Kaisa Aunola
Motivational sources of practical nursing students at risk of dropping out from vocational education and training
The aim of this study was to contribute to the understanding of the reasons for low or high academic motivation among practical nursing students at risk of dropping out from vocational education and training. The research data consisted of semi-structured interviews with 14 Finnish students, which were analysed by qualitative content analysis. The analysis identified six motivational sources. Two of these sources – Responsible agency and Completing out of necessity – were related to engagement in studying, whereas two other sources – Exhaustion from learning challenges and Tight-roping between competing responsibilities – were related to disengagement from studying. Emotional drive and Soci…
Friend Influence and Susceptibility to Influence: Changes in Mathematical Reasoning as a Function of Relative Peer Acceptance and Interest in Mathematics
This study investigated friend influence over mathematics achievement in 202 same-sex friendship dyads (106 girl dyads). Participants were in the third grade (around age 9) at the outset. Each friend completed a questionnaire describing interest in mathematics and a standardized mathematical reasoning assessment. Peer nominations provided a measure of peer acceptance. The results revealed evidence that interest in mathematics moderates both the degree to which the higher-accepted friend was influential and the degree to which the lower-accepted friend was susceptible to influence. Specifically, the third-grade mathematical reasoning of the higher-accepted friend predicted an increase in the…
Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study
International audience; In Western countries, recent decades have witnessed a revolution toward gender equality. Inequalities have been greatly reduced in areas such as education or employment. Because inequalities lead to distress, this development has largely benefited women. One notable exception is the realm of parenting, which has remained rife with inequalities even in the most egalitarian countries. We hypothesized that experiencing inequality in parenting when one holds egalitarian values and raising a child in a country characterized by a high level of gender equality in other areas, increases mothers’ psychological distress in the specific area of parenting. Multilevel modeling an…
The role of parenting styles and teacher interactional styles in children's reading and spelling development.
Abstract This study examined the associations between parenting styles, teacher interactional styles, and children's reading and spelling skills. The sample consisted of 864 Finnish-speaking children and their parents (864 mothers, 864 fathers) and teachers ( N = 123). Children's risk for reading disabilities and reader status were assessed in kindergarten. Children were also tested on reading and spelling skills in Grades 1 and 2. Parenting styles and teacher interactional styles were measured using parents' and teachers' self-reports in Grade 1. First, the results indicated that both an authoritative parenting style and authoritative teacher interactional style positively predicted child…
Do Parents’ Causal Attributions Predict the Accuracy and Bias in their Children’s Self‐Concept of Maths Ability? A longitudinal study
The present study investigated the extent to which parents’ causal attributions predict the accuracy of, and bias in, their children’s self‐concept of maths ability. Participants were 207 children and their 182 mothers and 167 fathers, who were assessed during the children’s first and second primary school years. The results showed that the more parents thought that their children succeeded because of ability, the more accurate the children’s self‐concept of maths ability became. In contrast, the more the parents attributed their children’s success to effort, the less accurate and more optimistic the children’s self‐concept of ability became.
Friendship Moderates Prospective Associations Between Social Isolation and Adjustment Problems in Young Children
This longitudinal study investigated prospective links between social isolation and adjustment problems among 166 (77 girls, 89 boys) Finnish children ages 7 to 9. Peer nominations for social engagement and self‐reports of internalizing and externalizing problems were collected in the spring of the 1st and 2nd grade. Friendship moderated prospective associations between peer and adjustment variables. Among friended children, there were no prospective associations between social isolation and either internalizing or externalizing problems. Among unfriended children, initial social isolation was positively linked to subsequent increases in internalizing and externalizing problems, and initial…
How does academic achievement come about: cross-cultural and methodological notes
Abstract This chapter discusses the possible impact of cross-national diversity in academic institutions, in the selection of students, in the importance of national achievement tests, and cross-national differences in the variation of social background factors. It ends with the strengths and limitations of using path modeling in cross-sectional research. It is of particular interest to note whether study behaviors mediate the impact of students’ abilities on college success, or whether students’ abilities mediate the effect of study behaviors on achievement. A secondary concern is the extent to which the same causal model applies equally to different universities in different countries.
‘I was excited to train, so I didn’t have problems with the coach’: dual career athletes’ experiences of (dis)empowering motivational climates
In addition to investing in athletic development, adolescent elite athletes are expected to complete their secondary education. As a result of this expectation and the demands of sport and education, they may struggle to sustain high levels of motivation for both domains. Grounded in theoretical tenets of empowering coaching, this study sought to explore student–athletes’ perceptions of empowering and disempowering motivational climates and their possible implications for athletes’ dual career experiences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 Finnish student–athletes, and the data were thematically analysed. The analysis indicated that a majority of the athletes had experiences…
A new perspective on adolescent athletes’ transition into upper secondary school : A longitudinal mixed methods study protocol
The challenge of combining elite sport and education into a dual career pathway remains to be a source of concern for many high-performance athletes. Previous research findings suggest that committed participation in both domains is highly demanding and success in one pursuit often comes at the expense of the other. There are emergent studies, however, that argue for the beneficial and complementary nature of dual career pathways. Consequently, we emphasize the importance of understanding the processes underlying differences in the development of athletes’ life trajectories. This article presents a study protocol to explore new methodological and analytical approaches that may extend curren…
Developmental Dynamics of Math Performance From Preschool to Grade 2.
This study investigated the developmental dynamics of mathematical performance during children's transition from preschool to Grade 2 and the cognitive antecedents of this development. 194 Finnish children were examined 6 times according to their math performance, twice during each year across a 3-year period. Cognitive antecedents, that is, counting ability, visual attention, metacognitive knowledge, and listening comprehension, were tested at the first measurement point. The results indicated that math performance showed high stability and increasing variance over time. Moreover, the growth of math competence was faster among those who entered preschool with an already high level of mathe…
The Different Role of Mothers' and Fathers' Beliefs in the Development of Adolescents' Mathematics and Literacy Task Values
This study examined how interest and importance values concerning mathematics and literacy develop from grade 7 to grade 9 in comprehensive school and to what extent gender, in addition to mothers’ and fathers’ beliefs about the abilities of individual children, predicts the level of and changes in these values. A total of 206 Finnish students (100 girls, 106 boys) were followed from grade 7 to grade 9, just before an important transition from compulsory comprehensive school to secondary education occurs in the Finnish context. Students’ parents participated in the study when the students were in grade 7. The results of multivariate latent change models showed that interest and importance v…
Prematurity and overlap between reading and arithmetic: The cognitive mechanisms behind the association
It is well-known that very preterm children perform at lower levels than full-term children in reading and arithmetic at school. Whether the lower performance levels of preterm children in these two separate domains have the same or different origins, however, is not clear. The present study examined the extent to which prematurity is associated with the overlap (i.e., common variance) of reading and arithmetic among Finnish school beginners. We also examined the extent to which the association of prematurity with the overlap between reading and arithmetic is due to different prereading skills, basic number skills, and general cognitive abilities. The participants (age 6-7) consisted of 193…
Verbal counting skill predicts later math performance and difficulties in middle school
This study examined the role of verbal counting skill as an early predictor of math performance and difficulties (at or below −1.5 standard deviation in basic math skills) in middle school. The role of fourth-grade level arithmetical skills (i.e., calculation fluency, multi-digit arithmetic i.e. procedural calculation, and word problem solving) as mediators was also investigated. The participants included 207 children in central Finland who were studied from kindergarten to the seventh grade. Path modeling showed that verbal counting in kindergarten is a strong predictor for basic math performance in seventh grade, explaining even 52% of the variance in these skills after controlling for th…
Relationship between coaching climates and student-athletes’ symptoms of burnout in school and sports
The purpose of the present study was to investigate (a) what kind of coaching climates experienced by student-athletes can be found in sports high schools in Finland and (b) how these coaching climates are related to student-athletes’ symptoms of burnout in sports and in school. A total of 414 student-athletes, aged 17–18 years, from 7 sports high schools participated in this study. In addition to background information, the participants completed questionnaires concerning the perceived coaching climate and symptoms of burnout in both school and sports environments. By using latent profile analysis, 4 groups of experienced coaching climates were identified: extremely disempowering, disempow…
sj-doc-1-jcc-10.1177_00220221211072813 ��� Supplemental material for Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study
Supplemental material, sj-doc-1-jcc-10.1177_00220221211072813 for Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study by Isabelle Roskam, Laura Gall��e, Joyce Aguiar, Ege Akgun, Andrew Arena, Gizem Arikan, Kaisa Aunola, Michel Bader, Elizabeth J. Barham, Eliane Besson, Wim Beyers, Emilie Boujut, Maria Elena Brianda, Anna Brytek-Matera, No��mie Carbonneau, Filipa C��sar, Bin-Bin Chen, G��raldine Dorard, Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias, Sandra Dunsmuir, Natalia Egorova, Nicolas Favez, Anne-Marie Fontaine, Heather Foran, Julia Fricke, Kaichiro Furutani, Myrna Gannag��, Maria Gaspar, Lucie Godbout, Amit Goldenberg, James J. Gross, Maria Ancuta Gurza, Muhammad Aamir Hashmi, Mai Helmy, Mai Tr…
Primary school text comprehension predicts mathematical word problem-solving skills in secondary school
This longitudinal study aimed to investigate the extent to which primary school text comprehension predicts mathematical word problem-solving skills in secondary school among Finnish students. The participants were 224 fourth graders (9–10 years old at the baseline). The children’s text-reading fluency, text comprehension and basic calculation ability were tested in grade four. In grade seven and nine, their skills in solving mathematical word problems were assessed. Overall, the results showed that text comprehension in grade four of primary school predicts math word problem-solving skills in secondary school, after controlling for text-reading fluency and basic calculation ability. Among …
The development of school and sports task values among adolescent athletes : The role of gender
AbstractSuccessfully integrating elite sports with education requires motivation to commit oneself to both domains. This study examines the development of and gender differences in adolescent athletes’ task values for school and sports across the upper secondary school years. A total of 391 adolescents (aged 15–16 at the beginning of the study) were followed four times during sports upper secondary school. The participating student athletes were recruited from six sports upper secondary schools in Finland, which offer equal competitive sport opportunities for both genders. The results showed that school- and sports- task values are strongly related to each other. Males valued school less th…
The Co-developmental Dynamic of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes : The Role of Achievement Goals
Student‐athletes who strive for success in high‐level sports while pursuing upper secondary education may be prone to sport and school burnout. This study examined the co‐developmental dynamic of sport and school burnout in Finnish adolescent student‐athletes (Ntime 1 = 391; Ntime 2 = 373) across the first year of upper secondary school using cross‐lagged structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, we used sport and school‐related achievement goals as predictors of sport and school burnout, namely sport and school‐related exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy. The results showed that burnout dimensions in a particular domain were substantially stable within the same domain d…
Sukupuoli ja valmennustyyli vaikuttavat opiskelevien urheilijoiden urapolkuihin
Huipulle tähtäävän urheilun ja opiskelun yhdistäminen onnistuu lukiossa paremmin naisilta kuin miehiltä. Valmentajan merkitys kaksoisuran tukijana on tärkeä. nonPeerReviewed
Urheilija vai opiskelija? : urheilulukiolaisten identiteettiprofiilit
Tutkimuksessa lukioikäisten nuorten kykyä yhdistää opinnot ja urheilu tarkasteltiin identiteetin näkökulmasta. Erityisesti oltiin kiinnostuneita siitä, millaisia identiteettiprofiileja nuorilla urheilijoilla on havaittavissa lukion alussa sekä miten sukupuoli, urheilulaji sekä urheilu- ja opintomenestys selittävät näitä profiileja. Tutkimus on osa ”Finnish Longitudinal Dual Career Study” -tutkimushanketta, jossa seurataan urheilulukiossa opiskelevien nuorten psykososiaalista kehitystä ja akateemista suuntautumista lukiovuosien aikana urheiluun liittyvän urakehityksen rinnalla (Ryba ym. 2016). Syksyllä 2015 suoritettuun kyselytutkimukseen osallistui 391 urheilulukion ensimmäisellä luokalla o…
The role of parents' and teachers' beliefs in children's self-concept development
This study examined to what extent parents' and teachers' beliefs about children's abilities predict children's self-concept of math and reading ability development during the first grade, and whether these predictions depend on the child's gender and level of performance. One hundred fifty-two children and their parents and teachers were followed across first grade. The results showed, first, that the associations between teachers' beliefs and children's subsequent self-concept of ability depended on the level of the children's performance. Among high-performers, the higher the teachers' beliefs about their students' abilities in reading or in math, the higher the subsequent level of self-…
Beginning readers' reading performance and reading habits
This study investigated the prospective relationships between reading performance and reading habits among Finnish children during the first and second grades of primary school. One hundred and ninety-five children were examined twice during their first primary school year and once during the spring term of Grade 2. The results showed, first, that children's reading skills predicted their reading habits: the more competent in reading children were at the end of Grade 1, the more likely they were to engage in out-of-school reading one year later. Second, reading habits also predicted reading skills: the amount of out-of-school reading at the end of Grade 1 contributed to the development of w…
Children's Temperament and Academic Skill Development During First Grade: Teachers' Interaction Styles as Mediators.
The present study followed 156 Finnish children (Mage = 7.25 years) during the first grade of primary school to examine to what extent parent- and teacher-rated temperament impacts children's math and reading skill development during the first grade, and the extent to which this impact would be mediated by teachers' interaction styles with the children. The results showed that the impact of children's low task orientation and negative emotionality on their math skill development was mediated via teachers' behavioral control and, among girls, also by psychological control. The negative impact of children's inhibition on math skill development, in turn, was not mediated via teachers' interact…
Vanhempien ja kodin merkitys oppimisessa
Tässä luvussa luodaan katsaus siihen, mitä tutkimustiedon valossa tiedetään vanhempien ja kodin merkityksestä kouluoppimiselle ja mihin kotiympäristön ja perhevuorovaikutuksen osa-alueisiin olisi syytä kiinnittää huomiota pyrittäessä tukemaan erityisesti niiden lasten oppimista, joilla on oppimisessaan vaikeuksia. Tässä luvussa käytetään käsitettä vanhemmat, jolla viitataan kaikkiin vanhemmuuden tehtäviä hoitaviin huoltajiin. Keskeisenä näkökulmana tuodaan esiin oppimiseen liittyvien prosessien yksilöllisyys ja kaksisuuntaisuus: vanhempien osallistumisen merkitys lapsen oppimiselle voi olla erilainen riippuen lapsesta, ja lapsen ominaisuudet vaikuttavat siihen, miten vanhemmat hänen kanssaa…
Validity of the Finnish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA)
The aim of the present study was to validate the Finnish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) using data from 1,688 Finnish parents (91\% mothers) living in Finland with at least one child living at home. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the theoretical four-factor structure of the PBA – emotional exhaustion in one’s parental role, contrast with previous parental self, feelings of being fed up with one’s parental role, and emotional distancing from one’s children. Internal consistency for the total scale was excellent (Cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.90) and for the subscales from acceptable (alpha ≥ 0.70) to excellent. The results further demonstrated strict factorial invariance of …
The role of individual and parental expectations in student-athletes’ career adaptability profiles
To support holistic development, adolescent student-athletes are encouraged to integrate sport with education/academics (i.e., dual careers). Career adaptability, as a psychological resource, may help youth athletes cope with transitions and successfully manage their careers. Individuals with a plan and higher expectations for the future demonstrate higher career adaptability and are better prepared for the future. In the present study, we examined what kinds of distinct career adaptability profiles could be identified among youth athletes in Finland at the transition stage to a sports high school (i.e., specialized school for athletes). Moreover, we investigated whether youth athletes’ suc…
Changes in stress perception and coping during adolescence: the role of situational and personal factors.
The present study investigated the interplay between developmental changes in stress and coping during early and late adolescence. Using a longitudinal design, stress perception and coping styles of 200 adolescents in 7 different stressful situations were investigated. Multilevel piecewise latent growth curve models showed that stress perception decreased during late adolescence, whereas active and internal coping increased continuously from ages 12 to 19. Adolescents’ high levels of perceived stress in a particular situation were associated with a high level of active coping but a low level of internal coping in that same situation. Withdrawal was associated with high levels of perceived s…
Parental Teaching of Reading and Spelling Across the Transition From Kindergarten to Grade 1
We investigated the longitudinal links between parental teaching of reading and spelling and children’s word reading and spelling skills. Data of 244 Lithuanian parent–child dyads were analyzed, who were followed across three time points: end of kindergarten (T1; Mage = 6.88; 116 girls), beginning of Grade 1 (T2), and end of Grade 1 (T3). The children’s word reading and spelling skills were tested, and the parents answered questionnaires on the frequency with which they taught their children reading and spelling. Overall, the results showed that the parents were responsive to their children’s skill levels across the domains of reading and spelling and across time (i.e., the transition from …
Couples share similar changes in depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction anticipating the birth of a child
The birth of a child is a demanding family life situation. This longitudinal study investigated to what extent spouses' depressive symptoms and marital dissatisfaction associated with pregnancy and childbirth (and their changes over time) were characteristic of the spousal relationship and/or the individual spouses. Pregnant women (N= 320) and their spouses (N = 259) were examined twice before and twice following childbirth. Results indicated that changes in depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction during pregnancy were characteristic of the spousal relationship, whereas changes after birth were characteristic of both the relationship and the individual spouses. Couples with initially …
Linguistic and spatial skills predict early arithmetic development via counting sequence knowledge
Utilizing a longitudinal sample of Finnish children (ages 6-10), two studies examined how early linguistic (spoken vs. written) and spatial skills predict later development of arithmetic, and whether counting sequence knowledge mediates these associations. In Study 1 (N = 1,880), letter knowledge and spatial visualization, measured in kindergarten, predicted the level of arithmetic in first grade, and later growth through third grade. Study 2 (n = 378) further showed that these associations were mediated by counting sequence knowledge measured in first grade. These studies add to the literature by demonstrating the importance of written language for arithmetic development. The findings are …
Parenting culture(s): Ideal-parent beliefs across 37 countries
What is it to be “an ideal parent”? Does the answer differ across countries and social classes? To answer these questions in a way that minimizes bias and ethnocentrism, we used open-ended questions to explore ideal-parent beliefs among 8,357 mothers and 3,517 fathers from 37 countries. Leximancer Semantic Network Analysis was utilized to first determine parenting culture zones (i.e., countries with shared ideal-parent beliefs) and then extract the predominant themes and concepts in each culture zone. The results yielded specific types of ideal-parent beliefs in five parenting culture zones: being “responsible and children/family-focused” for Asian parents, being “responsible and proper de…
Longitudinal latent profiles of work–family balance: Examination of antecedents and outcomes.
Burned-out Fathers and Untold Stories: Mixed Methods Investigation of the Demands and Resources of Finnish Fathers
Although parental burnout has been acknowledged as a unique psychological condition that can have serious consequences to families, most research so far has been conducted with mothers. The present study investigated how the descriptions of parenting-related demands and resources differ between burned-out and non-burned-out fathers. Furthermore, we examined what kinds of support or services fathers need to increase their wellbeing as parents. The participants were 10 fathers with the highest level of parental burnout symptoms, and 14 fathers with the lowest level of parental burnout symptom, out of 158 fathers who answered the questionnaire. The qualitative open-ended answers were analyzed…
Nonstandard Work Hours and Single Versus Coupled Mothers’ Work-to-Family Conflict
Objective: To compare single and coupled mothers’ experiences of time-based work-to-family conflict (WFC) and work-to-family positive affective spillover (PAS) in the context of maternal nonstandard work hours.Background: Despite having become one of the central topics of work–family research, studies examining the relationship of maternal work schedules and family roles have mainly focused on North American samples or dual-earner families. Although qualitative studies have highlighted the problems faced by European single mothers in relation to the combination of nonstandard work hours and family life, there are no quantitative or cross-national comparative studies on the association.Metho…
A person-oriented approach to sport and school burnout in adolescent student-athletes: The role of individual and parental expectations
Abstract Objectives The present study aimed to examine what kind of burnout profiles exist among student-athletes based on their sport and school burnout symptoms. Moreover, it was investigated whether athletes' expectations of success in sport and school, on the one hand, and parental expectations, on the other hand, were predictors of the likelihood of the athlete to show a certain profile, after taking into account the effects of gender, grade point average, type of sport, and level of competition. Design and methods The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) from six different upper secondary sport schools in Finland, and 448 parents (58% mothers). The athletes filled in q…
Perhemuodon ja sisarusaseman yhteys lapsen sosiaaliseen suosituimmuuteen ja näkyvyyteen ensimmäisellä luokalla
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin perhemuodon, sisaruuden ja syntymäjärjestyksen yhteyttä lapsen saamaan hyväksyntään ikätovereiden keskuudessa ensimmäisellä luokalla. Tutkittavina oli 154 keskisuomalaista lasta yhdeksältä luokalta. Lapsen sosiaalista suosituimmuutta ja näkyvyyttä arvioitiin ensimmäisen luokan keväällä pyytämällä lapsia mainitsemaan luokkatovereita, joiden kanssa he viettävät mielellään aikaansa ja joiden kanssa he vastaavasti eivät mielellään vietä aikaansa. Perhetaustasta kerättiin tietoa vanhemmilta kyselylomakkeella lasten ollessa esikoulussa. Tulokset osoittivat, että ydinperheessä elävät lapset olivat ikätovereidensa keskuudessa pidetympiä kuin uusperheissä elävät lapset. T…
The roles of teacher–student relationship quality and self-concept of ability in adolescents’ achievement emotions: temperament as a moderator
AbstractThis study examined to what extent teacher–student conflict and closeness, on the one hand, and students’ self-concepts of ability in literacy and mathematics, on the other, are related to students’ achievement emotions (enjoyment, anxiety and boredom) in mathematics and literacy among Finnish early adolescents (N = 854). We also investigated the extent to which these associations are moderated by student temperament (surgency/extraversion, negative affectivity and effortful control). The results showed, after accounting for relevant covariates, that in both school subjects, teacher–student conflict was negatively related to enjoyment and positively to anxiety and boredom, whereas t…
The interplay between maternal homework involvement, task-avoidance, and achievement among adolescents.
This study examined three aspects of maternal homework involvement (i.e., the quantity, quality, and source of initiative) and their direct and indirect associations with adolescents’ task-avoidant behavior in homework situations and academic achievement. The sample consisted of Finnish mothers and their adolescents who were transitioning from primary to lower secondary school. Mothers rated the quantity of their homework involvement (i.e., monitoring and help), quality of their homework involvement (i.e., autonomy support and psychological control), and source of initiative (i.e., mother- vs. adolescent-initiated monitoring and help) at the beginning of Grade 6. They also reported on adole…
Developmental dynamics between mathematical performance, task motivation, and teachers' goals during the transition to primary school.
Background. It has been suggested that children's learning motivation and interest in a particular subject play an important role in their school performance, particularly in mathematics. However, few cross-lagged longitudinal studies have been carried out to investigate the prospective relationships between academic achievement and task motivation. Moreover, the role that the classroom context plays in this development is largely unknown. Aims. The aim of the study was to investigate the developmental dynamics of maths-related motivation and mathematical performance during children's transition to primary school. The role of teachers' pedagogical goals and classroom characteristics on this…
Symptoms of psychological ill-being and school dropout intentions among upper secondary education students : a person-centered approach
A person-centered approach was used to identify the profiles of symptoms of psychological ill-being among Finnish upper secondary education students (N = 2889); to examine whether gender and educational track (i.e., academic or vocational) are associated with these profiles; and to investigate the role of profiles in school dropout intentions. Using latent profile analysis, one asymptomatic profile (normative, 79.2%) and three symptomatic profiles (internalizing symptoms, 9.1%; externalizing symptoms, 9.1%; and comorbid symptoms, 2.6%) were identified. Boys in the vocational track were overrepresented in the externalizing-symptoms profile, whereas girls in both tracks were overrepresented i…
Parenting styles and adolescents' achievement strategies.
The aim of the study was to investigate the extent to which adolescents' achievement strategies are associated with the parenting styles they experience in their families. Three hundred and fifty-four 14-year-old adolescents completed a Strategy and Attribution Questionnaire and a family parenting style inventory. Analogous questionnaires were also completed by the adolescents' parents. Based on adolescents' report of the parenting styles, four types of families were identified: those with Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Neglectful parenting styles. The results further showed that adolescents from authoritative families applied most adaptive achievement strategies characterize…
Development of School and Sport Burnout in Adolescent Student-Athletes: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study.
We investigated the development of school and sport burnout in adolescent student-athletes (N Time 1 = 391, N Time 2 = 373) during their first year in upper secondary school using an embedded mixed-methods design. The questionnaire-based data were analyzed with growth mixture modeling and four burnout profiles were identified among student-athletes. From the found burnout profiles, two were typical for the interviewed subsample of elite athletes (n = 17), that is, burnout risk and non risk profiles. We generated rich descriptions of well-being and ill-being, showing that elite athletes in two burnout profiles differed in their experienced demands and resources related to individual and envi…
Peer group homogeneity in adolescents' school adjustment varies according to peer group type and gender
This study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups are similar in terms of their school adjustment and whether this homogeneity varies according to peer group type and gender. A total of 1262 peer group members who had recently moved to post-comprehensive education filled in questionnaires measuring their academic achievement, satisfaction with their educational track, school engagement, and school burnout. They also gave positive peer nominations on the basis of which 360 peer groups were identified and categorized as cliques, loose groups, and isolate dyads. The results showed that the members of adolescents' peer groups particularly resembled each other in terms of …
The Co-developmental Dynamic of Sport and School Burnout among Student-Athletes : The Role of Achievement Goals
Student-athletes who strive for success in high-level sports while pursuing upper secondary education may be prone to sport and school burnout. This study examined the co-developmental dynamic of sport and school burnout in Finnish adolescent student-athletes (Ntime 1 = 391; Ntime 2 = 373) across the first year of upper secondary school using cross-lagged structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, we used sport and school-related achievement goals as predictors of sport and school burnout, namely sport and school-related exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of inadequacy. The results showed that burnout dimensions in a particular domain were substantially stable within the same domain…
Miksi lapsi haluaa hyppiä vesilammikoissa ja aikuinen ei?
The Role of Resilience in Student-Athletes’ Sport and School Burnout and Dropout : A Longitudinal Person-oriented Study
Although it has been shown that student‐athletes who pursue upper secondary school alongside with an athletic career may be prone to sport and school burnout, the concrete life changes resulting from burning out, such as dropping out of sport or school, have not been investigated. Moreover, it is unknown why some student‐athletes do not burnout. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether there are different kinds of profiles—based on the level and development of sport and school burnout symptoms across upper secondary school—that can be identified among student‐athletes and how resilience and the likelihood of dropping out from sport or school differ between the profiles. The s…
Development of reading skills among preschool and primary school pupils
This study investigated the trajectories of preschool and first-grade children's development of reading skills, as well as the cognitive and social antecedents of that development. One-hundred and ninety-six 5- to 6-year-old children were tested in October and April of their preschool year and again in the first grade. Data included measures of reading ability and its cognitive and social antecedents, which were analyzed using Simplex and Piecewise Growth Curve Modeling. The results showed that during the preschool year individual differences in reading grew larger and that this growth was faster among those who entered preschool with well-developed skills. However, during the first grade i…
Motivation and academic performance among first-graders : A person-oriented approach
The present study applies a person-oriented approach to examine the motivational patterns children show on the basis of their reading- and math-related intrinsic value and self-concept of ability and how these patterns are related to their reading and math performance during the first grade of elementary school. The participants were 156 first grade children. The children were examined at the beginning and at the end of their first grade of elementary school. Five groups of children showing differing motivational patterns were identified using the ISOA procedure: Positive, Negative, Math-motivated, Reading-motivated, and Low interest but high belief. Children's motivational patterns were as…
Predictors of mothers' and fathers' teaching of reading and mathematics during kindergarten and Grade 1
Abstract The aim of the present longitudinal study was to investigate factors contributing to mothers' and fathers' teaching of reading and mathematics to their children during kindergarten and Grade 1. It was assumed that mothers' and fathers' teaching during kindergarten would be influenced by their socioeconomic status and their own learning difficulties, whereas during Grade 1 by their children's academic performance. A total of 189 mothers and 165 fathers filled in questionnaires regarding their teaching of reading and mathematics twice, once in kindergarten and once in Grade 1. Children's reading and mathematics performance was also examined twice, once in kindergarten and once in Gra…
The role of mothers' beliefs in students' self-concept of ability development
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the child-related competence beliefs of mothers are associated with the development of Finnish adolescents' self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability during their transition from primary to lower secondary school and whether these associations depend on adolescents' level of performance. The results showed that, first, adolescents' self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability decreased over time. The impact of maternal beliefs on the linear trend of the self-concept of mathematics and literacy ability was dependent on the level of students' performance. Mothers' high beliefs buffered against the decrease in adolescents' self-concep…
The cross-lagged associations between classroom interactions and children’s achievement behaviors
This study examined the cross-lagged associations between the quality of classroom interactions and children’s behaviors in achievement situations. The achievement behaviors in challenging test situations of 166 Finnish children from 70 classrooms were rated by trained testers in grades 1 and 2. The quality of classroom interactions in terms of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support were observed in 25 classrooms (out of 70) in grades 1 and 2. The results of multilevel modeling showed that classroom teachers’ low emotional support predicted children’s subsequent high passive avoidance, whereas high classroom organization and instructional support predicted chil…
Peer group influence and selection in adolescents' school burnout : A longitudinal study
The present study investigated the extent to which peer group similarity in school burnout is due to peer group influence and the extent to which it is due to peer group selection. Moreover, the roles of academic achievement and gender in school burnout were examined. A total of 611 ninth graders were examined at the beginning of the final term of comprehensive school, and 614 were examined at the end of the final term. The results of the Multilevel Latent Growth Modeling showed that peer group influence was responsible for peer group similarity, but no evidence was found for peer group selection. The results showed further that high academic achievement protected group members against an i…
Parenting Styles and Children’s Emotional Development during the First Grade: The Moderating Role of Child Temperament
This study investigated the associations between parenting styles (affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) and children’s emotional development (emotion expression) during the first grade of primary school, and the moderating role of children’s temperament (easy, difficult, and inhibited) in these associations. Mothers and fathers of 152 children responded to a questionnaire concerning their parenting styles and their child’s temperament at the beginning of their child’s first grade (Time 1). They also filled in a structured diary questionnaire concerning their child’s negative and positive emotions over seven successive days (diary) at the beginning (Time 1) and at the en…
The Role of Task Values in Adolescents' Educational Tracks: A Person-Oriented Approach
The present study examined what kinds of patterns of task-values adolescents show, and whether these patterns predict their educational and occupational expectations and school track. Six hundred and fourteen adolescents were examined twice before their transition to secondary education and once thereafter. The clustering-by-cases analyses identified 6 groups: (1) those who placed a high value on all school subjects, (2) those who did not value any of the subjects, (3) those who valued Finnish and social sciences, (4) those who valued in particular practical and art subjects, (5) those who valued only practical and art subjects, and (6) those who especially valued mathematics and science. T…
A person-oriented approach to diary data. Children’s temperamental negative emotionality increases susceptibility to emotion transmission in father-child dyads
The notion that some individuals are more prone to emotion transmission than others has prompted the need for a person-oriented approach to emotion transmission in parent-child dyads. The present study applied a person-oriented analysis to examine the patterns of emotion transmission that can be identified in the diary data of father-child dyads, and the extent to which children with high levels of temperamental negative emotionality are particularly susceptible to emotion transmission within the family. Mothers of 149 first grade children (age 6 to 7) completed questionnaires concerning their child’s temperament. Mothers and fathers maintained diary questionnaires (for a total of 7 days) c…
Maternal Parenting Styles and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes
The purpose of this study is to examine differences in parenting styles between mothers of children with type 1 diabetes and mothers of healthy children and to explore relationships between parenting styles and glycemic control of children with diabetes. Mothers of 63 children with diabetes and mothers of 83 children without diabetes reported their parenting styles using the Blocks&rsquo
Mathematical performance predicts progress in reading comprehension among 7-year olds
The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate cross-lagged relationships between mathematical performance and reading comprehension during the first and second years of primary school. 114 Finnish-speaking children were examined six times on mathematics and reading comprehension during Years 1 and 2. At the beginning of Year 1, they were also tested on initial mathematics and reading skill, general concept ability and visual-motor skills. The results showed, firstly, that mathematics and reading comprehension were highly associated with each other across both years. Secondly, mathematical performance predicted subsequent reading comprehension during the first year rather than vice v…
Positive Teacher Affect and Maternal Support Facilitate Adjustment After the Transition to First Grade
This longitudinal study, conducted among a sample of Finnish primary-school children, examined the proposition that a single high-quality relationship (either with a teacher or a parent) can buffer against adjustment problems. Teachers rated the externalizing problems and prosocial behaviors of 378 children in Grade 1 and again in Grade 2. Relationship measures gathered in Grade 1 included teacher reports of positive affect for the child and mother reports of support for the child. The results supported our proposition by showing that for child adjustment after the transition to primary school it was critical to have at least one high-quality relationship either with a teacher or a parent. …
The Relationship Between Generalized Resistance Resources, Sense of Coherence, and Health Among Finnish People Aged 65-69
Abstract. The present study investigated the appropriateness of Antonovsky's model, in which generalized resistance resources (GRRs) facilitate an individual's sense of coherence (SOC); which in turn is assumed to sustain health. The proposed model was tested using a sample of 320 Finnish persons (132 of them were men and 188 women) aged 65-69 years. The GRRs investigated were family income, cognitive functioning, years of formal education, marital status, and physical exercise. Health was measured by means of a multidimensional indicator composed of physical, social and mental health. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) within the framework of LISREL models were used to test the hypothesi…
Parents' Causal Attributions Concerning Children's School Achievement: A Longitudinal Study
The present study investigated the causes to which parents attribute their children's academic successes and failures during children's transition from preschool to primary school. It followed 182 mothers and 167 fathers of 207 children. The parents completed a questionnaire concerning their causal attributions, level of education, and parenting styles in the middle of the preschool year and during Grades 1 and 2. The children's performance in reading and mathematics was tested at the beginning of the preschool year. The results showed that, while the children were in preschool, parents attributed their children's success to ability and teaching. When the children moved to primary school, p…
The roles of achievement-related behaviours and parental beliefs in children´s mathematical performance
This study aimed to investigate the developmental dynamics between children's mathematical performance, the task-focused versus task-avoidant behaviours they show in the classroom, and their parents' beliefs concerning their school competence. The mathematical performance of 111 six- to seven-year-old children was tested, and their task-focused versus task-avoidant behaviours were rated by their teachers four times during their first school year. Parents filled in questionnaires measuring their skill-specific and general beliefs about their children's school competencies at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The results showed that parents' beliefs in their children's general …
Job resources and flow at work : modeling the relationship via latent growth curve and mixture model methodology
The aim of the present three-wave follow-up study (n = 335) among employees of an employment agency was to investigate the association between job resources and work-related flow utilizing both variable- and person-oriented approaches. In addition, emotional exhaustion was studied as a moderator of the job resources-flow relationship, and as a predictor of the development of job resources and flow. The variable-oriented approach, based on latent growth curve analyses, revealed that the levels of job resources and flow at work, as well as changes in these variables, were positively associated with each other. The person-oriented inspection with the growth mixture modelling identified four tr…
The role of self-esteem on fear of childbirth and birth experience
Objective: Fear of childbirth (FOC), also referred to as tokophobia, can have detrimental consequences for a woman’s well-being during pregnancy and for their subjective birth experience. However, it is unknown what role self-esteem plays in the relationship between FOC and the experience of childbirth. This study investigates the relation between FOC and the birth experience, and the role of selfesteem in that relation. Methods: We studied 125 nulliparous and parous Finnish women from their third trimester of pregnancy to 4–8 weeks postpartum. Path analysis with MLR estimation was conducted using MPlus to predict the childbirth experience according to prior self-esteem and fear of childbir…
Parental ability attributions regarding children's academic performance: Person-oriented approach on longitudinal data
The aim of this study was to identify subgroups of mothers and fathers who differ according to the patterns of causal attribution to ability for their children's academic success and failure across early school years. Moreover, the extent to which the mother and father of the same child share the same attribution pattern, and how the attribution patterns are associated with the parents' level of education, children's sex and children's academic performance was investigated. A total of 1721 mothers and 1198 fathers filled out a questionnaire concerning their child-related ability attributions when the children were in Grades 1–3. Five different attribution patterns were identified with laten…
Task-motivation during the first school years: A person-oriented approach to longitudinal data
Abstract The present study investigated the kinds of motivational patterns primary school students show in terms of the value they place on math, reading and writing, respectively, and the extent to which these patterns are prospectively associated with academic performance, and related to self-concept of ability. Two-hundred and eleven 6- to 7-year-old children were examined twice during Grade 1, and twice during Grade 2. On each measurement occasion, they were assessed on their performance in reading and math, and on their self-concept of ability and task-motivation in those skills. The clustering-by-states analysis for longitudinal data identified four groups of children: those who place…
Developmental dynamics of achievement strategies, reading performance, and parental beliefs
This study investigates the developmental dynamics between children's achievement strategies, reading performance, and parental beliefs, by using longitudinal data. The reading performances of 111 six- to seven-year-old children were tested four times during their first year of primary school. In the same time, the children's use of a task-avoidant versus a task-focused achievement strategy in the classroom context was rated by their teachers. Parents filled in questionnaires measuring their general beliefs about their children's school performance and their reading-specific beliefs at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The results showed thatparents' beliefs in their children…
Children evoke similar affective and instructional responses from their teachers and mothers
In the present study, we examined the extent to which the responses of teachers and mothers toward a particular child are similar in respect to their instructional support and affect, and whether child characteristics predict these responses. The data of 373 Finnish child–teacher–mother triads (178 girls, 195 boys) were analysed. Teachers and mothers reported their instructional support and affective responses toward a child in the school/homework context in Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the beginning of Grade 1, the children’s performance in reading and math was tested, and teachers evaluated the children’s externalizing and internalizing problem behaviour. The results demonstrated that mothe…
Early Cognitive Precursors of Children's Mathematics Learning Disability and Persistent Low Achievement: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study.
Mathematical difficulties have been distinguished as mathematics learning disability (MLD) and persistent low achievement (LA). Based on 1,880 Finnish children who were followed from kindergarten (age 6) to fourth grade, this study examined the early risk factors for MLD and LA. Distinct groups of MLD (6.0% of the sample) and LA (25.7%) children were identified on the basis of their mathematics performance between first and fourth grades with latent class growth modeling. Impairment in the same set of cognitive skills, including language, spatial, and counting skills, was found to underlie MLD and LA. The finding highlights the importance of monitoring mathematical development across the ea…
Urheilun ja opiskelun yhdistämisessä tarvitaan valmennusta kahdelle uralle
The Quality of Maternal Homework Involvement : The Role of Adolescent and Maternal Factors
This study examined adolescent and maternal factors of the quality of maternal homework involvement and the extent to which the factors predicted adolescents' subsequent achievement through adolescents' and mothers' perceptions of the quality of maternal homework involvement. The sample consisted of 847 Finnish adolescents and their 662 mothers who both rated the quality of homework involvement (i.e., autonomy support and psychological control) in the fall of Grade 6. Adolescents rated their positive and negative academic emotions. Mothers rated their beliefs about adolescents' school success, their positive and negative emotions, and adolescents' task avoidance in homework situations. Info…
The role of parental affection and psychological control in adolescent athletes' symptoms of school and sport burnout during the transition to upper secondary school.
Abstract Introduction The transition from compulsory school to upper secondary school is a challenging period for adolescents. Especially challenging it can be for adolescents who aim to integrate two domains of achievement, such as an athletic career and academic education. The pressure from two intertwined achievement domains may make student-athletes vulnerable to symptoms of burnout. The study examined the role of mothers' and fathers’ affection and psychological control as possible risk or protective factors in the symptoms of school and sport burnout among 15–16 year olds adolescent athletes in Finland. Methods The adolescents’ (n = 391) burnout symptoms in the two domains were measur…
Development and validation of the Brief Parental Burnout Scale (BPBS).
Since parental burnout can have detrimental consequences for parents, couples, and children, easy-to-use, reliable, and valid practical tools for the early detection of parental burnout are required. We developed and validated a brief scale to identify burned-out parents and parents at burnout risk. In Study 1, we developed the 5-item Brief Parental Burnout scale (BPBs) based on the gold standard measure of parental burnout, the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA). We applied Item Response Theory Graded Response Model (GRM) analyses on the data of 1,725 Finnish parents. Compared against the PBA total score, the five selected items showed both high sensitivity and specificity in screening pare…
Teacher ability evaluation and changes in elementary student profiles of motivation and performance in mathematics
Abstract The aim of this person-centered study is to identify the profiles of interest value, self-concept, and performance in the domain of mathematics among elementary school students and to examine the stability and changes in these profiles from grade 1 to grade 2. Teacher-reported evaluations of students' mathematical ability and gender were examined as predictors of changes in the student profiles. The sample consisted of 237 students (46.8% girls). The latent profile analysis identified four profiles: 1) low levels of interest value, medium levels of self-concept and performance; 2) low levels of interest value, self-concept and performance; 3) high levels of interest value, self-con…
Implications of the identity position for dual career construction: Gendering the pathways to (Dis)continuation
Objectives To examine how gender functions in the narrative construction of dual career styles, and how these styles impact the (dis)continuation of a dual career pathway. Design Longitudinal qualitative study. Method Life story interviews with 18 talented Finnish athletes (10 cis women, 8 cis men) at four points in time – when they averaged 16, 17, 19, and 20 years of age – followed by an integrative narrative-discursive analysis. Results (a) contrapuntal style was gender-typically female; (b) monophonic style was gender-typically male; and (c) dissonant style was an important pathway to dual career discontinuation through which gender ideologies impacted the emergent adults with different…
Developmental Dynamics of Phonemic Awareness and Reading Performance During the First Year of Primary School
This study investigates prospective relationships between phonemic awareness and reading performance during the first year of Finnish primary school. Pedagogical interest lay in finding out whether systematic use of phonics in reading instruction supported children’s reading performance even if children can already decode. A total of 85 children were examined three times on phonemic awareness and four times on reading performance during the first school year. At the beginning of the school year, they were also tested on initial reading skills. The results showed that the development of phonemic awareness and reading performance was reciprocal. Reading performance predicted phonemic awarene…
A teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior: A validation study of the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale
Abstract This study aims to validate a teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior, namely the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale (BSRS), in a sample of 352 Finnish children. In each of the four waves from Kindergarten to Grade 2, teachers rated children's task-avoidant behavior using the BSRS, children completed reading and mathematics tests, and trained testers rated children's task-avoidant and social-dependent behavior after the test situation. Mothers also rated children's task-avoidant behavior in the last two waves. The results showed that a two-factor model including one factor representing task avoidance and one method factor accounting for wording effects among the n…
Cognitive predictors of single-digit and procedural calculation skills and their covariation with reading skill.
Abstract This study examined the extent to which children’s cognitive abilities in kindergarten and their mothers’ education predict their single-digit and procedural calculation skills and the covariance of these with reading skill in Grade 4. In kindergarten, we assessed children’s (N = 178) basic number skills, linguistic skills, and visual attention. In Grade 4, we assessed their calculation and reading skills. Data on children’s cognitive ability at 5 years of age and their mothers’ level of education were also collected. The results showed that both of the core components of calculation, single-digit and procedural calculation, as well as their covariance with reading, were predicted …
Supportive Parenting Buffers the Effects of Low Peer Acceptance on Children’s Internalizing Problem Behaviors
Background Children who are not accepted in their peer group are at risk of developing internalizing problem behaviors. It is possible, however, that supportive parenting can provide a buffer against the detrimental effects of low peer acceptance. Objective This study examined maternal and paternal affection and psychological control as moderators of the association between children’s peer acceptance during the critical transition to primary school and level and subsequent development of internalizing problem behaviors from first to sixth grade. Method A total of 608 children (264 girls, 344 boys) were rated by their teachers on their internalizing problems in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. Child…
Children's school performance and their parents' causal attributions to ability and effort: A longitudinal study
Abstract The present study investigated the cross-lagged associations between parents' attributions of ability and effort concerning their children's success and failure, and children's academic performance in kindergarten and primary school. Two hundred seven children and their parents were followed over three years. The parents completed a questionnaire concerning their causal attributions for their children's performance three times. Children's performance in mathematics and reading was tested twice a year. The results showed that children's high academic performance predicted parents' attributions of their children's success to ability, whereas low performance predicted parental attribu…
The role of peer groups in adolescents' educational trajectories
The present study investigated whether the members of adolescents' peer groups show similar educational trajectories from comprehensive school to either senior secondary or vocational education, and to what extent their educational expectations, academic achievement, family structure, and parents' SES predict these trajectories. Five hundred thirty adolescents filled in a questionnaire focusing on their educational expectations, academic achievement and family background variables before the transition to post-comprehensive education. They were also asked to nominate three peers with whom they most liked to spend their time. After the transition, they reported the school form they were in. …
Intra‐individual dynamics of lesson‐specific engagement: Lagged and cross‐lagged effects from one lesson to the next
Background Student engagement denotes active participation in academic work through commitment and involvement in learning tasks (Appleton et al., 2006, Journal of School Psychology, 44, 427). This study looks at questions such as whether engagement experiences in one lesson have an effect on the next lesson. In the present study, process‐oriented analyses were conducted to examine lower secondary school students’ engagement experiences and the stability of those experiences from one lesson to the next. Aims (1) To what extent are students’ engagement experiences, in terms of behavioural and cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and disaffection, stable from one lesson to the next (au…
Early Cognitive Profiles Predicting Reading and Arithmetic Skills in Grades 1 and 7
The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive profiles composed of skills predicting the overlap between reading and arithmetic in kindergarten (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, rapid automatized naming, and counting sequence knowledge) and the relation of these profiles to reading and arithmetic skills at Grades 1 and 7. A total of four distinct cognitive profiles were identified in an unselected sample of 1,710 children aged 5–6 years: (1) high linguistic and high counting skills (39.2%), (2) low linguistic and low counting skills (25.4%), (3) high counting skills in relation to linguistic skills (15.3%), and (4) low counting skills in relation to linguistic skills (20.1%). …
Daily moods, health routines and recovery among employees working in the retail and services sector : A diary study
This study examined the quality and fluctuation of daily moods as well as health routines and means of recovery from work strain among employees (n = 38) working nonstandard, often unpredictable schedules in the retail and services sector in Finland. Data were collected via a background questionnaire and a one-week mobile diary. The results indicated that the daily moods of employees were relatively positive but varied greatly from day to day. Hectic working days, unpredictable changes in work schedules, and compounded responsibilities at home and work were reported as causes of daily strain stemming from work. In contrast, more sleep and exercise were positively associated with daily mood …
The role of maternal support of competence, autonomy and relatedness in children's interests and mastery orientation
Abstract The present study investigated the extent to which mothers' support for their children's sense of competence, autonomy and relatedness predicts their children's interest in math and reading, and also their mastery orientation, during the transition to primary school. One hundred fifty-two children were examined twice during their first grade year regarding their interests and mastery orientation (Time 1 and Time 2). Mothers filled in a diary and questionnaire measuring maternal support, also on two occasions (Time 1 and Time 2). Children's school performance in reading and math was tested at the beginning of the first grade (Time 1). The results showed that, after controlling for t…
Mothers' Causal Attributions Concerning the Reading Achievement of Their Children With and Without Familial Risk for Dyslexia
The present study analyzed data from the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia to investigate the factors to which mothers of children with and without familial risk for dyslexia attribute the causes of their first-grade children's reading achievement. Mothers' causal attributions were assessed three times during their children's first school year. Children's verbal intelligence was assessed at 5 years and their word and nonword reading skills at 6.5 years. The results showed that the higher the word reading skills the children had, the more their mothers attributed their success to ability than to effort. However, if children had familial risk for dyslexia, their mothers' attribution o…
Early Antecedents of School Burnout in Upper Secondary Education : A Five-year Longitudinal Study
AbstractSchool burnout symptoms are prevalent among upper secondary education students, but thus far, very little is known about the background of these symptoms. The present study examined the extent to which school burnout symptoms (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism) among upper secondary education students have their roots in primary and lower secondary school and whether early antecedents of school burnout symptoms could be identified. The sample consisted of 1544 Finnish students followed up four times (Time1–Time 4) from the end of primary school (T1; mean age 12.74 and range 11.71–14.20) to the first year of upper secondary education (T4; mean age 16.66 and range 15.55–18.39). The result…
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Task-focused behaviour and literacy development: a reciprocal relationship
University of Jyva¨skyla¨The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the effect of task-focusedbehaviour on reading fluency, spelling and comprehension; and (b) to examine therole of the different literacy skills in subsequent task-focused behaviour. Twohundred and seven Finnish-speaking children were followed from preschool untiltheir fourth year at school and were tested for reading fluency, spelling and readingcomprehension. The teachers also rated the children’s task-focused behaviour. Theresults showed that task-focused behaviour was a significant predictor of laterreading comprehension and spelling skills. However, all three literacy skillspredicted subsequent task-focused beha…
Haastava oppilas hyötyy rajoista
Tämä artikkeli pohjautuu Viljarannan, Aunolan, Mullolan, Virkkalan, Hirvosen, Pakarisen ja Nurmen artikkeliin The role of temperament on children’s skill development: Teachers’ Interaction Styles as Mediators, joka julkaistiin Child Development -lehden numerossa 86(4) vuonna 2015. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, miten opettajan vuorovaikutustyyli välittää lapsen temperamentin vaikutusta tämän matematiikan ja lukemisen taitoihin ensimmäisen kouluvuoden aikana. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli 156 ensimmäisen luokan oppilasta, joiden taitotasoa matematiikassa ja lukemisessa mitattiin ensimmäisen luokan syksyllä ja keväällä. Lasten vanhemmat ja opettajat arvioivat lapsen temperamenttia ensimmäisen kouluv…
Cross-lagged relations between task motivation and performance in arithmetic and literacy in kindergarten
Abstract To examine the cross-lagged relationships between children's task motivation in mathematics and literacy, and their related performance, 139 children aged 5–6 years were examined twice during their kindergarten year. The results showed that only math-related task motivation and arithmetic performance showed cross-lagged relationship: the higher the math-related task motivation children reported in the beginning of the kindergarten year the higher the level of their arithmetic performance at the end of the kindergarten year. Moreover, the higher the level of children's arithmetic performance the more the interest in mathematics children reported later on. Literacy-related task motiv…
Children's and adolescents' achievement strategies, school adjustment and family environment
Valmennustyyleillä ja sukupuolella keskeinen rooli urheilijan kaksoisuramotivaatiossa
Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis With Covariates : Identifying Job Characteristics Profiles in Hierarchical Data as an Example
Latent profile analysis (LPA) is a person-centered method commonly used in organizational research to identify homogeneous subpopulations of employees within a heterogeneous population. However, in the case of nested data structures, such as employees nested in work departments, multilevel techniques are needed. Multilevel LPA (MLPA) enables adequate modeling of subpopulations in hierarchical data sets. MLPA enables investigation of variability in the proportions of Level 1 profiles across Level 2 units, and of Level 2 latent classes based on the proportions of Level 1 latent profiles and Level 1 ratings, and the extent to which covariates drawn from the different hierarchical levels of the…
The role of resilience in student-athletes' sport and school burnout and dropout: A longitudinal person-oriented study.
Although it has been shown that student-athletes who pursue upper secondary school alongside with an athletic career may be prone to sport and school burnout, the concrete life changes resulting from burning out, such as dropping out of sport or school, have not been investigated. Moreover, it is unknown why some student-athletes do not burnout. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether there are different kinds of profiles-based on the level and development of sport and school burnout symptoms across upper secondary school-that can be identified among student-athletes and how resilience and the likelihood of dropping out from sport or school differ between the profiles. The s…
Teachers adapt their instruction according to students’ academic performance
This study examined the extent to which a student’s academic performance in first grade contributes to the active instruction given by a teacher to a particular student. To investigate this, 105 first graders were tested in mathematics and reading in the fall and spring of their first school year. At the same time points, their teachers filled in a questionnaire on five successive days on the active instruction they have given a particular student. The results showed that the poorer the performance in reading a student showed in fall, the more active instruction teachers reported giving a student in spring. Moreover, the poorer the performance in mathematics a student showed in fall, the mo…
“I feel many contradictory emotions” : Finnish mothers' discursive struggles with motherhood
Objective The aim of the study was to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of multiple aspects of working with mothers by examining Finnish mothers' mothering discourses and the interplay among these discourses. Background According to relational dialectics theory, discourses are systems of meaning that are coproduced in interaction. Although discursive research on motherhood has identified various discourses, research on the interplay among competing motherhood discourses is in its infancy. Method Qualitative questionnaire data from 479 Finnish mothers of infants were analyzed using contrapuntal analysis. Mothers' responses to three open-ended questions were analyzed inductively…
Erilainen, silti samanlainen
This study examined the development of adolescents’ self-concept of ability in mathematics and literacy during secondary school, and the role that mothers’ and fathers’ beliefs concerning their child’s abilities play in this development. Also examined was whether the role of mothers’ and fathers’ beliefs about their adolescent child’s ability in mathematics and literacy differs according to the adolescent’s gender and level of performance. A total of 231 adolescents and their mothers and fathers were followed up across secondary school. The results showed, first, that adolescents’ self-concept of ability declined slightly from grade 7 to grade 9 in both mathematics and literacy. Second, mot…
Self-Esteem, Socially Prescribed Perfectionism, and Parental Burnout
AbstractSocially prescribed perfectionism (SPP) has been shown to be a risk factor for parental burnout (Sorkkila & Aunola, 2020). In the present study, we investigated the moderating role of self-esteem in this association. A total of 479 Finnish mothers of infants filled in questionnaires measuring their self-esteem, SPP, and symptoms of parental burnout. The results of structural equation modelling (SEM) showed that mothers’ self-esteem moderated the effect of SPP on parental burnout: Mothers with high self-esteem were at lower risk of showing burnout symptoms even when SPP co-occurred, whereas for mothers with low self-esteem, the effect of SPP on burnout symptoms was further streng…
Stable same-sex friendships with higher achieving partners promote mathematical reasoning in lower achieving primary school children
This study is designed to investigate friend influence over mathematical reasoning in a sample of 374 children in 187 same-sex friend dyads (184 girls in 92 friendships; 190 boys in 95 friendships). Participants completed surveys that measured mathematical reasoning in the 3rd grade (approximately 9 years old) and one year later in the 4th grade (approximately 10 years old). Analyses designed for dyadic data (i.e., longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Models) indicated that higher achieving friends influenced the mathematical reasoning of lower achieving friends, but not the reverse. Specifically, greater initial levels of mathematical reasoning among higher achieving partners in the …
The role of learning to read in the development of problem behaviour: A cross-lagged longitudinal study
Background. This study investigates the posited relationship between learning to read, and internalizing and externalizing problem behaviours, during the transition from preschool to primary school. Methods. A total of 196 (104 boys, 92 girls) children participating in the Jyvaskyla Entrance into Primary School (JEPS) study were followed up six times during their transition from preschool to primary school. At each measurement, the children's reading performance was tested. Moreover, their internalizing and externalizing problem behaviour was examined by means of structured interviews. Results. The results showed that problems in reading acquisition predicted an increase in internalizing pr…
Construct validity and reliability of the physical activity parenting questionnaire for children (PAP-C)
Background Children’s perception of parenting is hypothesised to significantly affect their physical activity (PA). This study aimed to examine construct validity, factorial invariance and reliability of a new tool: Physical Activity Parenting questionnaire for Children (PAP-C). Methods PAP-C comprised 22 items hypothesised to cover 3 theory-guided factors of physical activity parenting (PAP)—namely, structure for activity, autonomy support and involvement. Construct validity and internal consistency of PAP-C were tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and composite reliability in a sample of Finnish first, second- and third graders (n = 456; mean age 8.77 ± 0.84 years, girls 51.1%…
Task-Focused Behavior Mediates the Associations Between Supportive Interpersonal Environments and Students’ Academic Performance
In the longitudinal study presented here, we tested the theoretical assumption that children’s task-focused behavior in learning situations mediates the associations between supportive interpersonal environments and academic performance. The sample consisted of 2,137 Finnish-speaking children. Data on supportive interpersonal environments (characterized by authoritative parenting, positive teacher affect toward the child, and peer acceptance) were gathered in Grade 1. The children’s task-focused behavior was measured in Grades 2 and 3, and academic performance was measured in Grades 1 and 4. The results supported our assumption by showing that all three supportive environments were positiv…
A person-oriented approach to maternal homework involvement during the transition to lower secondary school
This study examined patterns of mothers' homework involvement (n = 680 in Grade 6 and 665 in Grade 7) and changes in them during 12-year-old Finnish adolescents' (n = 848; 391 boys) transition to lower secondary school. Moreover, the extent to which adolescents' motivational behavior and prior academic achievement predicted these patterns was examined. The latent transition analyses identified four relatively stable latent patterns of maternal homework involvement in Grades 6 and 7: averagely involved, psychologically controlling and intrusive, noninvolved, and intrusive monitoring and helping. The higher task avoidance and the poorer achievement adolescents showed, the more likely their mo…
Three methods for studying developmental change: a case of reading skills and self-concept.
Aims: First, to introduce and compare three statistical methods for investigating development as a cumulative process: a simplex model, latent growth curve analysis, and clustering by cases. Second, to investigate the developmental dynamics of reading skills, and self-concept of reading ability, across the first year of primary school. Sample: One hundred and five (61 boys, 44 girls) 6-to 7-year-old children from four first-grade classes in two primary schools participated in the study. Method: Children were studied three times during their first school year using an identical set of measurements: a Reading Skills Test and the Self-Concept of Ability scale. Results: A uni-construct ‘Matthew…
Social withdrawal in children moderates the association between parenting styles and the children's own socioemotional development.
Background: Social withdrawal in early childhood is a risk factor for later socioemotional difficulties. This study examined the joint effects of children’s social withdrawal and mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles on children’s socioemotional development. Based on diatheses-stress, vantage sensitivity, and differential susceptibility models, socially withdrawn children were assumed to be more prone to parental influences than others. Methods: Teachers rated 314 children on prosocial skills, and internalizing and externalizing behaviors at three points in time between grades 1–3. Mothers (n = 279) and fathers (n = 182) filled in questionnaires measuring their affection, and their behavio…
Sport burnout inventory - dual career form for student-athletes : assessing validity and reliability in a finnish sample of adolescent athletes
The pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secondary school. …
The association between mathematical word problems and reading comprehension
This study aimed to investigate the interplay between mathematical word problem skills and reading comprehension. The participants were 225 children aged 9–10 (Grade 4). The children’s text comprehension and mathematical word problem‐solving performance was tested. Technical reading skills were investigated in order to categorise participants as good or poor readers. The results showed that performance on maths word problems was strongly related to performance in reading comprehension. Fluent technical reading abilities increased the aforementioned skills. However, even after controlling for the level of technical reading involved, performance in maths word problems was still related to rea…
Antecedents and Consequences of Student-Athletes’ Identity Profiles in Upper Secondary School
The present study examined the identity profiles that upper-secondary-school Finnish student-athletes show, and the extent to which these profiles were associated with their athletic and academic achievements and withdrawal from sports and school. A total of 391 adolescent athletes (51% females) completed assessments of student and athletic identity four times during their time in upper secondary school. Using growth mixture modeling, three groups were identified: (a) dual identity (77%), (b) changing identity (5%), and (c) athletic identity (18%). The higher the academic achievement was at Time 1, the more likely the athletes were to show dual identity than athletic identity profile. Simil…
Urheilulukiolaisten siirtymä varhaisaikuisuuteen : identiteetin yhteys urheilun ja opintojen jatkamiseen
Siirtymä varhaisaikuisuuteen tuo urheilijoiden elämään useita muutoksia, joiden vuoksi todennäköisyys lopettaa tavoitteellinen kilpaurheilu-ura kasvaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka suuri osa urheilulukion vuonna 2015 aloittaneista nuorista jatkoi yhtäältä tavoitteellista kilpaurheilua ja toisaalta opintoja lukion jälkeen varhaisaikuisuudessa sekä olivatko sukupuoli ja lajimuoto (yksilö- vai joukkuelaji) yhteydessä jatkamiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin, ennustivatko lukioaikaiset urheilija- ja opiskelijaidentiteetit kilpaurheilun ja opintojen jatkamista. Tutkimus on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Winning in the long run -pitkittäistutkimusta, jonka seurantavaihe toteutettiin sy…
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale – Dual Career Form (CAAS-DC): psychometric properties and initial validation in high-school student-athletes
Talented adolescent athletes attempting to sustain academic and vocational training alongside the increasing demands of their athletic career often encounter difficulties, including lower vocational readiness and the challenge of adapting to life after elite sport. Therefore, it is necessary to better understand the specific competencies that youth athletes can draw upon to successfully combine sport and education into a dual career pathway. Building on the existing Career Adapt-Abilities Scale [Savickas & Porfeli, (2012). Career adapt-abilities scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661–673], we developed a …
“Sport has always been first for me” but “all my free time is spent doing homework”: Dual career styles in late adolescence
Abstract Objectives In adolescence, personally meaningful autobiographical memories begin to integrate into cultural narrative structures to form a life story. We examined how and to what extent adolescent Finnish athletes narrate and integrate significant life events in sport and education into their identities and future narratives in order to delineate the different styles of athletes’ career construction. Design Longitudinal qualitative study. Method Ten female and eight male, elite junior athletes, aged 15–16 at baseline, participated in individual conversational interviews. The resulting interview data were analyzed using narrative analysis. Results Thirteen of 18 adolescent athletes …
Parental Affection and Psychological Control as Mediators Between Parents’ Depressive Symptoms and Child Distress
The present study investigated the extent to which parental behavior in daily interaction with one’s child mediates the associations between parental depressive symptoms and children’s daily distress. The participants were 152 Finnish families with a 6- to 7-year-old child. Parents’ depressive symptoms were assessed using the revised Beck Depression Inventory. Children’s distress was operationalized as negative daily emotions assessed by using mother-, father-, and teacher-reported diary questionnaires. Parental affection and psychological control in daily interaction were measured using parent self-reported diary questionnaires. The results of structural equation modeling showed that both…
Trajectories of depressive symptoms during emerging adulthood: Antecedents and consequences
In order to examine what kinds of trajectories of depressive symptoms young adults show during emerging adulthood, and their antecedents and consequences, 297 university students completed the revised Beck's depression inventory seven times over a 10-year period, and other measures at the beginning and the end of the study. The growth mixture modelling for depressive symptoms ended up in a 3-group solution: 23% of the participants were typified by a low level of symptoms, 61% showed a moderate level, and 16% fell into the third group with high and increasing levels of depressive symptoms during emerging adulthood. Those on the high-depressive trajectory had a poorer quality of relationships…
Parenting styles of Finnish parents and their associations with parental burnout
Abstract In the present study, we examined what kind of parenting style groups (defined by parental warmth, behavioral control, and psychological control) can be identified among contemporary Finnish mothers and fathers and how these parenting style groups are associated with parents’ symptoms of parental burnout. Gender differences in parenting style groups, and in their associations with parental burnout, were also investigated. The survey data were gathered from 1,471 Finnish parents (91.2% mothers). The results of k-means cluster analysis identified six different parenting style groups: authoritarian (13.5%), permissive (15.2%), psychologically controlling (19.4%), uninvolved (14.4%), c…
Parents' role in adolescents' educational expectations
The present study examined the extent to which mothers' and fathers' expectations for their offspring's future education, their level of education, and adolescents' academic achievement predict adolescents' educational expectations. To investigate this, 230 adolescents were examined twice while they were in comprehensive school (in the 7th and 9th grades). Their parents also filled in questionnaires at the same time points. The results showed that high parental expectations concerning their offspring's future education predicted high educational expectations among adolescents and they became more similar in the 9th grade compared to 7th grade. Parents' high level of education predicted both…
Ylioppilastutkinnon, tavoiteorientaatioiden ja muiden motivaatiotekijöiden yhteys luokanopettajakoulutukseen hakeneiden menestymiseen VAKAVA-valintakokeessa
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ylioppilastutkinnon yleisarvosanan, tavoiteorientaatioiden ja muiden motivaatiotekijöiden yhteyttä menestymiseen valtakunnallisessa kasvatusalan valintayhteistyöverkoston toteuttamassa opiskelijavalintakokeessa (VAKAVA). Tutkimukseen osallistuivat Jyväskylän yliopiston luokanopettajakoulutukseen pyrkineet hakijat vuosina 2014 ja 2015 (n = 399). Tutkimusaineisto koostui VAKAVAkoepistemääristä sekä hakijoiden itsearvioinneista, jotka liittyivät erilaisiin tavoiteorientaatioihin (oppimis-, saavutus-, suoritus-lähestymis-, suoritus-välttämis- ja välttämisorientaatio) sekä muihin motivaatiotekijöihin (kokemus opiskelun mielekkyydestä, luovutusherkkyys ja epäonnis…
Covariation between reading and arithmetic skills from grade 1 to grade 7
This study examined the extent to which reading and arithmetic skills show covariation at Grade 1 and at Grade 7, to what extent this covariation is time-invariant or time-specific, and to what extent different antecedents will predict these time-invariant and time-specific portions of the covariation. The reading and arithmetic skills of a total of 1335 Finnish children were assessed at the end of Grade 1 and then again at the end of Grade 7. Phonological awareness, letter knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), counting, and parental education levels were measured in kindergarten; working memory at Grade 1 and nonverbal reasoning at Grade 3. The results showed that reading and arithmet…
Urheilu-uran yhdistäminen koulutukseen : kaksoisuraympäristöt ja urheilulukioiden menestystekijät Suomessa
Eurooppalaisessa urheilupolitiikassa on viime vuosikymmenten aikana kasvavassa määrin pyritty tukemaan urheilu-uran yhdistämistä opiskeluun ja työuraan. Erasmus+ projektin “Ecology of Dual Career” (ECO-DC, 2017) tutkimusryhmän määritelmän mukaan tämä urheilun ja koulutuksen/työn yhdistävä kaksoisuraa tukeva kehitysympäristö (Dual Career Development Environment, DCDE) on tarkoituksenmukaisesti kehitetty järjestelmä, joka pyrkii auttamaan urheilijoita tavoitteellisen urheilu-uran ja opiskelun tai työn yhdistämisessä (Morris ym. 2020). Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvataan suomalaiset kaksoisuran kehitysympä-ristöt sekä selvitetään kyselytutkimuksen avulla kehitysympäristöjen erilaisten menestyspiirtei…
Usherin oireyhtymää sairastavien lasten psykososiaalinen hyvinvointi ja perheiden saama tuki
The role of parental expectations and students' motivational profiles for educational aspirations
Abstract The present study examined the stability and change of students' motivational profiles from Grade 7 (Time 1) to Grade 9 (Time 2), using task values and self-concepts of ability in mathematics, Finnish language, and arts as indicator variables. The study also examined the effects of students' (Grade 7: N = 231; Grade 9: N = 237) motivational profiles and of their parents' educational expectations at Grade 7 on their short- and long-term educational plans at Grade 9, controlling for gender and academic achievement. The latent profile analysis identified four motivational profiles: (1) low motivation group; (2) high motivation group; (3) math-motivated group; (4) practical group, wh…
Associations Between Student‐Athletes’ Self‐Esteem and Career Adaptability Across the High School Years
The key challenges in sustainable elite sports concern young athletes´ holistic development. Consequently, preparation for dual careers has been recommended to enhance athletes’ well-being and equip them for life after sports. The aim of this study was to examine the developmental associations between self-esteem and career adaptability among adolescent athletes across the high school years and investigate the role of gender in these developmental trajectories. A total of 391 student-athletes were followed up four times from the beginning of high school (T1) to its end (T4) using the Dual Career Form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale and the Self-Esteem Questionnaire. The results indicate…
Urheilijoiden kaksoisuraan liittyvän tutkimuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Suomessa
Urheilijan kaksoisura tarkoittaa huippu-urheilun ja opiskelun/ koulutuksen yhdistämistä. Tämä helpottaa urheilijan siirtymistä urheilu-uralta työmarkkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälisen tutkimuksen mukaan useimmat huippu-urheilijat pitävät koulutusta tärkeänä, he useimmiten asettavat urheilu-uran etusijalle yrittäessään sovittaa harjoittelun ja kilpailemisen asettamat vaatimukset koulutusjärjestelmien vaatimuksiin ja rajoituksiin. Tutkimusten mukaan monet lahjakkaat eurooppalaisurheilijat usein joko lopettavat urheilu-uransa panostaakseen koulutukseen ja sitä kautta työllistymiseen tai viivästyttävät tutkinnon hankkimista keskittyäkseen kokonaan urheiluun. Kysymys on otettu osaksi EU:n strategis…
Mothers’ and fathers’ well-being, parenting styles, and their children’s cognitive and behavioural strategies at primary school
One-hundred and five 6- to 7-year-old children were given a test measuring their helplessness, failure expectations, task-irrelevant behaviour, lack of persistence and search for social support in a classroom setting in order to examine the impact of parental well-being and parenting styles on the children’s cognitive and behavioural strategies at school. Both parents were also asked to fill in scales measuring their depression, parenting stress and parenting styles. The results revealed that maternal depressive symptomatology was associated with their children’s use of maladaptive strategies, whereas paternal depression was not. Moreover, maternal authoritative parenting styles and authori…
Profiles of Parental Burnout Around the Globe : Similarities and Differences Across 36 Countries
Parental burnout (PB) is a pervasive phenomenon. Parenting is embedded in cultural values, and previous research has shown the role of individualism in PB. In this paper, we reanalyze previously collected data to identify profiles based on the four dimensions of PB, and explore whether these profiles vary across countries’ levels of collectivistic-individualistic (COL-IND) values. Our sample comprised 16,885 individuals from 36 countries (73% women; 27% men), and we used a latent profile approach to uncover PB profiles. The findings showed five profiles: Fulfilled, Not in PB, Low risk of PB, High risk of PB and Burned out. The profiles pointed to climbing levels of PB in the total sample an…
Reading performance and its developmental trajectories during the first and the second grade
Abstract This study examined children’s reading performance and its developmental trajectories during the first and the second grade. Ninety children were tested five times on word reading and reading comprehension. Qualitatively different groups were identified through cluster analysis: Competent, Technical, and Poor Readers. The results showed that the group membership in the Competent and Technical Reader groups was relatively stable across time but less so for the Poor Reader group. Moreover, seven reading paths were identified of which three were comparatively regressive paths. The results emphasize the importance of taking into account individual variation in reading trajectories duri…
The role of adolescent athletes' task value patterns in their educational and athletic career aspirations
Abstract The present study examined the stability and change in task value patterns that Finnish student-athletes (n = 391) show during their first two years in upper secondary sport school and the extent to which these patterns, and changes in them, are associated with students' future educational and athletic career aspirations . By using latent profile analysis , three different and highly stable motivational patterns were identified among adolescents: (1) a dual motivated pattern, characterized by high value placed on both school and sport; (2) a low academically motivated pattern, characterized by a high value placed on sport but a low value on school; and (3) a relatively low sport m…
The Role of Academic Performance, Self-Concept of Ability and Gender in Adolescents’ Educational Plans in Finland
“Women easily feel that they have lost a year if they don’t ski faster” : Finnish ski coaches’ discursive constructions of gendered dual career pathways
Objectives Earlier qualitative researchers studying athletes’ dual careers (DCs) have shown that sociocultural discourses on gender are ingrained in DC policies and practices, creating gender inequalities and hierarchies. In this study, we aimed to extend this body of research by examining how Finnish elite youth ski coaches discursively construct athletes’ education and gender in their talk and coaching practices. Similarly, we examined how coaches’ beliefs about athletes' holistic development are interlinked with broader sociocultural discourses on gender. Design Qualitative study. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 Finnish ski coaches (seven male, three female) aged …
Vanhemmat – toistensa puolella
Risk Factors for Parental Burnout among Finnish Parents: The Role of Socially Prescribed Perfectionism
Abstract Objectives Although parental burnout can have detrimental consequences to families, the investigation of the syndrome is still in its infancy. The present study investigated what are the key family background variables that contribute to parental burnout among Finnish parents. Moreover, we investigated how self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism uniquely and interactively relate to parental burnout over and above the impacts of background variables. Methods Questionnaire-based data was collected from 1725 parents (91% mothers) and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results The results showed that when several family- and child-related background variable…
Dynamics between student vs. teacher perceptions of mathematics task-orientation and mathematics performance among adolescents
This study examined the dynamics between perceptions of mathematics task-orientation and mathematics performance among Finnish adolescents over a period of two last years of secondary school. Task-orientation in math was assessed at the beginning of grade 8 and again at the end of grade 9 using both student and teacher-reports. At the same time points, students' mathematics performance was evaluated via standardized test. The cross-lagged associations of task-orientation and mathematics performance were examined taking account the possible impacts of general cognitive ability, technical reading skills, reading comprehension and gender. The results showed that a high level of mathematics per…
Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis With Covariates : Identifying Job Characteristics Profiles in Hierarchical Data as an Example
Latent profile analysis (LPA) is a person-centered method commonly used in organizational research to identify homogeneous subpopulations of employees within a heterogeneous population. However, in the case of nested data structures, such as employees nested in work departments, multilevel techniques are needed. Multilevel LPA (MLPA) enables adequate modeling of subpopulations in hierarchical data sets. MLPA enables investigation of variability in the proportions of Level 1 profiles across Level 2 units, and of Level 2 latent classes based on the proportions of Level 1 latent profiles and Level 1 ratings, and the extent to which covariates drawn from the different hierarchical levels of th…
Reciprocal Relations between Adolescents’ Self-Concepts of Ability and Achievement Emotions in Mathematics and Literacy
This longitudinal study examined cross-lagged relations of self-concepts of ability and achievement emotions (i.e., enjoyment, boredom, anxiety) in two central school subjects (i.e., mathematics and literacy). Adolescents (N = 848) reported their achievement emotions and self-concepts of ability four times during Grades 6 and 7. The pattern of results was different for mathematics and literacy subjects. For mathematics the results of random intercept cross-lagged panel models showed a positive reciprocal relationship between self-concepts of ability and enjoyment and a negative reciprocal relationship between self-concept and anxiety. Lower self-concepts of ability in mathematics also predi…
Adolescents’ and mothers’ temperament types and their roles in early adolescents’ socioemotional functioning
The present study examined adolescents’ and mothers’ temperament types and their roles in the socioemotional functioning of early adolescents. A total of 869 sixth-grade students and 668 mothers participated in the study. The students rated their temperament and socioemotional functioning and the mothers rated their own temperament. Latent profile analyses identified four temperament types among the adolescents (resilient, reserved, average, and mixed) and three types among the mothers (resilient, average, and mixed). The results showed that the adolescents with resilient or reserved temperaments reported significantly fewer conduct problems and emotional symptoms, less hyperactivity, and …
Development of School and Sport Burnout in Adolescent Student-Athletes : A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study
We investigated the development of school and sport burnout in adolescent student‐athletes (N Time 1 = 391, N Time 2 = 373) during their first year in upper secondary school using an embedded mixed‐methods design. The questionnaire‐based data were analyzed with growth mixture modeling and four burnout profiles were identified among student‐athletes. From the found burnout profiles, two were typical for the interviewed subsample of elite athletes (n = 17), that is, burnout risk and non risk profiles. We generated rich descriptions of well‐being and ill‐being, showing that elite athletes in two burnout profiles differed in their experienced demands and resources related to individual and envi…
The role of success expectation and task-avoidance in academic performance and satisfaction: Three studies on antecedents, consequences and correlates
Abstract To investigate the prospective relationships between individuals’ success expectation and task-avoidance, and their academic achievement and satisfaction, 231 students were examined yearly throughout their university careers in Study 1. It was found that students’ success expectation predicted academic achievement and satisfaction; which, in turn, increased their subsequent success expectation. Moreover, task-avoidance predicted low academic achievement and dissatisfaction, which again was predictive of subsequent task-avoidance. In Study 2, the task-avoidant behavior, and pre-examination anxiety, of 198 students who had participated in Study 1 were examined, and compared with thei…
Letter knowledge predicts Grade 4 reading fluency and reading comprehension
Abstract The present study examined the predictors of fourth graders' reading skills (reading comprehension, text reading and word chain reading). Reading skill antecedents of 158 children of 5–6 years of age were measured at the beginning of kindergarten; students' reading skills were measured in kindergarten and in Grades 1 and 4. The results showed that children's letter knowledge at the beginning of kindergarten was the most powerful predictor of their reading skills at the end of Grade 4. Other predictors were metacognitive awareness, gender, mother's level of education, and visual attention. Phonological awareness at kindergarten affected reading skills at Grade 4 through reading skil…
The development of achievement strategies and academic skills during the first year of primary school
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate whether children's achievement strategies would predict the development of their reading and mathematical skills during the first school year, or whether it is rather these skills that predict the changes in their achievement strategies. One-hundred and five 6- to 7-year-old children were examined three times during their first year of primary school: in each measurement, their self-reported achievement strategies were assessed, and their reading and mathematical skills were rated by their classroom teacher. Their overall cognitive competence was also measured before entry into school. The results showed that the use of maladaptive achievemen…
Matalan kynnyksen sosiaalipalvelut lapsiperheiden tukena ja palveluiden käyttö COVID-19-epidemian aikana
Sosiaaliset suhteet koulunkäynnissä vahvuutena ja haasteena - nuorten kokema sosiaalinen tuki kotona ja koulussa
Situation-specificity of children's social goals: Changing goals according to changing situations?
Children's agentic and communal goals were examined in hypothetical conflict, group entry, victimization, and positive situations ( N = 310, 11—13 years). Multilevel modeling was used to separate the variation in goals to the between- and within- (i.e., situation-specific) individual levels. About half of the variation in goals was due to individual differences. Boys endorsed more agentic goals than girls. A positive perception of self was associated with more agentic goals, whereas a positive perception of peers was associated with high degrees of communal goals. In addition, agentic goals were associated with rejection, whereas communal goals were related to peer acceptance. Children aim…
Resilience and Parental Burnout Among Finnish Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Variable and Person-Oriented Approaches.
During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis, different personality characteristics may have influenced parental well-being in different ways. In the present study, we combined variable and person-oriented approaches and examined relationships between resilience, parental burnout, and perfectionism during the lockdown. We first used structural equation modeling to assess the paths between variables. We then used latent profile analysis to examine different profiles of parents based on resilience, perfectionism, and symptoms of parental burnout. Finally, we examined how these profiles differ in terms of relevant background variables. The results showed that resilience predicted par…
Student Athletes’ Causal Attributions for Sport and School Achievement in Relation to Sport Dropout and Grade Point Average
The present study longitudinally examined stability and change in the attributional profiles of Finnish student athletes (n = 391) in upper secondary sport schools. Moreover, it examined the extent to which these profiles, and changes in them, were associated with athletes’ level of sport competition and school achievements and dropouts at the end of upper secondary sport school. Using latent profile analysis, five different and highly stable attributional profiles were identified for student athletes: (a) depressive (6.9%), (b) athletic self-serving (23.0%), (c) average (16.4%), (d) learned helplessness (30.9%), and (e) responsible (22.8%). The results further showed that over the 3-year s…
The impact of children’s socioemotional development on parenting styles: the moderating effect of social withdrawal
This study focused on associations between children’s socioemotional development (prosocial behaviour, internalizing and externalizing problems) and parenting styles (affection, behavioural control, and psychological control), and the moderating role of children’s social withdrawal (as a temperamental characteristic) in these associations. Children’s socioemotional development (n = 314) were rated by teachers at three-time points (grades 1–3). Parents completed questionnaires measuring their parenting styles at the same three-time points. The level of social withdrawal was obtained at the end of kindergarten from teachers’ reports. Panel analysis showed that prosocial behaviour was associat…
“It Is Like Compulsory to Go, but It Is still pretty Nice”: Young Children’s Views on Physical Activity Parenting and the Associated Motivational Regulation
Physical activity parenting (PAP) is consistently correlated with children’s physical activity (PA). Children’s perception of PAP has garnered little attention given that it mediates the relationship between PAP and child PA outcomes. This study aimed to examine 7–10-year-old children’s perspectives on PAP practices and how they relate to their motivational regulation of PA. A total of 79 children 7–10 years of age participated in 19 semi-structured focus group interviews. Through qualitative theory-guided content analysis, using frameworks of parenting dimensions and self-determination theory (SDT), we found that children’s perceptions of high responsiveness and low demandingness in PAP—ac…
Hyviä uutisia (tekstin lopussa)
The role of gender and coaching styles in adolescent student-athletes’ motivational orientations in sport and school
AbstractResearch indicates that the dominant discourses of gender are ingrained in dual career (DC) practices critically influencing athletes’ motivation to construct a DC pathway. While it is important to ensure that all athletes have an equal access to construct a DC pathway despite their gender, there is a gap in the literature examining the role that coaches play in gendering of athletes’ DC pathways. The present study longitudinally examined the gender differences in student-athletes’ motivational orientations in sport and academics throughout high school and the role of coaching style in these orientations. The gender differences in coaching styles in terms of student-athletes’ gender…
Oppimisvaikeuksien, motivaation ja oppijaminäkäsityksen merkitys ammatillisista opinnoista valmistumisessa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, missä määrin oppimisvaikeuksien vaikutus ammatillisesta koulutuksesta valmistumiseen on yhteydessä motivaatioon ja millaisia käsityksiä heikosti opiskeluun motivoituneilla opiskelijoilla on itsestään opiskelijana. Tutkimus koostui määrällisestä kyselytutkimuksesta ja laadullisesta haastattelututkimuksesta, joista määrälliseen osuuteen osallistui 554 ja laadulliseen osuuteen 44 ammattiopiston opiskelijaa. Tulokset osoittivat, että ne opiskelijat, joilla oli oppimisvaikeuksia mutta tyypillinen motivaation, valmistuivat pääosin tavoiteajassa. Sen sijaan niiden, joilla oli sekä heikko motivaatio että oppimisvaikeuksia, valmistumatta jääminen oli tilastol…
Maternal Affection Moderates the Associations Between Parenting Stress and Early Adolescents’ Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior
The present study investigated the role of parenting stress in early adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing behavior and, particularly, the moderating effect of maternal affection on these associations. The data of 992 early adolescents ([Formula: see text]; 454 girls) and their mothers during the transition from primary school to lower secondary school were analyzed. The results showed that when maternal affection was low, parenting stress was not related to the changes in early adolescents’ externalizing or internalizing behavior. In contrast, when maternal affection was high, low parenting stress related to a decrease and high parenting stress to an increase in such behavior. The …
The Developmental Dynamics between Interest, Self-concept of Ability, and Academic Performance
Abstract. Only a few studies have examined the direction of associations between academic achievement, interest, and sel f-concept of ability simultaneously by using longitudinal data over several school years. To exam ine the cross-lagged relationships between students’ interest, self-concept of ability, and performance in mathematics and reading, longitudinal data from Grade 1 to Grade 7 of comprehensive school was gathered from 216 students. The results showed that, in both reading and math, performance predicted students’ subsequent self-concept of ability. Some evidence was also found that math performance predicts subsequent interest in mathematics, and that self- concept of math abil…
Äitien antaman tuen merkitys nuorten ongelmakäyttäytymiselle alakoulusta yläkouluun siirryttäessä
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin äitien antaman tuen yhteyttä nuorten sisään- ja ulospäinsuuntautuvaan ongelmakäyttäytymiseen alakoulusta yläkouluun siirryttäessä. Äitien antaman tuen osa-alueina tarkasteltiin äitien nuorelleen osoittamaa lämpimyyttä, tietämystä nuoren tekemisistä, nuoren kanssa keskustelemista sekä kotitehtävissä auttamista, ohjaamista ja nuoren autonomian tukemista. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa Alkuportaat-seurantatutkimusta, jossa oppilaita on tutkittu esiopetuksesta yhdeksännelle luokalle. Aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2013 oppilaiden ollessa kuudennella luokalla (922 oppilasta ja 508 äitiä) ja keväällä 2014 oppilaiden ollessa seitsemännellä luokalla (860 oppilasta ja 428 äitiä). …
Does daily distress make parents prone to using psychologically controlling parenting?
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether parental daily distress in terms of negative emotions is associated with the daily variation in parental use of psychological control with their children. Whether parental positive emotions play a role in the use of psychological control was also investigated. The participants were 149 Finnish families with a child between the ages of 6 and 7 years. Parents’ negative and positive emotions, children’s misconduct, and parental use of psychological control when interacting with their children were measured daily using diary questionnaires filled in by the mothers and fathers over 7 successive days in the fall term of the children’s first…
Vanhempien osallistuminen kuudesluokkalaisten kotitehtävien tekemiseen
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka paljon ja kenen aloitteesta vanhemmat osallistuvat kuudesluokkalaisten lastensa kotitehtävien tekemiseen sekä missä määrin vanhempien osallistuminen riippuu lapsen taitotasosta ja sukupuolesta. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin, onko äidin omilla oppimisen pulmilla ja lapsen opiskelussa kohtaamilla vaikeuksilla yhteyttä osallistumiseen ja äidin kotitehtävätilanteissa kokemiin positiivisiin ja negatiivisiin tunteisiin. Tutkimus on osa TIKAPUU – Alakoulusta yläkouluun -tutkimushanketta. Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kuudennen luokan oppilaille (n = 607) tehtyihin lukemisen ja matematiikan testeihin sekä kyselylomakkeeseen. Vanhempien aineisto (n = 494) pe…
Nonstandard Work Hours and Single Versus Coupled Mothers' Work-to-Family Conflict
Sport burnout inventory–Dual career form for student-athletes: Assessing validity and reliability in a Finnish sample of adolescent athletes
Background: The pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods: The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secon…
The Role of Parenting Styles in Children's Problem Behavior
This study investigated the combination of mothers' and fathers' parenting styles (affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) that would be most influential in predicting their children's internal and external problem behaviors. A total of 196 children (aged 5-6 years) were followed up six times from kindergarten to the second grade to measure their problem behaviors. Mothers and fathers filled in a questionnaire measuring their parenting styles once every year. The results showed that a high level of psychological control exercised by mothers combined with high affection predicted increases in the levels of both internal and external problem behaviors among children. Behavio…
Personal goal appraisals vary across both individuals and goal contents
Abstract This study examined personal goals as a multilevel construct. After investigating to what extent goal appraisals were characteristics of an individual as compared to the extent to which they vary across different goals, both individual-level and goal-level predictors of goal appraisals were examined. To examine these research questions 477 undergraduates filled in the Personal Project Analysis and Beck’s Depression inventory. Multilevel modeling showed that, although goal appraisals varied between individuals, they differed to greater extent across the different goals a particular person reported. At the individual level, a high amount of depressive symptoms was associated with a l…
Work engagement-team performance relationship : shared job crafting as a moderator
The aims of this study were twofold: first, to investigate whether both individual and team work engagement are associated with team members' perceived team performance, and, second, to explore whether shared job crafting within teams moderates the relationship between work engagement and team members' perceived team performance. Data were collected from 1,074 Finnish educational sector employees working in 102 teams. Multilevel analysis revealed that both individual and team work engagement were associated with high levels of perceived team performance. The association between work engagement (both individual and team) and perceived team performance, however, varied across teams. The varia…
Parental Burnout Across the Globe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all societies worldwide. The heightened levels of stress that accompanied the crisis were also expected to affect parenting in many families. Since it is known that high levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to a condition that has severe consequences for health and well-being, we examined whether the prevalence of parental burnout in 26 countries (9,923 parents; 75% mothers; mean age 40) increased during COVID-19 compared to few years before the pandemic. In most (but not all) countries, analyses showed a significant increase in the prevalence of parental burnout during the pandemic. The results further revealed that next to governm…
Stability in Parents' Causal Attributions for Their Children's Academic Performance: A Nine-Year Follow-up
This study investigated the interindividual stability and mean-level changes in parents’ causal attributions for their children’s academic performance across a 9-year period from the first year in primary school (Grade 1, age 7) to the end of lower secondary school (Grade 9, age 16). In all, 212 children participated in the study. The results showed that, after we controlled for the children’s level of academic performance, the parents made fairly similar causal attributions when their children were in the ninth grade as they did in the first grade. Changes in the mean-level happened in only external attributions. Further, the differences between mothers and fathers in the stability of thei…
Personal Goals During Emerging Adulthood
To examine (a) how young adults' personal goals change as they progress from emerging to young adulthood in their university studies and immediately after and (b) the extent to which such changes are associated with the normative transitions and the life events they experience and their age, 297 university students completed the revised Personal Project Analysis and a life-event questionnaire five times over 10 years. The changes in young adults' personal goals reflected changing developmental tasks, role transitions, and life situations: They disengaged from goals related to education, friends, and traveling and engaged in goals related to work, family, and health. The older the participa…
Kun vaatimukset ylittävät resurssit
The role of parents' self‐esteem, mastery‐orientation and social background in their parenting styles
In order to examine the extent to which parents' levels of education, financial resources, self-esteem, and their mastery-orientation versus task-avoidance are associated with their parenting styles and parental stress, data from two studies were analyzed. In Study I, parents of 105 6 to 7-year old children were asked to fill in scales measuring their parenting styles and parental stress, mastery-orientation, financial resources, and their level of education. In Study II, 235 parents were asked to fill in the same scales. An identical pattern of results was found in the two studies. Parents' self-esteem and their use of mastery-oriented strategy were found to be associated with authoritativ…
The developmental dynamics of task-avoidant behavior and math performance in kindergarten and elementary school
Besides cognitive factors, children's learning at school may be influenced by more dynamic phenomena, such as motivation and achievement-related task-avoidant behavior. The present study examined the developmental dynamics of task-avoidant behavior and math performance from kindergarten to Grade 4. A total of 225 children were tested for their arithmetic skills in kindergarten and in Grades 1, 2, and 4 of elementary school. Children's task-avoidant behavior in learning situations was rated by their teachers. The results of latent growth curve analyses showed that math performance and task-avoidant behavior develop in tandem: an increase in task-avoidant behavior was related to less improvem…
The role of temperament in children's affective and behavioral responses in achievement situations
Abstract Although students' affects and behaviors in achievement situations have been shown to be influenced by their previous learning experiences, less is known about how they relate to students' dispositional characteristics, such as temperament. This study examined to what extent children's temperament is related to their affective and behavioral responses in achievement situations. Teachers rated first-graders' ( n = 153) temperamental characteristics in the Fall semester. Children's active task avoidance, anxiety, and helplessness were rated in test situations in the Fall and Spring semesters. The results showed that the more easily distracted the children were, the more task avoidan…
The role of career adaptability resources in dual career pathways: A person-oriented longitudinal study across elite sports upper secondary school
Objectives Obtaining education is an important milestone in athletes’ preparation for their professional career after sport. Literature indicates that combining school and sport is not an easy task for many aspiring youth athletes. It has been proposed that career adaptability, which refers to psychosocial resources enabling individuals to solve complex occupational transitions, present and anticipated vocational development tasks, and career related challenges could be a relevant concept for applied work with student-athletes. In this study, we examined whether there are distinct developmental profiles of career adaptability among adolescent athletes across the upper secondary school years…
Matemaattisten taitojen kehitys kouluiässä
Matemaattisten taitojen kehitys on luonteeltaan kasaantuvaa: aikaisempi osaaminen helpottaa uuden oppimista ja tasoerot matematiikan taidoissa lasten välillä kasvavat koulunkäynnin edetessä. Matematiikan osalta alkuopetus näyttäisikin hyödyttävän eniten taidoiltaan edistyneimpiä lapsia – taitotasoltaan heikommat lapset jäävät samalla jälkeen. Kehityskulkuun vaikuttavat monet erilaiset tekijät, joista yksi keskeisimmistä on lukujen luettelun sujuvuus ennen kouluikää. Myös motivaatiolla on oma merkityksensä matemaattisten taitojen oppimisessa. Tässä luvussa käsitellään matemaattisten taitojen kehitystä esiopetus- ja kouluvuosien aikana sekä kognitiivisia ja motivaatioon liittyviä asioita, jot…
Temperamentally inhibited children are at risk for poorer maths performance : self-concept as mediator
AbstractIt has repeatedly been found that temperamental inhibition and low academic achievement are associated with each other: children with cautious and wary or shy behaviour are at risk for low academic achievement. Several suggestions about the mechanism behind this association have been made, these highlighting for example, the fewer learning opportunities of cautious and wary children and more negative interaction between teachers and inhibited children. However, the empirical studies about these mechanisms are rare and, thus, they have remained unclear. This study examined whether children’s maths-related self-concept of ability acts as a mediator between their temperamental inhibiti…
Liikuntaa tukevan vanhemmuuden kysely 7-10-vuotiaille lapsille
Tipsu & Tapsu on lapsille suunnattu validoitu mittaristo liikuntaa tukevan vanhemmuuden arvioimiseen. Lapset arvioivat kuvallisen ja tarinallistetun mittariston avulla liikkumiseen liittyviä vanhemmuuskäytäntöjä. Rakennevaliditeetti ja reliabiliteetti: Laukkanen, A., Aunola, K., Korhonen, E. et al. Construct validity and reliability of the physical activity parenting questionnaire for children (PAP-C). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 18, 61 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-021-01128-5. Tipsu & Tapsu is a validated scale for children to assess parenting that supports physical activity. Using a pictorial and story-based scale, children assess parenting practices related to physical activity. …