Long-lived Humans Have a Unique Plasma Sphingolipidome
A species-specific lipidome profile is an inherent feature linked to longevity in the animal kingdom. However, there is a lack of lipidomic studies on human longevity. Here, we use mass spectrometry-based lipidomics to detect and quantify 151 sphingolipid molecular species and use these to define a phenotype of healthy humans with exceptional life span. Our results demonstrate that this profile specifically comprises a higher content of complex glycosphingolipids (hexosylceramides and gangliosides), and lower levels of ceramide species from the de novo pathway, sphingomyelin and sulfatide; while for ceramide-derived signaling compounds, their content remains unchanged. Our findings suggest …
Uso de la infografía en la optativa “Alimentación y Dietética” del grado de Medicina
[ES] Como sustitución de la clase magistral, en la sesión dedicada a tratar las características de “dietas occidentales de moda” de la asignatura optativa 34493-Alimentación y Dietética del Grado en Medicina de la Universitat de Valencia, se utilizaron infografías previamente diseñadas por los estudiantes. Con esta iniciativa se pretendía mejorar la participación del alumnado en la asignatura, además de profundizar en la materia, mejorar sus habilidades digitales y de búsqueda y síntesis de información. Esta propuesta fue bien valorada por el estudiantado, que mostró su preferencia por esta forma de trabajar frente a la clase magistral. Además, opinó que la actividad mejoraba su capacidad d…
Mitochondrial DNA sequences are present inside nuclear DNA in rat tissues and increase with age
Abstract Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations increase with age. However, the number of cells with predominantly mutated mtDNA is small in old animals. Here a new hypothesis is proposed: mtDNA fragments may insert into nuclear DNA contributing to aging and related diseases by alterations in the nucleus. Real-time PCR quantification shows that sequences of cytochrome oxidase III and 16S rRNA from mtDNA are present in highly purified nuclei from liver and brain in young and old rats. The sequences of these insertions revealed that they contain single nucleotide polymorphisms identical to those present in mtDNA of the same animal. Interestingly, the amount of mitochondrial sequences in nuclear …
Lipid peroxidation as measured by chromatographic determination of malondialdehyde. Human plasma reference values in health and disease
Free radicals and oxidants are involved in physiological signaling pathways, although an imbalance between pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant systems in favor of the former leads to major biomolecular damage. This is the so-called oxidative stress, a complex process that affects us all and is responsible for the development of many diseases. Lipids are very sensitive to oxidant attack and to-date, malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) and F2-isoprostane are the main biomarkers for lipid peroxidation assessment. They all derive from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) either by enzyme-catalyzed reactions (physiological) or by non-enzyme reactions (pathological). The profile of PUFAs p…
Mitochondria from females exhibit higher antioxidant gene expression and lower oxidative damage than males
We have investigated the differential mitochondrial oxidative stress between males and females to understand the molecular mechanisms enabling females to live longer than males. Mitochondria are a major source of free radicals in cells. Those from female rats generate half the amount of peroxides than those of males. This does not occur in ovariectomized animals. Estrogen replacement therapy prevents the effect of ovariectomy. Mitochondria from females have higher levels of reduced glutathione than those from males. Those from ovariectomized rats have similar levels to males, and estrogen therapy prevents the fall in glutathione levels that occurs in ovariectomized animals. Oxidative damage…
Relation Between Genetic Factors and Frailty in Older Adults.
Frailty is a geriatric syndrome that identifies individuals at higher risk of disability, institutionalization, and death. We previously reported that frailty is related to oxidative stress and cognitive impairment-related biomarkers. The aim of this study was to determine whether frailty is associated with genetic variants.Longitudinal population-based cohort of 2488 community-dwelling people from Toledo, Spain, aged 65 years or older.We obtained blood samples from 78 individuals with frailty and 74 nonfrail individuals who were nonfrail (according to Fried criteria) from the Toledo Study of Healthy Ageing and extracted DNA using the Chemagic DNA blood kit.Sample genotyping was carried out…
17β-oestradiol up-regulates longevity-related, antioxidant enzyme expression via the ERK1 and ERK2[MAPK]/NFκB cascade
Females live longer than males. Oestrogens protect females against aging by up-regulating the expression of antioxidant, longevity-related genes such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD). The mechanism through which oestrogens up-regulate those enzymes remains unidentified, but may have implications for gender differences in lifespan. We show that physiological concentrations of oestradiol act through oestrogen receptors to reduce peroxide levels in MCF-7 cells (a mammary gland tumour cell line). Oestradiol increases MAP kinase (MAPK) activation as indicated by ERK1 and ERK2 phosphorylation in MCF-7 cells, which in turn activates the nuclear factor kappa B (N…
Activation of p38, p21, and NRF-2 Mediates Decreased Proliferation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Cultured under 21% O2
Summary High rates of stem cell proliferation are important in regenerative medicine and in stem cell banking for clinical use. Ambient oxygen tensions (21% O2) are normally used for in vitro culture, but physiological levels in vivo range between 3% and 6% O2. We compared proliferation of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) cultured under 21% versus 3% O2. The rate of hDPSC proliferation is significantly lower at 21% O2 compared to physiological oxygen levels due to enhanced oxidative stress. Under 21% O2, increased p38 phosphorylation led to activation of p21. Increased generation of reactive oxygen species and p21 led to activation of the NRF-2 signaling pathway. The upregulation of NR…
Recent Approaches to Determine Static and Dynamic Redox State-Related Parameters
Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant molecules, which is usually associated with oxidative damage to biomolecules and mitochondrial malfunction. Redox state-related parameters include (1) the direct measurement of ROS, (2) the assessment of the antioxidant defense status, and (3) the analysis of the resulting oxidative damage to molecules. Directly measuring ROS appears to be the preferred method among scientists, but most ROS are extremely unstable and difficult to measure. The processes of determining both the oxidative damage to biomolecules and the antioxidant system status, although both are indirect approaches, provide a reliable method to measure ox…
Relevance of Oxygen Concentration in Stem Cell Culture for Regenerative Medicine
The key hallmark of stem cells is their ability to self-renew while keeping a differentiation potential. Intrinsic and extrinsic cell factors may contribute to a decline in these stem cell properties, and this is of the most importance when culturing them. One of these factors is oxygen concentration, which has been closely linked to the maintenance of stemness. The widely used environmental 21% O2 concentration represents a hyperoxic non-physiological condition, which can impair stem cell behaviour by many mechanisms. The goal of this review is to understand these mechanisms underlying the oxygen signalling pathways and their negatively-associated consequences. This may provide a rationale…
Sex Differences in Age-Associated Type 2 Diabetes in Rats—Role of Estrogens and Oxidative Stress
Females live longer than males, and the estrogens are one of the reasons for this difference. We reported some years ago that estrogens are able to protect rats against oxidative stress, by inducing antioxidant genes. Type 2 diabetes is an age-associated disease in which oxidative stress is involved, and moreover, some studies show that the prevalence is higher in men than in women, and therefore there are sex-associated differences. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the role of estrogens in protecting against oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic males and females. For this purpose, we used Goto-Kakizaki rats, which develop type 2 diabetes with age. We found that female diabetic ra…
Exome sequencing of three cases of familial exceptional longevity
Exceptional longevity (EL) is a rare phenotype that can cluster in families, and co-segregation of genetic variation in these families may point to candidate genes that could contribute to extended lifespan. In this study, for the first time, we have sequenced a total of seven exomes from exceptionally long-lived siblings (probands ≥ 103 years and at least one sibling ≥ 97 years) that come from three separate families. We have focused on rare functional variants (RFVs) which have ≤ 1% minor allele frequency according to databases and that are likely to alter gene product function. Based on this, we have identified one candidate longevity gene carrying RFVs in all three families, APOB. Inter…
Centenarians Overexpress Pluripotency-Related Genes.
Abstract Human mesenchymal cells can become pluripotent by the addition of Yamanaka factors OCT3/4, SOX2, c-MYC, KLF4. We have recently reported that centenarians overexpress BCL-xL, which has been shown to improve pluripotency; thus, we aimed to determine the expression of pluripotency-related genes in centenarians. We recruited 22 young, 32 octogenarian, and 47 centenarian individuals and determined the mRNA expression of Yamanaka factors and other stemness-related cell surface marker genes (VIM, BMP4, NCAM, BMPR2) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. We found that centenarians overexpress OCT3/4, SOX2, c-MYC, VIM, BMP4, NCAM, and BMPR2…
Decreasing xanthine oxidase-mediated oxidative stress prevents useful cellular adaptations to exercise in rats
Reactive oxygen or nitrogen species (RONS) are produced during exercise due, at least in part, to the activation of xanthine oxidase. When exercise is exhaustive they cause tissue damage; however, they may also act as signals inducing specific cellular adaptations to exercise. We have tested this hypothesis by studying the effects of allopurinol-induced inhibition of RONS production on cell signalling pathways in rats submitted to exhaustive exercise. Exercise caused an activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs: p38, ERK 1 and ERK 2), which in turn activated nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) in rat gastrocnemius muscle. This up-regulated the expression of important enzymes associated w…
Low in vivo brain glucose consumption and high oxidative stress in accelerated aging
AbstractThe validity of the free radical theory of aging has been recently questioned. Our aim was to test whether there is oxidative stress in tissues critically involved in accelerated aging (senescence-accelerated mice, SAM) and whether this correlates with lower glucose consumption in vivo and behavioural tests. Positron emission tomography shows that brains of old SAM-prone animals consume less glucose than young ones. Behavioural characteristics, mitochondrial peroxide production, and damage in both the central nervous system and bone marrow stem cells also indicate that SAM-prone animals age faster than SAM-resistant ones. Our results support the role of the free radical theory of ag…
Mitochondrial damage in aging and apoptosis.
: Mitochondria are essential to cellular aging, and free radical production by mitochondria is increased with aging. The rate of oxidant production by mitochondria correlates inversely with maximal life span of species. In many species, females live longer than males. We report that mitochondrial oxidant production by females is significantly lower than that of males. However, mitochondria from ovariectomized females have a similar oxidant production as those of males. Thus, gender difference in life span can be explained, at least in part, by different oxidant generation by mitochondria. Administration of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, or a Ginkgo biloba extract, protects against …
Small extracellular vesicles from young mice prevent frailty, improve healthspan and decrease epigenetic age in old mice
SummaryAging is associated with an increased risk of frailty, disability, comorbidities, institutionalization, falls, fractures, hospitalization, and mortality. Searching for strategies to delay the degenerative changes associated with aging and frailty is interesting. We treated old animals intravenously with small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) derived from adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) of young animals, and we found an improvement of several functional parameters usually altered with aging, such as motor coordination, grip strength, fatigue resistance, fur regeneration, and renal function. Frailty index analysis showed that 40% of old control mice were frail, whereas none of the …
Glutathione regulates telomerase activity in 3T3 fibroblasts.
Changes in telomerase activity have been associated either with cancer, when activity is increased, or with cell cycle arrest when it is decreased. We report that glutathione, a physiological antioxidant present at high intracellular concentrations, regulates telomerase activity in cells in culture. Telomerase activity increases in 3T3 fibroblasts before exponential cell growth. The peak of telomerase activity takes place 24 h after plating and coincides with the maximum levels of glutathione in the cells. When cells are treated with buthionine sulfoximine, which decreases glutathione levels in cells, telomerase activity decreases by 60%, and cell growth is delayed. Glutathione depletion in…
PTEN Mediates the Antioxidant Effect of Resveratrol at Nutritionally Relevant Concentrations
Introduction.Antioxidant properties of resveratrol have been intensively studied for the last years, bothin vivoandin vitro. Its bioavailability after an oral dose is very low and therefore it is very important to make sure that plasma concentrations of free resveratrol are sufficient enough to be active as antioxidant.Aims.In the present study, using nutritionally relevant concentrations of resveratrol, we aim to confirm its antioxidant capacity on reducing peroxide levels and look for the molecular pathway involved in this antioxidant effect.Methods.We used mammary gland tumor cells (MCF-7), which were pretreated with different concentrations of resveratrol for 48 h, and/or a PTEN inhibit…
Oestradiol or genistein rescues neurons from amyloid beta-induced cell death by inhibiting activation of p38.
Oestrogenic compounds have been postulated as neuroprotective agents. This prompted us to investigate their mechanism action in neurons in primary culture. Cells were pretreated with physiological concentrations of 17-beta estradiol (0.2 nm) or with nutritionally relevant concentrations of genistein (0.5 microm), and 48 h later treated with 5 microm of amyloid beta (Abeta) for 24 h. We found that Abeta increased oxidative stress, measured as peroxide levels or oxidized glutathione/reduced glutathione ratio, which in turn, caused phosphorylation of p38 MAP kinase. Amyloid beta subsequently induced neuronal death. Inhibiting the MAP kinase pathway prevented cell death, confirming the role of …
Diagnostic Performance of Muscle Echo Intensity and Fractal Dimension for the Detection of Frailty Phenotype
To determine the relationship between muscle echo intensity (EI) and fractal dimension (FD), and the diagnostic performance of both ultrasound parameters for the identification of frailty phenotype. A retrospective interpretation of ultrasound scans from a previous cohort (November 2014–February 2015) was performed. The sample included healthy participants <60 years old, and participants ≥60 divided into robust, pre-frail, and frail groups according to Fried frailty criteria. A region of interest of the rectus femoris from the ultrasound scan was segmented, and histogram function was applied to obtain EI. For fractal analysis, images were processed using two-dimensional box-counting techniq…
Modulation of longevity-associated genes by estrogens or phytoestrogens.
Abstract Females live longer than males. We have shown that the higher levels of estrogens in females protect them against aging, by up-regulating the expression of antioxidant, longevity-related genes, such as that of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD). Both estradiol and genistein (the most abundant phytoestrogen in soybeans) share chemical properties which confer antioxidant features to these compounds. However, the low concentration of estrogens and phytoestrogens make it unlikely that they exhibit significant antioxidant capacity in the organism. Physiological concentrations of estrogens and nutritionally relevant concentrations of geni…
Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Delays Aging in Cancer-Resistant Mice
Summary Telomerase confers limitless proliferative potential to most human cells through its ability to elongate telomeres, the natural ends of chromosomes, which otherwise would undergo progressive attrition and eventually compromise cell viability. However, the role of telomerase in organismal aging has remained unaddressed, in part because of the cancer-promoting activity of telomerase. To circumvent this problem, we have constitutively expressed telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), one of the components of telomerase, in mice engineered to be cancer resistant by means of enhanced expression of the tumor suppressors p53, p16, and p19ARF. In this context, TERT overexpression improves …
Role of p16INK4a and BMI-1 in oxidative stress-induced premature senescence in human dental pulp stem cells
Human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) are a source for cell therapy. Before implantation, an in vitro expansion step is necessary, with the inconvenience that hDPSCs undergo senescence following a certain number of passages, loosing their stemness properties. Long-term in vitro culture of hDPSCs at 21% (ambient oxygen tension) compared with 3–6% oxygen tension (physiological oxygen tension) caused an oxidative stress-related premature senescence, as evidenced by increased β-galactosidase activity and increased lysil oxidase expression, which is mediated by p16INK4a pathway. Furthermore, hDPSCs cultured at 21% oxygen tension underwent a downregulation of OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and c-MYC factors, w…
Resveratrol: distribución, propiedades y perspectivas
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol which can be found in many plants and fruits, such as peanuts, mulberries, blueberries and, above all, in grapes and red wine. Its synthesis is regulated by the presence of stressful factors, such as fungal contamination and ultra-violet radiation. In plants, it plays a role as a phytoalexin, showing a capacity to inhibit the development of certain infections. Plant extracts which contain resveratrol have been employed by traditional medicine for more than 2000 years. Resveratrol was first isolated, and its properties were initially studied with scientific methods, thirty years ago. Its in vitro properties have been extensively studied and demonstrated. I…
Effect of gender on mitochondrial toxicity of Alzheimer's Abeta peptide.
The aim of this article is to review the role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, the effect of gender on the incidence of Alzheimer's disease and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved will be discussed. Mitochondria, in the presence of Alzheimer's amyloid-beta peptide, increase the formation of reactive oxygen species which act both as damaging agents and also as signaling molecules. These radicals, in fact, unleash a mechanism involving the liberation of cytochrome c that leads to neuronal apoptosis. Notably, young females appear protected against the mitochondrial toxicity of amyloid-beta, likely due to the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes wh…
Early, but not late onset estrogen replacement therapy prevents oxidative stress and metabolic alterations caused by ovariectomy.
Aims: The usefulness of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in preventing oxidative stress associated with menopause is controversial. We aimed to study if there is a critical time window for effective treatment of the effects of ovariectomy with estrogens at the molecular, metabolic, and cellular level. Results: Our main finding is that early, but not late onset of ERT prevents an ovariectomy-associated increase in mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide levels, oxidative damage to lipids and proteins, and a decrease in glutathione peroxidase and catalase activity in rats. This may be due to a change in the estrogen receptor (ER) expression profile: ovariectomy increases the ER α/β ratio and immedi…
BCL-xL, a Mitochondrial Protein Involved in Successful Aging: From C. elegans to Human Centenarians
B-Cell Lymphoma-extra-large (BCL-xL) is involved in longevity and successful aging, which indicates a role for BCL-xL in cell survival pathway regulation. Beyond its well described role as an inhibitor of apoptosis by preventing cytochrome c release, BCL-xL has also been related, indirectly, to autophagy and senescence pathways. Although in these latter cases, BCL-xL has dual roles, either activating or inhibiting, depending on the cell type and the specific conditions. Taken together, all these findings suggest a precise mechanism of action for BCL-xL, able to regulate the crosstalk between apoptosis, autophagy, and senescence, thus promoting cell survival or cell death. All three pathways…
Exploring New Kingdoms: The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Oxi-Inflamm-Aging Related to Cardiorenal Syndrome
The incidence of age associated chronic diseases has increased in recent years. Although several diverse causes produce these phenomena, abundant evidence shows that oxidative stress plays a central role. In recent years, numerous studies have focused on elucidating the role of oxidative stress in the development and progression of both aging and chronic diseases, opening the door to the discovery of new underlying mechanisms and signaling pathways. Among them, senolytics and senomorphics, and extracellular vesicles offer new therapeutic strategies to slow the development of aging and its associated chronic diseases by decreasing oxidative stress. In this review, we aim to discuss the role …
Glutathione is recruited into the nucleus in early phases of cell proliferation.
We have studied the possible correlation between nuclear glutathione distribution and the progression of the cell cycle. The former was studied by confocal microscopy using 5-chloromethyl fluorescein diacetate and the latter by flow cytometry and protein expression of Id2 and p107. In proliferating cells, when 41% of them were in the S+G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle GSH was located mainly in the nucleus. When cells reached confluence (G(0)/G(1)) GSH was localized in the cytoplasm with a perinuclear distribution. The nucleus/cytoplasm fluorescence ratio for GSH reached a maximal mean value of 4.2 +/- 0.8 at 6 h after cell plating. A ratio higher than 2 was maintained during exponential cell …
Age-associated oxidative damage leads to absence of γ-cystathionase in over 50% of rat lenses: Relevance in cataractogenesis
Oxidative damage to lens proteins and glutathione depletion play a major role in the development of senile cataract. We previously found that a deficiency in gamma-cystathionase activity may be responsible for glutathione depletion in old lenses. The aims of this study were: (1) to investigate the mechanism that causes the age-related deficiency in gamma-cystathionase activity in the eye lens, and (2) to determine the role of gamma-cystathionase deficiency in cataractogenesis. Two populations of old rats were found, one (56%) whose lenses lacked gamma-cystathionase activity and the rest that exhibited detectable enzyme activity. gamma-Cystathionase protein was absent in lenses from old rats…
Oxidative stress is related to frailty, not to age or sex, in a geriatric population: lipid and protein oxidation as biomarkers of frailty.
Objectives: To ascertain whether indicators of oxidative damage to lipids (malondialdehyde (MDA)) and proteins (protein carbonylation) are biomarkers of frailty, after adjusting for age, sex, and other possible confounders. Design: Cross-sectional cohort study. Setting: Community. Participants: Toledo Study for Healthy Aging participants (N = 742, aged 65–95), classified as frail (n = 54), prefrail (n = 278) and nonfrail (n = 410) according to the Fried criteria. Measurements: Blood plasma was obtained using centrifugation (1,500 G, 15 minutes) and immediately frozen at −80°C. Plasma lipid peroxidation was determined by measuring the MDA formed from lipoperoxides using high-performance liqu…
Lifelong soya consumption in males does not increase lifespan but increases health span under a metabolic stress such as type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Soya consumption can decrease oxidative stress in animal models. Moreover, phytoestrogens such as genistein, present in soya, can mimic some of the beneficial effects of estrogens and are devoid of significant side effects, such as cancer. In this study, we have performed a controlled lifelong study with male OF1 mice that consumed either a soya-free diet or a soya-rich diet. We show that, although we found an increase in the expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes in soya-consuming mice, it did not increase lifespan. We reasoned that the soya diet could not increase lifespan in a very healthy population, but perhaps it could extend health span in stressed animals such as type 2 diab…
Dietary soy isoflavone induced increases in antioxidant and eNOS gene expression lead to improved endothelial function and reduced blood pressure in vivo.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that populations consuming large amounts of soy protein have a reduced incidence of coronary heart disease (1-5). The cardiovascular risks associated with conventional hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women (5-7) have precipitated a search for alternative estrogen receptor modulators. Here we report that long-term feeding of rats with a soy protein-rich (SP) diet during gestation and adult life results in decreased oxidative stress, improved endothelial function, and reduced blood pressure in vivo measured by radiotelemetry in aged male offspring. Improved vascular reactivity in animals fed an SP diet was paralleled by increased mitochondrial g…
Comparison of the interaction of cobalt bovine carbonic anhydrase II with acetazolamide and methazolamide and the reaction of apoenzyme with cobalt(II) complexes of acetazolamide and methazolamide: Spectrophotometric study
The metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an attractive choice for a research-based bioinorganic laboratory course. In this project the interaction of cobalt bovine carbonic anhydrase II (CoBCAII) with acetazolamide and methazolamide and the reaction of apoenzyme with cobalt(II) complexes of acetazolamide and methazolamide is studied by UV-visible spectroscopy. Prior to this spectroscopic study students are given native BCAII, and they prepare apoBCAII and CoBCAII. A major aim is to provide experience in handling metalloproteins and in the study of metal complexes-protein interactions.
Identificación de polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido relacionados con la fragilidad
Resumen Introduccion La busqueda de biomarcadores que permitan la deteccion y el posible tratamiento precoz de la fragilidad se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos primordiales de la comunidad cientifica geriatrica. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar polimorfismos de un solo nucleotido ([SNP] del ingles single nucleotide polymorphisms) relacionados con la fragilidad. Material y metodos El estudio se llevo a cabo en 152 sujetos de la cohorte del Estudio de Toledo (de 65 a 95 anos de edad), clasificados como fragiles (n = 78), y no fragiles (n = 74), segun los criterios de Fried. Tras la extraccion de sangre se aislo y amplifico el ADN para el analisis de SNP mediante la tecno…