across ON and OFF pathways to achieve stable behavior
The accurate processing of contrast is the basis for all visually guided behaviors. Visual scenes with rapidly changing illumination challenge contrast computation because photoreceptor adaptation is not fast enough to compensate for such changes. Yet, human perception of contrast is stable even when the visual environment is quickly changing, suggesting rapid post receptor luminance gain control. Similarly, in the fruit fly Drosophila, such gain control leads to luminance invariant behavior for moving OFF stimuli. Here, we show that behavioral responses to moving ON stimuli also utilize a luminance gain, and that ON-motion guided behavior depends on inputs from three first-order interneuro…
In-Gel Assay to Evaluate Antioxidant Enzyme Response to Silver Nitrate and Silver Nanoparticles in Marine Bivalve Tissues
Silver is back in vogue today as this metal is used in the form of nanomaterials in numerous commercial products. We have developed in-gel electrophoretic techniques to measure the activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and used the same techniques in combination with HSP70 Western blot analysis to evaluate the effects of nanomolar amounts of silver nitrate and 5 nm alkane-coated silver nanoparticles in tissues of the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lam.) exposed for 28 days in mesocosms. Our results showed a negligible effect for nanosilver exposure and dose-dependent effects for the nitrate form.
Supramolecular Association of Halochromic Switches and Halloysite Nanotubes in Fluorescent Nanoprobes for Tumor Detection
Fluorescence imaging has become an indispensable tool in the biomedical laboratory to elucidate the fundamental dynamic and structural factors regulating cellular processes. The development of fluorescent nanoprobes represents a challenge to detect any cellular process under a microscope. Herein, a fluorescent nanomaterial was synthesized by exploiting the supramolecular interaction between a halochromic switch (1Cl) and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs). The successful synthesis of a HNTs/1Cl nanomaterial was confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared. The aqueous mobility was investigated by dynamic light scattering and ζ-potential measurements as well. Furthermore, …
Electrodeposited nickel–zinc alloy nanostructured electrodes for alkaline electrolyzer
Abstract Over the last decade, as a consequence of the global decarbonization process, the interest towards green hydrogen production has drastically increased. In particular a substantial research effort has focused on the efficient and affordable production of carbon-free hydrogen production processes. In this context, the development of more efficient electrolyzers with low-cost electrode/electrocatalyst materials can play a key role. This work, investigates the fabrication of electrodes of nickel-zinc alloys with nanowires morphology cathode for alkaline electrolyzers. Electrodes are obtained by the simple method of template electrosynthesis that is also inexpensive and easily scalable.…
Revisión, análisis y evaluación de políticas de movilidad sostenible. El carril bici de la ciudad de Cullera como caso de estudio
A finales de 2018, el Ayuntamiento de Cullera inició la construcción de un carril bici que uniese la estación de tren y la playa con un doble fin: por un lado, dar respuesta a los problemas medioambientales que se derivan del trasporte motorizado y, por otro, solucionar una de las grandes carencias en materia de movilidad del municipio. No obstante, el proyecto fue muy criticado, probablemente porque el uso del automóvil privado tiene tanto arraigo cultural, que se genera un rechazo a las políticas medioambientales. Por ello se ha seleccionado el caso de Cullera como objeto de estudio, un municipio donde, pese a “la tiranía del progreso técnico”, se ha decidido incorporar el concepto de sos…
Phenolics as GABA-A receptor ligands:an updated review
Natural products can act as potential GABA modulators, avoiding the undesirable effects of traditional pharmacology used for the inhibition of the central nervous system such as benzodiazepines (BZD). Phenolics, especially flavonoids and phlorotannins, have been considered as modulators of the BZD-site of GABAA receptors (GABAARs), with sedative, anxiolytic or anticonvulsant effects. However, the wide chemical structural variability of flavonoids shows their potential action at more than one additional binding site on GABAARs, which may act either negatively, positively, by neutralizing GABAARs, or directly as allosteric agonists. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to compile and d…
Amulet or Watchman Device for Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Closure: Primary Results of the SWISS-APERO Randomized Clinical Trial.
Background:No study has so far compared Amulet with the new Watchman FLX in terms of residual left atrial appendage (LAA) patency or clinical outcomes in patients undergoing percutaneous LAA closure.Methods:In the investigator-initiated SWISS APERO trial (Comparison of Amulet Versus Watchman/FLX Device in Patients Undergoing Left Atrial Appendage Closure), patients undergoing LAA closure were randomly assigned (1:1) open label to receive Amulet or Watchman 2.5 or FLX (Watchman) across 8 European centers. The primary end point was the composite of justified crossover to a nonrandomized device during LAA closure procedure or residual LAA patency detected by cardiac computed tomography angiogr…
Revisiting the multidimensional interaction model of stress, anxiety and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study
Abstract Background Although the Multidimensional Interaction Model of Stress, Anxiety and Coping (MIMSAC) has been known for years, there is a lack of research examining this theory longitudinally in stressful events. This study aims to revisit the MIMSAC among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A prospective cohort study with the longitudinal design was performed during the first (W1, March 30–April 29, 2020) and second wave (W2, November 3–December 3, 2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 216 university students with a mean age of 22 years (ranging from 20 to 36, M = 22.13, SD = 2.04) participated in the study. An online survey included Perceived Stress Scale,…
Innovación y resiliencia en la respuesta de la sociedad valenciana a la crisis pandémica de 2020. Temas clave: turismo, teletrabajo e iniciativas sol…
La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha tenido un gran impacto sobre la vida de las personas. Desde el punto de vista del desarrollo local, la lucha contra el virus y la recuperación económica son temas prioritarios para mantener el nivel de vida y reducir, en lo posible, el riesgo de exclusión de la población más vulnerable. Ante esta situación de emergencia, el objetivo general del presente estudio consiste en detectar y analizar las iniciativas que se han puesto en marcha en la provincia de Valencia en tres ámbitos concretos: teletrabajo y acceso a las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, turismo e iniciativas solidarias. El propósito es ofrecer un diagnóstico territorializado que, además…
Digital Influencers, Food and Tourism—A New Model of Open Innovation for Businesses in the Ho.Re.Ca. Sector
The choice of influencer marketing as an endorser for promoting products and services is becoming a more and more effective communication strategy of open innovation. Their use of social media platforms, such as Instagram, allows them to be reached by millions of followers all over the world. As a response to the economic crisis that affected Italy after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chiara Ferragni, one of the most endorsed influencers worldwide, started a communication campaign with the aim to promote Italian food and tourist destinations (cities of art, seaside, ski and countryside locations, thermal baths, museums, galleries, hotels, etc.). This study analyses Chiara Ferragni…
Does Learning Through Movement Improve Academic Performance in Primary Schoolchildren? A Systematic Review
Physically active children have greater motor competence and a faster maturation compared with their sedentary peers. Recent research also suggests that physical activity during childhood may also promote cognitive development and therefore improve academic performance. The aim of this study was to understand if physically active academic lessons may improve academic achievement in primary schoolchildren. A systematic review following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines was conducted. The search was performed on the following database: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), and PsycINFO (APA). Stu…
Examining facial emotion recognition as an intermediate phenotype for psychosis: Findings from the EUGEI study
The EUGEI project was supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program under grant agreement No. HEALTH-F2- 2009-241909 (Project EU-GEI). Dr. Arango was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (SAM16-PE07CP1, PI16/02012, PI19/024); CIBERSAM (...)
Machine Learning: The Backbone of Intelligent Trade Credit-Based Systems
Technology has turned into a significant differentiator in the money and traditional recordkeeping systems for the financial industry. To depict two customers as potential investors, it is mandatory to give the complex innovation that they anticipate and urge to purchase. In any case, it is difficult to keep on top of and be a specialist in each of the new advancements that are accessible. By reappropriating IT administrations, monetary administrations firms can acquire prompt admittance to the most recent ability and direction. Financial systems, along with machine learning (ML) algorithms, are vital for critical concerns like secure financial transactions and automated trading. These are …
Innovación social y desarrollo territorial. Estudio de casos en áreas rurales de España y Escocia
La innovación social amplía los paradigmas contemporáneos de desarrollo territorial en áreas rurales definiendo las dinámicas de transformación de las relaciones sociales como innovación, en lugar de ser únicamente un medio para introducir innovaciones en las comunidades locales. A través de la reconfiguración de las relaciones sociales, las comunidades rurales conciben nuevas iniciativas que construyen capital social y cultural, lo que les permite adaptarse a los cambios externos y ser más resilientes. Este trabajo está motivado por dos aspectos principales: a) la necesidad de mejorar la categorización de la innovación social desde una perspectiva territorial; y b) la necesidad de consider…
Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Honeybee Pollen and Its Supercritical Fluid Extract on Immune Response and Fillet’s Quality of Farmed G…
The awareness of the correlation between administered diet, fish health and products’ quality has led to the increase in the research for innovative and functional feed ingredients. Herein, a plant-derived product rich in bioactive compounds, such as honeybee pollen (HBP), was included as raw (HBP) and as Supercritical Fluid Extracted (SFE) pollen (HBP_SFE) in the diet for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). The experiment was carried out on 90 fish with an average body weight of 294.7 ± 12.8 g, divided into five groups, according to the administration of five diets for 30 days: control diet (CTR); two diets containing HBP at 5% (P5) and at 10% (P10) level of inclusion; two diet…
Sostenibilidad en las áreas metropolitanas
Las áreas metropolitanas son, por su complejidad, un atractivo objeto de estudio para científicos sociales de todas las especialidades. El presente libro es producto de dicho interés, y en él confluyen diferentes perspectivas y enfoques provenientes de la Geografía, la Sociología, el Trabajo Social y la Ciencia Política. Concretamente, el origen de este conjunto de estudios sobre los aspectos territoriales, sociales y políticos más relevantes de las áreas metropolitanas es el 'I Congreso Internacional sobre Sostenibilidad Metropolitana', celebrado en Valencia en 2013. Las ponencias invitadas a este congreso son las recogidas en este libro. El origen de dicho congreso es anterior, pues parte…
Differences in Accuracy and Radiation Dose in Placement of Iliosacral Screws: Comparison between 3D and 2D Fluoroscopy
Percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation is a widely accepted method of stabilizing the posterior pelvic ring. Recently developed tools such as 3D-navigated fluoroscopy and computed navigation seem to prevent a surgeon from conducting screw misplacement. The study aimed to comparatively assess the introduction of sacroiliac screw placement using 2D and 3D fluoroscopy in terms of accuracy and radiation exposure. Iliosacral screws were introduced in 37 patients using 2D (group N1) and in 36 patients using 3D fluoroscopy (group N2) techniques. Overall, 61 and 56 screws were introduced in groups N1 and N2, respectively. Screw placement accuracy was assessed using postoperative computed tomography…
Supplementary material 1 from: Komonen A, Torniainen J (2022) All-day activity of Dolichovespula saxonica (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) colonies in Central…
Tables S1, S2, Figures S1–S4
Centromeric enrichment of LINE-1 retrotransposon in two species of South American monkeys Alouatta belzebul and Ateles nancymaae (Platyrrhini, Primat…
LINE-1 sequences have been linked to genome evolution, plasticity and speciation; however, despite their importance, their chromosomal distribution is poorly known in primates. In this perspective, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to map LINE-1 probes onto two representative platyrrhine species, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae) and Alouatta belzebul (Atelidae), both characterized with highly rearranged karyotypes, in order to investigate their chromosomal distribution and role and to better characterize the two genomes. We found centromeric enrichment of LINE-1 sequences on all biarmed and acrocentric chromosomes co-localized with heterochromatin C-positive bands. This distributio…
LEADER en España. Cambios recientes, situación actual y orientaciones para su mejora
El presente texto está basado principalmente en el análisis de dos encuestas llevadas a cabo por la Unidad de Gestión de la Red Rural Nacional (RRN) durante la primera mitad de 2018. La primera se dirigió a todos los GAL activos durante el periodo 2014-2020; por su parte, la segunda estaba destinada a las autoridades de gestión (AA. GG.) y los organismos pagadores de las respectivas comunidades autónomas. Además, el equipo de trabajo diseñó tres grupos focales con otros tantos grupos de actores en el desarrollo rural en general, y en la implementación de LEADER en particular. En primer lugar, los propios grupos de acción local, de entre los que se seleccionó una destacada representación; en…
High-Level Ab Initio Predictions of Thermochemical Properties of Organosilicon Species: Critical Evaluation of Experimental Data and a Reliable Bench…
A high-level composite quantum chemical method, W1X-1, is used herein to calculate the gas-phase standard enthalpy of formation, entropy, and heat capacity of 159 organosilicon compounds. The results set a new benchmark in the field that allows, for the first time, an in-depth assessment of existing experimental data on standard enthalpies of formation, enabling the identification of important trends and possible outliers. The calculated thermochemical data are used to determine Benson group additivity contributions for 60 Benson groups and group pairs involving silicon. These values allow fast and accurate estimation of thermochemical parameters of organosilicon compounds of varying comple…
Evaluation of Landscape Quality in Valencia's Agricultural Gardens : a Method Adapted to Multifunctional, Territorialized Agrifood Systems (MTAS)
Multifunctional agrifood systems with noteworthy roots in a territory are the result of a historical yet dynamic specialization. They are present in the place’s knowledge, social connections, collective action, the organization of institutions, innovation and capital. These systems are seen in the landscape, which becomes a resource as well as cultural and environmental heritage. In this regard, it is necessary to study the significance of the many aspects of heritage and landscape in agrifood systems to suitably manage and appreciate them as a territorial resource. This study develops and applies a quantitative method with various criteria to enable the landscape values of multifunctional,…
Paolo Rumiz pro Karpaty, rusyniv i rujiny istoriji
Writer, journalist and traveler Paolo Rumiz is one of the most important representatives of the Italian travel literature. His published works describe two trips to Ukraine in 1999 and 2008. In particular, this writer travels through the Ukrainian Carpathians. In his writings he uses the term Ruthenia, talks about the identity of the Ruthenians, writes about the peculiarities of the character of the local peoples. The aim of the present article is to present to the reader the works of an Italian expert on the Eastern European ethno-national context, to offer an Ukrainian translation and to describe the main characteristics of the works of this Italian writer.
Familiarity with digital twin totality: Exploring the relation and perception of affordances through a Heideggerian perspective
The concept of affordances has become central in information systems literature. However, existing perspectives fall short in providing details on the relational aspect of affordances, which can influence actors' perception of them. To increase granularity and specificity in this regard, researchers have suggested that it be supplemented with other concepts or theories. In this article, we argue that the Heideggerian concepts of ‘familiarity’ and ‘referential totality’ are well suited for increasing our understanding of the relational aspects of affordances in information systems research. To explore this idea, we conducted a case study of a project concerning the development of a digital t…
Estructura urbana y movilidad en el área metropolitana de Valencia. Análisis de la evolución entre los años 1902-1942-1982-2017
Este libro estudia la relación entre la estructura urbana y la movilidad diaria de los ciudadanos en el área metropolitana de Valencia desde una perspectiva coevolutiva, es decir, asumiendo que ambos conceptos se van modelando mutuamente a lo largo del tiempo. En primer lugar, se analizan las características, implicaciones y tendencias de la relación entre movilidad y estructura urbana, para, posteriormente, y dentro de este marco teórico, estudiar la historia del desarrollo de los transportes urbanos en esta área metropolitana, ya que los espacios urbanos actuales son producto de la interacción entre las características ya asentadas y las nuevas condiciones que surgen. Como puntos de refer…
Comparison of Interactive Teaching in Online and Offline Platforms among Dental Undergraduates
In recent years, the educational system has focused more on the holistic development of an individual. Modern technology has changed the educational environment to provide students with better academic opportunities. Along with the education system, teaching techniques and learning tools have also changed with digital evolution. This research was undertaken to assess the academic performance of interactive teaching methods in offline and online platforms in Periodontics among BDS undergraduates at a dental college in India. This prospective study was conducted among 49 students: Group I (n = 24, online class through Zoom) and Group II (n = 25, offline classes). The subject was divided into …
“Cute Goddess is Actually an Aunty”: The Evasive Middle-Aged Woman Streamer and Normative Performances of Femininity in Video Game Streaming
In this paper the focus is on the representations of “middle-aged” or “aging” women streamers in western media. I analyze discussions in Western online media around a case of Chinese DouYu live-streamer. “Qiaobiluo Dianxia,” as her streamer name goes, became a topic in Western media after a glitch in her live stream revealed her to be a middle-aged woman, rather than young woman she was assumed to be. The discussions are analyzed with critical discourse analysis. It is argued that the aging bodies of women, both their presence and absence, should be read and understood through toxic gaming culture and geek masculinity and the hegemonic discourse they constitute.
Efficacy of GLP-1 RA Approved for Weight Management in Patients With or Without Diabetes: A Narrative Review
The approval of once daily liraglutide, 3.0 mg, and once weekly semaglutide, 2.4 mg, for chronic weight management provides a novel effective strategy against obesity. The reliable models that might predict weight reducing potential at the individual level have not been identified yet. However, the coexistence of diabetes has been consistently related with less effective response than in people without this comorbidity. We aimed to review the efficacy of GLP-1 RAs approved for weight management in individuals with and without diabetes and discuss some potential mechanisms for consistently observed differences in efficacy between these two populations. The mean weight loss difference between…
Out-of-Plane fragility of In-Plane damaged unreinforced masonry infills in low rise reinforced concrete buildings
Unreinforced masonry (URM) is commonly used to make infill walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings. Such infill walls are highly vulnerable to out-of-plane (OOP) seismic loading and this can result in huge economic losses and human casualties. Therefore, fragility assessment of URM infill walls under seismic loads is important in view of performing large-scale risk analysis. In this paper, OOP fragility functions are provided based on a numerical investigation supported by a macro-element model. The fragility is calculated assuming the uncertainty in the geometric and mechanical properties of infills instead of the variability in the seismic input. Further, the effect of in-plane …
The paradox of the Italian clinical embryologist in the national public health system: hints towards harmonization of a postgraduate educational curr…
Clinical embryologists are highly trained laboratory professionals with multiple roles, including laboratory, clinical, biobanking and quality system management. In most European countries, clinical embryologists are trained to work in Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) centres without a specifically dedicated educational path. The criteria required for employment vary according to the educational structure and the public or private nature of the centre. We have herein described the educational profile required by Italian clinical embryologists to work in MAR centres of the National Health System (NHS). Public centres currently represent 36% of all the Italian MAR clinics. According to t…
On the Modeling of Transcatheter Therapies for the Aortic and Mitral Valves: A Review
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become a milestone for the management of aortic stenosis in a growing number of patients who are unfavorable candidates for surgery. With the new generation of transcatheter heart valves (THV), the feasibility of transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) for degenerated mitral bioprostheses and failed annuloplasty rings has been demonstrated. In this setting, computational simulations are modernizing the preoperative planning of transcatheter heart valve interventions by predicting the outcome of the bioprosthesis interaction with the human host in a patient-specific fashion. However, computational modeling needs to carry out increasingl…
CBCT study on the prevalence, morphology and position of the mandibular incisive canal in a North-Brazilian population
The mandibular incisive canal (MIC) is an anatomic structure to be considered in treatment planning for surgeries in the anterior region of the mandible. Awareness of the MIC increased with the use of 3D imaging for treatment planning, such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). This study aimed to use CBCT to assess the prevalence, morphology and position of the MIC among North-Brazilians.The sample consisted of CBCT scans of 100 hemi-mandibles (50 individuals) that were assessed for the absolute (n) and relative frequency of the MIC. The morphological component of this study was the diameter (mm) of the detected MIC in five anatomic sites between the mental foramen and the midline. With…