Ma Carmen Gómez-cabrera


17β-oestradiol up-regulates longevity-related, antioxidant enzyme expression via the ERK1 and ERK2[MAPK]/NFκB cascade

Females live longer than males. Oestrogens protect females against aging by up-regulating the expression of antioxidant, longevity-related genes such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and Mn-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD). The mechanism through which oestrogens up-regulate those enzymes remains unidentified, but may have implications for gender differences in lifespan. We show that physiological concentrations of oestradiol act through oestrogen receptors to reduce peroxide levels in MCF-7 cells (a mammary gland tumour cell line). Oestradiol increases MAP kinase (MAPK) activation as indicated by ERK1 and ERK2 phosphorylation in MCF-7 cells, which in turn activates the nuclear factor kappa B (N…

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Blood rheology effect of submaximal exercise on young subjects

Nowadays cardiac and metabolic diseases are a matter of concern. Exercise is a valid treatment and method of prevention for not only adults, but also young subjects. Physical activity causes transient blood rheology impairment in adults. However little is known about the effects of exercise on blood flow characteristics in young subjects. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of a light aerobic exercise session on blood rheology in young subjects. Ten young subjects (aged 12-16 years) performed 1 hour of submaximal aerobic exercise (70% HRmax). Blood samples were drawn just before and after exercise. We determined blood and plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, erythrocyte deformability an…

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Current limitations of the Athlete's Biological Passport use in sports.

The Athletes Biological Passport (ABP) has received both criticisms and support during this year. In a recent issue of The Lancet, Michael Wozny considered that the use of the ABP makes it more difficult to take banned substances and that it was successfully used against the Italian elite cyclist Franco Pellizotti. After that, Italy's anti-doping tribunal considered that there was not enough evidence to prove manipulation of his own blood profile in Pellizotti's case. However, the UCI appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) that sanctioned Pellizotti with a suspension of 2 years. Since its implementation, some problems have emerged. From 2010 to date, a large number of reports …

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Fostering antioxidant defences: up-regulation of antioxidant genes or antioxidant supplementation?

Vitamins have traditionally been considered as food components that are required in the normal diet to prevent deficiencies. However, a newer concept of the function of vitamins in nutrition has taken them beyond simply prevention of deficiency symptoms. This concept considers that many vitamins, when taken in relatively larges doses, have important functions beyond preventing deficiencies. Linus Pauling was instrumental in putting forward this concept, particularly for vitamin C. Thus, relatively high intakes of vitamins, and in particular vitamins C and E which are antioxidants, are considered to be healthy for the human population. This may be true in some special situations such as, for…

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Biology of frailty: Modulation of ageing genes and its importance to prevent age-associated loss of function

Frailty is associated with loss of functional reserve as well as with the prediction of adverse events in the old population. The traditional criteria of frailty are based on five physical determinations described in the Cardiovascular Health Study. We propose that biological and genetic markers of frailty should be used to increase the predictive capacity of the established clinical indeces. In recent times, research for biological markers of frailty has gained impetus. Finding a biological markers with diagnostic and prognostic capacity would be a major milestone to identify frailty risk, and also pre-frailty status. In the first section of the manuscript, we review the available biomarke…

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Vitamin E deficiency induces liver nuclear factor-κB DNA-binding activity and changes in related genes

The biological functions of vitamin E have been classically attributed to its property as a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in cellular membranes. However, in 1991, Azzi's group first described that alpha-tocopherol inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent way, demonstrating a non-antioxidant cell signalling function for vitamin E. More recently, the capacity of alpha-tocopherol to modulate gene expression with the implication of different transcription factors, beyond its antioxidant properties, has also been established. This study was to determine the effect of vitamin E-deficiency on liver nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) DNA-binding activ…

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Exercise acts as a drug; the pharmacological benefits of exercise

The beneficial effects of regular exercise for the promotion of health and cure of diseases have been clearly shown. In this review, we would like to postulate the idea that exercise can be considered as a drug. Exercise causes a myriad of beneficial effects for health, including the promotion of health and lifespan, and these are reviewed in the first section of this paper. Then we deal with the dosing of exercise. As with many drugs, dosing is extremely important to get the beneficial effects of exercise. To this end, the organism adapts to exercise. We review the molecular signalling pathways involved in these adaptations because understanding them is of great importance to be able to pr…

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Exercise as a Model to Study Oxidative Stress

Physical exercise generates free radicals. The major source of radicals in exercise appears to be extracellular. Our experiments show that xanthine oxidase is a key player in the generation of superoxide during exercise. Mitochondrial contribution appears to be less important: during high oxygen utilization by mitochondria in state 3, the proportion of oxygen that is converted to superoxide is on an order of magnitude lower than in resting, state 4 conditions. Exercise-induced radicals constitute a double-edged sword: high intensity ­exercise causes the generation of relatively high concentrations of radicals that cause oxidative stress and eventually damage. On the other hand, low intensit…

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Decreasing xanthine oxidase-mediated oxidative stress prevents useful cellular adaptations to exercise in rats

Reactive oxygen or nitrogen species (RONS) are produced during exercise due, at least in part, to the activation of xanthine oxidase. When exercise is exhaustive they cause tissue damage; however, they may also act as signals inducing specific cellular adaptations to exercise. We have tested this hypothesis by studying the effects of allopurinol-induced inhibition of RONS production on cell signalling pathways in rats submitted to exhaustive exercise. Exercise caused an activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs: p38, ERK 1 and ERK 2), which in turn activated nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) in rat gastrocnemius muscle. This up-regulated the expression of important enzymes associated w…

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A Multicomponent Exercise Intervention that Reverses Frailty and Improves Cognition, Emotion, and Social Networking in the Community-Dwelling Frail Elderly: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Abstract Background Frailty can be an important clinical target to reduce rates of disability. Objective To ascertain if a supervised-facility multicomponent exercise program (MEP) when performed by frail older persons can reverse frailty and improve functionality; cognitive, emotional, and social networking; as well as biological biomarkers of frailty, when compared with a controlled population that received no training. Design This is an interventional, controlled, simple randomized study. Researchers responsible for data gathering were blinded for this study. Setting Participants from 2 primary rural care centers (Sollana and Carcaixent) of the same health department in Spain were enroll…

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Physical exercise as an epigenetic modulator: Eustress, the "positive stress" as an effector of gene expression.

Physical exercise positively influences epigenetic mechanisms and improves health. Several issues remain unclear concerning the links between physical exercise and epigenetics. There is growing concern about the negative influence of excessive and persistent physical exercise on health. How an individual physically adapts to the prevailing environmental conditions might influence epigenetic mechanisms and modulate gene expression. In this article, we put forward the idea that physical exercise, especially long-term repetitive strenuous exercise, positively affects health, reduces the aging process, and decreases the incidence of cancer through induced stress and epigenetic mechanisms. We pr…

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Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Spanish University Students: Role of Gender

During the COVID-19 pandemic, entire populations were instructed to live in home-confinement to prevent the expansion of the disease. Spain was one of the countries with the strictest conditions, as outdoor physical activity was banned for nearly two months. This study aimed to analyse the changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviours in Spanish university students before and during the confinement by COVID-19 with special focus on gender. We also analysed enjoyment, the tools used and motivation and impediments for doing physical activity. An online questionnaire, which included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form and certain &ldquo

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Exercise: the lifelong supplement for healthy ageing and slowing down the onset of frailty

The beneficial effects of exercise have been well recognized for over half a century. Dr Jeremy Morris's pioneering studies in the fifties showed a striking difference in cardiovascular disease between the drivers and conductors on the double-decker buses in London. These studies sparked off a vast amount of research on the effects of exercise in health, and the general consensus is that exercise contributes to improved outcomes and treatment for several diseases including osteoporosis, diabetes, depression and atherosclerosis. Evidence of the beneficial effects of exercise is reviewed here. One way of highlighting the impact of exercise on disease is to consider it from the perspective of …

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Exercise and antioxidant supplements in the elderly

Abstract Both exercise and aging increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can result in damage to cells. Aging is the result of damage caused by ROS to the mitochondrial genome in post mitotic cells and numerous studies have demonstrated an increase in ROS or their byproducts with exercise. ROS can cause oxidative stress as they overwhelm the antioxidant cellular defenses. Therefore interventions aimed at limiting or inhibiting ROS production, such as supplementation with antioxidant vitamins, should be able to reduce fatigue during muscle contraction and the rate of formation of aging changes with a consequent reduction of the aging rate and disease pathogenesis. However, it has been …

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Moderate exercise is an antioxidant: Upregulation of antioxidant genes by training

Exercise causes oxidative stress only when exhaustive. Strenuous exercise causes oxidation of glutathione, release of cytosolic enzymes, and other signs of cell damage. However, there is increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) not only are toxic but also play an important role in cell signaling and in the regulation of gene expression. Xanthine oxidase is involved in the generation of superoxide associated with exhaustive exercise. Allopurinol (an inhibitor of this enzyme) prevents muscle damage after exhaustive exercise, but also modifies cell signaling pathways associated with both moderate and exhaustive exercise in rats and humans. In gastrocnemius muscle from rats, exerc…

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Mitochondrial biogenesis in exercise and in ageing☆

Mitochondrial biogenesis is critical for the normal function of cells. It is well known that mitochondria are produced and eventually after normal functioning they are degraded. Thus, the actual level of mitochondria in cells is dependent both on the synthesis and the degradation. Ever since the proposal of the mitochondrial theory of ageing by Jaime Miquel in the 70's, it was appreciated that mitochondria, which are both a target and a source of radicals in cells, are most important organelles to understand ageing. Thus, a common feature between cell physiology of ageing and exercise is that in both situations mitochondria are critical for normal cell functioning. Mitochondrial synthesis i…

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Different types of storage devices for blood transportation in the anti-doping field

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FORUM ISSUE: “Free Radicals and Physical Exercise”

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Inhibition of Xanthine Oxidase by Allopurinol Prevents Skeletal Muscle Atrophy: Role of p38 MAPKinase and E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

International audience; Abstract Top Alterations in muscle play an important role in common diseases and conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated during hindlimb unloading due, at least in part, to the activation of xanthine oxidase (XO). The major aim of this study was to determine the mechanism by which XO activation causes unloading-induced muscle atrophy in ratsand its possible prevention by allopurinol, a well-known inhibitor of this enzyme. For this purpose we studied one of the main redox sensitive signalling cascades involved in skeletal muscle atrophy i.e. p38 MAPKinaseand the expression of two well known muscle specific E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in proteolysis, …

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Reliability of different models to assess heart rate recovery after submaximal bicycle exercise.

Abstract Objectives : Different models to assess HR recovery have been developed but knowledge of their reliability is poor at different submaximal exercise intensities and recovery durations. Our aim was to determine the reliability of HR recovery after a test on a cycle ergometer. Design : Twenty-one healthy individuals performed a submaximal exercise at 65% and 80% HR max followed by passive recovery. The exercise was repeated (retest) within 2 weeks to assess reliability. Method : HR recovery was assessed by 8 models, based on monoexponential kinetics or absolute recovery (recovered HR at fix time points). Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM, …

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Role of NAD+/NADH redox ratio in cell metabolism

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Pharmacological properties of physical exercise in the elderly.

Scientific evidence links physical activity to several benefits. Recently, we proposed the idea that exercise can be regarded as a drug. As with many drugs, dosage is of great importance. However, to issue a public recommendation of physical activity in aging is not an easy task. Exercise in the elderly needs to be carefully tailored and individualized with the specific objectives of the person or group in mind. The beneficial effects of exercise in two of the main age-related diseases, sarcopenia and Alzheimer's Disease, are dealt with at the beginning of this report. Subsequently, dosage of exercise and the molecular signaling pathways involved in its adaptations are discussed. Exercise a…

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The loss of muscle mass and sarcopenia: non hormonal intervention.

Muscle aging is a key component of the increase in frailty in human populations. The generation of critical levels of power is a prerequisite to perform simple tasks of daily living, such as rising from a chair or climbing stairs. There is great scientific and social interest to determine which behaviors can lead to the maintenance of the muscle mass in young immobilized subjects and in the elderly. Several hormonal treatments have been proposed for the treatment of sarcopenia. However, the side effects associated to these treatments emphasize the need of finding non-toxic and non-hormonal treatments that help increase muscle strength, improve muscle function, and decrease the degree of dep…

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Implementing Precision Medicine in Human Frailty through Epigenetic Biomarkers

The main epigenetic features in aging are: reduced bulk levels of core histones, altered pattern of histone post-translational modifications, changes in the pattern of DNA methylation, replacement of canonical histones with histone variants, and altered expression of non-coding RNA. The identification of epigenetic mechanisms may contribute to the early detection of age-associated subclinical changes or deficits at the molecular and/or cellular level, to predict the development of frailty, or even more interestingly, to improve health trajectories in older adults. Frailty reflects a state of increased vulnerability to stressors as a result of decreased physiologic reserves, and even dysregu…

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Reversal of age-associated frailty by controlled physical exercise: The pre-clinical and clinical evidences.

Demographic aging is one of the most serious challenges facing our society. Although we live longer, we do not live better because it is considered that approximately 16–20% of our life is spent in late-life morbidity. Older people have the greatest risk of developing frailty increasing the risk of presenting various adverse health events such as low quality of life, disability, hospitalization and even death. Frail men and women over 65 years old have lower muscle quality and muscle mass and higher percentage of body fat than non-frail people of the same age. In this review we will address the main physiological changes in the muscular and nervous system associated to aging. More specifica…

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Effects of acute exercise and allopurinol administration on soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR).

Background Although physical exercise acutely increases the most widely used inflammatory biomarkers, there is no information on its effect on soluble urokinase plasminogen activating receptor (suPAR), a circulating biomarker increasingly used for the assessment of systemic inflammation. Methods suPAR was assessed with the quantitative suPARnostic Standard ELISA Assay (Virogates, Birkerod, Denmark) in 12 professional football players before and after a football match. The athletes were divided into two experimental groups. An oral dose of 300 mg of allopurinol was administered to one group of six participants four hours before a match; the other six participants received placebo. Results Se…

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Antioxidant supplements in exercise: worse than useless?

TO THE EDITOR: In a recent paper by Higashida et al. (5), the authors report that very large doses of antioxidant vitamins do not prevent the exercise-induced adaptive responses of muscle mitochondria, GLUT4, and insulin action to exercise. As clearly stated in the paper, their data disagree with those reported by three independent research groups from Germany (14), Australia (17), and Spain (4). Using a significantly different experimental protocol regarding exercise training intensity and duration, antioxidant supplementation (doses and types of antioxidants), and molecular parameters analyzed (mRNA vs. protein levels), Higashida et al. compared their data with ours and came to exactly th…

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Methodological considerations to determine the effect of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels.

Objectives: Physical exercise up-regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the brain and blood. However, there is yet no consensus about the adequate blood processing conditions to standardize its assessment. We aimed to find a reliable blood sample processing method to determine changes in BDNF due to exercise. Design and methods: Twelve healthy university students performed an incremental cycling test to exhaustion. At baseline, immediately after exercise, and 30 and 60 min of recovery, venous blood was drawn and processed under different conditions, i.e. whole blood, serum coagulated for 10 min and 24 h, total plasma, and platelet-free plasma. BDNF concentration was measured …

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Exercise as an intervention to reverse frailty: A randomized clinical trial

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Special Issue "Human performance and redox signaling in health and disease".

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Continuous Compared to Accumulated Walking-Training on Physical Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Sedentary Older Persons

The present study aimed to analyze the impact of overground walking interval training (WIT) in a group of sedentary older adults, comparing two different dose-distributions. In this quasi-experimental and longitudinal study, we recruited twenty-three sedentary older adults (71.00 &plusmn

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La eclosión de la sarcopenia: Informe preliminar del Observatorio de la Sarcopenia de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología

Resumen La sarcopenia es un sindrome geriatrico frecuente e importante para la practica clinica diaria de los profesionales que trabajan con personas mayores. El numero de personas mayores afectadas y su relacion con la incapacidad, la fragilidad, muchas enfermedades, habitos de vida y resultados adversos son de gran relevancia para la practica geriatrica. Ademas, los cambios biologicos que conducen a la perdida de fuerza y masa muscular se relacionan intrinsecamente con los mecanismos del envejecimiento. No es, por tanto, sorprendente que la investigacion en este campo este creciendo exponencialmente en los ultimos anos y que la sarcopenia se haya colocado en los ultimos anos en el primer …

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Oxidative stress in marathon runners: interest of antioxidant supplementation

We have recently reported that xanthine oxidase is involved in the generation of free radicals in exhaustive exercise. Allopurinol, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, prevents it. The aim of the present work was to elucidate the role of exercise-derived reactive oxygen species in the cell signalling pathways involved in the adaptation to exercise in man. We have found that exercise causes an increase in the activity of plasma xanthine oxidase and an activation of NF-κB in peripheral blood lymphocytes after marathon running. This activation is dependent on free radical formation in exercise: treatment with allopurinol completely prevents it. In animal models, we previously showed that NF-κB a…

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Beneficial Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training Combined With Multicomponent Training in Elderly Active Women

ABSTRACTPurpose: This study aims to analyze changes in Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP), lung function, cardiorespiratory fitness, and blood pressure, in 10 healthy active elderly women, followin...

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Interplay of oxidants and antioxidants during exercise: Implications for muscle health

Muscle contraction results in generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) at a rate determined by the intensity, frequency, and duration of the exercise protocols. Strenuous exercise causes oxidation of protein, lipid, and DNA, release of cytosolic enzymes, and other signs of cell damage; however, only exhaustive exercise is detrimental. Indeed, the regulation of vascular tone, the excitation-contraction coupling, growth, and differentiation in skeletal muscle, are governed in part by RONS. This is accomplished by RONS interaction with redox-sensitive transcription factors, leading to increased gene expression of antioxidant enzymes, cytoprotective proteins, and other enzymes …

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Allopurinol partially prevents disuse muscle atrophy in mice and humans

AbstractDisuse muscle wasting will likely affect everyone in his or her lifetime in response to pathologies such as joint immobilization, inactivity or bed rest. There are no good therapies to treat it. We previously found that allopurinol, a drug widely used to treat gout, protects muscle damage after exhaustive exercise and results in functional gains in old individuals. Thus, we decided to test its effect in the prevention of soleus muscle atrophy after two weeks of hindlimb unloading in mice, and lower leg immobilization following ankle sprain in humans (EudraCT: 2011-003541-17). Our results show that allopurinol partially protects against muscle atrophy in both mice and humans. The pro…

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Oral administration of vitamin C decreases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and hampers training-induced adaptations in endurance performance

Background Exercise practitioners often take vitamin C supplements because intense muscular contractile activity can result in oxidative stress, as indicated by altered muscle and blood glutathione concentrations and increases in protein, DNA, and lipid peroxidation. There is, however, considerable debate regarding the beneficial health effects of vitamin C supplementation. Objective This study was designed to study the effect of vitamin C on training efficiency in rats and in humans. Design The human study was double-blind and randomized. Fourteen men (27-36 y old) were trained for 8 wk. Five of the men were supplemented daily with an oral dose of 1 g vitamin C. In the animal study, 24 mal…

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Alopurinol y su papel en el tratamiento de la sarcopenia

Resumen La xantina oxidasa (XO) es la enzima que cataliza la oxidacion de hipoxantina a xantina y de esta a acido urico, por lo que desempena un importante papel en el catabolismo de las purinas. El alopurinol, un analogo de las purinas, es un conocido inhibidor de la XO ampliamente utilizado en la practica clinica para el tratamiento de la gota. Estudios recientes indican que el alopurinol reduce el estres oxidativo y mejora la funcion vascular en diversas enfemedades cardiometabolicas, aumenta el tiempo de ejercicio en pacientes con angina de pecho y mejora la eficiencia de la contractilidad miocardica en la insuficiencia cardiaca. La XO tambien ejerce un papel importante en la generacion…

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Reply from Mari Carmen Gomez-Cabrera and Jose Viña

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Efecto del ejercicio físico sobre las alteraciones cognitivas y el estrés oxidativo en un modelo transgénico APP/PSN1 para la enfermedad de Alzheimer

Resumen Introduccion Los efectos beneficiosos del ejercicio fisico, tanto en el tratamiento como en la prevencion de distintas enfermedades, han sido ampliamente establecidos. La demencia mas frecuente, la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es un trastorno donde el ejercicio ha demostrado causar notables mejoras fisiopatologicas y cognitivas. En el presente trabajo estudiamos el efecto del ejercicio fisico sobre el estres oxidativo y la cognicion en el modelo murino doble transgenico (2×Tg) para la EA, APP/PSN1, basado fundamentalmente en la deposicion cerebral de placas de β-amiloide. Material y metodos Dieciocho ratones de 10 meses de edad fueron divididos en 4 grupos experimentales: 2×Tg entre…

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Free [NADH]/[NAD+] regulates sirtuin expression

Sirtuins are deacetylases involved in metabolic regulation and longevity. Our aim was to test the hypothesis that they are subjected to redox regulation by the [NADH]/[NAD(+)] ratio. We used NIH3T3 fibroblasts in culture, Drosophila fed with or without ethanol and exercising rats. In all three models an increase in [NADH]/[NAD(+)] came up with an increased expression of sirtuin mRNA and protein. PGC-1α (a substrate of sirtuins) protein level was significantly increased in fibroblasts incubated with lactate and pyruvate but this effect was lost in fibroblasts obtained from sirtuin-deficient mice. We conclude that the expression of sirtuins is subject to tight redox regulation by the [NADH]/[…

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Part of the Series: From Dietary Antioxidants to Regulators in Cellular Signalling and Gene ExpressionRole of reactive oxygen species and (phyto)oestrogens in the modulation of adaptive response to stress

There is increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not only toxic but play an important role in cellular signalling and in the regulation of gene expression. We, here, discuss two examples of improved adaptive response to an altered cellular redox state. First, differences in longevity between males and females may be explained by a higher expression of antioxidant enzymes in females resulting in a lower yield of mitochondrial ROS. Oestrogens are made responsible for these phenomena. Oestradiol induces glutathione peroxidase-1 and MnSOD by processes requiring the cell surface oestrogen receptor (ER) and the activation of pathways usually involved in oxidative stress respons…

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Metabolomic analysis of long-term spontaneous exercise in mice suggests increased lipolysis and altered glucose metabolism when animals are at rest

Exercise has been associated with several beneficial effects and is one of the major modulators of metabolism. The working muscle produces and releases substances during exercise that mediate the adaptation of the muscle but also improve the metabolic flexibility of the complete organism, leading to adjustable substrate utilization. Metabolomic studies on physical exercise are scarce and most of them have been focused on the effects of intense exercise in professional sportsmen. The aim of our study was to determine plasma metabolomic adaptations in mice after a long-term spontaneous exercise intervention study (18 mo). The metabolic changes induced by long-term spontaneous exercise were su…

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The dual role of p53: DNA protection and antioxidant.

The classical functions of p53 protein are those related to its role on DNA damage, cell growth arrest, senescence and apoptosis. For this reason it is called 'the guardian of the genome' and is considered one of the most important players in the development of cancer. However, more recently it has been show that p53 is not only involved in cancer, but also in ageing. p53 is stimulated by stress, which in turn results in the activation of a wide range of transcriptional targets. Low-intensity stress will activate p53 in a manner which results in antioxidant response, thus protecting against ageing because of its antioxidant function. On the contrary, high-intensity activation of p53 will re…

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Activation of the Constitutive Androstane Receptor Inhibits Leukocyte Adhesiveness to Dysfunctional Endothelium

Leukocyte cell recruitment into the vascular subendothelium constitutes an early event in the atherogenic process. As the effect of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) on leukocyte recruitment and endothelial dysfunction is poorly understood, this study investigated whether the role of CAR activation can affect this response and the underlying mechanisms involved. Under physiological flow conditions, TNFα-induced endothelial adhesion of human leukocyte cells was concentration-dependently inhibited by preincubation of human umbilical arterial endothelial cells with the selective human CAR ligand CITCO. CAR agonism also prevented TNFα induced VCAM-1 expression, as well as MCP-1/CCL-2 a…

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G6PD protects from oxidative damage and improves healthspan in mice

S.N.-P. and P.J.F.-M. have been funded by the Spanish Association Against Cancer(aecc). Work in the laboratory of M.S. is funded by the CNIO and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund(SAF project), the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant), the Regional Government of Madrid co-funded by the European Social Fund (ReCaRe project), the European Union (RISK-IR project), the Botin Foundation and Banco Santander(Santander Universities Global Division), the Ramon Areces Foundation, and the AXA Foundation. Work in the laboratory of J.V. was supported by grants SAF2013-44663-R,from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC…

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Inactivity-induced oxidative stress: A central role in age-related sarcopenia?

Ageing causes a progressive decline in skeletal muscle mass that may lead to decreased strength and functionality. The term sarcopenia is especially used to characterise this geriatric syndrome. Numerous conditions and behaviours are considered to accelerate the progression of sarcopenia such as chronic diseases, malnutrition and physical inactivity. As people in modern countries are more and more sedentary, the impact of physical inactivity on the prevalence of sarcopenia might be more and more important in the future. In this review, we discuss how reactive oxygen species (ROS) could mediate the effects of lifelong inactivity in the onset and progression of age-related sarcopenia. Althoug…

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Muscle repair after physiological damage relies on nuclear migration for cellular reconstruction

Muscle repair without stem cells Skeletal muscle is a mechanical organ that endures cellular damage after contraction. Lesions caused by external injury can be repaired by muscle stem cells, which fuse with injured cells or create entirely new myofibers. Roman et al . describe a cell-autonomous repair process that is independent of muscle stem cells (see the Perspective by McNally and Demonbreun). After localized damage, myonuclei migrate to injury sites and locally deliver messenger RNA for cellular reconstruction. This myofiber self-repair represents a model for understanding the restoration of muscle architecture in health and disease. —BAP

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The Free Radical Theory of Aging Revisited: The Cell Signaling Disruption Theory of Aging

AbstractSignificance: The free radical theory of aging has provided a theoretical framework for an enormous amount of work leading to significant advances in our understanding of aging. Up to the turn of the century, the theory received abundant support from observations coming from fields as far apart as comparative physiology or molecular biology. Recent Advances: Work from many laboratories supports the theory, for instance showing that overexpression of antioxidant enzymes results in increases in life-span. But other labs have shown that in some cases, there is an increased oxidative stress and increased longevity. The discovery that free radicals can not only cause molecular damage to …

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Oxidant antioxidants and adaptive responses to exercise.

The extensive damage produced by unaccustomed (acute) exercise and the health benefits of regular physical activity are well-known phenomena as well as the role played in them by reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present issue reports some interesting studies showing that the Janus faced effects of exercise-induced ROS in skeletal muscle. Most studies dealing with ROS contribution to acute exercise-induced tissue damage determine the levels of markers of oxidative damage to specific substances but they do not take into account total redox status of an individual before and after exercise. In their research article D. Stagos et al. used markers measuring plasma static (sORP) and capacity (c…

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Xanthine oxidase-induced oxidative stress causes activation of NF-κB and inflammation in the liver of type I diabetic rats

We previously showed that xanthine oxidase activity increases in type I diabetic animals and that this is a significant cause of the oxidative stress which occurs in the disease. The aim of this work was to search for molecular links between xanthine oxidase-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in Type I diabetes and to assess the ability of allopurinol, a drug widely used in clinical practice, to prevent both processes. 3-month-old male Wistar rats were made diabetic by injection (i.p.) of either streptozotocin or alloxan. Allopurinol (32 mg/Kg) was administered (i.p) to diabetic rats after they had shown clear signs of diabetes such as glucosuria and polyuria. Hepatic phospho-IKKbeta…

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Role of Redox Signaling and Inflammation in Skeletal Muscle Adaptations to Training

The inflammatory response to exercise-induced muscle damage has been extensively described. Exercise has important modulatory effects on immune function. These effects are mediated by diverse factors including pro-inflammatory cytokines, classical stress hormones, and hemodynamic effects leading to cell redistribution. As has been reported regarding oxidative stress, inflammation can have both detrimental and beneficial effects in skeletal muscle. In this review we will address the role of inflammation on protein metabolism in skeletal muscle. Specifically, we will review studies showing that treatment with cyclooxygenase-inhibiting drugs modulate the protein synthesis response to one bout …

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Exercise training as a drug to treat age associated frailty

Exercise causes an increase in the production of free radicals [1]. As a result of a hormetic mechanism antioxidant enzymes are synthesised and the cells are protected against further oxidative stress. Thus, exercise can be considered as an antioxidant [2]. Age-associated frailty is a major medical and social concern as it can easily lead to dependency. In this review we describe that oxidative stress is associated with frailty and the mechanism by which exercise prevents age-associated frailty. We propose that individually tailored multicomponent exercise programmes are one of the best ways to prevent and to treat age-associated frailty.

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Life-long spontaneous exercise does not prolong lifespan but improves health span in mice

Abstract Background Life expectancy at birth in the first world has increased from 35 years at the beginning of the 20th century to more than 80 years now. The increase in life expectancy has resulted in an increase in age-related diseases and larger numbers of frail and dependent people. The aim of our study was to determine whether life-long spontaneous aerobic exercise affects lifespan and healthspan in mice. Results Male C57Bl/6J mice, individually caged, were randomly assigned to one of two groups: sedentary (n = 72) or spontaneous wheel-runners (n = 72). We evaluated longevity and several health parameters including grip strength, motor coordination, exercise capacity (VO2max) and ske…

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SIRT1 regulation of insulin-signalling pathways in liver, white adipose tissue and pancreas during fasting or calorie restriction

In an excellent review by Yang et al.[1], published in issue 5 of Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, the involvement of the human sirtuin SIRT1 in nutrient-sensing and insulin-signalling pathways is explained. The regulation of SIRT1 with fasting in liver, pancreas and white adipose tissue is illustrated (see Figure 2 of Yang et al.). We consider that the depiction in the article by Yang et al. could be misleading for the reader, and we propose a modified version (Figure 1).

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Fuerza muscular inspiratoria dinámica y aptitud cardiorrespiratoria en función de edad y sexo

espanolObjetivo: Analizar la relacion entre fuerza inspiratoria y aptitud cardiorrespiratoria en un grupo de adultos mayores sanos y entrenados, atendiendo a edad y sexo. Metodo: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal y prospectivo. De los 153 participantes en el programa de entrenamiento multicomponente EFAM-UV© y mayores de 60 anos, 87 fueron evaluados de composicion corporal, presion arterial, saturacion de oxigeno, fuerza inspiratoria maxima y test de 6 minutos marcha. Como criterios de exclusion: fumador, padecer/haber padecido enfermedad respiratoria, cardiaca, neuromuscular o de la caja toracica, padecer/haber padecido deterioro cognitivo y/o llevar protesis dental. 67 adultos may…

research product

Vitamin C supplementation does not improve hypoxia-induced erythropoiesis.

Martinez-Bello,Vladimir E., Fabian Sanchis-Gomar, Daniel Martinez-Bello, Gloria Olaso-Gonzalez, Mari Carmen Gomez-Cabrera, and Jose Viña. Vitamin C Supplementation Does Not Improve Hypoxia-Induced Erythropoiesis. High Alt Med Biol 13:269–274, 2012.—Hypoxia induces reactive oxygen species production. Supplements with antioxidant mixtures can compensate for the decline in red cell membrane stability following intermittent hypobaric hypoxia by decreasing protein and lipid oxidation. We aimed to determine whether supplementation with vitamin C is implicated in the regulation of erythropoiesis and in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and also whether antioxidant supplementation prevents…

research product

Exercise and hormesis: activation of cellular antioxidant signaling pathway.

Contraction-induced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been shown to cause oxidative stress to skeletal muscle. As an adaptive response, muscle antioxidant defense systems are upregulated after heavy exercise. Nuclear factor (NF) kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are the major oxidative stress-sensitive signal transduction pathways in mammalian tissues. Activation of NF-kappaB signaling cascade has been shown to enhance the gene expression of important enzymes, such as mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). MAPK activations are involved in a variety of cellular functions including growth, proliferation, and adap…

research product

Mitochondria as sources and targets of damage in cellular aging.

Mitochondria are considered as the most important cellular sources and targets of free radicals. They are also a source of signalling molecules that regulate cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis. Denham Harman postulated the free radical theory of aging in 1956. Previously Rebecca Gershman showed that radiation toxicity could be attributed to free radical damage. Subsequently, Jaime Miquel formulated the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging. We have shown that mitochondrial size, membrane potential, inner membrane mass and peroxide production is altered inside cells in old animals. These result in an increase in the oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA with aging that can be prev…

research product

Estrogenic Modulation of Longevity by Induction of Antioxidant Enzymes

In many species including humans, females live longer than males. We and others have observed that mitochondria from females of Wistar rats and of OF1 mice produce half the amount of peroxide produced by males. We attributed this to a change in the expression of antioxidant, longevity-related genes. We have found that in those species in which females live longer than males, estrogens activate longevity-related genes, particularly antioxidant ones. It should be emphasized that estrogens do not act as antioxidants because of their phenolic ring but rather they act indirectly; that is, they behave as hormones and bind to estrogen receptors, which eventually leads to the upregulation of the ex…

research product

Exploring Potential Benefits of Accumulated Multicomponent-Training in Non-Active Older Adults: From Physical Fitness to Mental Health

The present study aimed to analyze the impact of a multicomponent training (MCT) program in a group of non-active older adults, comparing two different dose distributions. Twenty-four individuals, assigned to two groups, completed 15 weeks of MCT (2 days/week). The continuous group (CMCT

research product

Exercise and probiotics attenuate the development of Alzheimer's disease in transgenic mice: Role of microbiome

Abstract It has been suggested that exercise training and probiotic supplementation could decelerate the progress of functional and biochemical deterioration in APP/PS1 transgenic mice (APP/PS1TG). APP/PS1TG mice were subjected to exercise training and probiotic treatments and functional, biochemical and microbiome markers were analyzed. Under these conditions the mice significantly outperformed controls on The Morris Maze Test, and the number of beta-amyloid plaques decreased in the hippocampus. B. thetaiotaomicron levels correlated highly with the results of the Morris Maze Test (p

research product

Age-associated oxidative damage leads to absence of γ-cystathionase in over 50% of rat lenses: Relevance in cataractogenesis

Oxidative damage to lens proteins and glutathione depletion play a major role in the development of senile cataract. We previously found that a deficiency in gamma-cystathionase activity may be responsible for glutathione depletion in old lenses. The aims of this study were: (1) to investigate the mechanism that causes the age-related deficiency in gamma-cystathionase activity in the eye lens, and (2) to determine the role of gamma-cystathionase deficiency in cataractogenesis. Two populations of old rats were found, one (56%) whose lenses lacked gamma-cystathionase activity and the rest that exhibited detectable enzyme activity. gamma-Cystathionase protein was absent in lenses from old rats…

research product

Oxidative Stress and Ubiquitin Ligases: their involvement in skeletal muscle atrophy

Introduction Muscle atrophy plays a relevant role in the many very prevalent diseases. Generation of reactive oxygen species (mainly by the xanthine oxidase) and inflammation are two of the main triggers of muscle atrophy. Aim The major aim of our study was to determine the mechanism by which reactive oxygen species activate E3 ubiquitin ligases (MuRF-1 and MAFbx) cause muscle atrophy. Possible prevention by allopurinol, a well-known xanthine oxidase inhibitor widely used in clinical practice; and by indomethacin, a non-steroidal antiinflamatory drug was also studied. Materials and methods Male C57BL/6J mice (3 months old) conditioned by 14 days of hindlimb unloading with or without each tr…

research product

Redox regulation of E3 ubiquitin ligases and their role in skeletal muscle atrophy

Muscle atrophy is linked to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production during hindlimb-unloading due, at least in part, to the activation of xanthine oxidase (XO). The major aim of our study was to determine the mechanism by which ROS cause muscle atrophy and its possible prevention by allopurinol, a well-known inhibitor of XO widely used in clinical practice, and indomethacin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. We studied the activation of p38 MAP Kinase and NF-?B pathways, and the expression of two E3 ubiquitin ligases involved in proteolysis, the Muscle atrophy F-Box (MAFb) and Muscle RING Finger-1 (MuRF-1). Male Wistar rats (3 mold) conditioned by 14 days of hindlimb unloading (n=18),…

research product

Overweight, Obesity, and All-Cause Mortality

Dr Flegal and colleagues1 concluded that grade 1 obesity was not associated with higher all-cause mortality and that overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality. Other studies have shown that obesity in different populations, such as elderly people and patients with cardiovascular diseases, is also paradoxically not associated with a higher but rather with a lower mortality risk.2 This has been termed the obesity paradox

research product

Effects of acute exercise and xanthine oxidase inhibition on novel cardiovascular biomarkers.

Several sports have been associated with a postexercise increase of cardiac, liver, and skeletal muscle biomarkers of injury. Exhaustive or acute physical exercise causes an increased generation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in cellular injury. Thus, exercise and training may trigger pathophysiological changes in serum concentrations of a variety of biomarkers. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the variation of novel biomarkers of stress and cardiovascular disease such as copeptin, midregional part of proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM), growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, and placental growth factor along with uric acid before …

research product

Redox modulation of mitochondriogenesis in exercise. Does antioxidant supplementation blunt the benefits of exercise training?

Physical exercise increases the cellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in muscle, liver, and other organs. This is unlikely due to increased mitochondrial production but rather to extramitochondrial sources such as NADPH oxidase or xanthine oxidase. We have reported a xanthine oxidase-mediated increase in ROS production in many experimental models from isolated cells to humans. Originally, ROS were considered as detrimental and thus as a likely cause of cell damage associated with exhaustion. In the past decade, evidence showing that ROS act as signals has been gathered and thus the idea that antioxidant supplementation in exercise is always recommendable has proved incorrect.…

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