Sophie Trouvelot

La famille des Pinots

research product

L'holobionte vigne, un levier biologique pour lutter contre les dépérissements ?

research product

Dépérissements du 161-49C _ Influence de l'alimentation potassique et azotée

Le 161-49C (croisement Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia) est un porte-greffe jugé « qualitatif » qui a été largement utilisé pour les plantations et les complantations. Cependant, depuis une dizaine d’années, hormis sur le vignoble charentais, des problèmes de dépérissements graves et inexpliqués sont signalés, notamment en Bourgogne.Au vu de l’enjeu économique au sein du vignoble Bourguignon, le Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne (BIVB) cofinance un projet de recherche sur ce sujet : c’est le projet Aptitude. Ce projet vise à caractériser l’existence de possibles corrélations entre la nature physico-chimique des sols et l’intensité des dépérissements. Une attention particuliè…

research product

Woody Plant Declines. What’s Wrong with the Microbiome?

National audience; Woody plant (WP) declines have multifactorial determinants as well as a biological and economic reality. The vascular system of WPs involved in the transport of carbon, nitrogen, and water from sources to sinks has a seasonal activity, which places it at a central position for mediating plant–environment interactions from nutrient cycling to community assembly and for regulating a variety of processes. To limit effects and to fight against declines, we propose: (i) to consider the WP and its associated microbiota as an holobiont and as a set of functions; (ii) to consider simultaneously, without looking at what comes first, the physiological or pathogenic disorders; and (…

research product

Potentialisation de l’efficacité d’un stimulateur de défense par un biostimulant contre le mildiou de la vigne

L’induction de résistance des cultures aux maladies par des Stimulateurs de Défenses desPlantes (SDP) est l’une des stratégies envisagées pour réduire l'utilisation des pesticides de synthèse.Cependant, la variabilité de son efficacité au champ freine son développement. L’une des raisons estque, contrairement aux fongicides qui agissent directement sur les agents pathogènes, les SDP sollicitentl'immunité de la plante, dont la performance peut dépendre de son état physiologique. Outre les SDP,d'autres produits utilisés en agriculture, les biostimulants (BS), sont décrits pour améliorer certainesfonctions de la plante. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail était de vérifier sur vigne si …

research product

Les biostimulants ont-ils un impact sur la résistance induite par des éliciteurs contre le mildiou de la vigne ?

SPEINRAUBIPM DOCT; La culture de la vigne constitue un intérêt économique majeur, mais la plupart des cépages sont sensibles aux maladies cryptogamiques telles que le mildiou. Protéger les vignobles contre ces maladies requiert souvent des fongicides de synthèse dont certains posent des problèmes environnementaux et sanitaires. Une stratégie potentielle serait d’utiliser des éliciteurs, molécules capables d’activer les réactions de défenses et d’établir un état de résistance face à une future attaque d’agents pathogènes. Cette stratégie est efficace sur des vignes cultivées en serres, mais reste non maîtrisée en conditions extérieures. Notre objectif est donc d’identifier des solutions susc…

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Oligosaccharide-triggered plant immunity and plant protection

National audience

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β-Aminobutyric Acid Primes an NADPH Oxidase–Dependent Reactive Oxygen Species Production During Grapevine-Triggered Immunity

International audience; The molecular mechanisms underlying the process of priming are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the early signaling events triggered by β-aminobutyric acid (BABA), a well-known priming-mediated plant resistance inducer. Our results indicate that, in contrast to oligogalacturonides (OG), BABA does not elicit typical defense-related early signaling events nor defense-gene expression in grapevine. However, in OG-elicited cells pretreated with BABA, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expression of the respiratory-burst oxidase homolog RbohD gene were primed. In response to the causal agent of downy mildew Plasmopara viticola, a strong…

research product

Mise au point d’une technique d’hydridation in situ visant la co-localisation in planta des Botryosphaeriaceae et de marqueurs de défense,

International audience

research product

Effet de l'Esca sur l'holobionte vigne : un focus sur les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules.

research product

Influence of leaf age on induced resistance in grapevine against Plasmopara viticola

International audience; Sulfated laminarin (PS3) has previously been shown to induce resistance of grapevine leaves against the oomycete Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grape downy mildew. Here, we observed that the level of PS3-induced resistance (PS3-IR) was higher in the adult leaf (in position P3) than in the younger, not fully expanded leaf (in position P1, located above P3). By investigating grapevine defense reactions upon PS3 treatment and inoculation, we found that the production of H2O2, of phytoalexins, and the deposition of phenolics were more abundant in P3 than in P1 leaves. In addition, PS3 significantly reduced stomatal colonization by zoospores only in P3 leaves. T…

research product

Carbohydrates in plant immunity and plant protection: roles and potential application as foliar sprays.

International audience; Increasing interest is devoted to carbohydrates for their roles in plant immunity. Some of them are elicitors of plant defenses whereas other ones act as signaling molecules in a manner similar to phytohormones. This review first describes the main classes of carbohydrates associated to plant immunity, their role and mode of action. More precisely, the state of the art about perception of "PAMP, MAMP, and DAMP (Pathogen-, Microbe-, Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns) type" oligosaccharides is presented and examples of induced defense events are provided. A particular attention is paid to the structure/activity relationships of these compounds. The role of sugars as…

research product

Caractérisation de l’holobionte vigne : des bio-indicateurs du dépérissement du sol aux feuilles

Le projet HOLOVITI porte sur l’holobionte (du grec holo = tout et bios = vie), c’est-à-dire l’unité biologique composée de l’hôte (ici la vigne) et tous les microorganismes avec lesquels la plante interagit et établit un dialogue. « Nous étudions le lien physiologique entre le microbiote et le cep, depuis le sol jusqu’aux feuilles, précisent Pierre-Emmanuel Courty (INRAE Dijon Bourgogne Franche Comté) et Sophie Trouvelot (Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin -Université de Bourgogne), co- porteurs de ce projet. Le projet HOLOVITI a pour objectif majeur d’identifier des bio-indicateurs d’origine végétale et microbienne qui traduiraient l’état sanitaire et physiologique de la vigne et…

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Mycorhization et viticulture

Prod 2017-372 SPE IPM INRA UB; National audience

research product

La biostimulation : un levier possible d'augmentation d'efficacité des stimulateurs de défense des plantes ?

research product

Les microdoses de sucres : une stratégie de biocontrôle chez la vigne ?

research product

Mycorhization et viticulture : État des lieux et services écosystémiques rendus au vignoble

Prod 2017-371 SPE IPM INRA UB; National audience

research product

A β-1,3 Glucan Sulfate Induces Resistance in Grapevine against Plasmopara viticola Through Priming of Defense Responses, Including HR-like Cell Death

Sulfated laminarin (PS3) has been shown previously to be an elicitor of plant defense reactions in tobacco and Arabidopsis and to induce protection against tobacco mosaic virus. Here, we have demonstrated the efficiency of PS3 in protecting a susceptible grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan) against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) under glasshouse conditions. This induced resistance was associated with potentiated H2O2 production at the infection sites, upregulation of defense-related genes, callose and phenol depositions, and hypersensitive response-like cell death. Interestingly, similar responses were observed following P. viticola inoculation in a tolerant grapevine hybri…

research product

Stomatal deregulation in Plasmopara viticola-infected grapevine leaves.

International audience; In grapevine, the penetration and sporulation of Plasmopara viticola occur via stomata, suggesting functional relationships between guard cells and the pathogen. This assumption was supported by our first observation that grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan) cuttings infected by P. viticola wilted more rapidly than healthy ones when submitted to water starvation. • Here, complementary approaches measuring stomatal conductance and infrared thermographic and microscopic observations were used to investigate stomatal opening/closure in response to infection. • In infected leaves, stomata remained open in darkness and during water stress, leading to increased transpir…

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Molecular probes for studying population dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots and soil

International audience

research product

.) Clone-dependent expression of grapevine esca disease.

International audience; The occurrence of grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) increases gradually within vineyards, leading to important economic losses. Several factors could affect grapevine susceptibility to GTDs, especially climate, vine age, soil fertilization, and also rootstock, cultivar and clone. For a cultivar, the level of disease expression can vary with region and from year to year. In this context, our objective was to assess if the expression of esca disease, one of the most widespread GTDs, was also clone-dependent. Two clones (76 and 95) of the “Chardonnay” cultivar, grown in the same plot, were compared according to their developmental and physiological traits, metabolome, and…

research product

Obtention et caractérisation, phénotypique et génotypique, de mutants de la souche Fusarium oxysporum Fo47, affectés dans leur aptitude antagoniste

*INRA Centre de Dijon (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA Centre de Dijon (FRA) Diplôme : Dr. d'Université

research product

Effets des micro-doses de sucre chez la vigne en conditions contrôlées

National audience

research product

Editorial. L’agroécologie, une science, un concept, des pratiques culturales, un mouvement politique. Bref historique

International audience; Le terme « agroécologie » s’adresse à la fois à une science, un concept, des pratiques culturales et des mouvements politiques. Il existe de nombreuses définitions de l’agroécologie qui varient d’une institution et d’un pays à l’autre. À la fin des années 1920, la tentative de fusionner l’agronomie et l’écologie est née avec le développement du domaine de l’écologie des cultures dont la principale préoccupation était d’associer des conditions optimales de culture avec la géographie des territoires. L’agronome américain B.M. Bensin est le premier à avoir publié le terme « agroécologie » en 1928. Jusque dans les années 60, le terme agroécologie faisait uniquement référ…

research product

Les couverts végétaux. Un atout majeur pour réduire les intrants de synthèse et augmenter les services écosystémiques au vignoble

International audience; De manière générale, un couvert végétal se définit par une espèce ou une communauté d’espèces végétales recouvrant le sol de manière permanente ou temporaire. L’agriculteur a la possibilité de semer ces couverts, selon un choix raisonné, ou bien de laisser la végétation spontanée se développer. Il existe 3 types de couverts semés avec des objectifs différents pour l’exploitant : le couvert hivernal, installé pour faire face au phénomène d’érosion du sol important pendant cette période de repos végétatif ; les engrais verts, installés avec l’objectif d’amender naturellement la parcelle, en détruisant et en enfouissant les résidus du couvert qui libèrent ainsi de la ma…

research product

Does leaf position influence induced resistance to grape downy mildew?

National audience; We observed that protection against grape downy mildew achieved by resistance inducers was higher in the adult leaf than in the younger, not fully expanded leaf. Using sulfated laminarin as inducer, this difference of efficacy could be correlated to stronger defense reactions (i. e. H2O2, defense gene expression) in adult leaf as compared to the younger one. These findings should be taken into account in disease control strategies involving induced resistance.

research product

Stimuler l’immunité de la vigne : un levier pour réduire les traitements fongicides ?

Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP ou éliciteurs) font partie des méthodes visant à réduire les doses de produits phytosanitaires, donc l’Indicateur de Fréquence de Traitements (IFT), et à ce titre ils font l’objet d’une forte attente de la part des viticulteurs. Plusieurs produits sont homologués en viticulture depuis quelques années. Hormis les phosphonates (à la fois SDP et fongicides) dont l’efficacité est reproductible, celle des autres SDP s’avère encore assez variable. Ainsi leur intégration dans les programmes de protection du vignoble pose encore de nombreuses questions. Des recherches se poursuivent pour mieux caractériser les réponses de défense de la vigne au champ et …

research product

Mieux comprendre le dépérissement du 161-49C

research product

The Sulfated Laminarin Triggers a Stress Transcriptome before Priming the SA- and ROS-Dependent Defenses during Grapevine’s Induced Resistance against Plasmopara viticola

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is susceptible to many pathogens which cause significant losses to viticulture worldwide. Chemical control is available, but agro-ecological concerns have raised interest in alternative methods, especially in triggering plant immunity by elicitor treatments. The b-glucan laminarin (Lam) and its sulfated derivative (PS3) have been previously demonstrated to induce resistance in grapevine against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). However, if Lam elicits classical grapevine defenses such as oxidative burst, pathogenesis-related (PR)-proteins and phytoalexin production, PS3 triggered grapevine resistance via a poorly understood priming phenomenon. The aim of this st…

research product

An ethoxylated surfactant enhances the penetration of the sulfated laminarin through leaf cuticle and stomata, leading to increased induced resistance against grapevine downy mildew

International audience; Some β-1,3-glucans and particularly sulfated laminarin (PS3) are known as resistance inducers (RIs) in grapevine against the downy mildew. However, their efficacy in vineyard is still often too low, which might be caused by a limited penetration through the leaf cuticle following spray application. We used (14) C-sucrose uptake experiments with grapevine leaves in order to select a surfactant as saccharide penetration enhancer. Our results showed that though sucrose foliar uptake was low, it was strongly enhanced by Dehscofix CO125 (DE), a highly ethoxylated surfactant. Fluorescent saccharides were then produced and laser scanning microscopy was used to analyze their…

research product

La symbiose mycorhizenne à arbuscule : un acteur central de l’interaction sol-plante

research product

Effets combinés de biostimulants et de stimulateurs de défense des plantes sur la protection du blé vis-à-vis de l’oïdium et de la septoriose

International audience

research product

Activation of Grapevine Defense Mechanisms: Theoretical and Applied Approaches

part 4.; International audience; Grapevine, as other plants, possesses an innate immune system that usually prevents infection by pathogens. General elicitors are compounds of different biochemical families capable of inducing plant defense reactions. In grapevine, the cascade of defense events induced by elicitors has been studied among others in cell suspensions. The perception of the elicitor triggers signaling events that allow the activation of defense genes encoding PR proteins and other proteins involved in phytoalexin production and cell wall reinforcement. The grapevine phytoalexins resveratrol and derivated compounds have been largely studied. In addition to their antimicrobial ac…

research product

Clone-Dependent Expression of Esca Disease Revealed by Leaf Metabolite Analysis

International audience; Grapevine trutk diseases, especially Esca, are of major concern since they gradually alter vineyards worldwide and cause heavy economic losses. The expression of Esca disease symptoms depends on several factors, including the grapevine cultivar. In this context, a possible clone-dependent expression of the Esca disease was studied. Two clones of 'Chardonnay' grown in the same plot were compared according to their developmental and physiological traits, metabolome, and foliar symptom expression. Analysis of their leaf metabolome highlighted differences related to symptom expression. Interestingly, the content of a few specific metabolites exhibited opposite variations…

research product

L’holobionte vigne, un levier biologique pour lutter contre les dépérissements ?

National audience

research product

L’holobionte « vigne » face au dépérissement ou quand le « vivre ensemble » n’est plus à l’équilibre

Prod 2019-165 SPE EA IPM BIOmE GenoSol INRA UB; National audience

research product

OMICS approaches for the characterization of elicitor-induced resistance of grapevine leaves against downy mildew

research product

Sesquiterpene volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine

SPE IPM UB CT1; International audience; Inducing resistance in plants by the application of elicitors of defense reactions is an attractive plant protection strategy, particularly for grapevine (Vitis vinifera), which is susceptible to severe fungal diseases. Although induced resistance (IR) can be successful under controlled conditions, in most cases, IR is not sufficiently effective for practical disease control under outdoor conditions. Progress in the application of IR requires a better understanding of grapevine defense mechanisms and the ability to monitor defense markers to identify factors, such as physiological and environmental factors, that can impact IR in the vineyard. Volatile…

research product

Influence de l’alimentation potassique et azotée sur le dépérissement du porte-greffe 161-49C

research product

Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in Plasmopara viticola-infected grapevine leaves.

International audience; The oomycete Plasmopara viticola is responsible for downy mildew, a severe grapevine disease. In infected grapevine leaves, we have observed an abnormal starch accumulation at the end of the dark period, suggesting modifications in starch metabolism. Therefore, several complementary approaches, including transcriptomic analyses, measurements of enzyme activities, and sugar quantification, were performed in order to investigate and to understand the effects of P. viticola infection on leaf starch and-to a larger extent-carbohydrate metabolism. Our results indicate that starch accumulation is associated with an increase in ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) activit…

research product

Colonization of flax roots and early physiological responses of flax cells inoculated with pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporum

ABSTRACT Fusarium oxysporum includes nonpathogenic strains and pathogenic strains that can induce necrosis or tracheomycosis in plants. The objective of this study was to compare the abilities of a pathogenic strain (Foln3) and a nonpathogenic strain (Fo47) to colonize flax roots and to induce early physiological responses in flax cell culture suspensions. Both strains colonized the outer cortex of the root; however, plant defense reactions, i.e., the presence of wall appositions, osmiophilic material, and collapsed cells, were less frequent and less intense in a root colonized by Foln3 than by Fo47. Early physiological responses were measured in flax cell suspensions confronted with germin…

research product

A methodological framework to assess whether biostimulants can impact grapevine physiology and its responsiveness to elicitor-induced resistance

National audience

research product

How Plasmopara viticola is able to alter grapevine leaf physiology

National audience

research product

Biostimulation of grapevine and wheat : mode of action and possible agronomic uses

SPE IPM UBSPEIPMUB; Downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, is one of the most important grape pathogen in Europe and North America. Although the control is traditionally performed with fungicides, the appearance of resistant pathogen populations and the possible adverse effects on human and environment health are spurring the search for alternative means. In the present investigation, two protein hydrolysates of soybean (soy) and casein (cas) origin were successfully tested against P. viticola. On Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan plants, the application of soy and cas reduced the infected leaf surface by 76 and 63%, as compared to the untreated control, respectively. Since both hydrolysate…

research product

A combined use of biostimulants and resistance inducers to improve wheat protection

Prod 2017-374 SPE IPM UB DOCT; International audience

research product

Membres du comité d’organisation

National audience

research product

Expression clone-dépendante de l’Esca chez la vigne

National audience; L’incidence des maladies du bois de la vigne (MDB) augmente graduellement au sein des vignobles, causant d’importantes pertes économiques. Le coût mondial du remplacement de vignes malades est estimé à plus d’1,5 milliards de dollars par an [1]. En France, presque 13% du vignoble est affecté [2]. Plusieurs facteurs pourraient influencer la sensibilité aux MDB, notamment le climat, l’âge de la vigne, la fertilisation du sol, le porte-greffe ainsi que le cépage [3]. Actuellement, aucun cépage tolérant aux MDB n’a pu être identifié et le niveau de l’expression des MDB pour un cépage donné peut varier en fonction de la région et d’une année à l’autre [3], et probablement selo…

research product

Induced resistance in grapevine : from concept to vineyard application

International audience

research product

Apport de la cytologie pour décrire et comprendre les dépérissements de la vigne

La vigne est une plante cultivée d’importance économique puisque la viticulture présente 15% de la valeur de la production agricole française pour une faible occupation des surfaces (3%). Pour autant, la viticulture fait présentement face à des difficultés liées, en particulier, à des problématiques de dépérissements du vignoble. Ces derniers sont multifactoriels (pathologiques, physiologiques, …) et impactent considérablement la durabilité des exploitations viti-vinicoles. Mieux les appréhender reste donc un défi actuel majeur.Dans ce cadre, il nous est apparu pertinent de travailler sur différents fronts complémentaires, tant dans les échelles d’observation, les approches utilisées et les…

research product

Sesquiterpenes VOCs are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine

International audience

research product

Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection

National audience; As most grown grapevine Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to diseases such as downy and powdery mildews, numerous treatments are required to ensure a satisfactory yield and harvest quality. However, the use of phytochemical fungicides has serious drawbacks: some of them are potentially harmful for the environment and human health and contribute to the selection of resistant pathogen strains. Nowadays, in an objective of sustainable viticulture, there is increasing societal request, political incitation and winegrower’s awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. For these reasons, alternative strategies of protection are under research. In our laboratory, we are stu…

research product

Solutions innovantes pour la santé de la vigne et du blé associant applications de biostimulants et SDP à des technologies d'imagerie et d'agroéquipements

IPMSPEUB; Solutions innovantes pour la santé de la vigne et du blé associant applications de biostimulants et SDP à des technologies d'imagerie et d'agroéquipements. Journée Recherches Vigne et Vin en Bourgogne

research product

Sodium arsénite application on plants expression grapevine trunk diseases-foliar symtpoms: impact on grapevine physiology.

International audience

research product

Utilisation et possibilités de méthodes dites -omiques en viticulture

research product

Biovi : a research program for reducing chemical input in vine and wine

Decrease of chemical inputs during vine management and winemaking is of great importance from a political and societal point of view. In our ongoing project we propose alternative tools to chemicals in the vineyard and the cellar. We have compared a conventional vineyard protection strategy to an alternative strategy using copper and biocontrol products (Biocontrol) against downy and powdery mildews. Both strategies were compared regarding sanitary quality, berries and/or must enological parameters, and physical, biochemical and biological characteristics (berry surface observation, proteomic, metabolomic, volatilomic, metagenomic analyses). Musts obtained with both strategies were then use…

research product

Les champignons au service de l'agroécologie

National audience; La symbiose entre les racines de plantes et les champignons mycorhiziens forme un vaste réseau souterrain, longtemps ignoré de nos pratiques agronomiques. D’après Pierre-Emmanuel Courty et ses collègues (Sophie Trouvelot et Daniel Wipf), de l’Institut national de la recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) et de l’université de Bourgogne (uB), il est grand temps de prendre ce réseau mycélien en considération.

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MOOC : "Open Wine University 2"

Plan du cours Semaine 1 : Introduction Entre sol et climat Micro-organismes du vin Premiers pas en dégustation + support sur la vinification des vins blancs et des vins rouges Semaine 2 : Le vin en danger ? Climat et viticulture Principales maladies et ravageurs de la vigne Economie mondiale du vin après la crise du phylloxéra Semaine 3 : Façonner le vin Géologie et sols des terroirs bourguignons Vin et diversité microbienne Marchés du vin Semaine 4 : Maîtriser son terroir Construction du terroir de la vigne Vinification des vins spéciaux : l'exemple de la production de vins jaunes du Jura Défauts du vin Semaine 5 : Mettre le vin à table Mise en bouteille du vin Vieillissement du vin Le vin…

research product

Application foliaire et biodisponibilité des stimulateurs de défenses des plantes. Spécificités et limites en viticulture

IPMSPEINRAUBDOCT; Application foliaire et biodisponibilité des stimulateurs de défenses des plantes. Spécificités et limites en viticulture

research product

L’holobionte vigne, un levier biologique pour lutter contre les dépérissements ?

National audience; Le concept d’organisme pluricellulaire isolé montre actuellement ses limites. En effet, unorganisme interagit avec différentes communautés microbiennes (constituant son microbiote)qui modulent ses propriétés, telles que sa physiologie (ex. réponse à une attaque pathogène).L’association hôte-microorganismes définit un holobionte, dont le fonctionnement est influencépar la dynamique spatio-temporelle de leurs interactions. Ainsi, un dysfonctionnement del’holobionte vigne (par exemple lié à des pratiques culturales inadaptées ou aux changementsclimatiques) pourrait entraîner le développement de maladies ou de désordres physiologiques,sources de dépérissements, de la même man…

research product

Bestim network : stimulating plant health in agroécological systems

The evolution of agriculture is facing strong societal expectations. One of them is to drasticallyreduce the use of synthetic inputs and in particular of plant protection products (PPP). In response,farmers and professionals in charge of agricultural development must invent a so-called "agroecological" agriculture, by ensuring profitability and sustainability of production systems and byimplementing a combination of many levers. The BESTIM network is part of this logic and proposes theconcept of "agroecological immunity" which aims to optimize the stimulation of plant health in efficientagroecological systems. We’ve adapted the concept of ecological immunity initially described in theanimal…

research product

Etude de l’impact d’un traitement à l’arsénite de sodium de la vigne : caractérisation des répercussions tissulaires et cellulaires induites dans le végétal,

International audience

research product

Recovery of Fusarium oxysporum Fo47 mutants affected in their biocontrol activity after transposition of the Fot1 element

Trouvelot, S., Olivain, C., Recorbet, G., Migheli, Q., and Alabouvette, C. 2002. Recovery of Fusarium oxysporum Fo47 mutants affected in their biocontrol activity after transposition of the Fot1 element. Phytopathology 92:936-945. To investigate the biocontrol mechanisms by which the antagonistic Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo47 is active against Fusarium wilt, a Fot1 transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis approach was adopted to generate mutants affected in their antagonistic activity. Ninety strains in which an active Fot1 copy had transposed were identified with a phenotypic assay for excision and tested for their biocontrol activity against F. oxysporum f. sp. lini on flax in greenho…

research product

Cultivar- and Wood Area-Dependent Metabolomic Fingerprints of Grapevine Infected by Botryosphaeria Dieback

International audience; Botryosphaeria dieback is one of the most significant grapevine trunk diseases that affects the sustainability of the vineyards and provokes economic losses. The causal agents, Botryosphaeriaceae species, live in and colonize the wood of the perennial organs causing wood necrosis. Diseased vines show foliar symptoms, chlorosis, or apoplexy, associated to a characteristic brown stripe under the bark. According to the susceptibility of the cultivars, specific proteins such as PR-proteins and other defense-related proteins are accumulated in the brown stripe compared with the healthy woody tissues. In this study, we enhanced the characterization of the brown stripe and …

research product

Induced resistance in grapevine: from concept to vineyard application

SPE IPM Chapitre 11; International audience

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The holobiont, a biological lever to manage some declines of grapevine

International audience; The concept of a multicellular organism to describe complex organisms composed of groups of analogous cells called tissues and organs with specific functions, shows currently some limitations. An organism such as a plant does not live alone, but closely associated with different microbial communities making up its microbiomes. The microbiomes, specific to a tissue, interact with the plant and modulate some of its functions, including physiology and immunity. The host and the associated microbiomes define a holobiont, whose function is influenced by the spatio-temporal dynamics of their interactions. Thus, a dysfunction of the grapevine holobiont (linked for example t…

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Répercussions spatiales de l’esca sur l’holobionte vigne : réponse du microbiome dans le continuum sol/feuilles

Dans le cadre du projet Holoviti (Plan National Dépérissement du Vignoble), l’holobionte vigne est étudié, dans le continuum sol - racines - parties aériennes (SRP), chez des ceps symptomatiques (S) ou asymptomatiques (AS) de la forme lente d’esca (tigrures foliaires). Ces recherches ont été réalisées sur une parcelle du château de Marsannay, située sur la commune de Couchey en Côte d’Or (21). Celle-ci a été choisie car elle présente simultanément trois types de dépérissements : deux liés à des agents pathogènes, respectivement viraux (agent du court-noué) et fongiques (agents de l’esca), et un lié à des dysfonctionnements physiologiques (porte-greffe 161-49C). Cette parcelle a été cartogra…

research product

Services écosystémiques rendus par la symbiose mycorhizienne à arbuscule au vignoble

National audience; Qu’appelle-t-on symbiose mycorhizienne ?Le sol est un milieu vivant puisque dans quelques grammes de terre fine se trouvent environ 200 milliards de bactéries, 100 km de filaments de champignons et 200 000 insectes, vers et protozoaires (figure 1). Cette vie souterraine va partager son habitat (le sol) avec les ceps de vigne. Ce fameux « vivre ensemble » est alors défini par le terme « symbiose » (du grec syn : ensemble ; et bios : vivre). Cette définition ne fait pas de distinction vis-à-vis des modalités d’interaction qui peuvent s’établir entre les deux organismes impliqués. Ainsi, des interactions neutres, ou encore du véritable parasitisme, pour lequel un partenaire …

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«Pinot, père et fils»

National audience

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Image analysis methods for assessment of H2O2 production and Plasmopara viticola development in grapevine leaves: application to the evaluation of resistance to downy mildew.

article i nfo The grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) provokes severe damages and destroys the harvest in the absence of an effective protection. Numerous fungicide treatments are thus generally necessary. To promote a sustainable production, alternative strategies of protection including new antifungal molecules, resistant geno- types or elicitor-induced resistance are under trial. To evaluate the relevance of these strategies, resistance tests are required. In this context, three image analysis methods were developed to read the results of tests performed to assessP.viticolasporulation and mycelial development, and H 2 O 2 production in leaves. They have been validated using elic…

research product

Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives

IPMSPEINRAUBCNRS; Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives

research product

The Sulfated Laminarin Triggers a Stress Transcriptome before Priming the SA- and ROS-Dependent Defenses during Grapevine's Induced Resistance against Plasmopara viticola

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is susceptible to many pathogens which cause significant losses to viticulture worldwide. Chemical control is available, but agro-ecological concerns have raised interest in alternative methods, especially in triggering plant immunity by elicitor treatments. The β-glucan laminarin (Lam) and its sulfated derivative (PS3) have been previously demonstrated to induce resistance in grapevine against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). However, if Lam elicits classical grapevine defenses such as oxidative burst, pathogenesis-related (PR)-proteins and phytoalexin production, PS3 triggered grapevine resistance via a poorly understood priming phenomenon. The aim of this st…

research product

Influence of the FanLeaf Virus on the grapevine holobiont : a study from the soil to the leaves

The grapevine FanLeaf (FL) corresponds to an infectious decline (nepovirus) which appears in patches within the plots. This disease leads to a progressive degeneration of grapevine plants which ultimately leads to the death. At present, about 60% of the French vineyard would be affected, of which 30% in an important way. Sixteen nepoviruses are responsible for grapevine degeneration or decline. Nevertheless, the Grapevine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV) is the main responsible agent. It is specifically transmitted from plant to plant by a soil-borne ectoparasitic nematode, Xiphinema index. The nematodes, by successively biting two neighboring plants whose roots are close, inoculate the virus from the …

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Le matériel végétal en viticulture : un levier d’adaptation face aux évolutions

National audience

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Are grapevine stomata involved in the elicitor-induced protection against downy mildew?

Stomata, natural pores bordered by guard cells, regulate transpiration and gas exchanges between plant leaves and the atmosphere. These natural openings also constitute a way of penetration for microorganisms. In plants, the perception of potentially pathogenic microorganisms or elicitors of defense reactions induces a cascade of events, including H2O2 production, that allows the activation of defense genes, leading to defense reactions. Similar signaling events occur in guard cells in response to the perception of abscisic acid (ABA), leading to stomatal closure. Moreover, few elicitors were reported to induce stomatal closure in Arabidopsis and Vicia faba leaves. Because responses to ABA…

research product

Dépérissement de la vigne … mais que fait la recherche ?

research product

Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseases disorders

Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) are devastating diseases involving xylem-inhabiting fungi. Among them, Esca and Botryosphaeria dieback affect vineyards in major worldwide grape-producing areas. The causal fungi alter the woody issues and could produce toxins that disturb the plant physiology, leading to chronic or apolectic leaf symptoms. The unique effective fungicide against these diseases, sodium arsenite, is now prohibited because of toxicity. As GTDs are complex and still partly unknown, the identification of protection strategies remain a deadlock. Global and targeted approaches were therefore conducted to get new information on the impact of the diseases and sodium arsenite treatment…

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Les biostimulants améliorent-ils la résistance induite par des éliciteurs contre le mildiou de la vigne ?

National audience

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Répercussions des dépérissements à Botryosphaeriacées au niveau des rameaux de vigne : étude spatio-temporelle aux échelles anatomique et physiologique

Le dépérissement à Botryosphaeriacées est une maladie du bois de la vigne causée par deschampignons vasculaires. Ce dépérissement entraîne des pertes économiques importantes, d’autantqu’aucun traitement efficace n'est encore disponible. A l’heure actuelle, l'expression des symptômesfoliaires n'est pas encore entièrement comprise mais il n’est pas rare de trouver des Botryosphaeriacéesdans les premiers entre-nœuds des rameaux. Cependant, le lien entre leur présence et les symptômesfoliaires (défoliation apicale) n'est toujours pas établi.Dans ce travail, l'objectif a été d'évaluer les conséquences physiologiques et développementales dela présence de Botryosphaeriacées dans les entre-nœuds de…

research product

Evolution de la résistance basale à Botrytis cinerea au cours de la maturation de la baie

National audience; Mature grapevine berries at the harvesting stage (MB) are very susceptible to the grey mould fungus Botrytis cinerea while veraison berries (VB) are not. We conducted simultaneous microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of the pathogen and the host to investigate the infectious process developed by B. cinerea on MB versus VB, and the plant defence mechanisms deployed to stop the fungus development. On the pathogen side, our genome-wide transcriptomic data revealed that B. cinerea genes up-regulated during infection of MB are enriched in functional categories related to necrotrophy such as degradation of plant cell wall, proteolysis, membrane transport, oxidative stress re…

research product

A new tool for assessment of biostimulants effects on grapevine

National audience; Despite an increasing interest for the use of biostimulants (BS) in agriculture, methods allowing a precise description of their effects on plants remain rather limited. In the IRIS+ FUI project, two major and highly different worldwide crops, wheat (annual, monocotyledon) and grapevine (perennial, broadleaf) were chosen to deepen our knowledge of such compounds and explore their potential additional interest. One objective was to develop a tool adapted to the screening and study of the impact of a series of BS on the development and physiology of these crops in controlled conditions. We managed to develop such a tool adapted to grapevine herbaceous cuttings. It allows a …

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Présentation du projet Aptitude : alimentation porte-greffe & déperissement

National audience

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Membre du comité d'organisation

National audience

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Wanted : pathogenesis-related marker molecules for Fusarium oxysporum

Summary Although Fusarium oxysporum pathogens cause severe wilts in about 80 botanical species, the mechanisms of pathogenicity and symptom induction are poorly understood. Knowledge about the genetic and biochemical pathways involved in the pathogenesis of F. oxysporum would be invaluable in getting targets for both fungicide development and search for biocontrol agents. In this respect, we described the main approaches that have been developed to identify some mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of F. oxysporum . During the last decades, the potential functions triggering of F. oysporum pathogenicity have mainly been investigated by comparing soilborne pathogenic strains with nonpathog…

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Le microbiote de la vigne : de nouveaux paradigmes et une perspective pour la vigne de demain

Prod 2018-253a SPE EA BIOmE IPM INRA UB; National audience

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Influence du court noué sur la diversité fonctionnelle des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules dans des racines et du sol de vigne

Le court-noué (CN) correspond à un dépérissement infectieux (népovirus) qui apparaît par taches au sein des parcelles. Cette maladie entraîne une dégénérescence progressive de la vigne qui conduit in fine à la mort des ceps. A l’heure actuelle, environ 60% du vignoble national serait touché, dont 30% de façon importante. Seize népovirus sont responsables de dégénérescence ou de dépérissement de la vigne. Cependant, le Grapevine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV) est le principal agent responsable. Il est transmis spécifiquement de plante à plante par un nématode ectoparasite du sol, Xiphinema index. Les nématodes, en piquant successivement deux ceps voisins dont les racines sont proches, inoculent le vir…

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Transcriptomes of compatible and non-compatible gray mold/grapevine interactions compared in search of resistance factors

National audience; Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) causes significant annual yield and quality losses to viticulture. Comparison of transcriptomes of compatible and non-compatible interaction with Vitis vinifera cv Marselan – on harvesting stage berries or véraison stage berries, respectively – suggest the jasmonic acid pathway is activated in the former, while the salicylic acid pathway is more pronounced in the latter. In addition, in the non-compatible case, reactive oxygen species accumulation seems to be both early and strong, and some genes involved in cell-wall reinforcement are up-regulated.

research product

Impact des maladies du bois sur la physiologie de la vigne

National audience; Les maladies du bois connaissent une recrudescence importante depuis ces vingt dernières années, dont en découlent de fortes répercussions économiques sur les vignobles. L’arsénite de sodium, seul produit efficace, a été employé pour lutter contre certaines d’entre elles, notamment l’esca, jusqu’en 2001, date où il fut interdit en France à cause de son action carcinogène. Faute de nouveaux composés ou de méthodes prophylactiques efficaces, le besoin d’étudier ces maladies afin de mieux comprendre leur fonctionnement et leurs répercussions chez la vigne a émergé. Dans ce projet, nous visons donc à étudier l’impact de l’esca et des dépérissements liés aux Botryosphaeriacées…

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Metabolomic and cytological approaches to better understand grapevine trunk diseaeses disorders

National audience

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"Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers

SPEIPMINRAUBCNRS; "Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers . 12. European Fondation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) & 10. French Society for Plant Pathology Conference ‘Deepen Knwoledge in Plant Pathology for Innovative Agro-Ecology’

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Recovery of strains impaired in their antagonist activity after transposition of the Fot1 element in Fusarium oxysporum

research product

Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble

Prod?IPMGEAPSISPEEAINRAUBAGROSUPDOCT; Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble

research product

Principaux effets de l’arsénite de sodium sur la physiologie de la vigne

National audience; Dans le cadre du projet CASDAR V1301, l’impact d’un traitement à l’arsénite de sodium sur la physiologie de la vigne a été étudié chez le Chardonnay. Deux approches complémentaires, transcriptomique et métabolomique, ont été réalisées sur différents organes (tiges herbacées et tronc en distinguant le bois sain et la zone d’interaction bois sain / bois altéré) de ceps non traités sans symptômes foliaires (témoins), non traités avec symptômes foliaires et traités (n’exprimant donc plus les symptômes et qualifiés de « guéris »). Les échantillons ont été prélevés 6 mois après le traitement (avant vendanges). Parmi les principaux résultats, l’analyse transcriptomique montre qu…

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Dose effective du laboratoire au vignoble et pulvérisation adaptée

National audience

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Recherche d’éliciteurs inducteurs de résistance chez les plantes : application en phytoprotection

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L’holobionte « vigne » ou comment les interactions de la plante avec les communautés microbiennes influencent son état sanitaire

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Vers un diagnostic sanitaire de l’holobionte vigne : identification de bio-indicateurs le long du continuum sol-racines-parties aériennes dans un contexte de dépérissement

National audience

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Phenotype characterization of Fo47 mutants affected in their biocontrol activity

National audience

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Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection

National audience

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Biocontrôle et pulvérisation

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Vers un diagnostic de l’holobionte « vigne »

National audience

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Analysis of the Molecular Dialogue Between Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) and Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Reveals a Clear Shift in Defense Mechanisms During Berry Ripening

Mature grapevine berries at the harvesting stage (MB) are very susceptible to the gray mold fungus Botrytis cinerea, while veraison berries (VB) are not. We conducted simultaneous microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of the pathogen and the host to investigate the infection process developed by B. cinerea on MB versus VB, and the plant defense mechanisms deployed to stop the fungus spreading. On the pathogen side, our genome-wide transcriptomic data revealed that B. cinerea genes upregulated during infection of MB are enriched in functional categories related to necrotrophy, such as degradation of the plant cell wall, proteolysis, membrane transport, reactive oxygen species (ROS) genera…

research product

In situ Phenotyping of Grapevine Root System Architecture by 2D or 3D Imaging: Advantages and Limits of Three Cultivation Methods

International audience; The root system plays an essential role in the development and physiology of the plant, as well as in its response to various stresses. However, it is often insufficiently studied, mainly because it is difficult to visualize. For grapevine, a plant of major economic interest, there is a growing need to study the root system, in particular to assess its resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, understand the decline that may affect it, and identify new ecofriendly production systems. In this context, we have evaluated and compared three distinct growing methods (hydroponics, plane, and cylindric rhizotrons) in order to describe relevant architectural root traits of …

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