showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

The 2021 G20 and Italy: keeping our dreams alive?


Italy’s presidency of the G20 defied the odds and resulted in costly commitments by the members on a range of issues: global health, climate change, a minimum global tax, and the crisis in Afghanistan. How can we explain this success? Italy’s prime minister, Mario Draghi, and his extensive prior experience and widespread respect was certainly a factor. The global context was also important, with the new Biden administration in the US leading a group of countries seeking multilateral solutions to pressing international problems.

prestigeSociology and Political SciencePolitical Science and International RelationsG20multilateralismMario DraghiItalian foreign policySettore SPS/04 - Scienza PoliticaContemporary Italian Politics

Naiskuva ja ekspressionismi Kuopion koulun taiteessa 1980‒1986


Artikkelini aiheena ovat Kuopion koulun taiteilijoiden naisaiheiset teokset. Kuopion kouluksi tai koulukunnaksi kutsuttiin väljää kuvataiteilijoiden ryhmää, jonka ydinhenkilöitä olivat Pauno Pohjolainen (s. 1949), Markku Kolehmainen (s. 1951), Pentti Meklin (s. 1952) ja Teemu Saukkonen (s. 1954). Tarkastelemani teokset ajoittuvat vuosille 1980‒1986 ja ovat ilmaisultaan suurimmaksi osaksi uusekspressionistisia. Analysoin, millaisena nainen esitetään Kuopion koulun teoksissa. Teokset kuvaavat, miten nainen on ylistetty, alistettu ja ylistämällä alistettu, mutta myös voimakas ja tasa-arvoinen. 1980-luvulla teokset provosoivat ja kyseenalaistivat porvarillisia arvoja kuten saksalainen ekspressi…

taiteilijaryhmätnaisetKolehmainen MarkkuväkivaltaaiheetVertaisarvioidut artikkelitseksuaalisuuskuvataiteilijatmaalaustaidekuvataide1980-lukuMeklin PenttitaidehistoriaSaukkonen TeemuuusekspressionismiArs LiberanaiskuvaekspressionismiPohjolainen PaunoerotiikkaKuopion kouluTahiti

Survival in rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis: An international, multicenter ID-IRI study


International audience; BACKGROUND: Mucormycosis is an emerging aggressive mold infection. This study aimed to assess the outcome of hospitalized adults with rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM). The secondary objective was to identify prognostic factors in this setting. METHODS: This study was an international, retrospective, multicenter study. Patients’ data were collected from 29 referral centers in 6 countries. All qualified as "proven cases" according to the EORTC/MSGERC criteria. RESULTS: We included 74 consecutive adult patients hospitalized with ROCM. Rhino-orbito-cerebral type infection was the most common presentation (n = 43; 58.1%) followed by rhino-orbital type (…

AdultAntifungal AgentsSurveillanceNeutropeniaEpidemiologyMucormycosiInfectionsHospital-acquired infectionRhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosisZygomycosis[SDV.MP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and ParasitologyDebridementRisk FactorsDiagnosisOrbital DiseasesRisk Factors.Internal MedicineHumansMucormycosisRhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosiEye Infections FungalRetrospective Studies

The chaperone system in glioblastoma multiforme and derived cell lines: diagnostic and mechanistic implications.


BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and malignant primary brain tumor in adults. Novel treatments are needed to counteract the molecular mechanisms of GBM growth and drug resistance. The chaperone system (CS) members are typically cytoprotective but some, termed Hsp, can become pathogenic and participate in carcinogenesis, along with the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and we investigated them in GBM biopsies and derived cell lines. The objectives were to identify diagnostic-prognostic biomarkers and gather information for developing chaperonotherapy. METHODS: Cell lines from GBMs were established, characterized (morphology, growth characteristics, and sp…

AdultVascular Endothelial Growth Factor AGeneral Immunology and MicrobiologySettore BIO/16 - Anatomia UmanaBrain Neoplasmschaperone system (CS) glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) GMB cell lines heat shock protein (Hsp) vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)HSP27 Heat-Shock ProteinsHumansHSP70 Heat-Shock ProteinsGlioblastomaGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyCell LineFrontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition)

Lamamra, N., Kuehni, M., & Rey, S. - Finalités et usages de la formation professionnelle


Une rencontre internationale, « 9es Rencontres Jeunes et Sociétés en Europe et autour de la Méditerranée » (RJS9), sur la formation professionnelle (FP) et l’insertion a eu lieu à Lausanne en octobre 2018. Elle avait pour objectif de « faire un état des lieux des différents systèmes de la FP (axe 1), d’en définir les publics (axe 2), de questionner leur impact en termes d’insertion sur le marché du travail (axe 3) ou encore d’en interroger la portée socialisatrice (axe 4) »...

FinalitéSocial Psychology[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyUsageFormation professionnelleEducation

Fe-MOF Materials as Precursors for the Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Isobutane.


We investigate the use of a series of iron-based metal–organic frameworks as precursors for the manufacturing of isobutane dehydrogenation catalysts. Both the as-prepared and spent catalysts were characterized by PXRD, XPS, PDF, ICP-OES, and CHNS+O to determine the physicochemical properties of the materials and the active phases responsible for the catalytic activity. In contrast to the previous literature, our results indicate that (i) the formation of metallic Fe under reaction conditions results in secondary cracking and coke formation; (ii) the formation of iron carbide only contributes to coke formation; and (iii) the stabilization of the Fe2+ species is paramount to achieve sta…

General ChemistryQuímicaCatalysis

Does work intensification relate to work engagement?


Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin työn intensiivistymisen ilmenemismuotojen ja työn imun välisiä yhteyksiä yhdeksän ammattialan aineistossa (N = 7 786). Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselyllä, ja tuloksia analysoitiin regressioanalyyseillä ammattialoittain. Tulokset osoittivat, että yhteydet työn imuun vaihtelivat työn intensiivistymisen eri ilmenemismuotojen ja tason mukaan, mutta osin myös ammattialoittain. Kokemus työtahdin kiristymisestä oli yhteydessä heikompaan työn imuun lähes kaikilla ammattialoilla. Sen sijaan lisääntyneet oppimisvaatimukset työssä olivat joillakin ammattialoilla yhteydessä korkeampaan työn imuun. Toisaalta havaittiin, että työn imu on korkeinta silloin, kun oppimisvaatimukset …

työn kuormittavuustyöhyvinvointityön imutyöpsykologiastressi515 PsykologiaArtikkelittyöelämävaatimuksetTyöelämän tutkimus

Corpus-based and corpus-driven research on translation and interpreting in Russian: the past, the present and the future


Abstract (English)
 Recently, there has been a growing interest in descriptive and applied studies on translation conducted with the use of methodologies grounded in corpus linguistics. In this paper, we present an overview of state-of-the-art research in corpus-based and corpus-driven translation and interpreting studies conducted with the use of Russian corpora, notably parallel and comparable ones. In contrast to research conducted on other European languages (English, French, German, Spanish etc.), the considerable research tradition in Russian remains relatively unknown to a wider scholarly audience. We outline the scope of research conducted so far, present the most important par…

Cultural StudiesLinguistics and LanguagePhilosophyLiterature and Literary Theory6121 LanguagesLanguage and LinguisticsEducation

Restoring Connectedness in and to Nature: Three Nordic Examples of Recontextualizing Family Therapy to the Outdoors


Mentalization-based family therapy and family rehabilitation represent a rich variety of approaches for assisting families with difficult interaction patterns. On the other hand, adventure therapy methods have been successfully used with families to offer them empowering experiences of succeeding together against difficult odds and to improve communication between family members. Further, the health promoting qualities of spending time outdoors are now well established and recognized. The Nordic approach to mentalization-based family rehabilitation combines adventure, outdoor, and systemic therapy. We provide three examples of nature-based family rehabilitation practices that are delivered …

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Psykologi: 260General PsychologyFrontiers in Psychology

Social worlds and symbolic boundaries of cannabis users in Poland


Many legislations and cultures undergo liberalization regarding cannabis use, and users in Poland make constant references to, and are part of, a burgeoning global cannabis culture. Still they have to relate to conservative drug discourses and legal frameworks. This paper explores this discrepancy between users’ experience on the micro level and the macro context in which they live. The aim is to explore the boundary making processes cannabis users engage in to detach themselves from punitive legislation and conservative social reactions. The concept of social worlds is used to theorize and better understand their situation. The boundaries between the users’ social worlds are analyzed with …

Health (social science)social worldsMedicine (miscellaneous)symbolic boundariesPolandCannabisDrugs: Education, Prevention and Policy

Kasvatus- ja opetusalan johtajien näkemyksiä omasta johtamisosaamisestaan ja sen kehittämistarpeista


Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Helsingin yliopistossa kasvatus- ja opetusalan johtamisen täydennyskoulutukseen osallistuneiden varhaiskasvatuksen ja perusopetuksen johtajien näkemyksiä johtamisosaamisen kehittämisestä ja oman johtajuutensa kehittämistarpeista. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin johtajien suhtautumista itsensä johtamiseen: missä määrin johtajat arvioivat omaavansa riittävästi osaamista nykyiseen työtehtäväänsä, millaista osaamista johtajat arvioivat tarvitsevansa lisää ja millaisia kehittämistarpeita heillä on? Tutkimusaineisto (N = 87) kerättiin Likert-asteikollisia ja avoimia kysymyksiä sisältäneellä sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella osana täydennyskoulutuksen arviointia ja kehittä…

516 KasvatustieteetosaaminenosaamistarvetäydennyskoulutusArtikkelitrehtoritkasvatusalajohtajuusopetusalajohtamiskoulutusjohtajatTyöelämän tutkimus

β - and γ -spectroscopy study of Pd119 and Ag119


Physical Review C

Asiakasosallistuminen ja sen johtaminen lapsi- ja perhepalveluiden johtajien kuvaamana


Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lapsi- ja perhepalveluiden johtajien ja esimiesten näkemyksiä asiakasosallistumisesta ja sen johtamisesta. Asiakasosallistumisen käsitteeseen sisällytetään kokemusasiantuntijuus ja vertaistuki sekä muut asiakkaiden tai potilaiden osallistumisen muodot. Tutkimuksessa kysytään, miten lapsi- ja perhepalveluiden johtajat ja esimiehet kuvaavat asiakasosallistumista ja perustelevat asiakkaiden mukaanottoa palvelun tuottamiseen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, millaista on asiakasosallistumisen johtaminen lapsi- ja perhepalveluissa haastateltujen kuvauksen perusteella. Aineisto koostuu 25 teemahaastattelusta, jotka tehtiin järjestöjen sekä kunnallisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalvel…

vertaistukisosiaalityöpalvelutuotantojohtaminenkokemusasiantuntijatosallistaminensosiaalipalvelutvapaaehtoistyölapsityöArtikkelitperhetyöasiakaslähtöisyysTyöelämän tutkimus

Exploring bilingual ideology and identity of EMI medical teachers and students in China’s mainland


This qualitative research in-progress investigates the bilingual ideology and identity of EMI (English-medium-instruction) teachers and students at a Chinese medical university that aims to enrich the understanding of bi/multilingualism in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) context from domestic stakeholders’ perspectives. The researcher conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with Chinese medical content teachers and students throughout an academic term. Supplementary research materials include written materials, such as lecturers’ PowerPoint slides and institutional documents. The preliminary findings suggest that the teachers and students present diverse ideological stances…

ChinaopiskelijatEnglish-medium-instructionideologyopettajatkorkeakouluopetusyksikielisyyskielellinen identiteettiKiinakielipolitiikkakaksikielisyysopetuskielimonikielisyysmedical educationenglannin kieliidentityideologiat

Estudio del funcionamiento métrico de la Escala Estilos Educativos Familiares - Comportamientos Habituales EVALEF-CH


INTRODUCCIÓN Los estilos educativos familiares son componentes fundamentales de las competencias parentales y fueron ampliamente estudiados en la última década del siglo pasado. Disponer de instrumentos para poder identificarlos es de gran ayuda para orientadores y profesionales de la intervención familiar. METODO En este trabajo presentamos el estudio métrico de la escala EVALEF-CH, que se diseña desde la finalidad de actualización de estilos (añadiendo el estilo integral), del contexto de recogida de información, y de la forma de abordar el reto de la deseabilidad social. Este estudio aborda el análisis de la calidad métrica de la escala, combinando estrategias de análisis como la fiabili…

Psicologia del desenvolupamentEducació familiarAvaluació educativaEnsenyamentEducationRevista Complutense de Educación

Vitamin D and Parkinson's Disease.


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble secosteroid, traditionally considered a key regulator of bone metabolism, calcium and phosphorous homeostasis. Its action is made possible through the binding to the vitamin D receptor (VDR), after which it directly and indirectly modulates the expression of thousands of genes. Vitamin D is important for brain development, mature brain activity and associated with many neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). High frequency of vitamin D deficiency in patients with Parkinson’s disease compared to control population was noted nearly twenty years ago. This finding is of interest given vitamin D’s neuroprotective effect, exerted by the action of neur…

125-dihydroxyvitamin DDisease progressionNutrition and DieteticsParkinson DiseaseVitaminsVitamin D DeficiencyNeuroprotectionCalcium DietaryParkinson’s diseaseHumansSettore MED/26 - NeurologiaNeurodegenerationVitamin DHumanFood ScienceNutrients

Spatial Memory Drives Foraging Strategies of Wolves, but in Highly Individual Ways


The ability of wild animals to navigate and survive in complex and dynamic environments depends on their ability to store relevant information and place it in a spatial context. Despite the centrality of spatial memory, and given our increasing ability to observe animal movements in the wild, it is perhaps surprising how difficult it is to demonstrate spatial memory empirically. We present a cognitive analysis of movements of several wolves (Canis lupus) in Finland during a summer period of intensive hunting and den-centered pup-rearing. We tracked several wolves in the field by visiting nearly all GPS locations outside the den, allowing us to identify the species, location and timing of ne…

central place foragingANIMAL MOVEMENTPREYsusieläinten käyttäytyminenHOME-RANGECOLLARED WOLVESdiscrete choice modelingWORKING-MEMORYwolfRESOURCE SELECTIONSPACEPOPULATIONEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematicsforaging site switchingmuisti (kognitio)reviiritEcologyCANIS-LUPUSsaalistusforaging site fidelityDISCRETE-CHOICE MODELSboundary patrolling1181 Ecology evolutionary biologypredationmovement

A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Growth and Profit Rate Distribution: The Spanish Case


We analyse the time evolution of the empirical cross-sectional distribution of firms’ profit and growth rates. In particular, we analyse the conditional properties of the empirical distributions depending on the size of the firms and the business cycle phase. In order to do so, we employ the Laplace distribution as a benchmark, further considering the Subbotin and Asymmetric Exponential Power (AEP hereafter) distributions, to capture the potential asymmetry and leptokurtosis of the empirical distribution. Our results show that the profit rates of large firms are characterised by an asymmetric Laplace distribution with parameters largely independent of the business cycle phase. Small firms, …

business cycleasymmetric exponential power distributionGeneral MathematicsComputer Science (miscellaneous)Laplace distributiongrowth ratesfirm sizeUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASprofit rates; growth rates; firm size; business cycle; Laplace distribution; asymmetric exponential power distributionprofit ratesEngineering (miscellaneous)Mathematics; Volume 10; Issue 6; Pages: 926

Adapting RRI public engagement indicators to the Spanish scientific and innovation context: a participatory methodology based on AHP and content anal…


The paradigm proposed by Responsible Research and Innovation in the European Commission policy discourse identifies Public Engagement as a key area for exchange and dialogue among multiple actors following an inclusive and participatory process. Two definite set of indicators have already arisen at European level to monitor Public Engagement activities in the Science and Innovation realm. Our study aims to propose a deliberative participatory process, which involves selected stakeholders, for the adaptation of the European indicators to the specific Spanish scientific and innovation context. The methodological procedure is of exploratory nature and will be based in a combination of, on the …

DretAHPManagement Science and Operations ResearchPolíticaParticipatory methodologyDeliberative methodologyContent analysisRRI indicatorsPublic engagementCentral European Journal of Operations Research 30: 1483-1512 (2022)

Tecnologie Robotiche e responsabilità extracontrattuale: un'analisi comparata


Attraverso un esame delle soluzioni giuridiche derivanti, da un lato, dal percorso normativo posto in essere dall’Unione Europea e, dall’altro lato, da quanto emerge dal case law in via di formazione nel mondo, con questo lavoro si vuole dimostrare che l’avvento delle tecnologie robotiche non comporta necessariamente l'individuazione di nuove categorie giuridiche né induce mutamenti radicali nel sistema consolidato dei principi della responsabilità civile. In questa prospettiva si vuole verificare se il ricorso alla categoria della responsabilità oggettiva possa consentire un livello di tutela adeguato del danneggiato senza per ciò stesso limitare o incidere negativamente sulla opera di inn…

nuove tecnologiecomparazioneResponsabilità civilerobotdiritto comparatoSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato Comparatointelligenza artificialeroboticaillecito aquiliano

Letter to the editor:Triclosan in patients with inflammatory bowel disease


Letter to the editor

oral squamous cell carcinomacell proliferationOtorhinolaryngologyki-67Chronic DiseaseHumansSurgeryInflammatory Bowel DiseasesGeneral DentistryTriclosanUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASphosphohistone h3

Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Neonates and Children Undergoing Dental, Maxillo-Facial or Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) Surgery: A RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Me…


Surgical site infections (SSIs) represent a potential complication in surgical procedures, mainly because clean/contaminated surgery involves organs that are normally colonized by bacteria. Dental, maxillo-facial and ear-nose-throat (ENT) surgeries are among those that carry a risk of SSIs because the mouth and the first respiratory tracts are normally colonized by a bacterial flora. The aim of this consensus document was to provide clinicians with recommendations on surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis in neonates (<28 days of chronological age) and pediatric patients (within the age range of 29 days–18 years) undergoing dental, maxillo-facial or ENT surgical procedures. These included: (…

Microbiology (medical)ENT surgerysurgical antimicrobial prophylaxisBiochemistryMicrobiologySettore MED/38dental surgeryhead and neck surgerystomatognathic diseasesInfectious Diseasesmaxilla-facial surgeryPharmacology (medical)General Pharmacology Toxicology and Pharmaceuticsdental surgery; ENT surgery; head and neck surgery; maxilla-facial surgery; surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis

Further Delineation of Duplications of ARX Locus Detected in Male Patients with Varying Degrees of Intellectual Disability


The X-linked gene encoding aristaless-related homeobox (ARX) is a bi-functional transcription factor capable of activating or repressing gene transcription, whose mutations have been found in a wide spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs); these include cortical malformations, paediatric epilepsy, intellectual disability (ID) and autism. In addition to point mutations, duplications of the ARX locus have been detected in male patients with ID. These rearrangements include telencephalon ultraconserved enhancers, whose structural alterations can interfere with the control of ARX expression in the developing brain. Here, we review the structural features of 15 gain copy-number variants …

MaleTranscription FactorUltraconserved enhancersIntellectual disability3D structureCatalysisInorganic ChemistryMiceAnimalsHumansPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryChildMolecular BiologySpectroscopyHomeodomain ProteinsAnimalKDM5C-SYN1 axiOrganic ChemistryKDM5C-SYN1 axisGenes HomeoboxHomeodomain ProteinGeneral MedicineXp21.3 duplicationComputer Science ApplicationsUltraconserved enhancerSettore MED/03 - Genetica MedicaMutationARXHumanTranscription Factors

Artificial Intelligence Applications on Restaging [18F]FDG PET/CT in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Preliminary Report of Morpho-Functional Radiomic…


Featured Application Based on results defined in this study, new investigations might propose morpho-functional-based radiomics algorithms for risk stratification with possible impact on treatment management in colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the application of [F-18]FDG PET/CT images-based textural features analysis to propose radiomics models able to early predict disease progression (PD) and survival outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer (MCC) patients after first adjuvant therapy. For this purpose, 52 MCC patients who underwent [F-18]FDGPET/CT during the disease restaging process after the first adjuvant therapy were analyzed. Follow-up data were recorded f…

Fluid Flow and Transfer ProcessescolonradiomicsProcess Chemistry and TechnologyGeneral Engineeringpositron emission tomography-computed tomographycancercolon; cancer; radiomics; artificial intelligence; positron emission tomography-computed tomography; nuclear medicineGeneral Materials Sciencenuclear medicineartificial intelligenceInstrumentationComputer Science Applications

Gender-specific soluble α-klotho levels as marker of GH deficiency in children: a case-control study.


Abstract Purpose To evaluate circulating soluble α-klotho (sαKL) levels in GHD children before and after 12 months of GH treatment (GHT). Methods Auxological and basal metabolic parameters, oral glucose tolerance test for glucose and insulin levels, insulin sensitivity indices and klotho levels were evaluated before and after 12 months of follow-up in 58 GHD children and 56 healthy controls. Results At baseline, GHD children showed significantly lower growth velocity standard deviation score (SDS) (p < 0.001), bone/chronological age ratio (p < 0.001), GH peak and area under the curve (AUC) after arginine test (ARG) (both p < 0.001) and glucagon stimulation test (GST) (p < 0.001 …

MaleHuman Growth HormoneEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismSettore MED/13 - EndocrinologiaEndocrinologySex FactorsCase-Control StudiesHumansInsulinFemaleInsulin-Like Growth Factor IChildDwarfism PituitaryKlotho ProteinsDiabetes mellitus GHD Growth hormone Insulin resistance PediatricBiomarkersJournal of endocrinological investigation

Impact of exercise interventions on physical fitness in breast cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review


Abstract Background This systematic review aims to identify the effects of exercise interventions in patients with breast cancer (BCP) and survivors (BCS) on selected variables of physical fitness. Methods A comprehensive literature search was conducted using Medline and Scopus. Randomized controlled trials with isolated exercise interventions in BCP and BCS women (< 5 years from therapy completion) were included. The risk of bias (RoB) assessment was conducted using the Cochrane RoB-2-tool. Variables regarding cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), strength (ST), fatigue (F) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were discussed. Results Of the 336 studies initially identified, 22 met all …

Quality of lifeCancer och onkologiBreast neoplasmPhysical activityBreast NeoplasmsResistance TrainingGeneral MedicineExercise TherapyOncologyPhysical FitnessCancer and OncologyHumansPharmacology (medical)Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingFemaleSurvivorsStrengthExerciseSettore M-EDF/01 - Metodi E Didattiche Delle Attivita' MotorieFatigue

Cardiac arrest and coronavirus disease 2019


The impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the cardiovascular system has been highlighted since the very first weeks after the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 identification. We reviewed the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on cardiac arrest, both considering those occurred out of the hospital (OHCA) and in the hospital (IHCA).An increase in OHCA incidence occurred in different countries, especially in those regions most burdened by the COVID-19, as this seems to be bounded to the pandemic trend. A change of OHCA patients' characteristics, with an increase of the OHCA occurred at home, a decrease in bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external d…

Emergency Medical ServicesCOVID-19HumansCritical Care and Intensive Care MedicinePandemicsCardiopulmonary ResuscitationOut-of-Hospital Cardiac ArrestCurrent Opinion in Critical Care

Temporal perspective on the gender-related differences in online learning behaviour


Although several studies suggested considering gender in online learning, the literature about how male and female students would behave is fragmented. Little attention has been paid to the effect of gender on online learning behavioural patterns. This study aimed at investigating the roles of gender in online learning behaviours by analyzing the gender-related differences of students’ online learning behavioural patterns. We used the case study approach with descriptive statistical analysis, lag sequential analysis, and temporal log data analysis to investigate gender-related differences in students’ online learning behaviours. The results indicated no significant difference in the counts …

temporaalisuusverkkokurssitComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSIONonline learning behavioursdifferencesukupuolieroteducationGeneral Social Sciencesverkko-oppiminenkorkeakouluopetusHuman-Computer InteractionArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)käyttäytymismallitDevelopmental and Educational Psychologygenderlag sequential analysistemporality

Is low cardiorespiratory fitness a feature of metabolic syndrome in children and adults?


Objectives Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) has been inversely associated with risk of cardiometabolic diseases. However, there are no studies comparing the independent associations of CRF scaled by body size and composition using different approaches with cardiometabolic risk factors between children and adults. We therefore investigated these associations in children and adults using same measures for CRF and cardiometabolic risk factors. Design Cross-sectional. Methods A total of 352 children (47.2 % girls) and 572 men were included in the study. Peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak) was measured during a maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer and was scaled by total body mass (BM−1), total f…

MaleAdultobesitykolesterolilastentautioppiBlood Pressurelapset (ikäryhmät)Physical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationHDL-kolesterolimetabolic syndromepaediatricsaineenvaihduntahäiriötRisk Factorsinsulin resistanceterveysvaikutuksetHumansInsulinOrthopedics and Sports MedicineLDL-kolesteroliChildmetabolinen oireyhtymäTriglyceridesaikuisetkuntokehonkoostumusMetabolic Syndromebody compositionCholesterol HDLylipainoriskitekijätinsuliiniresistenssifitnessmittausmenetelmätCross-Sectional StudiesCardiorespiratory FitnessCardiovascular DiseasesPhysical FitnesslihavuusFemaleennaltaehkäisyInsulin ResistanceJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport

Memory Effects in High-Dimensional Systems Faithfully Identified by Hilbert–Schmidt Speed-Based Witness


A witness of non-Markovianity based on the Hilbert–Schmidt speed (HSS), a special type of quantum statistical speed, has been recently introduced for low-dimensional quantum systems. Such a non-Markovianity witness is particularly useful, being easily computable since no diagonalization of the system density matrix is required. We investigate the sensitivity of this HSS-based witness to detect non-Markovianity in various high-dimensional and multipartite open quantum systems with finite Hilbert spaces. We find that the time behaviors of the HSS-based witness are always in agreement with those of quantum negativity or quantum correlation measure. These results show that the HSS-based witness…

Quantum Physicsnon-Markovianity; Hilbert–Schmidt speed; high-dimensional system; multipartite open quantum systems; memory effectsFOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyQuantum Physics (quant-ph)High-dimensional system Hilbert–Schmidt speed Memory effects Multipartite open quantum systems Non-MarkovianitySettore FIS/03 - Fisica Della Materia

The Cytocompatibility of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth : An In Vitro Study


Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) has been used for many years for the treatment of caries, and minimally invasive dentistry concepts have made it popular again. The fact that its application does not require the administration of anesthesia makes its use in children more desirable. The aim of this study was to determine the cytotoxicity of two new commercial SDF products: Riva Star (SDI Dental Limited) and e-SDF (Kids-e-Dental) on mesenchymal stromal cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs). SHEDs were exposed to SDF products at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.01% and 0.005%). Then different assays were performed to evaluate their cytocompatibility on SHEDs: IC50, MTT, cell migrat…

silver diamine fluoride; cytotoxicity; SHEDs; cytocompatibilityGeneral Materials ScienceDents Malalties

Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 in Sicily over an Eight-Month Period


In order to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the burden of disease, since 27 December 2020, Sicily has introduced a regional COVID-19 vaccination campaign. This study aimed at estimating the effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19. A retrospective cohort study was carried out on 3,966,976 Sicilian adults aged 18 years or more, who were followed-up from 1 January 2021 to 30 September 2021. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 death or intubation during the study period was compared among vaccinated with two mRNA doses and unvaccinated individuals. Cox regression, adjusted for age and sex, and a joint-point analysis…

PharmacologyCOVID-19; vaccine effectiveness; mRNA vaccinesInfectious DiseasesmRNA vaccineDrug DiscoveryImmunologyCOVID-19Pharmacology (medical)vaccine effectiveness.

The azulene scaffold from a medicinal chemist's perspective: Physicochemical and in vitro parameters relevant for drug discovery.


Azulene is a bicyclic scaffold rarely applied in medicinal chemistry. Here we report physicochemical and in vitro parameters relevant for drug discovery for a series of diversely substituted azulenes. We synthesized and characterized several scaffold hopping series of analogously substituted azulenes, indoles and naphthalenes. This enabled a comparison of azulene with the more common scaffolds indole and naphthalene. Our data indicates that undesirably low photostability of azulenes is restricted to certain substitution patterns. Generally, we conclude that azulene is an underused lipophilic bicycle and should be considered as a valuable complement to the collection of medicinal chemistry s…

Pharmacologyaromaattiset yhdisteetScaffold hoppingChemistry PharmaceuticalOrganic ChemistryGeneral MedicineAzuleneslääkesuunnitteluPhotostabilitylääkekemiaIndoleDrug Discoveryatsuleenibiologinen aktiivisuusNaphthaleneEuropean journal of medicinal chemistry

Liikkumisen kannustimet muistisairauksien riskiryhmään kuuluvilla ikääntyneillä


Liikunnallisesti aktiivinen elämäntapa ylläpitää tehokkaasti ikääntyneiden terveyttä ja toimintakykyä. Liikunnan harrastamiseen vaikuttavat kuitenkin monet yksilölliset tekijät, jotka tulisi huomioida kannustettaessa ikääntyneitä henkilöitä liikkumaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaiset liikkumisen kannustimet ovat yhteydessä aktiiviseen liikunnan harrastamiseen ikääntyneillä ihmisillä, joilla riski muistisairauteen sairastumiseen on kohonnut. Tämä poikkileikkaustutkimus on osa laajempaa FINGER-tutkimusta (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability), johon osallistui 1 260 keski-iältään 69-vuotiasta henkilöä. Tutkittavien fyys…

motivaatiomuistisairaudetkuntoliikunta3141 Terveystiede3142 Kansanterveystiede ympäristö ja työterveysennaltaehkäisyArtikkelitliikuntaikääntyneetfyysinen aktiivisuusterveyden edistäminenmotivointi

Anti-Eryptotic Activity of Food-Derived Phytochemicals and Natural Compounds


Human red blood cells (RBCs), senescent or damaged due to particular stress, can be removed by programmed suicidal death, a process called eryptosis. There are various molecular mechanisms underlying eryptosis. The most frequent is the increase in the cytoplasmic concentration of Ca2+ ions, later exposure of erythrocytes to oxidative stress, hyperosmotic shock, ceramide formation, stimulation of caspases, and energy depletion. Phosphatidylserine (PS) exposed by eryptotic RBCs due to interaction with endothelial CXC-Motiv-Chemokin-16/Scavenger-receptor, causes the RBCs to adhere to vascular wall with consequent damage to the microcirculation. Eryptosis can be triggered by various xenobiotics…

ErythrocytesOrganic ChemistryPhytochemicalsEryptosisAnemiaGeneral MedicinePhosphatidylserinesRed blood cellsCatalysisPhenolic compoundsComputer Science ApplicationsInorganic ChemistryOxidative StressAlkaloidsSettore BIO/10 - BiochimicaFood-derived compoundAnimalsHumansCalciumPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular BiologySpectroscopy

Time Evolution of Partial Discharges in a Dielectric Subjected to the DC Periodic Voltage


Partial discharge (PD) detection can be considered one of the most useful tools for assessing the insulation conditions of the power apparatus in high-voltage systems. Under AC conditions, this analysis is widely employed in online and offline tests, such as type tests or commissioning, and can be carried out by applying the phase-resolved PD (PRPD) method, since the patterns can give information about the defect classification. Under DC voltages, the classic pattern recognition method cannot be performed, and the measurements show complexities related to the nature of the phenomena. For this reason, to date, a standard for PD measurements under DC does not exist. In previous papers, a new …

Direct current periodic (DCP)partial discharge (PD); direct current periodic (DCP); partial discharge measurements; HVDC; DCSettore ING-IND/31 - ElettrotecnicaControl and OptimizationHVDCRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringPartial discharge (PD)Engineering (miscellaneous)DCEnergy (miscellaneous)Partial discharge measurementsEnergies; Volume 15; Issue 6; Pages: 2052