showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Mecanismo de activación del receptor de neurotrofinas TrkA


234 págs, figuras y tablas

UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología moleculartropomyosin receptor kinase (TrkA):CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Neurociencias [UNESCO]UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología celularCongenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA):CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología molecular [UNESCO]nerve growth factor (NGF)Neurotrofinasneurotrofinas:CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología celular [UNESCO]Nerve growth factor (NGF)UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::NeurocienciasTropomyosin receptor kinase (TrkA)p75 neurotrophin receptor

Family Well-Being Under Pressure: Rhythmanalysis Applied to Post Pandemic Family Dynamics


This contribution deals with the centrality of family relationships for the production of individual well-being, both on a cognitive level, i.e. as an influence on satisfaction with one’s own life and, therefore, as the outcome of a cognitive evaluation, and on an experiential and emotional level, i.e. as an influence on moment-to-moment experience. It starts from an analysis of subjective well-being, arriving at a concept of relational well-being, whilst proposing an approach of rhythmanalysis as a tool for understanding the changes occurring in family dynamics in the post-Covid era.

rhythmanalysiWell-beingSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generalefamily relationships

Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 in Sicily over an Eight-Month Period


In order to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the burden of disease, since 27 December 2020, Sicily has introduced a regional COVID-19 vaccination campaign. This study aimed at estimating the effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19. A retrospective cohort study was carried out on 3,966,976 Sicilian adults aged 18 years or more, who were followed-up from 1 January 2021 to 30 September 2021. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 death or intubation during the study period was compared among vaccinated with two mRNA doses and unvaccinated individuals. Cox regression, adjusted for age and sex, and a joint-point analysis…

PharmacologyCOVID-19; vaccine effectiveness; mRNA vaccinesInfectious DiseasesmRNA vaccineDrug DiscoveryImmunologyCOVID-19Pharmacology (medical)vaccine effectiveness.

Time Evolution of Partial Discharges in a Dielectric Subjected to the DC Periodic Voltage


Partial discharge (PD) detection can be considered one of the most useful tools for assessing the insulation conditions of the power apparatus in high-voltage systems. Under AC conditions, this analysis is widely employed in online and offline tests, such as type tests or commissioning, and can be carried out by applying the phase-resolved PD (PRPD) method, since the patterns can give information about the defect classification. Under DC voltages, the classic pattern recognition method cannot be performed, and the measurements show complexities related to the nature of the phenomena. For this reason, to date, a standard for PD measurements under DC does not exist. In previous papers, a new …

Direct current periodic (DCP)partial discharge (PD); direct current periodic (DCP); partial discharge measurements; HVDC; DCSettore ING-IND/31 - ElettrotecnicaControl and OptimizationHVDCRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringPartial discharge (PD)Engineering (miscellaneous)DCEnergy (miscellaneous)Partial discharge measurementsEnergies; Volume 15; Issue 6; Pages: 2052

Istutuspäällikkö Gaddin julkiset matkaraportit 1763–1765


Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Inrikes Tidningarissa julkaistuja raportteja Pehr Adrian Gaddin (1727–1797) matkoista Suomessa vuosina 1763–1765. Tekstit sekä rikastavat käsitystä Gaddin toiminnasta istutuspäällikkönä että antavat esimerkin mahdollisesta julkisuuden käytöstä vapaudenajan lopun Ruotsissa.

Gadd Pehr AdriantiedonvälitysVertaisarviodut artikkelit - Referentgranskade artiklar1760-lukuSatakuntahenkilöhistoriaInrikes TidningarLounais-Suomivalistuksen aikaGeneral MedicineRuotsilehdistökirjoitteluvirkamiehetmaatalousmaataloushallintohyödyn aikakausimatkakertomuksetsanomalehdetjulkisuusAURAICA. Scripta a Societate Porthan edita

The Analysis of the Relationship between the Quality of Life Level and Expectations of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases under the Home Care of P…


The World Health Organization defines quality of life as a person’s perception of his or her life situation in relation to the culture and value system in which he or she lives, in relation to and with respect to his or her functioning assumptions, expectations, and standards set by environmental conditions. Meeting the expectations of patients with CVD is one of the factors that positively influences their health status and leads to better diagnostic and treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to answer three main questions related to patients with chronic cardiovascular disease: (1) What is their quality of life? (2) Are patients’ expectations about the quality of care p…

MaleMotivationPrimary Care NursingHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healthquality of life levelHome Care Servicespatientschronic cardiovascular disease; patients; expectations; quality of life levelCardiovascular Diseaseschronic cardiovascular diseaseSurveys and QuestionnairesQuality of LifeHumansFemaleexpectationsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Volume 19; Issue 6; Pages: 3300

MAGEMin 1.0.0


MAGEMin is a Gibbs energy minimization solver package, which computes the thermodynamically most stable assemblage for a given bulk rock composition and pressure/temperature condition. It also returns parameters such as melt fraction or density, which can be combined with geodynamic/petrological tools to simulate, for example, the evolving chemistry of a crystallising melt. MAGEMin is written as a parallel C library and uses a combination of linear programming, extended Partitioning Gibbs free Energy and gradient-based local minimization to compute the most stable mineral assemblage. In this, it differs from exisisting approaches which makes it particularly suitable to utilize modern multic…

Geodyanmics couplingGibbs energy minimizerPhysics::GeophysicsIgneous stable phase prediction

MAGEMin 1.0.0


MAGEMin is a Gibbs energy minimization solver package, which computes the thermodynamically most stable assemblage for a given bulk rock composition and pressure/temperature condition. It also returns parameters such as melt fraction or density, which can be combined with geodynamic/petrological tools to simulate, for example, the evolving chemistry of a crystallising melt. MAGEMin is written as a parallel C library and uses a combination of linear programming, extended Partitioning Gibbs free Energy and gradient-based local minimization to compute the most stable mineral assemblage. In this, it differs from exisisting approaches which makes it particularly suitable to utilize modern multic…

Geodyanmics couplingGibbs energy minimizerIgneous stable phase prediction

Folded data for first three observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo


This release contains folded datasets from the first three observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors, which were recently used to perform the broadband directional search ( and the all-sky-all-frequency directional search ( for a persistent anisotropic gravitational wave background. The file provides information on the content of the files and how to read these datasets.

Isotope removal experiment in JET-ILW in view of T-removal after the 2nd DT campaign at JET


Abstract A sequence of fuel recovery methods was tested in JET, equipped with the ITER-like beryllium main chamber wall and tungsten divertor, to reduce the plasma deuterium concentration to less than 1% in preparation for operation with tritium. This was also a key activity with regard to refining the clean-up strategy to be implemented at the end of the 2nd DT campaign in JET (DTE2) and to assess the tools that are envisaged to mitigate the tritium inventory build-up in ITER. The sequence began with 4 days of main chamber baking at 320 °C, followed by a further 4 days in which Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) and Glow Discharge Conditioning (GDC) were applied with hydrogen fuelling,…

[PHYS]Physics [physics]inventorytritiumJETDTE2ITERddc:530wall conditioningCondensed Matter PhysicsMathematical PhysicsAtomic and Molecular Physics and Optics

Coordinación entre el planeamiento territorial y urbanístico. Aproximación al caso valenciano


Este volumen pretende poner en valor los instrumentos de planificación territorial valencianos de la última década, incidiendo fundamentalmente en el análisis de las relaciones entre el planeamiento territorial y urbanístico. Interesan, por un lado, la Estrategia Territorial de la Comunidad Valenciana (ETCV) y los Planes de Acción Territorial (PAT), como planes de mayor rango normativo dentro de la jerarquía planifícadora que deben marcar las pautas de los planes que los desarrollan y, por otro, las Actuaciones Territoriales Estratégicas (ATE) y los Planes Generales (PG), en tanto que recorren el camino entre lo territorial y lo urbanístico desde las determinaciones propias de la escala del…

gobiernoUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía regionalgeografía humanadesarrollogeografía regional

Comment la dégradation de la vie étudiante a affecté les trajectoires durant la pandémie ?


International audience

EffetTrajectoire sociale[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationCrise sanitaireVie étudianteTrajectoire universitaireComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Life Satisfaction, Empowerment and Human Development among Women in Sex Work in the Red Light Area of Pune (Maharashtra, India). The Case of Saheli H…


Saheli HIV/AIDS Karyakarta Sangh es un colectivo de trabajadoras sexuales y una organización basada en la comunidad fundada en 1998 en Pune (Maharashtra, India), cuya misión es empoderar a mujeres de la prostitución mediante la colectivización. En agosto de 2012, 17 miembros de Saheli participaron en el taller Imagine Empowerment Workshop, diseñado para fortalecer a las mujeres en circunstancias vitales exigentes y así concebir y crear nuevas posibilidades para sus vidas, sus familias y sus comunidades a través de la participación. La investigación que aquí se presenta, pretende evaluar el impacto del Imagine Empowerment Workshop y del fortalecimiento de las trabajadoras sexuales de Saheli …

gobiernogeografía humanadesarrollogeografía regionalUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía humana

Aikuiset lapset muistisairaan vanhemman kotona asumisen mahdollistajina


Väestön vanhetessa ja muistisairauksien lisääntyessä aikuisten lasten merkitys muistisairaan vanhempansa kotona asumisen mahdollistajina vahvistuu. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aikuisten lasten muistisairaalle vanhemmalleen antamaa apua ja hoivaa sekä niiden antamiseen tarvittavaa tukea. Lisäksi tutkitaan, mistä aikuiset lapset ovat saaneet tukea vanhemman hoivaamiseen ja miten eri tahoilta saatava tuki ja palvelut vastaavat tuen tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puhelinhaastatteluilla eri puolilla Suomea asuvilta aikuisilta lapsilta (n=20). Analyysimetodina oli laadullinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimus osoittaa, että aikuisilla lapsilla on tärkeä rooli sairastuneen vanhempansa a…

tukimuodotaikuiset lapsetkotihoitomuistisairausvanhempiArtikkelitomaishoitomuistisairaattuen tarveikääntyneetkotona asuminenhoiva

Family Issues. Difficulties in Migrant Family Life Exacerbated by the Pandemic.


Most of the time, when we talk about the family, we think of the indigenous family, but what happens when the focus shifts to foreign families? Furthermore, in a time of pandemic, what repercussions and impacts have there been on foreign families? And have the interventions proposed by the government to deal with COVID-19 and to support families, taken foreign families into account? The issue is quite complex because it has to deal, on the one hand, with definitional problems related to the difficulties in identifying types of foreign families (Ambrosini, 2020b) present in Italy, and, on the other hand, with an analysis of the impact that the virus has had on family structures. Migrant fami…

Settore SPS/11 - Sociologia Dei Fenomeni PoliticiMigrant families social vulnerability Palermo

Liquid Biopsy in Diagnosis and Prognosis of High-Grade Gliomas; State-of-the-Art and Literature Review


Gliomas, particularly high-grade gliomas, represent the most common and aggressive tumors of the CNS and are still burdened by high mortality and a very poor prognosis, regardless of the type of therapy. Their diagnosis and monitoring rely on imaging techniques and direct biopsy of the pathological tissue; however, both procedures have inherent limitations. To address these limitations, liquid biopsies have been proposed in this field. They could represent an innovative tool that could help clinicians in the early diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of these tumors. Furthermore, the rapid development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has led to a significant reduction in seq…

Circulating tumor DNAHigh-grade gliomaLiquid biopsySpace and Planetary ScienceSettore MED/27 - NeurochirurgiaNext-generation sequencingPaleontologyExtracellular vesiclesMiRNAGBMGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Modeling of solids


This text is the support for the course of Modeling of Solids, of the Master of Mechanics of the University Paris-Saclay - Curriculum MMM: Mathematical Methods for Mechanics, held at Versailles. The course is the continuation of the course Continuum Mechanics - Solids, and as such it is an introduction, for graduate students, to some typical topics of the theory of solid bodies. The different arguments are dealt with in a simple, succinct way, the objective being to give to students the fundamentals of each argument. Only static problems are considered, being the dynamic of structures dealt with in other courses.

ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONClassical Physics (physics.class-ph)FOS: Physical sciencesPhysics - Classical Physics[SPI.MECA.STRU] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics []/Structural mechanics [physics.class-ph]

Gap junctions and connexin hemichannels both contribute to the electrical properties of retinal pigment epithelium.


Gap junctions are intercellular channels that permit the transfer of ions and small molecules between adjacent cells. These cellular junctions are particularly dense in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and their contribution to many retinal diseases has been recognized. While gap junctions have been implicated in several aspects of RPE physiology, their role in shaping the electrical properties of these cells has not been characterized in mammals. The role of gap junctions in the electrical properties of the RPE is particularly important considering the growing appreciation of RPE as excitable cells containing various voltage-gated channels. We used a whole-cell patch clamp to measure …

cellular physiologyMammalsPhysiologyGap JunctionsBiological TransportRetinal Pigment Epitheliumeye diseasesbiofysiikkaConnexinsMicebiophysicsAnimalsepiteelisolut3111 Biomedicinesense organsverkkokalvosolufysiologiaThe Journal of general physiology

Migrant Families, Social Policies and Community Relations: Towards What (Kind Of) Integration?


This article aims to present a few considerations regarding the phenomenon of migrant families’ integration processes, in the broader framework of the relationship between politics, policies and services. The stabilization of migrant people in Italy has determined, on the one hand, the growth of the family-based character of the immigrant population, in the face of which, institutions and reception services, in the wake of policy directives, have been called upon to remodel interventions and integration practices. On the other hand, the drastic reduction in political attention to the social, civil and economic integration of migrants and, in particular, of migrant families, linked to the di…

Settore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E Comunicativimigrants families integration social servicesSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generale

EAM2020-2021 Book of Abstracts


Este libro recoge los abstracts de los trabajos presentados en el 9º Congreso Europeo de Metodología. Este congreso se ocupa del desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías de investigación en los campos de Ciencias sociales, Comportamentales, de Salud, Educativas, Económicas y de Evaluación. This book collects the studies presented at the 9th European Congress of Methodology. This congress is devoted to the development and application of research methods in the Behavioral, Social, Educational, Health and Economic and Evaluation fields.

research methodsstatisticsUNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA::Teoría y métodos educativosmeasurementresearch design

La sostenibilidad turística a través de un índice sintético amparado en los 17 ODS. Los casos de Canet d'En Berenguer, Cullera y Oliva


La sostenibilidad alcanzó un significativo interés en el sector turístico a partir de la Cumbre de la Tierra (Río, 1992). Desde entonces se ha hecho necesario medir sus variables, por lo que distintas instituciones vienen desarrollando sistemas de indicadores turísticos, aunque, en su mayoría, no tienen en cuenta las características o la idiosincrasia local. El generalizar los indicadores para todos los territorios desatiende y equipara problemas de carácter ambiental, social, político y económico, obviando la singularidad del destino. Por otro lado, varios estudios recientes certifican empíricamente que factores como las masificaciones y el calentamiento global, consecuencia de la falta de…

OlivaCulleraCanet d’En BerenguerCOVID-19sostenibilidad turísticaíndice sintético de sostenibilidadsistema de indicadores turísticosUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía humanaUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía económica

La représentation sociale des clubs de forme : un outil de communication ?


Introduction Pour de nombreux observateurs, nous assistons à un développement significatif des activités physiques et sportives, à une « sportivisation » de la société française ; selon des études du CREDOC (1995,1999) et de l’INSEE (1998, 1999), le nombre de pratiquants s’élèvent à près de 40 millions. Cependant, il semble que cet accroissement ne soit pas uniforme et profite majoritairement aux pratiques auto-organisées, qu’elles soient au domicile ou sur l’espace public. L’augmentation de ...

localitéglobalitémarketingBusiness[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesCultural studiessportComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSmanagement[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

Antoni Ferrando Francés, Llorente i Blasco Ibáñez:entre la política i la literatura (a propòsit, sobretot, de la guerra de Cuba), València, Instituci…


Ressenya sobre el llibre d’Antoni Ferrando Francés, Llorente i Blasco Ibáñez: entre la política i la literatura (a propòsit, sobretot, de la guerra de Cuba), València, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2021, 290 p., ISBN: 978-84-7822-892-8.

Linguistics and Language“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Language and Linguistics

Catalina Mir, «Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Per a una anàlisi global de “Vint-i-dos contes” de Mercè Rodoreda», Barcel…


Ressenya sobre el llibre de Catalina Mir, Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Per a una anàlisi global de Vint-i-dos contes de Mercè Rodoreda», Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 2021, 92 p. ISBN: 978-84-121134-4-0.

“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Linguistics and LanguageLanguage and LinguisticsCaplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

«Bíblia del segle XIV. Primer llibre dels Paralipòmens», Barcelona, Associació Bíblica de Catalunya / Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2021, 4…


Ressenya sobre la Bíblia del segle XIV. Primer llibre dels Paralipòmens, Barcelona, Associació Bíblica de Catalunya / Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2021, 452 p., ISBN: 984-84-9191-168-5.

“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Linguistics and LanguageLanguage and LinguisticsCaplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Cultura territorial e innovación social. ¿Hacia un nuevo modelo metropolitano en Europa del Sur?


Este libro tiene como objetivo contribuir al estudio sobre los efectos socio-espaciales de la crisis y, en particular, a los estudios relativos a un «urbanismo de la austeridad» y a un urbanismo desterritorializado en las grandes ciudades españolas, teniendo en perspectiva otros espacios urbanos de países del norte del Mediterráneo. Pretende abordar estudios comparados de distintas dinámicas regionales y urbanas al tiempo que proponer escenarios de futuro y, desde esta perspectiva, el objetivo central es considerar la transformación de las espacialidades metropolitanas a la luz de una reflexión sobre las nuevas relaciones de poder y las recomposiciones que originan en materia de política pú…

gobiernogeografía humanadesarrollogeografía regionalUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía humana

Stability of transversal correction with hybrid maxillary expansion appliance in bone and tegumental piriformis opening in relation to bone age and m…


To evaluate the stability of the transverse correction with a hybrid maxillary expansion appliance in the bone and tegumental piriformis opening in relation to bone age and maturation of the midpalatal suture (MPS).15 patients with a mean initial age of 14.9 years (SD=1.50), 7 (46.7%) were female and 8 (53.3%) were male, treated with a hybrid maxillary expander. Cone beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images were collected in three phases: T1 (orthodontic records), T2 (21.33 days (SD=10.68) after the end of expansion screw activation) and T3 after 9.13 months (DP=2.41) after the expansion screw was activated. In CBCT, measurements were performed in the nasal cavity considering the tegumental …


Mireia Galindo, Carles de Rosselló & Francesc Bernat, «El castellà a la Catalunya contemporània: història d’una bilingüització», Benicarló, Onada…


Ressenya sobre el llibre de Mireia Galindo, Carles de Rosselló & Francesc Bernat, El castellà a la Catalunya contemporània: història d’una bilingüització, Benicarló, Onada, 2021, 263 p. ISBN: 978-84-18634-35-2.

“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Linguistics and LanguageLanguage and LinguisticsCaplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

«Sabiats que us diray en riman». Prime considerazioni sul rapporto tra forma, comunicazione e pubblico nella Lògica del Gatzell di Ramon Llull


La Lògica del Gatzell, primo esempio della produzione in volgare di Ramon Llull, è un compendio in versi basato sull’opera di al-Ghazali Maqasid al-falasifah e sul Tractatus di Pietro Ispano, cui il Beato aggiunse alcuni elementi del suo personale sistema di pensiero. Insieme alla versione latina, il Compendium logicae Algazelis, evidenzia l’intenzione di Llull di promuovere lo studio dei principi fondamentali della filosofia proponendo due diversi sussidi didattici, ciascuno pensato per un determinato genere di pubblico. Il compendio rimato era indirizzato a coloro che non conoscevano il latino e per questo l’autore ricorse a una forma letteraria e a una strategia comunicativa tipiche dell…

mètricametricsLinguistics and Language“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”guillem pagèsversificationversificaciónoves rimadesramon llullLanguage and Linguistics

Blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents : key element in the evaluation of arterial hypertension


Arterial hypertension is the main modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, occupying the first place among the causes of loss of life years adjusted for disability. In recent years, arterial hypertension in children and adolescents has gained ground in cardiovascular medicine thanks to progress made in several areas, fundamentally in pathophysiological and clinical research. Despite the advances that have been made in recent years, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents still have room for improvement. In this sense, the correct measurement of blood pressure is especially important, since it includes a series of essential element…

AdolescentJovesRisk FactorsManagement of Technology and InnovationHypertensionHumansBlood PressureBlood Pressure DeterminationChildPressió sanguíniaInfantsBody Height

Un text escrit per Bonsom l’any 998, en nova edició i traduït al català


Nova edició crítica d’un text de caràcter força literari del diaca i jutge Bonsom, i traducció al català. Justificació paleogràfica i filològica de les noves lectures proposades. La personalitat literària de Bonsom en el context dels millors homines scholastici del seu temps i entorn. Identificació dels personatges protagonistes de la narració textual i de l’acció jurídica que conté el diploma estudiat. 

periodismeideologia“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Linguistics and Language1936-1939literatura catalana contemporàniaideologycontemporary catalan literaturejournalismanna muriàLanguage and LinguisticsCaplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Previous dry socket as a risk factor for alveolar osteitis: A nested case-control study in primary healthcare services


Dry socket is one of the most common complications following tooth extraction, though no studies have been made on its main risk factors in the primary healthcare services of Barcelona (Spain). Objectives: To analyze the influence of different factors upon the appearance of dry socket in patients attended in the primary care setting, and to determine the possible presence of risk factors in patients who have suffered a previous episode of dry socket.During 24 months, questionnaires were filled with data on the patients seen in different public primary healthcare services in the area of Barcelona (Spain). A case-control study was conducted to identify the main risk factors for developing com…

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Gender and Toxic Meritocracy in Competitive Overwatch: Case “Ellie”


AbstractThis chapter examines toxic meritocracy in relation to gender in competitive Overwatch, asking how gender affects a player’s opportunities for engagement in that scene. It analyzes online news stories and community discussions concerning “Ellie” – a fabricated competitive woman gamer created as a “social experiment” by a man player. The confluences between gender and toxic meritocracy become visible in the assumption there must be an experienced man gamer behind the battletag, the gender-based harassment targeted at Ellie, and the reflections on the importance of setting an example as the first team taking a woman player for Contenders. The analysis shows that despite a strong belie…

toxic meritocracynaisetelektroninen urheiluverkkoyhteisöt518 Media and communicationscompetitive play113 Computer and information sciencespelikulttuurisukupuolimoninpelitsukupuoliroolitgendercommunitymeritokratiawomenverkkopelithäirintä

Cancer-Related Cachexia: The Vicious Circle between Inflammatory Cytokines, Skeletal Muscle, Lipid Metabolism and the Possible Role of Physical Train…


Cachexia is a multifactorial and multi-organ syndrome that is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in late-stage chronic diseases. The main clinical features of cancer-related cachexia are chronic inflammation, wasting of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, insulin resistance, anorexia, and impaired myogenesis. A multimodal treatment has been suggested to approach the multifactorial genesis of cachexia. In this context, physical exercise has been found to have a general effect on maintaining homeostasis in a healthy life, involving multiple organs and their metabolism. The purpose of this review is to present the evidence for the relationship between inflammatory cytokines, skeletal mus…

CachexiaInflammatory cytokineOrganic ChemistrySkeletal muscleGeneral MedicineCancer‐related cachexiaLipid MetabolismCatalysisComputer Science ApplicationsInorganic Chemistrycancer-related cachexiaPhysical trainingNeoplasmsQuality of LifeCytokinesHumansPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMuscle SkeletalMolecular BiologyExerciseSpectroscopyInternational journal of molecular sciences

El paper d’Alfred Morel-Fatio en els inicis de la catalanística


El nostre objectiu en aquest article és fer una síntesi dels principals estudis d’Alfred Morel-Fatio sobre llengua i literatura catalanes, així com definir el seu paper en la catalanística del segle XIX, especialment a França però també a la resta d’Europa. Cal saber que aquest erudit francès va tenir un paper cabdal en el desplegament dels estudis universitaris catalans fora del nostre àmbit lingüístic, a banda de fer aportacions significatives al desplegament de la filologia catalana. Així, arribem a la conclusió que Morel-Fatio té el mèrit de ser el primer professor que va introduir l’estudi de la llengua i la literatura catalanes a les aules universitàries. A banda d’això, no es pot obv…

formes dubitatives“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”Linguistics and Languagedistanced formssecondary perfectsperfets secundarisconclusive moodperfetmode conclusiudoubtful formsLanguage and Linguisticsformes narrativesperfectCaplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Guillem Colom-Montero, «Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Culture 1975-2018 Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics», Cambridge, Leg…


Ressenya sobre el llibre de Guillem Colom-Montero, Quim Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Cul­ture 1975-2018 Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics, Cambridge, Legenda (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 45 / Modern Humanities Research Association), 2021, 226 p., ISBN: 978-1-78188-392-1.

preguntes i respostesLinguistics and Language“UNESCO:CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS”questions and answersmiquel ortiguesausiàs crespí de valldaurajoan ram escrivàLanguage and Linguisticspoesiapoetry