Shunfeng Wang
Polyphosphate, the physiological metabolic fuel for corneal cells: a potential biomaterial for ocular surface repair
The regeneration of the epithelium, covering the avascular cornea, involves the processes of differentiation, proliferation and migration of cells originating from the corneal epithelial stem cells. We ask the question if these energy-consuming processes can be fueled by the physiological, inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), the main energy storage/donor molecule in the extracellular space. The ex vivo results reveal that addition of polyP, in the form of soluble Na-polyP, to the culture medium elicits a strong stimulatory effect on cell viability/growth and migration of corneal epithelial cells. Microscopic analyses of partially denuded cornea specimens show that in the presence of polyP, but…
Bifunctional dentifrice: Amorphous polyphosphate a regeneratively active sealant with potent anti- Streptococcus mutans activity
Abstract Objective In this study we demonstrate that inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) exhibits a dual protective effect on teeth: it elicits a strong antibacterial effect against the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans and, in form of amorphous calcium polyP microparticles (size of 100–400 nm), it efficiently reseals cracks/fissures in the tooth enamel and dentin. Methods Three different formulations of amorphous polyP microparticles (Ca-polyP, Zn-polyP and Sr-polyP) were prepared. Results Among the different polyP microparticles tested, the Ca-polyP microparticles, as a component of a newly developed formulation of a dentifrice, turned out to be most effective in inhibiting growth of …
High biocompatibility and improved osteogenic potential of amorphous calcium carbonate/vaterite.
In human bone, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is formed as a precursor of the crystalline carbonated apatite/hydroxyapatite (HA). Here we describe that the metastable ACC phase can be stabilized by inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) that is also used as a phosphate source for the non-enzymatic carbonate/phosphate exchange during HA formation. This polymer was found to suppress the transformation of ACC into crystalline CaCO3 at a percentage of 5% [w/w] ("CCP5") with respect to CaCO3 and almost completely at 10% [w/w] ("CCP10"). Both preparations (CaCO3/polyP) are amorphous, but also contain small amounts of vaterite, as revealed by XRD, FTIR and SEM analyses. They did not affect the growth/…
Fabrication of amorphous strontium polyphosphate microparticles that induce mineralization of bone cells in vitro and in vivo.
Abstract Here we describe the fabrication process of amorphous strontium-polyphosphate microparticles (“Sr-a-polyP-MP”). The effects of these particles on growth and gene expression were investigated with SaOS-2 cells as well as with human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and compared with those particles prepared of amorphous calcium-polyphosphate (“Ca-a-polyP-MP”) and of strontium salt. The results revealed a markedly higher stimulation of growth of MSC by “Sr-a-polyP-MP” compared to “Ca-a-polyP-MP” and a significant increase in mineralization of SaOS-2 cells, as well as an enhanced upregulation of the expression of the genes encoding for alkaline phosphatase and the bone morphogenetic protei…
Sponge biosilica formation involves syneresis following polycondensation in vivo.
Syneresis is a process observed during the maturation/aging of silica gels obtained by sol-gel synthesis that results in shrinkage and expulsion of water due to a rearrangement and increase in the number of bridging siloxane bonds. Here we describe how the process of biosilica deposition during spicule ("biosilica" skeleton of the siliceous sponges) formation involves a phase of syneresis that occurs after the enzyme-mediated polycondensation reaction. Primmorphs from the demosponge Suberites domuncula were used to study syneresis and the inhibition of this mechanism. We showed by scanning electron microscopy that spicules added to primmorphs that have been incubated with manganese sulfate …
Amorphous polyphosphate/amorphous calcium carbonate implant material with enhanced bone healing efficacy in a critical-size defect in rats
In this study the effect of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) microparticles and amorphous calcium polyphosphate (polyP) microparticles (termed aCa-polyP-MP) on bone mineral forming cells/tissue was investigated in vitro and in vivo. The ACC particles (termed ACC-P10-MP) were prepared in the presence of Na-polyP. Only the combinations of polyP and ACC microparticles enhanced the proliferation rate of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Gene expression studies revealed that ACC causes an upregulation of the expression of the cell membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX; formation of ACC), while the transcript level of the alkaline phosphatase (ALP; liberation of orthophosphate from…
Morphogenetically-Active Barrier Membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration, Based on Amorphous Polyphosphate
We describe a novel regeneratively-active barrier membrane which consists of a durable electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) net covered with a morphogenetically-active biohybrid material composed of collagen and inorganic polyphosphate (polyP). The patch-like fibrous collagen structures are decorated with small amorphous polyP nanoparticles (50 nm) formed by precipitation of this energy-rich and enzyme-degradable (alkaline phosphatase) polymer in the presence of calcium ions. The fabricated PCL-polyP/collagen hybrid mats are characterized by advantageous biomechanical properties, such as enhanced flexibility and stretchability with almost unaltered tensile strength of the PCL net. The pol…
Morphogenetically active scaffold for osteochondral repair (Polyphosphate/alginate/N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan)
Here we describe a novel bioinspired hydrogel material that can be hardened with calcium ions to yield a scaffold material with viscoelastic properties matching those of cartilage. This material consists of a negatively charged biopolymer triplet, composed of morphogenetically active natural inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), along with the likewise biocompatible natural polymers N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan (N,O-CMC) and alginate. The porosity of the hardened scaffold material obtained after calcium exposure can be adjusted by varying the pre-processing conditions. Various compression tests were applied to determine the local (nanoindentation) and bulk mechanical properties (tensile/compressio…
A bio-imitating approach to fabricate an artificial matrix for cartilage tissue engineering using magnesium-polyphosphate and hyaluronic acid
Here we describe an artificial cartilage-like material based on a hyaluronic acid-Mg/Ca-polyphosphate paste (HA-aMg/Ca-polyP-p) that is fabricated from a water-soluble Na-salt of energy-rich inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) and soluble hyaluronic acid in the presence of water-insoluble CaCO3. The resulting material, after conversion of Na-polyP into the less soluble Mg/Ca-salt consisting of amorphous Mg/Ca-polyP microparticles, was found to mimic the physiological cartilage tissue and to bind Ca2+ ions present in the synovial fluid. After the Mg2+/Ca2+ exchange and water extrusion, the polyP becomes more stable, but is still susceptible to hydrolytic cleavage by the alkaline phosphatase (ALP…
Enhancement of Wound Healing in Normal and Diabetic Mice by Topical Application of Amorphous Polyphosphate. Superior Effect of a Host⁻Guest Composite Material Composed of Collagen (Host) and Polyphosphate (Guest).
The effect of polyphosphate (polyP) microparticles on wound healing was tested both in vitro and in a mice model in vivo. Two approaches were used: pure salts of polyphosphate, fabricated as amorphous microparticles (MPs, consisting of calcium and magnesium salts of polyP, “Ca–polyp-MPs” and “Mg–polyp-MPs”), and host–guest composite particles, prepared from amorphous collagen (host) and polyphosphate (guest), termed “col/polyp-MPs”. Animal experiments with polyP on healing of excisional wounds were performed using both normal mice and diabetic mice. After a healing period of 7 days “Ca–polyp-MP” significantly improved re-epithelialization in normal mice from 31% (control) to 72% (polyP micr…
Biomimetic transformation of polyphosphate microparticles during restoration of damaged teeth.
Abstract Objective In the present study, we investigated the fusion process between amorphous microparticles of the calcium salt of the physiological polymer comprising orthophosphate units, of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), and enamel. Methods This polymer was incorporated as an ingredient into toothpaste and the fusion process was studied by electron microscopy and by synchrotron-based X-ray tomography microscopy (SRXTM) techniques. Results The data showed that toothpaste, supplemented with the amorphous Ca-polyP microparticles (aCa-polyP-MP), not only reseals tooth defects on enamel, like carious lesions, and dentin, including exposed dentinal tubules, but also has the potential to ind…
Fabrication of a new physiological macroporous hybrid biomaterial/bioscaffold material based on polyphosphate and collagen by freeze-extraction
We describe the fabrication of a new scaffold, an inorganic–organic hybrid biomaterial, consisting of the physiological polymers: the inorganic polymer polyphosphate (polyP), as well as the organic macromolecules collagen and chondroitin sulfate. The polyP polymer is composed of multiple phosphate orthophosphate units linked together by high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds. Chondroitin sulfate has been included due to its hydrogel-forming properties. In the presence of Ca2+ ions, the randomly coiled polyP reorganizes together with collagen and chondroitin sulfate to linear molecules which undergo hardening. This scaffold is deposited as amorphous Ca–polyP nanoparticles (size ≈20–40 nm large) …
Polyphosphate Reverses the Toxicity of the Quasi-Enzyme Bleomycin on Alveolar Endothelial Lung Cells In Vitro
Simple Summary Bleomycin (BLM) is a medication introduced used to treat various types of cancer, including testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, and Hodgkin’s disease. Its most serious side effect is pulmonary fibrosis and impaired lung function. Using A549 human lung cells it is shown that, in parallel to an increased cell toxicity and DNA damage, BLM causes a marked enlargement of the cell nucleus. This effect is abolished by inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), if this physiological polymer is administered together with BLM. The detoxification of BLM is–most likely–caused by the upregulation of the gene encoding the BLM hydrolase which inactivates BLM in vitro and in vivo. This study contribute…
A new polyphosphate calcium material with morphogenetic activity
Abstract Polyphosphate [polyP] has been proven to elicit morphogenetic activity on bone cells. By applying mild reaction conditions, a Ca-polyP material that displays a hardness of ≈1.3 GPa has been fabricated. The Ca-polyP granules are prone to hydrolytic degradation during in vitro incubation of the cells, suggesting that this property is associated with the observed bioactivity.
The inorganic polymer, polyphosphate, blocks binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to ACE2 receptor at physiological concentrations
Graphical abstract The inorganic physiological polymer, polyphosphate, blocks binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to ACE2 receptor at physiological concentrations. This discovery proposes polyphosphate as a new member of the host's antiviral innate immune defense.
Bioinspired Fabrication of Bio-Silica-Based Bone-Substitution Materials
The gold standard for bone reconstruction is the use of autogeneic grafts from various donor regions, since they possess osteoinductive as well as osteoconductive potential. Only a few synthetic materials possess/display properties that allow optimal bone reconstitution. Previously, we showed that the natural product, bio-silica, comprises osteoinductive, and probably also osteoconductive activity. Bio-silica is formed enzymatically via silicatein; this enzyme has been isolated from siliceous sponges and has also been cloned and prepared recombinantly. In the present study, silicatein was encapsulated together with its substrate, sodium metasilicate, in poly(D,L-lactide)/poly(vinyl pyrrolid…
Uptake of polyphosphate microparticles in vitro (SaOS-2 and HUVEC cells) followed by an increase of the intracellular ATP pool size
Recently two approaches were reported that addressed a vitally important problem in regenerative medicine, i. e. the successful treatment of wounds even under diabetic conditions. Accordingly, these studies with diabetic rabbits [Sarojini et al. PLoS One 2017, 12(4):e0174899] and diabetic mice [Müller et al. Polymers 2017, 9, 300] identified a novel (potential) target for the acceleration of wound healing in diabetes. Both studies propose a raise of the intracellular metabolic energy status via exogenous administration either of ATP, encapsulated into lipid vesicles, or of polyphosphate (polyP) micro-/nanoparticles. Recently this physiological polymer, polyP, was found to release metabolic …
The biomaterial polyphosphate blocks stoichiometric binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein to the cellular ACE2 receptor
The effect of the polyanionic polymer of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) involved in innate immunity on the binding of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to the cellular ACE2 receptor was studied. The RBD surface comprises a basic amino acid stretch of four arginine residues which interact with the physiological polyP (polyP40) and polyP3. Subsequently, the interaction of RBD with ACE2 is sensitively inhibited. After the chemical modification of arginine, an increased inhibition by polyP, at a 1 : 1 molar ratio (polyP : RBP), is measured already at 0.1 μg mL−1. Heparin was ineffective. The results suggest a potential therapeutic benefit of polyP against SARS-C…
Biocalcite and Carbonic Acid Activators
Based on evolution of biomineralizing systems and energetic considerations, there is now compelling evidence that enzymes play a driving role in the formation of the inorganic skeletons from the simplest animals, the sponges, up to humans. Focusing on skeletons based on calcium minerals, the principle enzymes involved are the carbonic anhydrase (formation of the calcium carbonate-based skeletons of many invertebrates like the calcareous sponges, as well as deposition of the calcium carbonate bioseeds during human bone formation) and the alkaline phosphatase (providing the phosphate for bone calcium phosphate-hydroxyapatite formation). These two enzymes, both being involved in human bone for…
Rebalancing β-Amyloid-Induced Decrease of ATP Level by Amorphous Nano/Micro Polyphosphate: Suppression of the Neurotoxic Effect of Amyloid β-Protein Fragment 25-35
Morbus Alzheimer neuropathology is characterized by an impaired energy homeostasis of brain tissue. We present an approach towards a potential therapy of Alzheimer disease based on the high-energy polymer inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), which physiologically occurs both in the extracellular and in the intracellular space. Rat pheochromocytoma (PC) 12 cells, as well as rat primary cortical neurons were exposed to the Alzheimer peptide Aβ25-35. They were incubated in vitro with polyphosphate (polyP); ortho-phosphate was used as a control. The polymer remained as Na+ salt; or complexed in a stoichiometric ratio to Ca2+ (Na-polyP[Ca2+]); or was processed as amorphous Ca-polyP microparticles (C…
Engineering a morphogenetically active hydrogel for bioprinting of bioartificial tissue derived from human osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells.
Abstract Sodium alginate hydrogel, stabilized with gelatin, is a suitable, biologically inert matrix that can be used for encapsulating and 3D bioprinting of bone-related SaOS-2 cells. However, the cells, embedded in this matrix, remain in a non-proliferating state. Here we show that addition of an overlay onto the bioprinted alginate/gelatine/SaOS-2 cell scaffold, consisting of agarose and the calcium salt of polyphosphate [polyP·Ca 2+ -complex], resulted in a marked increase in cell proliferation . In the presence of 100 μ m polyP·Ca2+ -complex, the cells proliferate with a generation time of approximately 47–55 h. In addition, the hardness of the alginate/gelatin hydrogel substantially i…
Bioactive and biodegradable silica biomaterial for bone regeneration.
Biosilica, a biocompatible, natural inorganic polymer that is formed by an enzymatic, silicatein-mediated reaction in siliceous sponges to build up their inorganic skeleton, has been shown to be morphogenetically active and to induce mineralization of human osteoblast-like cells (SaOS-2) in vitro. In the present study, we prepared beads (microspheres) by encapsulation of β-tricalcium phosphate [β-TCP], either alone (control) or supplemented with silica or silicatein, into the biodegradable copolymer poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) [PLGA]. Under the conditions used, ≈5% β-TCP, ≈9% silica, and 0.32μg/mg of silicatein were entrapped into the PLGA microspheres (diameter≈800μm). Determination of …
Biologization of Allogeneic Bone Grafts with Polyphosphate: A Route to a Biomimetic Periosteum
Biomimetic Alginate/Gelatin Cross-Linked Hydrogels Supplemented with Polyphosphate for Wound Healing Applications
In the present study, the fabrication of a biomimetic wound dressing that mimics the extracellular matrix, consisting of a hydrogel matrix composed of non-oxidized and periodate-oxidized marine alginate, was prepared to which gelatin was bound via Schiff base formation. Into this alginate/oxidized-alginate-gelatin hydrogel, polyP was stably but reversibly integrated by ionic cross-linking with Zn2+ ions. Thereby, a soft hybrid material is obtained, consisting of a more rigid alginate scaffold and porous structures formed by the oxidized-alginate-gelatin hydrogel with ionically cross-linked polyP. Two forms of the Zn-polyP-containing matrices were obtained based on the property of polyP to f…
A Novel Biomimetic Approach to Repair Enamel Cracks/Carious Damages and to Reseal Dentinal Tubules by Amorphous Polyphosphate.
Based on natural principles, we developed a novel toothpaste, containing morphogenetically active amorphous calcium polyphosphate (polyP) microparticles which are enriched with retinyl acetate (“a-polyP/RA-MP”). The spherical microparticles (average size, 550 ± 120 nm), prepared by co-precipitating soluble Na-polyP with calcium chloride and supplemented with retinyl acetate, were incorporated into a base toothpaste at a final concentration of 1% or 10%. The “a-polyP/RA-MP” ingredient significantly enhanced the stimulatory effect of the toothpaste on the growth of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). This increase was paralleled by an upregulation of the MSC marker genes for osteoblast differ…
Polyphosphate as a donor of high-energy phosphate for the synthesis of ADP and ATP.
Here, we studied the potential role of inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) as an energy source for ADP and ATP formation in the extracellular space. In SaOS-2 cells, we show that matrix vesicles are released into the extracellular space after incubation with polyP. These vesicles contain both alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and adenylate kinase (AK) activities (mediated by ALPL and AK1 enzymes). Both enzymes translocate to the cell membrane in response to polyP. To distinguish the process(es) of AMP and ADP formation during ALP hydrolysis from the ATP generated via the AK reaction, inhibition studies with the AK inhibitor A(5')P5(5')A were performed. We found that ADP formation in the extracellular …
Morphogenetic (Mucin Expression) as Well as Potential Anti-Corona Viral Activity of the Marine Secondary Metabolite Polyphosphate on A549 Cells
The mucus layer of the nasopharynx and bronchial epithelium has a barrier function against inhaled pathogens such as the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. We recently found that inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), a physiological, metabolic energy (ATP)-providing polymer released from blood platelets, blocks the binding of the receptor binding domain (RBD) to the cellular ACE2 receptor in vitro. PolyP is a marine natural product and is abundantly present in marine bacteria. Now, we have approached the in vivo situation by studying the effect of polyP on the human alveolar basal epithelial A549 cells in a mucus-like mucin environment. These cells express mucins as well as the ectoenzymes alkaline phospha…
Transformation of Amorphous Polyphosphate Nanoparticles into Coacervate Complexes: An Approach for the Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Inorganic polyphosphate [polyP] has proven to be a promising physiological biopolymer for potential use in regenerative medicine because of its morphogenetic activity and function as an extracellular energy-donating system. Amorphous Ca2+ -polyP nanoparticles [Ca-polyP-NPs] are characterized by a high zeta potential with -34 mV (at pH 7.4). This should contribute to the stability of suspensions of the spherical nanoparticles (radius 94 nm), but make them less biocompatible. The zeta potential decreases to near zero after exposure of the Ca-polyP-NPs to protein/peptide-containing serum or medium plus serum. Electron microscopy analysis reveals that the particles rapidly change into a coacerv…
Collagen-inducing biologization of prosthetic material for hernia repair: Polypropylene meshes coated with polyP/collagen
Prostethic mesh material such as nonabsorbable polypropylene used in open and laparoscopic hernia repair are characterized by controllable mechanical properties but may elicit undesirable physiological reactions due to the nonphysiological inert polymer material. We succeeded in developing a biocompatible coating for these meshes, based on a physiological inorganic polymer, polyphosphate (polyP) that is morphogenetically active and used as a metabolic energy source, and a collagen matrix. The polyP/collagen hydrogel material was prepared by a freeze-extraction method, with amorphous Ca-polyP microparticles. Electron microscopy (SEM and REM) studies revealed that the polyP/collagen coats are…
Triple-target stimuli-responsive anti-COVID-19 face mask with physiological virus-inactivating agents
Conventional face masks to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission are mostly based on a passive filtration principle. Ideally, anti-COVID-19 masks should protect the carrier not only by size exclusion of virus aerosol particles, but also be able to capture and destroy or inactivate the virus. Here we present the proof-of-concept of a filter mat for such a mask, which actively attracts aerosol droplets and kills the virus. The electrospun mats are made of polycaprolactone (PCL) a hydrophilic, functionalizable and biodegradable polyester, into which inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) a physiological biocompatible, biodegradable and antivirally active polymer (chain length, ∼40 Pi units) has been integr…
Amorphous, Smart, and Bioinspired Polyphosphate Nano/Microparticles: A Biomaterial for Regeneration and Repair of Osteo-Articular Impairments In-Situ
Using femur explants from mice as an in vitro model, we investigated the effect of the physiological polymer, inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), on differentiation of the cells of the bone marrow in their natural microenvironment into the osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. In the form of amorphous Ca-polyP nano/microparticles, polyP retains its function to act as both an intra- and extracellular metabolic fuel and a stimulus eliciting morphogenetic signals. The method for synthesis of the nano/microparticles with the polyanionic polyP also allowed the fabrication of hybrid particles with the bisphosphonate zoledronic acid, a drug used in therapy of bone metastases in cancer patients. The r…
Self-Healing Properties of Bioinspired Amorphous CaCO3/Polyphosphate-Supplemented Cement
There is a strong interest in cement additives that are able to prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of cracks in concrete that cause corrosion of the reinforcement. Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), a natural polymer that is synthesized by bacteria, even those on cement/concrete, can increase the resistance of concrete to progressive damage from micro-cracking. Here we use a novel bioinspired strategy based on polyP-stabilized amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) to give this material self-healing properties. Portland cement was supplemented with ACC nanoparticles which were stabilized with 10% (w/w) Na&ndash
3D printing of hybrid biomaterials for bone tissue engineering: Calcium-polyphosphate microparticles encapsulated by polycaprolactone.
Abstract Here we describe the formulation of a morphogenetically active bio-ink consisting of amorphous microparticles (MP) prepared from Ca 2+ and the physiological inorganic polymer, polyphosphate (polyP). Those MP had been fortified by mixing with poly-e-caprolactone (PCL) to allow 3D-bioprinting. The resulting granular PCL/Ca-polyP-MP hybrid material, liquefied by short-time heating to 100 °C, was used for the 3D-printing of tissue-like scaffolds formed by strands with a thickness of 400 µm and a stacked architecture leaving ≈0.5 mm 2 -sized open holes enabling cell migration. The printed composite scaffold turned out to combine suitable biomechanical properties (Young’s modulus of 1.60…
Caged Dexamethasone/Quercetin Nanoparticles, Formed of the Morphogenetic Active Inorganic Polyphosphate, are Strong Inducers of MUC5AC
Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a widely distributed polymer found from bacteria to animals, including marine species. This polymer exhibits morphogenetic as well as antiviral activity and releases metabolic energy after enzymatic hydrolysis also in human cells. In the pathogenesis of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the platelets are at the frontline of this syndrome. Platelets release a set of molecules, among them polyP. In addition, the production of airway mucus, the first line of body defense, is impaired in those patients. Therefore, in this study, amorphous nanoparticles of the magnesium salt of polyP (Mg-polyP-NP), matching the size of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, were pr…
A new printable and durable N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan–Ca2+–polyphosphate complex with morphogenetic activity
Biomimetic materials have been gaining increasing importance in tissue engineering since they may provide regenerative alternatives to the use of autologous tissues for transplantation. In the present study, we applied for bioprinting of a functionalized three-dimensional template, N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan (N,O-CMC), mimicking the physiological extracellular matrix. This polymer, widely used in tissue engineering, has been provided with functional activity by integration of polyphosphate (polyP), an osteogenically acting natural polymer. The two polymers, N,O-CMC and polyP, are linked together via Ca2+ bridges. This N,O-CMC + polyP material was proven to be printable and durable. The N,O-…
3D bioprinting of tissue units with mesenchymal stem cells, retaining their proliferative and differentiating potential, in polyphosphate-containing bio-ink
Abstract The three-dimensional (3D)-printing processes reach increasing recognition as important fabrication techniques to meet the growing demands in tissue engineering. However, it is imperative to fabricate 3D tissue units, which contain cells that have the property to be regeneratively active. In most bio-inks, a metabolic energy-providing component is missing. Here a formulation of a bio-ink is described, which is enriched with polyphosphate (polyP), a metabolic energy providing physiological polymer. The bio-ink composed of a scaffold (N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan), a hydrogel (alginate) and a cell adhesion matrix (gelatin) as well as polyP substantially increases the viability and the …
Polyphosphate as a Bioactive and Biodegradable Implant Material: Induction of Bone Regeneration in Rats
Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a naturally occurring polymer that is bioresorbable and anabolically active on bone forming cells in vitro. In order to demonstrate if polyP also shows morphogenetic activity in vivo, animal studies are performed applying the rat calvarial defect model. Poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres with a narrow size distribution (≈820 μm) are prepared, containing either encapsulated polyP or β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), used as a reference material. Discs are prepared from the microspheres and inserted into 10 mm large defects created in the calvaria of rats. Both the formation of COL-I and the expression of ALP is upregulated, as well as the exte…
The morphogenetically active polymer, inorganic polyphosphate complexed with GdCl 3 , as an inducer of hydroxyapatite formation in vitro
Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is a physiological polymer composed of tens to hundreds of phosphate units linked together via phosphoanhydride bonds. Here we compared the biological activity of polyP (chain length of 40 phosphate units), complexed with Gd(3+) (polyP·Gd), with the one caused by polyP (as calcium salt) and by GdCl3 alone, regarding their potencies to induce hydroxyapatite (HA) formation in SaOS-2 cells in vitro. The three compounds, GdCl3, polyP and polyP·Gd were found to be non-toxic at concentrations up to at least 30μM. Selecting a low, 5μM, concentration it was found that polyP·Gd significantly induced HA formation, as determined by Alizarin Red S staining and by quantit…
Biologizing titanium alloy implant material with morphogenetically active polyphosphate
As a further step towards a new generation of bone implant materials, we developed a procedure for biological functionalization of titanium alloy surfaces with inorganic calcium polyphosphate (Ca-polyP). This polymer has been demonstrated to exhibit morphogenetic activity. The coating of titanium oxidized Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds with biologically active amorphous Ca-polyP microparticles is formed by Ca2+ ion bridges to the silane coupling agent APTMS. This surface is durable and stable as an almost homogeneous Ca-polyP layer onto the metal. The homogenously coated Ca-polyP titanium scaffold was found to be biologically active and supported the growth and functional activity of bone cell-related…
A biomimetic approach to ameliorate dental hypersensitivity by amorphous polyphosphate microparticles.
Abstract Objective Dental hypersensitivity has become one of the most common and most costly diseases in the world, even though those maladies are very rarely life threatening. Using amorphous microparticles, fabricated from the natural polymer (polyphosphate), we intend to reseal the dentinal tubules exposed and reduce by that the hypersensitivity. Methods Amorphous microparticles (termed aCa-polyP-MP) were prepared from Na-polyphosphate (polyP) and CaCl 2 , then incubated with human teeth. The potential of the microparticles to plug the dentinal tubules was determined by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Results We demonstrate that, in contrast to polyP, the aCa-polyP-MP efficient…
Artificial cartilage bio-matrix formed of hyaluronic acid and Mg2+-polyphosphate.
Here we show that inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), a polyanionic metabolic regulator consisting of multiple phosphate residues linked by energy-rich phosphoanhydride bonds, is present in the synovial fluid. In a biomimetic approach, to enhance cartilage synthesis and regeneration, we prepared amorphous polyP microparticles with Mg2+ as counterions. The particles were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) analyses. Similar particles were obtained after addition of Mg2+ ions to a solution containing hyaluronic acid, as a major component of the synovial fluid, and soluble Na-polyP. The viscous paste-like ma…
Restoration of Impaired Metabolic Energy Balance (ATP Pool) and Tube Formation Potential of Endothelial Cells under “high glucose”, Diabetic Conditions by the Bioinorganic Polymer Polyphosphate
Micro-vascularization is a fast, energy-dependent process that is compromised by elevated glucose concentrations such as in diabetes mellitus disease. Here, we studied the effect of the physiological bioinorganic polymer, polyphosphate (polyP), on the reduced ATP content and impaired function of endothelial cells cultivated under "high glucose" (35 mM diabetes mellitus conditions) concentrations. This high-energy biopolymer has been shown to provide a source of metabolic energy, stored in its phosphoanhydride bonds. We show that exposure of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC cells) to "high glucose" levels results in reduced cell viability, increased apoptotic cell death, and a d…
A physiologically active interpenetrating collagen network that supports growth and migration of epidermal keratinocytes: zinc-polyP nanoparticles integrated into compressed collagen.
The distinguished property of the physiological polymer, inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), is to act as a bio-intelligent material which releases stimulus-dependent metabolic energy to accelerate wound healing. This characteristic is based on the bio-imitating feature of polyP to be converted, upon exposure to peptide-containing body fluids, from stable amorphous nanoparticles to a physiologically active and energy-delivering coacervate phase. This property of polyP has been utilized to fabricate a wound mat consisting of compressed collagen supplemented with amorphous polyP particles, formed from the inorganic polyanion with an over-stoichiometric ratio of zinc ions. The proliferation and t…
The therapeutic potential of inorganic polyphosphate: A versatile physiological polymer to control coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Rationale: The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is advancing rapidly. In particular, the number of severe courses of the disease is still dramatically high. An efficient drug therapy that helps to improve significantly the fatal combination of damages in the airway epithelia, in the extensive pulmonary microvascularization and finally multiorgan failure, is missing. The physiological, inorganic polymer, polyphosphate (polyP) is a molecule which could prevent the initial phase of the virus life cycle, the attachment of the virus to the target cells, and improve the epithelial integrity as well as the mucus barrier. Results: Surprisingly, polyP matches perfectly with the ca…
Transformation of Construction Cement to a Self-Healing Hybrid Binder
A new biomimetic strategy to im prove the self-healing properties of Portland cement is presented that is based on the application of the biogenic inorganic polymer polyphosphate (polyP), which is used as a cement admixture. The data show that synthetic linear polyp, with an average chain length of 40, as well as natural long-chain polyP isolated from soil bacteria, has the ability to support self-healing of this construction material. Furthermore, polyP, used as a water-soluble Na-salt, is subject to Na+/Ca2+ exchange by the Ca2+ from the cement, resulting in the formation of a water-rich coacervate when added to the cement surface, especially to the surface of bacteria-containing cement/c…
Amorphous Polyphosphate and Ca‐Carbonate Nanoparticles Improve the Self‐Healing Properties of both Technical and Medical Cements
Cement is used both as a construction material and for medical applications. Previously, it has been shown that the physiological polymer inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is morphogenetically active in regeneration of skin, bone, and cartilage. The present study investigates the question if this polymer is also a suitable additive to improve the self-healing capacity not only of construction cement but also of inorganic bone void fillers. For the application in the cement, two different polyP-based amorphous nanoparticles (NP) are prepared, amorphous Ca-polyP NP and amorphous Ca-carbonate (ACC) NP. The particles are integrated into poly(methyl methacrylate) in a concentration ratio of 1:10. …