Francesco Sottile
The potential of the Sorb (Sorbus domestica L.) as a minor fruit species in the Mediterranean areas: description and quality traits of underutilized accessions.
Biodiversity linked to fruit cultivation plays a key role in terms of the availability of quality products and nutraceutical compounds for the food industry. Thus underutilized species such as Sorbus domestica L. can be an important resource. The aim of this study was to evaluate 31 local accessions from different growing areas on the Island of Sicily and characterize the fruits according to the biometric-carpological features that constitute their quality in order to understand the potential that this species may have not only regarding the recovery and preservation of genetic resources in the Mediterranean area but also the nutraceutical compounds it offers. The results from this prelimin…
Can the Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) Still Be Considered a Difficult-to-Propagate Crop?
As a perennial xerophytic shrub, characterized by plesiomorphic features, the caper (Capparis spinosa L.) is naturally spread throughout the Mediterranean basin and occupies an important ecological role, as well as an economic one, in traditional and specialized systems for commercial production. This species, in spite of its wide diffusion, is currently considered at risk of genetic erosion, mainly due to overgrazing and overharvesting for domestic uses and for trade. This situation is made more serious because of the lack of efficient propagation techniques, determining the caper as a “difficult-to-propagate species”. In this review, we report the main available sexual and vegetative prop…
Effect of Palletized Map Storage on the Quality and Nutritional Compounds of the Japanese Plum cv. Angeleno (Prunus salicina Lindl.)
The influence of active modified atmosphere packaging MAP (10.0 kPa of O2 and 5 kPa of CO2) on palletized system was evaluated to extend the marketability of fresh plums cv. Angeleno. Fruits were wrapped with a polyethylene film in pallet bag units at 1C and 90% relative humidity for up to 60 days. The gas values of the pallet bags, the fruit weight losses and their qualitative and nutraceutical characteristics were periodically monitored to evaluate the goodness of storage. The results showed as the pallet bag have maintained the market life of Angeleno plums to up to 60 days, preserving the most important qualitative traits of fruits. After 20, 40 and 60 days the MAP treatment maintained …
Il paesaggio agrario delle isole circumsiciliane.
Caratteristiche morfo-fenologiche e molecolari di germoplasma siciliano di Mandorlo: primi risultati
In Vitro Rooting of Capparis spinosa L. as Affected by Genotype and by the Proliferation Method Adopted During the Multiplication Phase
The in vitro rooting of three caper (Capparis spinosa L.) selected biotypes, grown in a commercial orchard on the Sicilian island of Salina (38°
Mandorlo: Liste varietali 2010
“Local Production”: What Do Consumers Think?
Since the mid-1990s, there has been a growing interest among consumers and producers in downscaling to a local level the length of the agri-food chains as a solution for fairer and more sustainable food production systems. From the point of view of consumption, the attribute “local” is assuming an important role in defining food purchasing preferences, both in terms of expectations of product quality and in terms of its perceived relevance in determining the supply chain sustainability. This research aims to define how individuals’ perception of local production influences the definition of “local” among consumers based on a survey submitted to a sample of 500 consumers in North-Western Ita…
I portinnesti del susino
Potential use of new diphenylurea derivatives in micropropagation of Capparis spinosa L.
A protocol for in vitro multiplication of caper (Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris) from nodal segments collected from mature plants was developed. For shoot multiplication, one auxin (indol-3-butyric acid, IBA) and cytokinins of two different classes were used: the N6-substituted adenine derivatives 6-benzylamino purine (BAP), and the two synthetic phenylurea derivatives N-phenyl-N′-benzothiazol-6-ylurea (PBU) and N-phenyl-N′-(1,2,3-thidiazol-5-yl) urea (thidiazuron, TDZ). Maximum shoot production was achieved from explants cultured with the adeninic cytokinin BAP (4 μM) and the auxin IBA (0.5 μM). New shoots longer than 1 cm were used for rooting. To induce root formation, three auxins…
Effect of rootstock on trunk growth and foliar mineral content in cv. Bianca pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees
Trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) and mineral content were recorded for 4 years in the major Sicilian pistachio cultivar, Bianca, budded in 1991 onto eight in v/fro-propagated clonal rootstocks (Pistacia atlantica and P. integerrima) and one seedling rootstock (P. terebinthus). The trees were grown using standard cultural practices for Sicilian dry-land farming in a fine sandy soil, located inland in Sicily (20 km SW of Palermo, 350 m a.s.l.). From nine trees per rootstock, samples of 10 leaflets from the mid-section of current year shoots were taken yearly in August and analyzed for the main plant mineral elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B). The TCSA was measured at the end of…
The Almond
Albicocco e susino da sfruttare con innovazione e post-raccolta
The economic development of rural areas has rarely followed that of urban centres, with greater evidence of this in developing countries where the outlying communities have remained considerably more remote from the systems of cultural and economic growth. Even if this has had negative repercussions in terms of social equilibrium within the various countries, from a strictly agronomic point of view it has often resulted in the natural conservation of indigenous and native biodiversity. This has been affected by the natural and daily use of local plant extracts both for nutritional purposes and for a variety of other reasons. The exchange of genetic material between one community and another…
In Vitro Regeneration of Capparis spinosa L. by Using a Temporary Immersion System
Three caper (Capparis spinosa L.) biotypes grown on the Sicilian island of Salina (38°
Agrumi ornamentali
Educare alla sostenibilita: il caso degli orti scolastici
L'educazione ambientale nasce con l'obiettivo di educare una nuova cittadinanza che conosca l'ambiente, che sia consapevole dei problemi legati al suo sfruttamento e motivata ad impegnarsi nella loro risoluzione. A partire dai primi scritti che ne coniano il concetto (Stapp et al, 1969) essa è stata poi assunta, anche internazionalmente, come una possibile risposta alla necessità di divulgare nuovi stili di vita e modelli di sviluppo. Negli ultimi anni si è riscoperto, nell'ambito delle attività legate all'educazione ambientale, un grande interesse rivolto anche ai temi dell'agricoltura e dell'alimentazione più in generale. Questo nuovo interesse può contribuire a ridare valore al mondo rur…
The Almond "Museo Vivente F. Monastra":from genetic resources rescue to germplasm collection
In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from floral explants and genetic stability of regenerants
A new technique to regenerate caper plants (Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris) starting from flower explant is reported. In vitro plant regeneration was attempted using stigma, anthers and unfertilized ovules of unopened flowers collected in the field. Plant regeneration was achieved from unfertilized ovules on MS medium supplemented with 88 mM sucrose and 13 lM 6-benzyladenine (BA). New individuals obtained from unfertilized ovules were used as source material for micropropagation and multiple shoots were obtained on MS medium sup- plemented with the adeninic cytokinin BA and the auxin indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Explants obtained in micro- propagation step were used for rooting step u…
Almond (Prunus dulcis cv. Casteltermini) Skin Confectionery By-Products: New Opportunity for the Development of a Functional Blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius Schott) Jam
This work proposes for the first time a model for reusing almond (Prunus dulcis cv. Casteltermini from Sicily, Southern Italy) skin to formulate a new functional blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius Schott) jam. For this purpose, blackberries were analysed fresh and as jam, traditionally prepared with a minimum fruit amount of 80%. Different percentages of almond skin (20, 15, and 10% w/w) were added to jam. The phytochemical profile of enriched jam was investigated by LC-ESI/LTQOrbitrap/MS analyses. Anthocyanins, hydrolysable tannins, and triterpenoids were identified in a blackberry extract, while proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, and oxylipins were identified in an almond extract. The n-hexane extr…
Fertility index, flowering aspects and pomological traits on almond genotypes from differente areas
Solid state 13C-NMR methodology for the cellulose composition studies of the shells of Prunus dulcis and their derived cellulosic materials.
Lignocellulosic fibers and microcellulose have been obtained by simple alkaline treatment from softwood al- mond shells. In particular, the Prunus dulcis Miller (D.A.) Webb. was considered as a agro industrial waste largely available in southern Italy. The materials before and after purification have been characterized by 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy methodology. A proper data analysis provided the relative composition of lignin and holo- cellulose at each purification step and the results were compared with thermogravimetric analysis and FT-IR. To value the possibility of using this material in a circular economy framework, the fibrous cellulosic material was used to manufacture a handmade c…
Il Cappero assurgente di Lipari.
Pathways for the amplification of agroecology in African sustainable urban agriculture
A growing awareness that highly intensified agricultural systems have made a substantial worldwide contribution to the worsening of the resilience capacity of natural ecosystems has, over the last twenty years, brought general attention to agroecological management models. This aspect is even more evident in industrial agriculture, which is based on the use of multiple chemical products derived from non-natural synthesis. In more developed countries, a new idea of ecology linked to agricultural production has been increasingly developed and, for this reason, there has been a greater diffusion of differentiated agricultural models taking into consideration the environmental impact of product…
The Italian territory is rich in fruit trees germplasm and in the last years many research programs have been carried out to characterize local cultivars and accessions for deepenings about them and enhancing the market agreement too. The Sicilian plum cultivars 'Sanacore' and 'Ariddo di core' and the Piedmontese plum cultivar 'Ramassin' were studied to highlight their qualitative traits including the nutraceutical properties. Moreover, since it is important to know in which way the qualitative parameters change during the storage period one more study was carried out by storing the fruits under modified atmosphere in the Tectrol ® system. The results evidenced very interesting aspects abou…
Agroecology as a challenge for the competitiveness of small scale agriculture
L'agroecologia viene spesso presentata come un'alternativa agli attuali sistemi di produzione diffusi, sebbene ci siano molte domande sulla reale possibilità di una produzione alimentare sufficiente- mente elevata per una popolazione in crescita. L' analisi sviluppata in questo paper è basata sulla ricer- ca scientifica degli ultimi vent'anni e sulle l'attività delle ONG, dei movimenti degli agricoltori e delle organizzazioni governative di diversi contesti. L'obiettivo è quello di fornire un panorama dei princi- pali argomenti in discussione per una transizione agroecologica dei sistemi alimentari mondiali, individ- uando alcune sfide prioritarie e immaginando chi saranno i partecipanti qu…
Advances in cultivation of almonds: effects of genotypes, environment and cultural techniques
Advances in cultivation of almonds: effects of genotypes, environment and cultural techniques
Variability of Apricot Cultivar traits inside the 'List of recommended fruits varieties' project
The Italian Plum Rootstock Trial: Results for Sicilian Environmental Conditions
Analysis of S-allele genetic diversity in Sicilian almond germplasm comparing different molecular methods
Italian almond germplasm is characterized by a wide diversity in several growing areas among which Sicily is one of the most important. Analysis with consensus and specific primers and DNA sequencing was performed to investigate S-RNase genetic diversity and to elucidate the homology rate within a genetic pool of 27 Italian accessions. Interestingly, some of the self-compatible cultivars did not show the presence of Sf allele. Amplicons from consensus and allele-specific PCR primers revealed a high level of variability. Sequencing of all the S-RNase amplicons derived from consensus primers allowed the identification of two new S-RNase alleles (S51 and S52). Surprisingly, despite the AA repl…
Validating an apple dry matter production model with whole canopy gas exchange measurements in the field
The simplified apple dry matter production model developed by Lakso and Johnson (1990) was modified by inputing tree-specific parameters from a study of seasonal growth and gas exchange of 4-year-old Empire/M.9 apple trees, and light and temperature response curves developed for Empire apple organs. Measurements of the seasonal trend of diurnal net C02 and canopy water vapor exchange were made at intervals on three four-year-old 'Empire'/M.9 slender spindle apple trees in the orchard from 10 days after bloom until 25 days after harvest. The tree canopies were enclosed in clear plastic "balloon- type" chambers (similar to Corelli and Magnanini, 1993) that was monitored continuously for more …
Rootstock Effect on Stem Water Potential Gradients in cv. 'Armking' Nectarine Trees
The effects of rootstock vigour on scion xylem hydraulic conductivity were studied on potted trees of cv. ‘Armking’ nectarine grafted onto GF677 (vigorous) and MrS 2/5 (low-vigour) rootstocks. Water potential gradients of non-transpiring leaves were measured at three levels of the stem starting at 10 cm above the graft-point. Transpiration rates were estimated by weighing. Two sets of measurements were taken on the same trees, at two different transpiration-rate levels obtained by imposing a different level of evaporative demand. Measurements were taken after allowing transpiration to reach a steady-state (20 minutes after any environmental perturbation). Trees grafted onto the low-vigour r…
Plum Production in Italy: State of Art and Perspectives
Cenni storici sulla frutticoltura delle isole della Sicilia.
New low-vigour apricot rootstocks compared
About ten years ago nurseries began to test several novel apricot stocks developed either to reduce plant vigour and boost early as well as high cropping or as a more suitable replacement for Myrabolan (Prunus cerasifera) and Apricot seedling in water-logged or chlorotic soils. These stocks were the Italian bred selections of Prunus domestica Penta and Tetra, the P. cerasifera Adara and the Prunus insititia Adesoto® 101, both Spanish-bred seedlings, and Plumina@, a Prunus bessey × P. cerasifera hybrid developed in France. Performance testing was carried out under a national project. The trials were set up in 2001 in plots of pilot orchards at Imola in Bologna Province, Ancona, Caserta, Pale…
Il germoplasma autoctono del pesco [ P. persica (L.) Batsch] in Sicilia: aspetti fenologici, morfologici e molecolari.
Genetic characterization of an almond germplasm collection and volatilome profiling of raw and roasted kernels
AbstractAlmond is appreciated for its nutraceutical value and for the aromatic profile of the kernels. In this work, an almond collection composed of 96 Sicilian accessions complemented with 10 widely cultivated cultivars was phenotyped for the production of volatile organic compounds using a proton-transfer time-of-flight mass spectrometer and genotyped using the Illumina Infinium®18 K Peach SNP array. The profiling of the aroma was carried out on fresh and roasted kernels enabling the detection of 150 mass peaks. Sixty eight, for the most related with sulfur compounds, furan containing compounds, and aldehydes formed by Strecker degradation, significantly increased during roasting, while …
Hand-made paper obtained by green procedure of cladode waste of Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill. from Sicily
Cellulosic fibres have been obtained by green procedures from the cladodes of Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill., constituting a large agro industrial waste in our territory. The materials have been analysed for its relative composition, applying, IR and TG methodologies and it was characterised by the absence of lignin. The fibrous material allowed the manufacture of a handmade paper obtaining an ecological material suitable for packaging purposes. The authors evidenced that the simple protocol based on hot water treatment was able to decrease the amount of hemicellulose in the final material.
Planting density, above-ground dry-matter partitioning and fruit quality in greenhouse-grown 'Flordaprince' peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) trees trained to 'free-standing Tatura'
SummaryThe effect of planting density on yield, fruit quality and above-ground dry-matter partitioning into vegetative and reproductive organs of six year old peach trees was investigated in Sicily on the very early-ripening cv Flordaprince in greenhouse. Increasing the number of trees per hectare from 1500 to 5000 significantly reduced total above-ground dry matter, trunk cross-sectional area and total leaf area. Differences in growth did not result in substantial modifications in the source-sink relationships between the vegetative and the reproductive organs of the above-ground part of the tree, as shown by the lack of statistical differences in dry-matter partitioning into fruit, leaves…
Pomological and quality traits of mulberry (Morus spp.) germplasm from Gorno Badakhshan in the Western Pamir
The local fruit biodiversity can represent a good opportunity to maintain the agriculture and to develop economies in "marginal" territory such as those in the mountain rural areas. The genetic diversity of the Morus spp. is little known in the Western Pamir mountains, so that the objective of the present study was to improve the knowledge of the polymorphism of the species in the different poorly explored Tajik valleys by investigating the main quantitative and qualitative traits. Materials and methods - Six selected sites of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) region were investigated through field measurement on morphological traits of mulberry trees (both from wild and cultiva…
Il Museo vivente del mandorlo "Monastra" (Valle dei templi, Agrigento) per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche e paesaggistiche
Micropropagation of Endemic Endangered Taxa of the Italian Flora: Adenostyles alpina subsp. macrocephala (Asteraceae), as a Case Study
The conservation of endangered, rare, and endemic plant species is based on in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. When in situ conservation alone is not sufficient to guarantee the survival of the species, ex situ techniques are adopted in support. This study aimed to develop an efficient micropropagation protocol for Adenostyles by evaluating the effect of different plant growth regulators on leaf explants. Adenostyles alpina subsp. macrocephala (Asterace) is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to Calabria (Southern Italy). The genus Adenostyles includes three species confined to the mountains of the Mediterranean and southern Europe. For callus induction, media supplemented with d…
Caratteristiche morfo-fenologiche e molecolari di germoplasma mandorlicolo siciliano: primi risultati
Ornacitrus: Citrus plants (Citrus spp.) as ornamentals
Abstract The industrial production of citrus plants for ornamental use (ornacitrus) began in Italy at the end of the 1960s due to the need for many citrus nurseries to adapt their activities in a time of crisis for citriculture. Nowadays, the ornamental citrus nursery sector is a well-established industry in many European countries such as Portugal, Spain, Greece, and southern Italy. In Italy, nursery production of ornamental citrus plants has become prominent due to the gradual shutdown of many commercial citrus orchards. Currently, Italy maintains its leadership with more than 5.5 million ornacitrus plants produced annually. Ornamental citrus production regards mainly different cultivars …
Improvement of plum storage with modified atmosphere packaging
Post-harvest supply chain is a critical point for agro-food marketing. The management of freshness in the storage is fundamental to maintain high profits in the agro-food sector to improve the distribution and to respond to retailers and consumers' requirements. Plums are considered to have a climacteric-ripening pattern, in which ethylene is the hormone responsible for ripening. Modified atmosphere (MA) storage is a method helpful to maintain the natural quality of fruits. MA added to low temperatures influence fruit metabolism and reduce ethylene production, weight losses, hardness of pulp, preserving vitamins and organic acids. The objective of this study was to increase the condition of…
Are Cover Crops Affecting the Quality and Sustainability of Fruit Production?
The study of the interaction between fruit trees and cover crops has been addressed in numerous works over the last 50 years or more, evidencing the need to evolve from a productive orchard to an orchard that plays different ecosystem roles in terms of environmental sustainability rather than just productivity. This review, through an analysis of the scientific literature since the 1950s, highlights the development of sustainable soil management models in fruit tree orchards, mostly considering the relationship with fruit quality traits and with the ecosystem services that result from the adoption of cover crops, aiming at identifying and formulating technical recommendations in perennial o…
A Participatory Agrobiodiversity Conservation Approach in the Oases: Community Actions for the Promotion of Sustainable Development in Fragile Areas
Rural development policies today include significant directions towards ecological transition and sustainability. Biodiversity plays a fundamental role, especially in fragile environments. The North African oases, for example, are socio-ecological structures with delicate balances in terms of natural resources, where the activation of participatory conservation approaches appears today to be very useful, aiming at long-lasting results. This type of approach was applied in the oasis of El Hamma, in Tunisia. The socio-ecological analysis was carried out through semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders of the oasis. The results were used to activate focus groups and to identify, …
Conservazione di susine della cv Sanacore: influenza di diversi film plastici sul mantenimento delle caratteristiche qualitative e shelf life
PBAT Based Composites Reinforced with Microcrystalline Cellulose Obtained from Softwood Almond Shells
This study explores the processability, mechanical, and thermal properties of biocompostable composites based on poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) as polymer matrix and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) derived from softwood almond (Prunus dulcis) shells (as-MCC) as filler at two different weight concentration, i.e., 10 wt% and 20 wt%. The materials were processed by melt mixing and a commercial MCC (c-MCC) was used as filler comparison. The fibrillar shape of as-MCC particles was found to change the rheological behavior of PBAT, particularly at the highest concentration. The melt mixing processing allowed obtaining a uniform dispersion of both kinds of fillers, slightly reduci…
The Sicilian territory contains a wide reserve of biodiversity of fruit tree species that, over a period of several centuries, have found there propitious pedoclimatic conditions for their establishment, and genetic diversification. The indigenous germplasm characterized Sicilian agriculture until less than one century ago but, after the diffusion of new cultivars originating from genetic improvement programs, a great part of this germplasm was replaced and now these important resources are at high risk of genetic erosion. Recently, public interest in the safeguarding of biodiversity and the development of a new interest in genetic resources and their scientific, economic and cultural impor…
A methodology for the sustainability assessment of agri-food systems: an application to the Slow Food Presidia project
New and alternative models for agri-food production and consumption have brought up questions regarding the effects they have on local development processes in terms of the economic exploitation of rural areas as well as environmental, cultural, and social factors. The agri-food system proposed by the Slow Food (SF) Presidia Project, which focuses on farm-to-market systems for local, high-quality, sustainable products, can respond to the new and emerging needs of both rural and urban populaces via several approaches in addition to food production itself. However, evaluating these parameters is challenging. The aim of this study was to develop an indicator-based tool to monitor the sustainab…
Piccole isole, l’agricoltura che fa bene all’ambiente, da Lampedusa a Lipari, presentiamo un diverso modello di sviluppo economico sostenibile che tiene conto del paesaggio e della tradizione
Dietary Patterns at the Individual Level through a Nutritional and Environmental Approach: The Case Study of a School Canteen
The public catering sector has important responsibilities in seeking a change toward more sustainable choices for many aspects related to the environmental impacts of their services. The environmental impact of production processes can be studied through life cycle assessment (LCA), which allows a greater awareness of choices and has rarely been applied to catering. In this work, we studied the impacts of two dishes (braised meat and cauliflower meatballs) in a school canteen, their impacts were studied using the daily energy requirement (expressed in kcal) as a functional unit. Global warming potential (GWP) and nonrenewable energy (NRE) were calculated starting from the supply of raw mate…
Evolution of qualitative characteristics during blueberry fruit storage in a modified atmosphere
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of different films to maintain MAP conditions for storing ‘Duke’ blueberries by verifying the evolution of qualitative traits of berries. The fruits were picked manually, individually deposited in polyethylene baskets and immediately transferred (1 h) to the laboratory under chilled conditions (10°C). The experimental storage units consisted of a pallet bag of two different types of film, polyethylene (100 μm) and a biobased film derived from starch (50 μm). The O2 and CO2 transmission rates, measured according to the ASTM F 2622-08 and ASTM F 2476-05 methods at 38°C and 90% RH, were, 2642 and 10654 [cm3/(m2·24 h)], respectively, fo…
A New Bloody Pulp Selection of Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera L.): Pomological Traits, Chemical Composition, and Nutraceutical Properties
A new accession of myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera L.) from Sicily (Italy) was studied for the first time for its chemical and nutraceutical properties. A description of the main morphological and pomological traits was created as a tool for characterization for consumers. For this purpose, three different extracts of fresh myrobalan fruits were subjected to different analyses, including the evaluation of total phenol (TPC), flavonoid (TFC), and anthocyanin (TAC) contents. The extracts exhibited a TPC in the range 34.52–97.63 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g fresh weight (FW), a TFC of 0.23–0.96 mg quercetin equivalent (QE)/100 g FW, and a TAC of 20.24–55.33 cyanidine-3-…
Caratterizzazioni morfo-fenologiche e molecolari di germoplasma mandorlicolo siciliano: primi risultati
Antibacterial activity and chemical characterization of almond (Prunus dulcis L.) peel extract
In this study, almond skin of Prunus dulcis L. variety Casteltermini was characterised for its chemical composition and for the inhibitory activity towards food associated microorganisms belonging to pathogenic (Salmonella Enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytgenes), spoilage (Pseudomonas poae and Brochotrix thermospacta) and useful (Levilactobacillus brevis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) groups. The n-hexane extract of P. dulcis skin, investigated by GC–MS, evidenced linoleic, palmitic, and oleic acids as the main abundant compounds. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33862 growth was strongly limited by n-hexane extract and the minimum inhibition concentration (…
Effect of planting system on productivity, dry-matter partitioning and carbohydrate content in aboveground components of 'Flordaprince' peach trees
Vegetative growth, fruit yields, and dry matter partitioning within above-ground components were assessed during three growing seasons for trees of an early ripening peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch `Flordaprince' on GF 677 rootstock) trained either to a free standing central leader (930 trees/ha) or to Y shape (1850 trees/ha). Individual trees trained to central leader gave higher fruit yield, had a significantly greater leaf area and accumulated more dry mass in above-ground components per tree than Y shape trees. The training systems did not differ in terms of yield efficiency (yield per trunk cross-sectional area) and leaf area index (LAI), but Y shape trees had a higher harvest index an…
Mi.P.A.F. Targeted Project for Evaluation of European and Cino-Japanese Plum Rootstocks in Italy: Results of Six Years of Observations
The Mi.P.A.F. (Italian Ministry of Agriculture) targeted project “National Lists of Recommended Rootstocks and Cultivars”, coordinated by Prof. F. Loreti, University of Pisa, aims at evaluating the performance of fruit rootstocks introduced into the Italian nursery market. As part of this project, trials were established to compare some of the most interesting rootstocks for European and Japanese plum in 9 different locations in Italy. The rootstocks tested were: ‘Citation-Zaipime’, ‘GF 31’, ‘Marianna GF 8/1’, ‘Ishtara-Ferciana’, ‘Jaspi-Fereley’, ‘Julior-Ferdor’, ‘Myrobalan 29C’, ‘Myrobalan B’, ‘MrS 2/5’ and ‘Myrocal’. In 1995, nine orchards were planted at 5 × 5 m spacing; in each orchard,…
The preliminary results of a new rootstock trial for Japanese and European plum cultivars are reported. Two clonal Prunus cerasifera ('Myrobalan 29C' and 'MrS 2/5'), two Prunus domestica ('Penta' and 'Tetra') and the peach × almond 'GF 677' were tested in a warm and dry climate of Southern Italy where the plum industry is recently increasing, particularly for the Japanese type. 'GF 677' showed the most vigorous habit together with a higher production at the first bearing year in comparison with 'Myrobalan 29C', while the two P. domestica types resulted in very low vigour. This result was more evident and statistically significant with the Japanese plum cultivar, whereas very low differences…
The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the physical and chemical quality of fresh yellow plum cultivars
The aim of this work was to store fresh yellow plums (cvs. Sanacore and Ariddo di Core) for a maximum of 20 days at 1°C±1 and 90–95% relative humidity (RH) using modified atmosphere (MA) technology (flowpack system). Fruits of both cultivars were sealed in baskets with six films and compared with fruit stored under a normal atmosphere (NA). The effect of several packaging materials and several gas concentrations in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) were evaluated on the postharvest quality of plums considering the weight loss, flesh texture, total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA). Samples were monitored at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days. All continuous plastic films used have ox…
Manipulation of the vegetative and reproductive cycle of pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)
La biodiversità del gelso nella regione del Gorno-Badakhshan (Tajikistan)
Rootstock influences seasonal dry matter and carbohydrate content and partitioning in aboveground components of 'Flordaprince' peach trees
Seasonal development of leaf area, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter, and carbohydrate content were measured from harvest 1992 to harvest 1993 in above-ground components of `Flordaprince' peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] trees grafted on GF 677 (Prunus persica × Prunus amygdalus) and MrS 2/5 (Prunus cerasifera free pollinated) rootstocks, which widely differ in vigor. Whole trees were separated into fruit, leaves, shoots, 1-year-old wood and >1-year-old wood. Sampling dates were coincident with key fruit and tree developmental stages: dormancy, fruit set, pit hardening, and fruit harvest. Rootstock modified the vegetative vigor of the tree, the seasonal partitioning of dry matter, and …
Evaluating the Sustainability in Complex Agri-Food Systems: The SAEMETH Framework
During the last few years, the definition of sustainability and the translation of its general principles into practical and operative tasks have come into the foreground of scientific research and political agendas throughout the world. The understanding and the evaluation of the environmental, social and economic performances of complex agricultural food systems is probably the real challenge, and the design of more sustainable alternatives has been recognized as necessary for a correct territorial management. This study’s primary goal is the proposition of an interpretive structure “Sustainable Agri-Food Evaluation Methodology” (SAEMETH), able to guide the evaluation of the sustainabilit…
Consumer Preference Heterogeneity Evaluation in Fruit and Vegetable Purchasing Decisions Using the Best–Worst Approach
This study assesses consumer preferences during fruit and vegetable (FV) sales, considering the sociodemographic variables of individuals together with their choice of point of purchase. A choice experiment was conducted in two metropolitan areas in Northwest Italy. A total of 1170 consumers were interviewed at different FV purchase points (mass retail chains and open-air markets) using a paper questionnaire. The relative importance assigned by consumers to 12 fruit and vegetable product attributes, including both intrinsic and extrinsic quality cues, was assessed by using the best&ndash
Community garden initiatives addressing health and well‐being outcomes: A systematic review of infodemiology aspects, outcomes, and target populations
Previous research has suggested that activities such as community gardens could offer a wide range of health benefits. The aim of the article is to systematically review the available literature to analyse the magnitude of the phenomenon, the geographical distribution, and the main characteristics in terms of health outcomes and target populations. The search addresses the question whether the activity in community gardens improves health and well-being outcomes of individuals. From the total amount of 7226, 84 selected articles showed that:(1) up to 50% are published by U.S. universities or institutions; (2) up to 44% of the studies considered “community gardens” as the main activity of th…
Ecological and economic indicators for the evaluation of almond (Prunus dulcis l.) orchard renewal in sicily
Globally, almond production is experiencing a growing trend thanks to a strong interest in the health, gastronomic, and industrial properties that are linked to the fruits and their derivatives. After a constant and marked decline in the second half of the last century, the Mediterranean Basin is thoroughly reassessing this crop, which provides significant results with a modern orchard management. The opportunity determined by the transition from traditional to modern systems have increased the interest in evaluating the different environmental impacts of the two cultivation models that still coexist today. In this work, through the application of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and an econ…
Genetic diversity and relationships among Italian and foreign almond germplasm as revealed by microsatellite markers
Abstract Italian germplasm is characterized by a wide diversity rapidly developed determining a massive genetic pool of cultivars in several growing areas. On the whole, regions of southern Italy, and in particular Sicily, were considered as one of the main trade routes along which almond was spread throughout the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In this work, 9 SSR markers have been used to analyze 113 almond cultivars and accessions coming from ex-situ conservation, including most of almond genotypes spread in Sicily and Apulia and foreign cultivars from Mediterranean, American and Australian areas in order to determine the level of genetic diversity within Italian genotypes and elucidate…
Fenologia, aspetti qualitativi dei frutti e stato sanitario di progenie F1 di pesco ottenute nell'ambito del programma di miglioramento genetico basato sul germoplasma autoctono siciliano
Comportamento bio-agronomico di cultivar extraprecoci di pesco e nettarine in tre tipologie d'impianto: risultati di un triennio di osservazioni
Effect of rootstock on growth, yield and fruit characteristics in cv 'Bianca' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees
This paper, following preliminary field evaluation trials started in 1993, reports a study on the effect of eight different in vitro-propagated clonal rootstocks (P. atlantica and P. integerrima) and one seedling rootstock (P. terebinthus) on the vegetative and productive behaviour of pistachio cultivar 'Bianca'. The trees, budded in 1991, were grown using standard cultural practices for dry-land farming in a sandy clay loam soil, located inland in Sicily. On average, clones of P. integerrima (I-6 and I-2) were the most vigorous rootstocks. Clones of P. atlantica had intermediate vigour. Rootstock significantly affect yield but not fruit weight, kernel to nut ratio, splitting and blanking p…
Reuse of almond by-products: Functionalization of traditional semolina sourdough bread with almond skin
Almond production generates large amounts of by-products rich in polyphenols. In this study, almond skin was explored as a valuable food ingredient in bread making. To this purpose, almond skin was used to produce functional products modifying a traditional sourdough bread recipe. The doughs were prepared replacing semolina with powdered almond skin (PAS) at 5 and 10 % (w/w). Sourdough inoculum was started with a mix of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and propagated in semolina until reaching pH 3.7. The pH of PAS added breads was higher than that of control (CTR) breads before and after fermentation. Plate counts showed a similar evolution of LAB and total mesophilic microorganisms, but members…
Sustainability for Food Consumers: Which Perception?
A sustainable future for the community is one of the objectives established by the European Union Agenda 2030. Furthermore, sustainable consumption has been identified as one of the possible trajectories for sustainable development. It is for this reason that food production, distribution and consumption ways cannot be overlooked for sustainability achievement, as well as the consumer&rsquo
Consumer Attitudes and Preference Exploration towards Fresh-Cut Salads Using Best–Worst Scaling and Latent Class Analysis
This research explored the preferences and buying habits of a sample of 620 consumers of fresh-cut, ready-to-eat salads. A best&ndash
Il Museo vivente del mandorlo 'F. Monastra' (valle dei Templi, Agrigento) per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche e paesaggistiche
Post-harvest Industrial Processes of Almond (Prunus dulcis L. Mill) in Sicily Influence the Nutraceutical Properties of By-Products at Harvest and During Storage
Almond cultivation in Sicily is experiencing a phase of great interest which is mainly concentrated in the development of specialized orchards, with irrigation and by adopting cultivars with high qualitative and quantitative performances. These are mostly Mediterranean genotypes with high fat content and hard or semi-hard shell, extremely different from the varieties of Californian diffusion. The development of the sector comprises the primary production of almonds but also a series of secondary products which often represent a burden for the company. From these considerations several researches have been developed with the aim of giving a value to these by-products through circular economy…
Comportamento di portinnesti di diversa origine genetica proposti per il susino europeo e cino-giapponese in ambiente caldo-arido
Rootstock Evaluation for European and Japanese Plums in Italy
The continuous update coming from fruit trees genetic improving projects determines constant innovations in terms of cultivars and rootstocks availability. In Italy, since 1995, the National Government has developed a research activity spread over the entire National territory. The project, which involves several Research Units, is related to all major fruit tree species and also plum regarding new Japanese and European cultivars as well as new rootstocks. The evaluation is performed by using the same experimental protocol, focusing on the vegetative and reproductive traits as well as on all aspects related to fruit quality. This paper shows data collected since the planting in 1995 from fe…
Almond Germplasm in Bostanlyk Area (Uzbekistan): Preservation and Exploitation
Almond germplasm has been studied throughout the world with high diversity identified in the Mediterranean Basin. Each production region is based on specific types of cultivars, frequently without a real commercial strategy. For this reason we still have a wide range of particularly interesting almond germplasm, especially for genetic improvement. In some parts of the world, local germplasm is still interesting for a restricted almond industry, usually related to a local or internal consumption. In this paper we provide details about the almond industry in the traditional area of Bostanlyk, Uzbekistan. Since 2007 a specific approach to evaluate the local germplasm has been applied; the most…
The Sicilian Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Germplasm: Phenological, Morphological and Horticultural Diversity and Sanitary Status
Comportamento di 7 portinnesti proposti per il susino europeo e cino-giapponese in ambiente caldo-arido
Growth analysis and mineral content in pistachio (Pistacia veraL.) infructescence and its components
SummaryGrowth and seasonal variation in mineral content was described for infructescence components of ‘Bianca’ pistachio cultivar grafted onto Pistacia therebintus L. The absorption curve specific to each infructescence and fruit component was calculated on a percent dry weight and an absolute content basis. Nutrient uptake by infructescence components was consistent with their development rate. The embryo was the strongest sink for N, P and Mg uptake. Pericarp and rachis accounted for more than 80% of K and Ca accumulated in the infructescence. The highest accumulation rate occurred during rapid embryo growth.
The Chemistry and the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Polymethoxyflavonoids from Citrus Genus
Polymethoxyflavonoids (PMFs) are a large group of compounds belonging to the more general class of flavonoids that possess a flavan carbon framework decorated with a variable number of methoxy groups. Hydroxylated polymethoxyflavonoids (HPMFs), instead, are characterized by the presence of both hydroxyl and methoxy groups in their structural unities. Some of these compounds are the aglycone part in a glycoside structure in which the glycosidic linkage can involve the −OH at various positions. These compounds are particular to Citrus genus plants, especially in fruits, and they are present mainly in the peel. A considerable number of PMFs and HPMFs have shown promising biological activities …
Two new planting systems for early ripening peaches (Prunus persica L. Batsch): Yield and fruit quality in four low-chill cultivars
SummaryTrees of peach cvs Flordastar, Flordaprince, Flordacrest and Maravilha, low in chill requirement (Flordaprince 150; Flordacrest 350 C.U.), with a short fruit development period (Flordaprince 90; Flordacrest 110 d) and a very early ripening time (Flordastar mid May; Flordacrest first week of June), were planted in Sicily (37° 30′ Lat. N) both in a medium (667 trees per ha) and a high density (2000 trees per ha) plantation system. In the medium density planting system, the trees were trained to a Fusetto, and in the high density to a Y-shape. Both in the Fusetto and Y, the size of the trees was controlled by severe pruning soon after harvest, consisting in the shortening of most of the…
Vegetative and Reproductive Behaviour of Young Apricot Trees cv 'Ninfa' as Affected by Rootstock
La frutticoltura delle isole circumsiciliane.
Mi.P.A.F. targeted project for evaluation of European and Japanese plum rootstocks in Italy: Results of six years of observations
The Mi.P.A.F. (Italian Ministry of Agriculture) targeted project "National Lists of Recommended Rootstocks and Cultivars", coordinated by Prof. F. Loreti, University of Pisa, aims at evaluating the performance of fruit rootstocks introduced into the Italian nursery market. As part of this project, trials were established to compare some of the most interesting rootstocks for European and Japanese plum in 9 different locations in Italy. The rootstocks tested were: 'Citation-Zaipime', 'GF 31', 'Marianna GF 8/1', 'Ishtara-Ferciana', 'Jaspi-Fereley', 'Julior-Ferdor', 'Myrobalan 29C', 'Myrobalan B', 'MrS 2/5' and 'Myrocal'. In 1995, nine orchards were planted at 5 × 5 m spacing; in each orchard,…
Valutazione di portinnesti proposti per il susino europeo e cino-giapponese.
Il capitolo illustra il ruolo sempre più rilevante dell'agrumicoltura ornamentale nel comparto vivaistico e produttivo nazionale. Frutto di una geniale idea di riconversione di impianti vivaistici non più remunerativi a causa della crisi agrumicola ormai strutturale, il comparto ha sviluppato tecniche e conoscenze sempre più approfondite con l'obiettivo di ottenere piante di altissima qualità, in fioritura o fruttificanti, per il maggior numero di mesi dell'anno possibile. Vengono quindi analizzate criticamente le tecniche oggi più all'avanguardia, le tipologie produttive, gli aspetti varietali e gli spunti di ricerca che oggi impegnano diversi ricercatori in tutto il Bacino del Mediterrane…
An interpretive framework for assessing and monitoring the sustainability of school gardens
School gardens are, increasingly, an integral part of projects aiming to promote nutritional education and environmental sustainability in many countries throughout the world. In the late 1950s, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) had already developed projects to improve the dietary intake and behavior through school and community gardens. However, notwithstanding decades of experience, real proof of how these programs contribute to improving sustainability has not been well-documented, and reported findings have mostly been anecdotal. Therefore, it is important to begin a process of collecting and monitoring data to quantify the results and …
Selection and micropropagation of valuable caper genotypes
The high quality of the various biotypes present in the natural or cultivated state is one of the main features for caper production. Up to now, however, no selection activity has been carried out in order to identify the most suitable accessions for providing better quality products. In this paper, we report the first results of a selection of caper genotypes characterised by significant qualitative traits. A micropropagation protocol was evaluated in order to improve and allow the multiplication of the most promising Capparis spinosa L. subsp. spinosa genotypes, selected in Salina (Aeolian Islands), Sicily (Italy), in collaboration with the most important local growers.
Moltiplicazione in vitro di specie mediterranee ai fini della conservazione del patrimonio autoctono e del miglioramento delle tecniche di produzione in vivaio
In vitro storage of plum germplasm by slow growth
Gianni S., Sottile F. (2015): In vitro storage of plum germplasm by slow growth . Hort. Sci. (Prague), 42: 61–69. In this study, in vitro slow growth storage was investigated in four cultivars of two Sicilian (Southern Italy) plum species (Prunus domestica L. and Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. – two genotypes each). Established shoot cultures were preserved at 4°C in the dark in a Murashige and Skoog basal medium containing one of two different concentrations of sucrose (20 and 30 g/l) and with or without growth regulators. We tested the effects of cold storage, genotype and media on survival and re-growth capacity of explants after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of storage. Effective minimal growth under …
La biodiversità del mandorlo in Sicilia: aspetti carpologici del germoplasma siciliano in conservazione ex situ
Manipolazione del ciclo vegeto-produttivo del pistacchio ( Pistacia vera L.)
Effect of Different Rootstocks on Vegetative Growth of Japanese and European Plum Cultivars in South Italy: Preliminary Results
The Italian Almond Industry: New Perspectives and Ancient Tradition
The almond industry in Italy presents a high degree of structural variability that is determined by the jeopardized coexistence of old, traditional orchards and new plantations that differ each other not only in terms of age but also mainly in terms of orchard system. Apulia and Sicily still remain the most important production areas where the 90% of the almond orchards are concentrated. In this southern part of Italy, almond and its derivatives still remain really important. In the last two decades, the Italian almond industry did not show a regular trend, neither with respect to production nor to acreage. An innovative almond industry revealed its consistency year after year since 2000: s…
Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Biological, and Nutritional Properties of Genus Crepis—A Review
The genus Crepis L., included within the Asteraceae family, has a very wide distribution, expanding throughout the northern hemisphere, including Europe, northern Africa, and temperate Asia. This genus has a fundamental value from biodynamic and ecological perspectives, with the different species often being chosen for soil conservation, for environmental sustainability, and for their attraction towards pollinating species. Furthermore, various species of Crepis have been used in the popular medicine of several countries as medicinal herbs and food since ancient times. In most cases, the species is consumed either in the form of a decoction, or as a salad, and is used for its cardiovascular…
Conservazione della biodiversità di susino attraverso crescita rallentata in vitro
In vitro techniques have been proved to be also helpful in the conservation of the plant biodiversity. With this approach, some Sicilian cultivars of European plum (Prunus domestica L.) have been investigated for the application of in vitro slow growth storage at 4°C and in the dark. Established shoot cultures of two cv (Ariddo di Core and Sanacore) have been cultured in MS basal medium containing different concentrations of sucrose (20 and 30 g l-1) and PGRs (BAP and IBA). The experiment is in progress and the reported data are relative to the first 90 days of in vitro preservation.
Unlocking Plum Genetic Potential: Where Are We At?
Plums are a large group of closely related stone fruit species and hybrids of worldwide economic importance and diffusion. This review deals with the main aspects concerning plum agrobiodiversity and its relationship with current and potential contributions offered by breeding in enhancing plum varieties. The most recent breeding achievements are revised according to updated information proceeding from relevant scientific reports and official inventories of plum genetic resources. A special emphasis has been given to the potential sources of genetic traits of interest for breeding programs as well as to the need for efficient and coordinated efforts aimed at efficaciously preserving the ric…